rtOV'CR$ COLLECTION FOR , CAKES f all kinds, a"d First-Class, call. on i T. L. SWINK. ffS "! Kn 1 vwf ! : '1 EST SBf - QK&Linr VOL. IV. NO. 28. ENTERTAINED AT SOUTH RIVER. The Eurydice Spent a Delightful Af ternoon With Miss Foust. r The Eurydice Club mot with Miss Lillian Foust at her home at South River on Thursday last,. -The occasion was much enjoyed, it be ing an exceptionally tine day, the air exhilerating, the participants in fine spirits; prepared to enjoy it all to the utmost; the change from town to country being a rare treat. After, a friendly greeting from the gracious hostess and a short time spent in social converse the following program was performed, Handel being the com poser. Misses Fannie McNeely and Addie White read sketches on the life and works of the composer. He was the first to create and per fect the "Oratorio." The Oratorio differs from the Opera in that it is a play on sacred subjects sung to the accompaniment of orchestral music without dramatic action, -while the subject of the Opera is secular life with dramatic action. It is considered that the Messiah is his greatest work. j Piano duett, "Airde Rinaldo"- Handel Mesdames Frazier and Linton. ; i t Vocal selection from Handel, Miss Addie White. 1 Piano solo, f'Anden Fruhling"-r Grieg Miss Rachel Wallace. As an encore she played Impromptu Rheinhold. i i Vocal duetto "Friendship" Sul livan Mesdames D. M. Miller and V. L. Rankin; j , Piano solo, f 'Spinning Wheel" Mamlet Lee Miss Foust. . j Piano duett, "Mazourka" Web er Mesdames Frazier and Young. " "" : Vocal "solera- Sullivan Mi?w White. 'piano solo, "SansSouci" Ascher Mrs T. F.Young. 1 After this delicious refreshments, were served to which the company did full justice. Then a stroll .on the river bank followed by a moonlight picnic and we regret fully bade fareell to our kind en tertainers and returned to the dus ty town. , ; 1 Mrs. Coulter 111. . Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright were called to Newton yesterday morn in by the announcement of the serious illness of Mrs. Wright's mother, Mrs.! Coulter. Mrs. Coul ter has visited in Salisbury and her friends here hope for her early re covery. A Black Still Worker. Saturday night a colored man donned a white costume like the nnp. worn bv a number of white v - mf o still workers on the night before and went to another colored man's house to frighten somebody. Hp entered the house and went into several of the rooms, fie was seen by one I of the girls who was frightened too bad to scream, but when the visitor began pulling the clothing from her bed she .yelled and) the "still worker" left at once through a window. We learn that about thirty of . the "still workers" crossed one of thft ferries of the Yadkin last night. The rooms above Geo. W. Wright's farniture store, former Iy occupied by the Evening World will be opened, on Wednesday next bv Louis Lichtenstein, where he will conduct a hrst-class gaudies Cloak, Costume and Dress-making Department superintended by Miss Mary Wrenn. j THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fevr is a bottle of Grove's Tatbikss Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations? Prie 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. LOST Glass-cuttfng diamond with dark rosewood .handle. Itcturn to P. 1 Meroney for reward. , i 11 , , Eyes Improved. . Mr. R. V. Lanier has returned from Baltimore where he had been to have his eyes treated. His eyesight is much improved. New Faces. 'vo new faces are to be seen at H. D. Scarboro's, on Fisher street. Mr. T. J. McCubbins has recent ly accepted a position there as clerk as has also Mr. Stanford, of Or inge county. Speaking Saturday. Messrs. T. F. Kluttz and M. II. H. Caldwell, candidates for Con gr ss, will speak in Salisbury on ne:;t Saturday, night. If .weath er permits they will have a full house. , Weddings. During the month of Septem ber! there were two dozen couples married in this county. Register of Deeds Woodson issued license fod fourteen white and ten colored couples. m. Deaths. ik cniiu oi.ivxr. y.j. ijaugnuu i i -i n lir w 1 I die ! Saturday night. : Miss Julia Ludwick, of Atwell township, died yesterday, death beiig caused by typhoid fever. Miss Julia was about 20 years old ant , an excellent " young lady. The interment was made to-day, the funeral being conducted from Prospect church. Attention, Railroad Men. is desired that all railroad men in Salisbury and Spencer at- ten 1 a mass meeting to be held in court house at 8 o'clock p. m. the Octubr-fr -ttf - A ockI. utttitulance is ijeiuested as matters of inter- est to every man connected with the Southern Railway will be dis: cussed. Two New Bars- The city commissioners had a called meeting Ihursday night at which they granted license to C. WJ! Pool and T. J. Harrison to l 111 " iL open ana conuuci oar rooms iu iue east ward. Mr. Pool will conduct! Id bar in the house on the corner of Lee and Council street, recently converted from a dwelling. Mr Harrison will be in the room re: cently vacated by Hanehue and Peebles. Kltttz and Caldwell. Ion. Tbeo. F, Kluttz, Demo crdt, and Hon. Al, 11, H. Cald well, Populist, candidates fop Congress in this district, will I 1 a i 1. it.: 1 gpeaK at irie luugwius uuies auu places: . Salisbury, Saturday night, Oc tober 8th. Oold Hill, Saturday, October h 5 h. leveland, W'ednestlay, October 19th. China Grove, Wednesday night, Odtpber 10th. 1 The day speakings will begin about half past twelve o'clock. Everybody is respectfully invited to come out and hear these gentle men. J. M. JtjLIAN, Ch'm Dem. Ex. Com. Jno. Heard, Ch'm P. P. Ex. Com. HO CURE-NO PAY IT hat is the way all drucsrists sell (IROVE'M TASTELESS Oil tilJlLL TUIS U for MalarliL. (dinine in a tasteless form.' Children love It, Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseatine Timlc. Trice 50 cents. ills ana . uver. It is simnlv Iron anrf Your 0wn material will be made up just as well and with as much care, as though yon wouk orjder complete, at the "Ladies Costume Department'' of Louis Lichtenstein's. pew goods iu dress patterns on dis play at the Carolina Racket. If , I , I V :i i-' tf IT ' I - , . . ' SALISBURY, N. C.j ; MONDAY Series of Meetings. A series of meetings .was . begun at Chestnut Hill church yesterday by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Tate. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Charlotte, ar- rived this morning and will assist in the meeting this week. Card of Thanks. ISIr. M. L. Ritch and family de sire to express their heartrelt thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbors, who were so kind and attentive during their recent trouble and bereavement., Called Meeting. The county board of education had a called meeting here to-day. The board put its stamp of dis approval on the buying of charts by the school committees of the county on account of the enor mous price charged for the same. Club Meets To-night. The Salisbury Democratic club meets at the court house to-night. The-meeting will commence at 8 o'clock and it is urged that all the mem bers of the club and all Demo crats be present. . i Left for Chicago. . Mr. P. E. Monroe, of the coun y, who has been attending the college at Mount Pleasant for several years, left for Chicago this morning to enter the Luth eran Seminary atthat place. Mir. Monroe goes to the seminary at Chicago to complete his course in 'PI. 1 . -m r xueoiogy. xvir. xuonroe is a bright young man and has ja splendid future before him. We espeak for him isuccess in his chosen work. PERSONALS. W. F. Owens, of Old Fort, is visiting in the city. j S. A. L. Johnson, of Abbots urg, is in the city to-day. Deputy Collector C. E. Mills went to Asheville this morning. J. K. Clark and wife go to Ashe- ville to-night to visit relatives. - J. O. Benson left this mornidg for Conover where be will ma his home. e Rev. S. S. Bost came in this morning from Durhaim to spend several days here. , I Mrs. D. F. Cannon, nee Miss Flla Brown, of Concord, is spend ing a week in the city, j.- Mrs. L. E. Williams, of Gdld Knob, has recently returned. from a stay of several weeks in Massa chusetts, T. C. Alsobrook, of Co, L, First N C. volunteers, was in the j city yesterday. He left last night for Concord and will leave there to-night for Jacksonville to join his company. W. T. Rainey and Mrs. Mowery returned Saturday from Concord where they had been called by the death of their uncle, Mr. Burk- head. Mrs. Rainey came hotne this morning. New Adi; M, h Jackson, Beef Market. Carolina Racket, A Rare Opportunity for Manufactur ers and Investors, I The Lanier property consisting of machine shops, warehouses, dwellings ana otner buihiings! is now in. the hands of McCubbins & Jordan for sale. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund the money if It fails to cure, ) cents, Good quality, skilled workman ship, and prices reasonably con sistent with the above will ever be my aim. .-. Louis Lichtenstein's Cloak, Costume and dress-making department. EYENING, OCTOBER 3 1898. LOCAL BRIEFS. Miss fcthel quite sick. Northern continues A big lot of "Burt's own make school shrJes just opened up, -Burt Shoe Co. i M'ish Nannie) Craige, who is ill at her home On Bank street, is resting, quite well to-day. All Democrats should attend the xneeting-ol-thep club at the "court house U)4iight at 8 o'clock. Prof. ' James i Wrenn is arranging a display for.the opening at Harry Brother- to-morrow night and Wednesday, i The DMnocratic club meets to nights at the court house at 8 o'clock. All members, should, be present ' A regular meeting of the tire department f ill be held to-night. It is ho)ed that all members will le present. There were live interments in j the citv cem teries during the month v' Septemler. Four were adults nd one Was a child, v.. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church! will meet at the Baptist parsonage at 4 oclock to morrow (Tuestlay) afternoon. Mr. J. H. McKenzie, who re cently moved to the city, is con nected: with the Salisbury Hard ware and Furniture Company. Mr. W. L. Bridges, of Spen cer, is off duty. A piece of steel struck him in the eye Saturday, and this is the cause of his lay-off. The Book Club will meet with Mrs. William Cj. Blackmer Tues day afternoon jit 4 o'clock, Oct. ith.Il!j. Anthor. Mrs'. H urn. pnrey w uru. If you would ing the best an c: be lucky in procur- most stylish foot of our "Four Leaf wear, try a pair Clover" line for men. New lot received. Bur Whitlock & Shoe Co. Rainey have re order of shoes for ceived a special three of the city policemen. The shoes are made and show excel The funeral by James Banister ent workmanship. services over the remains of H. JS. Robertson were conducted f roin the late home of the .deceased yesterday and were attended bv at large number of friends. Tk A. Ludwick spent yesterday in Concord; Dolph brings news of a cutting scrape which happen ed near that place. A white man was cut by; a negro, the knife making a six-inch gash in his arm. Mr. C. JJ gingham, for a year or more salesman for Mr. I. Lich tenstein, has accepted a position with Kluttz & Rendleman. r He would be glad to meet all his old customers at his new place of bus iness, To the Sanatorium, Capt. Dick Sparnell, who was shot at S)encer several weeks a-go, entered the Whitehead-Long sanatorium this morning. Mr. Sparuell has been able to get about but the Wound made by the bullet healed up too fast on the outside und it becomes necessary for the wqunded man to remain under treatment for awhile yet. There is much inquiry now for desirable town! property,' and par ties wishing to sell may hnd readv purchaser by placing same in the hands of McCubbins & Jordan, Real Estate Agents. Louis Lichtenstein's costume and dress-making department will be open on Wednesday next. A nuniber of special bargains in town property can be bough through McCubbins & Jordan, Real Estate Agents, DEWEY TO TAKE A HAND. Sends the Baltimore to Tien Tisen Fleet Assembling. srECJAL DISPATCn TO THE SUN. Washington, Oct. 3. The State Department received the follow ing cable from Minister Conger at Pekin, this morning: "There is no serious danger yet but considerable anxiety is felt fof the future.- A foreign -fleet is as sembling at -Tien Tisen. .Some of the ministers are ordering marines to Pekin for legation guard, in consequence of reported rioting in the streets of Pekin." An American warship has been dispatched to Tien Tisen. Dewey has been ordered to send also the cruiser Baltimore from Manila! The trip will take seven days. i Captain Dyer, of the Baltimore will communicate HmmediatelV with Minister Conger. If necessary he will send an armed guard of marines to pro tect the legation . - CHAPLAIN SUICIDES. Rev- Mr. (Freeman, of the Baltimore, urownea in Nagasaki Harbor. j San Francisco, Oct. .1. Ad vices from Japan state that RevJ ThadeusiF. Freeman, chaplain of the cruiser Baltimore, committed suicide 1 by , jumping overboard from the Zealandia, in Nagasaki harbor. , i ... ' I 1 " I! lie was mentally depressed hrough failing health. ' i Shafter Assumes Charge- special dispatch to the sun.1 -I New York, Oct. 3Gen. Shaf- ter came from Montauk last night assume charge "of trie department of the east with headquarters at Governor's Island. 4 i Stage Coach Robbed. - '. ' - ' ,1 8 FECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. i v . s Empire City, Oregon, Oct. 3. At 4 o'clock Sunday morning the Roseburg-Myrtle Point stage was robbed a mile west of the latter place.' .- '" 1 r -.v.- The robber secured! the register! ed mail i sack containing about a housand dollars. i ' i Peace Commissioners. SPECIAL DISPATCH TCTTIIE SUN. Paris,! Oct.' 2 -The American commissioners held a meeting this morning in their offices prepara tory to meeting with the" Spanish commissioners which will be had in the foreign office j at 2 o'clock this afternoon; The; plan of work being" prepared by secretaries' has not-been perfected as the Spanish secretaries did not arrive until to- -,.::...-.. day.;:; ; j '"'' ;'; :.:':.' David Hill First Assistant. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington, Oct. 1 8 President McKinley has appointed David Hill, of i Rochester, first assistant Secretary of State to succeed John Bassett jMoore, resigned. - Miners Trouble, SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington, Indiana, Oct. 3. j- Masked miners are ' believed to have gone to the mines to the southeast of the city this morning where more negroes are living with the intention of driving them out and maltreating! 0. Rowland, the white boss. Shots were heard in that direc tion early this morning. The ne groes are armed and well protect The genuine tailor-made cos tumes can only be procured at the "Ladies Tailoring Department,?' above Geo. W. Weight's furniture store from Louis Lichtenstein. 10 Centa Per Week FIVE MEN MURDERED. Killed in Tennessee Sheriff, Posse After Murderers, and special dispatch to the sun. Murfrqsboro, Tenn., October 3. Five men are reported murder ed in the northern portion of Can non county by John Hoi lings worth and his friends. The sheriff and posse are nOw in pursuit. " ! NATIVES GROW FRIENDLY. Aguinaldo Refused to Take Money Until His Army is Paid. (Special to Sun.) ' Lanli, Oct. 3 Aguinaldoi re fuses to take ahy of the seven ty- five thousand dollars voted him by the Filipinos National Assembty, at Malolas, until the entire army is paid. - : I A sanitary board, headed f by Americans, has been established at Manila. ' - ... 1 The natives aregroving friend ly to the Americans. i .Against Anarchists. SPKCIAL DISPATcTl Ttf TllB SUN.l London, Oct. 3.-Disratches f n the Central "News from' Miome k.iv interchanges of opinion among he powers regarding international measures against anarchists i re suited in expressioDs favorable to such action, all the powers agree ing that ' an international confer ence be summoned to meet here. Lee Before Investigators, .i 8PECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN New York, , Oct. .3. General Lee is now in the city. He said mittee in Washington on Wednes- 1 j - ! day. He will then return to Jack sonville to piepare for garrisoning Cuba. I Dr. Nancy Held. Special to Sua. : J.- i London, Oct. 3. Dr. Guilford was arraigned in court this morn ing and hold to await the arrival of detectives with proper papers from the States. Surgical instruments and midwife medicines were found in her room yesterday. i i llerritt and the Comission. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO SUN. Paris, Oct. 3. Gen. Merritt arrived this morning and probably confer with the will com- missioners during the day. A Catholic Sazaar. ! The ladies of the Catholic icon- frrAcrntinn hnvft ilnoulnrl in nrwrn n. ' " " " bazaar On the 19th inst. at their new Catholic rectory, school roorii and grounds, and continue the, same on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of the month. i "They promise to all who will at tend a . pleasant entertainment. Stands on which fancy and Useful articles will be on sale, will be found. Suppers arid refreshments will be served at the most moder ate prices. Amusements of vari ous kinds, in which old and young can take part, will be founid in plenty, and music will not be want ing to make the evenings attrac tive. '. ' ,"";'. ;:: - a. 7. . All who are kindly disposed to wards the smallest and weakest Christian congregation in the com munity are ' respectfully invited to attend. . Admission to all parts, free. ' "". Dr. Coleman, of Rockwell, was in the city to-day for the first time in several weeks. He has been on the sick list. Come and see our up-to-date goods in dress patterns. Carolina Racket. 1

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