V fHt aWERS COLLECTION 1 . FOR CAKES i I of all kinds, fresh baked call on T. L. SWINK SO Loaves for 8,w at T. Zi. SWINE'S VOL. IV. NO. 101. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1898 10 Cents Per Week y s ' j ' RAILROAD WORK. Plans of the Transfer Shed are Here- More Engine Pits; " Mr. E. A. Wilson, contractor, of this; city, has the contract to build ten new engine pits at the1 Southern's Spencer shops. Mr. Wilson also has the contract to build a new depot at Hay Mar ket, Va. The plans for the large transfer shed to be built here soon, as men tioned in the Sun recently, are now in the hands of a contractor in Salisbury for a bid. Work on the shed will probably ' commence in the near future. The contract has not yet been awarded. The City Cigar Company. The city cigar: company will open a business in the room re cently occupied by Mr. H. C. Trott, as a saloon, on Inniss street, next door below the. Climax barber shop. The room is now" being remodelled and repaired for the company. Cigars and fruits will be handled. Mr. J. K. Harris, of Person county, will manage the store. " Genuine Smallpox. - A gentleman who came down the Western this morning tells us that the case of smallpox several miles out from Marion is genuine. The victim is a man who has just returned from San Francisco. Since he arrived at his old home he has met many friends and it is feared that there will be a spread of the disease. ' The Covered Bridge. Complaints are made every now and then by citizens living beyond the covered bridge of the condition of that bridge. It is the wish of all, we believe, that, it be torn away and one put up similar to the other bridges over the main line of the Southern near it. Re-sale. Hon. L. S. Overman, adminis trator of the late J. B. Lanier, has a notice of re-sale in this pa per. The Lanier property which was sold some time since is to be sold again on Monday, the 6th of February. Nearing Completion. The walls of the new Sunday school room of the St. John's Luth eran church are nearing comple tion. Contractor Harbin is to- day having framed and putting up a portion of the rafters. Ankle Sprained. Mr. C. M. Brown had his ankle sprained badly yesterday morn-ing.- He was on a box placing some, goods when it broke and he fell with the above result. Pastor Moved. Rev. P. H. E. Derrick, who for some time has been the pastor of Bethel church, in Stanly county, has moved to Sandy Run, S. C, the home of his wife's relatives. Fancy feathers at cost Friday at Mrs. Barker's. Spring Lamb, fut Mutton, Liver Pudding, Head Cheese, stall fed Beef, corn fed irkand all kinds of Sausage and other f rcsli nieats.at J. S. Mara ble's. Foil Rent: 4. -room cottage on Chestnut Hill. ; W. R., Woodson. I--. - . .w uitc ij vv u- iui jf dWellintrs. fi and tt nwxno I. ' lUOCUllYClJi corner of Long and Depot streets, on Umtfli ! ,1 "XT i 1 . . ,WUUI OJUe xortn switch, bpencer. ia. v. .luuiv lo inas. K Jnrdan. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION ens null is - w n ivil tld fpVPl- ia a V.-it1 V . . hnur Tn,i7 in ukuve'8 XA8TJSLKSS , ionic. Never fails to cure: then why Experiment with worthless imitations? Price r v --"wi Mivucjr uu.uk 11 it fans to cure. DELIGHTFUL SOCIABLE. Last Night at Mr. Rendleman's Those Present. Anjother; of those delightful sociables tor wmcn fcans bury is noted was that given lit the home of Mr. J. A. Rendleman last night by Miss Alice Rendleman. , From 8 to 12 mirth and laughter held sway. The parlor was deco rated with holly and mistle-toe. The. sitting room was draped in After some time had been j in social intercourse the s were invited out to the din- gues mg rpom. ine dining room was draped in blue. After the re freshments were served the guests returned to, the, parlor. In spite of the efforts to retain him, Father Timd sped swiftly on and all too soon bye. the time came .to saV good Thte following, were present: Misses Myrtie Scarborough, Kate McCanless, Bell Rendleman, Alice Rendleman, Edna McCubbins, Mabel Hall, Cora Smoot, Helen Davis, Miriam Davis, Beulah Haden, Sadie Kluttz, .MaryRam- say, j Nellie Vanderford, Lillian Kizer. Messrs. . M. Russell, Rob Hadeu, Rob Coit, Haden Holmes, Bruner Stewart, Travers Brown, Sidney Heilig, Clarance McN airy, W ill McCanless, Prof, n. Simq Care For Confederate Graves. Auditor Ayer is in receipt of a lette :! from the Chief of the Re cord office, General Marcus A. Wright, requesting the names of the Confederate cemeteries in the State and the number of j veterans buried in them. Ai ditor Ayer hasn't the infor mation and he desires that those persons who can give the facts desired by the War Record Office, write him at once. . . While General Wright did not state his object in requesting the infoi mation, it is believed that he is fo lowing up President McKin ley's utterance at Atlanta, in which he declared that the time had come when the government should care for the graves of the Confederate dead.1 Ti e gathering of this informa tion is very likely the beginning of a movement on the part of the admi nistration to carry into effect the President's suggestion. Dotibie Quicked. Tt ree men were before Mayor Line this morning charged with beincj tramps. Two of them were soldiprs, regulars, and one was a farmer boy. The three were given 10 minutes to get out of town and they j went down the street at a double-quick pace. Supposed Horse Thief. Last night at Mr. Elliott's, at Woopleaf, his family thought they heard a horse thief in the barn. A TU ard was set and neighbors werei called in. When they oxiened oor they found Mr. Elliott in the the liarn. It was quite a joke. The Sun this morning received three names from Camp Columbia, to be placed on the sub ion list. The Salisbury boys Cubi scri in that camp will be enabled to keep themselves posted on the home affairs. Special Sale of felt hats Friday at Mrs. Barker's. Bi STED ALL TO PIEGKS: ine prices on Lounges, Couches, Ex- tenSUJll J.UU1CO, vuiua. x ivoovo, CHina Sets and Book Cases at G. W. right's. Carolina Racket for Xmas goods WOOD I Pinger & Anthony's wood yard fis now well supplied with good wood and they can accommodate all customers, - KILLED BY A TRAIN. Young Lady's Awful Fate at High I Point Yesterday. 4 . ?A,horrible accident occurred at High Point yesterday shortly, af ter noon, in the railroad jard in front of the Jarrell hotel. A correspondent of the Char lotte Observer writes of the acci- dent: Miss Eleanor Stanback, daugh- of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stanbach, of Trinity, was struck, and instant ly killed by the Asheboro train as it was backing in the yard, getting ready to leave on .its afternoon trip. . Miss Stanback, in company with two young lady " friends, was go ing towards the waiting room, when a freight train, north-bound, came in sight. The young ladies, at the sight of the freight , train stepped to the left. This put Miss Stanback on tho Asheboro track. The moving cars were close behind her and many people saw her danger, but the noise of the moving trains prevented her hearing ihe shouts of alarm. She was struck on the shoulder by a flat car, knocked forward and one of the trucks passed over her head and arm. , The other ladies had a narrow escape. The deceased was a student of Greensboro Female College and has many friends - in the State. She is a niece of Mrs. F. A. Wood ard, of Wilson. Our community has never had as great a shock, and the sympathy of all goes out to the sorrow-stricken parents. ! The young ladies who were with Miss Stanback were badly shocked by the accident. Superintendent Arendell. , ' 1 A change has been made in the office of superintendent of the pen itentiary. J. M. Mewborne hav ing resigned, the governor has ap pointed Capt. W. II. Day. litis understood that the new superintendent will give Mr. F. B. Arandell, formerly' of Salis bury, a place. In speaking of this the Raleigh Post says: : Capt. Day stated that he would tender the next appointment to Mr. B. Arendell, of this city. It is understood that Capt. Day will appoint Mr. Arendell superin tendent and warden of the central prison in this city. Capt. Day's determination to select Mr.' Aren dell wras all unknown to that gen tleman, and of course a great sur prise to him. The fact that he was thus selected is a tribute to his ability and fitness to manage such a large institution. Certainly Captain Day could make no better selection if he should search the State. Mrs. Verble's Will. . The will of the late Mrs. Nan cy Verble was read yesterday evening. The first term related to ber burial expenses. She leaves her'great-grand-son, John Powers, $500; John's sister, Winf red, $400; their mother, Mrs. Powers, $300; Mrs. J. H. Butner, $200; Mrs. J. B. Kerns, $200. Mr. J. B. Kerns was named as executor. "r Mrs. Verble's dowry of personal property was not willed. Mrs. Buchanan Dead. Mrs. Isabelle Buchanan, wife of A. L. Buchanan, deceased, died in Charlotte yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan formerly lived in Salisbury having moved from this place to Charlotte some years since. I Special Ribbon Sale at Mrs. Barker's Friday. Rare bargains. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it faits to cttre. 25 cents, ABOUT THE TOWN. Local Items Condensed . in a Few Lines. Only two more days of 1898. Ir. sick. D. VV Snider, is quite Charming weather for this sea son of the year.! Mr. Joe McKenzie, of Buer baum'srs on the sick list. The cold wave predicted for last night failed to reach Salisbury. : . The passenger trains continue to be crowded with holiday .trav ellers. ' . Mr. W. Lee ;:Iardin, contractor and builder, has an ad in to-day's paper. See it. C- . f , Cotton is selling hero for 5.85'. The market has remained at this price for, some time. A sale of the personal property of the late Johb II. Verble takes place to-morrow. - . I Please note correction of prin .ter's error in Burt Shoe Co's., "ad" to-day. John HollyJ colored, reports 13-monthrold hog the killing of a which weisrhed 443 pounds. R. Lee Wrisr bt, Esq., will bo a candidate for n ayor at the prima ries before the next city election. The brick sidewalk, on Main street, near Foreman Bros, livery stable, is sadly in need-: of ro- pairs. C. A 4 ' the lumber man. Rice, sends New Year's greetings to the Sun's readers. See his ad in this paper. ; Mr. P. F. lledrick is spending the days now lijunting. His term as clerk at Harry Bros, has ex pired. Oscar Grubb, who was killed at Spencer Tuesday night, was bur ied yesterday evening at Piney, Davidson county. Officer Mowery, of. the police force, is off duty, being on the sick list. His star is worn by Mr. Walter Earnhardt. Mr. W. G. Watson is settinff along nicely with his broken arm. He is as cheerful as a, man could be under the circumstances. Mr. Gannon Ilose died of con sumption in ocksville Tuesday at the age of thirty yearg; He had been in bad health for several months. r j Telegraph Operator I Benson, who was for a short while opera tor of the Western UnioiiJiere in the summer, is now with th Southern at Spencer, Miss Hattie Goodman sent the Knox family -tree to the last State fair. Her address is Wbodleaf, N. C. An inquiry as to her ad dress appeared per. in yesterday's pa- Amid the columns of crime re Xorted as happening - in other cities durinsr theChristmn Salisbury comes up smilinsrvith not a sinjile law less act and no ac- cidents. Mrs. Tolbejt moved, to-day from the corner of Fisher and Long streets into the house on East Council st reet recently vacat ed by Mrs. Gaines. , Mr. 'Theo. Atwell's pup was stolen Tuesday night. This morn ing the pup was found on the cor ner at Kluttz and Co's drug store with its left fore foot either shot to pieces or crushed by the train. j h Miss Bessie Henderson, who is visiting in ChaJ-lotte, attended a ger man last nigjht giveh by Miss Ethel and Will Holt. The Observ er says 4 'the dance was one of the largest as well as most beautifully conducted ever seen in the city. v PERSONAL PARAGKAPHS. A Number of Holiday - Visitors Are Still on the Road. ' J. O. Benson returned to Con oyer yesterday. Clarence McNeely has returned from Mooresville. Warren Kluttz returned from Charlotte last night. ' L. A. Misenheimer yent to. Charlotte this morning. : lrs. P. B. Kee, of Statesville, spent yesterday in Salisbury. Miss Lindsay, a charmingyoung lady of Greensboro, is visiting at Dr. J. II. Weaver's. Mrs. Bettie Earnhardt came in last. night from Richmond where she has been for several years Postal Clerk Bernhardt, of the Yadkin, is off taking Christmas. Mr. Barringer is subbing for him. P. II. Bernhardt-returned this morning from Gastonia. His sis ter, Miss Mary, remained at that place. V . ; v' Air. Keller, of the ice f actory returned this morning from a bus iness trip to' New York arid Phila delphia. , "Willie Wade and brother and sister, of Tyro, and Miss Willis, teacher at South River, are at Dr. J. S. Brown. Rev. W. II. Stubblebine Jeft this morning for Ohio, in which- State he will spend a week in evangelistic work. - ' s , Dr. J. Rumple a,nd O. D. Da vis were in Charlotte yesterday where they attended a meeting of the executive committee of Jba- vidsott College. V" 1 Miss Annie Kraus and Miss Harti of Columbia, S. C, passed through here this morning enroiite for Washington and Baltimore to spend . a few day s. Miss - Kraus was formerly of Salisbury. V Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fentress re turned from a short visit to Char lotte this morning. - They will leave to-night for Norfolk, Va. From that place they will go to Tunis, N. C, where they will make their home. These young people were married about five weeksjigo in Baltimore and have. .been here visiting, relatives. Mrs. Charlotte Wyatt, of Faith, N. C, has just received a letter from a young lady who has been teaching in the free schools in South Carolina inquiring to find if she could, get a free school to teach, or a subscription school, or shewquld teach in some private family.' "T4ieohsecration of Rev. J. M. Horner as bishop of the missionary jurisdiction of Asheville, occurred in Asheyille yesterday. A num ber whdj were in attendance from the - eastern part of the .State, passed tnrougn mis morning re- urning home. ' Another lot of the "Famous 200 Shoes" to arrive to-morrow. Burt Shoe Co. Everybody in the county can get presents for all at G. W. Wright's. Go to headquarters. The Rockers, Tables and Pictures are exquisite and will please the most fastidious, and at prices in reach of all. I " NO CURE-NO PAY That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lore it. aquiis prerer it to Ditter, nauseaung Carolina Racket for Xmas gotds, e . ' - ' ' j Yellow Fever in town is fear ed by all, but it is a pleasure to visit the mammoth store rooms of George W. "Wright and see the grand selection of Xmas and bridal presents to be had at his Emporium. FROM, OVER THE STATE. Interesting News Condensed from the - Papers of the State. . Lincoln Journal: The increase in business of Lincolnton post office has been so large duriner the past year as to place it in the list of "presidential" offices, and on Saturday last Postmaster F. A. Barkley received his commission. His salary is now $1,000 per year, with an increase allowance for clerk hire. x News was received here Mon day night that a grown daughter of Mr. Reuben East, living near Walnut Cove, had committed sui- i 7 eide that day by taking- poison. Her mother, it is learned, by mis take, got hold of some 'of the pois on and. ate it and it was thought for a time that she could not ' live, but the last report was that she was out of danger.- Winston Sen tinel.. . - ; s - . v . . Four children were playing around a fire in the yard at the home of Mrs. Jenkins, at the water works, popping firecrackers and shooting a-toy cannon, says the Greensboro tTelegram. They were in a small play house, and in attempting to throw a lighted fire cracker through the door, it struck, the post and fell into a box of powder, which exploded, badly burning three of the children, Fayetteville Observer:, A Fay etteyilleian has a tqueer. clock in his room . It is a family heir loom and ha3 for eight years re mained on his mantlepiece with out running. Last night at 1 1 o'clock heywas startled by hearing the clock strike eleven times, and pn examination, fonnd the clo,ck running regularly. No cause can be assigned for its strange caper. . The enrollment of Mont Amoena Seminary,Mt. Pleasant, is now 90. It represents the States of Vir ginia, North Carolina, South Caro Hna and Georgia. It represents the Maryland Synod of the Gen eral Synod North, the Virginia Synod, the Tennessee Synod, the North Carolina Synod, the South Carolina Synod and the Georgia Synod, besides other branches of the Christian church, .. Between 8 and 0 o'clock Mon day night, there was a; terrible ex plosion in Henderson, which shook every house in the town, the jar breaking many lights in adjacent buildings. The wrecked house was a -small brick building, con taining three rooms in the rear of stores occupied by Beacom Bros., and R. L. Teiser,' used by them as warerooms. The cause of the ex plosion seems a -mystery, , opinion being divided. In the room oc cupied by Teiser was a keg of powder. This is what caused the damage. i -; The second annual session of county supervisors, of public schools was held at the capitol in Raleigh Tuesday night. C. H. Mebane, State. Superintendent, delivered an address. He said that during the present year there had been changes of 19 supervi sors, one of these having been re moved for unfaithfulness to duty. The Superintendent said he was laboring to secure separation of public schools from politics, car rying out the idea of the late Cal vin II. Wiley. He. also urged separation of public schools frj)m church schools. He paid very high tribute tp the press of North Carolina as uoing grand work tor public schools. j : Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve, in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tettfcr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price '25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists. i

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