1 i S S f J i . i -. 17.7 Ficv.rs coLUk FOR CAKES of all kinds and First-Class, - call on T. L. SW1NK. ESI SKI Qff&LITlT BREAD, tt Lows for Sl.co at t. !. swiim's. VOL- IV. NO. 25. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING,. SEPTEMBER 29, 1898. 10 Cents Per "Wee k HOUSE ENTERED The Thief Was After Money But Did Not Ge$ Much, Yesterday while Rev. and Mrs. D. II. Myers, who live on Main street between Salisbury and Spen cer, were in the city, their house was visited by a thief who was evi dently a tramp. He entered by breaking a slat from the window blind and open--Anr a window. The tbief ransack edthe entire house, b reaking open every place where money might be kept, except one box in which was quite an amount. He suc ceeded lin getting' only a small He helped himself to some . m j 1. i dough and rations from me kucu en and also took a gold watch. Mr. StuhblebineV Sermons. M isa Bessie Keen, reporter for the Thomasville department of the Davidson Dispatch, says: Rev. Mr. Stubblebine, of Salis bury, has been holding a series of mPPtWs in the Heidleberg cnurcn. His sermons are plain, forcible and 1nnnnt. and his singing is a very attractive feature. Monday night he gave an illustrated lecture ou ."Lite in the Slums of New York,'! which was listened to with rapt attention. In fact the large audi ences that attend each night attest the interest felt in the meeting. Mrs. Burgess' Funeral: The funeral !ser vice over the re mains rtf M rs. Charles Burgess was conducted from St. John's Lutheran church this morning and was attended by a large number t Prion 1 The bodv was taken to Concord at half past ten to 1m? interred in the fam Hy plot wnere her mother was buried not many fltc a rrt . " i The bodv was accompanied from t i iU Lnoknnil onI npar atives and the pastor of the de ceased. Soldiers. I .1 . First Lieutenant Bernhardt, of the 6th cavalry, who had been at his old home in Stanly on a fur lough, was here this morning on his way back to his regiment which IS DOW St JJlOUUlUtk UUt Y uiwi imii probably be moved soon to Hunts- Private Alsobrook, of the First N. C, arived at home this morn in from Jacksonville to spent several days. Mr. Burkhead Dead. His relatives in this city were informed this morning by wire of the death of Mr. Calvin Burkhead in flnnmrrl. 1 Mr. Burkhead died AAJk vV vw- .. early this morning after a i lness. . ,,f5 long Mr. W. T. Itainey and family and Mrs. Tom Mowery left on the 10:30 train for Concord in answer to the sad message. Mr. Ilainey and Mrs. Mowery are nephew and niece of the deceased. ; . I Attention Knights. Members of Rowan Lodge No. 100 are requested to be at their castle hall promptly at 8 p. in. -j Work in all three ranks and a team for work in the third rank' will be organized. Frank R. Brown, ! Chancellor Commander, t Lost -Plain gold rinc on street be tween Brooklyn and Mr. Mark Hoff man's near the site of the old railroad shops. Finder will please return to Mrs. Frank Heilig, or leave at Sun office. ' I THE BEST PRESCRIPTION F0RJSHILL8 j and fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never falls to cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations t Price 60 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Come and see our up-to-date goods in dress patterns. Carolina Racket, j T LITTLE GIBL'S EXPERIENCE. While Asleep she Jumped cut of a Moving Train Not Hurt.' Little MissMary,the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. John Ide, ofthis cityJ had an experience Tuesday which might have caused herdeatb. She had been in -Richmond with Mrs j H. H. Yount and was re turning home with Mr. Yount. When the train pulled out from the Richmond station Mr. Yount went into another car, leaving Mary asleep on the seat by an open widow. Mary is somewhat of a somnam bulist and she surprised the other passengers by leaping through the window headforemost without waking or making any prepara tion for the leap. The train was stopped and several of the gentle men rushed out expecting to find the little erirl badly hurt But a policeman picked her up unhurt She had landed on her feet which were somewhat bruised but other- wise she was unhurt. Mary faint- ed and it was some little time be j- fore she knew what had happened. She has not fully recovered from the nervous shock but besides that feels none the worse for her she leani At Crescent. Tie following items are taken frou the Crescent Rys: S jciety meetings are booming at- Orescent. A new organiza tion known as 44The AYeekly-" Temperance Meeting." It is con duc ed by the vyorkmen of this place. This meeting lasts from 3 until 7 o'clock once 'every week. Atb!nd;mco is gKd, every mem ber being present at each inceting. T ic present prospects arp thai the Orescent Literary Society for you ig men will have to'be divided, as i is too large for its members to get the opportunity to speak as the needl ' They are occasionally detained until midnight, even. then not giving a suflScient time to dis-. cuss the tuestions in full. This is encouraging. Eediiced Bates. .6 n account of Protestant Epis copal Church convention, Wash ington. Oct. 5th to 28th and Wo nan's Auxiliary of Mission aries, Washington, October 0th to 15tl i the Southern will sell one fare round trip tickets. ; C rand United Order of Odd Fellows, colored, St. Louis, Mo., October ith to 1 10th, one fare round trip. Knights Templar Trienial Con clave, Pittsburg, Pa., October 10th to 1 Uh, one fare round trip. Fine pattern Hats, pretty home made Hats, bailors, locjues, nne velvet shapes Velvets, bilks, Sat ins, Pretty fine dress patterns and all r ice and stylish goods can be four d at Mrs.- B. D. Hurley's, the Fish er street milliner. A srreat disulav of Fall and Win- ter goods at Harry Bro's. Tuesday mo; Hi and Wednesday. Swellest line of neckwear in the citv Must arrived at Smoot Bros. & Rogers. WANTED-4 ,or 5 room cottage in cen tral part of town. Apply to T. P. Devi ney, at Louis Liclitenstein's, taild r. Those desiri rig first class coal 6& livetf d at $4.00 per ton within the next 15 days leave order with II. L. Cornel ison at Atwell's Hardware. NO CURE-NO PAY Thrlt is t l way all druggists sell G ROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chill and Fever. - It is simply: iron and Quin it. . Ine in a tasteless form. Children love dults-prefer it to bitter, nauseating Ton ids I'nce oo cents. Stuayed 5 months old slioat. FJnqer will return to John Johnson, colored. Will pay liberal reward. WEDDING LAST NIGHT. Miss Carrie Rothrock, the Bride Mr. Frank Marshthe Groom. V Last night ' after the prayer meeting service at St. John's Lutheran church was over, Rev. L. E. Busby was called upon to marry Miss Carrie . Rothrock, of Rockwell, this county, and, Mr. Frank Marsh, of iftew-York. The ceremony was performed in the church. , ' ; Mr. Marsh was seen by a-Sun reporter th is morning. He is in -terested in gold mining he said and had for the past two weeks been with his friend, Mr. Graf, at the Beam Gold Mine, in this coun ty. He visited this county eight years ago and met Miss Carrie, who was then but a small girl. Three years ago he was again - in the county, .and two weeks ago he came here for the third time and he and Miss Rothrock,' who : is a daughter of Prof. Rothrock, of Rockwell, decided to marry. They will leave soon for f he t - v- borne in STe w York. groom s Man Hurt, j : Yesterday while putting- up telephone pole at the Bell block Mr. Shaw, one of the1 linemen of the Salisbury exchange, was right badly hurt. A pole called t4dead-man" which was being used fell on Mr. Shaw crushing him down and hurting him internally. Ho was not seriously hurt. Rock for Church. , Mr. J. L Shuping, of Faith, has been awarded another large contract for buildinjr' stone for a church in Charlotte, N. C. . He will ship down the granite in the rough ..sin'X-t'gfcr "&C4... down and cut it at the building. $19. 76 each is the price we pro pose to sell a car. load of bicycles that are worth twice that amount. E. W. Burt & Co. i Miss Louise Lunn, who has been in the city for some time, left this morning for Greensboro to enter the Normal school; Officer Eagle, of the police force, has moved from South Main street, down near Sheriff Mon roe's. Not because they are not worth more, but because we bought a bargain, is the reason we will sell a good wheel for $10.75. E. W. Burt & Co. The Juvenile . Book Club will I meet with Miss Rosa Holmes to morrow (Friday) afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Author Charlotte M. Young. i The Columbian Cineograpn com pany will give an entertainment at the court house to-morrow night, under the auspices of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy. ' The series of meetings at the Vance mill school house are pro gressing well. Tuesday night there were two conversions. The services are well attended. .1 i Our leading school suit for boys $z..iu. "1111 or worm lull beauty tough as leather. of Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Don't miss the great event of the season, the Fall opening at Harry Bro's. Tuesday night and Wednes day. i New goodst irf dress patterns on dis play at the Carolina Racket. PICTURES! PICTURES!! This is your last chance to get good photos cheap. Fine Cabinets only $1.50 per dozen at Moose's Oar near freight depot. This is last week so come at once, will leave here Oct. 6th. work made this week will be ished; before 1 leave the citv. my We All fin- j i W. J. Moose, Photographer. TWO NEW MILLS. At China Grove The Hydrophobia . , Patients. China (rove, Sept. 20 The China GroreItoller Mill Company are going to build a new mill on the site of jthe old one. The new milf will be a 70-barrel I capaicity. Mr. J. B. Goodnight has given bond for the title of some land to Capt. Odell and others with the expectation of erecting a cotton mill. Your correspondent has that if the railroad just learned company willj build a side track to the site the mill will most assured ly be built Some of our leading men a re. interested. Mr. Jim Casper, the victim of a mad dog bite, is in Philadelphia. comiwinjied him from Greensboro. Charlie Long was bitten by the Saturday and his same dog last father,Mr. James 'Long, was in Salisbu ry yesterday to see Dr. Whitehead in regard to the mat ter. ) Mr.. JLong says he will leave for. Baltimore, Md., to-night with Charlie. All the parties will be apt to take the Pasteur treatment. We are in hopes that the dog was not rabid but nevertheless he showed all symptoms. D. Standard Man Honored. The Standard man of our bright little neighbor of Concord the Concord Standard has the unique honor of being apiointed a dele gate to the horse swappers con vention at Gainesville October 11th by the horse swappers" association of Cabarrus county. He has the distinction of being among the first quill drivers in the State appoint ed as delegates. , Van Wypk for Governor; SPECIAL, DISPATCn TO'TIIE SUN Sy racu se, Se pt. 29 Th e official slate was announced by Hill this morning as follows: , Governor, Augustus Van Wyck. Lieut. Governor. Eliott Dan- forth. Secretary of State, George Bat- ton, of Niagara. Later Augustus Van Wyck was nominated for Governor. - To Sell Zola's Property. special dispatch to the sun. Paris, Sept. 20. Three hand writing experts, who recently won the libel suit against Zola refused to accept the offer regarding the payment of damages which Zola was sentenced, to pay them. A judicial sale of the novelist's property in Paris, including his residence, is announced for Octo ber 11th. Fifteen Killed. special dispatch to the sun. Tacona, Wash., Sept. 29. Fif teen men were killed by an explo sion -of dynamite at New Whatom, in this State. Four horses were also killed. "Don't think dollars can be ac quired without sense." Don't think we haven't got the choicest line of childrens suitsj in Salisbury for we have. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, so cents, - Have you tried the Peyser, co lar ? 2100 linen, all styles 10c. , Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Big line of Capes and Jackets coming in Saturday. Come and see them. Mrs. B. D. Hurley, the Eisner street milliner. Just received a large shipment of b(jys - knee pants Cord u roy s. Cheviots, Cassimeres, 1 weeds heavy weights. All sizes from 4 to 16. All prices from 25c. and UP. &MOOT .BROS. X xiOGERS. TO REDUCE OFFICERS. Of Volunteer Armv- f!h of ' I Troops Shatter 111. SPECIAL DISPATCn TO THE SUN. -TO REDUCE THE OFFICERS. Washington, Sept. 20. The President and the War Denart- --!!- 1 . ment are preparing to reduce the number of generals and - staff offi cers of the volunteer army to about half. The list of officers to bo mustered out has alreacW been prepared for the office of the adju tant general, but is subject to a change and will not be published i 1 m now. j The needs of the material reduction of volunteer commission ed ofiicers has been apparent since the mustering out of a .hundred tnousand volunteers. 1 he list was prepared under the advice of Miles and Alger. - i TR001S TO FORTS'. , " Mbntauk Point, Sept. 29. The Twenty-fifth infantry, seven hun dred, left today for Long Island City. They are going to forts in Colorado, Arizona and New Mex ico to relieve the Fifteenth Infan try which goes to Cuba. Forty sicknien were transferred from Gamp to the hospital train today.il '; :; A hundred and ninety-five pa tients are in the general hospital today; j - ' ' ' ' .. shafter's condition..' Montauk Pointt,Sept. 29 Gen eral Shafter is still indisposed with malarial fever. He will remain1 at headquarters "all day giving orders through Adjutant Colonel McClel land.' Ho expects to resume active work in a few days. TO COME TO NORFOLK. Representative Wise telegraphs the . Secretary of the Navy that it js agreed that the Maria Teresa will positively come to the Norfolk Navy Yard to be repaired. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. Washington, Sept. 28 Only three members of the war investi gators met to-day. Little business was transacted. Replies from in quiries are awaited. A Train Held Up. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TIIE SUN. .. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 29. The greatest excitement and apprehen sionwas caused by the report to day that the east-bound train No. 72 on the Lake Shore railroad was held up twenty-five miles west of this place by four masked men who boarded the train at - Amherst while it was ascending a " steep grade. L i Two j stood, in the doorways while others rifled the luggage and packages, of passengers. Several shots were fired to em phasize the command to hold up hands. . Hands went up and the robbers neglected nothing. They forced one woman to remove, her ear rings, j Seven men were com pelled to remove their coats and Waistcoats and deliver them up. The robbers then escaped. , At o o clock this morning one man was arrested on suspicion. Q,neen Louise Dead. . . ! - v' SPECIAL DISPATCH TO SUN.J Copenhagen, Sept. 29. Queen Louise of Denmark, died at 5:30 this morning, Every member of the royal, family were present at the bedside. The queen had been hopelessly ill for many weeks and only by the most careful skill was life v prolonged, She had been unconscious for forty-eight hours and her pulse was so weak that it was difficult to determine whether she was still living, oxygen being employed by physicans to facili tate respiration. The Queen's age was eighty one. CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED. On Chestnut Hill To-Night Large . Attendance Expected. Mr. Editor: A'small boy car rying around hand bills announc ing a Democratic club to be or- ganized 'at the school house at Chestnut Hill to-nip-ht. came . . -- - o ' , around through ."'the ''mill giving them to every one he met, and a Republican got hold of one of them and wrote this on the back. democratic club meeting to try o gain votes for the dead nartv. Hurrah for the Republican party, 1 he laboring man's friend." I will say Hurrah for the Re publican party, the negro's friend. Some one made a remark about ' " - Our superintendent beinsr such a strong D -. I will, say he is a man after Thomas Jefferson I and i - Zeb Vance's own heart. Now. Mr. Republican are jyou willing for the -present incouipe- tent, vicious, corrupt and dis- graceful political monstrosity of usion to continue: it uas ac credited the civilization and re $pectability of the'State . by plac ing a premium upon . ignorance outlawing and corruption, and corruption, virtue respectability and intelli gence. The last Ilesrislature which as- sembled in our historic old capi- laughing stock of! the country, and damned Radical and Populist fusion . for all time to coule. No self respecting man in the rank and file of either party favors its continuance. j ! Its advocates are to be found among the professional politicians, who are willing 'to sell out; the honor of the State, provided they can obtain some office in returnj for their treachery., , j ' Now we appeal to all good peo ple who want good government.to consider well' the condition of our good people who are in the eastern part of the State who are j suf fering so much on the account of negro rule. White people of North Carolina, let's come; to- j our grand 'old State. Such a state of affairs are existing, now that we are afraid, for our sisters, and wives to step out doors, afraid of molestation. Look out white people, the warp of fate is trying to weave its web close around us again. I No W- we ask every v white man to come out to-night and joinj the Chestnut Hill Democratic Club. We are going to have good speak ing. Mr. John M. Julian Lee Wright will speak . Come out. and for R. us. Overman's Friend. New Adds. . C. A. Rice, lumber. ; V. Wallace, bargain in fall stock of goods. H. B. Scarboro, quotes prices on some goods. t j Teachers Association. The regular meeting of the Teachers' Association will be held in Salisbury Saturday next, f Oc tober the 1st. The programme has already been published, lit is desired that all of the teacfiers at tend. The meeting will be of in terest to them. ! "You needn't worry about! the prices. We do that." A child's heavy winter suit, coat and pants both lined, for $1,00. All the other popular priced suits up to $5.00. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Buy your Hat this fall from Mrs. B. D. Hurley and be convinced she will treat vou right. Respect-fu'l-. Mrs. B. D. Hurlev,; the Fisher street milliner. 7 , - Fall opening at Harry Bro's. Tuesday night and Wednesday. Every lady invited. s .-'::

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