VOL. IY.-NO. 22. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1898. lO Cents Per Week NEGRO OUTRAGES. TWO ASSAULTS AT SPEN CER TO-DAY. A Pistol is Fired at Mrs. Lively A Negro in Her Room Mrs. Winders Assaulted. Spencer, our rapidly growing: neighbor is becoming- noted as a law-breaking place. j The record this morning marks two negro outrages of .a blood curdling nature. - - J Mrs. 15., F. Lively, . who now lives at Spencer, had stepped out of her" house this morning and on her return found a big, black burly negro in one of her roomsJ On coming in contact with her he drew a pistol and ri red upon her; then iumped from a window and made his escape. Officers were put in pursuit but at last accounts had not caught him. Fortunately Mrs. Lively was not hit by the bullet from the pis--tol of the negro. ' j An hour or so. later Mr. John C. Winders, well-known as Cal Winders," a good Populist, and who lives at Spencer, came to town and swore out a, warrant against Laura Mitchell and daughter,1 colored, for assaulting his wife With tears in his eyes he told his tale. It came about ' by , stabbing or staking a cow out to graze. The cow had turned over a stack of corn in a field. There was a dispute, when the negro woman Laura Mitchell, grabbed Mrs. Winders and choked her and at the same time the negro's daugh-j ter came up and struck Mrsv Win-; ders with a stick. 1 i Officers will endeavor to uppre-j hend the offenders and bring them to justice. Violations of this kind are quite common at Spencer. j There was a difficulty between some white and colored men- at Spencer Saturday night. No one was seriously injured, we learn, j Meeting. j A Series of meetings was begun at the school house near the Vance mil Mast night. Services will be held each evening this week at 7:45 o'clock. . Mr. Campbell, of Spencer, will assist in the meeting. Mrs. Burgess' Condition. ? Wre are indeed sorry to learn that Mrs. Cbas. S. Burgess, who has been in bad health for sonic time, is now in a critical condition. She is at the home of her father, Mr. M. L. Uitch. Her.; husband, father, brother and sisters are kept near her bedside. j Mr. Claude Ramsay to Marry. 1 The Seattle (Washington) Post Intelligencer, of the 18th inst. has this notice: "The engagement of Mr. Claude C. Ramsay arid Miss G race Elea nore Anderson has been announced the wedding to take place some time before the close of the year. Both parties are well and favora j bly known in Seattle society cir cles, Miss Anderson being a daugh ter of Mr. A. C. Anderson, one of the oldest residents in the city, and Mr. Ramsay is a well known member of the Southern set." i Mr. Ramsay is a son. of Dr. J. G. Ramsay, of Salisbury. He and bride are expected to spend Christmas in this city. j Go to Brown Clothing Co., and see the elegant line of samples to morrow and-Wednesday. i FOR SALE A cheap turnout, gen tle black horse, not afraid of trains, and buggy and harness. Price $55.00. Apply to T. E. Johnston at ticket office. i i -i i - 7 -. SOUTHERN'S NEW ENGINES. Three Large Ones to Pull the Passen ger Trains over this Road. The Southern received at the Spencer shops Saturday night a largi j engine which was made for the road by the Baldwin; Locomo tive Works. . In speaking oT"this and other new engines to be - put on Ly the Southern, the Greens bore Record of Saturday says: People may "cuss out" railroads, but we all admire the pluck and enterprise displayed by them, es pecially the Southern, which ."keups its lamps 1 trimmed- and burning. "V" "-'J. . A P the ;demand- increases for bett 3r facilities for : handling; its freight and passenger traffic the company meets it in fact often anticipates it. Not long since . three or four large new freight engines were added, the largest ever used on a roac down South. Now they will soon: have three new passenger en gine s of the same kind. The en gine itself weighs 150,000 ( pounds witlout the tender, the latter tip ping the beam at 88,400. The drivers are six feet and the steam ing capacity is 200 pounds. They will draw thirty-two Pullman cars, which is almost equal to double the number of ordinary coaches. They have a draw bar pull of 5,450 torn whatever that is, and two of then were made by the Baldwin Locomotive Works and one by the Richmond works. Tpey are expected tknvn next Li I t 1 1 i a f j week anuwiu oe put- to worK ai once. Cottbn 4 90. I ft.v bales of cotton wore sold on t le Salisbury. market. Saturday, ruling price , was 4. W.' For- The ty-seven bales were sold Friday. Sudden Death. Isaac Mot lev. in old colored wot I chopper, of the city, died som at 1 was ing. btime during Saturday night is home in Dixon villo. He found tleatl yesterday morn- Tho body was taken to the county home yesterday evening and buried there to-day. Cart of Thanks. T lose interested in the avoirdu poig i party given last Friday night by the Epworth League desire to thank thus publicly those who as sisbsd them in giving the party. They desire to thank especially Mr. Marsh for tendering the use of -tie room, and those who fur nisl ed refreshments and did the work neccessary to make the affair successful. The Populist Legislative Candidates, essrs. II. C. Peeler and John Lyerly, the Populist Legislative candidates were in the city Fri- Mr. Peeler was asked wheth er they would have a joint canvass with the Democratic candidates for the Legislature. He said he had written the county chairman, Capt. John Beard, in regard to the matter and that it was. left in his han Is. Mr. Lyerly says he has not yet accepted the nomination and could not say Friday wheth er cr not he would. Very little else could be gotten from the gen tlemen. Don't forsret the nice "Tailoring Display" at Brown Clothing Go's. Tuqsdav and Wednesday. otice. Having closed out the bus fness of the Salisbury Grocery Coi the unti ipanywall persons indebted to firm are notified to call on the ersitrned at once and settle the jiiiKbunls due. All liabilities of the by company will also be settled me. Kespectiully, W. F. Flemming. N few goods in dress patterns on dis- pla? at the Carolina Kacket. MEETING TO-NIGHT. The ! Democratic Club Meets Again To-night at the Court House. The Democratic club, which was organized here last Wednes day night, meets at the court house to-night at 8 o'clock sharp. Besides the transaction of such business as may arise 'short speech es will bo made by members of the club. . s It is earnestly .desired that every Democrat whose name was uot enrolled at the last meeting will come out to-night antl have his name" included among the supporters white supremacy. EcryDenioQjtat is invited to come out. " ? Miss Hairs Condition. i IVliss Delia Hall, who was some time since appointed head nurse of , the government hospital at Fort McPherson, antl rwho con tracted fever while at that place, is improving ,and it'is hoped will sotn be out again. She is at tRe hqme of her sister, Mrs. J. Sam McCubbins, in this city. Fish Car. The U. S. Fish ; Commission car No. 1, is in the city and will re main here until to-morrow, any5 wray. This car is now in North Carolina for the purpose of stock ing some of the strcanis. of the State with rainbow trout and large mouthed black bass. The river near New London is to be stocked. Funeral Yesterday. I The funeral over the remains of Mr. R. L. Mills was conducted yesterday afternoon from the Chestnut Street Methodist church. There whs. .ajarge : altenoanoo of frientls. The Junior Order, oi which Mr. Mills was a member turned out in full forcej there be ing 117 in line. Bert Rutledge Alright. i News was received hero last week that Bertie Rutledge, of the First N. C.,iat Jacksonville, was very ill, and his friends here were anxious about him. A telegram was 'received -by Lieutenant Goltl ston ; while hero Saturday night stating that Bertie. was up and at camp and that he would be at home soon. He arrived at home yesterday morning. Prohibition Ticket. i The Prohibition convention met Saturday at the call of the com mittee to nominate a county ticket. Edwin Shaver was chairman and .. . T. P. Johnston secretary of the convention. r ihe following ticket was nomi- i ... nated: ' . s legislature Haywotxl Harper, Radford Bailey. Sheriff E. F. Eaton. Probate Judge S. M. Peacock. Register of Deeds John Bailey. County Treasurer Solomon v - .. ; Teaguel , ( Coroner Pinkney Ludwick. i County Commissioners George Seyffert, Jonas Lippard, Joseph Eagle. PICTURESIPICTURES!! This is your last chance to sret erood photos cheap. Fine Cabinets only $i-.5U per dozen at Moose s car near ireignt depot. Ims is ray last week so come at once. Wre will r leave here Oct. 6th. All work made this week will be fin ished before 1 leave the city. i W. J. Moose, Photographer. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS p.nd fever Is a bottle of Gb:ove's Tasteless Chiu, Tonic- Never fails 1x cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price &v cents, x our money hack if it fails to cure I A NEW FEATURE ! Fresh Bread and Cakes. Look out for tomorrow's advertisement. Ed. H. MARSH. i Come and see our 'up-to-date goods in dress patterns. Carolina Backet. LOCAL BRIEFS. Weather forecast: Fair to-night and Tuesjlay. j i The Carolina Racket has a new atl in their space in this paper. The First National Bank has its quarterly statement in to-day's paper.-:' v:; h;;, ; ;H ; Vr ; The Democratic club meets to- nignt. i There should be a good turn-out. ! ! SergL" James Watson . has had his furlough extended and will re main heje a while longer. A special tailoring display is ad- .vertis..3 by the Brown Clothing Contpohy in to-day's paper. 4 "BdrtVOwn Make" children's . i. . - . j...1.. j i.'it i : 1 1 snoes are warranieu an leaiuer tr your i money n oack. Anotner lot of them just received. Burt Shoe Co. The Democrats of Watauga have nominatedWi" B. Council, EscjJ, for the "House. Mr. Council is a brother of Dr. Council, of this city, v' si J.R. C. Brown left this morn ing.for New York . to purchase a stock of goods for his store. - He will move into his new store room in the Horah building when he re turns'. ; . ' 1" ' . ' ."Queen Quality" ladies' shoes are the leading styles all over the country this i season. Sold here by Burt Shoe Co. Mr. Joe Fisher, of the county, who recently i had his hand hurt, was'iu the city this morning. He has his handi wrapped in poplar leaves which,' he says, make a splendid antidote for bruises .and sores, ' lZv. V, B; Oney preachetl yes- tertlay to the largest congrega tion that ever "assembled at St. Matthews church, in the county. This was the pastor's last sermon here as he leaves soon to take charge of a pastorate in "-Cabarrus county. i PERSONALS. liev. bilas JMcnee was in tne city Saturday night. Lieut. Goldston returned tt) Concord Saturday night. W. K. Meroney went to Wash ington Saturday night. -' ; . ! .. - -' :. t J. L. Kendleman, F.sti., went over to Lexington this morning. Capt. J. H. Cameron, Jr., of Asheville, was in the city this morning. i i Capt. Robinson, of the Murphy volunteer company, was in the city Saturdayj night. J. W. Holland, of Greensboro, is in the city. He grave the Sun a pleasant call this morning." Hugh Daggett 'left this morning for Columbia! to join his regiment, the First S. C, which is ordered II. M. Wright and sister, Mrs Ellen Heilig returned Saturday evening from a visit to relatives in Wilkes county. Do not allow yourself to be persuaded into paying big middle men's profit by ordering your garments through an agent, but trade direct with your tailor who can and will advise you as to your best interests, and who will give you the. only genuine tailor made garments. LOUIS LlCHTENSTElN, Custom Tailor. Salisbury, N. C. NO GURE-N0 PAY That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 50 cents. MUSIC: Miss Addie E. White teacher of vocal and instrumental music. Terms on application. TO RECOGNIZE REPUBLIC. France Will Look Upon the Philip pines, as Such, It is Said. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. FIRST MEETING TO DAY.! , - " - , ' . ' j : . ji Washington, Sept. 26V All members of the war investigating cdmmittee assembled promptly at 10 o'clock this mornino- in the room at the State, War and I Navy building. General Dodge, chair man, arrived after a majority of the members. Dr. Conner, of 7 , Cincinnati, arrived this morning and had a conference with the President previous to attending the meeting. ! At the opening of the meeting the deliberations of the investiga-i tors were taken up where' they were left on Saturday, when the preliminary sessions were' held. I The real work of the commission will not begin before to-morrow, i the meeting to-day being occupied in the discussion of 'methods of procedure. " The commission will shortly change its quarters to the iiemont building within a short distance of t h e 'W a r De pa r t m e n t. TO RECOGNIZE' PHILIPPINE RE PUBLIC. London, . Sept.. .20. A Globe despatch from Hong Kong says it is learned from a trustworthy source that France has promised to recognize the Philippine re public. It is reported that nego tiations on the subject are now proceeding at Manilla where there are thrge French war ships. Washington. Sent. 26j The story of the coming French! recog nition of the Philippines repub Re is not believed here. The London announcement is causing rriuch uneasiness, however. Nothing can be learned I atv the French Embassy, i REVISION FOR DREYFUS. Commission so Decided at Paris This , .,. Morning. SPECIAL DISPATCH .TO SUN. . Paris, Sept. 26 After a short and final meeting this mbrning, while Paris waited in such sus pense as had not hung oyer the city since the Franco-Prussian war,, the Dreyfus commission ( made public its report for a revision. The whole city quivers as the message is en route to the lonely pestilential island where Dreyfus is.; " ':" ; :y ' ' :-tf-. J -' v' Killed Over Spanish Gold. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Camp Wikoff, Sept. 2C-iPrivate James Twisby,. colored, of troop F. Tenth Cavalry, died this morn ing in the regimental hospital from gun shot wounds inflicted by a fellow trooper of the same com pany. The shot was the result of a quarrel for the possession -of a Spanish gold coin. , Forepaugh Circus Train Wrecked: SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE, SUN. . Huntington, W. Va. Sept 26 Forepaugh's circus train vas reported- wrecked and two men killed at Wilsondale this morn ing. ' Forest Fire. ISPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN.' Cheyenne, Sept. 26 Serious for est fires threaten the besU of the Wisconsin timber, land,'j several hundred acres have already been destroyed according to thq latest reports. , T I Bayard Very Low. SPECIAL DISPATCn TO THE SUN Del ham, Sept: 26 Mr. Bayard is now failing rajiidly. iHe can take no nourishments and his death, it seems, must occur with in a few hours. i .-: ' TWO MEN KILLED. ONE NEGRO STABBED BY ANOTHER. A Notoriously Bad Man Killed Satur day Evening at a Church An other Killed by The Train. Saturday evening at a colored church near Woodleaf, this coun- ty, Wash Lucky, a notoriously bad negro," was stabbed and killed by Will Hall, also colored. A phone message to-the Sun stated that Lucky was stabbed once iii the neck with a knife and that this wound caused his death in several hours. Hall made his escape. The cause of the difficulty which led to the murder was not learned. The coroner went up to Woodleaf to investigate. ' Lucky has a bad character and has figured in Rowan courts for years. '" Officers have been' hunting Hall but up to noon to-day Sherill Monroe, had not heard of his cap ture. ' Yesterday a negro man was killed near Kim wood, on the West ern, by a freight train. He was lying beside the track with his head between the ends" of the crossties and. when the train ap proached he raised his head. The engine struck him and he died shortly afterwards. Rowan's Bicycles. ' ; Tax returns are now coming at the auditor's office. They contain some interesting statistics in re gard to bicycles. Of the counties so far heard from Mecklenburg leads, with 606; Wayne comes second, with 324; Cabarrus third, with 203, Rowan has 143; Cumber land, 119; Randolph, 82; Duplin, 78; Caldwell, 59; Burke, 44; Davie, 33; Carteret, 29; Yadkin, 10; Cherokee, 2. r Raleigh News. Fire Averted An Accident. i The Hill was very much stirred up. by a lamp bursting , in the house of Mr. Rome Gant, which came very near being a big lire, but for. the timely aid and presence of mind of Mrs, Sewell and Tarrh Esq. All is well at this writing. Mr. Jim Horn was thrown from Mr. Roy Lof tin's wagon at Spen cer Saturday and received several severe bruises. He struck on the 'wheel with'his back and side and landed on his head among the shingles. He seems to-be resting very well to-day after taking some nourishments. - Mr. Brant Hall is nursing a very sore hand caused by impure blood. Mr. W. H. Wood seems much better after the surprise on last Friday, On entering his 5 dining room what was his surprise to see Mr. Pleas Wise, of Lock, and F. M. Tarrh, J. P., of Salisbury township, comfortably seated at his forty-eighth birthday dinner table. It was a great surprise to him and what they did to his good rations was a plenty. WeL will look with longing eyes and a crav ing desire to see another one like it. May we all enjoy many more. Old Joe. Chestnut Hill. Sept. 26. j Lost Gold ring with tiger-eye set, ; and initial F. to I). inside. - Liberal reward for returning to David Mauney at Burt's. ' . I : TO CURE A COLD III ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. . 25 cents, i FOR RENT Four desirable rooms on West Fulton street. Address P. O. Box 252. . If you want nice slaughtered. meats go to Jackson's market. If you don't i want to be slaughtered shave at the i Climax.