THE f LOWERS CULLOTtOIi . -r - ; VOL. I Y. NO. 1. SALISBURY, H. C, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week . ' I fi5. & V iv. - GOOD CONVENTION Close of a Two Days Session at Bhel Church. Officers Elected for the Ensuing Year To Meet at Charlotte .;,..;; Next Year Amount of Collections $99644. The Woman's Home and For eign Missionary Society of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod closed a most encouraging con ven tion of two days session at Bethel, near Zeb, yesterday afternoon. The business of the convention during the two days was highly interesting and very profitable to the society. , - Drill. C. Holland, and Kew C. B.King, of Charlotte, both . made excellent addresses before the con vention yesterday," the latter's talk being to the children. As upon the first day the con vention was well attended yester day. The following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: Mrs. J. H. C. Fisher, president. Miss E. B. Shirey, 1st vice president. 4 Mrs. J. Q. Wertz, 2nd vice president. Miss Florence! iller, recording secretary. v Mrs. H. N. Miller, correspond ing secretary. Mrs. P. N. lleilig, treasurer. Several committees were also appointed. Upon invitation and after dis . cussiqn, on vote the convention will meet at Charlotte next year. The amount of money collected by the "different missionary socie ties in the State was .SSJ.OO. The amount collected by the chil dren was $108.35.' Total amount of collections $900.44. Miss Annie Kizer delivered a recitation The Thief ' on the Cross" yestenlay afternoon, and 31iss Virgie Shoup also delivered t recitation "The Great Com mission"" during the afternoon. The following is a part of the , business transacted as furnished the Sun by Mr. C. E. M(ser, who was appointel reporter for this paper: On Tuesday morning the del legates to the thirteenth annual convention of the W. II. & F. Missionary Society began to as semble at Bethel church, Zeb, XN.C. ' ' . Despite the indications for in clement weather a large audience assembled. At 10 a. ni. the convention was opened by the regular services. Delegates from all the societies .were received, save from two. The choir sang a hymn, then we had a recess. After recess the re ports of the president and corres ponding secretary and treasurer were read. The following reporters were then appointed for the, papers: Kev. P. H. E. Derrick to report to the Lutheran Visitor and C. E. Moser to the Sun. Some announcements were made, benediction was pronounced and the delegates and visitors were led to the dinner table which was loaded with good things to eat, so thoughtfully prepared by the good housewives of. the communi- At 2 p. m. the fconvention was called to order by the president, Mrs. J. II. C. Fishe. The choir sang the 351st hymn. Prayer by Rev. L. K. Probst. Koll call with scripture text re sponses on "Faith." Minutes were read and approv . ed. ' - Then the different-' coniniittees vmhmmhmmmmmm i mmmmmhmmm mmmm MMMiMOTMiMHHMMMHMMMinn MHMMMnwiMMW "iBBammmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmamm wmm mmm nppointe 1, which was follow- ed b the report of the standing committees and the report from auxiliary societies. lhen a rare treat was given us by M ss Ora Hoover, -who read a paper on lviissious. A collection was taken amount- ins: td At p p. m. '.Rev. C. L. Brown, the missionary-elect, preached an excellent sermon to a large audi ence. 1" ' i '.. Wednesday morning the services were Opened Witn the regular ser vice fpllowed py sentence prayers. The business of the convention was mtersperseu witn snort addresses bv Revs. Holland and Brown. During the morning some sub- jects were discussed 1 with' great animation. Dinner was served in the grove as on the day before. The; afternoon .session was made 1 m.a '! a-! especially pleasant nyt . tne ad dresses of Revs. - Stickley and KingJandthe recitations of Misses and Virgie .Shoup, , praise the recita y. They were well Annidj -Kizer and v e can no tions too high chosen and nust excellently fen deredt ..- , k Th4 , convention gavei a , most hearty vote of thanks to the peoT nle orFrankli lijn for their kindness, the ladies of the W. Long live II. & F. M. Societies, and much success in their efforts. Against '.Slot Machines. Th" grand j iry of the present term of Rowan's court, before ad journing, found true bills against a number of the merchants and the city for operat bar keepers of ing j enny macL nes. add nickel-in-the-slot Charges were drawn nndeif Tuiegaikiblirig act andthe gram iurv found true bills ever3 cate. Wc understand that there cases ternf are Hftvt indictments. The w ill be f icanl at the next f court. Kerns Not Dead Loll is Kerns V. H. A., is still alive, or was, a couple of weeks ago vi hen he W rote a letter to his relatives in this county. Louis is in the regular army and was in the fighting at San tiago. ivs mentioned in th p Sun some his relatives time after the heard that he tight had been killed This they believed for th ey could hear nothing from him. recen But a etter was received ly from him. He states that He will prpb ably return home when his time in the army is, out. The Deed of a Dastard. - ! Une or tne most ioul crimes ever attempted in Davidson county was enacted near Welcome Satur day night, says the Dispatch, with aim os t fatal results. Thd! little th ree-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. Buck" Hlnkle was sleeping' in a bed just in frpit of an open window. During the night its parents were awakened by its cries and on investigation found that some fiend had slipped "up to the window, reached through and stabbed the little girl in the breast. Mr. a: id Mrs. Hinkle heard the man r in away, but didn't see him and no idea as to who com mittee the fouj deed. I The wound inflicted was made by a knife andj while not necessarily fatal. serious is The little girl'stfiotber was, in Lexington yesterjjay, and said she was able to be up, but since being jstal)bed has been unable fco speak a word. Dr. H. Wakefield,- of Charlotte, ill be in Salisbury, at the Cen- tral Hd tel, on Friday, Sept. 2nd, for this ; day. II is practice is limited to EyeJ Ear, ose and Throat. I Fok Rknt F tur ae8irame rooms for hd usekeepi g on West Fiilt' ii P. O , lx)x ISo. 252. street. Address were TATUM-XOWE NXfPTIALS. A Pretty Church Wedding Yesterday Evening A Reception. u A pretty and simple wedding was the one at the First Presbyte rian church yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. ' ' j At that hour Mr. E. Walter Tatum and Miss Edna Towe were united in the holy, bonds of matri mony by Rev. Dr. J. Rumple!. ! The ceremony was solemnized in the presence of a number of friends of the contracting parties. , At the appointed hour the couple entered the church unattended but preceded by the four ushers, Messrs. Henry Tatum, Frank Miller, John Wright Davis and John K. Coit. At the altar they were met by the bride's pastor, Dr. Rumple who in a brief but impressive ceremony pronounced the couple husband and wife. r ! -; After the. ceremony Mr. - and. Mrs. Tatum drove to Jerusalem where a reception -was tendered them ; by relatiyes of the groom. After remaining in Davie for, several daysthey will return and will board at Mr. P. O. ' Tatum' J. That the couple have many friends was evidenced by the large number of handsome and useful presents they received. The Sun joins! many in wishing for the couple a long and happy life. Minstrel. The colored bo3rs of the city will give a show at the opera, house Monday night, The Suory South j, or Down Town after Dirk. -Cheap Rates For Soldiers. To-day the Southern begins sell ing tickets to soldiers sailors, red cross nurses and inembers" of &at? diers' family fof half fare where the government ' mileage is not used. . Did You Count Them. ktFor every fog in August there will be a snow in. winter," is an old proverb. It is claimed,: -says the Greensboro Record, that there i have been at least a dozen fogs this August, if not more, so that if the old saying is true, you can get your sleighs as well as lay in a good supply of coal. Piano Recital. All lovers of riiusic should take advantage of this opportunity - to hear Miss Lee, of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music at Living stone College, who will render on the piano forte selections from the greatest composers. Tickets now on sale at P. A. Stevenson's, W. L, Kelsey's aht R. B; McNeely's. Cheap Rates. On account of Labor Day in Asbevjlle, on September 5th, the Southern will sell round trip tick! ets from "Salisbury for 5.15, Tickets on sale 3rd, 4th and 5th good returnining on 7th. On acceunt of the Agricultura Fair'at Newbern, .Aug. 29th-Septi 2nd the Southern will sell from galisbury and return tickets for 5.TQ. W. J. Moose's photograph car is again in the city and is stationed at the Kerr - street crossing, near the freight depot. He makes cab inet photos for $1.50 a dozen and cards sixif or 50c. The car will be here for a few days. Wanted Immediately Fqr Rowan county, a few good, hust ling agents to sell the most com plete history of the recent war. It will include the conclusion of the whole matter. Rapid sales are be ing made. Liberal pay. Address Rev. J. C. Troy, General Agent, Jones bo ro, N. C. fKAIN WRECKED. THREE KILLED AND MANY i WOUNDED. . A Strike in. Pennsylvania Colston 'HallBurned Watchman Gagged And Safe Blown Open. special dispatch to the sun. .''.'(':.'. - Syracuse, Sept. 1. New York fast train on the Ontario and Wes tern road was, maliciously wrecked by some one throwing the switch and causing the train, which was running at high rate of speed, to recover lost time time to leave the track at . 3 o'clock this morning. Engineer Cowd and Fireman Rowc were killed. . Express and baggage men and many passen gers, were injured. Two cars were b'vued. It is believed an un knptvn victim was cremated. third death resulting from the wreck was that of Brakeman Osborne. COLSTON HALL BUKNED. London, Sept. 1. The Colston Hall at Bristol in which the Trades Unionist Congress is being held was burned this morning. SAFE llOUBED. Arlington, Mass., "Sept. 1. William Longwood, Watchman1 in the office of the Cambridge Ice Company was bound and gagged last night and the safe was blown open and its contents rifled. A STRIKE, ! Wiikesbarre, Pa. , Sept. 1. Four hundred men ajd boys of the Buttonwood t colliery, at, south Wiike sbarre struck this morning. Thcytobjected to reduction in rate of fifty cents a day. Interest on Bonds. special dispatch to the.sun. Washington, Sept. 1. It is of ficially announced that the interest oh the four per cent bonds due on October the 1st will be anticipated and the coupons paid on - Septem ber, 10th on presentation. Interest on checks for iegistered bonds will be sent out about September 20th for immediate payment. The early payment is due to the large amount of money in the treasury. Retrial for Dreyfus. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Paris, Sept. 1. Lieutenant Henry, who had been' arrested on a charge of writing an 'incrimina ting letter in the Dreyfus case, has committed suicide. He used a rasor. It is reported that Minister of Justice Sarrion has already taken steps to grant Dreyfus a retrial. Infant Dead. Mary Castella, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs., Michael Jieilig, of the St. Paul neighbor" hood, diet! yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The little one was 6 month and 24 days old. The funeral was preached by Rev. C. A. Rose at St. Paul this morning at 11 o'clock and the in terment wis 'made in the ceme tery at that place. Taking Vacation. , The Greensboro Record says sohie of the railroad boys are tak ing their vacation in Greensboro attending court as witnesses. Con ductor 'CulIy" Blair heads the crowd and he is not quite as happy as one might suppose. Don't see why. Greensboro is a very quiet, cool place plenty to eat and drink but railroad men have quit the latter. ' Atlanta Journal 10c, per week, de livered. Sam T. Nash, Young's drug store. ' PERSONALS. E. H. Bean went to Concord lafjt night. L Mrs. D. V. -iNIauney returned yesterday .from Ji visit to relatiyes at Wingate. ' Mrs. Kenny, who has been visiting Mrs. L. S. Overman, went to Charlotte last night. R. L. Prempert, of Louisville, is spending several days injhe city with his sister, Mrs. . J. W. Kerr. Mrs. J., M. Flippin returned last night from Pilot Mountain where she has been for several weeks. Miss Annie Greene, who has been visiting Mrs. J. M. Julian, returned to her home at Rock Hill, S.,C, last night. John Beall, district passenger agent, of the Southern, passed through last night going to Jack sonville on business. Mrs. Burkhead, who has been visiting ralatives' in- Rowan and Davidson, returned to her home near Atlanta last night. A. A. Watson, of the Twin City Construction -Company, of Winston, who has been spending a part of his vacation in Salisbury, has returned to that place. - Miss Addie Williams, of the Charlotte Observer, who was here two days with Mrs. T. F. Kluttz returned to Charlotte last night. Miss Addie had just returned from New York. . " Misses Carro Buxton and Mabel Gray," of Winston, who have been visiting Miss Margaret Cannon at Concord, passed through this morning on their way home. - . - - , , Rev. Ben McKenzie and family, of Rocky Mount, who : have been spending the summer at Blowing Rock, are in. the county with rela tives for a few days before return ing home. . ' . , Miss Emma Marlin, who has been visiting relatives in the coun ty for the past month returned' to Morganton this morning. Miss Marlin is a nurse in. the State hospital at Morganton. Miss Lizzie A. Codie, after spending . fourteen months with her brother,.Dr. J. Li Codie, of Lois, Tenn., is stopping with her sister, Mrs,. J. P. Lentz before returning to her old home, Tur nersburg, Iredell county.' The Pierce Suit. Tho Pierce. suit was still. occupy ing the attention of the court to day when an adjournment was made for dinner. 'When court opened this morning Capt, Price began and spoke until. 12 o'clock. He was . followed byL. S. Over man, who made the closing argu ment for the plaintiff. The jury will get the case this evening. There are four issues to be de cided. The plaintiff contends that the railroad's employes threw coal at little Pierce, who was riding on the tender of a switch ; engine, the engine running backward, and that he was knocked or frightened off, and lost his life as a result. Local Dots. Weather forecast: Showers to night and Friday. The Sun enters upon its fourth volume to-day. j . Rev. C. L, Brown, missionary- elect to Japan, will preach at the Lutheran church Sunday. . Lost Letter addressed to J. M. Russell. Return to this office. For Rent Two nice 4-room 'cot tages on Iverr St. near Main. ' ! T. P. Johnston. Up-to-date silks Racket. ' i at the Carolina BACK. He Returns-From Santiago and is Quarantined. A Big Demonstration in Boston Har bor To-morrow-fMerritt at Hong Kong "Report of Condition of Camp j Thomas. . SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN. SH AFTER ARRIVES.- Camp Wikoff Sept. 1. City of Mexico with Shafter and his staff and company of First Infantry arrived this morninir. Shafter will not land until three this after noon. He will relieve Wheeler. SHAFTER IN QUARANTINE. Montauk, Sep. 1. Gen. Wheel er ordered a salute for Gen. "Shaf ter as soon as the City of Mexico was sighted. Quarantine officers boarded the ship here. Gen. Shafter' remains in quar antine for rive days. -Montauk, Sept. 1. Later Shafter came ashore sooner .than expected and forestalled the grand reception. CAMPS INSPECTED. - Lexington, Ky. , Sept. 1. Gov ernor JMack arrived this morning to inspect the camps. He declines to make any statements except on . the most general terms of his ob servations of the Tennessee camps. He goes to Cincinnati this evening. L CHAMBERLAIN COMlNG. London, Sept. 1. Chamberlain on being asked this . morning if his trip to America had any bearing, oh the Anglo-American alliance said no that it was purely private . and one not diplomatic. MINES BEING MOVED. ' Washington, Sept. 1. Caiubon officially notified the State Depart ment that the mines are being re moved from Havana harbor. A DEMONSTRATION. Highland Light, Mass., Sept. 1. The United States . squadron, consisting of the Detroit, Marietta, Castine, Helena, Wilmington, To1 peka and Machias has just been sighted. They will be joined by the Massachusetts and then makeK preparations to steam the squad ron for formal demonstration at Boston harbor to-morrow. ; Provincetown, Mass., Sept. 1." The Massachusetts arrrived this ; morning. SICK go to n. y. - New York, Sept. 1. Nearly three hundred sick soldiers from Montauk were brought here this morning and placed in hospitals. MERITT AT HONG KONG. Washington, Sept. 1. The War Department is advised of the arrival of Gen. Merritt and his as sistant, Adjutant General Babcock at Hong Kong. ' - ' GEN. BO YN TON'S REPORT. Washington, Sept. 1. The re port of Gen. Boy n ton on the con dition at Chickamaugaf . military hospital greatly reassured the offi cers of the army and administra tion. Secretary Alger is delighted . with the refutation of the sensa tional charges; also Surgeon Gen eral Sternberg, who had been de cidedly worried. MORE NURSES. - New York, Sept. 1. H. S. Pin gree, Jr., son of famous Governor of Michigan and fifteen pretty nurses left the Hotel Metropole for Camp Wikoff this morning. - Miss Krider's school of music opens on September 5th. Send for circulaji Fon Rent 3 large rooms in a good neighborhood on Main street. Apply to J. II. Swaim. , -

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