v r r. . y TfiRGVOS CQLLECnOIl en best pur? BREAD, SO Loam for Sl.co at T. Ik swxxnrs FOR , CAKES of all kinds, fresh baked call on T. L. SWINK VOL. V. NO. 5. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY, EYENING, MARCH ,6, 1899. 10 Cents Per T7eet SUNDAY MORNING STORM. IN MAYOR'S COTIRT. A GRAFHOPHONE GRANl), LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. IN THE LEGISLATURE. NORTH STATE ITEMS. A Roof Lifted Many Persons Fright Gold Watch Stolen But Recovered- One Received by Mr. E. W. Burt for a. Concert Company. Avems ricjsea up Dy ine reporter on some Matters of Interests to the Happenings of : the CommcnTrealth enea isy uara wmas. ; oeverai uases xc-aay. his uany Jiouna. ; ; " . People of Rowan. : Briefly Tola: . . - ; - vi :.. .-.- . v i s " -I- - ;.. .... : - ... V '-'J ' " . ' - -".-J ' ; : '. : , . - '"i 1'' r j , - ' . ' t . r . ' y (..- : i ; ' . i . . ! T , - . .:. !. . I - ' i - . " . t: ... . ' " . 1 t . r ' ! . . ' . -- - - - 1 -' j i " " ' - " " ' -."i ) "' ' . t. ij About 2 o'clock Sunday morning A number of offenders occupied a storm struck "Salisbury, find seats within the railing at the city many citizens were awakened by hall this morning, at the 9 o'clock the shaking of their houses and session of court. j E. W. Burt, agent for tle Col li m bia : Phonograph Co. at : this place, has just received one- of the new Graphophone Grands, which he ordered in advance for a con- The county commissioners held In the Senate Saturday a bill Sheriff Fleming, the new Dcm-' their regular monthly session to- passed to v incorporate the ocratic sheriff of Granville, will be the noise occasioned by the heavy Two white men, one a former winds. , soldier, were sent to the roads for cert company that will appear in Many expected their houses to thirty days.; They had been ar- Salisbury soon. go over at any minute ana some rested as no ooes, navmg oeaten xms macnine is trie crowning were badly frightened, but no their way here on the vestibule. wonder of a century of maryelous dwelling house in this part of the One man, who was charged with inventions. country was blown down. Dome disorderly conduct at a damage was done, however. the country, was held Sirs. John A. Murphy is very lwitb nervous ' prostration and Six car loads of chickens- came down the Western road yesterday North. Salisbury Savings Bank. The bill to provide for tho man ner Of registration of- voters. - in municipal elections passed its third reading. ; f- ; ' - y" : " The nomination of railroad com- going house in It has a eiant's voice but not a until 2 giant's body. It is the key that Nearly all of the roof of the o'clock, there also being a charge opens the gates of melody. The Make a specialty. Salisbury Koller Mill was taken on of drunk in town against him. eloquence of the eratpr; the quaint and portions of it were carried The disd some distance. - . ; A portion of the wall of the Central hotel, above the roof, was blown off. ' over, to a magistrate s court. A third man was i given his the march: the interlude: the in- choice of paying $7.25 or going to strumental solo all come at bid- the roads. He was charged with ding full-toned and real' It ren- a cyclonic rate for some time. Three Meeting Continues. The meeting at the Baptist church continues, services being conducted at 3 and 7:45 p. m., the rderly conduct case goes sayings of the comedian ; the song that one loves to hear; the waltz; inducted into office to-day. -The Southern Success and Adver tiser, a weekly paper published in this ljyvhas suspended, it is un- derstootl.Cbarlotte News. . ' . - missioners was rone into.Senator - "H" .xuiuouy at. a mm Der Justice nominated Frank McNeill, miH ?eiir race Church, Lincoln Go to Burt's for hnrrmn. in I of Wilrmnrrtnn nnrl TV Mnrrom county, got his foot caught in the children's shoes Burt's Own of Macon coiiiit.v' who were elec- machincry anil was being carried ted as commissioners by the , Sen- to the saw, which w f JM. ,11. VV UKlnIn ' Vinn UMlfrhf I lVi . - , - ' . ' V 1 -f ",ovi the 'Peacock: store at Craven The bill will continue the business at hood issiie lo pay the penitentiary 'I -- " . . .i.t '. "i - ji ? i -i - ' - - ' - ueut passcti luira reading.: -The bill to provide $10,000 as appropriation for the sewerage as in lull mo- effort he saved 111 - i a lo-provide $110;000 Dls iouy,.mu part of his leg was 10 old stand. The six-month-old child of Mr. The wind continued blowing at being dijink and disorderly. j ; dors,' with alj volume and quality an(l Mr Frank Leonard died yes- system and " water-works' at: the little colored boys were of tho original, the music of nil terday. It was buried to-day in $50 instruments, and the fine melody c oausuury cemetery. The Book Club will meet with Mrs. William C. Blackmer, Tues- 9 years or in the fabled achievements of day, March 7th, 1891). The hour, oound over to court eacn in a bond for stealing and I:-- a stolen watch. Arthur Walker, about old, stole a fine gold watch be- the receiving! of the voice. What' is there in the marvels of modern science, magicians of old " that will same nours tnat were observed ia,j"i,j& r 1- u. j.uiuw, uuu uuuimiu nm &ucu au iusu uuibui last week. : sold it ior nve cents to Baxter as a pleasure maker 5 It is ;tu Yftst Arrlftv Dr Daw t'oib A(i to Smith, dn older boy and ho sold it 0 the Sunday school in the morning, 3:30 p. m. The author, Tho can. preached at 11 o'clock ami at night, and conducted a men's meeting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. All the services were well attended. At the morning and evening services several persons expressed the desire to be baptized and join the Baptist church. They were received by the church as candi dates, r real living sound. for a small sum to Forney Peter son, a still older boy. The caseuwas worked! up and the ! arrests made by Policeman Eagle and Deputy Sheriff Monroe. The watch was recovered, i Wife and Furniture Gonei Jr .- . - I Last week while Tom Eller,wbo lives near Trading Ford, was out in the field working a man Personal. T. J. W. Brown left Saturday, for his home in East Durham. J. A. Trexler and son, Bruce, returned to Old Fort this morn- ' " C ' H C . r sir i I ivir. iuorgan unmn- was taken poration commission came over to -.Morgan ton this morning jlo.be from the Senate, with amend placed in the State hospital. lie ments, making the railrad coin was accompanied by Mr. Henry mission expire April 4th' and the Monroe. - corporation commission take office a nni u' u uL on April 5th. These amendments received and is now at tho store Jarcerated and thejice! '-f ? 'ip fast ened foot was sawed smoothly off. A negro nanicd Jim Young was killed in Greensboro about 12 o'clock Saturday by the north State University - came up as a bound vestibule train. Haywas special order r The "bill was finally standing on the trestle, "which withdrawn. - ' : crosses the C -F. & W V. road. THE HOUSE. - i.n engine passing umier iuu nes;- ' - r it- ' t e i i : Bills repealing the railroad com- ue UP VC?!!1IUS01 smoive anu mission and establishing' the cor-luo 1 ro was unaoie to see or hearn.he vestiUule coming. He was knocked about ten feet and was dead when found. kf the Burt Shoe Co. If is a $300 instrument and the records are $5 each. ;- -:v::i:: -v-'-:;;- V Mr. W. A. K. Sloop,' of China Mrs. W. T. Pinkston, who has j Grove, sends us two new subscri- named been visiting Mrs. D. M. Brown, bers for the Weekly and concludes - The s'nbifict of the Bible service Travis Tinnet came and took TVfrs. returned to China Grove todav. his letter thus: t4I think the SdN this afternoon is, "Shall we know Eller and a good deal of the fur- T P ; , T , a . th each other in Heaven." niture away. Chartered a Train. Mr. Webb, of New Jersey, ar rived in Salisbury yesterday morn- th- So a neighbor tells dea, haye one Albemarle hei.0 a big sale of horses hikes place to- best cou nty paper I have us. Wheri found h He heard where the wife was and Mr. Eller came home he s wife and furniture gone. is the 'ever seen. ' Mr. T. M Rice has received a morrow. ''Wednesday the body of a youngs mulatto - wuman named Mary Eliza Blue was found in Mcjlvay's creek were concurred in. v about fifteen miles from Fayette- " The House at 2:20 took up: Imf ville with a shawl tied around tho election of two railroad cohamis- head, the skull of which had been sioners." Mr. Itountree nominated split open with some blunt instru Frank McNeill to succeed Major ment. Life had been extinct sev Wilson, and Samuel L. Rogers to eral days. The girl, "who lived succeedS. Otho Wilson. These with a jnan named Jesse Ray, a were elected. . . . well to do farmer, disappeared The Congressional district bill Monday,: and the finding of her came up.,; It repeals chapter 307, body was. the result of several acts,1897, and transfers Catawba, days' search. Suspicion is attached Cleveland, Gaston and Mitchell to Ray, who, it is aid, has himself. to the eighth district, and Davie I disappeared. Fayettevillo Obser- mg en learning that Western 11 would not leave until 2 o'clock on account of the vestibule's delay, he, char tered a train to take him to States ville. ' have no his visit t heard what the result of spend a few days with Mr. Banks. A Fall. Mr. Webb, we understand, was ty ; feet yesterday. -He! was on the the Salisbury roller mill Miss .Maud Brown, who had been here with Miss Marv Bern- Mr. T. B. Enniss fell about twen- hardt, returned to Concord this the going to drive to a point , 25 mileb top of out lrom Statesyille, and was anx- arranging a piece of tin to protect ious to make -the trip vesterdav some wheat, the roof of the mill afternoon. measuring 3 feel at Jack- Wild Alligator Killed. An alligator 5 inches is on exhibition son's beef market. It was killed by several bos Saturday afternoon in a small lake near Towncreek, belpw-.the hosi ery mill. It is thought that the alligator escaped when much smaller from bruised sample of the history of the Span f ish-American war by tienrv vv at- and xadKin to tne seventn ois- vcr. Mr. Sam Levy, rof r Statesville, f terson. Mr. Rice is agent lor tricti 7 Ovefmansent upan -' " I - : -. . I i , " i , . .T I ' . . . , t m I . , I - , - - I 1U tUD 1 C V CiiUC iMsL U V LllU i-t . . -v ' I r-r Sn tni(1o ,t nrant- f csr htnit VV e I fllTl VOf l 1 X tho ft TXT lTOctarriav in I .1 i vi' i 1 11 1 1 I "1 "j. a i a. - a. J -I ' route to statesville. uii ruttlu "cul w MW ,,f.-v""v- fc " V"J jj w tnis yainaoie.DooK ana nas aireauy amenumeiit io singe out uauiwua.- ieff;siatUre' the -merchants purchase L. was. morning. some wheat, having beentaken off Jbyj wind, when he fell tjo the floor of the top story, about twenty feet. He was badly a Posftion elsewhere. J John O. Benson, vho has been running a flour mill at . Conover, came" down last night and will spend a while here, before taking sold a number; V Mr. J. R. Mault, of the Spen cer shops, succeeded Mr. J . D. Ilarnesberger, as a-. roreman in car department, when the latter left for Atlanta recently. Mr. Mault is, a Salisbury .boy and has been with the Southern for some time. - I This was adopted. Mr. 'Hampton, Republican, said he opposed the bill because it made his district (the eighth) Republican. Mr. Council said he wanted Catawba left as it was in the bill. Mr. Pritchard. Republican, said that no matter what district Mitchell tax was repealed and in its stead a graduated tax enacted as follows: On capital of $500 or less $1: on more than $500 and less than $1000, $1.50; on $1000 and less than $2, 000, $2; on $2000 and less than $3000, $2.50; on $3000 and less than $1000. $3 : on $1000 and less was put in that' district would than 5000, $3.50; on $5000 and but no bones were broken. He is unable to leave his bed ' to day. Mean Negro Killed. ohenff Monroe was i 1 1 - yesterday by Officer Greensboro, that Char informed Scott, ; of ie Brown, : Capt. JViir, Haynes, formerly with the Sonthern at Spencer, but who was recently given a place' at Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Gowan, of Roanoke, Va., has accepted a po- Raleigb, spent yesterday here, and sition as night yard master at returned home this morning. This Lynchburg, Va., and has taken up was the first visit to Salisbury the work. Ho remninp,! ftf TCna- Since tneir marriage. . , nnko nnlv thrnn' rlavs TTpt Republican. The bill, as amend- - ed, then passed its readings. New Ads. Will R. Bean sells Rambler bi cyles. See his ad in this paper. Smoot Brothers & Rogers, colored ! who was killed recently Hill, this afternoon to place some spent clothiersy have a Saturdav hij?ht with his famil v ment. in this paper. ivir. vnarne readies went down hm.ft an'i returned txi Lvnehbur to the Newmans mines, near Gold on No.q Vesterd:iv - new advertise- some one about here and had since by another negro named Cotten, of the machinery in the mines. lakes near was the same negro who threatened He will probably be gone several Sheriff Monroe's life several vears weeks. , . ... .. i . , . ..i t made its home in the the creek. Temperance Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Rowan County Temperance Asso ciation to-morrow night at 7:30 in tho Sunday school room of the Church Street Methodist church. aii irienas oi temperance -a-.e earnestly requested to be on hand. M"atters of importance are to be discussed. D. P. Tate, Sec. ago, and to whom the sheriff ad ministered a severe chastisement. Quarterly Conference. j The quarterly conference of the I York takin Church Street Methodist Church held in the Sunday: school will be room tonight at 7:30. ... . i . All n present We have exclusive sale of Knox hats, Hamilton Carhartt, Sweet FOR the twd The . Salisbury Sun is two years old. A good paper. Here's hoping it may never set. Dur- Dr. J. B. Gaither, of China ham Sun. Grove, has returned home after an absence of six weeks. Ho had! Read our ad changed in to-day's been at Richmond, Va.; and New paper. It will amply repay you. a post graduate -moot tiros. itogers. course. Married couple wanted to room and board. Apply at I. Lichtenstein is preparing for spring goods. Read his new ad vertisement in the Sun. Harry Brothers are making a specialty of corsets this week. See their ad in this paper. I The Economy Clothing Store has a new and interesting ad in to day's Sun. You should read it. less than $6000, $1; on $6000 and less than $7000, $1.50; on $700o" and less than $8000, $5; on $8000 and less than $9000, $5.50;- on $9,- 000 and less than $10,000, $6; on $10,000 and less than $15,000, $9; on $15,000 and less than $20,000, $13; on $20,000 and less than $25, 000, $18; on $25,000 and less than $30,000, $23; on $30,000 and less than $35,000, $29; on $35,000 and less than $10,000, $36,and so on to $150,000 capital stock, which is taxed $250. embers are urged to be SALE: I offer for sale opera house. story brick residence on Opera house, Thursday, night, Hank and Long streets. "My Uncle from Japan." Thurs- T, t A L v . - t :u. It is a treat to look through ou J f rt L luo children's suit department. Our sales on iuvenile merchandise are You'll be so delighted with one of our new Knox hats that you'll A i X . . II- corner aimosi want 10 pay jlui it uu spot. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Attention Salisbury Lodge 24, K. of P. It is the wish of the officers of the lodge that all of the charter members attend our meeting Tues- hday night as we desire to' have a charter member's reunion "and a good time John P. Weber, C. C. New Percales in to-day. lina Racket. Caro- Inniss street, where If now live; Or r and Brotherhood overalls, the twd story 9 -room frame build Peaser's famous collars and cuffs and other exclusive things. Smool Bros. & Rogers. ,i mg Ladies Wait for the grand millinery opening at the New De partment Store. All the latest. V Mrs. Geo. Fink. Indestructible bicycle hose will last the boys. You get them at the Carolina Rapket. $200 to loan on security. Ad dressy Boxj 219, Salisbury, N. C. For Rent: -room brick house, corner Fulton and Fisher streets. Apply to I). L. Gaskill. ( already heavy.-Smoot Bros. - & Hot weiner at Jackson's to-day. Don't fail to read our big ad changed in this paper to-day. You'll get a good laugh out of it and make money besides. Smoot Bros. & Rogers. . next door to mvi residence. Both of these buildings are in good condition and vervdesirable D. M. Miller, adminstrator of A. D." Shuping, has a notice another column. Rogers. in store- J.O. Two More Arrests C. A. Shuman; and G. F. Loper were interest in lots, also oner my house- and, lot on Inniss street, near puDiicr square, tormerlv the residence of the late B. Any person desiring a would do well to see me at once. I can at "6 cts For Rent. The brick . u ivf room uow V'n,"l-V" arrested on suspicion, of doing the 3!OW?'if- S?U- best work in Silisbury al theIow- F. Fraley. good home Look out for "My Uncle fromv Japan." He will keep you mov- w. c. Fraley. If you have a cough, throat ir ritation, weak lungs, pain i in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One est prices, at C. A. bhuman s cab inet shop. New Department Store Will open about March 15, '99. Brand furnish good corn fed pork we Sell them. Smoot Bros. & liaoie auu l" ' AV ' Hats, Caps, Shoes. ; General line or notions, occ. v ail, on our prices you can afford to pay, Geo. A. Fink. Wfl rlnn't Wrnl,ifr1rAn' nlote Minute.Cough Cure. Always re- - . .. - . omI nn In Boarders Wanted East Salis bury, corner Long and Cemetery Sts., convenient to railroad. W. B. Wood. Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. Peo ple have learned the value of. One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops coughing. James Plummer. ler lb. M. L. Bean. R6grs. NO CURE NO PAY That Is the wa TASTELESS rav an aru CHILL T ists sell GROVE'S IO for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simtly Iron and Ch: Quinine in a tasteless form it. Adults p; 3fer it to bitter, xuuics. ir rice av ceniv lldren love nauseating THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS Cnd fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless aHiLL Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless Imitations?! Price 50 cents. Your money, back if it fails to cure. - "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. James Plummer. .. i TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take - Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25 cents, - - ' , r or a quicK remedy ana one that is perfectly safe for children let ns recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and' coughs. James Plummer.