" VOL. IY. NO. 9. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EYENING, SEPTEMBER lO, 1898. lO Cents Per Week ' 'iyf-::' !". . , '; v A TICKET NAMED; POP-REP. COMMITTEES MET TO-DAY. M. H. H. Caldwell Speaks Several Candidates Called Upon and j Made Short Talks Others Talk. The Populist-ltepublican com mittees appointed by the recent conventions of; the.- respective county' "conventions mefc in the court house about noon to-day. ; ' The meeting was called to or der by Capt. Jno. Beard, ;Mr. J. W. C. Kluttz, was by request; made secretary. . . i The following ticket was named: For House of Representative H. C. Peeler and J. A. Holshouser. For Clerk of the Court C. J. Bingham. " For Register of Deeds L. H. Brown. For Sheritf S. A. Earnhardt. For Treasure R. L. Brown. For County Surveyor J. C. Bernhardt. For Coroner Chas. F. Atwell. Fnr Cotton Weitrher J. D. Brown. For County Commissioners- Jno. A. Hedrick,,Jno. Beard and Vm. C. Rose. M. H. H. Caldwell, candidate for Congress in the 7th Congres sional district was called upon and made a speech. He was intro duced bv Capt. Jno. Beard. :., He made a wild harangue; against the Democratic party. He talked like he was "willing to trust the tipcrro " Tie made afT effort to defend J. R. Smith, 'superintend entof the ienitenUarynduhtad a jcopv of his report present. .He made a regular Populist-Re- 1 publican speech. After his speech several of the candidates were called upon and made short talks The meeting then adjourned. j Yellow Fever Quarantine. Yellow Fever Bulletin, No. 1, lias been posted at the Southerns- depot. It shows that trains run iiintr between Birmingham. am Memphis have been taken off. ioc:pn(Tfir.i; Vill not be allowed to o-o through Memphis unless they live there and have proper papers signed by physicians of the city. Those going beyond Memphis wii be taken around another way. i Greenville and many other points Mississippi are - quaran tined.. The State of Alabama has quar antined against a number of places in Texas Imd other States. Per- m -m m 1 "1 sons nor baggage will be aiiowei on freight trains in the State of Alabama. Capt. Long on Politics. j Capt. Ham C. Long, formerly of Rowan county, is here to-day. He says the nomination of Jen kins in. the Metropolitan district is a mistake. He is the candidate of Dan Russell, Logan Harris and others. His nomination was ready-made by the ring by order of Logan Harris, who appeared in Pittsboro, at the picnic of the First Baptist church at Pittsboro, some months since. Pat Massy, of Johnson county, can be elected on a straight Republican ticket. Long is a good judge of politics and says Jenkins will never re cure a majority of the votes in Chatham. Capt. Long has been for years chairman of the Repub lican executive committee of Chatham. I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY t Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Ir"Kj;ists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2o cents, j FOIl RENT: The livery stable op posite the court house. Apply to J. A. Thomason, Agent. j A SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. Louis Correll Died Suddenly With Heart Trouble. - Mr. -Louis Correll, of Mt. Vern on, jthis county, died suddenly Tuesday of heart trouble. TTt 1. 1 A. A LI. A. xie uau-gouo out to lue sludiw to hitch un his horse for the purpose of . brinofinsr his daughter. Miss Fannie, who stays at Mr. G. W. Wh tlock's, to town when he drop dead. He had been in good pel health and on the morning of his death was as hearty as ever. The interment was made Thurs day Picnic. There will be a T)icnic at Mill Bridge on the 17th. On that day Maj; Graham speaks at that place antfla large crowd is expected. The Last of the Season. t AVest's excursion to Asheville remember the date Wednesday, Sent. 21st. Fare, round trip, on- ly if 2. Two full days to spend in i i Asheville. Train leaves Salisbury at 12:35, c central time. r Mr. Robertson Sick. ! Mr. IL. E. Robertson, of Mocks ville, who is well known in Salis buiy, has been sick with fever, is now in a critical condition- and not expected to live. His son, f C. E. Robertson, was wired to come home and he and wife arrived yes terday. Concord Presbytery., , 1 Concord Presbytery meets at Newton on the 16th of September. For this, occasion the Southern will sell reduced rale tickets. They will be on sale on the" 15th and 10th. "rood- retuniincr on the 21th; . Meeting and Baptizing. A: series of meetings has been conducted at the Trailing' Ford Balvtist church this week. The pastop has been assisted by Rev. Mr L Sheets, of Davidson county. Th e meeting closes to-morrow and the re will, be a baptizing at St .Inhn's nn at ):3 ) o'clock in tue J - . . ..!.'.. . 1 morning. Thfe Third Virginia. The Third Virginia volunteer reg itneiit is off on furlousrh. A number of the boys came in this irnJrninfr. some of them being from Rowan and Salisbury. W. A. Lamb was one who came in mnrnincr anil .Tiin Ifaden is exbected to-night. :. The regiment is off for thirty days and has been ordered mustered out or service. Mr i Wyatt. of Faith, Not in It. The last man to enlist and shoul- deij his gun in the Confederate service and wno ieit ana uisieu some of the bitters of war is now a commercial salesman on th road and a native of Salisbury, He enlisted April 12th, 1865. He met the enemy, was captured and his 15th birthday came while he was a prisoner of war in the United States Prison at Cam p Chase, Columbus Ohio, and he has in His possession a greenback 10c. shinplaster, which was given him by Lt. San key f who was the offi cer of the day on that day, as a birthday present. His sir name is the same as that of the" President of the Confeder ate iStates. NO CURE-NO PAY ;it. is t hn v:i.v rlriifforlsts stll OKO V bj a TAS VhU Quii: TELKss CHIIjL. J ONIC for Malaria, s and Fever. It, is simply Iron ana Ine in a tasteless form. Children love Adults prefer it to bitter, nuuseaiing Tonics. Price 50 cents. FDR RENT: A furnished room: one bed; apply to Miss Emma Hutcn-inetin. J.'J). L. KLUTTZ OUT. Pardoned from State Prison this Week Came Home This Morning. . John D. L. Kluttz,' of this couri y, who has been serving a term in he State prison, was pardoned by Governor Russell this week and he arrived at home this morning. Last December Kluttz and W. H. Huff, both guards on the coun ty chain gang, became involved in a difficulty in which the latter named was killed. At the Febru ary term of court Kluttz was tried and found guilty of manslaughter. He was sentenced to a term of five years in the penitentiary. . Soon after he began his term of service a petition was gotten up for his pardon. , On Wednesday of this week Mr. V. L. Kluttz went to Raleigh and appeared before Governor Russell and asked for a pardon. His ap peal was granted and the authori ties at the Fayetteyille camp were notified to turn Ml Kluttzloo.se. . He arrived in Salisbury this morning on the Yadkiia train. TOMORROW'S SERVICES, Gospel to be Preached at the City Churches on the .Lord's Day. . No arrangements have been made for services at the -Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Parrish being absent. t : . '...'.. ..,. There will'be the usual service at the Church Street Methodist church at the morning hour. : : i ; '.'!,. . : ..',! ! t v ': The Christian Endeavor, Society will hold its regular meeting in the Sunday school room of the First Presbyterian church, open: ing at 7:15 p. m. Subject Self indulgence, or, self-denial? A leraporance topic. are in vited to attend. At the Catholic church , High Mass will be celebrated at 10:iiO o'clock a. in Evening (levotions at 8 p. m. Communion will be celebrated at the First Presbyterian church to-morrow , morning. Rev. Dr. PWharey, of Mooresville, is in the city and will preach to-morrow. He will also preach to-night. The evening hour has been changed to 8 o'clock. " At the Spencer Methodist church Rev. Tate will preach at 3 oclock and Rev. Reed at night. Sunday. school at 2 instead of 10 o'clock. At Chestnut Street church Rev. Tate will preach at 11 in the morn ing and at night. it - To-morrow night Rev. Roach, of High Point, will preach the an nual sermon to the Junior Order at the Methodist church. There will be no service at the Lutheran church , to-morrow morning. At 8 o'clock in the evening Rev. C. A. Rose will preach. Falling Into Line. A gentleman from one of the Eastern counties says they organ ized a White Government Union in his precinct on the 31st of August with fifty members, and that by the 5th of September the membership had increased to one hundred and fifty. On the day the Union was organized, he says, the fusion Populist held a con vention at the same place, only four persons attending. The union sent a member over to the convention with an invitation to the lonely four to join, ' and one of them accepted the invita tion and had his jpame enrolled as a member of the Union. Raleigh News and Observer. MR. -A. M. SULLIVAN DEAD. Passed Away Early This Mora in g- the Funeral To-morrow. . This morning at half past six Mr. A. M. i Sullivan, surrounded i " I'll i 0 ny nis cniuiren, passed away irom this world ! after a residence of over seventy-five years. Mr. Sullivan has been in bad health since'' February. Before that time he enjoyed good health for a man of hisase. During his time he had been one of Salis bury's best known business men He had also engaged in gold mining. . Jle had a remarkable memory and often interested his friends by telling experiences and inci dents of the old Ions: ago. The deceased leaves three sons and a daughter. His age was 75 years and 7 months. (The interment will be made to morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, in the old English graveyard, the funeral being preached from the Church street Methodist Church. EGYPTIAN WAR- Steamer. Recently. Attacked by a ' Force of French. ; special dtspatch to the sun : .' : , .- -I "' " .- - i Omdurman,Sept. 7th (delayed)--An important J incident occurred this morning. It appears that Kalifa Abdullah a few days be fore the arrival of the Anglo Egyptian army heard that a force of white men occupied Fashoda, a town on the j west bank of the White Nilei, the capital of a very fertile and densely populated dis trict. : Fashoda is about four hun dred miles1 south of Kharoum. Khalifa immediately sent two steamers to investigate the report. One of them returned this morn ing and the other surrendered. Gen. Kitchener commander of the steamer reported that on his ar rival at Fashoda he found that it was occupied by a force. of whites. The latter opened a heavy lire on the steamer which narrowly es caped annihilation, the crew losing many killed and wounded. From the bullets embedded in the hull of the steamer it seems to be ' certain! that the whites at Fashoda are a force of French troops. The British commander will send a flotilla of gun boats up the White Nile to investigate the affair. i i A Rare Opportunity. To buy at a great bargain, a most desirable residence, beauti fully located on Main street. An ply within 5 days to McCubbins & Jordan. i A Cow's .Ride. j j , r. . ' Yesterday's Asheville Citizen says:- . - ; j ' t ' - ': George W. Jayne, of Washing ton, D. C.,jis a guest of the Ar cadia. Mr. Jayne says that in making the trip to Asheville the engineer of the train on which he rode saw a i cow on the track to the east entrance of the Swannanoa tunnel. There was no escape for the animal, any more than for the train, as the cut was deep. The engine therefore struck her at high speed. i When the train emerged from the tunnel j the cow, apparently unhurt, rolled from the cowcatcher and moved off in the even tenor of her way, chewing the cud of re flection and! the grass that grew about the mouth of the tunnel. Washington Post: "The yel low journals continue to assert that some one has, blundered. The chances are that the readers of the yellow journals are the only ones. ?5 TROUBLE EXPECTED. From Insurgents Troops Arriving Hospital Ships. special dispatch to the SUN. 1 HOSPITAL SHIPS. , , Wikoff, Sept. 10 The hospital ship Missouri arriyed offshore this morning with thirty-five men of the Seventy-first who had been left in Santiago. All are doing well and all are in good condition. .Shortly afterward the Vigilancia was sighted. , : i TROOPS ARRIVE. ! New York, Sept. 10 The Mis sissippi, with Gen. Miles and the famous fighting troops A, of Man hattan, and B, of Brooklyn, ar- ;ved this morning. Ten soldiers died aboard the ship during the voyage. i The transports also carried bat tery A, first city troops of Phila delphia, Sheridan's troops of Ty rone and Governor's troops of Harrisburg. . ' Tugs carrying -New Yorkers and Pennsylvanians went out ' to meet them and give Ihem a royal welcome , - , : ' TROUBLE FEARED. Havana, Sept. 10 Ten ' thous and insurgents under command of General Hayia Roderiguz and Gen. Diaz, have surrounded Havana and wilL attempt to enter during the stay of the commissioners there. " , 1 With them are many reconcen tradoes who are suffering from hunger. . - I. Thus far they have remained several miles from the Spanish lines and threatened no demon stration, but persons in authority fear serious trouble will result if an attempt to; enter Havana is made. . , - The -insurgents, however, de dare their coming is with no war like intention. They think they should be allowed to enter Havana peaceably. The greatest suffering is said to exist in the villages of the province. Queen Returns.- SPECIAL DISPATCH TO SUN. Amsterdam, Sept. 9 Gueen Wilhelmina and mother returned to The Hague to-day. Mr. Bayard's Condition. i SPECIAL DLPATCn TO THE SUN. i Dedham, Mass., Sept. 10 Mr. Bayard is av trifle weaker this morning. Empress Assassinated. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 10. The Empress of Austria was as sassinated at Hotel Beaurivage, this afternoon by an anarchist who was arrested. He stabbed Her Majesty to the heart with a stilletd. The Dreyfus Affair. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. 1 Paris, Sept. 10. There is a lull in the Dreyfus affair. It is be lieved that the real difficulty in the way of a revision is that the only documents really relied upon are those said to have been obtained illicitly from the foreign embassy. The government is beginning to doubt their authenticity. i Turkish Troops Must Go. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Canea, Greet, Sept. 9 The ad mirals of foreign powers, replying to the protests of the Cretan ex j ecutive conitaittee against the massacres, have declared that they will recomend to their respective governments to solve the question definitely by the removal of the Turkish troops from the island of Crete and the appointment of a governor selected by the powers. A DOUBLE TRACK. MAY BE BUILT BETWEEN HERE AND GREENSBORO. It Would Not Require a Great Amount of Work as There are i a Number of Side Tracks Now. Some time since there was talk of a double track being built be tween Salisbury and Greensboro. The track was not built at that time but it is now stated that he Southern is about to build this proposed double track. ' . ' The following concerning the matter is taken from the Winston correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server: "Ycjur correspondent is assur ed that the Southern Railvvav wTill either' build a road from Reidsville to Kernersville, con necting: with the line to Moores ville" or double-track the present main line between Greensboro and Salisbury or Charlotte. A gen tleman who holds an important position in the maihtainance i de partment of the Southern is in Winston making some investiga tions. He was in Kernersville yesterday. While he declines to talk for publication, enough was learned from him to state that the Southern officials are now , in-, vestigating to see what is the best thing to do. The proposed" line from Reidsville via Winston would shorten the line from Washington to Atlanta several miles, j While this is true, the present main line, via Greensboro, has so many side tracks that it would not require' a n vast amount of nioney to con nect them, thereby making a dou ble track." I A correspondent of the Raleigh News & Observer, writing on the same subject, after speaking of the large amount of traffic done by the Southern and the demand for quicker -moving of trains, says: -v.1 . ' j : "And it is this, I am informed, that is the most powerful reason for building the Reidsville-Kernersville and Mt. Mourne-Gaston-ia links. If they are not built, then the Southern will be com pelled, if the Legislature will per mit it, to build a double track to at least' from Salisbury to Greens boro. So enormous has become the freight and passenger business on this section of the main lino that one track, will not accommo date it. Only one night last week there were on this track of forty miles length twenty two trainsl This congestion must be reliev ed, for it will grow greater from year to year, as the country j de velops. The question with jthe road and the only question is whether it will be better to build' the two links of forty miles, there by shortening its line that much, or parallel the forty miles of track from Greensboro to Salisbury, and 'possibly to Charlotte." NO CURE-NO PAV. ! That is the wav all drusirlsts sell fiROVF.'S 1ABTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria. Chills and fever. It is simply Quinine in a tasteless form, Chil Iron I and ildren love it. Adults nrefer it to bitter, nansntlnu- Tonics. Price 50 cents. . i TO PROPERTY; OWNERS. Any one wishing grading done should ap ply to me at Spencer. I have a good outfit ready for grading and improv ing lands. J. T. PRUDEN. For Rent A nice 4-room cottage on Caldwell St. Apply to Mrs. Annie Harris, or H. J. Ovcrmanj Ag't. I If you want nice slaughtered meats go to Jackson's market: If you don't want to be slaughtered shave at the Climax. t, Up-to-date silks at the Carolina Racket.

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