We have just received me beafcrittal Part- terns lis- and would to come and . i i 'IMP CLL2USSl(lDI None Better At35? FOUND ONLY AT The Above is ococoooccoooooooocccooccooco WE HAVE KNOCKED THE BOTTOM OUT OF PRICES ON OUR READY-MADE 300 Boy s'J CMldeii Suits, 1000 Pairs mens' Pants. S3TThe above must be disposed of what they cost. Many at LESS THA N Clothing Department on our second floor. I; - ' turaisl!: li se for you Carolina Racket. ft Too True CLOTHING. before the season ends, regardless of COST. Avail yourself of this sale. T I . ' Only WALLACE ' For White Supremacy. J. N. London, Esq., of No. 5 township, orfngs encouraging re ports from his sectionvof the coun ty. He says , Populists and old line Republicans are go in or to vote the Democratic ticket- They are for "white supremacy and are tired of fusion rule. No. 5 will do better this year than she has ever done before Shelby Star. The Nation's Mission. j The mission of the United States regarded .in its broadest aspect,' is not to undertake to right the wrongs of the entire world.. Great as the American people are, they will run the risk of making a con spicuous failure if they spread their influence out so thin as to (ftover the ; case of distressed hu manity all over the globe. There is enough to do within the natural scope of our national influence, and we are! doing it as well as we can. Something has to be left to other nations, and w.e shall not shirk our duty in leaving the Phil ippines. Boston Post. The Outlook in Beaufort. There is ample ground for the belief that old Beaufort county will swing again this year into the Democratic column. There is-not a 'precinct in the country from what we have heard in which the honest Populists would not aid the Democrats this ft ear'. 'Washing ton Gazette. - ) Two car-loads of nick soldiers of the Ninth New York Volunteers arrived in New York yesterday f cpm Camp Thomas,Chickamauga. The men were convalescent from rheumatism, malariaand typhoid fever, and were In faily good con dition. Orderly Robert Stanley in whose charge the men were, was especially bitter against some of the surgeons at Chickarnauga. He said they did not show any respect for the dead. The order ly declared that when Charles Nunn died, between 7 anl( 8 o'clock last Saturday evening, his .body was not permitted to rest in q net. He declared that before 10 o'clock p. m. the surgeeons were at work cutting up his body to perform an autopsy. The or- lerly also cited the case of Private Graham and declared that' an au topsy was being unide on his body an hour after his demise. Democratic Senatorial Convention. The Democratic Convention for the 2(th Senatorial District, com posed of the counties of Rowan, Davidson and lorsythe will be held at the court house in Lex ington, Davidson county, on Sat urday the 17th day of September, 1898, at 12 o'clock for the pur pose of nominating tw o candidates to represent . said district in the next General Assembly and for the transaction ot such :other business- as may properly come before it. ' 4 By order of the Committee. F. C. Robbins, Ch'ni.. Ai 22, 1.898. Beats the Klondike. ' Mr. A. C. Thomas, pf Marys ville, Tex., has found a more val uable discovery than ha"s yet been made iii .the Klondike. For yars he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured t?y Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that' gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung a ffections are positively cured by Dr. King's I Now Discover' for Consumption. I rial bottler free nt Iheo. h. Kluttz & Co's drug store. Regu lar size 50c. and 151. Guaranteed to' cure or price refunded. See the new silks at the Carolina Racket. ! If you want nice slaughtered meats go to Jackson's market. If you don't want to be slaughtered shave at the Climax. . - Spencer School. ! Miss Bessie Freeman, of, Albe marle, arrived this morning and will assist in teaching the pay school at Spencer during the next session which! opens Monday. Prof. F. E. Shuford, -of Shelby, who had charge of the school last session will have the same position this year. , Brings Home a Bride. Mr. Chas. W. Thomas, who went to Jonesville, S. C, Sunday morning, returned home last night andsurprised his home people and friends by bringing with him a bride. He and Miss Mary Hale, of Jonesville?, went out riding Sunday and drove to the home . of Miss Hale's brother. Nearby was a minister and the two were married and then they1 returned to Jones- fville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will live in Salisbury. Operation Performed. Dr. Clark, of Old Fort, was here last night returning from Philadel phia to which place he had accom panied Clyde, son of Engineer W. P. Terrell. Clyde's brother, Albert, also went and is still with him in Philadelphia. !', Two years and a half ago Clyde was struck in the" head with an axe but the wound was fixed up and he done very well for some time. But lately he had suffered consider ably from the effects of the injury and it was thought best to have him taken to a jhospital in Phila delphia. The operation was per formed Tuesday and Engineer Terrell received a message last night stating that the boy was do ing nicely. Disgusted With Negro ! Supremacy. In M'irtin-county 'there- is such change among decent white a folks as has never been seen. From every section of the county comes the most encouraging news, for the people are disgusted with negro supremacy. t Never before hnvc uesrroes sat m judgment - on our si-IhjoI boards to say to whom our children should go to school. We never thought we would live to ee a negro .magistrate in Mar tin countv. In some. -.'townships that east over j forty votes last electiou there is not one white anti-Democrulie vote now. They are coin in sr home, to their first love," the white man's party. Greenville Weekly, Don't fail to put in one of Barkley's Terra Cotta Cemented Wells; also good line Pumps.: Reference: R. Lee Wright, Kerr Craigc, Dr. Trantham, P. I), lloueche. I Southern v " Railway. O O O O G O THE . . I , STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PQRTORIGO: Strictly F1JST-CL ALL equipment on all Throughjand Local Trains: Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains: fast and safe schedules, Travel by the Southern and you are assured a 8afe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bles, Rates and General Information, Or Address R. I. VERNON, F, R, DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., -. Charlotte, N C - Ashe vi lie, N C No trouble to answer Questions. itASK S. GANNOH, I. M. CULP, ; v W.A.TURK, 3d V. P. Sc Gen. Man. Traf. Man. G. P. A. WASHINGTON, DC FOR SALE. ODe 6-room cottage 'on East Main Street, two 4-room cottages on Monroe Street, and several vacant lots. Also two houses, two ! stories high, with 6 rooms, it would oe aa visa Die to see me before renting store rooms or dwel lings. R. L. SHAVER. .. SAIiE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE To Make Assets. TOAVN LOTS CENTRA LLY LO CATE 1 . FA KM X G LA K DS. MILL PROPERTY, DISTILLERY, DISTILLERY APPARA- $ TUS, MACHINERY, -FIXTURES, ETC.. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Rowan C(unty, empow ering and directing me administra tor of James R. Lanier to sell certain, real estate of said deceased to make assets and appointing me as commis sioner for that, purpose, 1 vlU sll at the court house door in Salisbury at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the hour of 12 m. on mondayI the 5th day of sep- T KM BER, 1898, the following described town lots in Salisbury and lands in Rowan county, viz: Lot No, 1, fronting the N. C. R. R. passenger depot 40 feet, running back with Council street 127 feet. Upon this lot is situated a large warehouse. Lot No. 2, fronting the N. C. R. R. passenger depot 120 feet, running back to an alleyway 127 feet. Upon this lot is located an office and large ware room lately occupied by the said J. B. Lanier, deceased. Lot No. 3, fronting the N. C. R. R. passenger depot 240 feet, running back to an alleyway 127 feet. Upon this lot is situated the large distillery and warehouse formerly operated by the said J. B. Lanier. Lot No 4, fronting 100 feet on Lib erty street and running back 200 feet to lot No. 5. Upon this property is located the canning factory of the late J. B. Lanier. Lot No. 6, fronting 100 feet on Coun cil street and running back 200 feet to lot No. 4. Upon this lot is situat ed the largeibuildings used by the said J. B. Lanier as a machine shop, now occupied by j J. M. Burrage for that purpose. j Lot No 6,situate on the corner of Long and Council streets, running back with Ikng street 200 feet. On this lot is located a large brick, foun dry building. Lot No. 7,; situate on the corner of Liberty and Long streets, fronting 100 feet on Liberty and running back 200 feet with Long street to lot .No. 6. - A map of the above described pro perty can be seen at my office. : One lot in the East ward" of the town of Salisbury, beginning at a point about 153 feet from Lee street; thence 153 feet to the W. N. C. R. R., thence with said railroad 100 feet to B. F. Fraley's line; thence North 153 feet to a stake; then.ee East 100 feet to the beginning, containing about a half of a town lot, including the right to the alleyway leading into this pro perty: Upon this property is located the warehouse or rectifying estab lishment of the said J. B Lanier. One lot beginning at a stake 153 feet" from Lee street, thence South east 50 feet to a stake, thence South- west parallelled with Lee street about 90 feet; thence Northwest 50 feet, thence Northeast to the beginning. Upon this lot is located a small dwel ling house. ; . All the above described lots are lo cated near the centre of the town of Salisbury and lying ou the N. C. and W. N. C. R. R., apd are very Valuable and well .adapted for industrial, man ufacturing a n d b u s i n t ss p u r poses. Aljo two lots in that, part of the great North ward of the town Salisbury known as Jersey City lying on Caldwell street.-known as lots No. (5 and 7 in the Haden plot. Also one lot in .Jersey City, known as. lot xso. 4 in tne llaoen plot, lying on Caldwell Hreet, about 50 feet front by 173 feet back. ' Also one lot in Jersey City, known as lot No. 5 in the Haden olot. frontr ing about 50 feet on Caldwell street ind running back -about 173 feet. One tract' of land containing about i acre on t hel South side of the Bringle Ferry road, near Taylor's distillery, known as the brick yard lot. One tract of laud situate in the su burbs', of Salisbury, adioininsr the Hinds of A. L. Johnson, containing about 43 acres. ' - One -tract bf land at South River, Franklin township, containing about 2 acres, upon jwhich is located the store house formerly occupied by Miller and Bost A tract of and containing 43 acres lying on the Yadkin river,, about six miles from Salisbury, known as the old St. John mill property. Upon this property is a! large flouring and. corn mill, and valuable water .power suita ble for manufacturing purposes. 1 "I will alscf at the same time a"hd place sell to the highest bidder for cash the distillery apparatus, machin erysand fixtures of the said J. B- La nierconsisttngof one 100 horsepower boilef; one 40 horse power engine;, 1 beer pump; I continuous copper, beer still capacity 500 gallons: one copper d(5ubler- capacity 500 gallons; 1 steel mash keel capacity 1,000 gallons; 2 copper worms 400 feet long: four beer tubs capacity 1,000 gallons; L water tank capacity 1,000 gallons; , about 1,200 feet of inm return pipe with an inner pipe of copper; platform .scales, grain elevators, meal bolter, shafting, pulleys, indicator boxes, 6 cisterns 500 gallon capacity each, and various Other fixtures, connections and at tachments, necessary for a first-class distillery. This is one of the latest, modern improved distilleries. -. LEE S. OVERMAN, J Administrator and Commissioner. July 25th, 1898. TRUSTEES S21E. t Under and by virtue of deeds of t rust exe cuted to me by Robert S. Klves and wife. Mary R. Rives, on the 31st day of May 1W and recorded in book 6 of deeds, pape J29 in the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan county. N. C. and on the 1st day of May 19 and recorded in book 9 of deeds, page 574 in the offlce of Register of Deeds for Rowaii county, IN. C. I will sell at public auction at -the ciurt house door in the city of Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C. on Satur day the 3rd day of September, 1W, at 12 o'clock M, all that certain piece; parcel and tract of land lying in the city of Salisbury, Rowan county, Ni C, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Begrlnninff at Lord and Henderson's old'eorner, now Osborne's, runs southwest with (West street 60 feet to a stake. Price and Goler's corner, thence southeast parallel with Horah street 200 feet to a stake, Price and Goler's corner, thence northeast parallel with West street 60 feet to Osfiornc's corner, thence northwest with Osborne's line parallel to Horah street 200 fet to t he bejrinninjr. The same is in West Ward of the city of Salisbury, near Living stone Col lesre. Terms' of sale cash. This 3rd day of August, ism. W WJ C. MAXWELL, .Trustee. Lee S. Si H. J. Overman, Attorneys. ' The Prices Are Small, ; i ; but it's a way we have of making our store everybody's store. We mean the I I . .... . ; . . . . prices for men's and boys' caps. There is a little profit to us at that price, but not much. You can find here almost any kind or style of hat you Want. The best mak ers make them, and it ollows that the hats y . are the best. 1 Brown Clothing coJ Oomi Fall ti call on undersigned and secure your Coal at loweht prices before August oses to be delivered later on. j RED ASH and BLUE GEM (original) The best burning Coal, the cleanest (oal,f no soot or clinkers, no slate or slack, the most desirable Coal known, and every ton guaranteed to please you as well as prices. Also : ANTHRACITE COAL (All sizes.) 1 i Full Weight, guaranteed. ! J. ALLEN BROWN. READY FOR A CENTURY RlffE ON A BICYCLE i the wheelman and wheelwoman are both unanimous in their decision to wear only shirts, shirt waists, col lars and cuffs done up hy our perfect methods nsv they retain their fresh ness without- wilting or soiling longer than when laundered any where else in Salisbury. Summer is the crucial test of good laundry work, and ours will ways stand, the test. SALISBURY STEAM LAUHDHY. notice; Under and by virtue of a warrant of seizure to me directed, by H. S. Harkins, Collector of Internal Revenue for the 5th District of North Carolina on the 22nd day of Julyl98. and against one Thos. M. Click, I will on the 21st day of September, 1S9K, at 12 M. sell at the court house door In the town of Sails bury, State of North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash all interest of said T.j M. Click in atjd to the following property to-wit: 2 copper stills, 1 copper worm. 1 in dicator and pipe, 4 barrels 1X3 gallons corn whiskey, distillery building, warehouse and land upon which these buildings are situat ed metes and bounds as shown in survey on tile in Collector's office at AsheviAe, N. C. Said sale is made for the purpose of satis fying said warrant of distraint and costs. This the 22nd day of Aug, lUtts: - - C. E. MILLS. JoJ I ICO Goal! Deputy Collector.