: rr-T ! s 1 .... ... . . : - - '. ' , : t ' ' . . ' : : 7 - - '' ;"'';'j'v I : I: ; i ;:: :. -LV :" -. ::. ' : V . n,f FIOV'TRS COLLECT';),". FOR CAKES of all kinds, and First-Class, call on ! T. L. SWINK, VOL. IV. NO. 30. SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1898. 10 Cents Per "Week I ' i i : ' ' ' " '. '. ' - . i ' ' k ' '' I ' ! : : ! : 1 . BRUNSWICK'S GREAT LOSS. Mr. Wilson Writes of the Big Storm Which Visited That Place. j The following was received from Mr. E. A. Wilson by the Sun this morning: j ! Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 2, '98. Salisbury Sun This city has j ust passed through the worst storm and tidal wave it has ever experi enced. I suffered very little loss. The Southern ! Rail way lost prob ably ten thousand in wharf prop erty and buildings and about 2, 500 bales of cotton. Very few people who had anything to lose but lost something. j The wind reached a velocity of 70 miles an hour and the water flooded the city. J Many vessels broke lose from their moorings and are high ai d dry today, one being across a track to their dock 4 miles from the city. The waves were 10 ft. high in the river here. j One man was killed, and several MA ren drowned. The loss to city and shipping is estimated $500,000. Respectfully, at E. A. Wilson Tax Collecting. j Sheriff Monroe will start on his tax collecting round on the 17th of the month. ) His first place visit will be Mt. Vernon. to Annual Conference. pfinfp.rp.nce of the . J.UO ilui-luM ' - ., j Methodist church in the Western part of North Carolina will , be uaii k;c vonr at Winston, begin- ning on the 17th of next month. The stewards . of the Church Street church met last night and will meet again to-night at Whit lock and Rainey's. They are ar ranging to settle up their pastor's salary. This is Rev. Mr. Marr'slast year at this place as he has been here four years. j Its Terrible. This expresses the condition j ofc Council street from Main to the depot. Between Main and Lee streets there is no travel possible as the way is blocked with lumber and an open ditch in which the gas pipes are being placed, and f rvny-Lce uC to the depot it is im "possible for two vehicles to pass on account of the ditch and dirt which has been taken out of it. This causes much inconvenience as Council is one of the principal streets of the city. Bright Comedy. Cohan and Graham take great pleasure in presenting to the, citi zens of Salisbury next Monday night one of the brightest comedies intheir repertoire, "The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown." The' play deals with a young army officer, in disguise of a school girl, sojourning in an Acad emy for young ladies while in search of his wife, whose guardian separated them on the eve of their marriage. j The complicated situation puts the audience in one continual roar of laughter; from start to finish. The Company is said to be one of the best on the road, numbering 20 people. Fresh Pork at Marablo's. For Rent A nice 6-100111 cottage convenient to Main Street and depot near corner of Lee and Fisher St.! re cently vacated by M. L. Ritch. j 11. V. Lanier. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Orovr's Tastkt.ess Chiii. Tonic, i Never fails tocure; then why experiment with worthless imitations? Trice 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. COME AND SEE my new Milli linery. AH the latest novelties in Ribbons Feathers, Velvets and Hats On lo.r cast of postoftice. F. M. WATTERS. FOR A Y. M. C A. BUILDING. Messrs. Williams and Lewis Address Railroad Men. R. railroad men's meeting, as an nounced in the Sun . Monthly and Tuesday, was held in the' court house last night. Messrs. : H. O- Ulillianis, one' of the secretaries of thb International' Association, and Wu M. Ixjwis, State secretary for North and South Carolina, ad dressed .the men. There was a fair crowd present at the meeting. Both speakers awakened much in terest in the audience and were listened to attentively. ; The object of the meeting was to place the matter of erecting a Y M. C. A. building at Spencer before the shop people and to en' lit t the railroad men in the cause. The Southern Railway ; Com pany has already been asked to donate $5,000 towards the associa tion building and to set apart $100 por mohtli to hejp conduct it. The rs ilroad men are asked to join the association, each member to pay a due of $3.00 yearly. Already, we learn, about 200 names have been secured. Sever al were added last night. It is be li ived that when a sufficient num bi r of names have been sccu red and sent to the Southern, that the company- will comply .with the re q lest of the association and give the mOney for the building. 5 We learned from Mr. Lewis that the Southern Railway Com; piny looks upon the establish ment of railroad associations with favor, and he spoke pretty con fi lently that the Southern would h ip the men erect a building and sustain it. Reduced Rates. 1 On account of the first annual Statefair of Virginia at Norfolk the Southern will one fare for round sell tickets at trip, tickets on side Oct! 4-0. i!u iA) cents for one 1 a mission to the. fair.- ngerous Di John Cor Ditch Correll, a colored .r dray- itian. drove iiis team into trie ras pipe ditch near the I'assenger de 1 7 " ' dot last night. There was no dan sio-nal un at the end where John drove in. Fortunately no m r- a. amaffe was done. Col. Cowles Here Lieut. Col. A. D. Cowles spent 'fisterdav in Salisbury and left last night for his home in States Slle to snentl a short while. The bloncl is about recovered from he effect of his accident in Raleigh stSme few months ago by which he broke his leg. He is able to walk sbme without the aid of a cane. Boy Drowned in the Yadkin. j News has reached Winston, says the Sentinel, of the drowning -of (paries Bolin, aged 17 years, in the Yadkin river near ! Panther (Creek, on Sunday afternoon. It appears that young Bolin and four qr five boys, with that number of Voung ladies, went to the river for A boat ride. The boys went across I . 1 111 1 il A ih nn o r hoat. All OI Uieui 1TOL Jut but Bolin vhen gan to leak and go bovs tried to save the boat be- down. The their friend, too deep and but the water was their efforts proved futile. His llodv was recovered. ' V- Fresh Oysters at Lloyd Swieegood's ti)-day, 30c. per qt. j I i Millinery, notions, wraps, in- tahts o-oods. silks, satins, ribbons find everything else pretty. The prettiest line of baby caps in town tit Mrs. B. D.TIurleyV, the Fisher street milliner. f . NO CURE-NO PAY m. . i- . ..II .1 - 11 niMTl.irL! in ax is ine way an urussisissii uivvj j - -j TASTELESS OIIILL TONIC for Malaria, t hills :md Fever. It is simply Iron an,d ,uiuin in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prerer it to inner, nauseating Tonics. Priced) cents. . . , . - , , , -l - - -' l(,r v 'S THEODORE - The Sun is pleased to lje able to present to its patrons to day the picture of Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, the Democratic candidate for Congress inAthe Seventh Congressional District, lie was nominated for this honorable position on July the 20th, by the '.Democratic convention of -the. jSevcnth District!, at Statesville. Mr. Kluttz is a most excellent gentleman He is now in the field making a strong canyjass, and is also making friends for the Democratic party, j lllis election, as representative from the district garded as almost a certainty. PERSONALS. liss Jennie Sapp canie up from Concord last night. Kev. S. S. Bost returned to Durham this morning. : Contractor Probst, of Concord, was in the city to-day. ( , Mrs. W. K. Barker returned last night from Concord. j Deputy Collector Mills returned last night from Asheville. v S. L. Can up and daughter went to Asheville this morning to spend a day or two. Clarence Kluttz left to-day for Philadelphia to resume his studies in the University of Pennsylvania. A. S. Heilig and mother and Mrs. J. G. Heilig left this morn ing for Washington and Balti more. ' John Hedrick, who went to Ken tucky with the cattle of the Mea dow Stock Farm, returned to city last night. Mrs. W. A. Tubbs -and the two grand-daughters, of Washington City, are visiting Mr. Thos. P. Johnston and Mrs. Alex Parker. Public Speaking. There will be a public speaking at Chestnut Hill school house Friday night, October 7th, at which time Walter Murphy, Esq., will address the Democratic club. Kluttz and Caldwell. : Hon; Theo. F. Kluttz, Demon crat, and, Hon. M. II. II. Cald well j Populist, candidates for Con gress in this district, will speak at Salisbury, Saturday, night, Octo ber 8th. Everybody is respect fully invited to come out and hear these gentlemen. . 1 ' FOR RENT A lame 18 room house. Conveniently situatednear 11. R. de pot. Suitable for manufacturing, or other purposes. " - Mrs. P. A. Fiiercks. Good Things to Eat Cocoa 'nuts, Chestnuts, Bananas, Grapes, Apples, Cakes, Crackers, Dried Beef, etc. just in at Young's store. FOR RENT: My store hear Shober's bridge. C. W. Poo e. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 1 Take Laxative . Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drnjrgists refund the money if it fails to cure. .25 cents, F. KLUTTZ. 1 to the next Congress, is re LOCAL BRIEFS. The cit3' is being; billed for the State fair. Messrs, Kluttz and Caldwell T will speak -here Saturday night. Another shipment of shoe bar- gains received to-day. Burt Shoe Co. j Weather forecast: - Threateli mg weather trnight. Fair, cooler Thursday. ! The opcniiis; at Harry Brothers last night and to-day' attracted a large number I of people. ! Rev. W. II. Stubblcbine wTill conduct prayer, meeting at the Baptist church to-night. After the grayer meetihg at the Lutheran church to-night 'there will be a council meeting. George Goodyear is out looking for a good home for rent. George is not married but he wants a house. Revenue Oj nicer Britt has seized t w o m o re . pack ages of w h iskey since the seizure he made at the 'ii 1 . depot yesterday morning, j Mrs. M. EL Parrish was called to Johnson, S.l C.V by the serious illness of her brother. She left fpr that placo last night. - The teachers of the county held an interesting meeting here Satur day. Theirnext meeting will be held on Saturday the 29th. j 1 We have of phonogr just received a big lot ph records. If you want any, better ?make .your se lection at once. E. W. Burt & Co. I. Lichtenstein has a nev ad in the Sun to have the pre day. He claim to tiest line of fall and . -. . ' 1 Winter goods ever seen in Salis bury. f ' The regular monthly business meeting" of 'the Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor will be held to night directly after prayer meeting at the Presbyte rian church.' The county Democratic candi- dates and Messrs. Overman and Julian, candidates for the j Legis lature, willbe with Sheritf Mon roe at anunjber of places during his round of j tax collecting.. Heavy Cotton Vests for ladies 15c.- Carolina Rac ket. SHOT. THROUGH CHICKEN THIEF. Mr. Cauble Caught Alex Barger ! In ills Hen House Last Night. Last night about 12 o'clock Mr. Louis Cauble, who lives in the western part of the -pity, caught old man Alex Barger colored, in his chicken coop.. Barger was ordered to come out ? but he was reluctant and a pistol ball was fired into the coop.' The negro then came out and started toward M r. Cauble but several shots from the same pistol made! him change his course. lie jumped a - fence but was caught by Mr. - Charlie Overcash and was shortly afterwards lock-up. It the bullets pistol had broujrht to the city was found that one of from Mr.. Cauble's passed through B La rare r rigrht shoulder. . ' t . This morning Mayor Linn bound Barger bver to court! The negro said he lisitl started to walk to China 1 - - --"'- if Grove and had gone into the coop to spend the night. The chickens began making a fuss and he was preparing to leave, he said, when some one ordered him out and be gan shooting at him. ! Barger's house was' searched to day by officers who found a num ber of stolen articles. ! Mr. Cauble and his neighbors have recently had a large n um ber of chickens stolen and they ! were on the watch-out for the thief. STATE LUTHER LEAGUE. Invited to Meet at St. James' Church, Concord, Next Month. The State Luther League meets next month. This will be the second -annual meeting of the , 11 . ...'. ( League of the. State, the first hav ing been held' in Salisbury last year. The be he convention- will probably d in Concord as the St. James congregatiori'Of that place 1 - lias ex tended an invitation to the committee to meet with them. City School. 1 - Work on the city! graded school building is progressing, and it is thought that the next session J of school k;an be commenced on Mon- r ' . . i i. day, the 21th of this month. To the Normal. I Misses Myrtie Scarboro and Alice Rcndleman left last night for Greensboro where they will enter the State Normal School. j I- - ' 't- .'.-' 1 A number of young ladies passed through to-day going to the Nor mal, and several went' from here this morning. They were Misses Henrie McNeely, (Sadie Kluttz, Bessie Bost, Mary Ramsay, Elea nore Watson, and Kate and Rosa Bailey, of Woodleaf. No Telephone Service To-night. 1 i! There, will be no service of the telephone system to-night from 8 to 12 o'clock, on account of the central office being; moved. j E. O. HeinsJ Railroad Notes. ( ... four: engmgs, 1 recently over hauled, were turned out at the Spencer shops last week. , Freight traffic is quite heavy on the Western, now. The shipping of chestnuts from the Western part of the State has commenced. T. J. Brown, of Compnny L, First N. C., came home yesterday on the late train j from Jackson ville.! He reports that there was quite a storm at' Jacksonville Sun day, ed. No great damage is report- ' ijome ana .vsee my pretty nats anil bring your Ifriends " with you. Yours to serve, Mrs. B. D. Ilur JeyJ the Fisher, street milliner, j RIDDLED WITH BULLETS. Negro Taken From Jail in Maryland Early This Morning. special, dispatch to TnjE sun Annapolis, Maryland, Oct. '.1' Smith Wright, a negro accused of assaulting Mrs. John Morrison, was taken from jail early j this morning and riddled with bullets. THE PANAMA IN P0RT.I Brings Sick Soldiers and Discharged Teamsters From Santiago, j SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Norfolk Oct. 5." The transport Panama arrived from Santiago at Hampton Roads this morning. She was detained at 'the quaran tine. I The Panama has a hundred and sixty-eight sick; soldiers from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois regiments, a few passengers, dis charged teamsters and a few army officers. -.They, bad a pleasant voyage. - j Death rate is comparatively small at Santiago, which' has un dergone complete transformation. The sick will be placed in the hos- pital at Fort Monroe. To Sell the Remnants. SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Madrid, Oct. 5. The Govern ment has authorized Capt. Aunon, Minister of Marine, to sell the Spanish war vessels in Cuban waters to Dominican and other re publics desiring to purchase. Canvass of Philippine Situation. SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE UN. j 1'aris, ci. o.' ' ine uniieu States Peace Commission held its usual session from 10 to 1 o'clock to-day. They continued in con ference with Geri. Merrit, practi cally concluded and extended the canvass of the Philippine I situa tion. Members refused to dis cuss the views of Merrit or Dewey in regard to the iolicy to be pursued toward the people of the Philippines. Nothing could be learned as to whether they recommended the retention or evacuation by Ameri can forces. It is learned that Dewey handed Merrit a communication setting forth his judgment on the sub ject which is submitted with the report of the American military officers at Manila, touching the' condition of the island. The Sixth Moving. SPECIAL DISPATCn IO THE SUN. Wikoff, Oct. 5. The Sixth cav alry, under command of Maj. Lebo,sJeft camp this morning for r-r ti a 1 "I riuntsvuie, Aia. Fitz Ha Sad News. special, DisrATcn to THE sun. New York. Fitzsimons, prize fighter, received a cable from New. Zealand this morning announcing that his father died td-day. Demands Withdrawal of Troops. special, dispatch to sun. Constantinople.' A - collective note from England, FranceJ Italy and Russia, demanding the with drawal of troops frm the Island of Crete was presented to the Turkish GovernhienCtbis morning. - New Mills. N special, dispatch to the sun Weldon, N. C, Oct. 5. Two new textile mills are soon) to be built at this place. - Fine line of capes and jackets to be seen at Mrs. B. D. Hurley's, the Fisher street milliner. All wool yd. wide dress flannel, 25c. Carolina Racket.