-v. X' L' - . . - .... i r J- . . L . i 1 I'....-' - .' 1 '. Tlin If n ?iWs -.-. ...y" ". j . - is now sought by and warm while ; in Comforts and Blankets will ; help to cure you. ; ; If will make a SPECIAL and Blankets: this week; . A real nice Satteen Comfort, worth $1.50, now 1.20. $1:00; Comforts,: . 50c. - " We offer a nicfe kets for $2.50. All reduced in proportion. ter goods is now offered We have anice new lot iof White! Lawn, Barred Muslin, Dimity iwU :Uv.:J ,i:4-;, win oui c; uicaoc yuu in We have just opened some beautiful ' . pauernb UI mcturcit -ctriu Shirts and boys and ladies Waists, from 7 to 12 cts. These patterns Many ladies have in towritbgft-REALj NICE Embroidery is at S.IE OF VAL-.UABtE j , v TO I3AKEASSETS. Town Lots Centrally Located Farm ing" Lands, Mill Property, &Ci By virtudof a decree of the Superior Court of Eowan County, ordering a re sale of certain property herein after described and empowering and direct ing me as administrator of James B. Lanier to sell certain real estate of said deceased to make assets and ap pointing mefor that purpose, I will sell at the court house door in Salis bury at pubiic auction-to the highest bidder for cash at the hour of 12 m., on. Monday, the . 6th Day of February the following descri-bed town lots in Salisbury and lands in Rowan county, vizi Lot so 1,. fronting the GRJR pas senger i depot 40; feet, .xuiining -back with r Counciistreet.12X-feet.- Upon this lot is'situated a large warehouse. Lot o 2, fronting the N C II K passenger depot J 20 feet, running back to an alleyway 127 feet. .Upon this' lot is located an office and t the 'large .wareroom lately occupied by the said ,1 B Lanier, deceased. . Lot Ko 3, fronting the NOR R passenger depot 240 feet, running back to an alleyway 121 feet, 'i Upon this lot is situated the' large distillery :and warehouse formerly operated by The said J B Lanier;? i - , , Lot No 4, fronting 100 feet on Libera ty street and running back 200 feet to lot So 5. Upon this property-is locat ed the canning factory of the late J B Lanier. . ' . N - .t Lot ISTo 5, fronting 100 feet on Coun cil street and running back 200 feet to lot No 4: Upon this lot is -situated the large buildings used bythesaid J B Lanier asa machine shop, ,uow oc cupied by J M Burrage for that pur pose. ": ' ' ' " : " :: " 'r'"';"JK" ; " ' ; Lot No 6, situate on the corner pi Lbng and- Council, streets, - running back with Long : street 200 feet. . On this lot Is located a large brick foun dry building. Lot No 7, situate, on the corner ? of Liberty and iXpnjgt streets, ; fronting a 100 feet on Liberty and running back 200 feet with Long street to lot No 6. A map of the above described prop erty can be seen at my office. Lot No 8 j one lot in. the East Ward of tlie town of Salisbury, beginning at a point about 153-feet from Lee street; thence, 153 feet .to the WN C R R, thence with said railroad 100 feet to B F Fraley's line; thence North 153 feet to a stake: thence EjtsIOO feet to the beginning. containing: about a hajf of J a town lOL, inuiuuiLig iue nguu iu tiiu alleyway leadhlg Into I thisi property. . Upon this propertyiis. . located..tha warehouse or rectifying establishment of the said J B Lanier. ' Bidding to. commence at $332 75. ! Lot No0r one lot , beginning, at a stake 153 feet from Lee street," thence Southeast;. 50 feet to! a stake, .thence Southwest paralleof'With Lee street about 90 feet; thence Northwest 50 feet, - thence Northeastoto - the begiri ning. Upon this lot isilocated a small- dwelling Jiouse.v, 'Bidding , to commence at $226 60. A i "v J- & ' -i All the above described lots are lo- i - - : . '. I T f FT J I i 1 i f H "5-. I vl , many . Trnn leep, nice bed With nice :n -u , SALE of Comforts now 80c. ipairfElkin Blan cheaper Blankets JlII he aVV Win- arid "I Nainsook, that e and quality. ui iu I neruclie, SUltclUie lur are beauties. i i - . ' I HfiBRT 'BROS." cateti 'near the centre of the town of Salisbury and lying.on the N C and WN C H .R, andiare very valuable and well Udapted for industrial, manufac turing and business purposes. Lot NO 10, Also one lot in the North ward of the town of Salisbury front- ing alDout 86 feet .on .Ellis, street nd running back with the A N C R R 273 ret, more or less.J Uoon this lot s lex ated a handsome residence, and known as the L.L Lunn place. Lot No 11, Also one lot adjoining the aWelot and .the lot of John Davis, lymd in the North ward of the town of Salisbury, fronting about 80 feet on Ellis), and running back; . about 272 feet,moreor less. Upon this lot is lo-atfed the handsome Payne residence. T nf. Nr 1 9. A t rn f t of land contain- Miff frps lvihiTfin flip. VnHkin rivip.r about six miles from Salisbury known as tlie oia Ht. jonn mm property At - T -T Ct A 1 n . I Upoa this property is a large flouring and born mill iand valuable -water powdrsuitaDie,lor. manuiacturing pur ooscd,Bidding.io begin at $42.50 l.lviu.aiso at tne same time ana placcjjsell to the highest bidder for cash tlie distillery apparatus, maclun cry and fixtures of the said; J B La riier.tconsisting pfjorielOO horse power HjOirer; one 40 horse power engine; l beer bump; 1 continuous copper beer still-f capacity 500 gallons; 1 copper doubler capacity 500 gallons; 1 steel masliikeel-capacity 1,000 gallons; two coppfr worm's 400 feet long; four Jbeer tubs4-capacity l.oou gallons; one water tan kh-capacity 1,000 gallons; about 1,200 feet of iron return pipe with an inLer pipe of copper;; platiorm scales, grahl elevators, meaLbol ter, shafti ng, pullers, indicator boxes, sixsisterns- 500 gallon cai)acity each, and various oth-fff hxtures. connections and at tach men ts necessary.1 'for a first-class distillery. .This is one of' the latest, moddrn improved distilleries. . Administrator and Commissioner. Deb. 23rd, 1898. it FOR One 6-room cottacre on East Main Street, two 4-room cottages on J&ohroe Strcdt, and several vacant iots Also two houses, two stories high, with b rooms. It would be advisable to See me qef ore renting store rooms or dwel- JAPANESE T Tr A lew arid Complete "rreatmentcpnsisting: of )SlTORlES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes )t Ointment., A never-failing cure for Piles of. natureatid deerrce.'C-It trtakes an ooert ion with le knife, which is painful, and ofien results In deth; -unnecessary. ; ' Why endure this terrible diseaie f we pacic a written uuarantee in each -$1 Box rflo.CureNo Pay. . 50G. and i a box, 6 for $5. bent Dy man. jsampiesiree OINTMENT, 25o. axid SOo. nMTIPATlflN Cufed, Piles Prevented, by Aj'Jl40 I 1 in 1 1 U 1 1 Japanese Liver Pellets. th' rhftit LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and lJL()JD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant ?-o t3lde': especially adapted for, children's use. . 50 loses 25 cents. . . : ;'. ' .. , ' ' FR EE:-A vial of these famous little Pellets will ie triven wita a Ii box or more 01 me Lure. :;: i Notice The genuine fresh Japanese fiLB .ur.s tcrale only by . .-, ... - SALE Good One on?ii awyer. A! good5 story is 'beibo Jtold around Fl Greensboro ei'feayi'n ttiB iiecorti on a lawyer, 'to; tbe effect - Urif - fw - At-xiiviistiuir; i-r r Ami j-aji iut uiuer-nigDi a man, aw- fully dninkwsfbundiii bis yaftl a; razor atid'canotherri Weapon or uon mrarinai; xne lawyer bad him ?arrested- anoxic! M rmkKe it hot him an& snow him that he could :not get drunk iti bis 4backardy witW lui ri,uuj ut-yueir tne iriai came on the lawyer was- 'fotitia1 to b de fending instead of prosecuting himi Ail-Around ChkrclifenMeiics n : -low dp the, tvya churches : here get aiong $ t askea t he dru m mer, who was new to the placed l JMister,": sid theyillage skep tic, they air so eternally at outs that even the weather vanes never tToLT'0 "l'slnaT , An egg-shaped church is ;: to : be built in Buffalo, N. Y. , ' which is J said will be one - of the oddest shaped buildings in the : world. The Mormon Temnle'.iri Suit TatcW City is egg shaped and although a VGVy Iarge DuiI(JiDg it is said that the acoustics are so perfect that a pin scratcji on a hat can , be heard from one end to the other. What a queer thing human na ture is! We see people every day who are apparently .surrounded by all the conditions of hanniness and wealth; and yet wear a hag , A. sard look. Then we see other men who are under the "charge of r"?.:- ? tne locK-iiTi w rn nn fiYnmssmn or npr. feet contentment , on their,faces. Winston Journal. Old maidism ;is preferable to unhappy wifeism. r iTIie work of a catrriae wlieel never begins until it's tired. - . - Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suil'erinor humanity shold be supplied with every means possi ble for its relief. It is with pleas- . . - - publish the following: tire This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow T , . , UJaunuicfj iqi oyer six monins, ana was treated ly some of the best , . ; i - , physicians in our city and ail to no avaii; -Dr Bell, our druggist, . , . r ' recomnienaea - Electric fitters; land after taking two bottles, I w.; ontirftlv nniwl T now tntp i. i . 1: Plca?UI 1 vwuiuivuiuug them to anv Dersoii Bullerin from this terrible malady I am errate- - . ' iuiiy yours, M. -A. Hogarty, Lex ington, Ky.; ;Sold by Theo.: F. V(e have just received HSISl Slices-Mile fmW& Goods: I 'T Asparagus, Asparagu Cling: . PelisBlfctie; Jhemesfriruaa;esi Plums, Etc. Fortify your homes i I nefTor opiow pnees ana nign quaiixy. Sad: t 'he most heartrrendering sight I knarv of," . remarked f the cy nic, as" besnappe the ? , asb f rorn his, cigarette", "is an excited- woman at an auction, bidding , against f her-. self. Detroit Free Press: , Puzzled the Briton. 5 j . The American is the quickest man in the world to turn whatever is the .news ottbe day into his con1 yersatipn. . This is (iwhy , an Eng lishman glanced at. the .man who gaye a hurry, order " in a Broad ways, restaurant: . "Hoast beef, rare." Don't - want it em balmed either. "New Yprk un. The most of man's contentment is due to his" ignorance. . r ; '', The smallest things may exert the greatest influence.? De Witt's Little Early Kisera are unequalled for overcoming- constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe ' pill. " James " Plunimer. LaXjrippe ' is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, Publisher - Agricultural J ournal and Advertiser, T Elden , Mo.y says:;' "No one will be dis appointed in using one Minute Cough Cure for La. . Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. James Plummer. . Paul Perry, of vColnmbusGa. suffered agony for' thirty years," andLthen cu red his Piles by, .. usin g De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases liko magic, v James Plummer. f; Dry Goods, Groceries ....... . i Fresh Oysters Every "A ' :i : Tuesday and Friday- Kalamazoo Celery Every -Thursday and -Friday. 4 f New and second-hand Sewing Ma chines for sale. Sewing Machines re paired at moderate: prices. . Needles for . ail . Machines. Oil, Bands and Rubbers for sale at my store, 'corner LMam and w isher sts., - next to I'Him mer's drug store. PHONE 109, - -Si iHB -- . NOTICJ Of application for a charter for The ppnea d Mini United Miningr, Developing And Con- struction Company. k Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the General As sembly for the pasaa&e of an act to incorporate The United Mining, De veloping And Construction Company, , JJ XiN3EW3I A N" and associates. S This 23rd Jan. 1899. i .7 , a fine line of Canned r 1 1 s Tips,, Lemon f'i T ft. 1 J with ammunition from s ser. T mmm You vcaiiibuyl ariyidf Stheseat your Pi 0 '3 . ii Closing Out Sale CHRISTMAS KlllltZ'S 3l II "Our Line of Christmas Goods this year is the most elegant we have ever kept. ; Just recerved a'larirc lot' of II AEI7- BUTS'S STATIONERY, the finest ever brought to this city, Call and examine for yourself. fT.F.Kluttzi&Co, IF You have been using Old Henry RYE Whiskey and found it satisfactory for you and . ' : . . . your!-::;;.:. Family's use what is to be gained by rtaking chances with "something else" just to please your - - . . .. 1 DEALER Who, no doubt, will say that "OLD HENRY" is his best seller and suits nearly everybody, but . .. r . ' I! ?0ES :yi Not pay as much profit as the other brand which he says is as good as "OLD HENRY"-- Him if he would make, any change in what he "is buying, and is satisfied with, and if he is a good merchant be will say no. xnea $ y Should you take chapces? OLD 1EN RY is in FULL MEASURE bottles, is MILD. MELLOW and PURE, and can be relied on anywhere, under: all circumstances, if you get' the, genuine, with seals over corks , antf our name blown in bottle. STRAUS GUNST & CO. .Proprietors, !. t ' . Richmond, Va. j We guarantee rates. - THE. SOUTHERN STOCX-MIH .-io:- .i-::;.: fl'-iv ;-;rnofn 31 -S1 " J ; ' --qei tl. yr-r riv( 'r r V ; ; . ;.- f : J x.: .... - '.":v '.;- ; .' , .... .- . , . ..v . . . - , ' . I ' . ' r GOODS SrK , :::AT:::.' - ' -tL - k : i offers insurance at SOUTHEASTERN TARI FF ASSO j CIATION RATES ind pays back a dividendof 20 per ct. 'Take advantage5. Of ; this-offer and lon't be hereafter regretting,, the lost .pportunity. Uki kr- "Office in old bank building. J of Winter Goods. Prosperous Times Are shown everywhere by the ac tivity shown in building. If you intend building now or in the early spring let nie -'furnish you esti mates for your, supply of building material: Shingles, Laths, Paints, Etc -You will lind prices satisfac tory and quality superior. ' r WQTICE!: Application will ' be made to the General Acscmblv of to incorporate The Power Company. January 12th. 18im. North Carolina Yadkin Water ; , t t-J NOTICE. - . Application, will be made to the present General Assembly to incorpo rate into a town that part of Rowan County known as Southern City. January 8th, 1899. You Wi 1 1; iLi ke to, G et ;0-.vO:c- IntO It -:-';-;: ' - when your shirt is laundered by our perfect methods. No chafing or rough edges to annoy you, and the jcolor aild finish are exquisite. Our: laundry work is sure to pleaso the most; fastidious, and our ef forts to make our laundry work superior to all others finds its re ward in 'the large patronage wo SALISBURY STEAU LAUHDRY. a

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