V ! THE FLOYEKS GET BEST pllisr BREAD, 'iOtos for Sl,cp at T. L. S WINK'S. VOL. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week fo "1 ' THE NEW,-RAILROAD. At Last' the HocfcsvUle-MooresviUe -' Road ia About Completed. . r Tho following concerning tho ivi.Wsvi11fl-Mooresville roadt 4.. LltJ " 'srs taken from yesterday's Char . lotte Observer: ; ' The new railroad which the Southern has been ; building from ; Iooresville to Mocksville is at iast practically f finished. The track in places is not properly surfaced yet, but to all intents and purposes, the road is hnished. Trains cannot be operated until the track is surfaced, but that will have been completed probably within t.hft course of a week. The VIA iU ofl5cers of the road intended mak Jno- a tour of inspection ovep the line to-day, but will not because the track is not quite ready. They will likely christen the rails next week. The schedule of rates that Ktnf'n rin tho new road was VY 111 ,4. ' v-- y r. received here yesterday. They will be effective October 1st. The fare from here to-Winston will be 00. and from Mooresville to Mocksville, $1 first-class, and S5 r, t fiP.pnnd-class. There are live stations between the .two M's Mooresville and Mocksville fnnrnsv illfi Junction. Barber's Junction, Mt. Ulla, Schley and nne other. It is the opinion o railroad men that a mixed train will be run between Winston and Mooresville for the present. Iis nrnhiiblo that this new road nky become the main line between w,ro nnil Winston, and that the Atlantic, Tennessee Qhi(? from Mooresville on to Taylorsville wil be a branch. Two crews of train men will find employment on the roatl. It opens up a fine country through Iredell, Rowan and Davie a countrr of cotton and tobacco v ' of fruit and grain; a country well settled by a particularly intelli gent abd thrifty tropic. The lo cal business of the line, both pas senger and freight,- will be a mat ter of consequence. Judge Armfield's Condition Serious. Erom the Statesville Landmark of yesterday We get the following: Hon. R- F. Armfield, who has been in a precarious condition for several weeks, was seriously ill yesterday and the gravest fears are entertained for his recovery. His condition is such that his res toration to health can hardly be hoped for. ; Judge Armfield was worse last night and his condition is not im proved this morning. : p Mr. Robertson Dead. News has been received here of the death of Mr. II. E. Robertson, ofMocksville, which occurred last eight at 11 o'clock, Mr. Kouert son was about 58 years' of age and an excellent man. He had been a manufacturer of tobacco and1 was well known. lie was a Mason and will be buried with Masonic honors. Mr. Robertson had been sick for several weeks, with typhoid fever. . The funeral wid be conducted at Mocksville to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Several from Salisbury will attend. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS at fever i a bottle of Grove Tasteless Cjiiw- Tosjc. Never fails tocure; then why experiment with worthless imitations;' J'rice 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Grapes and Lemons just in. Maush. . PICTURES! PICTURES!! This is your last chance to get good photos cheap. Fine Cabinets only ?41.50 per dozen at Moose's Car near f reight depot. This ig my last week so come at once. We will leave here Oct, 6th. All work made this week will be fin ished before 1 leave the city. W.J. Moose, Photographer. CITY CHURCH DIRECTORY. Wherd One May Worship on To-morrow in the City Spencer Presbyterian church Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m,l Sunday school at 3 p. m. . The re wTill be the usual services at the Church Street Methodist church to-morrow, morning and evening. I The! Society of Christian . En deavor will hold its regular month ly" consecration meeting on Sab bath evening at 15 'minutes of 7, in the Sunday school room . of the Presbyterian church. The subject for tl.e -'meeting is, fc 'Trials, and how to bear them.". It is hoped that every member will be present and t lat any who are obliged to be absent will send a verse to be read in ret ponse to their name at the roll call. " Strangers are heartily welcc. nie. " . .t . Rev Mr. Parrish has not return ed arid it is not likely that there will be service at the Baptist churd b to-morrow. C4 tholic Church Services at the usual hours. morning and evening. . Th at St 3re will be the usual services ; Luke'sEpiscopal church. Services at tho regular ' hour at the E a rst Presbyterian church. To Soldiers Home. MiJ P. Alex Brown loft this morning for Raleigh where he will entcn the soldiers' home. IIehas been tit the home before, but has been Spending several months. in Salisbury. To be Married this Afternoon- Mr -Waller Meisimer, an em of tho Sr.IUmry Cotton Mill, ployd will 1 Miss tiana e married this - afternoon to flfannie Lentz, of near Chris church, in the county. The ceremony will ,be performed by Rev. R. L. Brown. The couple will come to the mills to-nisrht where they will make their home. The Sun extends congratulations in advance of the event. In Effect To-day. As has been duly advertised in this paper, a new ruling goes into effecti to-day in regard to cars- re mainjng, unloaded 48 hours after their arrival, and also in regard to not loading cars within -18 hours after being placed in position. This is a new ruling agreed upon by the State have aiiroad companies ot our mm' - m and agents at the stations kio discretion in the matter, and must abide the rules assigned them else lay themselves liable. t At the Rock Crusher. A Sun man visited the Beverly rock i ;rpsher, near Woodside,- y es terday ofternoon. This is com parat: vely a new enterprise , in Rowai. The rock, after being crush )d, is used by the Southern in bal asting its road bed, and it maker excellent ballast, I Mr. Beverly is working a num ber oi hands now but tells us he needs fifteen or twenty " more, as thecr isher stands idle a large part of the time on account of the pres ent force of hands not being able to keep it supplied .withi rock. I The rooms above Geo. W. Wright's furniture store, former ly occupied by the Evening World will e opened on VVednesduy next Vy Ljuis Lichteusteln, where he wilJ conduct a first-class Ladies' ChiakJ jCostume nnd Dress-niakihg Department, superintended I. by Miss Mary Wrenn, ! i Str4 v Cow Owner can get same ying ttr Norman 'KyleSj Coun- by app cil strdet. LOCAL BRIEFS. Mr. C.,Wr. Pool is kepUit borne by sickness. . The county commissioners meet inj regular session Monday., :i Mr. J. S. Marable is confined to his room with sickness. j Mrs. Lou Dawson is very sick with fever and is ia a destitute conditoin. ' j Have you seen the work turned out by the Salisbury Steam Laiin- lry since tlie new foreman came. Mr. - and Mrs. J. D. Harnes- berger are keeping house in JSlr. M. A. Shank's house on Council street." . - 'Bicycles complete for $19.75 that are worth the price without tires, saddles or handlebars. E. W. Burt & Co.. Kluttz and Renclleman advertise in the Sun to-day the "largest and best stock of winter goals in Sal bury." . . . . The corner stone of the St. Paul . - ..i Episcopal church, on Chestnut - i Hill, will be laid this (Saturday) afternoon at 5 o'clock. . The entertainment at the court - i house last night was (piite a sue cess, the Daughters , of the (Jon ederacy realizing a neat sum. Hon. Lee S. Overman spoke at the Arance mill last night to a good- sized crowd, and a Democratic club was organized with a guoc membership. Keep your face to the. front that's how we keep our shoe busi ness before you. We are en trenchetl behind a good reputation Burt Shoe Co. The Sun learns that it t Look lour or hve men to noKl "onariie Klutlzt of tlie Spencer shops, this morning. The cause: A thirteen-: pound babv '.visited ' his home shortly before midnijiht last nisht. lEngine No. 311), one having electric headlight,- is looking much better. She has new tires which make her look higher, and has just been 'given a painting. She has been in the Spencer shop and took her first trip out last night. Maurice Bailey, of Winston, is in the city in the interest of the firm ston. tbeir of Bailey Brothers, of .Win He is in charge of one of advertising wagons on a trip through the South. Hugh Daggett, of the First C, is again at home, he with t ..1 i . 1 s 1 4 ne otner members or. tne regimen being off on thirty day furiougji After the thirty days are out the regiment will be mustered out. New Ads. T. M. McCulIoh. - , Kluttz & Rendleniap. Bostian and At well; J. 11. McNoely, coal. P. F. Hedrick. who was di charged from the First N; Creg iment on account of physical disa bilities, is in the citv. Since com ing to his home in Davidson coun ty Mr. Hedrick has been sick, he having contracted malaria while ih Florida. lime well spent a visit to Harry. Bro's. opening Tuesday night. LOST Glass-Cutting diamond with dark rosewood handle. Return to P, P. Meroney for reward. Good quality, skilled workman ship, and prices reasonably conn tent wjui me aoove win ever De my " aim. Louis Lich ten stein's1 Cloak, Costume and dress-making department.. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY fake. Iraxatire Bromo Ouinin6 Tablets AH Druggists refund the money if it fails tc( cure. ; zo cents, .. PERSONALS. Rev. Dr. Brooks went to Con-- cord to-day. j - ) Prof J. P. Cook arrived in he city from the South last night. Burton Craige, of the Horner school, came home last night from Oxford. 1 1 Mys. J. Q. Foreman and chil dren have returned from Jackdaw where they had been visiting. Joe Cahill, a Salisbury bov in the tirst N. C., at Jacksonville, carn bome this morping to spend several days. Vijs. C. G. Lanier, of Winston, who; had been to Moreranton, j . where her brother vdied recently, passed through this morning; re turning home! , " - --. . ! - 'George W.v Vanderbilt and bride, of Bilttnore, passed through this mornino' bn their way to that place. They were in Mr. Van derbilt's car, the Swannanoa. Still Workers A number of men on horses rode over .thp city midnight and last night between morning. The. ri ders were clothed in Ions, white 3- ' sheets and presented quite a ghost like appearance as they passed down the street in sinirlefile. The nu mber of ""still workers," as they termed themselves by signs left hanging at different places, was variously estimated, some people seeing eight and some people see ing or thinking they saw as many as eisrnty. oomc or. tne coiorec 1. 1 population were badly frightened. The "still damage, they workers ' ctid " no were just out ridin for their health. Chestnut Hill jtems. - ; : The Chestnut Hill debating so ciety will meet to-niiiht at 7:30 o'clock. Thekpiery for discussion is: "Kesoivcu, mat mere is more ure." time. sorrow in lire tnau ieas m . t s We are anticipating a gooi As the writer was uoinir home yesterday even in jz he met a man who looked like he had been run ninor about three miles! I asked him what was the trouble. Ab," he says, 44I am going to town to get a warrant for one of my neigh bors." -I says, "What is the trouble?" "On," he says, "a cer tain man called me a f usionist and I am ffoins to town to indict him for slander for Ithe sum of $10,000' Supt. F. M. Ward added 50 new names to the roll of Chestnu Hill Democratic club yesterday. Mrs. J. B. (ireen, of Spray, N C.,, who has been visiting,, her brother, Mr. Allen. Mclriniss, for some time, left this '" morning for her home. She was accompanies by Mrs. Allen Mclnniss. Mrs Green has been under the, treat ment of Dr. J. M. Flippin.for some time. W turned home m e are ffiau sue re- V 1 - 1 ucb improved. Miss Mara morninsr for Ja Forbus left - this nestown. Some of our boys went to Zeb last night to the debate. X. Come and see our up-to-date goods in dress patterns. h-Carolina Racket. The opening at Harry Bro's. Tuesday night will be the event of the day. The genuine tailor-made cos tumes can only lie procured at the "Ladies Tailoring Department," above Geo. W. Wright's furniture store from Louis Lichtensteih. Those desiring irst class coal dc- livered at $4.00 per ton within the next 15 days leave order with R. L. Cornelison at Atwfell's Hardware. New goods in dress patterns on dis play at the Carolina Racket. 4ouis Lichtenstein's costume and dress-making department will be opjn on Wednesday next. , DAYW PRESIDENT CONFERENCE. 1 - t Spaniards Insist On . Putting in Mon- tero Rios. (Special to Sun.) Paris, ; October 1. The Peace Commissioners niet in conference or the; first time at two o'clock this afternoon. The session was devoid of the formal exchange of credentials and choice for . chair man. The Spaniards to age and rank Montero Rios, president of the Senate,, under ordinary circum stances, to he president of the conference. But the Americans, in-vie vv of heir 'being victorious, suggest a compromise on Day as president, with Rios as alternate. The point is under - discussion, the Americans, insisting that they should preside. The Spanish commissioners vig orously protest against the Amer icans allowing" the Viscayas rebels to receive rifles, am m unition and cannon while prohibiting Spanish troops from being sent there. j Small Majority. f SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Victoria, B. C. , Oct. 1 . The majority for prohibition in the province of British Columbia will not exceed one thousand. To Sail For Manila. SPECIAL. DISPATCII TO THE SUN. Brooklyn, Qct. L rThe Iowa sailed this morning to join the Oregon at Tomkinsville. Both will probably start for Manila to day. '', j May be McMillan. SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington, Oct. 1. It is- ru mored that Senator McMillan, o . i - - Michigan, will le made ambassa dor to England. Narrow Escape. ISPEqiAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. ' San j Francisco, Oct. 1. Over two hundred people narrowly es caped death by a collision between the steamer Santa Rosa and one of the derelict log rafts afloat in the Pacific ocean. Two Men Killed.; (Special to Sun.) Belleaire, 0., Oct.. 1. The hy draulic shears at the Steel Works here closed on William Davis and Frank Colard, killing both and se riously injuring two others. The shears had failed to, close on ac count of power. the stoppage of the water Men were under them trying to fix it with iron bars when the blade. descended with above re sult. An Uprising. (Special to Sun.) ;:. Berlin, Oct. 1. rA serious up rising of natives occurredtit Da maraland where a battle was fought between the rebels and German regulars without any, decisive re sult. Eleven Germans are report ed killed Both sides are now in Laager. Cullom Talks. Special to Sun. i San Francisco, OcL 1 Senator Cullom, one of the commissioners sent to Hawaii, who arrived on the steamer Gaelic, says the commis sion will recommend a. territorial form of government modified to suit "ttie conditions of Hawaii. Emperor Assassinated. - . - Special to Sun. London; Oct; J. This "after noon it is confidentially asserted in diplomatic circles that the Em peror of China has been assassi nated. ! Peculiar Death. ! f srECIAIi DISPATCII TO THE SUN. . s Chicago, Oct., 1. Dr. Todd, assistant superinfendant in the hospital for insane at Toledo, died of hydrophobia at the Pres byterian hospital from fear. He showed no signs of hydrophobia until he received a letter saying e dog which bit him had gone mad. Anarchist Plot. SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN. London, Oct. 1. Ordinary pre cautions are being taken to guard the British royal family against the anarchist plot. Even the life of baby Prince -Edward is con sidered a possible prey of the ene mies of law and order. Duel Fought. j SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO SUN. j ' Paris, Oct. 1. A duel with swords was fought this morning Between Paulmier and Turot, sub editor of Lalanterne, who wrote an article reflecting on Paulmier"s family and which caused ithe shooting of Olivier' secretary to La Lanterne, by Paulmier a few days since. Turot received three wounds. 1 - - i Mrs. Carnot Dead- r Special to Sun. . i. Paris, Oct. 1. The widow of President Carnot is dead. i No Longer Possible. ; f (Special to Sun.) j . j Meriden, Conn., Oct. 1. From official sources it is learned to-day that the combination of - silver plated ware manufacturing inter est in the United States and Canada, under the auspicies of the Inter national Silver Company is no longer a possibility. Ta Investigate. (Special to Sun.) Montreal, Oct. 1. It is under stood that the Dominion Govern ment will soon appoint a com missioner to investigate charges of the official maladministration andbribery in Klondike goldfields. Such a move has been equally urged by friends and political op ponents, f Gold Coming In. - SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Newr York, Oct. 1 A million and three quarters of gold arrived from Europe to-day. Martial Law. SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN Springfield, 111., Oct. 1 Gov ernor Tanner declared martial law in Pana, the striking district, last night. . ' - 1 Aguinaldo's Eepresentatives. special, dispatch to the SUN. Washington, Oct. 1 Agoncillo and Lopez, representatiyes of Aguinaldo, called on the President to-day in company with General Green. They had a private con ference in the cabinet room. Your own material will be made up just as well and with as much care, as though you would order complete, at the "Ladies Costume Department" of Louis Lichtenstein's. Everybody should see the spe cial display at Harry Bro's. Tues day night. NO CURE NO PAY That Is the way all drujrjjfstssell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL. TONIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form: it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Children love ionics, trice -w cents. If you want nice slaughtered meats go, to Jackson's market. If you don't want to be slaughtered shave at the Climax. 4