- - ' ! . cr.TW t. l swiNK. P l - - Lcares fcr fl.co at ' -"s :' ''"' ! " ; ' ' ' ' 1 ' 'r 1 ' lH: ' ' : ' ;" - j - : . ' - . ' ' ..- - -.' T. Ii. SWINE'S. VOL. I Y NO. 31. S , SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6, 1898. I 10 Cent. Peri 5T DEMOCRATS REGISTER. Places of Registration in Salisbury and at Spencer.- J All Democrats who did not reg ister last Saturday should not fail to do so on Saturday of this week. See to it that your name is proper ly placed on the books and that, too, at the earliest time possible. The following are the places ot registration in Salisbury and SpenJ cer: j "L Xorth Ward At the court house. i East Ward At Ludwick's sta- ble. . . 1 ";"' . ' I West Ward At Ed Heilig's store, .. '." , ' : : South Ward At the city hall. Snencer At Sledsre Brothers' drug store.1 In the Sanatorium. Rev. W. R. Ware, presiding elder of the Shelby district, is 1 in the city with his son whom he brought here for. treatment in the Whitehead-Long sanatorium, j ; Mr. Dave Lindsay has also re cently entered the sanatorium. Highway Robbery. 1 A day or two ago a negro boy took a knife away from Mr.! C. H. S wink's little son while he was on his way to the high school at fhpstnnt Hi L The bov was ar rested but was turned loose. Air. Swink thinks of "prosecuting the thief for highway robbery at the . next term of court. To the Normal. A large number of young ladies passed through the city Fast night on thp.ir wavlo Greensboro to attend the The schoo State Normal School. opens to-day and, judffinor by the number who have gone from the western part of the State the institution will have large attendance this session. ! a A number of Salisbury young ladies are at the Normal this year. . ) :J Pritchard and Linney. j SenatoV Pritchard was in the r itv this morninsr. He was on his way home from Washington. j Congressman Linney, of the siVi rlisfrit was in the citv last VVU niodit. He seems quite cheerf u despite the opposition to him Jm his district. He was on his way to Dobson where he speaks' to-day. A Free Ride, The Jacksonville correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says the Plant System has offered to take twelve men from the regiment for a 10-days' tour of the btate, pay ing their expenses and giving them a' "crack" trip in a Tullman. The lucky number includes one man from each company. Charlie Dunham, of Salisbury, is the rep resentative of Company L. For the State Fair. J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, is doing a great deal for Rowan county be taking down specimens'of all kinds for people; free of charge ana placing them where they can I e seen by the! people who visit the State Fair. ! He has a fine collec tion to take down again this fall. He is the director of the depart ment of minerals. This depart ment is doing a good deal to ad- vertise the Old North State. Peo ple bring specimens with them for this department when they come to the fair and they arp placed where they .can be seen by every one. All specimens sent him by mail or express are carefully at tended to and taken to jthe State lair. s All wool yd. wide dress flannel, 25c -Carolina Racket. FOR RENT: My store near Shober's bridge. C. W. Poole, j i It. Hlll.TTTnAT.T.Y SPRAkTNR. Oflina Tav l.nr r d E3 ! i -m (-r -w-'- - i L - I - . - vauw f uwau oniDroi I ' VJ llllllliI llrlll i V - : :r : l Th mntral nffin of th t ! A V- I IV I I I . 11 Items of Interest to the Voters the County Speakings. ' The political pot is boilirig it only a few days over a month 1 the election and from now un then there will .be many an ar- gnment in the county, oh the sthmp and elsewhere. R. B. Glenn was in the city last night. ' He was here for. the pur- f se of arranging a canvass. Mr. Glenn speaks here soon arid he will be greeted by a big crowd. He is well known and lis many friends here. Mr. Glenn's appointments for tne countyare as follows: ; Ilouck's cotton gin, At well township, Oct. 13th, at 1 o'clock. China Grove, Oct. 13th at 7:30 o clock, at night. , -n Spencer, Friday, Oct. 14th, 7:30 P l m. Salisbury, Saturday, 15th, 1 m. Mt. Vernon, Oct. 17th, 1 p. m Unity, Oct. 17th, 7:30 p. in. Cleveland, Oct: 10th, 7:30 p. m: The great Democratic rally .and barbecue will take place in Salis bury on the- 22nd v of. this month I Apiong the attractions will' be speeches by C. B. Ay cock and Jas. it Messrs. Klutfz and Caldwell w 111 speak here Saturday night. There will bo a public speakjng ati Chestnut Hill school house F idav night, October ith, at hjch time Walter. JSIurphy, Esq., 11 address the Democratic club Death at Spencer. ' Mrs. Callie Clark, wife of Mr. W' A. Clark, of hpenccr, dietl at her home at that place yesterday e enmg. She was 3(J years old and leaves a husband -xuul. Six 'chil dren. The remains were taken to Bur linsrton on the 10:10 train this mprnin" for burial. Meeting in Davidson. ' Dr. J N. Stallings is at Wall burg, Davidson county, where ' he went last Saturday to aid Rev. Henry Sheets, the pastor, in a series of meetings this week. . He will return to the city the; last of thje week and will preach at Faith next Sunday at 11 a. m.: at China Grove at 3 p. m. and at Spencer at 7:30 p. m. At the Opera House. f , ' Probably the most ridiculous idea for a legitimate farce con ceived, was the nlot of 4The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown." The piece deals with the aa ventures of a young army offi cer 4 "Capt. Courtenay" who mar ries a "Ward of Chancery" which fox the sake of the play, at least is considered a criminal offence in England. To enjoy his wife's company he donned the disguise on a school girl and gained admis sion to a private seminary where his young bride was confined. The cqm plications and situations, can ba better imagined than described The company is one of the best on th p road and will appear here nex M bnday, Oct. 10th, at the opera house. Everything is now in readiness anil in working order at Louis Libhtenstein's Ladies Tailoring department. Ladies cordially in vited to give me-a trial. OMTC AND SEE ray new Milli liriprv. All the latest novelties -in Ri bbon, Jeatners, velvets auu x-iaws Ori e door east of postompe. F. M. WAITERS. OR RENT A large 18 room house Co hveiiently situated, near R. R de PO Suitable for manufacturing or other purposes. Mns. P. A. Fkercks Fot Rent A nice 6-room cottage convenient to Main Street and depot noir fnmpr nf Lee and Fisher, re cejtly vacated by M. L. Ritch. 7; R. V. Lanier. Office Moved. The central office of the bnry telephone system has. moved, and now occupies, a Salis- i been room i in the third story of the Bell block. The office was moved last ms tit. Mad Dog Killed. Mr. J. L. Fisher writes thd Sun that a mad doar was killed near Esquire U. E. Miller's last Satur- day. A number of shots were fired at the dogr and he was fol- lowed for some distance before be- ing killed. For State Fair. , The Southern will offer a very ow rale on account of the State Fair, which, will be held in Ratejgh on the 21th to 29th of this month. Tickets sold on the 22nd to 25th inclusive will cost $1.25 plus 50 admission to fair. Titkets 26th and 27th wiliest cents qn the $2,1)0 plus 50 cents for admission.' This rate drives all a chance to at tend the fair. On a Visit to Rowan. Mr. George Fink an4 wifej for merly of Rowan, near Mitford, but who have been living at Jacksonville, 111., for some nmo L, M. Ill V. are now on a visit to relatives and friends in the county..- Tlidy left here '-seventeen '.-"years ago, and Mr. Pink has - built, up quite a business in Illinois he havinsr been conducting" a' store for some years. Public Speaking. . A Democratic ! club will be organized ai Bernhardt's mill by : -1 1 tne citizens oi. uoid mil townsmp, .1 i ft I I IT Hi 1 ' l Thiirsday.night;October 13th. The pUDiic is cordially mvitedtto come outjind hear aiiairdiswiiojof the political issues of the day. Hon. : John S. Henderson will speak bfl this occasion and every one interested in government of and by white men should be sent. pre- Ex-Senator W. Hi" Lucas, 6f Hyde county, will speak in Salis- biirv at the court house next bury at the court house Wednesday night at S o'c ockf Senator Lucas is an able man and every white man in the township should hear him. Jno. M. Julian, Ch'm. Dem. Ex-Com. Good News from Iredell. A private note from Olin, Ire dell county, reads: "Twould "do you good to hear the reports from north Iredell. Kepubhcans swear i they won't vote for Caldwell, Populists are coming back o De- mocracy. ine signs point tor vie- tory." : Other advices from Iredell are to tne enect tnat tne county is going democratic ity irom ouu to 700. This would be an old4time majority. Kluttz's speeches in the county last-weeK were oy hi ac- counts, vote-winners. Keports agree that he simply plays vvith Caldwell, his Populist-Republican opponent. But it is not alone from Iredell that the. news is good. The reporis irom an tne surrounamg counties are uniformly favorable, Charlotte Observer. Two nice furnished rooms for suitable for light housekeeping not apply if have children.' rent need W. II. HurF TT - 1 1 1 ' i . . I I ne mucn neeaea laaies tailor- z-. 4. : L VV with Miss Mary Wrenn in Louis Licntenstein7s ladies tailoring de partment. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chili. Tonic. Never fails tocure; then why 50 cents. Your money back If it fails tq cure. experiment witn wortniess imitations? Price Good Things to Eat Cocoa nuts, Chestnuts, Bananas, Grapes, Apples, Cakes, Crackers, Pried Beef, etc. just in at Young's store. Af , -ill ill ifi n i 1 ii m LOCAL BRIEFS. The Yadkin train came in in two sections tnis mornmor. ims was causel by heavy freight. Mr. M. LL Ritch is moving into one ot Mr N. B. McCanless' houses on South Main street. We making things! lively are with bargains in footwear. Burt Shoe Co. Mrs. Charlie Pace has: been quite sick with malarial fever but is some better now. 1 ! ' Mr. A. H. Newsom tells us he will soon move to Salisbury, hav. ing rented out his place at Craven. I . i Harry Brothers, who recently ha(J , - excellent opening, I Vulva i rAr nil in Kn Sithj i Quick sellers and slow to wear Piit are -Burt's Own Make" School hoes.-BuA Shoe Co. ; j; . Dr. J. M. Flippin was called to Pilot Moun ain mis morning w pertorm a most dithcult operation. J. C. Dancy is billed by the Re- uuuwiu cauuvc wiuiuiuco lu i li: . i! a1 speak at several places in thd State. He will be in Salisbury on the 10th. XV VT AVkvl for Washington. His sister, Mrs. I Payne, went to Washington this morninar and the two will spend several days . i there. The Juvenile Musical Club will hold its first meeting for the sea son, in the recital room j of the Neave Music School, Friday after- . . I J noon at 4 o clock. All members j.f i ij "lX3 l,IC6CUlr l "1 ! I 1 I. 1 a large audience win unoouoieti- ly attend th5 performance of "The oirange ; civeniures oi.i juiss from the fact theatre-goers here depend on something pretty good in a way of entertainment- Act tion Delayed. (Special to Sun.) Paris, Oct. 6. The French and EnVlisb agrie to delay the! action t7lJ.i.. ..-.n in the Fashodu until the receipt of Marchand's report. The Fever Situation. Special to Sun. itJVV VUL. U. J.UB JLC1IUW fever situation continues to im- . L l - piuve. 17U uug me jwsi uvu udp thPi-A hari hppri nnlv a shVhtsnrAaxl and a few death's. Reports: of in , j . fected, districts in this state and Mississippi $how that the authori- ties are keeping the disease well in hand. . nuww xmuuitcu. i (Special to Sun.) Boston, Oct. 0. The Republi- cans met to-dav and endorsed nAl,omr WaiM- lm will K nominated without opposition. The gt. LoUis platform was en- dorsed. That Collective Note- i SPECIAL DISPATCH TO 8UN.J Constantinople The collective note, presented to the Porte by representatives of the powers, tde- mandmg thd withdrawal of j Turk- ish troops from Crete, requires an answer witnin a week. I he note hears dateot October '5th. Meeting. The series of meetings at the Chestnut Street Method st r.hnrph . i are nroorres.4inor well. Rev. Mr. Campbell of Charlotte," is, assist n- .. " ing the pastor, Rev. Mr. Tate. Hot Winniej and Fresh Sausages at Jackson's to-day. LOST: A bunch of keys. Finder leave at bun omce. : NO CORE-NO PAT That is the wa !y all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS V HILL- TONIC for Malaria, ('hills and Fever. Quinine in a tasteless form. rer.. it is simply iron . and teless form. Children love I Monies mtter' nauseaUng . . a -m . m . ... FIGHTING a OUT. WEST. RED MEN AND SOLDIERS, Gen. Bacon and Men Attacked -Re- ported that His Force Was Annihilated-r-Indians Pretended to be ' friendly. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE SUN - ! I ' ! ' ' Minneapolis, Oct. 6. Arthur Pegler, correspondent of I the nal, telegraphs from .er is.morniDg that 80 men , under Oen. Bacon have been - annihilated by tll!0 'pillagers at Bear Island: His stehmer had siirnalled ail ni.rht but not a sodier was seen- or an- swered. I' KEINFOllCEMENTS FOR BAKER. Minneapolis, Oct. 6. A special train of th iree companies went to reinforce Gen. Bacon this morn- ashmortdn, Oct. 6. A War Department bulletin says: -Reinforcements are already on their way to General Bacon, at Leech Lake. . If the gallant 'offi cer and his men are' not already wiped out by the Indians with wjiom they were fighting yester-! 1,1 ii rn L ' j! i I i;L V I IH W I I I I3L M lliri'M Kl I TTI I. I J .7 - A .1 . A 1 ' 1 1 ' . I tu uijve lue reusKiub:ironi- lueir strongholds. The report of the massacre is still uhcontirmed but a dispatch boat which cruised about the scene of the baUladlate no trace I of soldiers. :4tThere is general excitement at Walker, Minn., which is the near- est railroad "and telegraph poiilt to the scene of hostilities." j gt Paul A correspondent of the Globe telegraphed to-dav that the attack of the Indians while I j " . 1 and annihilated the command of Irinnfrl T?smrn wnk ninrA fnwnrllu than at first reported. The Indi- Il .I ."'ill ans wfirn SAP.n nnn rhpv nrfifpnMAn I " V J t " i.i 11 a iL , oil io oei inenuiy 10 me somiers. xne - , ..... . . .V paring to leave when the Indians fired. The last seen of the sol- diers i . - - i they were incrouched behind the bank defending themselves The pilot boat was injured as she left. TWO MASSACItES EXPECTED. St. Paul. Oct. 6 -A Brainerddis- patchl, received this morning, says a courier arrived at Walker con- firming the report that all men not in uniform were killed by Indians. The massacre, of Gen. Bacon and his band is not mentioned and it is believed to be untrue. I The result of last night's Indian council is unknown, but it is con fidently believed that the'older ln- dians will succeed in convincing the voung braves who are thirst imr for fio-ht that a conflict with the troops mean their annihilation. Nothing has; been' heard of tne missing. Reports of casualties are: Known killed, six Indians, one half breed, one timber inspector, private Sortey, private Cohl. Missing, reporters Beaton, Knap- pen and Brills. Wounded, Marshal Harris, of Walker, George Marks, agency employee and Special Agent Tink- .er It is believed that, the Indians escaped to the mainland and ar- rived! to the northeast alono- Little and R a Frrt rivAi-c Tho moci ere of all 'whites at Cass and Itasca Uiay follow. A snftpial train with ihWtv oJ. I , :r ----- " "' "l I ftd tllRn and A nimdrpd rifloa onll . M.m-mi-M mJm u M. I ammunition has gone to Walker RECOMMENDS FREE TRADE. Special Commissioner Porter Returns from Havana. special dispatch to the sun. J . New York Special Com mis- a. sioner Porter arrived to-day from Havana. His investigations were with the special reference tarsff between this country and Cuba. "After the taris peace confer ence," ne said, "the work of the peace commission should be expe dited as much as possible. As long as the present conditions prevail in Havana there will be no pros perity, or progress of business, as capital is .waiting. The old Span ish tariff which still prevails has a war tax of twenty per cent, which is still being exacted. It is the prime necessity of the moment to secure control of the custom houses at Havana''. His report is not comnlet.ed.bnt will rpmmmpnrl free trade, if possible, with Cuba, as soon as it can be arranged with the Justices of both countries. He didn'tr think it wise to send more soldiers before the-rainy sea son is over. Boston to China Waters. SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington, Oct.c 6. Dewey has sent the Boston to Tien Tsen.' Commissioners out Driving. .SPECIAL .DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Paris,' Oct. 6. The peace com missioners held an hour's session - and afterwards, accompanied by uen. ivierritt, were me 1 f . . .1 guests of Ambassador Porter who them to Versailles. drove Four Drowned. &PEC I A 1 DISPATCH TO JTHE SUN.J Troy, Oct. 6. Commodore Weatherly of the Troy Yacht Uub Stephen Mallory, book keeper, at the State prison, Mrs. Nellie Bl"eslin, a widow, and Miss Lizzie Savage, of aterford, were drowned bv the ransizino' nf a yachl which struck the ferry rope. Loss From Storm. SPECIAL, DISPATCn TO THE SUN. Augusta, Oct. 6. Indications a?..that th? storm .of he fo.re par A LiiC nCVA. sustained a loss of I 4i I u. O millions to cotton. Con- il&ij i a m a iv iiiii iiiiii in i v i u i n in i t'.zi i , f inn nr n 1 X 1 - ir -tm n T- a . 4- nut the nrwn nottnn nnH rninA,! if 1 Southern. Soldiers Pleased. SPECIAL. PISPATCH TO THE SUN. Washington Gen. Boy nton, be fore the war investigators, testi fied that. he found the camps clean. He said there was plenty of good beef. Brigadier and regimental commanders were responsible if there was anv defect. ' He was questioned particularly about the Eighth and. Ninth New York and denied the story of indecent and filthy quarters in which coffee was roasted. He discredited the stories of rottenness at Camp Thomas and said the Southern soldiers, instead of complaining, expressed, sur prise and bewilderment at the variety and vast quantity of food. Delaware Arrives. SPECIALi DISPATCH TO TIIE SUN. J Southampton -The transport Delaware arrived from Soudan with nine hundred and seventy men to-day. Board Four .gentlemen can get board, central location, first-class ta- ble and terms moderate. Apply at Sun office, First class work- at reasonable rates. Louis Liehtenstein's ladies tailoring department, above beo. W. Wrights furniture store. TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. . 25 cents. ... Heavy Cotton Vests for ladies l-"c. Carolina Racket. 0