---MM"MMiMWMMIIII'IMMIIillllilMllil,M,,'M - -i"-- ' -, - I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . , i.: : j&k-'-''" - - -" - --V ----,'-- ...i. . .. " GET BEST QUALITY ' (V . -fesf ' 111 X rJ 1 ' ' J FOR CAKES T. x. s wink's 1 -,::r .-"-r " .. . : T. L. SWINK VOL. IV. NO. 99: I j SALISBURY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, D5CEMBER 27, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmT ...II, ' " . i . .. . I ' - . .i . mmmmmmmmmmmm2 DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT ' Given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Music. Number of Marriages Solemnized Will be Presented at the Opera House v To-morrow Night. Mr. John Reeves Shot in the Leg- Girl Causes Distress By Leavprg With v a Colored Preacher. Interesting News Condensed from the Papers of the State. .Within the Week. Mr. Cornelison Hit CHRISTMAS WEDDINGS- "As WE SEE IT." TWO ACCIDENTS. i ' ELOPED WITH NEGRO. FROM OVEB THE STATE. M- .. ! : . ; ! : . :r.: y- " ' :!..- I A delightful entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price at their elegant home on Fulton street yesterda' afternoon, r. complimentary to Mr. .and Mrs. Toy, of Chapel Hill. Miss Toy was formerly Miss Jennie Bing ham, of this city. . - j Profs. Cain and Henderson ren dered some elegant music. Miss Addie White and Mrs. Dr. Mur 1 doch also added to the pleasures of fc the occasion by sweety usical se The home was beautifully deco rated with ivy. j The occasion was a most bril liant affair and was presided oyer by Mrs. Price, the charming host ess, as only Mrs. Price can. j Dinner to John M. Beall 1 Philadelphia Times: The Phila delphia Political Writers' Asso ciation gave a dinner to Colonel John M. Beall, of the Southern Hail way , at tho Hotel Belle vue, last evening. Colonel Bcall per sonally conducted the tour through the Southern States recently en joyed by the as a. mark of political scribes, and appreciation a hand some loving cup was presented to him and the bet of engrossed reso lutions adopted by the associa tion. James A. Campbell was chairmar of the dinner. The ta ble was magnificently decorated and for several hours mirth and speech and song reigned sjiipreme. In Mayor's Court. ! , Several cases were disposed of in the mayorjs court at sessions held yesterday and this morning. Fines of several dollars each were imposed on some of the defendants, and one. or two, were sent to the ganr. ' 1 This morning a little colored boy was up for tantalizing a smaller white boy and taking his watch which had been brought by Santa Claus. Mayor Linn ordered that the boy be whipped by his mother. - . J . St. Paul's Tree. ! " . j The Christmas tree service at St; Paul's, in the county, was held; Saturday at noon. There was; a large tree, and the church was nicely decorated. Among the presents was a special one to the pastor, llev. C. A. Rose a well filled , purse. The pastor went home with a light heart. We can testify to that for we saw him when he passed through town. . j A Quiet Christmas. , j The decision of the city fathers not tQ suspend the ordinance pro hibiting fireworks no doubt kept the number of accidents to .a mimimum during Christmas. No one is reported as hurt in the city yesterday and but very few acci dents are reported from the coun ty. These few were caused by hunters. ! Fine Dogs Sold. J -f Mr. Leon K. Seay has sold two bird dogs for $500 to Mr. Geo. N. Clemson, of Middletown, N. Y. The dogs were a little over three years old: j - I - Busted all to riEcis:- The prices on Lounges, Couches, Ex ' tension Tables, )hina Presses, China Sets and Book Cases at G. W. Wright's. T I WOOD! Finger & Anthony's wood yard is now well supplied with gopd wood, and they can accommodate all customers. j Carolina Racket for Xmas goods, j ; THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS ahd fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill. Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 coats. Your money back if it fails to cure. Mr. Lewis I. Cauble and Miss At jgie Oddie, of the county, were married Fridav. Mr...Fred Coggins, of this city, and Miss Lillie Warner, of Greens boro, were married Saturday in Greensboro. At 10 O'clock, the 25th of Dec. 9S, at the home of the bride's id parents at the Salisbury- Cotton Mills, Miss Delila F., Poplin 'was nj irriejt? to Mr." lialph P. Bor rqughs, of Stanly county, by F. M. Tarrh, Esq. The party started for a bridal to' ur feouth on -the early tram. The couple have ' the Jbest wishes or their many friends. V Mr. John Lyerly, manager of a store at oodlear, ana iMiss Annie Brown, daughter of Mr. ilenry M. 15rown, were mar ried at the -home, of the bride, n ar this city, Sunday morning at 11. o'clock. The . ceremony was p rformed by Rev. J. M. L. Ly erly, of Crescent, Only a few friends of the young people were piesent. Mr. Lyerly is a worthy ar d industrious young man. Mrs. Lverly is a charming young lady ard will make a good help-meet. Toe SuN,e'xtends congratulations to them. Married, at the residence of Mrs. Rittie M. Brown, Chestnut H ill, Christmas eve,Dec. the 21th at 10:40 o'clock p.. m., by the Rev. S. J. M. Brown, ' in the presence of only a few friends, Mi. Thomas E j Williams, of Danville, Va., to Miss Willie E. Sloop, of Chestnut Hill, daughter of Abram II. Sloop. They leave this week, for Pan vi le, the present home of Mr. W illiams. ' These young people are, well known on Chestnut Hill. iNIany will be surprised to hear of tneir marriage. But the best wishes of their many friends will follow them to their distant home. Mrs. Verble Dead. i " . j - r f Mrs. Nancy Verble, widow of tne late John H Verble died last night at 9 o'clock at her home on North Main street. .'. She was about 88 years old and had been quite feeble for some time. The funeral ! will be conducted toKmorrow at 10 o'clock from the Lutheran church by Rev. L. E.i Bjisby. : Mrs. Verble's husband died on tw b 2nd of this month, it will be remembered. Flig Baising. The Juniors had a flag raising at Concord yesterday. A delega tion of the Salisbury Juniors were in attendance : . ' Yellow Fev eii in town is fear- Git by all, but it is a pleasure to visit the mammoth store rooms of G eorge W. Wright and see the A selectiou of Xmas and bridal presents 'to be had at his Empo- rinm. .' ' ; - ' J Spring Lamb, fat' Mutton, Liver Pi dding, Head Cheese, stall fed Beef, Co 'n fed Pork and all kinds of Sausage and other fresh meats at J. S. Mara bl :'s. . ; rVVhen Spain blew up" the Maine she was insape and can never re tain the high opinion of the Amer ican as Grape Tobacco. V Ir NO CURE-NO-PAY at is the wav all drueorists sell BROVK'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. 1 1 Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Topics. Price 50 cents. . Everybody in the county can srdt t presents, tor all at G; VV. right's.' Go to headquarters. Th e R6ckers Tables and Pictures are exquisite and will please the m 6st fastidious, and at prices in reach of all. Somewhat unexpectedly comes the comedy hit of the season "As We See It" at the opera house to-morrow night. The company which presents this most laughable piece has appeared in several towns of the State re cently, and has been given very complimentary notices by the lo calpressV In speaking of the comedy an Augusta, Ga., daily says: ' '- "As We See It" at the Grand last night opened to a good and very appreciative audience keep ing the mirth: and merriment up to fever heat j all through. The piece' has just enough plot to keep up interest, and affords splendid opportunities; for some very funny situation and introduces very clever specialties. The company is large and strong. Billy ' Allen as Barney Maginty,-the Irish at torney had the house with him from the startl The fast, bicycle riding of Harry Mixwell is not only one of the most novel , fea tures ever i seen in Augusta, but is difficult and dangerous he making a speed of a mile a minute on the stage in a five-mile race. Mr. Mixwell has issued a chal lenge to all comers for' to-night and some interesting riding is sure to be seen. , : Miss May Cook, the famed vo cal and cornet soloist, completely captured the audience, answering repeateq! enchores., Her work.' is the most finished. A crowded house is sure to vgicet As We See It" to-night, as it is one of the best shows seen here in some time. A Sad Christmas ; Mrs. John .Safrit, who lived near Sumner; died Monday morn ing shortly after 11 o'clock. iMrs. Safrit, several weeks since was compelled to take her bed from the effects of a bealing in her head. She remained in a very critical condition until Christmas eve when her physician informed her she was suffering from meningitis. Mrs. Safrit lingered until 'Monday morning when she passed away. She leaves a husband and four children, the younger of which is only a few weeks of age, besides many friends who will be sadly bereaved to learn of this sad Christmas. ; The interment was made to-day, the funeral being conducted by Rey. C. A. Rose from St." Paul's church, at 0 o'clock. En route to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. George Vander bilt and a number of their Christ mas guests pa'ssed through , here this morning on the 4 'Svvannanoa," going from Biltmbre to New York. Mr. Vanderbilt and wife will sail in a day or two for Eu rope and will spend the winter in Italy. At tlie depot here Mr. Vanderbilt made a couple of news boys happy by presenting them with, a number of oranges. Shriners. The Mystic Shriners have their annual meeting and banquet in Charlotte to-nigh t.rl.M essrs. W. J; Woodrum, E. W. Koontz, W. G. CrutchfiId, J. E. ilennessee and WR. Crawford went down . i - . - .. from Salisbury, this morning to attend. Strayed or STOLEN.--One medium-sized black dog, short hair. An swers to the name "Maj " One yel low shepherdj bitch,- very friendly, white ring around neck, 3ooe hair. Answers to name of "Queen." Finder will be liberally rewarded by return ing to the Salisbury Liquor Company. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine : Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails .to cure-. 25 cents, - , Our Chestnut Hill correspond ent, "Trampj" writes: Mr. John Reeves got shot yes terday; morning. While out hunt ing in -company with D. A. Lentz and Henry ieazer, the latter en deavored to jump a ditch, in which he fell, the hammer of his (Lea ser's) gun striking the bank, caus ing the gun to go off, sending its consents in Mr. Reeves' leg, below the kne, causing a painful wound. No bones were broken. Dr. Mc Kenziel waited on the wounded man. ' Mr. F. M. Tarrh is very thank ful to receive the sympathy of his many friends on ' account of his being siiot recently, which was not much to him. But his'friend, Mr. J. W. Cornelison, did not come off so well. While hunting with some friends in Unity town ship hisbrother-in-law shot a bird on the wing. Several shot struck Mr. Cornelison on the head and face, knockinjg several, holes in his derty. Mr. Tarrh says that' a two-barrel gdn is n gun at all; he was shot withf a cannon ball. He seems to know how to thicken up his skin. COMMUNICATED. Christmas at the Catholic Church. At the Catholic church, the ser vices of the feast of tjie Nativity of the Savipur were 9 conducted with" particular beauty. The building had been decorated with . j i elaborate care and taste with ever greens and a hundred lights. But what attracted most attention was the realistic representation of the birth of Christ at the. stable of Bethlehem, reminding all that the day was not a day of frolic but a feast set aside to commemorate God's greatest love-deed towards man. The Catholic particularity of of the Nativity the celebration consists in the triple ' repetition of the Holy Sacpfice, offered to com memorate the threefold generation of Christ: liis eternal procession from the Father, His human birth in time and Ejis continued entrance into the hearts of , Christians by His saving grace. Another singularity consists in making this day an exception from- the rule, that Mass shall only be celebrated during the daylight hours of morning. On this day, the Church, as if impatier t to begin the festi val, orders t ie first Mass to be said before daybreak, the. second at sunrise and the third about the middle of the morning The cere monial was carried out in its full ness perhaps for the first time in this city, this year. Before the girls arrayed with wreaths first Mass, the little in white and crowned of flpwers, the boys in the gowns and surplices as worn byjiltar boys, and the priest in complete, . vesture of his office entered tho church, and arriving befpre the manger; .the scene was solemnly unveiled, and the beau ti -ful group dedicated to God with prayer and benediction. The child ren in the meantime were singing a charming Christmas , choral. , At the first! Mass the pastor ad words appropriate dressed a few and a large number received tne God-child, hidden under the Euch aristic veil, ipto the humble sta bles of their hearts. The day was in reality a day of joy for old and young of the small Catholic flock: but that Christmas' joy and Christ mas blessing night come down on all the people of our city, was one petition which the present bumble writer, laid before the manger on Christmas morning. ' Carolina Racket for Xmas goods Postmaster Brown, of Rock, this county, is in the city to-day, and tells us of the elopement of a white girl of his neighborhood with, a negro preacher. The girl is, Sarah Jolinson, aged about 18. Sunday evening-late she left home ahd in company with C. B. Kimball a negro preacher went off her people know not where. Mrs. Johnson, the girl's mother, soon discovered that her daughter had left home and she advertised the, fact and set out iq search of the daughter, going to China Grove. Butthe runaway girl had not been heard' from when Mr. Brown came to.town. ! CHILDREN'S EXERCISES. The Little, Ones Were Made Happy in Many Ways. ' ! ' Christmas is over but the little boy and girl will not soon forget it. They were made happy in many ways by the older ones. Those who are members of some of the Sunday schools were interested in the exercises which were given during the holidays. At the Baptist church a pretty cantata .was rendered Saturday night. A number t)f the children took part in it and the entire piece was carried out perfectly. The arrival of Santa' Glaus and the distribution of presents were" two of the principal events of the evening.: The children of the Lee Street chapel had their entertainment last night and the chapel was crowded with -friends? The-Hlittle-ones did well. ' "V, :!! Saturday night two exercises were given oa Chestnut Hill, at the Methodist and Episcopal churches. A large number of the wee tots of the city were surprised Christ mas morning by finding small well filled trees in their rooms. This kind of surprises for the little ones is somewhat superseding the old Santa Claus and stocking system. " Railroad Notes. Reduced rates clergymen's per mits issued good to December 31st, 1$1)8, will be honored until Jan uary 31st, 1890. New blank ap plications can be secured at the ticket office in a few days. :' '. Holiday rate tickets are off sale till the 30th when they will be on sale again with . final limit Jan uary 4th. ' A Card. The statement in the Sun about a month ago that Twas to be mar ried on Christmas day was zl mis take. I desire to say to my friends who have sent congratula tions that I am not " married and have no intention of doing so. ' Mrs. Fannie E. Howard. For Rent: 4-room -cottage on Chestnut Hill. ' ;:r ' W. R. Woodson. FOR RENT. Two nice two-story dwellings, 0 and 4 rooms respectively, corner of Long and Depot streets,, on South side of North switch, Spencer, N. C. Apply to Chas. B. J ordan. Uncle Sain wants Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines but what the American people desire above all and will have is "Grape" sun cured tobacco. . Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and yviser. James Plummer. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable . enemy of sores, burns and .wounds. . It never fails to cure Piles. You may re-' rely upon it. J anies Plummer. . . . . - t A cablegram from Havana to' James Wolfe, of Asheville, an nounces that his son Harry was drowned yesterday. No particu lars are given. Young Wolfe was a member of Company F, First North Carolina and enlisted in June. He had applied for a dis charge from the' service, but it didn't reach him before the regi ment left Savannah Judge W.'P. Bynum has been commissioned special attorney for the United States, by Attorney General Griggs, to prosecute .the-'-Aslieville bank wreckers, as the case is called. It comes up at a term of the United. States Court in Asheville called especially to try the ease. Judge Bynum will go to work the first of the month preparing for it. Greensboro Record. V Miles Biggers, colored, was shot and killed Sunday by Chief of Po lice W. S. Orr, of Charlotte. The policeman went to arrest Big gers when the latter run. The race was kept up for a quarter of a mile when Biggers turned as if to shoot. Mr. Orr: then aimed at the negro and shot, the bullet tak ing effect and making 'a wound which prbved fatal. . A coronerss jury's verdict was that it was jus?', tifiable homicide. Alex. Allen, colored, of Raleigh, Saturday morning reported that when he woke he found., his wife dead in bed. An examination by the neighbors showed that she had been choked with a rope and blood had been running from both ears. Thejcorcmer,, summoned a jury and an inquest was begun. When Al len was called, as, the first witness, lie broke and ran. The coroner sand the jury pursued, firing, and Allen-received a flesh wound. He was captured and immediately sent to jail without bail. ; A daring burglary occurred a few days ago in Durham. Some ' one entered the residence of L..D. Roberts and his sister, Miss Mar tha Roberts, and broke , open a door with an axe. After getting inside the burglar split open a chest and took therefrom . $540, half of which was in gold coin. The - money taken was pension money paid to their late father, who was a veteran of the war of 1812. : Mr and Miss Roberts heard the burglar, but were powerless to do anything, as both were quite feeble. Thanks. . s The spontaneous and liberal con tribution of good things by our parishioners on yesterday after noon places us under obligations to the donors. s ; The generous supply of many things in the line of eatables will set at rest all anxiety in that direc tion for some days to come. Such unsolicited gifts are tangible evi dences of the goodwill and appre ciation of the people to whom we have been called to administer in holy things. A happy Christmas and prosperous New Year to all our parishioners ! Thanks and good cheer. - ' j Pastor St. John's Lutheran Church. 1890. - ' V JSAMBLEK BICYClKS, 20! year old wheels, $40. Shelby IdealsJ $30. These wheels are fitted with G. L& J. tires. The best high-grade wheels at a fair price. Wheels guaranteedL W. R. BE4N, Agent. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures 7 croup, bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. James Plummer.

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