1 1 SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING", SEPTEMBER 16, 1898. --- - 1 1 1 ' - ' - 1 : ' - 1 1 i - I . - .. lO Cents' Per . Week MAJ. GEAHAM YESTERDAY. 3 Had a Small Audience But Made an Excellent .Talk. - Maj. W- A. Graham, ot Lin; coin county, tilled the first of his several engagements to speak in Rowan tlnveeW, at Faith yesterj day afternoon. He had only a small audience but made an excel; lent ''speech.-.. He took up State matters education, the penitent tiary andelection law and dwelt upon thein in an interesting man- ner. . f. His talk was a splendid disser- tation upon the present conditions in the State, it was devoid of any "inflammatory remarks, it was con ciliatory, it was passive, mild and k;n,i mi tho. snrnn time it was as- sertive 'positive and convincing Maj . G raham shwuld have been heard yesterday by every Topu- list in Rowan. He was a prominent Alliance- man in the State for several years, is still a member of the order, we Ko1;p.vm a.m has for some time .jsa.M. -' - j been trustee of the business agen cy f iind of the State Farmer's At liance. Unlike many other prom inent men in the Farmer's Alii n t- ti Af r.nih:un did not TO to auw j the Populist party. He remained in the old ship and is a good pern ocrat. . j We trust ho may do some gooc in Rowan by bringing to the Dem 'ocratic party some of the goo( men who were led into the Popu list party deception. j A Head Cut. A soldier who was coming down WAutnrn this morning was Tin i r fnilv hurt hv trlass cuttinsr him in the head and face. He went to nut his head out of the window K..f tho 'window beinir down he 17111) U'V " ' f-i broke the glass and injured him self badly. The Gospel Tent. j Dr. J. N. Stallings went to Mr. Ahner HalPs this morning to erect the gospel tent under which he will begin, at S p. m. to-day J a series of meetings which he ex ' pects to continue for ten days or more. Services will be held there to-morrow at 11 a. m. and at 8 p Snnrliiv sil ? and 8 i). m. The evening exercises will begin ever dnv at 8 o'clock. The time for the j , day service, after Sunday, will be fixed and announced bunday. 1?fo-nlnr services will be held at Calvary Saturday at M n. m. and Sunday 11a. m Services at Spen cer, inSmith's hall, Sunday even ing at 8:15. i Shaken. Up. j j ; A part of the negro regiment which passed here v ednesday niht and which raised so much disturbance were badly shaken near Asheville. Ttfe following dispatch from Asheville tells of the accident: , j "The Third North Carolina reg iment passed through here this morning on its way to Knoxville- Th second coach on the second section jumped the track and fell on its side, near Azalea,- a few miles east of Asheville. Corpor als Watson, Law and Wm. Milton and Private George Jones, all of Company E, of Greensboro, were injured, but not seriously. About a dozen others were slightly bruis ed." : - ' I Those Peyser collars are as fine as the finest made 2100 linen you can. own them for 10c. each.-f Smoot Bros. & Rogers. WANTED: milch cow. -Good 4 or 5 gallon H. A. BkrnhaijdtJ FOR REN T: Five room house on Fulton street: water and stable. Ap ply at Sun oflice. j Boom over Overman. office for rent. L. F. HORRIBLE DEATH. Caused by the Bursting of an Oil Can - The Old Story, i A little girl, a kerosene can, a stov b with tire in it, a death this is the story that comes from Lex ington this week rom the Dispatch we get the following: AVhile building a tire iri a stove with kerosene oil on yesterday morning, Undine, the little eight- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith, was so badly burned as to cause her death at 10:40 olbclc last night. She was pouring' oil on a blaze, when the oil in the can became ig nited and the can burst, catching heii clothing on tire ami almost ins moment she was in a mass o flames. The little girl ran out of thd house and her screams attract ed ihe mother, who rushed to ber rescue. Her clothes were entirely bu ned off, her body badly scq rched, and her hair was on tire when Mrs. Smith reached her. lne mother s hands were se verely burned .in endeavoring to extinguish the flames, and the lit tie daughter was found to bein a horrible condition. A physician was immediately summoned and dressed the burns, anil did everything possible to re lieyc the sufferings of the little gil. It was all in vain, however. She had inhaled the flames and, alter sunering agonies tor many hours, death mercifully came to her relief. . U rhe funeral of Miss Undine wil take place from the residence this afternoon -at- 4 o'clock and the body will be laid to rest in Lox ington cemetery. i - - - . Ihe sympathy vf the . ..entire town and community go out to M. and Mrs. Smith in their sa( betcavernent. Robbery at Spencer. ihursdav mornmr some one entered Mr. Joe Severe's house a Spencer and helped themselves to several articles, some noney among ot ler things. Hotel Closed. . lne uonnelly oonnors place nas been closed for the season and Mr i ard Mrs Williams, whp have been conducting the hotel, came down lafet night. rine veal and forty sale at Jackson's. spring lamb The Stanly Bond Case- From the Geensboro Record o a recent date we get this: D. Schenck, Jr., received no tice from Judge Simonton tH is morning that his appeal in th1 e now famous Stanly county bond case had been granted am triat November 8th had been fixed as the date of the hearing it before the Circuit Court of Ap pealsit Richmond." The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: lAnother move has been made in the now iamous otanly county bond suit. A copy of the order made ' by Judge Simontpn, ap painting Hon. Kerr Craige, of Salisbury, receiver of the funds ncjw in tjie ossession of County Treasurer Snuggs, of Stanly county, was served upon Mr. Snuggs yesterday by a deputy marshal. Dnly place in town where you caji buy 2101) linen collar for 10c' pmoot Bros. & Rogers. NO CURE-NO FAY. Hhiil is Mio w:lv all dmss-ists sell OIJOVF.'S TASTELESS CHILI. TONIC for MaIaH;i. 'lulls and NVvj-f. It is simttlv Irim uurl Qu nine in a tasteless form. Children love It- Adults prefer It to bitter, nauseating Tonics. L'rice 50 rents. H -SIC: Miss Addie E. White cher of vocal aud instrumental te; imlsic. Terms on application. Nurse at Sanatorium Miss Hortense Long, of Slates ville, ha's accepted a position as rained nurse at the YY hitehead- Long sanatorium, in this city She arrived here last right, Jewish New Year. The Jewish New Year begins this evening at sunset. To-morrow is obseryed as a holiday by all P the Jews, but only what are known as the orthodox Jews principally the Polish and Russian Jews otherwise obser ve the day. The Last of the Season. West's excursion to Asheville-r- remember the date Wednesday Sept. 21st Fare for round trip from Salisbury only J.UO. Two days to spend in Ashe ville. The train leave? Salisbury at V2:'oo o'clock next Wednesday evening. Ep worth 'League Service The regular devotiooal meeting of the Ep worth League will be held in the Sunday school room of the Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock. Led by. Miss Lucy elilev. oumect, ine -laborers in the vineyard. Matt.eXX. 1-10. A cordial welcome is extended to all. To Preshy tery. Dr. J. Ituuiple and Mr. O. I). Davis left this mornimr for New- - i ton to attend the Concord l'resby : -t i " tery which convenes at that '.place. to-night. ! There will probably be no ser vice at the First Presbyterian church Sunday as Dr. Rumple will not be here, j Tie may secure some one to conduct service, however; Kev. John Wakefield also went up to Newton this- morning to at tend presbytery. , . "Strange Adventures of Miss Manager Marsh has seetji something gomi to open the seasoi at the opera house this . year. jAt least it is something fuuny and will no doubt be enjoyed by a isircrp. jinlipnfi. l no . comeo v i to be presented on the 10th of next month is the otrange Auven- tiires of Miss Brown." Of it the Richmond Dispatch of a recent date says: "Miss Brown,", whose strange adventures entertained a very ap preciative audience at the Acade- my last night, is about as uncon- ventional and exhilarating a young lady as has been here lately. If, as her managers claim "Charley's Aunt" has ; encirclel the globe with a laugh, close on her "Miss Brown" trail, and her is re- markable escapades kept the au- diencein a roar last night. The comedy deals with a man masquerading in feminine attire, and although delicate ground for playwright and comedian, it must be said that oth keep within due bounds, and derive all the amuse ment possible from the situation. There is nothing risque about jit, but there are ..numerous ludicrous scenes which throughout amuse. The company which is presenting the farce is large and thoroughly competent, so that taken as a whole the "Strange Adventures of Miss Brown" will Drove a laugh- producer of the first class. . i . Pretty line of baby cloaks and cans and a General line of infants and children's wear just in at Mrs. B. D. Hurley's, the Fisher street milliner. . , ; I i . .i -i We have lots of new Clothes ;- ready ior your liispecLivjii.- Kjmy"1-! 1 . ! . lmnr.t I Bros. & Rogers. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY All Druggists refund the' money if it fails to - . . . . I Take Laxative Bromo QJuinlne Tablets. cure. Silkaline and drapery just in at the Corolina Itacket. BRIEFS. .0tton is bringing 5c. on the Salisbury market. Weather forecast: Showers are probable to-night and Saturday. Will Ballard, who died .Wed nesday, was buried yesterday af ternoon. I A train of Pennsylvania soldiers passed through last night. The home. boy were going ' J ' ! If quality is your guide in buy- inglshoes, otir Queen Quality" interest you. line can t fail to Burt Shoe Col The bird hunting season : will soon bo on and it is reported na there are more partridges this year than usual. A sociable was given last night at Mr. Clarence Shuman's on Fish er street. A number of young peo ple were present. . Our man's Scotch Shoe for $2.00 is a value more tempting than a shady retreat on sultry Ju ly day. Burt Shoe .Co. , L. S. Overman left this morning for Goldstonj where he speaks to day. An excursion was run from Greensboro to that place, taking down a number of people. - An extra ar was placed on the i - northbound train here this morn ing to accommodate the extra travel. - Thd regular day coach was about filled with soldiers. S. H. Ilearne returned this morning from turn home, j Charlotte on his re ivir. xiearne says Stanly ' "-county will give Kluttz several hundred majority in the ; i U ' " coming eieciipn. John W. lostian, of Holmes storewent down to China Grove spend a short vacation. clerking in Salisbury century and his few and far s now on the sick ebine recently as sisteil in a meeting at 'Mathew's, r.wn mi ip.s Trnm n .an en. hftrfi is a meeting held at that place an- nually. It was in the long ago a camp meeting but the camp part has been abandoned. . The-meeting this year was very successful. A Fire. There was a fire in the lapper room of the Kesler mill yesterday. Some cotton was burned and a lapper was damaged. Convention Tc-morroWi Ihe convention tor this sena- torial districtj Rowan, F Davidson and Forsythe counties, will be held at Lexington to-morrow. A number of names have been ;poken of iri connection with is no telling who will be nomi- nated. The Rowan delegates will leave on the early train to-morrow morning, at 7 ucIock. purc p0rk, Bahk'na. Weiner, -and Mixed Sausage at Jackson's market. Pretty line of Army Hats just in at Mrs. BI D. Hurley's, the Fisher street milliner. Our new Palmer & Phoenix u' t I : i .i uei uies iu orowu aim ujiick are A piauuu 1U ueil Miress - smoot uros. itogers. ' ' , no cure-mo pay hrT5Usl VfilYE Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and quinine in a lasieiess iorm. uniiaren love it. Adults prefer; it to -bitter, nauseating i nco .fv ecuis. - For Kent On Council street. n i ' 'it i ... lwo iurnisnea oeu rooms witn or without board. Apply at Sun ofhce or P. (JJJ box 113. ! f FOR RENT: The li very stable pp- posite the court house. Apply to J. A. Thomason, Agent. LOCAL Rev. Stub : TORAL IN SPAIN. HISSED ON HIS AREIVAL REGARDING PEACE COMMISSION. Last of Miles Porto Rican Army Arrives Spain's Troops to be Withdrawn from Porto Rico at. Once. , srECIAL DISrATCn TO THE SUN. 1 ' . -- - 1 1 . TOKAL, ARRIVES HOME, Madrid, Sept. 16 General ral, the Spanish commander, To wh surrendered the Spanish army at Santiago to the American forces. arrived on the Vigo, from San! tiago to day. A great crow awaited the arrival of trie vesse and when the general showed! himf self he was greeted vvitli storms of hisses and abuse. The demonstra tion became so violent that Gener al Toral returned to his shii and 1 It AM I 1 1 '. ' '- II ueciuea not to jana at present. ALL AT HOME. Now York, Sept: 16 Th e last detachment of Miles' Porto 4rmy arrived to-day on the ship Alamo. There was. no ness or deaths on the way. ship carried three com pan llican troo sic k- Tht ii es of Wisconsin volunteers, engineer of Company II, First District ot Columbia; battalion G, Penn uia volunteers. ylva SPAIN'S COMMISSION. Madrid, Sept. 16 It is reported to-day that the Spanish peace com mission will bo composed of Presi dent of the Senate Rios, Senor Vi laruttia, General Cere ro, General Azarra, Zenor and Urzai, Furthei changes, however, are possib e. "WITIIDRAWING FpRCES. San , Juan, Sept. 16 At I their meeting yesterday the Spanish evacuation commissioners agreed to begin the formal withdrawal Of their lines within two davs. Thdv will first visit Larez,' San Sebas- tiah and Aguadilla, in the north- west of the island, withdrawing towards the capital. Under the armistice they cou,Id not withdraw the outposts without permission. BRECKENRIDGE AT LEXINGTON. - ' .. . I Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 16.--Ma Gen. Breeken ridge and staff ar- rived to-day and are the guest of Governor Bradlev. During the day Gen. Breckenridge will, go to Lexington where he will remain liermanently in charge of the troops in camp. FOURTEENTH AT HOME New York, Sept. 16. The Firsl section of the ourtcenthl New York volunteers, from Annistori, Six of the sick were dangerously ill, forty were confined to their berths and the other seventeen were con valescents. A Revision of the Case. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Paris, Sept. 16. Newspapers say Minister oi justice oarricn has completed the examination of documents in the Dreyfus case nhrl will raimmunirjit.'1, tn -t,ht. min , - ,JL:i . . . .. morrow his intention to refer the . . r mauer io a commibsiou competent to undertake the revision the proceedings, ihe opinion is that the cabinet will adopt the LAl ttntviVmn flinoo ; Millinery and Notions just re- ceived at Mrs. B. D. Hurley s the Fisher street milliner. Shingles at my place to-morrow. . ' P. II.-Thompson. House Wanted Size four Address box I rooms in a desirable locality 264, Salisbury, N. C. TO HOLD ALL LANDS. This Idea is Growing Disposition of the Islands. SrECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington, Sept. !. The impression is growing that when the terms of peace with Spain are hnally concluded they will be found: to include provisions for the practical ownership or certain control of the Philippines by the Americans, although nothing offi cial can be learned fnithor than the statement of Judge Day last night. A member of the administration said, regarding the control, of the Philippines: "There is no escape from it. I'he American 'people '"demand it and the conditions are such as there can be no alternative." Senator Freye said the idea of holding all land secured by con quest is growing. ; It is believed the instruction to the commissioners will be hard and fast except as to the general policy. They have the discretion to deal with unexpected develop ments as they occurr. General Merritt will meet them in- Paris. It is ex pected he w i 1 1 give the commission much infor mation which will largely deter mine their action. Chairman-. Day and Senators Davis and Freye will go to New York this afternoon and there join Gniy and Reid. I Poisoned Food. '. r- '!''' special DisrATcn TO THE sun. jeoul, Sept. .16 It is reported that a nigh official of the palace named "Ko" has made a confes sion that he ordered food poisoned and intended ,for the king and crown prince. ' Anarchists Arrested. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Brussells,Sept. 16 Two French men were arrested late last night for posting placards gloryfying the murder of the Empress of Austria. Jkth declared that they were anarchists. - Ship in Hurricane. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TnE SUN. Philadelphia,Sept. 16 The Hiiir ricane which recently swept the Windward islands, was encoun tered Sunday by the Norwegian steamship Ayena, which has just arrived here. Capt Frostad said the storm lasted twelve hours and then there was a calm. Then the renewed storm for twelve hours. The captain believed many vessels that were unable to live in the sea were foundered and never will be heard from. Nine Drowned Last Night. PECIAL DISrATCn TO THE SUN Boston, Sept. 16. The steam ship Gloucester, of the Merchants. and M iners transportation com pany, which arrived this after- noon from Baltimore reports that on last night she collided with j the schooner, Alice Jordan, off Mar- thiti vinnviird Xinrt nf fhf .Tri- , , . r , .c were saved. The Aurania Safe- SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Oueentown, Sept. 16. The a . yau.a aiw,.u x,u v,, this morning in tow of the steamer Marino, Montreal for London. The Marino reports that she , - tiL.a Her main shaft was broken on tne 13th. All were well aboard. Go to Jackson's market to see and buy some of that tine beef he has for Saturday's trade. "Keep your pants on with 'At- wood suspenders." Sold exclus ively by bmoot Bros, cc Kogers. t.