M FLOWERS CO U FCTION 1 '; CET BEST - QUALITY ' . A ft .1 '" ' , ' V :&:J&-::;'sy- . bread, S alf lillif f) ml Sit W ' - t. i.. swing's I . 4 t , - .vj, ' -I-1 -. I'..' : ' ' ' ;" -''I': ; . i " . . , :- : - : -r- : ; ' : r. -1 -1 - : : : : FOR CAKES of all kinds, and 'I ! fresh baked - call on I T. L. SWINK. 5 VOL. IV. NO. 75. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAYEVEKING, NOVEMBER 28, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week COURT IN SESSION. Convened This Morning Number j of Criminal Cases to be Tried. I The November term of Rowan's Superior Court convened this morning,. Judge Allen presiding. The grand jury chosen for the term are: i ' I C. T. Bernhardt, foreman ; E. K. James, P. A. 1). Peeler, Alexan der Parker, 11. B. Harris, K. F. Carter, David Beaver, AW A. Mc Corkle, Dayid M. Bean, John ,C. Bringle, Ijaiiies R. Rufty, McNeely, O. T. Rankin, Jonas Lippard, Geo. Whitlock, Craw ford A. Miler, J.M. Brown, J. B. Goodnight. i No cases were tried during the morning session which was sber, court adjourning .at'.' 11- until J 2. The fighting case from. Gold Hill was called this morning but was postponed until after noon. j The grand jury was hard j at work this morning hut. had; not sent 'up anyj true bills before court adjourned for the morning. There is the usual crowd, in at tendance. . j ! A number of criminal cases ni0 to bo tried at this term. . j Farewell Sermons. t . This is a scaso'u of farewell ser mous by preachers who are mem bers of the Western North Caro lina ." Conference w Yesterday Dr. Weaver, w ho comes K here tljis year, preached hisfarewell ser anon in Grqensboro. ? Agent Crutch ticld, of the' Southern, wjio was in Greensboro yesterday, tays there i is general regret jimong all denominations, in the city over Dr. Weavers departure. Dr. W. II, Leith, who has been in Moruanton for the past four J yearsy-was in the city andjeft this morning for'Randleman, where ho will serve this year. Decision To-morrow. . . .- The Supreme Court is expected to tile to-morrow its decision in the James case, in which attorneys for the plaintiff asked the court to issue execution direct against the Western North Carolina Railroad and to enjoin it from further pro ceedings or from interfering with the execution of the judgment. No Excitement- . The Winston Sentinel, in speak-; ing of the earthquake shock last week says "much excitement was created in Salisbury.'" Thin I a mistake. There was no excitement here. The shock lasted less than four seconds and we have not seen any one who was excited.? j . Musical. , A most enjoyable occasion was that of the meeting of Mrs. Annie Ldvengoo.d's music class Saturday evening with Miss Alma. Whit lock. Each of the performers did themslves credit and the evening was one long to be remembered by them. i , ! CLEARANCE SALE Cheap felt hats, infant's enpo and army hats at cost. Finest line of Milli nery i n t h e c i ty . All g i n g v cry cheap. Small lot of iufauts Catli mere cloaks to close. j Mrs. W. R. Baukkk; Woodmen charter soon closet li Liver Pudding at Jacksrjn's. Nothing is so unfitting as a bad! tit ting. suit. Try the Busy Hee Tailor and get otic that will lit at Hwicoguiod's Jewelry SlorcJ j SPECIAL NOTICE to Lime and Plaster Paris consumers. Just received a car of fresh white Marble Lime, full sized barrels and weight guaranteed for l.'00.per. barrel. Plaster Paris $2.25 per barrel. A trial onler will am vince yoti f its quality. , A. II. Moore. MRS. J. W. KERR DEAD. Good Woman Gone to Her Rest Funeral Service To-morrow. Mrs. J;. W; Kerr is 4ea( I The sad news .was' sent out 3'es- rday evening from her limine lore loving relatives had been ministering to her. She died at 5 o block in the afternoon. Mrs. Kerr was fOrty-four years, ree months and twenty-two day sj 1. She was born in Saxes, Co- tri ol buirg," Germany, and when she was on ly five days old her parents left wi th "her for America. Of the iity-five children on board the vessel she was the only child that rvived the voyage. Her parents Ideated at Raleigh, this State, from w hich place they removed; to bldsboro where she grew up to imanhood. They 1 afterward- I -t . Tir-i j - M TT ? I W m ovi-d to vv nmineton. ivirs. xverr 3 lidt-u name was Hennie Preiii - rt.. i She was married to Mr. John w . Kerr on the 7th of January.' 7S. Shortly after that time Mr.' and Mrs. Kerr moved to Salisbury. liiey have since made their home . 1'-. inj tins city. Several children have been tlx rasuit oi tue union n omy di. Caster Remmie, now nearly 1 i vears old, survives. Mrs. Kerr was taken nick with tAlnhoid fever seventeen weeks agt vesferdav. After.seven wrek via. to show signs of mi I ovement. She was ihen opeiv atbd upn.for a tijmor. She stoxl tnfe operation nicely for tu.rco w lieks. Then she became partial-; ly)aralyzed from which time she gradually sank until yesterday eninr when death relieved her Mrs. Kerr was a'mobt generous ia ly, giving to all whoi sought her ait . She courted hzfyZ-fziviHl ItJ- tbie hundreds. She was indeed a loyinsr friend to all who knew her. Her place in the neighborhood in which she resided can never be til ed. She was indeed a remarks. bib woman, dispeiHng Liifts With a P i o avish hand The funeral -service will take ace to-morrow aiternoon at cloclv from St, Luke's Episcopal cl urch, conducted by her pastor. Rev. Dr. "F. J. Murdoch. The interment will be in Chest- mht Hill cemetery. rw I 1 1 t i "1 lueouN loses a jiinu menu in her death and extends its deepest svmpatny to tne oereaveo nusoanu and son. Oyer Four Hundred Performances. The Forepaugh & Sells Brothers circus which was here last Monday, commenced the past season at Co- lumbus, Ohio,on April 25th. From that time until the close of the sea son last week 2,711 miles were traveled, and 430 performances w ire eiven. French heel Patent Leather SI oes for ladies in Queen Quality m ike just received Burt Shoe Co. Goto Burt s I -: for bargains in will find them f ol?t- w ear y o u thtre. . p.ork Sausage at' Jackson's. New lot El kin Blankets at Wal lace's. . pinovst beef on Jackson's to-day. the market at When Spain blew ui the Maine snp was insane anu can never rp-,1 tain the high opinion of the Amer ican as Grape Tobacco. ( arpet's and Eugs atthe Carolina Racket. MO CURE-NO PAY tat Is the IV O v all ipinrirJt. vnll rtMl IV.'S T TA pt-ruats fJkllL.L, TON it. yuinine in a tasteless form. Children love Adults prefer It to bitter, nauseating ToAics. -Price 50 cents WEDDING IN CLEVELAND. The Thompson-Hall Nuptials on the 23rd List of Pr esents. . Married, at the residence of the bride's'mother, Mrs. M. E. Hall on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Miss Sallie ! Wells- Hall tov Mr. W.r Frank Thompson, both of Cleveland, the Rev. J. A. Ramsay, of Hickory, officiating. . The wedtling march (by'Chopin) was 'played by- Miss Murphy, of Tomohan, NI C . , . During, the ceremony, which was ; rendered in an impressive manneV,- a sbfttone of music on the piano was being played. After the ceremony the parties repaired to the dining rooms where was spread a supper that would take the eye of anyone. ' Miss Hall is one of Cleveland's charming belles .and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. Miv Thompson is one of Cleveland's popular young men, having been raised in Cleve laud, and has a host of friends who wisli him and his lady a long and pleasant life, and Sambo joinsj in congratulations. There were. .a number of presents,, all very use ful and some very valuable. The following are the presents: Picture, . by Mr. W. A. Good man; wedge Woojd vase, Miss Ger trudc Hall;haiid painted plate, Aliss Mn; Wtiod; rocking chair, Mrs. Jj Hi. Hall: wedge wood picture, Mr. ind Alps.r Cnalnier Hall; pair to we a, Mrjs. Caublej spread, , Air. and Mrs.J. A. Lyerly; vase, Miss Fannio 'McNeely ; water pitcher, Mis4 Carrie Thorn pson ; vase, . Miss Catherine McNeely; tea. spoons, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Hall; two sil ver salt cellars, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson; after dinner cotlee spoons, J. E. Alexander, of Bai rd, Texas - Lieckirly"ii:ndM T.Nl'Hali; of Pittstield, Illinois; box of flowers, by Mr. Ike A. Ly erly, of Enniss, Texas; cream ladle,, Geo. W. Hall; pictnre, Miss Gussie, Knox; wash sfa.nd set, Mrs. Alice Graham ; music rack and $ab)p, by Mrs. H. H. and Miss Mary McNeely China pitcher, Jieyj S. Sr. Bust; C,b ilia plate, Rev. lhlr Owens: I)uiTas works, Jerry 'Uedpess, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; sugar spoon, INIr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, of Ashoville; pickle castor, Mr. land Mrs. J. V. Brown ; but ter knife, G. L. Baker; berry dish, A. Heilig; two salt and two pepper boxes, cut glass and -ster- ling silver, by JNliss Muqdiy; silk rella, by II. 11. Harsrraves umb and Mr, 1 -i sister, of Carlotte; money, by and Mrs. J. K. Goodman; table napkins, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Jail; towels, Miss Emnia Graham; pudejing (Jish, Mr. anil Mrs. 1. M. Rosebi-o; check by sifter, JViss Mfl.--ry Hall; bed. room set, by mother I'be couple expect to leave for Asbeville in a few days where they will spend Cb ristroas with relatives. ' v Sambo. I Next Session in Stanly County. The North Carolina M. P. con ference, in session at Liberty last week, has accepted an invitation to hold the next session with Friendship church in Stanly coun ty. The time is Wednesday after the i third Sunday in No vernbor, You see your clothing -..muile," ' you try,tliem on befom cornjilete, jTou are guaranteed a tit or no charge, at the Bisy Bee Tailor's, Swicegood's Jewels ry Store. , jfrifles-U kinasthe very lDest the- markeafforda don't tail t o-can at ,l . t. iVlarable's, I1 ines Oysters received every day. Half dozen fine young por kers at Jackson's for to-day's trade. FOB, REST, a nice 5-room cottage, convenient to schools, churches and business, corner Jqnjgg and Caldwell St"., 5 blocks from public square. Call oo W. II. Overman & Co. ro'Deaths. Mr. W. C Bovd. 4 'Bill v" Boyd, arne was well known, cueu oatur- d$y evening pit his home in Con cd, death being caused by heart 'trouble. Ilejhad been in bed only a coiijde of days and his death was unexpected. He was a wood work man and was known, in Salisbury by-a number of people. Sunday n orning Mr. Boyd's uiother-ihdav, Mrs. Leonard Kri der, died at the home of Mr. Frank Barrier, in Joncord. Mrs. : Bar rier vas her tlaiighter. ' Mrs. Kri ler' was a widow and lived in lranklin township, this county. !Bhe was in Concord visiting her t hildren.. The. interment, we un Jergtand, will be made in Frank lib. The. body was to have" been brought through '' the country to day. 4 Court Notes- This iif So icitor Hoiton's :last court in 'Rowan. His successor. Wiley Rush, will be in office before tne February term. 4 B. F. Longliisq., of Statesyille, it attending court. : ' Sheriff Dor sett; of Davidson, is tiwisitor at court. i ? r f fjA The horse traders have notiyret arrivetu Reduced Bates for Christmas Holidays ft AH railroads in tlie' - State have, agreed to sell ykots for theChrist itjasi holidays between "points at ground, tri pirate a fai ad'a third. Students returning home for. the bididays will bo given the same rite, but their tic'-ts will be. lim ited to the day 1 the various l-ohools close : i day after they are opentu , bnraAd"lce;f " There is snow' and : ice on the cars of the vestibule which passes here these mornings. ' This morn ing the snow was a foot deep on one of the cars. One of the sleeping- car men w was over a foot stated that sno deep when the train left New York. Lecture To-Night, To-night at the Faith Reform- ed church RevJ Miles O. Noli, of will deliver a hu Carlisle, -Pa morous lecture on "The Hvffene of Cheerfulness, or Pills for the Liver." - I '.. Rev. Mr. No 11 is an orator and those who attend his lecture be highly entertained. will Fell From a Tree. n Yesterday a yoimg man, John Turner, was jr the country and was showing a relative, how he caught a possum last week. He climbed in a tree as he had done to get the possum, but a limb broke and be fell to the ground, dislo cating his hip. He is resting very well to-day. ! New Advertisements. '. Lichtenstein & Teiser. Carolina Racket. Economy Clothing Store. Don't sutler from cold. Buy you r winter Underwear from Wal lace, It wijl keep you warm. t bencjtitshe who has been fitting others and been satisfactory, is bene ficial to ix)th parties. Busy Bee Tail ors at hwicegood'Mewelry Store, Foik JBent Tyvo story brick, stores. house bh Fisher street opposite Bos- tian and Atwell. Apply to Robert L. Shaver, I THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a Ijottlej of Grove's Tasteless Chill. Tonic. Never falls to cure; then why experiment. with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails ta cure. WT 1 O " ' ' i si t S . I uuce i3am wanis vuoa, iono Uico anu tne rnnippmes nut wnat the American people desire above j all anrl will hn.vt is tfTrrnrA" nn I all and will have 'Grape' sun cured tobacco. LOCAL BRIEFS. The stores, are taking on a holi day attire. Weather forecast: Rain and warmer to-night and Tuesday. A silversmith shop has just been opened up in Faith at the Faith Supply Store. : ' : The event of the week is the comedy by home talent at the o era house Friday night. . - v, Mrs. Qi- E. Simmons,, who has been quite ill for several -weeks, is somewhat improved today. The . -Litaker free school has juststarted up for the winter with Mr. Henry Agner as teacher. t V" The coal famine is ended. Mr. J. it. McNeely hasj' just received five car loads of coah Send in your order. . rhfe,Iioqk Club meets with Mrs. Edwin R. ' Overman Tuesday af- ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Author, Felix Grose. Mf. liughes, wh p was injured by a . gas explosion at the Mt. Vernon hotel several weeks ago, is able to be out again! At 7:30 to-hight "the 'lecture wilt be delivered in the Reformed church by . Key. Miles Noll-, on "Hygene of . Uhoeriiilness. The long distance tele phono tide that is to connect the balisbury and Charlotte Systems; isneurly completed. he-line : wasv" wthiiv two miles of Charlottelast week. : Kv.' JMilas O: Noll, ofVear lisleV Pa'preached to large congrega tions at the Reformed church yes- terday.; jHe lectures at the same church to-night, i .jr! The injtaht daughter of ISXr- J. f A. M il lor, f f Cleveland, lied Thursday, the iMth. The inter ment took place at Third Creek cemetery the same day. The Kindley cotton mills at Mt. Pleasant have lately commenced ta burn coal instead i of wood, the amount of wood on the market not being sufficient to run thein. ' Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Brooks lire spending a few days with their relatives, Mr. and Airs. Garland Jones. They go to the Conference at Elizabeth City Monday. Raleigh Post. There was a most pleasant and enjoyable "hop" at the residence of Dr. Henderson, cjf Cleveland, given in honor of his grandson, Mr. Fred McKennie, of IJich mond, Va. , who was Jn the 3rd Virgoia regiment, and was recent ly mustered out at Richmond. Sergeant Albert Prempert, of the First N. C. Regiment, and Mr. Remmie Prempert arrived in the city this morning, having been called here by the death of their sister, Mrs. J. W. Kerr. Mrs. Arthur Prempert, of will arrive to-night. Wilmington A leading railroad official tells the Raleigh correspondent of . the Charlotte Observer that the re tention of the present system of first and second-class fares will settle the negro problem much better than the "J iui Crow" car plan. He says South Carolina will have the two-fare rate system and drop the "Jim Crow" car. Woodmen, Woodmen, Wood- men, 1 t Souee meat at Jackson's. nue voujions ai vvaijace s. Price 50c. to $2.50. A large line uf Blankets and Com r forts at Carolina Racket Finest Oysters on the market at .I:ik sunn's trwlsiv : J You have no trouble, vou havA Vm fear, you get a perfect fit and you get uriMr mrnA inifk - r r- your money's worth at the Busy Bee' Tailor's. PERSONALS. .R. Eaines, of New ' London, is in the city. , . . . iSlrs. Arthur Shaver is visiting relatives in Georgia. Rev. W. B. Oney; of Concord, was up Saturday to see some of his friends. f Miss Ressie Corriher, of Mill Bridge, is visiting her friend, -Miss Ora Cowan. . Mr. Tand Mrs. Charles Beadles have moved to ! Spencer and are boarding at that . place. Joe D.. Lee, of the Greensboro Wilkesboro R. P. O., was here to day ph his way to Norwood. Rev. M. jp. Parrish has gone to F'ork Church, Davie county, to as sist in a series of meetings this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown came up from Concord last night tosee Mr. John Verble, who is quite ill and has been for several da vs. Mr. Will Shumaker spent yes terday in Concord, lie will not move his family from that place to Salisbury iust vet. ' 'M ink' Josie Craig6, jf JSal isbu ry, has been spending several; days . in ' the" city; at the homes of .Messrs. A. B Yon ng and J no.. . A I lrs )ii . ConcoYd Standartl. Corporal Walter Linto'n return ed to Savannah; ' Ga. , last night. He bad'Jbeeh here on 'furlough to lake-Vpart m tUe Damon and Pyttilas play last week. Miss , Vanderford's . ; cital. Graduating Rc- - The Sun has receiveil an an 'n9uncementof the graduating re cital of Miss Edna Vanderford, of this city, student Of Piano, Har mony, and History of Music of the Brockmann school of . music, Greensboro, Thursday evening, Decern her 1st at 8 :30 o'clock. The program of the occasion is given below: . . BeQthovcn Sonata, Of). 1l No. 2. Adagio - Allegretto . Presto Agitato. V Wagner-Liszt Spinning. Song. Mascheroni For all Eternity. Mr. R. V. Taylor Violin Obli gato, Mr. Brockmann. ; Weber Polacca Brillante. Paderewski Song of Voyager. Chamihade1-Spanish Dance, La Morena. . Mendelssohn Andante and Fi nale from Violin Concerto. Mr. Brockmann. x . Chopin Valse, Op. 18. - Ma zurka, Op. 33, No. 4. Nocturne, G. Moj. Presentation of Diplomy, Mr. Taylor. To Make a Map. Mr. W. E. Vest, civil engineer of Washington, went to Mocks villeThursday evening. He will make a map showing every post office within 2 miles of the new Mocksville and Mooresville rail road. iThe government requires this every tilne a new i road is built.'. v ' Join the Woodmen now.- " Wan led at once 200 able bodied iuen to buy $4.00 pants at the Uusy Bee Tailor, at Swicegood's Jewelry Store. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY .Tie I'StXHtivo HronK) Quinine Tahlr(s. All I)niKis! refund the money if it falls to cure. 25 cents. . W hell you ask for be Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others com bined. James Plummer. Late to bed and early to rise,' prepares a man for his home in .the skies. But early to bed and aLittle Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. James Plummer. A' i - f

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