""'' " " M iii ""'"n i ii milium. "yi . 7' r -""V f ' i -r; Tl '. 's''; .: . ..: .T . . ',".- .'. " , IWl f I l POliii CAKES .swing's s ' ' ' " '.. - " T. L SWINK VOL. IV. NO, 135. I SALISBURY, N C.j. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7, 1899. lO Cents Per "Week SAD DEATH LAST NIGHT. THE COMEDY "SIDE TRACKED. Mrs. Harris, of West Virginia, Died at Some of the Pun Makers To Be Here the Salisbury Depot Last Night. A very sad death occured in the "Side 9 CONCERT TO-NIGHT. Thursday Night. By the Louise Brehany Concert Com- 0 pany A Treat for All. 3,000 ENGAGED. Tracked" with itsscenic The Louise Brehany Concort ladies waiting room of the South- and mechanical effects, its funny Company arrived in the city this 4,000 "WERE KILLED. ern passenger depot at this place tramp, German and Irish come last nighfr . dians, and its saucy hoyden, and O.Q the train from the North charming lovers, will be the at- came in Mr. R. W. Harris ard tractior I at the opera house on wife and daughter from Charles- Thursdiy night. There is a vim ton, West Virginia They were and "g" about the play that cap - enroute to Ashe vi lie where by tures th e gallery as well as the the change of climate it was hoped elite or every - audience. The - 1 , i f to prolong Mrs. Harris' life. She special had been in feeble health for a several morning from (Joncord and will giro a performance at the opera house to-night This company has appeared in a number of towns of the State recently and has sustained the reputation gained elsewhere. Speaking of the concert the scenery is eriective ana LKochelle, 111., Independent says: strong specialties assist Our people were indeed fortu- long time suffering from a consti- materially in the action of the nate in being able to attend such a K. H. O'Connor as Charles high-class concert as was given by alias Horatio IrvmgBootb, the Louise Brehany company, successful in his perform- Tuesdav nio-ht. All tho nnmhfirs the tramp, and Billy Bow- were well rendered and heartily Fritz Grabhold a section encored. Especial mention is duo J. 1.' 1 A II "1 I 1 uuionai irouoie ana was quite piay weak when the train reached Salis- Mercer bury. The family was going to is very stay in the city last night and were ance of in the waiting room awaiting the ers as DEWEf'S SHIPS HELPED. 13,000 American t Soldiers Lined Up Against 20,000 Insurgents . , American Loss Less Than 100-Fight- ing Now Over. . , the fun bringing of a chair in which the lady was to be taken to the Mt. Vernon hotel when she died lean- German ingon the arm of her daughter. The body was put in charge of Undertaker R. M. Davis and taken Manila, Feb. 7. The scene pre sented in the environs of the city 1 gang bdss, assisted materially in the brilliant piano performer, Mr. as the sun went down Sunday ev- 111 akin to his room where it was prepared ber of very catchy songs and dan- for burial. ces. Cfecile Loraine, Josephine This morninfi: the remains were Roberts, and Marguerite Mavfield IIV ni nni& Saiiv at xirhr txmo nni.illn.l 4-' m- I i! ill r j I c v4 t "liu ictancu iuiud cuiui: was one or leiriDie (lesoia- character work. Ger- times, j The opera act was es- t rude Barnes,; a captivating little pecially interesting, and was full soubretie assumes the role of Bes- of dash and pathos, charmingly sie Reynolds and introduces a num- intermingled. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE.. sent back to Charleston, accompa nied by the bereaved husband and daughter. 1 -Mr. Harris is a railroad man. being master mechanic of the shops at Charleston. 4; pretty and appeared to ad- Items Picked TJp by the Reporter on The Measuring Party: The following invitations a re be ing sent out: "It will be a pleasure,. Beyond all measure ,, To welcome you hearty To our measuring party; But before you start The essential part Is to count up right i'Ur feet in height. " All we daro ask, - For this generous repast, Is just five cents a foot, White each extra inch, if any, Will be taxed at the rate Of a single penny." Will be given at the Shaver Building on Fisher street, for the benefit of tho M. E. Church, Fri day, February 10th, from 7 to 11 p. m. Refreshments free. looked vantage ! in their different charac ters. Ii. C. Yeomans appeared as James Montague and R. Edgar Vance as J tidge Pecksniff. Others injthe competent cast are "John Brown, Louis Leon Hall, John T. Brophy and others. His Daily Round is in A. B. Lisk, of Pool, city. f . Every one is invited, to the measuring party. For MavorE. W. Burt. I des re to recommend for may ort of Salisbury one who is- recog nized a:; a strict business man, and one whom; we all know E. W. the mayor's court this morning. Weather forecast: Fair to-night and Wednesday. How long, oh, how long will this terrible weather last! , tion. In the fighting the Filipi nos had been utterly routed with fearful slaughter.. From the. best information their losses are esti mated 4,000, which estimate is not believed to be excessive. The natives1 were wholly unprepared for the terrible punishment in flicted at the very outset. They tne evidently had been getting ready for the attack for some time, but the vigorous work of the Ameri can troops completely demoralized them. Our troops suffered more than at firsF reported, upwards of 40 having been killed and 150 wound ed. ; There were 13,000 Ameri- IN HOUSE AND SENATE. The First Night Session of the House. Bills Handled. A colored tramp was sent up from Burt. He would render valuable service to the town and its citizens by the upbuilding of its streets and other ' improvements, and Will, 1f pOSSlblt?y uuiu tlrwr-wrK?1 wo hav 3 needed and wanted for so many jrears, better lights elec tric ligMs. He would faithfully perforn the many duties entrusted to him in every instance; 1 give him by! unqualified endorsement, and think a majority oi. the citi zens v ill believing his nomina tion and election would be ad vantaofebus to the town's and citi- cans engaged, while the Filipinos numbered 20,000. ' The V slaughter of insurgents The first shad of the season was north of the city by the guns of received this morning by Noah the Callao, Charleston . and Con cord was particularly heavy. Fil- wheTe,-they had been driven, : and hundreds were torn to pieces by the frcrrible rain of shells. The Charleston joined the Monadnock off Malate Sundar afternoon and Burt nnnml js1ip.11 nftp.r slipll with fiwfnl effect upon the insurgents, who 7fth V. Wvjitt rnrnfi- hnnift last I were night from Winston where McCubhins. night for Norfolk where he has se cured a position. Burt's Own Make school shoes are the kind to stand this weather every pair warranted Shoe Co. SENATE. Bills passed: To allow Lexing ton to issue 30,000 in bonds; to abolish probatesand registrations; to amend sections 58l and 582 of The Code; to repeal the act giving Bladen a dispensary; to validate the registration of certain convey ances. '.' . . There was'discussion of bill to repeal section 3,1 13, of The Code, and enact a substitute to compel county commissioners to hold local option elections on petition of one- third of the qualified voters and on any day 120 days removed from a general election (the counties of Robeson, Union, Buncombe, Mad ison, Swain, Jackson, Henderson, Transylvania, Wayne, Duplin, Pender, Lincoln, Alexander, Ca tawba tmd Wilkes being excepted). The bill went over until to-morrow. A communication from William Chase, of South Carolina, was read, asking the Legislature to co-operate with the Suuth Carolina Legis laturein securing school books by Southern aulhoio. THE HOUSE. Bills introduced: By WTrenn to incorporate tlio town of Mon cure; by Mauney, to protect ho tel and boarding house keepers aud livery stable .keepers; by Winston, to require separate ac commodations for'whites and ne groes on railroads; by Council, to provide for the partition of land wrhere there is an intervening es tate. - The House passed the 1,000 mark in bills. and referred to committee on ap propriations. The bill to allow New Hanover cotmty to give the old court house to the Wilmington Naval Reserves was tabled on Roundtree's motion. He said the commissioners re quested that action Bills passed to amend The Code relative to the probate of wills; to amend The Code so that so licitors shall get no fees for attend ing civil terms of court and not be required to attend such terms; to incorporate the Carolina North ern Railroad from Goldsboro via Lumber ton into South Qarolina; to chan'ge boundary line between Ashe and Alleghany; to require crossndcxing of wills; to amend the law in regard to bankrupts, by providing that no premise to pay a debt discharged by any de cree of a court of competent ju risdiction in any proceeding in bankruptcy shall he received in evidence in any of the courts of North Carolina, unless such prom ise shall be in writing and signed by the person to be charged therewith. NORTE STATE ITEMS. Happenings of the Commonwealth BrieSy Told. Thirteen young boys were ar reste.l in Charlotte for stealing coal. They were whipped and then turned lcose. . A gentleman was in Greensboro yesterday on his way home to Mt. Airy from a trip to Philadelphia, where he has been looking into a scheme to build a trolley line from Mt. Airy out to the White Sul phur Springs, four miles distant. falling back, before the he steady advance of the Fourteenth zens' interest. Flagman Clark Killed. Mr. Luther Clark, flagman on the Southern, was run over and killed at Thomasville yesterday by freicrht No. 72. Mr. Clark was at his post of duty, when the brake chain broke, throwing him across the track. The wheels passed over his body cutting him irf two. The mangled remains of the un fortunate man were sent to Dan ville, his home last night. De ceased was 25 years of age. Char lotte Observer. A Voter. Taken to Morganton. Mr. Clay Thomas, of Thomas ville, v ho became insane here, as has been recently representing a large book concern. The time for , suggesting, candi dates for municipal honors , is at hand as can be seen from several suggestions in today's paper. Salisbury , is tnreateneu witn a butter famine. On account of the the gun- village of Mr. morning. Infantry. Rice fields along the banks oi the luver iasig were swept with shells, from 1 - boat Laguan, and the SantaAna was fairly riddled with Gatling guns. On all sides were lying dead natives", their bodies in some instances- being full pf bullet holes. A majority of the X 1 - - . - m- I : 1 T- . , . . Scotland was made toe special or- lesterday tnero was a sensation- iler for next Thursday morning. al occurrence at the funeral of a ne Bills passed to repeal the char- grb woman. " Thecofiin wTas in the ter of Yanceyville. Bill came up church . and the services were in to amend the divorce law-so as to progress. Suddenly the top of bring up to January 1, 1899, the the coffin burst apart and rose, so act of 1895, giving divorce abso- that the hands and part of the lute if there is abandonment fori body were visible. The coffin the space of two years, and it ap- was then taken out of the church, plies to existing cases. v imams, but the damage could tot be re- of Iredell, wanted the bill re-re- paired. As the cofiin was being f erred to the iudiciarv committee, lowered in the grave, one of the - - J I . - It was accordingly recommitted. straps broke and the cofiin fell. By leave, Brown, of Johnston, Some of the negroes were badly introduced a bill to allow owners scared. Raleigh correspondent of dogs to list them at the sher- Charlotte Observer. iff's office for taxation at any time, mentioned in yesterday'spaper was taken to Morganton this morning. He wak accompanied by Deputy nmd and swollen streams farmers dead were lying with their heads ShfirifflHenrvMonroe. are auuuieioi w luccuy., toward the line of the American Thomas was quiet this ! There will bo a meeting of the advance, showing that! they had He had but' recently anti-saloon League at the Sunday- fallen fighting desperately. been released from the State hos pital, having been insane before. Young Lady Dead. 1 Yesterday Miss Lona Bost died Af r rlnvb- wna n Tinrnlnr. vnnncr .. i i m: i .." i of pneumonia, febe, was a daugh- f riends here and at Spencer. ter oil Mr. Moses Bost, of High Waters. The heavy and long continued rains have caused streams in this part of the country to overflow considerably. Parties from Nor wood report that the Yadkin river near that place is higher now than it has been 4 in fifty years. The rWer is very high near Salisbury, too and covers a large area of bot tom land. Manning. some 1 on the bone, monia school room of the Methodjst Lieutenant James Mitchell, of church to-night at 7:30 o'clock. - the Fourteenth Infantry, who was I The, Christian Reid Book Club wounded in Sunday's fight, died will meet Wednesday afternoon at yesterday. 3 o'clock with Miss Bessie Hender son. Author, Frankfort Moore! If you wish a pleasant evening, and During the cold spell enjoy refreshments come to the line since, iviiss , liost , ieu ice and broke her shoulder - Later she contracted pneu- and this caused her death. Meeting of Big 400- Thei e will be a meeting of. the "big 4 30" on Wednesday night. The pi ice of meeting is known by the members. measuring party Friday evening at the Shaver building street. j The Salisbury Cotton mill is not running today, on account of high water. The heavy and long-continued rains caused water to get up in the engine room. It is now "considered, a certainty that the ground hog saw his shad- Attention Daughters of the King. . 'It is absolute) necessary that there "be a full attendance .of the Daughters of the King on Wednes- On J? IfcjDGr I J "j-ici uuuu at J u wuii. tendance as there is a most import ant matter to be decided at once. By order of the president. and thus make them property. The special- order, Winston's fee bill, was taken up. This is the one reducing fees an average of about 25 per cent. W inston said the bill did not reduce the fees un der the criminal laws, but re duced many fees in the civil business of the courts; that the re duction is largest m recording crop liens, etc. Winston explain ed the bill. Robinson said the bill was a blow at county officers; that there there was no reason for it; that in the great majority of counties the officers were barely making a living; that it would ab solutely destroy the office of reg ister of deeds in many counties. Ho made a motion to table. On Southern City Charter. lv. Jee yv rifiut wtui iu uiuoiu this morniner to get a charter for Southern City. A couple of other gentlemen went to Raleigh also, to fight the proposed charter. New Advertisements. Harry Bros. Lichtenstein & Teiser. Joe EI, McNeely. Hurt at Spencer. xnis morning a part oi a car load of lumber at Spencer feir on ow the Other day and crawled back William Fisher, - colored. Some in his hole.' Anyway the weather P. his teeth were knocked out, and indicates that such was the case. Our it. away Harry Bros. SOMETHING GOOD You will ' find fresh "cream puffs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at A. Parker's. Crash towels Carolina Racket; 10c each at the OR price on underwear moves BOARDERS . VANTEI): Prices right, lbcation good: north Main st. MRS. R. C POOL. Postponed. The reception that was to be held at the Methodist parsonage this evening has been postponed on account of the leather. concussion of the brain was feared. It is thought, however, that he 4, will recover. , '! Rent: Nice six room cot tage near corner of Lee and Fisher streetsLLRoom for garden. Apply to R. V. Lanier. I Fresh Oysters : to-morrow at Ritch and Outlaw's. morning TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY- CROCKERY 1 have just received 2 hhd. of fine assorted table ware. La dies especially invited to call at A. Parker's. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund themoney if it fails to cure, cents, Ladies and gents storm rubbers jat Harry Bros. . .. SMITH BROTHER'S COUGH DROPS AND ASSORTED JU JULES Pleasantly relieve drvness and irri tations of the throat, sweetens and nerfumes the breath. Sold by A. Parker. Black Satine 5c yd. at the Caro lina Racket. A nice display of embroidery in tne window at xiarry uros. For Alderman. Editor Sun: As the name of N. P. Murphy has been mentioned as an acceptable candidate for al derman f ronTthe West Ward I Would like to suggest as a worthy colleague for him Dr. R. L. Ram-. say, our popular young dentist. With a few more such names on a ticket headed by Mr. David Gas- kill the younger, sturdier and more progressive element of Sal isbury will receive tho recogni tion which has long been due it but which has thus far been steadfast ly denied". , The fate and future of Salisbury is the inheritance of tho vounger generation of our voters an inheritance which they have been kept out of too long. Let .1 . -T J 1 L 1 1 J.I - I this vv mston aemanueu yv . now come out and assert and noes. The vote was: Ayes id, their rights in support of their nOeS 39. lic-on iinhnt Another special order came up, . R ... . - become being a bill to reduce fees of regis- of thafc meetinff There is a ters of deeds, amending sectioa , . OY1ln:n:nnP irt hfl ,lnnpi hv 3,751 of The Code. There was . f he aldermen and tho favorable report by committee. This was McNeill's bill. The bill was recommitted to the com mittee on salaries and fees. NIGHT SESSION , The House held its first night session Saturday evening. Bills people arc anxious for - West orof fit. it. fc them to Ward. M. Ba- Fnger and will all orders Plenty of Wood A. singer has. purchased the & Anthony Wood Yard, a add more wood and fill all rtrnmntlv. Have six car loads on passed to give telephone com- nan(j. Pine and Oak, Dry and panies the same rights as telepraph Green. Yours to Please, fimnanifis. so thev can run lines A. M. 15asinger. along railroads, as The Code gives tfiTeoraoh companies HO status. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS , . xt I una iever is a uuuie ui r. o ne reSOlUUOU LO pay ouugo iuim aHiLt Tonic. Nevertailstocure; men wny WOOd fcobO was reported tavorably J cents. Your money back If it fails to cure. - - ,'v

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