SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT- SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. CLINT. N. BROWN. Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, - - - - - - Six Months, - - - - - Three One Month,. - - - - One Week. ? . - - - - Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city $4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 ' If or ad vertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe -store, on Main street Entered at postoffice s secona-class matter. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 7, 1899. 1 THE SUBJECT OF GOOD ROADS. We desire to say a few words to-day upon the subject of good roads. A writer in yesterday's (Monday) Charlotte Observer ad vocated abolishing the State farms and placing the convicts on the public roads. A month or more ago the Sun had the temerity to advocate that the penitentiary do away with farming and put the convicts to work on our public roads. No paper in the State, as we noted, took up the matter then. The Charlotte Observer, one ' of the State's leading papers, if we mistake not, a week or more ago, advocated a similar movement. A leading politician and now a mem ber of the House a day or two after the Sun's advocacy of the plan asked the writer of the arti cle if he knew what such a meas - - -A- Ol I $15,000 This is strom's fun out will out ti is said to have settled y NEWS OF THE DAY- Moralistic Legislature Run Mad. a year on her new husband. ? . - , Raleigh Press visitor. fi quid pro quo for Cedar- Te,efrash,SCOu CoDven The Y. M. C. A. of Salem and title.' He will get more of the $15,000 than she of the title. - other relisrious and semi-religious SnnnieK raVirof Vina rippiMari organizations in the State are now to abolish the ministry of the col-petitioning Congress 'to prohibit nmps r lue transmission in me mans 01 -Tht Raleigh Post .says before Vh third nnnnal CWrfiSs of newspapers containing accounts of the powers that be get through Mothers will be held in aVashing- P"ze n-hts. . Ibis is another ex-; with riftnfiml MiiAfi th nri t',. . t Z ample of moralistic legislation rnn ... . . iuu uuu4 A iou od re marv 14. ... embalnjed beef is likely to become U . V :V mad. 1 ou cannot transform the so strodg that the country will oanua PV" g ambt pnbuc taste by sentimental and have to hold its nose. It has near- a5 oraer Irom a&V& reauc1 whimsical legislation. The papers lycomi'to that already. -their salaries 20 per cent, V try to give the public: what they i " I I I -W .1 . . ..Dreyius and anti-Dreyfus sup- want to read, recently tne editor nnrtnrc ninHft rintnivy Hp'mnnctro. of this DaDOr made a test Case ef In fche hattle at Manila Sun-L-x ; aiw r,,l lilaviiioc ten newshovs between ten and - 1 I . . I 1-1 0 XU XX IwlVl J lU V ljOm , ' I - -- j uay morning Detween tHe Amen-1 i , , . . fifteen years old: not one of them cans ,ad. Filipinos, careful esti- ;VTr knew the Senators fron, North mates place the Filipino losses at " 4 r.. "Y Carolina or who 'the Vice-Presi- n rtr i i n t -1 1 Ttift Konii flm. mp.M in VA nshinntnn .ouo aeaa, d,puu wounded, ana . dent was and had never heard of 5, 000. taken prisoners. Gen. Otis (The Porto Rican cabinet has rDenew . Crnkfir Piatt 'Hoir reportd35 Americans killed, but sisrned because of the dismissal of Mn.-rrn t- or.,r .ifiVo ha the offifeial list of dead and wound- Senor Carbonell, secretary of 'the nrpme (onrt nr anv Ckhinpt f- e(l has hot yet been submitted for interior. ficer except Alger,-but they were LI! 1 " -. . .--'.; ... , , - puuiiLdjLioii. ;.; Tf Jo nmUWn n nHiiVnnfi'na all familiar with Sharkev: Oorbett. sxi puuuuib buai a uiiiuuiiui i ' - -- ,.- 11 ill 1 ' T c 11 I TTi frzai ri m rri o ov-l cnirn vn 1 -tVioi. win oe aeciarea againsc onoiK, -The Spanish cabinet council Va. , because of the prevalence of ""Truth Gives Wings to Strength." BlUIKTfS. '.M are, alway s SOLID therefore STKOIG 7- seryiceable and 'Fitzsimmons and several other prize fighters. Roosevelt and Burt Saturday decided to re-establish smallpox there. the constitutional guarantees which . i a ii were siispended at the beginning Smith wns killpd hv a primnnninn of the War. The Cortes will be at Prince George, Md., yesterday V r convened February 20th for the ,.u ' . J their (lesirss by law. i . -i i " iti r ail Willi . w J? .1. I , Alger were 'about the only public men they had any knowledge of.. They did not want to knbw about any others and you cannot change satisfactory! Shoe Company, purpose of sanctioning the treaty of peade. Sagasta will 4 probably then retire, leaving Senor .Sil vela, ! j 11 . . n onseraiive leader, to iorm a i governinent. The country is ab i i 1 1 . - . i - soiuieiy quiet ana tnere are no fears of a Carlist disturbance. There will probably be three launchings of largo . steamships from the Newport News shipyard within the next three moths. Nearly six and a half" mches of Bad Roads In South Carolina. Correspondents of the Charles- NE GOODS ST MAI' 4 'State just.iss ccording to the official tuent of the Public Debt," ued, the outstanding inter ure wrouid cost the State, giving est-bearing debt 6n January 31, some large figures. This practi- lSDD, as $1,040,209,425, or 340,- tically closed the Sun's mouth. It had nothing further to say of New lot of Dimities and Staple iHiEJSS iJOOUS, at prices to see is to buy. We have a full assortment of new UNDERWEAR at bottom prices. ton News-Courier report roads so e liave the best Ladies and Childrens Ribbed Hose $ver sold for 10c. New ko,i iCf ;n "Jt, nn,li;n!, u sto k of MEN'S SHIRTS, all prices from 25c to $1 00. New lot of Corduroy bad that in some Carolina towns it x . Al ' ,T - . OITAT?c, . . . is impossible for wagons to come , . .' Ti-nt tv vyrnm.-. ' . .. . T1 . .. - , 1 . .. are ueruues, uuuai prices lo sun uujeis. wwaj Djuaivri j.o ul doc , $i.uu snow fell in Baltimore yesterday to town from the country, and and up to the best Lamb Wool. ' morning,- causing, considerable even traveling on horseback is a . . ' . . trouble on the-street-car lines. ' ' slow and difficult undertaking. uOOtl I liinQS 10 tat f POm IVIcinV LandS: The House committee reported Think of such a state of .things at The bst Flour' made of wlieat, Canned and Cured Meats ftom many favorably a bill pensioning Gen. tne end of the nineteenth century, pens. Dried A pples and Peaches at 5c lb. Canned Tomatoes and Corn 3 cans John M. Palmer of Illinois at the ad in spite of the teaching on the for 2oc. Potatoes, Sweet and Irish, the best from many hills. Cabbage: working the convicts on the pub lie roads. - We beor to sav that subseonent 1 the 2fo facts have led us to the opinion that convicts could be worked on 3 Der cents. . issued bv President McKinley for the war nn .Qn tne puDiic roaas at tne same or ' i .JLui 1 j redeemable in 1004: the 4 por easily at less cost tnan iney nave cents. been maintained under fusion man- ter 'An rate ofS50a month. He is ill subject ot good roads that the .1 1 A a and without means. newspapers have given tor years , . . ' The all-cotton crop and bad roads I I aro innle rr w Inch N iihrioni ennmc 315,400 are 4 per cents., issued hv rnVilv t,V ni,l onr5 Uy jomca. Aug u sia o-iii. j x vuronicie. xio&mcut vyitjveiauu 10 maintain rfiniih in fnr his onnntrv and not u sianuaru, ana 5M'j,iyz,- 050 mqre than at the beginning of the mbnth. Of the total $100,- 000,006 are 5 per cents, and $162,- Beans: Grits; Peas, always fresh. Apples; Oranges: Lemons and Banana- The best Wafers and Crackers in town. The best fresh Butter always on hand, 15c lb. Vell, we can't tell the one hundredth part, so come and see: Yours to please, .an 760 are ticials during the past two years of fusion rule have contracted an in debtedness of about $150,000, which must be paid by the taxpayers. n 1925; the 3 per cents, af- isrust 1. urn, V - urustca. rru d ,. i : i ,.i.i I iu laiis uuiice uiivc uiicicu tt-t) . - ,, , a former lieutenant of infantry . ,. named Durand, who they charge t4' i , ,:.L; wiin l-fivpji hnor mi iriirv snrrnts to . . . 7 a foreign government. XlHg &CDCD IDS e o -n 7- r- are cockroaches, thes, niosqui. toes and such." Indianapolis Jour- II n Viz j Tlje treaty of peace negotia- ween the commissioners of ited States and Spain, at was yesterday ratified by . .V ited States Senate, the vote ted be the Ud Paris, the Ui Th,'fi .lahf cm i rc,u f , a)es t 2' nays, or one v w T I 1 1 A voie five years, formerly a well-known lawyer of Philadelphia but la'ifely ! of ColjiDgwood, N. J., comnJed suicide last night by shooting'Mni- self through the head. The Now York Herald's Wash ington correspondent says instruc tions have been sent to. Major- Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for uts, Gnoses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt itheum, Fever Srrcs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles-, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev reiunaed. Price 25 cents hap hnv rurniture D mm Mm Hi Empormm. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NV LINE OF AND NOVELTIES THAT ARE FURNITURE yP.'jj;V nihrn f linn f ho 4t. lUZ.1r. hi. i . . . , r" v iu ihu-iuuus iiiu- " v, i v cirxv4 iup CA UCUSCS hnnhr .,. x jumj iu secure sena- j " out bf the conficts on the public tonal Concurrence in a treaty doc- General tis to fo!16w up his vie- . "uicuui xuere was no applause If this is so, or if the expenses w,neh result was announced, were twice this amount, would it but mTy Senators heaved a sigh not pay better in the long run to 'IF, frm .the , chamber to give the news to the do away with State farmipg and waitinA world. Within 40 inin- have the convicts build roads. dies af er its ratification . fnri : lhere was perhaps never a time oxt the Secretary of the Senate lanVl nmw;n an;n 4.-c when good roads were as urgent aPPeareo- with ' the treaty itself cation of the peace treaty without FAMOUS which he nromnflv dftli as uuw. io ocate can anord to , 1 J . v.v4 iuw ujuuiurauuu ui us terms. . . tne reSl(lent7 hfinrl nnH irmnn. , i i. I i-v IUOU,IO iii"wio una imuuiLUUL . marrer. u ..i ill r-f i successful when Cotton Root. . -'..16"S'i naveproven worthless. 23 two-cent yl m . I nlr . urand Irunk Tasseno-er trains 7ic'-uucesuiemostSkcpt1cai of their won- . V"er , irdinS. derf ul propemes. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet. AU engineer and POStal Clerk containinff valuable information for ladies. Address were'killed in the wreck, and .sey P"?uL 1 . I Wltfl ft-tl rtir.t " . tory over the Filipinos and crush For sale by Klutu & Co., drusrsrists tne power ot Aguinaldo in the Philippines ' ' . ' A petition was sent to the Uni ted States Senate -signed by twenty-four prominent men of the coun try, including GX-PrKiflfiht f1lfiv LE CLGIR'S FRENCH REMEDY Never Filc A 1' A 1 "I w Oahint .mmhrB o. v uispaicn irom lmlay Uity, ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS North Carolina should take, the lpff thi''WMf tta,,c. Mich., says a headend collision PfIadHaaicaleator without an equal lead. She can do so. nK- Wnt. u .l occurred yesterday between two - f w v 1 W A. LliU IL I M M I 1111 I IKJ I Yoil should see, nnr ATA TT ,T7. MNTS. f Ou r PRICES ' AR' JGaGHT.9 MUSI i , ig in all its Features. G. W. WRTOHT UndertaMi mit that now is a good time to UrWty start the movement. urn ph. hnd spoke it as a great tri- Favorable reports were made yesterday by the House committee on a public building for Elizabeth City, Winston and Durham, each to cost $50,000. The Buy Our eral persons were iniiired. The tipots on a man's reputation cars are badly wrecked and trav- iloks -apout ten times larger to el was blocked. others .than to himself. with trial package. For SaU in Salisbury by Jos Plummer MessengerSlioes Part of the shaft of the Con . . iederate ram Merrimac will be used in the construction of a mon ument to Admiral Franklin Bu Chanan, at Baltimore. Senator Vest, of Missouri, who has been in feeble health for some time, suffering from bright's disease, is reported to be in a crit ical condition and likely to die at at any moment. ot. rierre, in the island of Martinque, W. I., comes the sur prising report that eleven Spanish warships, which seem in some way to have escaped the singing fever which prevailed last summer, are in rendezvous there. They are being overhauled and 'coaled, pre paratory to sailing for Spain. 1842. Telegrams from Mingo Junction W. Va. , state that a skiif ' loaded with nitro-glyCerine has broken away from the Acme 'orpedo Company's wharf and is going down the river with the ice. A 1899. Mr. S: A. Fackler, editor of the Micaddpy, Fla., Hustler, with his wiie arid children, suffered Wri bly from La Grinne. lough ICure was the only remedy close watch has been kept for it.all that helped them It acted quick- day. The skiff has not been sirht- nrl ifd? unc .aZ-KJ oeen warned. "v il ""Moiiug aLer tJiieciS. James Plummer. Horrible aeronv is miisfiH hv a . ml - . "7 They are the Best Boys' Made. Sing Their Own Praise. But it has taken over 50 years to bring the ST1EFF PIANO to its' present periection. Hunrlrprlc ooiir Piles. Burns nnrl Skin ro no factories have sprung -up like bare dancrprmic iimna Thpsft QTfl immArlinfoK, ' u5 musrooms, whose promoters have no the health. -fw y-A and duicklv cured bv H- VVitfJ criuu 01 inequality.- Theseare ,4. f , JL itXi oi -J ,TW ' ' me pianos retaildenlers nnb for ,OUR MESSENGER SHOE ' , . TRADE, W. i? button and $2.00 per pair. 3 , ? ! s Jut the pneo is low-only . 10, t? win save you money. 0.1 & H.H. ;Thes troubles lead ranidlv tn V itch liazel halve. Beware of ntion A Wtio rir. vvorthless imitations. Jamfis Plummer. throat Consum ntion. A Koffi r.n I I - ""Uiiu VUD iviinutd (Jouffh Curp. hspy! nL fti . tJ mww- WIT" lA-AXS ribt time Will nrpcavxrn IT -P health and a large amount of money dren li ke it. S La Grippe is again enidemic. Pleasant to take; chil- Every precaution should be taken to avoia it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sl-ioi-orv? PnklloUnM ! A ' r ll 1 IJILILT imiirp.s nni inflo , j T., luuauico ouuiuai uuu i auvei user, JtLiden ngs. Une Minute Cno-h Afo.- snvs- "Wn nno k .. , , r- f 7 "J ' " ""v i ah i;o uto- oosens tho nniri irn coughg and heals quickly. The dough Cure for La 'Grippe " fetmfehcUreforchi,dren- Je Plealant to take, quick (STc't. To All Bread Eaters iCoii sore li Cure can sell them at almost any price and make big profits. i j From the raw material ! to. the fin ished state, it requires six years to pro- perfect instrument and costs; no more L:n?mi? A"Sust 22. 1S98, than these "mushroom" n!:inna oC ? VA1A 311 - A- X U is sold direct from factory. Phones 196 and 238. Fine tuning. Chas. VX. Stiefl, Piano Manufacturer. CHARLOTTE BRANCH- Wareroom. 213 H". Trvnn St.. Klondyke - Saloon 5 50 Loaves Bread for Si until further notice. Look out for wagon, or call and sret voiir tiMrtu early and avoid the rush. Kespectfully, T. L. SWINE. IE 3 FOR PURE IS BRAKDIE S ' OLD N. C. WWskev A SPECIALTY. v D. L. AREY, - Prop COUNCIL STREET. Corn A . Ji; wiMUTii, Manager. The Daily Sun one week 10 cents.

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