- fi r 1. J. 0. 0 T7 Lull r. . where you can g-et ment of IT MAKE i " I ' ' f I - i l': . S . I- .. ! Buy Your None Better FOUND ONLY AT SHOOT BRO'S The Above is Bottoin WE HAVE KNOCKED THE I BOTTOM OUB READY-MADE CLOTHING. 800 Mens Suits 300 Boys' I CMWren Suits, 1000 Fairs mens' Pants. oooo&ooeooooooao&ooooooo CSTTUe alove must be disposed of what they cost:' Many at LESS Til AX Clothing Department on our second floor. VICTOR IG'S THREAD 2l2 HB. the pest assort- mimbers Tnread t Carolina Racket. DflK AT 'Zbk ROGERS' Oily Too True. DUX OF PRICES ON i befbre the season ends, regardless of Avail yourself of this sale. COST GENERAL MANAGER'S .REPORT. Showing of Past Year's Report of Southern Railway, An annual report of Mr. Frank S. Gannon, vice-presideurajicl gen eral manager of the Southern Rail way Company, has just been made to President Spencer. It states that the number of miles operated during the past year .was about 5,337, an increase of a' little more than 404 miles. There has been added during the same period, by purchase or contract to purchase, equipment as 'follows: Thirteen locomotives. eleven passenger cars, four combination cars, six express cars,, one postal car,; 970 freight cars, one steam tug j and two barges. f From April 20 to June 30 about 65,000 United States troops were handled in special trains. This was done without accident aridon satisfactory time schedules, not withstanding that in many in stances the' trains were operate on extremely short notice and on fast time. This does not include such detachments of troops as were handled on regular trains, 'i ? During the year, it was stated, over 200 new manufacturing es tablishments of various kinds were wholly or , partially constructed at points upon the company's lines. The aggregate cost df these plants, together with the cost -of additions to existing plants made or begun during the year, is j esti mated to be over 4,000,000. These new plants include thirteen cotton mills, which together j with additious to previously existing mills, will contain about 258,000 spindles and about 2,200 looms. There have, been constructed during the year by the company over twelve miles of additional sidetracks : to new industries, whose, business is, or will be, tributary to the company's lines. These improvements are accepted as an indication of a steady and substantial growth of manufactur ing industries in the South. The North Carolina Car. : i Capt. W. H. liauisenr leaves for Lancaster, Pa., to-day, says the Charlotte Observer, where the North Carolina car is now stop ping for a week. Before leaving, Mr. liamseiir had very encourag ing news from Lancaster. The farmers are thronging to see the fruit and farm products exhibited in the car They are interested in North Carolina. s "; - In October Messrs. Ramseur & Moore; will bring the car to ' the State fair to Exhibit it and to re fill it with fresh products of the North Carolina soil. . The man agers of the car request 'that "liny body in the State who has farm products, fruits, etc., of tine, qual ity to exhibit;,: send them to the State fair for the ear at the; px pense of the managers. i C Few people5can appreciate Ayhat the North Carolina car is doing for the State. It is a" fine adycr- tisetnent. . . . S s - . Some beautiful patterns in ligfit outing. Carolina Racket. Bucklen's Arnica' Salve : i ... The best salve in the worjd ,for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer& Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively curei-Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or .money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hv Klut.r.7. A, On.. drue-arists. THE NEAVE MUSIC SCHOOL- WILL RE-OPEN i - Musical training in every.branch thorough, in every respect. Methods, arid their details, adapted to tlie needs of differing individualities, all based on truth, clearly demonstrated to every mind. As there can be rib liter ary education without ability to read fluently at first sight, so, numf tmphai IcaUt, is this'true in musical Induing. We have every appliance -3md use every facility to achieve thisTxw quti won from the first lesson and on. Teaching music "on Piano, Organ, Violin and all other orchestral instru ments. Musical composition and voice culture are in our curriculum; our terms are as heretofore, arfd.tbose not knowing these can obtain them on application at our school, cor. Hank and Church Streets. . - Mb. & Mrs. W. II. NEAVE. --.-.. .-. - That Lawn Party. . Perhaps not in the history of Franklin township has a more en joyable occasion presented itself than the lawn party "generously given by Mr. James A. Hudson, at his residence, on the night of the 24th inst. Everything seem ed to conspire to make it a season of enjoyment long to be remem bered by those who attended it, and if every one did not return to his home wiser and better the fault was not in the place, nor its environments. Mr. Hudson's residence is hand some and the lawn in front of it is exquisite. ; Approaching it just at nightfall one was impressed with the beauty of the lights shed by numerous Japanese lanterns appropriately hung in the lawn in front of the house. A large crowd of young ladies and gentlemen assembled. Excellent music was rendered by four or five different young ladies, (mostly, if not altogether, in solos). The young ladies, in the rendering of these pieces; exhibited not only assiduous culture but a high de gree of natural talent, for each in her turn would, " "With searching art, Feel for each tone, And speed it to the heart." Soon we were called to the rear of the campus, where a longjtable was spread with watermelons of the finest flavor, such as Mr. Hud son never fails to raise. 1 There happened to be an old churlish philosopher present, who never was known to love anything so well-as the hating of himself, after taking a few mouthfuls of the 4 'savory pulp" turned to the throng of youthful beauty around him and said, "well, The girls are pretty, : The melons are sweet, And all exceedingly hard to beat." The feast of melons being over, a stampede to the campus took place', and promenades , across and around the I, lawn, in the mellow lights of the "Jap lanterns," be gan.. It was manifest that the sly TulltPgoltr cupid y was" "no w -coiii" mauding the hosts, for the old churlish philosopher' - cuuid per ceive l hut -darts were rlyiug and that tiie citadels of many loving hearts were ! - being stormed. This old philosopher perceiving all this, turned lo a young lady con spicuous fr her beauty and said: 'This lawn puts on a dueler hue, You skies assume a clearer blue, Because you arc here." Sometime having been spent in this way . the crowd was sum moned back to the table where a sumptuous feast of ice cream, lem onade and cakes was spread, of which all partook 'with good cheer. Guests wjere there from various parts of Rowan, as also from Davio-and I!)a.vidson. There Were, by estimation, some eighty or njuety persons present. X. JT. Z. ' . v ,' fV;. ; V: . ' Colored Deserter. A colored sohiier who had de serted from the front and, had been captured, was taken through this morniiig for Moiitauki He was in charge of two white offi cers and the three were Very chummy, playing cards and takiug meals to gether. Dead Soldiers The Western train brought down six bodies of dead soldiers from Tennessee j this morning. This train nearly every day has from one to four dead soldiers aboard but six at a time is something un usual. jThey were alt being ship ped north,! two in the baggage car and four, by express. Lost Between Salisbury and Spencer Pearl handle, 32-calibre, nickle plated Smith & Wesson pis tol." Finder rewarded if returned to this office. Dr. $. II J Wakefield, of I Cliarlotte. "N. C, will be in Salisbury, 4t the Cen tral Hotel, on Friday, Sept. 2nd, for this one day. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. ' Room over office for rent. L. S. Overman. ! 3. is is to Hni b i that the latest ' ' j ''': '-' styles in collars, cuffs --''' v'.- . . . . " - and other furnishings i - v - ' - - ) - . are always to be found here as soon as they, make their appear- ance oh the market. ' ' - . Those who are : ' . anxious to dress cor rectly should make a point to come in here often ; we always have something new and stylish to show. on5t FaiS to call on undersigned and secure your Coal at loweht prices- before August closes to be delivered later en. RED ASH and BLUE GEM, (OKIGINAL.) The best burning Coal, the cleanest Coalj no soot or clinkers, no slate or slack, the most desirable Goal known, and every ton guaranteed to please you as we 1 as prices. Also ANTHRACITE GOAL (All sizes.) ' ; (ggr Full -weight, guaranteed. J. ALLEN BROWN READY FOR A CENTURY RIDE ON A BICYCLE r. the.wheelmari.and wheelwomari are both unanimous Jn their decision to wear only shirts, shirt wa'sts, col lars and cuffs done up by our perfect methoas. las they retain their fresh ness without wilting or soiling longer than when launderfd anywhere else in Salisbury. Summer is the crucial test' of good laundry work, and ours will always stand the test. ' SALISBURY STEAM LAUNDRY. FOR SALE. A nice! seven room house in East Salisbury;, with modern improve ments. Terms easy. Write .j L. E. STEZSKi:, j ; Winston, N C Don't fail to put in one of Barkley's Terra (.'otta Cemented Wells; also good line-Pumps. Reference: II. Lee Wriglrt KcrrCraige, Dr. Trantham, P. D. Roueche. . Brown Gloflufiff co. Jellico Coal! ' p 8 ALU or VALUABLE KEAL ESTATE To Make Assets TOWN LOTS CENTRA LLY LO CATED, FARMING LANDS, MILL PROPERTY, DISTILLERY, DISTILLERY APPARA TUS, MACHINERY, FIXTURES, ETC. By virtue of a decyee of the Supe rior Court of Rowan County, empow ering atid oi recti ng nic administra tor of .lamesiB. Lnnicr to sell certain real estate tf ;i id deceased . to make assets and appointing nie as commis sioner for that pur ose, 1 w ill sell at the court house door in Salisbury at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the hour of 12 m. on MONDAY, THE 5th DAY OF SEP TEMBER, 1898, the following described town lots in Salisbury and lands in Rowan county viz: Lot No, 1, fronting the N. C. R. R passenger depot 40 feet, running back with Council street 127 feet. Upon this lot is situated a largewarehouse. Lot No. 2, fronting the N. C. R. R. passenger depot 120feet, running back to an alleyway 127 feet. Upon this lot is located an office and large ware room lately occupied by the said J. B. Lanier, deceased. ! Lot No. 3, fronting the N. C. R. R. passenger depot 240 feet, running back to an alleyway 127 feet. Upon this lot is situated the large distillery and warehouse formerly operated by the said ,1. B. Lanier. Lot No 4, fronting 100 feet on Lib erty street and running back 200 feet to lot No. o. upon this property is located the canning factory of the late J. B. Lanier. Lot No. 6, fronting 100 feet on Coun cil street and running back 200 feet to lot No. 4, Upon this lot is situat ed the large buildings used by the said J. B. Lanier as a machine shop, now occupied by J. M. Burrage for that purpose., , , L.ot No b, situate on the corner oi Long and Council streets, running back with Long street 200 feet. On. this 1 t is located a large brick foun dry building. Lot No. 7, situate on the corner of Liberty and Long streets," fronting 100 feet n Liberty and running back 200 feet with Long street to lot No. 6. A map of the above described pro perty can be seen at my office. One lot in tne .East ward or trie town of Salisbury, beginnig at a point about 153 feet from Lee street; thence 153 feet to the W. N. C R. R., thence with said railroad 100 feet to B. F. Fraley's line; thence North 153 feet to a stake; thence East 100 feet to the beginning, containing about a half of a town lot, including the right to the alleyway leading into this pro perty. Upon this property is located the -warehouse or rectifying esettj lishment of the said J. B. Lanieir. A Ono 'In-f. Vunrinninrr at. a atalz'o 1 S f feet from Lee street, thence JSlout ft). -east 50 feet to a stake, thence Shut ' . west parallelled with Lee street 4bo 90 feet; thence Northwest 50eet thence Northeast to the beginning. Upon this lot is located a small dwel ling house. " ; r All the -above described lots are - ' c ted neat the centre of the town V.? . - ' Salisbury "Und lying on the N. C. and W. N. C. K. It., and axe very valuable and well adapted for industrial, man ufacturing and business purposes. ' Also two lots in that parti oi the great North ward of the .tow v oV Salisbury known as Jersey CityJiny on Caldwell street, known as lots Nd. 6 and 7 in the Haden plot. i v Also one lot in Jersey City, kriVxwn-. as lot No. 4 in the Haden plot, lying on Caldwell street, about 50 feet front by 173 feet back. Also one lot in Jersey City, known as lot No. 5 in the Haden plot, front ing aboOt 50 feet on Caldwell street and running back about 173 feet. one tract or iana containing aDout I acre on t he South side of l he Bringle Ferry road, near Taylors distillery, known as the brick yard lot. " . , One tract or land, situate in the su burbs of Salisbury, adjoining the lands of A. L. Johnson, containing about 43 acres. , One tract of land at South River, Franklin township, containing about 2 acres, upon which is located the store u house formerly occupied by Miller and Bost. Atractof lnnd containing 43 acres lying on the Y;idkin river, about six miles from Salisbury, known as the old St. John mill property.- Upon this property is a large flouring and corn mill, and -valuable water power suita ble for manufacturi ng purposes. . I will also at the same time and . place sell to the hihet bidder for cash the distillery apparatus, machin ery and fixtures of the said J. B. La nier, Consistingof one 100 horsepower boiler; one 40 ...horse power engine; 1 beer pump; 1 continuous copper beer still capacity 500 gallons: one copper doubler capacity 500 gallons; li steel mash keel capacity 1,000 gallons;" 2 copper worms 400 feet long; four beer tubs capacity 1,000 gallons; 1 water tank capacity 1,000 gallons; about 1,200 feet of iron return pipe with an inner pipe of copper; platform scales, grain elevators, meal bolter, shafting, pulleys, indicator boxes, 6 cisterns, 500 gallon capacity each, and various other fixtures, connections and at tachments, necessary for a first-class distillery. This is one of the .latest, modern improved dist illeries. , ' LERS. OVEftUAII, Admiriisxrat6rnd?ommissiohcr, July 25th, 1898. -V TRUSTEES SIE. .Under and by virtue of deeds of trust exe cuted to me by Robert S. Rives and wife. Mary R. Rives, on the 31st day of . May 1WK) and rerrded in book 6 of deeds, page 329 in the ofHre of Reistr of Deeds for Rowan county, N. C, and on the 1st day of May tsu4 and recorded in lKok 9 of deeds, page ;V74 in tlie office of Reristr of Deeds for Rowan county, N. C. 1 will sell at public auction at the. -ourt house door in the citv f Salisbury. Rowan County, N. O.. on Satur day the .ird day of Septeinljer, tW, at 12 o clock M, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lyim? in the city of Salisbury. Rowan county, N. C, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at Lord and. Henderson sold corner, now Osborne's runs s,t''W p1, Wltlt West street )0 feet'to a stake, lrice and Goler's corner, thence southeast parallel with Horah street 200 feet to a stake, Price and Goler's corner, thence northeast parallel with West street U0 feet to Osborne s corner, thence northwest with Osborne s line parallel to Dorah street 200 feettothetKKinninfj. The same is in West N aid of the citjrof Salisbury, near Livinjr sN.ne ollege. Terms of sale cash. This Hrd day of August, lsyx. Tn a-xi t AV- - MAXWELL. Trustee. tee H. J. Overman, Attorneys. n r - v.