THE NEAVE MUSIC SCHOOL , ' a - r - Will re-open on v 5EPTEMBHE 5tlii will soon be gone and a change in the house. what HARRY BROS, have in Musical training in every branch thorough, in every respect. Methods, and their details, adapted to the needs of differing individualities, all based on truth, clearly demonstrated to every mind. As there can be no liter ary education witnout ability to read fluently at first Sight, so, most empiud- iatlly, is this true in musical training. We have every appliance and use every facility to achieve this sine qua non from the first lesson and on. Teaching music on Piano, Organ, Violin and all other orchestral instru- yOll "Will "WR.T1 f ments, musical jcomposition and voice V culture are in our curriculum; our Have you seen terms are as heretofore, and rlose not knowing these can obtain them on application at pur school, cor. Bank and Church Streets. ; Mb. & Mks. W. H. NEAVE. a Southern Railway. Thev have iust received latest styles, fancy patterns, sure to please your fancy. a lot of that are If you wish to be up-to-date, See these patterns before it's too late. Those Organdy Dresses will soon be replaced by something heavier. If you see our Henrietta, Serge,. Mo hair, Brilliantine anc Satin de Chine, - ? t .v i i you will find something to fill your bill. Remember the place is IN EFFECT AUGUST 7, 1S98. . i . - This condensed schedule Is published fes information and is subject to change with out notice to the public. Trains leave Salisbury, N J K:4o n m-"Xo 35, daily for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line division and aU points south and southwest; carries through Pullman, drawing room buffet sleepers between New York, ashinKton Atlanta and New Or leans. Charlotte and Birmingham. Pullman tourist car for San Francisco Wednesdays via New Orleans and southern Pacific. K:17 p m No 517, dally, Washington and Southwestern Limited for Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile ana New Orleans and all points South and South west ; through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis ; dining car, vestibuled coach between Wash ington and Atlanta. ; fclO a m No 8, daily for Richmond ; con-. nects at Greenslnvro for Raleigh, toldsloro, Morehead City, Norfolk and Winston. 10:U0 a m No 11. dally for Atlanta and all points soutu ; soua trains lurnwona to At lanta; Pullman sleeping car, Richmond to . tJreensboro ; conriewts at Spartanburg for Asheville. 10:47 a m No lift daily for Washington. Richmond, Raleigh and all points North; car ries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York; Jackson ville to New vorki Hlrmingiiam lociiariotie; Pullman tourist car from San Francisco Mondays via New Orleans and South Pacific; close connectioiisjat .' Ureensljoro for Raleigh. CJoldsltoro and Morehead City. ii-.'M n tii No as. flail v. VV ashinsrton and Southwestern Limited for Washington and all points North ; Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Richmond ; close connect ion at Greensloro wiUi through sleeper for Norfolk. -. S-.OOpm Ni lSJUally for Richmond, liai- elsli. tioldsimro and all points North; con nects at Salisbury for Asheville. Knoxville Chattanooga and Nashville; connects at IU1 ITU -'.'."' i . .-'-( lAuM . - i ;reeiisl)ro with train carrying Pullman car fr OFifk. I vMleaiMl IWfMts m;sr. 0)0) 0)11 Groceries IV you want to buy groceries? If you do jou should not fail to call and ce me. 1 carry a full line. I .... - r fitive also the best shad, &c, brought to tli is market. ! Fish Days FRIDAY and SATUR DAY. Call and see me. ! Yours truly, C. H. SWINIC. Cheeks Like the Mountain Pink are rewards for. using Madame A. Ruppcrt's Face Bleach. There may be a well-founded prejudice against specif ics of - a cer tain kind, but do not let the fault of harni- fjful nostrums' be visited up- on such a su' perb prepara yf,: tion ' as this. Give it a trial and you' will findlhat it is not o a y positively harmless, but a thor ough' U' health promoter. Mine. Kiipper t's preparations are all guaranteed to be beneficial, and have ?proven so in thousands of wel), attested leases. Face Bleach, per bottle; Egyptian. Balm, $1; .IlAir.Tonic, $1;:G ray Hair Resto rative, $250; Depilatory 1. j Hie Mi& Something: AH Desire, but do not Always QM UhI kate;! O : ' : ' ;."i(l n in Np 15. W N fe, lejives for all points u pi Vjiflkin train lves ror, Mr- MrtMtfl, -. . - . First MWtiou or ul I sMHqm(l rreigiir trains rarry imssi'jicf rs In'twet-n points nt whiclt tlu-y ur MIieduleu to stop- Frank P Uaiinu, d V 1 and Gen.' ltfP. , . . Washington. D..C. . John M Culn. Traffle MaHajtor. W A Turk, ut'ti, 1'assenRer A)t.. S 11 Hardwiek. Ass't Gen. Tass. Akt.. I- 'Atlanta. Ga. U L Vernon. Travelling Pass. Act., Soiith Tryon Street. Charlotte. O O I "WANT TO CUSTOMER OF MINE FOR THE CE Achieve. iEBKATED y stock is guaranteed BEST AL1TY: . J E i'L'I CO COAL. Jrrices not too low to be consist- with SUPERIOR -"VALUE. Respectfully, which excells all others. It is free of slate and slack, burns up clean and leaves nothinur but a white ash. Send in your order at once and take ad van tage' of tlie T. H. H'CULLOH. SUMMER RATES. Plant's Eye on Cuba. It is reported that H." B. Plant, president of ,1 the Plant System, and perhaps the richest man in the Sooth, is in England forming a syndicate to control all the rail roads in Cuba with a connecting line of steamships to the United States. It will be ,a fortunate thing for Cuba if this is true, says the ''Birmingham News, as . Mr. Plant is one of the most progres sive -and broiid -gauged men in this country. ! He has been one of the largest ! factors . in the de velopment of Florida. ' . Marriage in the Philippines. Women in the Philippine Islands have a pretty; independent time of it, after all. Their marriage cus toms are quaint. . Married women retain their maiden name, adding to it the husband's name with the prefix "de." A widow buries her husband's name with him and immediatelv is known again by her girlhood - name. A woman s property is never settled on her husband a custom which affords little incentive to wife poisoning and like pastimes i for material At a wife's death her . chii- considered her nearest ormn. drcn heir. are Miss Davis Better. -A special of yesterday from Narragansett Pier, Rhode Island, says that Miss Winnie Davis, who has been seriously ill with gastri tis, is much improved. She is now able to take nourishment, for the first time in several days. ill liinr - . " . -. ' : liiliiJi p, IB iivJ lj da ; . ; . ssssssssss : Reductions Throughout the i . ZD Entire stock The Greatest More Soldiers Die at Sea, Corrunna, Spain, Sept. 1. The Spanish transport Isla de Panay, from Santiago de Cuba has arriv ed here with a detachment of the surrendered Spanish troops oti board. There were 17 deaths' on board the steamer during the voyage. Value of Hickory. .Hickory isbecominsr one of the scarce woods, and the demand for it grows. People in the South who own lands growing hickory might profit by making a note of this. Kinston Free Press. L. S. Agent for "Flieschraann's Co ii)ros8el Yeast. 2"Odc door above rostotBee. JOS. II. MoNEELY, Office at Tl F. Young's store. - '1 ! - FOR SALE. .i I ' P lie Apple Snow, A Complete . Line of Building Material MOBILIZED. When you want a house you will find everything-necessary to its completion within our ITortiflcationS. Two very necessary adjuncts to our FLEET i the Famous Li melon (Va.) lime wood-burnt and the j ; best on the market, now on sale. I Also the exclu- t sive sale of the j CELEBRATED ASBESTOS PAINT manufactured by H. W. John's Mfg. CoJ, New York, which is now in stock. GIVE US A CALL. Cordially, C. A. Ice Cream Soda, Chocolate - Cream Soda, nd all the popular drinks now on j sale at jthrell's Drug Store. Two dwelling houses in East Salisbury, near G. V. vV nsrht's. One is known as the Foust house, has nine -rooms. The other is known as the Fries house and has seven roms, trooa weu oi waier on each . lot. Both bouses compar atively' new. Terms easy. Ap ply at J ' ' DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between David Haneline and L. A. Peebles is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebt ed to them will please make immedi ate payment to either one of the unv dersigned. J )A V 1 JJ 11 AXM nLii.n jgj, L. A. PEEBLES. : This August 18th, 1898. ' Phnmrraiihd Tom lift GREAT BENCH REMEDY produces the above result In 30 daS. Cures JVervous JJeDtlitytJntpoteney, RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. lafacocele: Failinz Memory. Stops all drams and losses caused by errors ot 'youth. It waras on in ennit'wand Consumption. Young Men regain Man hoda and Ula Men recover youiniiu vigor, n pivfe igor and size to shrunken orpans, ana nu. a nlan lor business or marriage. Easily carried m o coxes -ace. will Q'HARRA, Paris THE S0DTHERN STOCK MUTUAL AND V UNDERWRITERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GREENSBORO. Pays a dividend to policy holders of 20 per cent, and in cases oi loss SETTLES their claims PROMPTLY What other companies do as much f(r you i the! vest pocket. Trice hv In ml. in plain Pack te-rkten euarautee. DR. jA j i , J 11 JCnniss, Druggist 50 CTS it 3i 3-A-iss2a:, : . - : ' Agent. Office between Link & Bagland and G. W Wright. I . Don't be Lukewarm,. There is nu qsp for lukewarm qess in this world. A lukewarm dinner is a horror. A lukewarm drink is is nauseating- A lukewarm menu is worse than a red hot foe. Lukewarm praise can success fully ' damage the most virtuous character. Even the colorless people, who it i i are lukewarm tnemseives, are not attracted by others or their kind. Have tne grace . to be cola "or hot, but at least be one or the other. ' Like a person or thing and say so, tnougrt it is necessary to uisa gree with the w hole world. ' Pon't be lukewarm in making any choice, then with a stout'neart stick to your choice when made, and don't be afraid to unfurl your flag. I Cardinal Ancrelo De Pietro, who is spoken of as possible successor to the Pope, is a shepherd's son and was educated for the priest hood by the Bishop of his diocese He is 74 years old and is already called "the holy man." Sale en HceoriL More goods for less money than you have ev!er gotten. Remember the leader in Dry Goods, the leader in LOW PRICES, for first- class goods, i 1 1 "i WWW pTO P. i? McGUBBINS & JOED AN, Heal and "olleaicms? -S i H vfi'W Dealers in Lime, Cement, Hair, &c Chas. B. Jord J. S. McCubbins, Jr. V SALISBURY, N. C. an. THis space belongs to the SALISBURY HARDWARE '& FURNITURE COMPANY. THE VERY BEST TniNG TAKE FOR TO DIARRHOEA IS THE The Spaniards know how to take care of their own people. It is said their number of deaths from sickness among the soldiers of their entire army is not as large as the number reported in America from one corps. j Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,. Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists. Watch It. NOTICE To All Bread Eaters Beginning August 22; 1898, will sell 40 Loaves Bread for $! until farther notice. : Look out for wagon, or call and get your tickets early and avoid the rush. Respectfully, T. L SWINK. Family Ten Cent Diarrhoea Remedy, Prepared and for sale only by & j ' . v I T. F. Kluttz & Co. Hey, There ! this is the place you want I We have all kinds of . MEATS, PORK, MUTTON SAU SAGE arid BOLOGNA. All our meats will be found -rich and tender, and being in the primest condition when dressed contains . ' great nutritive qualities. Our prices are less than such meat is sold for else where. ' ': J. S. MAJRABLE,