SALISBURY DAILY SUNi (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) J JOE X. ROUECHE. I CLINT. N. BHOWN. f Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, Six Months, Three One Month, One Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 - .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any par of the city without extra cost. 2or advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street Entered at postoffice s second-class matter. Salisbury, N. C., Sept. 10, 1898. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Congress Seventh District THEO. F. KLUTTZ, j of Rowan. I For Solicitor Eighth District: WILEY RUSH, of Randolph. For the Legislature: LEE S. OVERMAN,. D. R. JULIAN. For Clerk of Superior Court: - W. G. WATSON, For Register of Deeds: II. N. WOODSON, ' For Sheriff: J, M. MONROE. For Treasurer: J. SAM'L McCUBIUNS JR. For Cotton Weigher: G. H. PAGE. For Coroner: E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Surveyor: C.M. MILLER. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBINS, SANFORD HENLY, P. D. LINN. BOUNDARY LINES OF VOT ING PRECINCTS. The Sun desires to call especial . .."'. attention to the notice of the boundary lines of the voting pre cincts in Salisbury township w luVli has appeared in this pnpor fo several days. There are more oi less changes made in the boundary lines from the former lines. It is i important then for the citizens to become familiar with the boun- daries. Unless they do there is likely to be confusion and dissat isfaction on election day. Each voter should study the new boun dary lines, find for a certainty in which voting precinct he resides so as to be able to vote and to avoid controversy. j The notice will appear in the Sun for some time, there will - i therefore be no excuse for not r knowing the boundary lines nor in what voting precint each one. must vote. It will be observed that the greatest change, perhaps, is in the East ward voting pre cinct. The voters in that precinct should look carefully over the line and get fully acquainted with its boundary. Too much emphasis can ; hardly be placed upon the fact that it Is necessary for the voters to know the boundary lines well. They must know the lines if they would be able to vote. j The change, however, will only effect a part of the citizens of the town, those living near the former boundaries. We desire, though, to call the attention of all to the change so that no mistake will possibly be made. , i The Spanish soldiers are bet ter off as captives in the United States than they were as free men in Santiago.. They are treated kindly and fed well. Besides. they can sell every button on theii coats at $5 apiece and can get . $25 for any sort of old Spanish hat. 1 According to the Iron age the ex xrts of the United States in the year ended June 30, 1898, includ in agricultural products, exceeded the exports of Great Brittain in the safoe period by about $80,000,000. The outflow of grain in the twelve - months was extraordinary and broke the record. It is the first time that British exports have been exceeded, in tne last ten years British exports have averaged t an excess over ours of some $70j000, 00C. The United States is evi dently distancing all competitors in the extent of its ; material re sources. -Says the Wilmington Star: We cannot, relieve our-State of the blight of Russell, but we can elect a Legislature which will protect hei tie Russell's hands, make bini po verless and a cipher for mis chief. Four years of Russell is pretty rough, but with a Demo cratic Legislature we can stand Rulssell for two years more, for then it will be simply Russell without Russellism which for the past two years has given North Carolina such an unenviable noto- rie 4-The Naval Board of. Construc tion have agreed to recommend that contracts for the construction of three battleships authorized at the last session of Congress be awarded one each to the Cramps of Philadelphia, the Union Iron Wcrks of San Francisco, and the Newport News Company. Speed requirements will exceed lb knots, anci plans nave oeenoirawn up ior what the construction bureau be lieves will be an ideal fighting ship. - ' The close of the war has brought the country to tne ques tion of reducing the army of 250,- 000 to a peace footing. At Wash ing on the opinion prevails that the force will be gradually reduced o 0.00, 000 the cavalry and ar tillery to go first, to be followed y li large number of infantry. -HAsl mrnl Walker is confident tha the Nicarauga canal commis will be able to report to Con- si oil gre it its next session. The Ad- mir il regards the canal project as practicable and worthy of execu tion The Anglo-American League prefc rented ' to Col. John Hay, retir- ing American ambassador, at Lon- dod L an address expressing British friendship for the people of the United States. Officers of the National Wo man's Christian Temperance Union havjesent a letter to Miss Nancy Le iter asking her to christen the bat tie ship Illinois with pure water ins ead of champagne. 4-Foreseeing the failure of the Czar's peace proposals, Russian politicians and newspaper men are representing that - an immediate conference was never contem- plated. I The editor of the Lemon Springs Moore county) Hbstler, a hitherto Populist paper announces that he will vote the Democratic ticket this year. - i Andree, the Arctic balloonist! has been found again, but the trouble with Andree is that he wi 1 not stay found. r One Minute Cough Cure' sur prises people by its quick cures anil children may take it in large quantitiestwithout the least danger. It pas won for itself the best rep utation of any preparation used "to day for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. James PI uui men" When you call for Do Witt's Witch Hazel Sal ve the great pile vMire, don't accept anything eke. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for nirns. James Piuinmeiv jNEWS OF THE PAY. Telegraphic Hews Condensed! for th Conven M fence of Hasty Readers. Aguinaldo is reported to have left i Hong Kong to confer with President MeKinley. The old Fitzhugh estate, in Cul pepper county, Va., has been sold to a Northern party for $10,000. Six cases of yellow fever have appeared in Colonel, Sargent's regiment of "iiumunes" at Santia go. ' ' I Madrid newspapers state that recent developments in the Cortes foreshadow the downfall of the Sagasta ministry.. The electric light works in Ye nena, Switzerland, which sup plied light and power to the whole canton, have been burned. Restrictions imposed upon Span ish vessels have been removed, and they will be permitted to enter and clear from the United States. The destitution among Qubans in Santiago continues to be appal ling, and a hew supply depot for free rations is to be erected there. The ; National ..Association of Postoffice Clerks, which has been in session at Detroit, elected offi cers and-decided to meet next year at Memphis, Tenn. A special to The Evening Post from Richmond, Ky., says Gener al Cassius M. Clay, the sage of White Hall, was granted a divorce yesterday from his girl wife, Dora Richardson Clay, by Judge Scott Two brothers who fought side by side at Santiago in Company H. Ninth Massachusetts, died within an hour of each other Thursday xitMontauk. ; There were seven other deaths there that day- , . The American schooner John H. Plate, Captain Ives, frpra New York bound for Brunswick, Ga., is supposed to have been lost in the recent storm. It is reported that parts of a vessel on which that name was painted came ashore on Ty bee Island a few days ago. A terrific cyclone swept over the northern part of Pennsylvania late Tuesday night, killing three men, six horses, fourteen cows, ; and destroying a number of barns and outbuildings. Orchards were ruined and corn and buckwheat were blown down in the path of the storm, which was about a quarter of a mile in width: The storm lasted about fifteen minutes. John Boyd, a wealthy farmer, and his daughter, were found dead in bed at Newark, O. They had been strangled to death. A son-in-law of-Boyd was found un conscious. The house had been ranracked from top to bottom. Boyd had considerable money loaned out among, persons living in the vicinity, and because of this fact , some persons there believe the murder was committed by some of Boyd's neighbors. A Harrow Escape. 1 .Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D.: 44 Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; Cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me .up, saying I could lve but a short time, j I. gave myself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's. New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in air eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Theo. F. Kluttz & Co's' drug ptore. Reg;ular size 50 cents and $1.00.' Guaranteed or price refunded. ' Bucklen'a "Arnica Salve. The best salve in toe world for Cuts, Bruises, . Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay-required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz &CO., druggists. ! Tough Experience. ! . V i .. . ' : Mi. Pleasant comes forward with the news' of an Attempted suicide of a young man near there, says the Concord Standard. It is thought a disheartened . love affair was the cause. The voung mai attempted it with a grape vine but fortunately the vine was too long and his body hit the ground. When liis father ran to Lira, the boy told him "to go on away, he was dead." The boy was disap pointed in two ways; he was not dead, and his pa didn't go away unui ne naa worn out a section oi that graye vine on his lovesick carcass. It was tough, the vine and the incident. 1 But Dewey Came Along. . ", Greensboro Telegram. There was a long, lean, and lank i i coon with pipe-stem legs bound about with leggings and wearing a blue coat and campaign hat at the depot this morning. Some one asked who he was and a darkey who was posted answered. "lie was in de tight at Sindeago." The lank soldier was then ques tioned and heusaid: "Yes, T fout in de battle of feindeago, an' I tell you dat was a hot tight. We fout about three hours an' it 'srin to look lack" de Spanions 'gwine drive us out o' town," but 'long bout sundown Mr. Jewey he come 'long an' jined us and we jes cleaned 'em up." Between Friends. ... . i "He said I was a poem," she told her dearest friend gleefuly. "Oh, well,"l replied her dearest friend, "some people know so little about poetry . j that they think there's nothing Chicago Post. ! to it but feet."- His Home-Coming. " ' . -!' ' - ' Chicago Tribune. I t When Dewey comes sailiDg over the bar -j J. ' The guns will loudly peal, He opened the war, he closed the war, And he never missed a meal ! Democratic Senatorial Convention. , The Democratic Convention for he 2b'th Senatctrial District, com- i posed of the. counties of Rowan, Davidson and! I Forsythe will be held at the court house in Lex- r" i i ington, Davidson county, on Sat urday the 17th day of September, 189S, at 12 o'clock for the pur pose of nominating two candidates to represent said district in the Assembly and for next General the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. - By order of (the Committee. F. C. Robbtns, Ch'm. Aug 22, 1898. AFE , URE PEEDY UUL IE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FREtlCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladies as a periodical regulator without an equal. successful when Cotton Root, Pennyroyal, Ergot, etc.. have proven worthless, 35 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and Convinces the most skeptical of their won derful properties. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet. containing valuable information for ladies- Address LbClaik Pill Co.,i U. S. Agents, Boston. Mass. N. B. All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. 1 . . - . ... For Sale in Salisbury by Jas Plummer Every Person who buys a piano would get the best were it not forthe high price, and this; is because of tjic middleiuen's margin and it's! a big prpfft, too. STIEFF pianos are sold direct tomer and the eliminated. I nowned piano from factory to cus middlemen's, profit is i is the only world re sold this way. Every is in the pianos and dollar you pay one-half does not go tor" the middle mian. Terms to suit. Writ.p. frr out. alogue and prices. Chas. M. Sticff, Piano Manufacturer. CHARLOTTE BRANCH: r Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon St This modem for women, embodies to make a high grade Shoe. Note the adver tisements of this Shoe in all the latest maga zines. Quality counts in style, fit, ease and wear, in Workmanship and Material, and in these essentials this shoe is from start to finish. Excellence Distributing agents at Queen Quality - Shoes at $3 BtJHT SIS Slaipter Sale 2tx KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAF LADIES SHOES, (small sizes) at' 10, 25, 50 and 75fe. per pair. MISSES SHOES, 10, 25, 40, 50 and 75c. per pair. CHILDKENS SHOES, fa big assortment) at 10, 25, and 50c. rcr pair. , The above sroods must be sold tir . ni J Winter Shoes. - , 1 We are receiving new Winter goods, in many lines. Bior Assortment of Shirts .'Hats. ( 7 . hew Stock of Nice Trunks suitable for school boys and srirls. xuuiu, jljii uuu v oou wares. Last but not least. Eatables. it IS Useless tf t.rv tn tftll ahnnt trioin j j w. vvy KtvjaK, Hum uittu iauu Mammoth Furniture Emporium. "r t-oht U 'I - Has the largest' stock m the city td are New, Stylish and up to PRICES ARE i " 1 mi 1 in r 11. ik i . m A Specialty. He has a lino of CASKETS, liUniAI.i;oi!KS. Klc, . V unsurpassed in tho Siato. 1 1'ei-sonal attention .mvc .. t( ' EiJBAUIING AND DIRECTIOli OF FUNERALS We are agents for the celebrated n If JO) For men. For style and wear there is none better. j ' lead all others in style and finish. Big con- signment just received. For anything in the Shoe line call on us Ill $3.oo Shoe all qualities necessary 199 In shorty the Limit of is found in .00 Per Pair. 013 CO, Salisbury, N- v - in 1 to makn w wv. "-"q ulv,J ,x lJJ- -. , . 7 I iw"r-)"5 iVi Well Wft hh.VA fan mnnir crrrA iY ngs, Knf ; .:n kju. xx YUU Will IHJUJtS WtJ WH will auu at prices me lowest in town. lours to berye, 9 Words fail to describe the beauty of our Furniture in design up holstery or perfect -finish. Qur Library Tables, Book Cases, trior- "vj. vuuUOD UUU XJUUlflVL Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are what tho collectors of si ecimens need? " ; . V -' select fronl. Und while bis pood jdate in every particular, his THE LOWEST. :

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