f ( Our Capes are m and the prices are 25 per cent, cheaper than "every before. PLUSH, VELVET,. 1 BEAVER, We can please you. Very ISM from our exquisite stock of Furnishings will show the superiority of the quality and make of our goods,! besides the swell style and rich effects of our Neckwear, Shirts, Col lars, Cuffs, Gloves, Suspenders and Hosiery. Our new FALL STOCK tion. THIS SPACE Mr. Leo Wallace, Northern Markets,! and on his return will have one of the most and Winter Goods ever ket. BOUOLE, KERSEY. resp y, DO, PA ffflTTFTTPffml Ufli- is worth your inspec SMOOT BROS. & ROGERS. BELONGS TO ULAC his buyer, is now in the complete stocks of Fall offered in this mar- LOCAL BRIEFS. The tent meeting at Hall's, -in the county closed last; night. i Chester, little son of J. J. Don nelly is sick with malarial fevery ; ; Weather forecast: Fair to night and . Wednesday. Cooler Wednesday morning. I Messrs. Kluttz and Caldwell will speak at i Hickory to-day. They went to that place last night. P. A. Frercks, of the Mt. Ver non hotel,' is at Lincoln Litbia Inn, near Lincoln ton, to-day at tending a meeting of hotel men of the State.. Mr.' Spencer, of the Central, was unable to attend the meeting. - - i Mr. White, the, painter, went to Winston yesterday to get some hands' for the work he .'has-: to do. He is now painting the interior of the HorBh building and will soon begin work on the residence on Main and Bank street recently purchased, by Mrs. lUackmer. PERSONALS. Mrs. Walton, of Cleveland, i visiting Mrs. Keever at Spencer. i Mrs. Addie Freeze, of Moores ville, is visiting Mrs. W. S. Frost. Miss Marion Mallett, of Fay etteville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. Overman. S. A. Way, the North Side mil ler, has gone home, to see his fam ily. He will return Thursday night. John A. Bariinger ..and P. Schenck, two of Greensboro's law yers, were here to-day; on legal business. Max Barker, who. had been at his homeriri this city on a furlough, returned to Jacksonville, to the camp of tne First N. C. , last night. Sergt. Jas. Watson went to Con cord this morning on. his- way lack to Jacksonville. He was accompanied by his sister to Con- cord. . . . Yellow Jaundice Cured Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possi- ile for its relief. It is with pleas ure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from yellow jaun- lice for over six months, and was feated by some of the best physi cians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending' them to any person sunering trom this ernble malady. 1 am gratelully yours, M. A. Ilogarty, Lexington, Ky.77 Sold by Theo. Jb. Kluttz & Co., druggists. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Jruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to irive perfect satislaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents , per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co.. druggists. O AND e Bread is the "staff of life," Cake is the luxury I Everyone wishes a little of each. To meet this condition I have made arrangements to supply the TRADE each day with Fresh Bread l Cakes! Competition both as to qual'ty and price cheerfully met. SPECIAL IN DUCEMENTS to those who would use in large quantities. I A trial solicited ! Patronage appreciated. Respectfully, ED. H. MARSH IS 13 Bread, 40 Loaves, for $1.00 PROHIBITION TICKET. For Congress 7th District, THOMAS P. JOHNSTON, , of Rowan. For House of Representatives.- HAYWOOD i HARPER, RAD FORD BAILEY. For Sheriff. E. F. EATON. For Probate Judge. S. M. PEACOCK. For Register of Deeds. JOHN BAILEY. For County (Treasurer. SOLO MON TEAGUE. For Coroner PINKNEY LUD- WICK. For County Commissioners. GEORGE SEYFFERT, JQNAS L1PPARD, JOS. EAGLE. No Drunkard Can . Enter the King- dom of Heaven. Temperance1 or Prohibition is our theme. . Prohibition is nothing but Temperance enacted into law. (concluded.) We have a few ood Methodist and Baptist preachers in this State who are not joining in the "hue and cry" so frequently indulged in at our expense, but on the con- rary are with us, heart and soul, doing all theyi can to cheer us and help us in . the "forlorn hope'" we are endeavoring to lead against he powers of darkness. We al ways have something to be thank ful for in this world and one is hat we are not alone in this fight under The White Banner of Tem perance. ' Elijah aid he alone was on God's side.! But God told him le had 7,000 in Israel who had never bowed tne Knee to liaai. i i . 1 : " May the time come when seventy imes 7,000 and thousands and ens of thousands times as many until there shall be n great multi- ude that no man can number whp will enlist under our. banner and fight, by our side. Some people seem to be afraid of losing their votes unless they vote for the tick et that wins, -i Instead of asking is t right im their minds they iri- juire: is it opular. lliey; al ways want to be, on the winning side. Thev measure principle by success. i i to Jhe continued. You invite disappointment when yoii experiment. De ltt s , Little Early . Risers i are pleasant, easy,' thorough little pills. They, cure constipation ancL sick headache ust as sure "as you take them. Jamei Plummer. FOR RENT-H-Four desirable rooms on West Fulton street. Address P. O. Box 252 ! If you want nice slaughtered meats go to Jackson's! market. If you don't want to be slaughtered shaye at the Climax. ! NEW REGISTRATION. By reason of the establishment of a new precinct to'bo known as Spencer precinct, and changes made m the -boundary lines of oth ers, there will be an 'entirely new registration of electors tor the election to be held on Tuesday, next alter the hrst Monday, in No vember, 1898 in the following pre cincts of Salisbutry township to wn.: f North Ward. South Ward! East Ward. Westward. Spencer. Due notice of the time and places of registration will be given. September 42, 1898. iW. O. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. H. N. Woodson, Register of Deeds. ; i W. L. Kluttz, Ch 1 in L Board'of County Com . . THE SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL . '-.-;' AMD -. i ONDERWRITERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GREENSBORO. Pays a dividend to policy holders of 20 per cent, and in cases of loss SETTLES their claims PROMPTLY What other companies do as much for you ? ! . I - : r ' Agent. Office between Link & Ragland and O. W Wright. l FOR SALE. One 6-room cottage on East Main Street, two 4-room cottages on Monroe Street, and several vacant lots. Also two houses; two stories high, with 6 rooms. It would be advisableto see me before renting store rooms or dwel lings. R. Ii. SHAVER, NOTICE the EieU M tej has just added a nother lot , i ofi thorouerhbred Jersey j " cows to the already fa- ?! nious herd, so place your orders at once. Why buy ,t an inferior milk when you can get Pure Jersey, 1-4 Cream, at the same price. Deliv ered at your door in jars at FIVE CENTS PER, . QUART. Cream a special ty. Leave orders at T. F. Young's store. ' JOS. H. McNEELY, Prop. Rockwell Park Dairy; ARE YOU FOND OF Baked rBearis WITH Tomato Sauce o o o o If so I will present you with a sam ple can, if you will read my sigh . j Three Different Ways Tlie sign is on outside windowj just above the Postofticc. I T. LI. Q'GULLOH. Church High School, FOR BOYS. : Session Began Sept. 5th, ' I898. BRAIICir The lowest priced stock of goods in Dress Cashmere's and Worsteds 9c. and ud. fiauuei.s, an wooj, ioc to Zbc. MJutings Vests, Ladies' ribbed vests in cotton and Children's Ribbed Vests. Ladies' wool reus seamiess ieet, aouoie Knep, tau at 10c and 15c. Corsets 17c to $ll00. TO SELL, AT Gents u.mlsliiaaer- O-oocis- ; L Men's cheap suits almost at your own price. What I have, must h I snM, Working Shirt 20c up. Dress Shirt, uuutri omit, wmier weigut, ioc; wool ioc anu up. Half hose 3cand up. Slioes and Headwaar. Men's Women's and Children's liht and heavy, g. od and fine, but all cheap. Men's, Youths and ChiIdren'svIIat4 and Caps in latest styles. Children' silk caps. j ' I Ozie pep.t Articles. ' I 2." Needles, PanerPins. 24 Sheets! Parte r. h WHMncr 'rne Tniic ti. i Cake Toilet Soap, 1 Tablet, 20'marbles. SUNDELES; Sewing Machine Oil. ers No. 0 and. 1 5c. Wicks 5c dozen! If you don't see what you want advertised call for it. Can mention only a fewof the many things in stock. Everybody invited to call. 2nd door from stand pipe, Fisher street. i; . -w Yourp to Ladies' Cloak, Costume and Dress Making I will open up by the 1st of October a complete LADIES' TAIL ORING ESTABLISHMENT in the rooms above Geo. V. Wright's furniture store, formerly occupied by the Evening World, where I will be prepared to make all stales of Ladies' Cloaks, Costumes, Etc. MISS MARY WRENN will have entire charge of this department, and it is needless for me to attempt anything in praise of her efficien Cy as a large majority of ladies in the community can testify in re gard to her ability in this line of work. Atl orders will be executed on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies are cordially in vited to call and give me a trial. Respectfully yours, Louis Lichtenstein, SALISBURY, N. C - TAILOR. Our Tailor, with " . i ' j -' an elegant line of piece goods for dis play, will be at our store on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY of this week; Please call and examine the line, Brown Clothing ;co. mm fa, Salisbury. Goods.. Plain Suit 5c. . Hose, cScc. wool. Cotton Vests, winter wpiiriif1 iro pants. Ladies' hose 3c and up. Child- and blacks, in 2nds, worth 10c and 25c .J I worth 75c for 50. $1 00 Shirt at 75c. . : " k ' . ' - I. larcre. 4e. ' MuclWn s. T.;,m B.,m: I Please, H. D. SCARBORO. Establishment.

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