s - - - . . . J? -.. ..... -.- ..-'or GST ESST: QUALITY BREAD, 50 Loaves for S!.co at FOR CAKES ' s..; of all kinds, fresh bakod w - call on T. L. SWINK VOL. IV. NO. 124, SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1899. 10 Cents Per Week T. I.. SWINK'S Sj TrZ .? , ' '- ! J . ; '. . ; ; f ' ; ; .' t " ' ' ' r- - - EARLY MORNING FIRE. 1 Pflssftncer k Coach Burned on the Anti-ba Southern's Yard. oon League Gets to Work Items Picked Up by the Reporter on A Ladies' Association. I His Daily Round. Shortly before 5 o'clock this Last morning lire was discovered in the the ten d-ctass coach of the - Western Metho local passenger train. This train, when it arrives at night, is placed near the old shop site and a force of hands clean the coaches. Finishing their work about 1 o'clock they leave the cars until i ana o League follows ;c. b iW. H. dent. morning. Last night they d J. R next did as usual. This morning, when the hre was discovered engine whistles gave an alarm, but this proved not a very good way to arouse the firemen and it was some time before city water was secured. . In tne meantime tne coach was badly damaged, the interior being ID. treasui (Rev. FFICERS ELECTED. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. hight those interested in ' Weather forecast: Fair to-night perance move met at the and Thursday. . ist Sunday school room Solicitor Marshal Mott was in rganized an Anti-Saloon Uu i0 ney elected officers as j Hi. xvaper, xifsq., oi ton, was here last night. Lexing- Jordan, president. -r- . 5urton, 1st vice presi- !U. irown, jr., 2nd vice president. . . . H. G. Tyson, 3rd vice president. R. Myers, secretary and I " M er. John Wakefield, chairman of agitation committee. The country roads are reported to be in very bad condition. C. W. Pool was in Concord yes terday attending court as a wit ness. . Flour has advanced about 20 cents on the barrel. This affects all of us. ! j Mrs. to organize an the lad The almost totally consumed. The origin of the fire is not Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. known. It is thought , by some that it was started by a tramp Postal Telegraph Company who had perhaps broken in to ., Salisbury will soon have another spend the latter part of the night, telegra'ph line, the Postal system. S. S. Cole was appointed association es. ' ' I League Miss Kate Lowe, who has been among here the past month, returned to Atlanta last night. will meet each Speddin-West Last night residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. West, Miss , - May West became the wife of Mr. Mr. J for thd he will F. Austin, superintendent Postal Telegraph Compa- at 8 o'clock at the ny, is now in Charlotte awaiting the bride's parents, further orders from his company. a Prayer service at the Lutheran church. to-night. Council meeting immediately afterwards. J. Allen Brown has just received a car load of "Blonde" lump coal from the Pocahontas mill. Those who have taken les sons m hypnotism will meet at Young's drug store to-night. Some of the celebrated $3.50 Regent" shoes, for men, received UUUSJi AJHJ) SENATE. nrovidintr for th 1 f-, w .L, w . vnu the disnfinsiirc nf TnArni tox-illr nrtil I - . . UtJ RpmWv vtoo i submitting the question of a dis jouoaij iu it vuic ui Liie people was o'clock taken up lrV White of Hali- iax, onereu an amendment stnk- The Senate met at 10 and prayer was offered by Rev J. W. Lee. Senator Collie presented a peti tion from the city of Elm City, asking that the merchants' pur chase tax be repealed, and a peti tion wa also filed by . Senator Miller relative to fishing in the Neusdriver. Reports of committees were fa vorable as to bills to amend chap ing out the provision siibmittinor . . . . the question to a vote of the peo ple.; The bill was amended and passed its second and third read- mgs. The bill to amend the charter of Salisbury passed its final reading and went to the Senate for ratifica tion. . Mr. Craig's bill making foreign ters 335 and 345 of the laws of . . , " UUV tuc laws ox me oiate ana. requiringaii such corporations to take outfli cense and file their papers of in- 1895; to incorporate the Pamlico Christian Benevolent Association; to abolish the chain gangi system of Madison county; and unfavora ble as to bills to provide for court stenographers; to amend section 1308 of the Code, with regard to the drainage of lowlands. I The calendar was taken up, and bills as follows passed their final Austin tells the News that start a force out of Char H. H. Speddin. The ceremony lotte and a force equally as large at the Burt Shoe Co' s to-day. was performed by iiev. Dr. J. ii. will negin worK out ot greens Weaver in the nresence of rela- boro. These will construct the lives -and a few friends. ' line between Charlotte and Greens After the ceremony the couple boro 'and,.. when this circuit has .. - I"! I .. Ip.ft on No. 35 for Atlanta. ' been completed, the Postal will Mr. Speddin is a machinist at tap md the Spencer shops and a popular State. a m t j 1 young man. Mrs. opeuam is me eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. West and a most estimable young, lady. Does Not Begin Next Year. We are noHv in the beginning of the closing year of the nineteenth century.- Henderson Gold Leaf. No, no. The last cent in a dol lar is not the 99th but the 100th. The closing year tury is not 1899 but 1900. that so ? Gastonia Gazette. Of course. When you count 99 it takes one more to make a hun dred. One hundred years being a century, the 19th century ends and the 20th century besrins at mid night on December 31st, 1900. Statesville Landmark. We agree with the Gazette and the Landmark. The 20th century' does not begin until 1901 is usher ed in. A la st of the good towns of the ge force is now operating between Raleigh and Fayette vile re pairm g the line. It I TT P. Harper returned to .Kenr tucky last night. He will be here again soon with a car load of hogs. The cost sale at J. R. C. Brown, Jr's, continues. You should not fail to read his new ad. on 1th page. ' ' Ivato, the Japanese lecturer will reading: To repeal-the charter of Newbern; to promote temperance; to regulate the shooting of wild fowl in Dare county; to authorize the town of Morgan ton to purchase electric light and power plant; to amend the charter - of Jamesville, Martin county; to amend chapter 113, laws of 1895, by inserting in the Su- section able that chafgd line between Durham and Ral eigh. The this force ; - of the construction is prob- lecture at the Baptist church to will have night at the regular prayer meet- of the ing hour. District Stewards. district2 stewards of the Salisbury district. Western North IIUL 111X3 1UUIU. I i . ' ar of the 19th cen- Carolina Conference,, met in Salis- Isn't ourV9 f t tne district parsonage, yesterday. They transacted the usual business done at these an- nual meetings. (The was de to the charges of the district. elder balary of the presiding elder pided upon and apportioned G1y , coul't this The Eurydice club will meet with Miss Addie White Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Com poser Liszt. Revs. Arnold and Thompson, of Concord, and Rey. Clark, of Nor wood, were here yesterday attend- ing the meeting or the district stewards. A defendant, for being drunk, was. taxed several dollars at tne Two the after- morning. salary is reduced this year from 1,300 to 1,250, two charges havinsn been transferred from this district. The conference claims were also apportioned by the stewards. -i The cases were contin ued to noon session. Mr. Overman 111. . 1 It was reported that . Mr Lee S. Overman, who is a member of the House of Representatives, was ill at Raleigh. His brother, Mr. H. J. Overman, received a letter this morning stating that he was sick but not seriously so. He has acute indigestion. The Reason Why. A number have remarked about If you get a pair of Burt's Own Make shoes that do not come up to our guarantee and you" fail to bring them back the fault is all yours. Burt Shoe Co. Rt. Rev. Bishop Leo Haid stopped over in the city last night returning from Raleigh, the sruest New Residence. Contractor J. M. Russell has closed the contract to build a nice residence for Dr. J. W. Young of Spencer. The house will be built at Spen cer. the tin e that elapsed after the en- of Father Joseph. He returned to eines-spunued tne nre alarm tnis n0imrtnt ij,;0 mnm;r,. morning before the fire bell rang. , . ' . Policeihan Earnhardt, the new bffi- r"" uutuia, u mcu- okv. t Jl he wn nn dutv nnrl mom5V SVGU last night With Miss i,of Jwonfp,i h Wo Jennie bhaver, and left this morn-. was aire before he rang the bell, ,u for lonl- She came in yes as enfrfees sometime blow a good rday f roni Asheville; deal when there is no hre. As ; e acknowledge receipt of a soon as the blaze could be seen' up ticket to the East (Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and ledustnal As sociation's twelfth annual fair which will be held in Newbern the week beginning February 20th: town the bell was rung. AUCTION SALE. ' Auction sale at E. H. Marsh's old stand in Shaver block to-night at 7:30 o'clock. AIL goods must go. Jno. M. Julian, Assignee. Monky Found:-Owner will please call on G. H. Shaver, chief of police, within three days and describe it. 7 Sewerage. i Messrs. Dowd .& King have about finished their work on the bouth'Main sewTerage system. The tunnel under the railroad was fin isaeu monuay and pipe are now being laid there. ' j Messrs. Dowd & King have a system ot sewerage to put in at Albemarle. ' - The climax reached ! For this week, some extra bargains in nice dress patterns. $4.95 patterns now $3.00 $5.95 now $3.95: $6.50 now $4.25: $7.00 and $8.00 now $1.95, at Harry Bros. Notice. An important meeting of. SouthiMain Sewer Co. , is called for 4 o'ejock Thursday eveninor in the office of J; Samuel McCubbins, and all stockholders are requested, to be present A. W. Winecoff, Pres. If A have t fine musicians with a better & Bau J. W. j For rcnt.: ou want your children to 1,1 - . . rte proper touch and make then buy a Piano" perfect action. None have than the celebratad Stultz er sold on easy terms bv Hunsucker, Agt. Rent Furnished rooms for i Mrs. Jas. B. Cheeky. 0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY- Take Laxative-Bromo 'Quinine Tablets. All Druiirists refund the money if it fails to Cure. . 23 cents, " - HO CURE-NO PAY That is, the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS GHlLL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and ..Fever. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. I'rice 50 cents. . ? Mr. S. A. Facklen editor of the Micadopy, Flat, Hustler, with his wife and cbildrenr" suffered tern bly f rom Xa Grippe. One' Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. "It actedquick- ly . Thousands of others use. this remedy as a specific for La Grippe, ana its exnausting alter enects James Plummer. s: county commissioners act instead of "clerk of perior" Court;" to amend 2155 of The Code. This bill allows the clerk of the Superior Court to appoint a commissioner to take depositions where witnesses to a will live further than 75 rhiles dis tant.. To amend . the charter of 9 .- the Cabarrus Savings Bank. Senator Smith's bill to appoint a committee to investigate the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- i" olored race, at Greensboro, was taken from1 the calendar and passed its final read- as did Senator Travis' bill to incorporate the Roanoke Kailroad and Bridge Company. THE HOUSE. Petitions asking for the repeal of the merchants' purchase tax are features of each day Is proceedings. Petitions to this effect were offered yesterday by Messrs. Hoey, of Cleveland; Kennett, and Hampton, of Surrv; Hart, of Edgecombe, and Boggs, of Catawba.' Other petitions were offered as follows: By Mr.'Stevens, for a dispensary at Waxhaw; by Mr. Mcintosh, of Alexander, to prevent the sale of liquor within two miles of the corporation "with the Secretary of State, was made a special order of business. Mr. Craig addressed the House in'support of the bill, which, he stated, he had intro- uucea in accordance with a pro vision of the Democratic State platform. The bill passed its sec ond reading by a vote of 90 to 4. : M . There was no obiection when it came up on its third readinsr and it passed without dissent. The bill incorporating the Wil mington Gas Light Company pass ed its final reading. . The bill amending the charter of Salem passed all of its readings. xne Din repealing tne laws oi 1895 and 1897 which consolidated the election law passed all of its readings. The Republicans voted against the bill. The joint resolution .notifying the fish com mission af Washington that the transfer of a site had been made for the location of a fish commission was adopted. THE OLD NORTH STATE. Happenings, Chronicled By the Press, Condensed for Hasty Readers. Married, ; " At the residence of Mrs. rfiittie Brown on the evening of the 24th inst. at 8 o clock, Mr. John M. Brown, of this place, and Miss Lucy Morris," formerly of Con cord, by Rev. S. J. M. Brown. Mr. Brown is an employe of the Southern Railroad Company for the present and will reside in Salisbury. May their, lives be as "bright' as that hour, and their troubles as lew and as nceting as the silvery clouds that sped across the moon while they 1 were being made man and wife. S. J. M. Brown. been sick at Fort McPher son . He now has orders to report at Ha Simon Levy to Cuba. Simon Leyy passed through churches of Marvin and Concord: this morning cn route to Boston u..r Wiii rw n nrmxmv irom Atlanta, lie is a member oi and against the repeal of the stock the hospital corps but has recently law in New Hanover. The bill providing for an inves tigation of the Agricultural De- partment, State Treasurer's office and the charitable institutions was reported favorably, as was the bill to amend the charter of the town of South port. Bills were introduced Gen. Farrar, of Wilmington, 16 i i i it years old, was shot . and iataiiy. wounded while handling a pistol. Mr. Walter B. Bell, formerly of the Elkin Times, is now asso ciate editor of the Winston Jour nal. AState association of architects was formed in Raleigh Thursday, with T. S. Ashe, chairman, and II. E. Bonitz, secretary. A number of Winston's leading business men have about decided to hold a big horse show there next fall ia the place of the Tobacco Fair. Mr. W. T. Jackson, of Boston, and Mr. W. H. Jebb, of Pennsyl vania, are in Winston prospecting with a view of establishing a big tannery near that place. Two colored children were killed at Chapel Hill Sunday. One was burned to death and the other's mother gave it a deadly liniment which caused death in twenty min utes." A small child of Joseph Sills was fatally burned in Kerners ville. The little one was standing near the fireplace when its dress caught.- Mr. Sills is employed at the Southern depot in.Kerners ville. ' Jas. B. Pace, a leading business man of Richmond, was in Raleigh last week to look into the matter of .renting one of the penitentiary farms on the Roanoke river and utilizing all the available force of convicts in raising sugar beets and making sugar there. He proposes to put up a $60,000 plant. Lincolnton Journal: Last Sun day morning Mr. Jacob Mull, of North Brook, arose early sent his hands to wrork, hitched up his team and came to town for some freight, and he didn't find out that it was Sunday until the pious Mr. Bagley, at the Carolina Central depot, informed him of the fact. The Mocksyille Times says a straw stack on the farm of W. A. Bailey, of Advance, Davie county, was blown over recently. After ward two calves were missed and nine days after the straw stack was blown over they were found under it. One of them was dead but the other was living and vana, uuoa. Simon formerly lived in Salis bury and clerked at J. Feldman's. Mrs. Brooks Bead. Mrs. J. J. Brooks died last tinivi -v -fc 3,8 IOl- I Hlgm clltCl iXLl XliUCOd Ul'tt UUUJUC1 lows: By Representative! Smith, ot montns. ivirs. irooKs was tne of Craven, to provide for eompul- wife of Rev. J. J. Brooks, of the sory education of children between ouusmu y unuun, . . . uu- 6 and 11 years in that -county; by ierence, ana uvea ai opeucer. " "I r.. , -."111 .1 . "-. Mr. Wall, to incorporate the town I he body win oe taKen to vxran u at i" k onnoff r ite V alls to-morro w uiuruiuij lor IS now all right. incornorate the Golden Rod Be1 nevolent Association; by Mr. Cur rie, of Bladen, to repeal chapter ISO, laws of 1897; ly-Mr. Flem ing, to repeal chapter 361 of he laws of 1897; Mr. fcarr of Dup lin,, to, regulate the hours of hold ing courts; by Mr. Willard, pro viding for an investigation of in cendiary fires; by Mr. Craig, re lating to the practice of attorney-at-law.; - -; " ' ' :-- . . Mr. Willard, of New Hanover, introduced a bill regulating the in surance business in the Sitate. The bill creates the Department of In surance,' and provides for office of Superintendent of Insurance. All insurance moneys must be paid in to the State Treasury. biirial. Lecture To-Night. All are invited to the Baptist church to-night to hear Mr. Kato, the Japanese lecturer. He speaks English very well and his lecture will no dotibt be interesting. " Wanted. A 50 II. P. boiler, a 10 H. P. hoist and a 4 inch mining sinking pump and-column. Write description and price to Lock Box 61, Salisbury, N. C. Weather forecast: Cold and stormy. Prepare by . getting one of the nice dress patterns offered so very cheap this week at Harry Bros. By unanimous consent i the bill Racket, Special sale of Ilose at the Carolina Teachers' Association. There will be the regular month ly meeting of. the Rowan County Teachers' Associattipn -on next Saturday the 28th inst. at 10 o'clock a. m. in the graded school -building. An election of officers for the ensuing year will be held and other business of importance will come before the meeting. A full attendance of the member ship is urgently requested. Shot a.t by Tramp. One night recently while a young man was coming to town from Spencer after a ph3rsician, and while near Hon. J. S. Hen derson's he. was shot at by an un known man, supposed to be a tramp. The bullet passed near the young, man's head, and as he was unarmed he lost no time in getting out of that vicinity. " For Rent A six-room house on Thomas street Near Fulton. Apply to A. S. Heilig. NOTICE: Any one wishing Brick can see Mr. John Hanna, or leave or ders at Ludwick & Black's stable. K. A. BROWN. Spring Lamb, fat Mutton, Liver Pudding, Head Cheese, stall fed Beef, corn fed Pork and all kinds of Sausage and other fresh meats at J. S. Mara ble's. i '

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