- .-.-- - . v , ; v ' n : - - , : ' ' . . 1 . " - . ' ' '. - ' " .- :- - .- -! ' ! .'- ' ' - . -.- . .. - ! ' ' s- " .'."'''- -i V ' : ' V' . ; , ." - ...:.. " -- .- ' " ; . e - , -.. - ----- . - ' ... - i - SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) ' JOE X. FOUECHE. I CLINT. N. BROWN, f Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, Six Months, Three -One Month, One Week, $4.00 z.oo l.oo .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city without extra cost. iror advertising rates apply to the publishers Office oyer Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Entered at postoffice s second-class matter. Salisbury, N. C, Oct. I, 1898. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Congress Seventh District: TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ, ' of Rowan. For Solicitor Eighth District: WILEY RUSH, of Randolph. For the Senate 26th Senatorial District: , J. C. THOMAS, of Davidson. R. B. GLENN, of Forsyth. For the Legislature: LEE S. OVERMAN, D. R. JULIAN. For Clerk of Superior Court: W. G WATSON, For Register of Deeds: H: N. WOODSON, For Sheriff: ' V J. M. MONROE. For Treasurer: J. SAM'L McCUBBlNS, JR. For Cotton Weigher: G. H. PAGE. For Coroner: E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Surveyor: . C M. MILLER. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBlNS, SANFORD HENLY, P. D. LINN. W. Ham writes as follows in the Goldsboro Argus: 4I was a I'opulist, but under the tions existing: in North Caro- once con an lina to-day, and since that party bas !usedv with the Republicans and i aiding in the permanent es tablij hment of negro rule in the State I am compelled to cast my lot with the Democracy, and ad vise i ill men who love their coun try t do likewise." ; ; . V ' Coals Admiral Cer vera has consent ed to represent Ferrol in the Cor tes and has promised to reveal the whol 5 truth about the mismanage ment of naval affairs by the Span ish g jvernment which resulted in the destruction of his squadron. W.4 Kluttz Oxfol well, of Fire on Mr. Caldwell's Head. Concord Standard, f see that Hon. Tlieo. . F. spoke at Newtn and at d in the absence of Mr. Cald- who was called home by the serious illness-., oi nis son. j.ne correspondent says "X r. Kluttz made an excellent prese itation of the political issues, in a speech of one hour's length. touching upon both national and State matters. He gives offense to no one, lit ters no words of abuse aiM shows the most gentlemanly considera tion : or his absent opponent in not alluding to any matters, broug ht out by their canvass, nor did he refer to Mr. Caldwell, ex cept to announce the cause of his absence, express the desire to have him return to the canvass, and to state that he would not discuss some matters in Mr. Caldwell's absence. We I have always admired the broad, generous, honorable bearT ing of Mr. Kluttz and wonder that Mr. Caldwell can endorse op posing him for a place for which Mr. 'Kluttz is certainly the more capable. On the great question of tin same votes for f does vote staiuj your co.rdi lowei NEARLY ALL COME BACK. Our Populist friends in lw)van will please note that the Populists in Halifax j county have nearly all come back to the Democratic party. Elsewhere in this paper we publislra statement f rom the Raleio-h Post which shows " that 000 Ijopulists to place their most I 1 .. i . t : i nftftHv 700 Of the Ponuli.ts in ihat con uPl una uemiuu iuCls imu -j - - - . - ; . - -t J . , .. . . i aimuu county have leit meir pariy aim 5 X 1 Tknvniw , 1-nnL-c I ' joineti mv imutiain . cratid Only a very few yet remain with y0tid their old party. They have seen Populists is an exalted privilege of by actual experience, by contact that i righteous-more-than-thou ... . . i croup mat aeserves greai consiue- with negro supremacy and the w. even u it tears tne otate to ance they seem to be on the side. Mr. Kluttz always a consistent, unmixed ticket roe coinage. Mr. Caldwell sometimes. The way you as to f reo coinage or gold ird, tin ugh, does not show sincerity for free coinage ac- lg to Mr. lVutler and his fol s. It'floprrids upon whether )0 DiMi'jocrats will help 30, 700 POPS. RETURN IN HALIFAX. The White Peonle in That 01 County United Once More. n i Raleigh Post, 29th. Mr.-F. L. Travis, of Scotland Neck, the chairman of the Demo cratic "' executive ; committee Halifax county, was here yester day. Mr. Travis brings very en couraging reports from Halifax. The Democrats there are aroused as they never were before. ; Mr. , iravis says nearly every Populist in Halifax couniy has gone back to the Democratic pat ty. Four years ago there were over 700 Populists in Halifax. Now Mr.' Travis says there are not more than 25 Populists in the county and that .they are return ing every, day. ; Recently a white government union was organized t in .Scotland Neck. Citizens closed their sbres and 500 people participated. Sixteen Populists were present and announced their return to the Democratic party. The work of the white govern ment unions cannot be overesti mated. Chairman Simmons' has received -information, that in one of the eastern counties 29 Popu lists participated in .a -newly, or ganized union. At another mee ing 23 Populists were present. - NEWS OF THE DAY. Telegraphic Mews Condensed for the Conven fence of Hasty Readers. ? 1 25 Children in 25 Years. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 29. Yesterday Mrs. Samuel P. Swar woodof Mountain Top, near this place, became the mother'-'of ja baby girl, her twenty-fifth child. Mr. and Mrs. Swartwood were married about 25 years ago, and oft he twenty live children barn to them there were two sets of twin. Twen-two of the children are alive, and all live at home, mak ing a crowded house. The eldest is twenty-four years old and is railroad brakeman. . Regiment of im ordered to pre pare for immediate service in Cu ba. It will form part of the ar my of occupation. The negro highway assailant of hree ladies in Cecil county, Md., was sentenced yesterday to twen ty years in the penitentiary and five years more in the House of Correction. ' A train-load of negroes on their vay to replace jbe strikers in the Illinois mines was held up yester- Tmrcss finnns in Mia lutcf. ctxl lay by the Union miners, and the riettas, Serges, IlanelJirilliantlnes, and many KovelUes in Dress Fabrics negroes compeneu to return to a half the offices in the State. s the Populist test toDemo- sincerity for; free coinage. g for gold-standard men by negro supremacy misrule which has been brought ratioi upon tne otate oy iue iukju XoW at Salisbury at the Populist crowd, and will help undo the evil, convention Mr. Caldwell called on Rowan Populists, you have Mr. Kluttz in the morning and u ; told him he woniu mate a nttie "c,fcu " present condition. Y'ou pan help talk Klut 1 'i Tl . . . ! -. C .rMi It T . UnUO 11. 1UB BAiimmc Ui , ' 1,1 UAn'n 4U lfflr oh. Lie huuiu mil in i.uj lubivio t i.j In the progress of his he was personal toward o the convention leaving Mr. z under the impression that l...tU.nn in TXnlifn-v iu Ko-frtro. trr'til Your duty is j plain. The Demo: speech cratic party offers relief to the Mr'.. Kluttz, who -on being in pd, hastened to the court house after hearing for himself e iorm j T 111 V T V1VUUJ J J vl l;u I 'laml t . . . il : a i uuu lou can joiu wiiu it iu State, fold. bringing better conditions to the State. You ought to do it. The safety of your home and family demand it. T called Mr. Caldwell down, telling him negroes in The Cleveland Star savs the Rutherford and Plk counties have put out negro tick ets because the Republicans denied them representation on their ticket. Kuthertord county nas four tickets in the field Demo cratic, ing i) steaci o please cease reflections to which he, Mr. Kluttz, could not renlv. 1 It1 seems to us that Mr. Kluttz has heaped red hot coalson on Mr. Caldwell s head. Wpy, anyhow, talk about sehd- Ir. Caldwell to Congress in- of Mr. Kluttz? , govern- Not the Enemy of the Negro In its light for gooi ment and white government the democratic party is not the enemy of the negro. Who so charges wilfully misrepresents it: The present corrupt regime plunders black and while. It exalts trie negro politician that it may get the vote of the negro masses. It is not the friend of the negro. I The average negro is better off under democratic rule than he is under fusion misrule. - He is de ceived and made to vote against hi! own best interests. The men who would rsave him from himself are his friends, not his enemies. Raleigh Observer. ' Raise Bull Calves: ' I . -t " Winston Sentinel. j The unprecedented low price of cotton is a distressing feature of the business situation. And yet the Republicans preached to the farmers that better prices for farm products would follow the election of a Republican president. Instead of better prices, cotton is now lower than it ever was uh der Democratic administration and the prospects are that the bottom has not yet been reached. i. Coming This "Way. One Minute Cough Cure sur prises people py its quicK cures and children may take it ;in large Populist, Republican and quantities without the least danger. The i negroes nominated It hsis won for itsellithe bestfrep- I .. . I .. j! i! li. nnlv u ro-istpr of deeds and 6ne uwl im 01 preparauou useu to J . . . . i day tfor colds, croup, negro. county commissioner. UCKiing in the throat or obstinate coughs. James Plummer. The remains of Christopher Columbus, 'the discoverer of America, were removed from Ha- sect vana Monday, to We carried to Snain. His remains bad lain in r , the cathedral! at Havana since Jan uary 19, 1796, when they brought from Santo Domingo, y 1 that island naving oeen ceieu to France by Spain. j Sells Brothers and Forepaugh's big circus exhibited at Roano Tuesday. fee General Blanco has ordered the release of all political prisoners in Cuba. -r "' gavernment has similar to those in The Spanish ordered bugles the American army. I The wearing of European clothes i. a i .' : i? oeen tne lmineui- is said to have ate cause of the downfall. ' Chinese Emperor's Kang-Yuwelt, the Chinese re- former whom the Dowager Em- press seeks to imprison, has been arrested at Bahan, J apan. An unknown man has been ar- rested at Orso via on the charge of complicity in the plot to assassi nate the King of Roumania. It is reported that when the - . - bones of Christopher Columbus in hedral, were ex- them had been InJ E 0 3 ' T Ln in r. The biggest bargains in BICYCLES ever offered in this part of the country. the Havana Ca humed, part of stolen. The Fourth munes has" been a. E. W. BURT & CO., I SALISBURY, N. G. KLUTTZ at EMAFi THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTS EVIT OF WINTER GOODS IN SALISBURY les, in Silks, Satins, Broadcloths, He,n- ndiana. i A farmer driving" to meet his wife at a railroad station near At- antic City, N. J., was struck by her Thfc was bringing he train which home and instantlv killed. wife witnessed the accident. At Fredericksuurg, Va., y ester- lav. Miss Lizzie CahilL aged 60 years, committed suicide by shoot ing herself, and the flash from the jwJer setting "jfi re to her clothes, they were burned from her body. nrices A new stocks of Ladies Capes from 50c. to the finest Plush A bicr'stock of Ladies. Children and Misses Underwear in Wool. Merino. Fleeced and Cotton the best we havej ever offered. ' . Ladies, Children and blisses Hose and Half Hose, in all material from 5c. to $2.50 per pair. j I . - . We havea good" lot of Zepher, Germantown and Elkin Knitting Yarns. Gloves from 10c. to $1.25 per pair for everybody. The best. men's All Wool Suits id the city for $5.00. Carpets, Rugs, Blanckets, Quilts all at prices rockbottom. bnoes tne best for tne least money in the town. , The biggest and best stock of Eatables in the citv. Flour; Meats, Teas, Coffees, Cheeses, Crackers. Syruns. nice. Grits. ! Oat Flakes and Meal. ! Jb runs and V egetables in abundahce. All kind of Canned Fruits I and Vegetables, and a host of good things to eat at prices the lowest uon-ie ana see our .Mats, the best for tne least money. . Yours to Serve, raging Fierce forest fires are .1 1 T i ' S 1 over nunureus or nines in oiora- do, South Dakota and Wisconsin.' An appeal for aid from the Feder al government was made from "the . Tlnnlr Hills A rniiorh estimate - r- nr , -ii places the aggregate loss at f rpm ItXH-IIIIIIO L0 $3,000,000 to;$5,000,000. Ilia K T1 A . -i pit, .i u u u Will ORE PEEBY DUE. LE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladles as a periodical regulator without an equal, successful when Cotton Root, Pennyroyal. Ergot, etc.. have proven worthless. S3 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of their won derful properties. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet, ' containing valuable information for ladies. Address LkClair Pill Co., U.S. Agents. Boston. Mass. N. B. All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. For Sale in Salismiry by Jos Plummet Has the. largest stock in the city Furniture Emporium -. - -. - . Words fail to describe the beauty of oui Furniture in design, up holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book, Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are what, the collectors of specimens need. o select from, and while his good , are New, Stylish and up to date in every particular, his PRIGES'JaRE I THE LOWEST. A Specialty. He has a line of CASKETS, BUIilA L EOBES, Etc., unsurpassed in the State.! Personal attention given to EHBALniNG AUD DIRECTION OF FUNERALS For broken surfaces, sores, in- bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles there is one re liable. remedy, DeWitt's Witfch Hazel Salve. When were I i ; vuu u accept counterieits ort . irauds.. will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Janies Plummer. 1 Discovered by a Woman, Another, great discoverv has meen made, and that too, by a wo man in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined and death seemed imminent; For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recover, (iy purchasing of us a bottle of I)r. King's New, Discovery for Con sum ption and was so m uch re lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night; and with two bot tles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick j & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot tles free at Theo. F. Kluttz & Co's drug store. Regular hize 50c. and 1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. We are agents for the celebrated THE SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL AND UNDERWRITERS 1 ' " FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GREENSBOKQ. Pays a dividend jbo policy holders of 20 per cent, and in cases of loss SETTLES their claims PROMPTLY , .... i What other companies do as much lor you i . ' .. :, ' . . Agent. Office between Link & Racland and Q. W HI A , " To All Bread Eaters Beginning August 22, 1898, 1 will sell 40 Loaves Bread for $1 I 1 rf-w -l 1 I 4- 1-k -v vr a -iriI-k I !.. : i 1 until further notice. Look out for cxka h umc o h i oty ic dnu Tinisn. Dig COn- wao-on. or call and get your tickets Slgnmeat jUSi receiVea. early and avoid the rush. For anything in the Shoe line call on us. iespecxiuiiy, r j ..m U. M. mm For men. . better. For style Sach's and wear there is none Ladies Fine Shoes T. L SWINK. . M. Brown.

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