i FOR CAKES of all kinds, fresh baked .call on T. L. SWINK 50 Loaves for W at T. Ii. S WINK'S VOL. IV. NO. IOC SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week " .-, '" . - 1 ' . . . f . . v . : v ! . . ' - .' " ' ' . ; ' ' : ' , " - :' ' ' ... . . 4 . -' . . ' ' ' ' ; .," i E - GET BEST'QUALITY ; i " A (V - .1 feN til : v a: 11 ; u it 1 u ii ii i Li v uii -uju luav. iv vk A HOLIDAY FUNCTION. A Number Jf Young People Delight fully Entertained. One of the most thoroughly en joyed sociables which Salisbury-has- of late years had was that giv eh by Miss Edna McCubbins last evening at the home of-her father, Mr. J. S McCubbins. The lovely home was thronged by an animat- . ed crowd of boys and girls, Und during tjie fleeting hours of their stay, from S to 12, genuine Christ mas joy and happiness held sway. After some time had been spent in games and pleasant social, inter-; j course, the young people were in vited to the dining room,.' where delicious refreshments were serv ed. Both the dining room and the parlor to" which; the guests re . turned, were tastefully decorated with the holly and mistle.-toe of yule-tide. Upon their departure the guests unanimously voted the evening one of rare pleasure, arid returned hearty tnantvs tvnereior to the lovely young hostess. These were present: ' - j in Qio vlrrnjfirV A 1 Kendlemah, E., 'McCubbins, 1. Hall, J. , Shaver, J. Gaskill, K. iSlcCanless, H. Davis, M. Davis L. Brownv S. Kluttz, M. liainsay, M Shaver, C. Smoot, B. Evans, j '- Messrs. J.' Russell, R. J. Co it, , T. Brown, W. Murphy, -W. ISIcT Canlcss, V. Ervin, B. Stewart, C. Stewart, W. Kluttz, J. Davis,; II. Clement, E. Clement. i FfAL ACCIDENT. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE.; Given By the Young Gentlemen of the City Last Night. OSCAR taRUBB KILLED AT SPENCER LAST NIGHT Here Spending His Christmas Holidays Lived Three Hours After Being Hurt by the Train.' - . T Sou yest fata Gru O on icre was an accident at Spencer hern's yard the late ; The annual; Christmas dance was given by the young men of the city in . the opera house last night. 'There were about twelve couples present. The dance was led by Mr. est Mclxenziej assisted by Ida Meronev. Dancing -was tinued until about 1 o'clock. : . fThe crowd was small onapcount of-several ladies being sick, and others were out of 'town. The oc casion was a very enjoyable affair. ABOUT Local Items THE TOWN. Condensed Lines. in a Few Still on the Road Em- Miss con- Mr, a n whd man mas was rday evening which proved Infant Baptized. ; to )b. one young man, Oscar "I "t .1! M t scar clerked in tne store 01 Lomax & Young at Jubilee, Dav idson county. He was a son of John Grubb of Davidson, and sphew of Mv. Rob Gobble, William Smbot Lichtenstein, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lichtenstein, was baptized at the home of .its parents yesterday af- ternoon. a. lew irienus were in vited to witness the ceremony. Previous to .the baptismal service L. H. Clement has two notices of trustee's salfes in the SfJN to-day.' Mr. Ed Gaips and mother have moved from Council to Cemetery street. 1 "Queen Quality" - ladies shoes, new styles ' mst received. ISurt Shoe Co. There will be no prayer meeting service at the Lutneran cnurcn to-night. Dr, J. N. Stiallings will preach at Pisgah church on Saturday ev ening at 7 O'clock. Revenue officers made a seizure here SaturdayL a notice of which appears in this issue. . Miss Maggie Heilig, who hat been quite sick for several days is intich improved to-day. ... bwain mves an A Number of Holiday Visitors Are Interesting News Condensed from the Papers pi the. State. A big Boston syndicate has bought the Blue Wing coffer mines in Granville cQunty.- Three of the members of Jim Young's negro regiment, the Third North Carolina, are to be tried for murder of members of the ment. lives at Spencer. The oung the friends were invited to a din- Miss Clara had been spending his Christ-J ner which was a most sumptuous apron party at her home on South holidays in this county and repast. After dinino-. the child wTas Main street tormorrow nisrht. moilQing-. bsterday Salisbury and bought a linger ring The Rough Riders in the County. . the Burt Shoe fr.oih Swiceofuod's ie weir v . store. He rode' to Spencer" on the "shop" to.be back at his work this baptised, Revi Dr. J. H. Weayer performing the rite i wras in The famous evening he traih expecting to spend the night nas eeQ seen In the neighborhoods of Sumner and St. Paul's for j the past week A Fine Residence. . Mr. A. H. Moore, contractor, was yesterday given the contract to build a line residence for Mr. P. W. Brown. The building will be a handsome one, finished with hardwoods, and will be erected on the lot, corner of Church and Fish er streets, where Mr. Brown now lives. His present residence will be removed at once. there. He was rising on the, front end of the. Hat car iust in front of the "pngine when the front trucft of the Hat ran throucrh an open switch near tlie round house. Yoilnir Grubb was thrown in front ic uat and was caiiirtit ov tne i - rn a - or brake snoe. ine wneeis hot pass over him but he was a company of dis- of t did bad neaif aboiit half past unfortunate young man lived until after of and left To Marry. E. L. Foster, of Woodleaf, Willie Cauble, of Franklin, this morning for High Point where Mr. Foster will be married to MissMinnieCranford,of that place. . After the marriage the bride and groom will return to 11. LI Foster's, the father of the groom at Woodleaf, where they will spend the remainder of the Christmas holidays. " ; Cold guiscd boys, i They are known, as the rough riders. -The boys are completely disguised and are seen most every night visiting the homes in the neighborhood and entertain ing the people with their clownish ways, speakings and recitations. ladies snoes are creating a. sensation all over the country. For sale in Salisbury by Company.- - The Salisbury Shriners have re turned from Xjharlote where they attended a meeting o,f Shriners last nisrut. his furniture Winston wher Mr! G. W. Smith is packing up PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. FROM OVER THE STATE. C. F. Ritchie, of Concord, is in the city. . t W. C. Wright, of Winston, is here on business. Worth Murphy is Spending a while in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Besant, of Jerusa lem, are in the city. Mrs. A. .11. Boyden went Asheville this morning. regi- Warren Kluttz went Charlotte this morning. ,'Saturdav afternoon W. M. Kino-. , ... 7 v deputy marshal, shot and killed Will Saunders, in Rockingham, down to The two men wTere fiorhtinor over an old account. . David R. Shields is spending the week at Rutherfordton. ' Miss Kate Murphy went States ville this morning. Mrs. Will Fries returned Greensboro this morning. j Scott Trott arid" sisters came from Charlotte this morning. Miss Mayno, of to to A 15-year-old. boy named Wrightsell was killed in Winston Monday afternoon. Another small boy shot him in the head with a flobert rifle. The killing was .de- clared accidental. . ' Xhe revenue officers havre since tilleries in Bladen county, one in Norwood, is Harnett and three in Orange. visiting Mrs. Louis Lichtenstein. One in the latter -county they got Walter week at friends. Poole is spending the ' ladkmville, visiting Miss Elma Burton, who has been sick for several days, has about recovered. . at 11 o clock Christmas morning. It was in full blasts but the moon shiners who were operating it ran like rabbits. i The death watch was to-day set upon Jim Booker the desperate nero who. murdered Mahala xn&. ik y. rvei.y.came m nom White. Booker is watehincr like a Charlotte this morninsr to visit relatives. y, beaten and the hips. . torn in his body This happened o'clock and the Got Even. i Concord got even with Char lotte and Salisbury last night.. She! saw the eclipse. and hhippinjr it to a e he will go to re side. His family will- leave1 Fri day for that place. . Mr. II. C. Trott, who has been conducting two barrooms for some time, has consolidated them, hav- 10. He was about 1 0 years The interment was an nounced to take place this after noon. , ajre. Wave Predicted. Tpe regular weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours is: Fkir to-night and Thursday; propriate and good for the occa colder to-night. Items From Yost, and Others. ' IV II t 1 -it' and the exercises spoken of in last week's Sun were held in Ebenezer ;i 1 and Organ churches, consisting-of recitations, dialogues, acrostics, etc., an oi wnicn wTere very ap ing moved all furniture into The funeral Nancy Verbl.e the Lutheran at 10 o'clock. made in the of his whiskies and the old.Ritch stand. of the late Mrs. was conducted from church this morning The interment was Salisbury cemetery was where Mrs. Vjerble's husband buried the tirst of the month. hawk for a-chance to escape. The jail is crowded, among the. prison- Dr. and Mrs.1 J. T. Wright ers being four other murderers. have returned from a visit to rela- The jail is small; so small that tives at Newton. - : . white arid negro men have to bo Miss Lily Lentz, of Stanly, Put together Rtdeigh correspon- county, is visiting Brown at Woodside. Miss Joe dent Charlotte Observer. are out low H ut a special forecast was sent this morning. It reads as fol- signal. Cold wae for North. Carolina. Tem perature will falls sixteen to twenty day evening. degrees by Wednesday night.. Solicitor Rush. j . J. Q. Ilolton, Esq., was here this morning on his way west. He is out of the office of solicitor in this district now. Mr. Rush will have his first work as solicitor next Monday when court opens at Troy. j "Co. solv Car noti charged Drunks". Several defendants, with being drunk, were tried by the mayor this morning. They wereet off with small fines. 1 New Advertisements. , T. M. McCulloh. Burt Shoe Company-Calendars. The -Columlna sion. jz tne close or tne exer- .--. cises at each church gifts of va- rious kinds were distributed county. Mr. A Good Sunday School. The St. Paul's Sunday school is one unsurpassed oy any in our Geo. Page served as oist cold wave Dissplution. . The firm of W. P. Carpenter & at China Grove, has been dis- jed by the retirement of W. P. enter. Th,e firm is succeeded W. G. Patterson &Co. See be in this paper. among the children and donors. S !-'' nere was a double marriage near Organ Church on last Satur- Misses Nettie and Maidie Barger, sisters, and daugh ters of Moses, Barger, deceased, were married to Messrs. Mac Wilhelm and ! Jacob Fisher, Rev. i 7 Geo. H. Cox,1 officiating. rsq. aN. v nite iuenius, oi near Bostian's 'Cross Roads, who. built and commodious last summer is Wister Padgett, of the force, and brother, Claud, visitincr relatives in Virorinia. . ' beard l?v .T T nr tYia Tr?tti ovnn. ' vm 1 ' crow s gclist, was in the city this morn- taytej mg , on his' way north. He has been ; at work in Georgia for the past year. C. II.- Smith, of the Southern, one of the passenger train inspec tors, is off for a few days and is visiting relatives near j China Grove. a new, dwelling large house Wedding. Mr. R. L. Lingle and Niss Ida Bosk both of Manning, this coun ty, are to be married to-morrow afternoon. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Mr. Trex- ler. now having it painted which adds much to its appearance. Phil. Carolina Racket for Xmas goods me- a faithful superintendent of this school the past season, which was one of the best in its history. The average attendance throughout the season was 10 and the average contribution was $1.11 each Sab bath. It was deemed necessary by the school several weeks since to celebrate Christmas with a Christmas tree. Quickly thirty- odd dollars were cheerfully con tributed. An!d at noon on Satur day preceeding Christmas, all as sembled in th6 church where a very enjoyable sen ice 'was conducted, and each scholar was r resented resent; Sunday f ol: lowing marked the closing of our school for the reorganized season. It is to be in March. Mav its AVOOD1 Finger & Anthony's wood yard is now well supplied with good wood, and they can accommodate, all customers. , j : ' I Carolina Racket for Xmas goods'. Eclipse. Tpe eclipse of the moon last night was seen by nearly everyone. It was a total eclipse and came on at r:45 yesterday evening, con tinuing for about two hours. Stiiayed or Stolen. One dium-sized black dog, short hair. swers to the name VMaj " One yel low shenherd bitch, verv friendly. white ring around neck, long hair, bunday schoo Answers 10 nameui -yueeu.' jmuer xA moxr ;f r; u r " will be liberally rewarded by return- And may 11 remain as it has been, ing to the Salisbury Liquor Company, superior to any in our county. An-, next session be superior to the one ust closed, and may this oreat continue to prosper.- A THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fevrr is a Ixitt lo of Okove's Tastklf.ss Chiu, Tonic. Novt fails tocurt4; then why pxprimrnl with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back If jt fails to euro. Spring Lamb, fat Mutton, Liver Pudding, Head Cheese, stall fed Reef, corn fed Pork and all kinds of Sausage and other fresh meats at J. S. Ma Ta ble's. j When you ask for Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases bined. James Plummer. NO CURE-NO PAY That is th.e way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL, TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating xonics. rrice 50 cents. X. Presented Their Teacher a Bible. One among Suggestion for Your Cox- foist. ii our town customers will conle from 8 to 10 in the morning from 3 to 6 in the afternoon at night they can deal more and! and sati the please, we will wait on you as fast as we can. J. R. C. Brown, Jr. the most prominent classes of St. Paul's Sunday school is thni nf Prof. T. nivtrm R t? - it. . . ru 1 J .veijuouyi in me COUnW Can ortnKiRtino- nf fnnrtAon vnnnrr mn otat. ivficorf o i -frxv .-.11 Ii W " j f-" i-vuvuiu.i (ill U.K vji, ii . mi 1 . 1! ,. l ..:iL. ii Wriffht's., Go to hnfidnnarters. AUf& uu,& ueu iciimnuiy served throughout the Go to headouarters. I he Kockers, j Tables and Pictures factonly, as they will ayoid are exflui.sile and will please the the above named teacher and rush: but come when you most fastidious, and at prices in class, as a tokn of their love ic.4. reacn oi an. season by his and respect, presented the Prof, with a fine morocco-bound bible at the !. close of the school. Ijeli.ow I ever in town is fear ed by all, but it is a pleasure to visit the mammoth store rooms of George W. Wright and see the Soothing, De Witt's Witch the implacab burns - and X. healing, mi i j.ne sooner a cougn or cola is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. Lingering colds are 1" T T 1 dangerous. iiacKing cough is distressing. One Minute Cousrh Cure quickly cures it. Why suf of, '-Piles beino- grand selection of Xmas and bridal fer when such a cough cure is cured by this, than all others com- presents-to be had at his Empo- within reach? It is pleasant to fails to cure Piles. You may re i . . j i in ! i ii riutu. i iu Laste.- j auies x lummer. cleansing, xlazel oalve is e enemy or wounds. It sores, never rely upon it. James Plummer. Chatham Record: Mr. William v IT" ".c T:n: i u:. although he is 4o years old, has never shaved, and has a heavy very silky and. black as a wing. And he has never any kind .of. intoxicating liquor, never smoked or chewed tobacco, never taken a dose of medicine, and has never been fish ing or blunting. He attends strict ly to his business, which is farm ing and merchandising, and al ways votes the straight Democrat ic ticket ' - Well Remembered. Patrons of the Salisbury ; Tele phone Exchange contributed to wards filling a Christmas purse for Miss Nina Clark, the clever and efficient 4 "central" of the ex change. The purse, when pre sented to Miss Nina, contained over $28. ,She also received a number ofuseful presents from friends. Miss Nina desires to publicly thank all who contributed, and especially Mr. C. II. -Swink who got up the contributions'. Mr. Swink asks us to state that f 1 1 ' i ' e. i- ocj cnnio rT tmr nn.T.rnnK nT rnfi svstem could not be seen all thoseH who wish may leave something at his store or the Sun office or eith er of the drug stores and ; it will make a new year's present. We Won't See It. The comedy, 4 'As We See It," ws announced . to appear, at the opera house here to-night, but the company has not yet arrived ,; arid it is likely that we will not see it. Found Lady's handkerchief and unstamped letter addressed to Mrs. Charlotte Haden, Wash ington. Owner dm get same by paying for this notice. ; Busted all to pieces: The prices on Lounges, Couches, Ex tension Tables, China Presses, China Sets and Book Cases ! at G. W. Wright's. - ,.--.! . ' j r Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. James Plummer. Lenoir News: There are only ten counties in North Carolina that are not touched by railroads Ashe, Allegheny, Wautauga, Clay and Graham in the wrest, and Dare, Tyrrell, Hyde, Greene and Pam lico in the east. The longest rail road in the state is probably the Carolina Central, 'from Wilming ton to Rutherfordton, nearly 300 miles, and the shortest the Mur freesboro, from Murfreesboro to Pendleton, only a little over six miles. Monroe Enquirer: A few days ago a wTidow of a soldier of the Mexican wrar offered throno-h a f?riend her husband's medal of honor for sale on the streets here. The medal wras given by the Uni ted States government for valor ous service in three different bat tles on Mexican soil. A purchaser for the medal could not be found, and every one to whom the piece of metal wTas' offered for sale re fused to purchase . on the ground that the lady should keep the medal, which should be of more value to her than to any other per son? For Rent:- Chestnut Hill. 4-room cottage on W. R. Woodson. FOR RENT.' Two nice twotory dwellings, and J) rooms'resprctively; corner of Long and Depot streets, on South side of North switch, Spencer, N. C. Apply to Chas. B. Jordan. : 1899. ' ; j . RAM BLEU BICYCLES, 20 year old wheels$40. Shclhy Ideals, These wheels are fitted with G. vv: J. tires. The best high-grade wheels at a fair price. Wheels guaranteed.! ' W. R. BEAN, Agent.

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