. - - - JST 0 4 4 ' A, VOL, IV. NO. 2. VERDICT FOR $2,000,. Thc Pierce Suit Closed Yes terday Afternoon. ' Jury Eemained Out Only an Hour With the Case The First of m the Kind Tried in this State. The Pierce suit against the North Carolina Railroad came to a close in the Superior court late yesterday evening when the jury returned a .verdict awarding the nlaintiff 82.000. .The suit was for $15,000. v - i ViaIiI the attention of the court for three entire days and was hotly contested. The counsel on either side were able lawyers and fought every inch of ground. It will be remembered that one evenintr in February, '97, Frank, j - the 13 year-old son of Mr. J. A. Pierce, was killed by being run niroi- i.v n. siwitt'h engine on the yard of the Southern in this city. He and three little colored boys were stealing a ride - on t he rear thft tnhrr of the engine. Some VS.- , -w - - - - s one made the boys get off, all ex cept Pierce and a few minutes oftorwnnls he was killed. The plaintiff contended that the fire man of the switch "engine threw coal at the boys and continued to kmw until Pierce was either knocked or frightened off and killed. In this they claimed that the company's employe, the tire man, did not use due care and pre caution for the safety of the boy and that tha company was, there fore, liable, although Pierce was a trespasser and had violated the nlinjince in orettinsr on the train. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Over man finished his speech", the clos ing one for the plaintiff, all the ovwfonrc w:is read over, the case V f - t went to the jury at 5:30 o'clock and after staying out an hour they returned with the four issues an swered as follows: 1. Was the plaintiff's intestate killed by reason of the negligence of the defendant, as alleged : An swer, yes. ' j 2. Dfd plaintiff's intestate, hy li.'c wn nporlisrence. contribute to jiis death i Answer, yes. 3. Could the defendant, by the o-rprciKA nf reasonable care ant prudence, have avoided the injury notwithstanding the contributory ncTlio-o.n-p. of said intestate ?. An "t-,"n ' . . .swer, yes. - Wbat damage is plaintiff entitles to recover ? Answer, 2,000. ... Up to noon the railroad com pany had taken no appeal. Bankruptcy, i Mr; J. L. Rendlenian, recently appointed bankruptcy referee for this district, looks for, his first case in a, day or so. In fact, he says, there will le several cases within the next few days. J August Weddings. I During the month of August Register of Deeds Woodson is sued fifteen , marriage licenses to parties in this county. Of this number ten were for white and five for colored couples. ( . W. J. Moose's photograph car is again in the city and is stationed at the Kerr street crossing, near the freight depot. He makes call in et photos for $1.50 a dozen and cards six for 50c. The car will be here for a few days. : ' Miss Jvrider's school of 'muBie opens on September 5th. Send for circular. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, Is. C, will Tjc in Salisbury, at the Cen tral Hotel, on Friday, Sept. 2nd, for this one day. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, 'ose uud Throat. R. WILEY RETURNS HOME. Quartermaster on the Nantucket - Ar- rived This Morning. A letter from V il in ington,. dat ed Tuesday says : The officers and crew of the ted States" Monitor Nantucket, cli has been stationed at Port al returned home tEis morning Un wh Ro on h special train, arriving at .8 ock. The officers, all except Commander Gebrge L. Morton, Ind e already been discharged from service: the crew will be in us- thd tered out at once. , 'A most cordial reception wa en the returning reserves. TIY Th busandSi of people with a band Of music met- them at the traiffl and escorted them to their armory where speeches were made by Jno. D. Bellamy, Democratic candidate for Congress from the Sixth, dis trict; and others." . Mr. W. M. Wiley, of Salisbury, wa quartermaster on the Nan- tud ket. and he arrived at home thi morning. The Nantucket was detailed to coast defence and for the past four months has been lying at the nuxuth of Johnson's river. The health of the men on board was ffood. there beinsr very little sick ness. ., V ) Mr. Wiley brings back with hiih a tronhv the ihiir of the Winslow, also a piece of the floor of the Winslow, the rubier top piri er at the spot Where Bagley fel Mr. Wiley was the first man to geti j his discharge. He lost no e in getting ashore and then tin home. Business Increasing. Ir. T. P. Devaiiev, who has bedn conducting a tailoring busi ncs in Hickory, has closed out thejre and come to Salisbury'; where he kvilt work for- Louis Lichten tcin. Mr. Lichtenstein's' busi ness is incj'CJising s,o that he finds it necessary to secure more hell and extra rooms. . To I the Association The South Yatl kin Baptist As it ' i soqiationus in session at Jerusa lem, Davie county. Kev. John E. Wljite, corres ponding secretary of the home inifesion board and J. C. Caddell, rej resentative of the Biblical Ke- c order, spent last night iu the city on their way to attend the con vention. New Church. , ' - A church is soon to be built by tholMissouri Lutheran Synod in this citv. 1 his svnod . nas a mis- sioiary here, BevvSchutz, who in str icts a number of colored peo pie. ,- ' ' - 1; . Plans for the new church have air 3ady been drawn by L. C. Mi ;chem and turned over to Rev. Scl iitz. " The building will soon be commenced. The church . will sta id on west Inniss street. ! Railway Man Promoted. ; . 1'prcy Albright, who for years has been General Manager J. W. F r'y's chief t'jer'k, Aas been pro mo ed and will soon leave Greens boi o says the Keconl He has beeb elected manager of the N. C. Cai Service Association, an orsran- ization composeil 'of all raiTroa in tie State, having for its object the quick loading and unloading of tiiis as a quick return of them to the companies to which they be long. It is a new organisation, with headquarters in Kaleio-h. .... ., t r ound Asmalf key- and left at t lis office. : Rboha -over office for rent. L. S. Overman. sH e the ne silks at the. Carolina Racket. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EYENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1898. KILLED IN A MINE J Capt. Younts Buried Under Tons of Earth in a Montgomery Mine- Capt. W. F. Younts, a miner of Montgomery county, met death in a mine Wednesday. From this morning's Charlotte Observer we see : "Capt. J. Li. Yolints, the well- known miner of Indian Trail, had sad news yesterday. " A telegram reached him yes terday morning saying that his brother, Capt. W. F. Younts, also a miner, had been killed in'ajnine in Montgomery county near the El Dorado mine. 1 The telegram said- that Cap tain Younts was at wrork in the mine, and that it caved in. He was buried completely under the land-slide, and killed, it i& suppos ed, instantly. As there wer others at work in tho mine the supposition is, although the teler gram did not say so, that they were killed also. Captain Younts was born and reared in Davidson county.- He was 42 years of age. He was a married man. his wife and five children surviving him. "CSptain Younts was a miner or note . and experience. A year and a half ago he was engaged by several members of the Standard Oil Company to work his! new mine in Montgomery, he to have part of the profit. He had opened up the mine and it, had given promise of a good yield. The walls of the shaft were considered perfectly, safe, and had never be fore shown any signs of weaken ing. The cave in was attributable to the recent heavy rains. "Capt. J. L. Younts, v the brother, from India.n Trail, left las night for Montgomery. ANOTHER KILLED. Mr. H.' Karnes, who is in the city today from New London, tells us that a man named Bib Hanna, was also killed by the caving in of the mine. The mine js known as the Sallie Coggins gold niine and is situated near Eldorado, Montgom ery county. One of the victims was buriedl Wednesday. Particulars of the affair had not reached New London when Mr. Eames left. Soldieri. A number of soldiers, several of them sick, came down,the West ern this rhorning going north. As the hrst tram north nad no sleeper attached some of .the boys stopped here for the train .which was to pass this afternoon. A hospital' train passed this morning gping south after sick. Another passed from the west 2bing north with a number of sick aboard. .' Washoutf. fc On account of twashoutsf below Charlotte- the trains from the T south last night were away off their schedule; No. 12, the local, due at 7:50 was annulled and came in as third 38 this morning. A train came in with the C. C. and A. connection as the regular vesti bulo and a second section cjf - that train was composed bf the cars that made up the south-bound vestibule yesterday morning. The fast mail, due here this morn ing at 10:2 was not expected till this afternoon. . - ; j There, were two, washouts, at and near Ayersville, Ga. - In one place the washout was fifteen feet long and forty feet deep. The other, we. understand was not so bad. ' ' , ' Lost Letter addressed' to J. M. Russell. Return to this office. For Rent Two nice 4-room cot tages on Kerr St. near Main. ' T.v 3?, Johnston. A JOINT CANVASS. Kluttz and Caldwell Will t Meet on the Stump in the 7th. At last, it seems that joint dis cussions are to be had between T. F. lyluttz, Democratic. candidate for Congress in the 7th dist rict and his opponent, M. H. H. Cald- welj, of the Populist and Repub lican side of the house. Mr. Kluttz, has since his nomi nation; been trying to arrange a joint canvass. Hq recently wrote to Mr.', Caldwell stating -that he will be at Lexington on Tuesday, Septem ber Gth; at Dallas on Sep tember 20th; at Troy, oh October 4th;. at Shelby on October 25th, and at Newton on. November 1st. He also stated to. Mr. Caldwell thatihe. would be glad to have him present cn those days for a joint discussion.) Mr. Caldwell has ac cept ed the invitation and will come to Salisbury Saturday to arrange a . more complete schedule with Mr Kluttz! . It is probable that the two will meet at Lexington on the 0th. Mr. Kluttz; has made no date for Rowan county, as he wranted the .matter ; of joint discussions settled first. TO HARNESS THE YADKIN. Two Gentlemen Have That in View- They Visit the River. V N e are informed that two northern gentlemen who have the harnessing; of the Yadkin river in view visited the river on Wednes day of this week. They were fa vorably impressed with their pro posed enterprise. ' We learn that the men have two millions of dollars to- back their project. They will, if their deal is carried through successfully, establish a large plant on the river below New London. Needs Repairing. The Statesville public road just beyond the second bridge . at Grant's, creek is reported in very bad condition and needs repairing The attention of the county au thorities is called to its condition. On Furlough. Lieutenant G. C Bernhardt, of the Gth Cavalry, regulars, spending several days with his home folks at Norwood. He was bore yesterday and went down on the Yadkin in the afternoon. - .- - Lieut.- Bernhardt's regiment was in the fighting at Santiago, and was recently moved to Montauk Point. The Lieutenant has a 20 day furlough. . Prof. Strode Dead. A message was received in this city yesterday by Mr. J. S. Booth, announcing the death of Prof. H. A. Strode, of Kenmorei" Am herst county, Va. ' Deceased Had been in failing health 'for many years. It has been only a week since bis wife died. This makes four deaths in this family since the first of the year. Prof. Strode, it will be remem bered, visited this 'city several years ago, stopping at Mr. Booth's. Wanted I mm kdiately :- For Rowan county, a few good; hust ling agents to sell the . most; com plete history of the recent war. It will include the conclusion of the whole matter. Rapid sales are be ing made. Liberal pay. . -Address Rkv. J. C. Troy, . i General Agent, ': Jonesboroi N. C. NO CURE-NO 'AY. That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CH IhL, . TONIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It Is simply olron Quinine In a tasteless torm. Children love It. Adults prefer It to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 50 cents.- and For Rent Four desirable rooms for liouseke'epiirg on West' Fulton street.- Address P. O , box o. 262. Mob Tears Down a Church. special dispatch to the sun.1 Buffalo, Sept. 2. A large mob led by women demolished the In dependent Polish Catholic church of St. Adelberts, Plater street.; The framej walls and small struc tures were torn down and hurled into the street. ' Twenty: three rioters were ar rested and !f urther trouble is an ticipated, to the fact The assault was owing mi that they were dissatisj fied with pastor Dean Pitas. .His removal has been requested. I Only a few upright timbers are left standing. - r Alliance Completed. (special dispatch to the sun j ' . London,! Sept. 2. A report, is current today that a treaty of alii ance between England and Gerl many on the lines of the speech of Joseph Chamberlain, was com pleted yesterday. A Revision Wanted.' V special dispatch to the sun. Paris, Sept. 2. The movement in favor of j a revision of the Drey fus case is growing stronger in papers formerly hostile. General Pelliux resigned bu withdrew his resignation upon the insistance of General Serulinden. Fight Expected. special dispatch to the sun. Galesburg, III., ept. 2. Bat tery B, of the Illinois National Guard, has been sent to PanaL , The battery numbers sixty men with five gatling guns. . Striking miners are ugly and a fight is expected. Lumber Association. special dispatch to the sun. Norfolk, Sept. 2. Tho North Carolina Lumber Association met at Virginia port showe Beach to-day. The r0- fl the light advance of fifty cents a thousand had been se cured. The demand is brisk and outlook for factures is fall trade and manu- gobdjj . Heavy rains have interfered with cutting. Commissioners Meet. ' The city commissioners met in regular monthly session at the city hall last night. It was reported that the" recent heavy rains done considerable damage to the streets of the city and these bad places were - ordered repaired. Nothing of much importance to tho public was done at this mee ing. A Large Order. E. W. Burt & Co. have just josed a deal with parties in, Chi cago, with whom they have been negotiating for. some days, for per haps the biggest lot of bicycles ever shipped to any firm in North Carolina at Burt & Co. one time. , Messrs, ti r propose to sell these wheels to the trade at less than the regular wholesale priced - - j :, r 1 - The second week of ltowan's court is nearing a close. To-day the land case of Parthenia Carter against Alex Smith had the atten tion of the I court 4and the case proved a very interesting, one. ;, The suit of John D. Kl u ttz against the Xadkin Railroad Com many was continued by. consent. TO CURE A COLD III ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU Druggists refund the money if it falls cure. 25 cents, j , Ito ; For Rent 3 large rooms in a good neighborhood on Main street. App to J. II. Swalm. ' If you want nice slaughtered mea go to Jackson's'market. If you dont want tKrbejslaughtered shave at .the Climax. 10 Cents Per 7ek BROOKE: COMMANDS. General Miles Leaves Porto Rico for New York. The Fourteenth New York to Leave Chicamauga Auxiliary ; Cruis crs Ordered Out of Service. spbciaL dispatch To the sun. to investigate camp. Washington, Sept. 2. Secre tary of AYar Alger leaves this af ternoon for Montauk where" he will aid President McKinley in investigating the camp. . MEN WELL CARED FOR. Camp Wikoff, Sept. 2. General - Shafter said to-day that the men on the transports were given the very best of food and care. He admitted that the ships were unfit for service but said the condition could not be remedied. There is a slight decrease in the number of siek in the general hos pital and the hospital physicians are hopeful of. keeping the num ber of typhoid cases down to the minimum. YEI.IXJW- FEVER AT ORWOOD. Jackson, Miss., Sept. 2. Ten new cases of yellow fever were re ported last night from Or wood. They have appeared since the re port of the first infection and are said to be a mild type. Official report of inspectors Grant, Dunn and Harrison, of Mississippi, Board and Gill, of Louisiana, the board on the first Or wood case unhesi ta tingly pronounced it yellow fever. In Court. BROOKE IN COMMAND. . Ponce, Sept. 2. Gen. Miles and family, nine companies of Second Wisconsin, Generals Hayes and Schwan and the Fourth Pennsylvania regiment sailed to New York yesterday. . Gen.. Brooke has issued an or der assuming command. ! AUXILIARY CRUISERS DROPPED. i Washington Sept. 2. The St. Louis, Yale, Harvard and St. Paul, American liners, were put out of commission as, auxilliary cruisers to-day. FOURTEENTH TO LEAVE. Chattanooga, Sept. 2. The Fourteenth New Ybrk will be the first to leave Camp Thomas. The time designed for their departure ' is to-morrow. General Franks' t headquarters is being moved to Anniston. ' ! General Becken ridge has or dered investigation of the second division hospital immediately. ' The Government is busy selling horses, wagons and ; other con demned property. .Breckinridge will not leave until the removal of the third corps is completed which will be.the: latter part of the week. Arrangements for the Race. ;:'': ; . . 1 SPECIAL DISPATCH TO SUN. New York, Sept, 2. The com mittee for hearing Sir Thomas Lipton's challenge for America's cup which was issued through the Royal Yacht Club, arrived here this morning on the Brittanic. The committee is authorized to make all arrangements for the race. Woman Suicides. SPECIAL DISPATCri TO THE SUN. Atlantic City, Sept. 2. A note found in a hat presumably sent from C. S. Hosker, of Norfolk, Virginia, says 'Farewell all, j I'll be dead when this letter is re ceived. . , "Louise." Receipts from hotels Waldorf, Astoria and Savoy, of New York, indicate that she was Mrs. S. S. Schawtz and lived in luxurv. Nothing further is ascertainable. -

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