"S " ' . ' . , , ' - ; -' . ' FOR CAKES Vy' - 1 Tl' . . . ' irsr. .- fen M mmm$yirir 0 'yf ;v .:.'J IS J 4. FLOWERS COLUCTOi 10 Loi7E2 for Sl.co at SALISBURY, N. C, 'WEDNESDAY. EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1898. 10 Cents Per "Week VOL. I Y. NO. 60. ENGINEER WALTON KILLED. In a Head-End Collision on the West ern Near Hickory This Morning. There was a head-end collision four miles this side rof Hickory this morningv about 2 orclock in which Engineer T. Y. Walton was killed and several others of the train crews were injured. Mr. Walton was in charge of a light engine No. 224, going from Spencer to Asheville. On the main line four miles east of Hick ory this engine collided with east bound freight train, No. 74, En- srineer John Cline in the cab. . " Renorts from the scene of the , collision are that the two engines and six cars were demolished En gineer Walton was killed and two brakemen were injured. The track was blockaded and the east-bound fast train due here at 10:30 tins morning was delayed several hours. Mr. Waltor was' unpopular en gineer He lived at Spencer. Mrs. Walton and Charlie, brother of the deceased, accompanied by Rev. D. P. :Tate and Mrs. Gambol and Mrs. Eagle left this morning for Hickory. Mr. Walton's- remains will be interred at Morganton, the home of his relatives. ' It is learned that iFireman Os car Moody, of the freight train, was also killed. Echoes of Yesterday's Election. ' We lost the State" remarked one negro to another at the depot this morning. Itwasf truly a tight of white against black and the i . - whites were victorious. . I carried Boone township by a majority of 100" is the report M r. Phillip Sowers, a heretofore Re pudlican, brings from Davidson county to the Democratic head quarters -W hen such influential men as Mr. Sowers come over to the Democratic, or white man's party, it is no wonder there was a landslide in the State. It can be j truthfully said that the Populists in the county . con tributed very little towards the Democratic majority, but the Re publicans in good numbers voted the Democratic ticket helping to raise the majority to J he number of 1450. ' ; " Real Circus Ariels- . - " ''... - , Flying, with or yithout wings, bas hitherto been deemed impos sible to man; i but the worderful and daring male and female Euro pean, Asiatic arid American aerial--ists' with the combined great Ad am Forepaugh-Sells Brothers cir cuses appear to have artistically solved the problem. At all events, many of their tremendous . flights dives, leaps, evolutions, catches and buoyant movements in mid air seem far beyond the physical limitations of wingless creatures. Such a .sensational ami startling exhibition by such a number of great artists is without precedent or parakll. Rehearsal. All; tiicin I ers of 4 lMy Friend from India" will please meet at Pythian Hall to-night for a full re hearsal. It is especially desired that each member be present promptly at 8 o'clock. - FOR RENT A nice comforta ble six-room cottage, near corner Fisher ami Lee streets. Apply to R. V. Lanier. . Fou Rent Two story brick store house on Fisher street opposite Bos tian and Atwell. Apply to Robert L. Shaver. . 4 ; Dr. W. II. Wakefield,' of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Salisbury, at Central hotel, on' Friday,. Nov. 25th for this one day. His prac tice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Th mat. ! I 1 . . ri - I I V LATE ELECTION RETURNS. ! I 11; Rowan Democrats Got Everything ?hey Voted for Yesterday. The Rowan Democracy is iubi- lant tp-day, and wby should't thoy be. (They won every thing thoy voted, for yesterday. ' Returns show that Wiley Rush, Democratic candidates for solictor in this district is elected. Hon. TF. Kliittz is elected to the r ouse of representatives, ; as gathered from returns last night. Messrs. Glenn and Thomas, De mocratic candidates" for State sen ate were elected; lie urns from the county are all in. The two precincts not iucti tione 1 in this morning's! editibn of the Sun are gi ven ImjIow. .-. Dem o -crats carried every township in "the county but one -Steele and losttiat by only a shiall vote. ' Sc tch Irish gives a Democratic majority, of 28. . Ia: eke township gives a Demo crati i majority of 25. f Tennbssee Synod. ; The Tennessee Lutheran Synod meets - to-morrow, at DanuTs church, Lincoln county. Rev. C. L. Miller and a party of five dele gated from Davidson county passed through this morning on their way to attend the synod. Rev. W; A. Lutz also passed thro ugh this morning on his way to the ynodf He will represent the N. C. Synod. Child Burned to Death. A little child of Mr. L. M. Hols hous3r, who lives , near Rockwell, was jurned to death yesterday even ng. The child was left on the bed 1 while its parents were picking cotton. The bed clothing caugpt tire and the result was tjhe child "was burned - to- jeattr. The interment was made today at Lower Stone church. - Derailed. '. Fram the Charlotte Q'server we see that the Southern passen ger tram wnicn ,ieip nere yesier day at 10:30 going: south, was de raile at Belmont, and was, as a consequence of the accident, de laved trve hours. JNo one ; was hurt The Arctic region is so heavily blocked with ice that Pearey's steamer Winward, has no possi bility of getting out this season. Uncle Sam wants Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines but what the American people desire4 above all aid will have is "Grape" sun cured tobacco. , , IN THE FIGHT: You can get 50 loaves of Bread for $1.00 at A. Parker's. Soothing, ' healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable enemy of sores, burn 4 and wounds; It never fails to cure Piles. You may rely up on it James Plummer.. ' , THE beSt prescription for chills and feVer is a bottle of Grove's TASTRkEes Chill Tonic. Never fails tocure; then why experijnent with worthless imitation? lrjce 50 cents. Your money back If It lain to cure. f ' NO CURE-MO PAY ' Thai Is t he wav all druggists sell GKO VI . H TASTELESS OHILL. TONIO for Malaria. Chills-land Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinirte in a tasteless form; Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating. Tonics.: Price 50 cents. . ; W ien Spain blew up the Maine she v ras insane and can never re tain the high opinion of the Amer ican as Grape Tobacco. '; y Overcome' evil with good; - t - . a Overcome vour coughs and colds IT " ' - .-- with is so One Minute Cough Cure. It good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumo nia, srrippe -and all l throat and lungkliseases. James Plummer. FOIl RENT, a nice 5-room cottage, convenient to schools, churches and business, comer lnniss nnd Caldwell StsM a blocks from public square. Call on Wl II. Overman & Co. LOCAL BRIEFS. What about a torchlight pro cession : . ' El kin shoes received' to-day. Burt Shoe Co. Weather Forecast: .Rain tonight and Thursday. Colder. : The 44 My Friend from India" cast will have a rehearsal to-nigbt. Dr. J. R. Brooks preaches at Spencer Methodist church tonight. ; Oysters at the Flutter Show Thursday evening served in any style.,' ' . - ! The Euridice Club will meet with Mrs- Thomas Murphy, Thursday-evening at 4 o'clock.- " i .. : Big. lot jf samples, mostly coarse shtes, receive! and opened up to day." Burt Shoo Co. ' . !- Rowan, Mecklenburg, Johnston and Halifax counties apparently lead in the race for the Democrat ic banner this year. , Gentlemen take your oysters at toe Flower- Show Thursday night. . You can, patronize the restaurants any time. 1 Dr. J. N. Stallings will preach at Faith next Sunday sit 11 a. m at China Grove at 3 p. m. and Spencer at 7:30 p. m. The Flower Show will open at at 60 Thursday evening. Oysters,' Chicken ' salad, Ham sandwich Cheese straws, Pickles, Beaten biscuit, Tea, Coffee, Ice Cream , Cake will be served. ' All members of the Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeav or are urged to be, present at the business meeting toe ight after prayer meeting in the lecturo room of the Presbyterian 'churchy Flowers will not be ithe only ob jetet of attraction at tfcte; Chrysan- (.tlOIUUUr OUUW '"-A UU,OVt!SJ WUUIUV There will be lovely maidens to serve a most tempting supper -and it is Loped the gallant youths will not be wanting. v " ' PERSONALS. ' A. H. Moore went to Charlotte today. 0 ." - Mrs. W. J. Woodrum left this morning for Virginia to visit rela tives and friends. , Mrs. Alice Coogan, who has been visiting in the city left this morn ing for Greensboro. 1 Mrs. J. H. Moore, Mrs. W. M. Wiley and Miss Carrie McCanless went-to Hickory this morning to visit Mrs. Abenathy. .; KluttrBy 5,000. v ; Hon. T. F. Klutlz has heard from the ten counties constituting this ; district. The- returns show that he has a majority of . ,5,000 over Mr. Caldwell. Mr. Klnttz carried every county and his ma jorities run from 200 to 1,50Q. - Caldwell had no showing, at all,. loosing even his home county by several hundred. f Go to MarabloV ; Satu rday for fine select ovsters. Also fresh meats of all Kinds. i TO CURE A COLO IN 0KE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25 cents. Contractor and Builder.---! have moved into the Overman building on Main' street. My office is in the rear room formerly! occupied by R. L. & VV. H. Crawford Insurance Agents. Those who propose building would do j well to see me. . Will, be glad to wait " - ' A tt - r OU PJ OUK, xXt XX. mtMJUJS. ' '- The sooner a qough or cold is cured without harm to the suflferer the bettor. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking? cough is distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why; suf fer .when such a cough cure is within reach ? It is pleasant to the taste.! James PIuDimer. THE LANDSLIDE. A Sweeping Victory from One End of -; the State to the Other. Below is given a synopsis of the returns from i all counties in the State: ; - " ' : " - ''' ,; y Alamance The entire Demo- cratic ticket was elected by a big ger majority than was expected. Alexander Democrats, qarry by majority of - 100 or 200. Demo cratic legislative ticket elected. Anson Every precinct has gone Democratic, i- f . . h ' Ashe Doubtful. Democratic gains in some towuships. V ;Beauforl Undoubtedly Demo cratic -:k . : Brunswick jLroes fusion by small majorityj' : Buncombe Democratic by about 300. ' Jiurke -Democratic legislative ticket elected. Majority for judi cial arid Senatorial candidates. Cabarrus Democratic by several hundred. f , Camden Gone Democratic. -u Carteret State, . Congressional and Senatorial ticket wins by 150 to 300. i ' ' ; -J" r r Cas wel 1 Indications favor De mocrats, but nothings definite. ' . Catawba Democratic by several hundred. ; 1 ' ' j Chatham Outlook for Demo cratic ticket favorable but county has probably gone fusion, t i Cleveland Democratic ' majori ty of 800. . Columbus rFtisionists acknbwl edge their defeat. J Craven Fusion by greatly reduced- majority. " ' - :,Cumberland-r-Safely Democrat Currituck-f Senatorial ticket winlby 500"riiaj:ority: '; 7 -: -, --- -1 Davidson Entire Democratic ticket elected. Majority about 200; !''' ; ' Davie Democratic sheriff and Register of Deeds elected. Fusion legislative ticket by about 200. Iredell- TOO majority for Dem ocrats, i . Johnson Democratic majority 2,000. ' . , ' ' Lenoir Entire Democratic tick et elected. . . 1 Lincoln Indications are j that the county has gone Democratic. Martin loi majority for Dem ocratic ticket. , . ! MeDowell Democratic, 4 Mecklenburg Democratic by 1,600.. . Sloore r Democratic candidates for.house and senate elected, i i ? Nash Democratic.; New Hanover Large Demo cratic gains and a majority in the county. j Orange 3p0 majority for De mocracy. ' Onslow Democratic-by 375. Pasquotank Republicans con cede defeat. ' Pender Democratic v by small majority, it is thought. Perquimans Both sides claim victory. Not certain Person Indications point to Democratic victory, Pitt Entire Democratic county ticket electeI. Polk Chances in favor of Den ocratic. ticket. . Randolph Very close. Milli ken concedes Democratic legisla tive ticket. - .Richmond 700 majority! for Democrats. Robeson Democrats win by 400. Rowan Democratic by 1,450 majority. , . Rutberford-r-Democratic. Sampson Result in doubt. Stanly Average i Democratic majority; 550. . ' r - Duplin No doubt of the coun ty being safefy Democratic t "Durham Majority 700 for Democracy. 1 ; Edgecombe 1000 majority for the Democratic ticket.,; Demo cratic senator and two represen tatives. , Forsyth Republican majority isgreatly reduced. Insures the election ; of Glenn and Thomas, state senators. . v Gaston About 400 majority for Democracy. , Granville Democratic ticket elected.' Greene Too close kf claim. : - Guilford Everything safely Democratic. Majority probably 500. - Halifax Majority of 50 to iobo. . Harnett Indications point to Democratic victory. Henderson Republican- major ity irom 200 to 300. Surry Democratic by small majority. 1 ; Transylvania Democratic by small, majority; Ty r rel 1 Probably Democratic. Union 1000 Dena ocratic majority.--' v. - v. v- J-'y Vance Small Democratic gain. Elect part of the ticket. ' Washington Large Democratic gains. Fusion majority reduced. Wayne 700 to 900 majority. Wilson 500 Democratic. - -v Wilkes County ticket Repub lican by small majority. Nearly all of the above returns were sent in during last night- and there will be some change, but not enough to admit of the terming of the election as anvthinjr but a De- Tmocrattera15dslioTe7 1 . r . T.r ' CRAVEN COUNTY. -..,.' 1 T . - v r Mr. J. E. West s this morning received the following dated - yes terday thing. from Newberne:; Every? . quiet. The Republican majority in the county is reduced to about five hundred.: Returns Received To-day. Louisville,Ky.,Noy. 9. Repub licans et one and Democrats ten Congressmen, 1 Milwaukee, Wis. Nov. 9. The State is Republican by twenty thousand. Legislature is Republi- can, . -w, ; New pfork, Nov. 9i Legislature is Republican in both branches and will elect a Republican to suceed Murphy, senator.' j ; Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 9. Belated returns indicate Republicans car ried the State by twenty thousand, Legislature is close and probably Republican. Two Republican and two fusion congressmen two in doubt; !i New' York, Nov; 9. Congress man Slone, of Pennsylvania, chair man of Coinage, j Weight ; and Measu res com mi ttee, and Wal ker, of Massachusetts, chairman .of Banking and Currency committee were defeated. ! v New York, Nov.. 9. Croker says he hasn't . given up hopes. He still pins faith to later returns. Nashville, Nov. 9.- Democratic governor will have twenty five thousand. ' Eight "i Democrats and two Republicans to Congress. a Minneapolis, Nov. 9 Lind, fu ten sion, elected governor by thousand; five out 'of seven con-, gressmen are , Republicans; other two are doubtful. A complete line of ladies and chil drehs underwear at the- Carolina Racket. ' ' : j- 'J:P:---';-: LostI A bunch of keys. Four m ' 1 : on ringL maer will please leave same at Sun office. CLAIMED BY BOTH SIDES. Republicans 'and Democrats Claim , Majority in Congress. --..-. New- York, Nov. 9 The Even- ing Sun says the House will be safely Republican though the present .majority of fifty-five over all will be greatly reduced. The Republicans lost ' in New York and Illinois'but gained chief ly in Nebraska, Kansas and Cali fornia. The, Democrats claim J.he House ty a small majority.. . Washington, Nov. 9 Chair man Babcock, of the Rej)ublican Congressional Committee, says his estimates to noon to-day ; indicate at the very least twenty-five or thirty majority in Congress. Secretary Kerr, of the Demo cratic Congressional Committee, says his latest figures indicate thirteen majority in Congress over all. ' ' Governor Roosevelt. New York; Nov: 9 The latest returns say Roosevelt carries the State by 16,000. Republican Succeeds Gray. . Wilmington, Del., Nov. 9 The Delaware legislature is Republi can and will elect a Republican to succeed Senator Gray. The Re publicans elected Congressman, and State officers. , Mining Harbor. Halifax, Nov. 9 -Cupt. Kent, of the submarine, mining depart ment received orders to-day from the imperial authorities to have the harbor v mined thoroughlv. Every available man in the royal engineering department will take part. ' Advertised Letters - 1 . Remaining in the Salisbury, N. p.,postofiice for the week ending November 9th, 1898. Persons calling should ask for advertised letter j and will be - required to pay? one cent for each letter; . , I Males Rev. H. W. Aller, A4 IX Bruton, R. L. Cannon, James; Gaines, W. F. Hubby, W. B. Howell, Elie AlcWing, R S. cott, S. A. Straus, Mess. Ram seur Moore. , I Females Miss Annie Flem ming, Old Davidson, 2, Mrs. Mol le Valestine, Mrs. Judy Harris, Mrs. Mamie Harris, Mrs. Kate Brown, Miss Lila Brown, Ida. $teecT, Miss Ida Ross, Mrs. Nellie, Rankin, Mrs. Overcash, Mrs. Lizzie Mickey, Mrs. M.Lucy, Miss W. O. Hudson, Mrs. Susan Gat ling, Miss Lon Cochran, Cora C0I7 man, Lilio Boyden, Julia Baker. J. H. Ramsay, P. M. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possi ble for its relief. It is with pleas ure we publish the following: "This "is to "certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and I; - - - was treated by some of the best' physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, otii druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; 'and after taking two bottles, I was en tirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommendinjthem to any person suffering from this ter rible malady. I am- gratefully Ky." Sold by Theo. F: Kluttz &. Uo., Uruggists. When you ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel alve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being cured by this,' than all others com bined. James Plummer. UOTICE: Clordon Lodcre No. 1fi8. I O. O. F. meets every Monday night at o'cincK "on 3ra hoot or James Plummer's drug store. All visitors are cordially invited. Jacob jj-KLiUMAjN, Fin. Sect. o Q. X 0JL3TnOO SH3M01J 2HI 0 0

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