SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. CLINT. N. BROWN. 1 Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, Six Mouths, Three One Month, One Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Delivered ly Carriers to any part of the city without extra cost. ' Vat advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. kind to e and tion would add greater facilities ucational work in Salisbury would give greater satisf ac- to the, citizens -parents and ! I Entered at postofflce s secona-class matter. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 2, 1898. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Congress Seventh District: 1 TI1EO. F. KLUTTZ, of Rowan. For Solicitor1-Eighth District: WLEY RUSH, of Randolph. , i For the Legislature: LEE S. OVERMAN, -D. R. JULIAN. For Clerk of Superior Court: W. G. WATSON, For Register of Deeds: j II. N. WOODSON, For Sheriff: J. M. MONROE. j For Treasurer: J. SAM'L McCUBBINS, JR. For Cotton Weigher: G. II. PAGE. For Coroner: E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Surveyor: CM. MILLER. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBINS, SANFORD HENLY, P, D, LINN. patrpnof the graded school. -Lieutenant .Hobson, who ar-. rived at Santiago this week, has decided to continue his efforts to save the Cristobal Colon, despite the ( ecision of the Navy Depart men . to give up the job. He has sent urgent dispatches to the' de part iient, asking leave to continue the work. He estimates the Co lon' worth at $3,000,000, and thin gs it is disgraceful' to give up the d TOVd he w scrij t tempt U save her. ..If the rnjnent refuses to back him ill appeal for a popular suc tion. It is thought the Maria Teresa will soon be in first-class shapar Hie Concord Times says the Democrats of Cabarrus are re- joiceil to know that Stanly county has chosen Mr.. R. L. -Smith, of Norwood, as the nominee for the Sena :e from Cabarrus arid Stanly. He s a gentleman of character and i bility, a sterling and uncom prou izing Democrat, and a splen did campaigner. He will, of t - . course, be elected by a handsome majo rity. Mr. Smith has already had lsgislative experience, having been a member of the House from Stanly four years ago. i r ?he State Agricultural De partment's report for August, basei on returns from over 1,000 correspondents, prepared, is as follows : Cotton S7, tobacco 80 i, corn )7h apples 70k peaches 751, grapes 1)0, sweet potatoes 851, Irish j potatoes S, gardens 80. The acreage of peanuts as com pared! with last year is only 78, while! rice is 001. agerd alarm The election of officers of the 1 k :ir Pvth iues Presi mem Mich Kent parttf They only SOME REGRET. The-Sun feels some regret that the Salisbury white graded school "j-jU building, which was burned some aro d time ago, is to be rebuilt , on the negn old plan instead of being enlarged. Salisbury needs a larger and more up-to-date Imilding, and the Sun, on the afternoon of the lite, ex pressedthe hope that a better' and more commodious school house would be erected. The authori ties, however, in their wisdom have found it their pleasure to rebuild the old school house the same size as before. ,'Tis a pity they did not see it best to do otherwise. This school has been a great factor in Salisbury for the . educa tion of the children of the town; those who attend it are increasing in numbers yearly; its usefulness as an educational institution is growing; it should therefore have been rebuilt on a larger scale and with all the modern improvements for teaching. It would perhaps be better, now that the old building is to be re placed as it was before the tire, for those directing the school af fairs in the city to have another graded school building erected in the eastern or southeastern part of the town. Let it be an auxil iary school to the; larger school. The Sun suggested this, some time last year, we believe it was, and wtluld be glad to see steps tak en along this line- It would be a great benefit to the children who live on that side of the city and who now have to go nearly a mile to school. This is true of the smaller children, especially in bad weather when they are deprived of school advantages by not being able to attend. The school could be under the superintendency of the same prin cipal. Another school of . lie vigorous Democratic cam paigr in the State is said to be a surprise to" the Republican tnan- 1 and they are not a little ed at the rituation. "The people are aroused. They ptermined to put an end to k duniiintion in North Caro lina. -Tie Kinston Free Press. NEWS OF THE DAY. Telecraphic News Condensed for the Conven ience of Hasty Readers. ; The cabinet of Ecuador has re signed. An outbreak in Pu;no, Peru, has been sujpressed. i The London Saturday Review criticises severely the social, civil and political customs of Ameri cans. ' S ' ; ..." ' .' , - : - ' . -. General Merritt, before leaving Manila for Hong Kong, issued an order commending the gallantry of his troops. j special correspondence of The1 Baltimore Sun from Porto Rico f states that the volunteers there are extremely homesick. Eight hundred and fifty men of the Twenty-tL ird Kansas Volun teers arrived,at Santiago Wedues- it ' ' . day to form p:i,rt of the garrison. A heavy storm has been sweep ing up the South Atlantic coast. There was much damage to prop erty in Savannah. Loss of life is feared. it 10 o'clock yester day morning the Knights of apolisj Ind., ad except in a few A committee jof control of the Knights of as endowment fund occurred lay ami ietulted as follows : lent, J. A. Hinsey, Illinois ; ! m t - -r-w t "W -w- " pers, w . 1. ri. .Lioomis, ot gan$ J. W. Black well, of lcky. . ' " Every day we hear of some- prominent t'opulist who. declares himself done with anything or any j that endorses Russellism. are coming back home to the Democratic party, which is the lacc for the white men of the country. Nashville Graphic. he Empress of China, which has arrived at Vancouver, B. Q.y brings news to the effect that the Japanese Legations at London and Wasnington will be raised to the rank pf embassies. It is estimated that there was at lea -it1 500,000 bushels of wheat raiset . in Alabama triis year. . Bef ted a tobacco used in. the world. Buck New vincel pills L or they val ua ore the war Cuba "contribu- bout one-twelfth of all the Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. en & Co., Chicago, and get a free; sample box of Dr. King's Life Pills. , A trial will con- ybu of their, merits! These are, easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. malaria and liver troubles have been proved - in- ble. f They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every del eterious substance and to be pure ly vegetable. They do not weak en by j their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels - - .it . . . . irreatiy invigorate tne -t system. Regii Sold this druggists. lar size 25 cents per box. hy Theo. . F. Kluttz & Co., Pythias of Indian opted a report re ducing the officers' salaries twenty five per cent. At a conf ere ace with Senor Sa gasta, in Madrid, Senor Silvela said the conser natives did : not de sire representation on the Spanish peace commission. . According to statistics presented at the convention of the American Pharmaceutical Association, drug stores are diminishing in number, States. of the New Zeal and Legislature recommends join ing the Australian colonies with Canada and thu mother country by a Pacific cable. The movement in Jamaica for annexation to jthe. United States has not progressed favorably, ow ing to the opposition of the colored element and lack of support from newspapers. . The Democratic State conven- tipn of New Hamphire nominated Charles F; Stone for Governor and i adopted a platform demanding an investigation of the War Depart ment. The United States transport St. Paul, has arrived at Manila from San Francisco and reports all well on board." Tne light-houses in 4 the southern Philippine have been re-established. The Fifth Ohio was ordered home yesterday f roirC Fernandina, the Third Virginia was ordered from Camp Alger to Richmond, the Second Mississippi was ordered from Jacksonville to Lauderdale Springs, Mississippi. The Houston Artillery Com pany . was ordered yesterday to Galveston immediately and fixed ammunition has beenv issued the men armed, with rifles. More trouble from the striking negro longshoremen at Galveston is cer- tain. '"' -. Brigadier-General H. V. Boyn- tbn has sent to Secretary Alger a report on the condition of Camp Thomas, in wliich he wiyssthe hos pitals are in first-class shape, medi cal attendance good and there' is an abundance or delicacies for the sick. ." :" Bids for the construction of battleship were opened yesterday and a review of that each of the the bids indicates firms bidding, the Cramps, Camden, N. J7; Newport News Shipbuilding Company and the Union Iron Works; San Fran- Cisco, have one successful bid at about two and a half million dol lars i, , .- j '; ''' ':: Don't fail to put in one of Barkley's Terra Cotta Cejinented Wells; also good line Tumps.! Reference: R. Lee 'Wriirllt. Torr Ppfiirrn Tlr 'Pmntliom P. J). Roueche. Sisters of Charity a Army Nurses. Over 150 Sisters of Charity have been assigned as nurses at various army hospitals through the South. President McKinley asked Mother Superior Marietta, stationed at Emmitsburg, Md., where is locat ed the head house of the order of America, for one hundred sisters as nurses, and she immediately agreed to furnish them. Orders were, sent to the various institu tions throughout the country for all the sisters to hold themselves in readiness to start to the front at an hour V notice. Then, as they were needed, the President called for the nurses, and they were promptly supplied. Forty went to Santi'igo more to Porto Rico, to Tampa, Jacksonville, Fort Thom as, Ky., and Chicamauga, until the 100 had been exhausted. But they had shown that they were excellent war nurses, and the Pres ident found that he coiild'use more of them, so he asked Mother Ma rietta for another one hundred and these are being drawn upon now. Sunday Democrat. John Bat&e, a North Carolinian, has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for horsestealing in Virginia, j The French government ' gets over 0,000,000 a year out of its match monoply. Some men ride1 ball-bearing chainless wheels and some wear ball-bearing: wheelless chains. The race is not always to the swift, and it is never to the loafer. URE PEEDY LIME. LE CLAIR'S , FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladies as a periodical regulator without an equal successful when Cotton Root, Pennyroyal, Ergot, etc., have proven worthless. 23 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of their won- derful properties. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet, containing valuable information for ladies- Address LkCLaik Pill Co., U. S. Agents, Boston, Mass. N. B. All correspondence confidential and ' returned with trial package, j For Sale in Salisbury by Jos , Pluvimcr Southern Railway. o o o o THE STANDARD RAILWAY j OF THE SOUTH The Direct Ziine to All Points. TEXAS, ; CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FlRST-CLALIi equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; fast and safe schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply-to Ticket: Agents for Time Ta bles, Rates, and General, Information, Or Address -R. L. VERNON, F. R.' DARBY, ; T. P. A., C P. & T. A., - Charlotte, N C Asheville, C No trouble to answer Questions. FRAKK S. GANNON, I. M. CULP, W. A. TURK, 3d V. & Gen. Man. Traf, Man. G; P. A. WASHINGTON, DC If you want nice slaughtered meats go to Jackson's inarket. If you don't want to be slaughtered shave at the Climax. Church Hiffli FOR BOYS. Next Session Begins Sept. 5, 1898. BRANCH CRAIGE, I'iUnch-aiL 3LT ; . ' - --? ! KLUTTZ & EE FOR SALE. One 6-room cottatre on East Main Street, two 4-room cottages on Monroe Street, and several vacant lots. Also two houses, two stories high, with 6 rooms, xl would De advisable to see me before renting store rooms or dwel lings. ! Ii. L. SHAVER. OBCT . . ; - ii . . -. NO USE TO 8 WEAR if the boy's shoes " wear nu t in less than no time." It's vour own fault; not his. If you came to us for them you'd get more wear for less money. j w e nave a line of good, hon est boys' shoes that haven't their ami al for wear in the State. An excellent representative is our $1.50 shoe, strong well-made and stylish. o N. C. SALISBURY, i Sale in i LADIES MISSES J i J1' Htf . AFS. SHOES, (small sizes) at 10, 25, 50 and 75c. per pair. SHOES, 10, 25, 40; 50 and 75c. per pair. pair CHILDKENS SHOES, Ya big. assortment) at 10, 25, and 50c. per The above sroods m ust be solcl to make room for our hio- stonk of Winter ShodsJ ii We are receiving new Winter goods, in many lines. Bisr Assortment of Shirts. Hats. Cnrnets and Rn everybody. ! - ' New Stock of Nice Trunks suitable for school boys and girls. 'Table, Tin and WToodwares. Last but not least. Eatables. Well we have so mnnv crooH tMnfrs it Is useless to try to tell about them, but if you will come we will suow you tne pest irom many lands and at prices the lowest in town. Yours to Serve, , i m i n TO Mammoth Furniture Emporium. Words fail to describe the beauty of our Furniture in design, up holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Gases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio. Cabinets are what the collectors of specimens need. Has -the largest stock in the city to select from, and while his goo d are New, Stylish and up to date in every particular, his UCES ARE THE SHIP A Specialty ' He Has a line of CASKETS, BUKI A Ij. ROB KS, Etc., unsurpassed in the State. Personal attention jrivtsn to ELIBALLIIIfG AHD PIRECTIOH OF FUHERALS boe omm Our selling: prices S a a sell our Shoes. . The small proft helps us by helping you. Our ads. are not given the lie in our store. Great values joined to low prices become elegant. New line of Black just in. and Tan Vici Kid Shoes 0. '.gt 4 H. M. Brown. .s

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