FOR CAKES a" kinds, and First-Class, call on T. L. SWINK. GET. BEST QUALITY BREAD, tt kit H ft: Il.w at T. L. SWINX'S. VOL. IV.-NO. 23. SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 27,-1898. lO Cents Per Week '. 5. . . : - J V:. j liwfi mm m Erat&cgular Meeting Held Last Night. Li A. Peebles, Mi C. Quinn. Soutii Ward. L.' E. Heilig, N. B. McCanless, C. H. Swink. East .Ward. Jl S. Henderson, J. S. Bboth, 1). L. Arey.. Wk Ward. S. F. Lord, F. M. Thompson, W. A. Brandon. The meeting then adjourned. FIVE FIGHTERS IN JAIL. THE YADKIN'S BOOM. Were in the Church Festival Scrape in River pnla Big Rage Higher Than Which one was Killed. in Several Years. I - -S . Roosevelt Ahead of Black The 'Chi- A Part of it Arranged Dewey Seizes Committees Appointed-Members En thusiasticWill Go to Work in Earnest. Card of thanks. :" :C - 1 1 to thank all my neigh-' bors who were so kind to me dur ing my recent affliction in the loss of my husband, and also the lodges Ha Will xucker, Br vant Parks, ferrvmau's house' t : i tv i ? i -.1 i ' ' - ' i r " i Five of the nesrro men who fir- A large number of Salisburians ured in the church festival fight at visited the Yadkin j river Sunday, a colored church in the upper part It was reported that this river was of the .county Saturday evening hi higher Saturday than it had been which Wash Lucky lost his life, in seven!, years, . and it was still were brought down to -the city raging Sunday. ' ' last night aud placed in jail to Crossing was impossible" at any await the next term of: Rowan's of the ferries and at one or more court. 1 heir names Are Frank places you could not sret to the At Sower's The Salisbury Democratic iu,i), and others wuo ottered aid anci yv;si Crawford and Jim Taylor. Saturday the backed water was which was organized last Thurs- comtoit. Mrs. lion ert aiills. The fight seems to have been over half mile from the bed of dav Yiicrht held its first regular ; : ; - a general free fight, in which a the river There was a raise of lt mVht. The meeting A C,ffe ' number of the men participated, fifteen feet straight np at the t jT i t- or(er hv the presi- L I Mrj jllenry Tatuui has resigned The 'wound which caused Luck y's Southern's railroad bridge and t m. w w Gmnnt The club position at the Salisbury Steam death was made by Will Hall, a the water reached the floor . of ' 4:, nrnopdod tolL'aundry and is succeeded by Mr. Salisbury negro, who left immedi-1 the Tailroad pumphouse. . .' Erhest) Kufty. Mr. Tatum is now ately and has not yet been cap- Saturday. evening Th w, a cryod crowd present witn tne lirown Mounng om- tureu. Hay wood ;i ticker, wno was sun rising and a,Jarge number 01 also charged with being in the articles could be seen tloating and the members were enthusiastic pany for Democracy. They will go to " work in earnest for a great victory Cutting Down Hills.- in Ralisbiirv township and in liow- ! The an. , - ' . " Ca)t W. G. Band, of the Spen- North cer shops, was called on and made cuttin a talk. A number of new names Salisb were added to the club. Capt. these tight, was tried yesterday before down Esquires Henley and'Gutfy and Sunday a saw mill passed the county chain ,'gang is still with the others bound over to railroad oridge. A wagon bed, a enoufffed in doing good work on court, but he was able to give hay stacks and nun- down the hills liry and Spencer. W. W. Lowcry moved yes terday from Fisher street to Spen cer. a Democratic club in a county in this w the State of Wyoming for sonic time, was called on a second time Movin and told how nis cjuo wortvuu uuu jrj tuet with success in that State. On motion the club then ap pointed a committee of five on each'ward. The following are the committee: COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP. North Ward John Moyle, is bui R T.. Finder. T. H. Vanderford, of Fo Jr;, L. C. Mitchem, L. Peebles. South Wtard M. V..B. Caips, Episcopal Convention L. E. Heilig, John Cauble, John j xhd General 'Convention W. Glover. J. P. Weber. rCpiscbpal Chinch - of Main street. was able to They are bond. There are three others yet dreds of pumpkins ' were seen go between to be caught and tried. One of hills has been cut down and Cows Shipped. J a 1 : II . I I Baird, who had been chairman ot the gang goes to work on another The heard of Jersey cows from bek. the Meadow Stock Farm were shipped to Kentucky yesterday. People who saw them- say they were undoubtedly the finest lot of cows they ever saw.- John Hedrick accompanied the herd. The .Concord Standard says: Mr J. M. Burrage is moviug his wood working machinery from Salisbury back to Concord. He V .... ing downthe river. A minjber of people were water- bound . at the ferries. A party from Davidson who had been here were suizprised to find on reaching the rivecon their way back homo that they could not cross. Froimthe Winston Sentinel o oaturday we jret a report that a - - " ' . i third of the Mocksville-Moores ville railroad had been washed HEW YORK'S. CONVENTIONS. ARMY OF OCCUPATION. cago Democrats." Another Vessel. SPECIAL DISPATCir TO - TK .SUN. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE 8UN. New York, Sept. 27 A hundred ) Gloucester at new - york. and seventv "Chicao-o olatform i Mo Democrats" started for Syracuse auxiliary cruiser Gloucester, coin- to-day over the West Shore Rail-J mander W'ainwritrbt. arrived from road. Lney expect every county New England coast this morning. in tneoiate to be representetl at . . i to-night's meeting. i They expect to take radical ac tion if the Chicago-platform is not endorsed. ' Fifteen hundred Tammanyites went by s)ecial train to Syracuse to attend the Democratic Stai convention. ' Albany, Sept. ,27 A poll of the delegates before the convention I.EE, TO WASHINGTON. Washington, Sept. 27. Major General Lee leaves Camp Cuba Libre to-day for Washington to consult with the President on the occupation of Cuba. Gen. Lee is on leave absence. MA.T. MONEY SICK. New York, Sept. 27 Maj. Mon ey, of the Fifth 'Mississippi volun- at away. The Millcdge ville was damaged. The Winders Case. 1 The case of the fight: between Mrs. Winders and the colored ding a shopon the east side woman at Spencer yesterday was est Hill. . di s missed bv Magistrate Murphv Hydrophobia. , in the evening. The evidence was) Last March a li Eldorado I cotton mill at opened this morning showed that teers, and son of Senator Money, Roosevelt had seven hundred and was brought from Wikofi. He is fifty-two delegates, and Black had sick, with malarial fever and has beep taken to Roosevelt hospital. CAVALRY LEAVING. pamp WikotiV Sept. 27 The Ninth cavalry, colored, left to-day for Fort Grant, Ariz. The First cavalry goes to-morrow. j VESSEL' SEIZED. Washington, Sept.27 The Navy . . i g .i ' Dopartment has received a cable nut his name to go before the con- , t1.- . . , - , verition T vom Admiral Dewey that an e r., o i.o riu. 'i American vessel manned by Fil- of . delcRates to the Democratic ''T"8 "v' f."' !.n .the "Kl (onvp.ntinn is fho.Kiiiiin an rin vrfss 4i. . i i 'i McKinley and ' Long conferred terday, waiting. Nobody pretends T . J , 1 . u i a' i L- over the matter and notified .Dew 4 4 i . 4i ' ey of their approval of his course. rrinrr lit hnniian in ttio fnnrnntinn 1 I I Nothing will occur until Croker the army of occupation. arrives late this afternoon. , Mijr- (Washington, Sept. 27. A pari phy, Hill and other well known titjl organization of the army of loaders are on hand, but are not occupation of Cuba is given out in two hundred and. nineteen. This means that Roosevelt w 11 be nominated on the first ballot unless something unforseen oc curs. , Some of Black's friends stiy th after an alb night's conference many admirers were in a mood to nave mm wnndrawn and not Tur tle dog .-passed such as to warrant the magistrate by Mr. Louis Hess' near the Vance of the in turning the colored women who mill and bit one. of his hogs. Last the United were charged with assault loose. Wednesday night this hog became East Ward J. R. Kluttz, R. G. StateJi will meet in Washington - affected with hydrophobia and Kizer, J. N. Maxwell, B. b. P" City on the 5th of October and Capt. Glenn to Speak Here. died on Ihursday jnight after hav- lan, Peter Carroll. wTill remain in session for about a From the Winston Sentinel of ing bitter another ; hog badly. WrEST Ward C. A. Montgom- month. Dr. F. J. Murdoch, of yesterday we get the following: m - T" . i WJ Ctmn nor I . i li mi : . . 'i' il.!.. ,.iL. I V'. - i V . htm ery, x. r. rrowu, kj. ..m. i mis ciiy, win aiicim uu vouvcu- c-apt. it. n, uienn went to vv h- To the Home Dr. J. Rumplej one, of the re gents of the orphans' home at Ba rium Springs, went up this morn ing to look at the home and see the new building! which is now in course of erection. This building is getting along nicely, the build ers being to the second story. J. H. McNeely, W. Murdoch tion of CH from Wiley. On motion a committee on reg istration was axipointed for each ward. The following are the committee: TnRTn Ward T. D. Roseman, fare f .T H. Movie. T. H. Vanderford,J tion. Sr., 'P. P. Mcroney, C. W. Pool. Sottttt Ward J. W. Hunsuck- Miss er, E. K. James, J. Rowan Davis, R. L. Shaver, W. T. Fulk. East Ward J. C. Lowe, R. L. W right, G. II. Shaver, W . L. Rankin, Capt. W. G. Baird West WariH. J. 'Overman, Capt. Coughenour, A. H. Boy den, F. M Ward, F. M. Tarrh. several ladies. Mr. John Wilkes, to-night. After this week Capt. Th lie will bo acconipanied by? mington to-day. He speaks there A $12,000 HAUL. smiths and says "ta ta"' to object- The question of selecting a work- ing parents, got in some work inr committee at and for Spencer here next arose and caused considerable souls P.mharrassment owing to me mord wealth of good material from onc. arlotte, is the lay delegate Glenn will devote his ti hie to this this part of the country. Senatorial district, he being one The Southern Railway an- Qf the Democratic nominees for nounfces a rate of one first class the State Senate. He stated to a or round trip to this eonven- Sentinel man this morning that the Democrats in the Eastern' part of the State are thoroughly alive Follenwider Married. to the situation. lie will speak Thh Monroe Enquirer has the at Salisbury .next Saturday and at Exchange of Property On last Saturday a trade was the bride being well known in Sal- ;- perfected by which Mr. Win. I. ft where she has lived and Changing of Millers. Howell exchanged his house and wherba number of relatives re- A W. Trexler, of Mocksville, ,ot Mam st,eet for a side: : una .wlnft,M with piantation in Kowan county,,says Kt love which laughs at lock- lT a oti Tcr.iu rl,r m;n the Concord btandard. Ihe prop with twelve thousand dollars. Cashier William Lenon announcing their plans. th0 following order: (With the approval of the acting Secretary of War the following organization of troops is an- Bank RobhersTIake Away ' With nouncedr Division composed of inat Amount.' tnn. Mvnlrv nnrl 'tujiv infnnti'v brio-ades. temnorarilv commanded , by senior olhcers until permanent Flora, Ind., Sept. 27 Robbers division commander is assigned by blew open the safe of the Farmers the president, as follows: i Bank this morning and escaped Cavalry brigade, Seventh and Eigth United States cavalry, coml- was manded by Brigadier General Cail- which to choose. The following names were finally selected almost at random, the club feeling that in view of the energy and loyalty of their fellov Democrats at Spen cer, it would be almost impossible to make an unsafe appointment at that place: Thos. Carroll, Charlie Piper, W. E. Beadles, S. J. Poarch, G. H. Dickert, W. L. Bridges, Ed. H. Hall. It was decided to call this the Spencer Democratic Working Committee and Mayor Linn in put ting the motion took occasion to pay a graceful and well deserved tribute to the party fealty and in tense devotion to Anglo-Saxon Su premacy which in so emiment a characteristic of our neighbors at Spencer. On motion an executive com mittee of three was appointed in each ward to work in connection with the county executive com mittee. The following are the committee: On her c ty of been , , r :u 4i, erty now belongs to Miss Wilma has accepted a position with the f rt i ' i Gnihn, of Monroe. Both parties Moranton Milling Company and ' 1 last Sunday and two more ... f. e chfl rft . new , I interested in the exchange are yet were made happy and two QU 0ctol)er lst undecided as to whether they will hearts we made to beat as j Q wh() lias . occupy their new property. 1 1 night miller for the North Side last Sunday morning Miss Roller Min will leave for Concord Oldest Engineer. Jn n v 1 ; t I . ! I Roxi i , Fullenwider a charming October 3rd where. he has accept- Mr. L. S. A ldrich, formerly of youn y lady of this place, left her e( a Position as head miller. lifiWv hnf now of Ahill. homq. ostensibly tor- bunday rr. ,, c,ot.ti l I ; , !. i t .u:i n.:.. I I Ti I, IV I I V v JL L X 'UW III III Vlllll'l . I I I I B-M ' I I I W w ' v UUO 1U 111V V11JHM UUW(U If U11V VUltJ schodl, but she failed to appear in miin business at the same time morning returning home from ass to tell about the captivi- nnlot. Air. H. G. Benson, who is w.wn ur,iZ ua v;uif0,i ;n the Jews, for her heait had now runnin the roller mill at Salisbury and at China Grove. talucu MX- A South i River and who is one of the Mr AblnV-h i 74 VAr old n,l .m. a popular salesman in the Cotton best miHers in the yutet llo" has til. recently was connected with store, auu u u vvaiuu wu turned out two of the youngest the Southern railroad, being the reet for Miss Jmllenwider, fillers in this nart of the countrv i,w 0nmn.r on ih k niarriage license in his poc- htlt tKp hn v hn in tK xjurt0rtu. 1., nearly all their lives. his time in visiting or at his home We are sorry to see John leave in Asheville which place he likes a Salisbury but wish him wTell in bis great deal. new nome. ton, msoi homq and fo Come and see our up-to-date gotds North Ward. T. D. Roseman, in drlss patterns. Carolina Racket. Milld the s with ketr As soon as they met Mr. Davis and Miss Fullenwider went to the residence of J. G. Coying Ssq., and were united in the arable bonds of matrimony. Aftef the. marriage Mr. and Mr LaVIK Jell Hi lllOJiUUiii o uuio at Olive Branch. Do not .allow! yourself to be PICTURES! PICTURES!! This persuaded into paying big middle is your last chance to get good men's' j-. profit by ordering' your photos cheap. Fine Cabinets only garments through an agent, but $ 1.50 per dozen at Moose's Car trade direct with your tailor who THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS near freight depot. This is my can and will advise you as to your Ur is a bottle of grove's tasteless J last week so come at once. . - We best interests, and who will give will leave here Oct. 6th. All you toe only genuine tailor made work made this week will be hn- jrarraents. ished before 1 leave the city. .W. J. Moose, Photographer. Tiixir Novor fstils tocure: t hen wny hi. .it, with worthless imitations? Price 50 ceiitjs. Vour money back if it faiis to cure. A S1EW FEATUUK ! Fresli Jiread and Cakes. Look out for tomorrow's advertisement. Ed. II.-MARSH. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE. DAY ' Take Laxative Rromo Oulnine "Tablets. All Dmgrsists refund the monejf if it fails to cure. 25 cents, Louis Lichtenstein, Custom Tailor. Salisbury; N. C. New goods in dress patterns on dis play at the Carolina Racket. probably fatally shot. Bloodhounds are on the trail teers. penter, of United States Voluni- of the robbers. First infantry brigade, Fifteenth United States und Fourth Volun teers, commanded by Brisradier General Snyder, of the volunteer. Second infantry brigadier, com!- An Imperial Edict. LSPKCI A L, DISPATCH TO TnE SUN. Pekin. Sent. 27. An Imoelial edict issued to-dav nracticallv Ped of First U. S., andSixth voI rescinds the recent reformatory unteers, Brigadier General Wilson, edicts. It orders thatChang Yen of!lhe volunteers commanding. Ilawn a former member of the poops allceied by this order Chinese foreign office, and oppo- other than the Fifteenth infantry nentof Li Hung Chang be con- and cavalry are under orders to fined until further notice. prbceed to Huntsville and not . . . t.i ... ,.4:,. :i..e....At The edict, however, absolves " 6rUWUB uuu,';llHlU01 Ul him from complicity in the alleged eFs. plot to assassinate the Emperor. Brigadier commanders will ac- . i l '... ' ' . . uaiut tnemseives witn lue con- 1 if in Aointmnnf n rt t S V jh T their commands. - Ship Owner Dead. SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THK SUK 'I Vro tit ill Kn cnii r 1 1 rf-wl mT i Vi W 1 L O 'A : C 'A m I i- V IO Hill W DUl T A tH Ixndon, Sept. 2i. Sir Arthur j. . , 1 . .. . 11 ' . I ciiitn h a flnthinrr II il 11 1 . I OIllvwMlv uiwtliili iower, uie wen t Known snip owner is dead. t Yellow Jack. ' SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO SUN. Washington, Sept. 27 Surgeon General Wyman received the fol lowing from the State Board of Health afrNew Orleans: Twenty- six cases of a niilJ type of yellow 54. f equippage, especially conical tents with board floors for one to twelve men, stoves, cots,- medical sup plies, ambulances, tentage and other field hospital equipment, complete in accordance with ex isting orders with one half the al lowance of wagon transportation it ' V - t 1 Y autnorized oy general orders jno. fever at WTilson, Louisiana. The town and parish have been quaran tined. The source of infection is untraceable. New Ads. If you eat bread or cakes By command of Major-General Miles. - II. C. Cokbin, Adj't-Gen. ou in rnnryn bav hi wwnb nw ri That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL. TONIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It Is slinnly Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form. Chi . l 1? tt Tit 11 1 vuinine in a laswiess iorm. nuuren love ShOUid read tt. ti. Marsh S ad in it. J Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 50 cents. i this paper. He has secured the services of a first-class baker land is prepared to furnish his custo mers and the public with the stall' and the luxury of life. i v FOR SALE A cheap turnout, gen tle black horse, not afraid of trainjs and buggy and harness. Price $55.00, Apply to T. 12. Johnston at ticket Louis Lichtenstein, the tailor, ottipe has a new ad in this issue, does good work. Chas. M. Stieff Pianos. lie MUSIC: Miss Addie , K. .White teacher of vocal and insLrurnental music 'I prrns ftn ;nn iraMfiri.

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