rl'T-- i in r ii.. n n pi i i .... r, - n , ,,1,, " v " ' 1 1111 -H mi , - iiiHnii r L Mm.. ,, im - , SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. I CLINT. N. BROWN, f Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, Six Months, Three One Month, One Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the'city without extra cost. Jfor advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Entered at postofflce s second-class matter. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 27, 1898. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Congress Seventh District: THEO. F. KLUTTZ, ; of Rowan. For Solicitor Eighth District: WlllEY RUSH, J ; of Randolph. For the Legislature: LEE S. OVERMAN, D. R. JULIAN. , For Clerk of Superior Court: W. G. WATSON, For Register of Deeds: II. N. WOODSON, '. For Sheriff: J. M. MONROE. For Treasurer? J. SAM'L McCUBBlNS, JR. For Cotton Weigher: G. II. PAGE. For Coroner: E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Surveyor: C. M. MILLER. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBlNS, SANFORD HENLY, P. D. LINN. RESOLUTE. Salisbury's Democratic club is now safely launched. The first regular V meeting since organiza tion was held last night and was nnmivtcDrl r-f rvirlntp mon. -Thp . . i crowu ana uie einuu,,, played was inspiring ; to the ad- herents of Democracy. The earn- estness displaved by the lnemb ts j has seldom ever been rou i led in , :V , t ' : - tion to carry the township Iry an overwhelming majority was plain ly the intent of all present. Eich man seemed bent on this one pur pose, and we will be surprised if they do not accomplish it. The thoroughness of the organization and the determination of the mem bers to go to work is a guarantee that a sweeping victory may be expected. The Sun is glad to see this en thusiasm on the part of the club "and bicls it go onward to success and victory. v HARD ON THE OFFICERS. Rev. T. W. Babb, a Populist, and a man who has been honored quite numerously with offices by the Populists and who is now an Independent Populist candidate for the Senate from the First senato rial district, used in a recent speech the following tough language, which is hard on the officers the fusion crowd now in control of . - . s the State : j "When the man in the moon passes over North Carolina, he has , to hold his nose, and if the Blue Ridge mountains were con--verted into ipecac, and poured in to the mouth of hell, it could not possibly vomit forth such a lot of low-down, damnable scoundrels as are now in the capitol." ; j ' j Rev. Bab bus not the "kind of a sort" of a fellow, perhaps, to make such a statement, and it comes in bad taste from him since he has been one of them, but he was - i probably nearly correct in his re lir.irk. i' ;L j j" In a. speech in Johnson count' last we jk, Cy. Thompson offered to pay five dollarsr for each and every J 'opulist who had gone back to the Democrats if they would stand i p in the crowd, whereupon twelve of them arose, but Cy. didn't fork over? lie "called," they 'Showed down," '.'but, ho, re fused t: "ante," says the. Greens boro Record. An enterprising Texan, Sam-' uel Webb, has already purchased an immense tract of land in east ern Cuba for a cattle ranche. He is dow preparing to ship thither 2500 head of Texas cattle as a ba sis for will m king. the scheme that be expects like him the Cuban, cattle V -A gold bug Democrat, a silver bug Populist and an extremely young Republican, all on the same ticket is a sight fit to make the gods h ugh. But, the Greensboro Reeora says, such is the Republi can team in Guilford. , T ie General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States will meet in Wash ingsonp on October 5. The revisit n of the constitution and a proposed change in the name of the church will be among the sub-' jeets considered. ' -Natives of some of the Phil ippine provinces refuse to pay taxes and tl lis they say that Aguinaldo e other revolutionists were to.abq Iish taxation. j ' General Garcia, in an inter view is quoted as saying that he recognizes the United States gov ernment as the only civil authority in Cu )a. ''The Confederate Veteran is Played Out:" Ged, L. Tonnofski, chief clerk in thd office of Dan Young, clerk of thd court of Wake county in t'defen ling C. B. Ray, superinten- dent of the county home, for . dis- an oM Confederate vet- eran "cjiiise ho refused to vote the it ticket and putting in a in his place, said, "The Popu negr. Moderate veteran nas - piayeu out in this cniuitry." O, lyes; with the Republican j od Confederate . soldiers, bravo, men who lost their ' i- i. i t 1 !li ! party those arms ana legs, ana -spin xneir bhod in defending the very coun- try Which these Kepublicans are now debauching and robbing, must step uside and give place to the negroes. The Republicans say " the Confederate veteran is played H Negro Government at Kinston. Last night one of our white cit izens was sitting on the steps at the ost office and was ordered awaj ! by thev negro janitor. The gent eman ordered off saw two ne- groes on another portion of the steps, but they were allowed to remain there. Kinston. ree Press Economy is the road to wealth. Vn old Paris beggar died suddenly a few days ago and in a belt worn aroiind his body there were bank notes to the value of 300,000 francs. Discovered by a Woman. pother great discovery has been made, and that toothy a wo man I in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its seve rest tests, but her vital or gan were undermined and death seemed imminent. For : three months she coughed incessantly f and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recover, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr, King's lew Discovery for Con sumption and was so much re lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night; and with two bot tles! has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co r of Shelby, N C. Trial bot tles! free at Theo. F. Kluttz& Co's urug store, iteguiar t-ize duc. and $I.p0.. Every bottle guaranteetl. til T1 NEWS OF THE DAY. Telegraphic News Condensed for Uie Conven lence of Hasty Readers, y t : Mrs. Jefferson Davis and party returned to New York; A settlement between Chili and Argentina is now considered ' as sured. - , . ; ; ; H. The Spanish warship Maria Teresa was raised ; and towed to Guantanamo bay. Major. Esterhazy; in aja inter view, is quoted .as,; telling the whole outline of the t)reyfus plot. It. is thought the yiden:ing and deepening of the Dismal Swamp canal wilb be completed ;by Janu ary I. ' M. Deroulede, at a mass-meeting in Paris yesterday said Drey fus would be lynched if he shduld ever return to France . Emperor William, in an address at the opening of thb new harbor at Stettin, said, "Our future lies on the waterl" , " V " Col . W m . J . Bryan , of the Third; Nebraska : Regiment, wras unabje to leave Washington yes terday on account of sickness. Fannie Davenport (Mrs. Mel bourne McDowell) died at her summer home in Massuichusetts last night of enlargement 61 the" heart. The death rate is high among Colonel Ray's "immune troops" at Guantanamo. Sickness continues to spread among the-Americans in Porto Rico. . r ',, s- . In a speech at Jacksonville, Sec; retary Alger praised General Lee and said he had kept , his camp healthier and better than any in the countryi !A colored girl was killed yester day by a brick thrown from the top window of the St. James Hotel,- Baltimore, it is alleged, by three young men who were amus ing themselves there. A special from Mountain City, Tenn., says about 2 o'clock yester day morning a mob of 100 men overpowered the Johnson county jailor and took John Williams, the negro who seriously stabbed Sher man Dunn and raped Mrs. Mollie Shelfon, from the jail and hung him to a tree'. . ;,;., The: "Sanctified Band" 6f ne groes are holding meetings in an old, mill building near" Bridegville, Del. One of the" doctrines of this band is the exchanging of wives. Last evening while the preacher was denouncing crapshooting some players took offense and began to pelt the minister with bad eggs. I Charles F. Moore; a prominent contractor of Manchester, Va., was shot and killed by Penrose Carter, a well-known merchant. Carter then went to the jail and gave himself up, but refused tq make an explanation of the shoot- mg. it, is Known tne men nau some words about a debt of thtee dollars, but there it is believed that some mystery is behind the murder. - An official dispatch from St. Louis, Senegal, French West Af- rica, says a force of Soudanese sharp-shooters, in the French ser- vice, commanded by Lieutenant Woolfel, has defeated an army of Solas, under one of Somory's chiefs, capturing 5,000 men and seizing 300 Gras rifles a ad quanti ties of ammunition. It is added that the French force had one sharp-shooter wounded. For broken surfaces, sores, in sect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles 'there is one re liable remedy,.' DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve., When you ; call .for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's . Witch; Hazel Salve. James Plummer. t When you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. James Plummer. Our State Mast Be Eestored. ' One word to the voters of 'the Democratic party in particular. Every man has some influence u poi ' . h is associates, , Therefo re let every man strive to get some neighbor to return to the party through which the honor of North Carolina was sustained in the dark days of reconstruction and the only party which so in the present can and will do crisis. Rem em - ber the lonsrer the Democratic party is put of power the severer the task will bo to restore our State to a state of decency, order and honor .Wilson News. ' Repudiates the Deal. T The editor of the King's Moun tain Reformer, Populist paper, discussing the deal which has been made between the Populist . and Republican leaders in Cleveland county, says: Last election we slid out of the Republican end of the county ticket quietly, but this year we will be more frank; and repudiate the deal openly. We cannot endorse the Republican and .Populist platforms at the same time. We cannot knowingly stand with one foot on 'one and the other on the other of such ultra platforms. It is well to keep trying this is what life is given usN for. URE PEEDY MI.1E.LE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladles as a ieriodical regulator without an equal, successful when Cotton Root, Pennyroyal, Ergot, etc., have proren worthless. 23 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of their won derful properties. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet, containing valuable information for ladies. 'Address LbClaik Pill Co., U. S. Agents, Boston. Mass. N. B- All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. j .' j - For Sale in Salisbury by Jas Plummer Why. should you pay the mid dleman a big profit, when you can buy the finest Piano made direct from the factory and save so much money " - STIEFF Pianos Have no superior and the only world-renowned- piano sold this way. , You can't" afford to pay the price of a Steitf -.Piano for a me dium grade. Terms to Auit. See our stock. ve have the .finest tuner in the State. .'Phone il)6. Chas. IV1. Sticff, Piano Manufacturer. . .-. -- .-.-. CHARLOTTE BRANCH: Wareroom, 213 N. Try on St. C. II. WILMOTfl, Manager. AN EXQUISITE AIR OF SUPERIORITY in the consciousness of nerfectlv laun- dered linen, a man involuntarily as sumes that has his furnishings and linen done up at the ' SALISBURY STEAM LAUNDRY. The skill and superior workmanship that is laid on your collars, cuffs, etc., reaches an art in the beauty of color and finish. ! ; NOTICE To All Bread Eaters Begiuning August 22, 1898, 1 40; Loaves Bread for $1 until further notice.. Look out for wagon, or call and get your tickets early and avoid the rush. Respectfully 1 i T. L SWINK. ' : Sel I igoddy Shoes Well, yes : If you Havana experience with lis you know The Maine9 secret of IVIcrritt of our goods come Miles to buy BURT'S SHOES. , yvatson, you don t " pair. THey have stood severe tests, but1 can stand G ever a. We are selling: a man's satin calf, 1 three soles, drill lined, bull dog toe, ; 6 wide shoe, for $2.oo, that is as . - - - - strong s ;. vr " 0 Sampson, and as good as any ihree dollar - . shoe on. the market. Slaugliter Sale 5tX EEtJTTZ & RENDLEMAN LADIES SHOES, (small sizes) at 10, 25, 50 and 75c. per pair. MISSES SHOES, 10, 25, 40, 50 and 75c. per pair. CIIILDKENS SHOES, (a big assortment) at-10, 25, and 50c. ier pair. -.. . ... The above foods' must be soltTto make room for our big; stock of Winter Shoes. j ' We are receiving new Winter goods, in many lines. ' Big Assortment of Shirts,. Hats, 0:rpets and Kugs, everybody. New Stock of Nice Trunks suitable for school boys and girls. Table, Tin and Woodwares. I Last but not least, Eatables. We 1 we have so nianv srood things. it is useless to try to tell about them, but if vou will come we will show you the best from many lands Maiiimotli Furniture, . Emporium. '''''''''' " '''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Has the largest stock in the city! to - are 1ew' .PWH and up-to PRICES ARE "O r 4 A Specialty. He has a lino of CASKETS, liUKIAL JiOIKS, kIc. unsurpassed m the State. Personal attention given to EUBAUIIN6 AND DIRECTION OF FUNERALS We are agents hor.m.fn- For style r s lead all others in style Sach Ladies For anything ln.the Shoe line call on us. G. EL r & ?; ij .a. our success and Lis Why thousand .V be! eve it ? Just try a in . - enough f(r and at prices the lowest in town. Yours to Serve, rf 0 U 0 Words faU to describe' the beauty rifi our Furniture in design, up holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Cases, Leather Couches and iJeather Chairs are rich, and ornamental, as, well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are i . - i ( - - I what the collectors of si)ecimcn8 select from, ari.l while his date in every particular, his THE LOWES for the celebrated an id wear tfiere is none Fine Shoes and finish. Big con - . - - EE IC Browii i

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