r . O ' y Zj. ryi GET EES! pLIT? BREAD, SO Loaves for B.oo at T. L. SWINE'S FOR'' CAKES of all kinds, fresh baked call on T. L. SWINK VOL. V. NO. 21. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1899. lO Cents Per Week NEW BUILDINGS. Mr. J. W. Kesler to Build Five More Houses Other Buildings. Mr. Jos. W. Kesler is to build five more houses on his lots in the east ward. The contract' has been given Contractor Lefler. This gentleman has just finished two houses for Mr. Kesler. Mr. Charlie File has given Mr. Lefler the contract to build a house for him' on Chestnut Hill. Contractor McCanless began work this morning on the newj residence of F roi. J. A. Graham, on North Main street. - Brick has been, hauled for the foundation of two houses to be erected by Mr 'T: P. Johnston be tween North" Main and Lee street. The South Yadkin's Rage.- " The following is from Capt. Jack Lindsay, South River. I drop you this to inform you and friends that we are still in the land of the living and not washed away. .1 wrote you before of the hail and the rain; well it was equally as severe Saturday night as then but no hail. The river rose all day Sunday-six inches per hour and Monday until 3 p. m., 4 inches per hour. It reached the same notch in the mill house-exactly as it did in Au gust 1889, two feet, seven inches. It has been higher only once since the present mill has been built. That was in '77 or '78. The mill is alright as far as we know after a good scouring. Our lumber and gunnels for the new flat started but we were for tunate in getting them tied to trees and saved them all right. Telephone News. In the" ensuing two weeks work will be begun by the Salisbury Telephone Co., on their exchange with the view, of ; perfecting the service and giving our people as good, if not better service than that enjoyed by even larger towns than ours. A new and improved switchboard will be put in the loug-rpdi stanccr 1 ines, f es pgeiaily those to Charlotte and Winston, will be put in first class working order, and new out-of-town lines will be built. The aim of the management is to give our people the very best service. Reduced Rates. On account of the annual re union of United Confederate veterans, at Charleston, S. C on May 10-13, the Southern will of fer greatly reduced rates. The rate has not yet been an nounced but it will certainly be very lowv ... Those desiring to go will please make it known , so that extra ac commodations may be had. A School Entertainment. Miss Bessie Freeman's pupils will give an entertainment in the old Methodist chapel, at Spencer, where Miss Freeman has been teaching school, Friday night. The exercises will consist of recitations, dialogues, .etc. The object of the occasion is to raise money to pur chase desks for the school. A'fee of 25 cents will be charged. Service Postponed. The service announced to be held by Rev. Geo. H. Cox at Chest nut Hill, next Sunday afternoon, has been called in on account of a service to be conducted, by Dr. Tracy at the same hour. New Advertisements- ' A. M. Basinger Wood yard. Capudine Cures headache. Lichtenstein & Teiser Groce ries. The Brown Clothing Co. Carolina Racket. ; c - j John A. Murphy-Stove re pairer. Latest style Sailors at Mrs. John A. Murphy's. New Percales in to-day. Caro lina Racket. f For Rent. -The brick store room nOw occupied by Mr. J. C. R. Browne Jr., adjoining the Bell block. Apply to Henry Horah. , Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. Peo ple have learnedthe value of One Minute Cough Our e and use it tor severe lung and throat trouh It immediately - stops coug It never fails. James Plummer. T VOTEBS' COLUMN. Tickets Sugges led and Matters of In- teres mscussea. MUNICIPAL,. What's the matter with this ticket ? i Better it w ho can ! . Mayor Hon. Kerr Craige. ' North i Ward D. " A. Atwell, M. A.. Shank. . ' s' East Ward-TJ. M. Peacock, G. W. Whitlock South .Ware K. L. Shaver, A. W. Winecoff. j Vx West Ward -W. B. Smoot, O. D Davis. '. ' - ' This ticket epresents true and tried Democn cy, material wealth, energy, impartiality, municipal en terprise and sterling principles in fact many elements to insure successful municipal government. We believe no stronger ticket can be nominated; and as our town, bright with promise if the oppor tunity is seized, must develop to meet the demands of the times. we are ready men above to risk the gentle- mentioned. Let us concentrate qn i them, and elect them I Progressive Citizen. APPEAL. FOR GOOD MEN. I see no objection in rotation, when we select town officers. But Christian men, members of the church, j fried ds of temperance. why not try and select men for various offices WHO are in sym pa temperance move thy with our ment regardless of whether they are now in office or not. While it's true this is no : a prohibition elec true when we elect tion, it is also anti-temperan se men wo cannot expect their j support when the time conies. But rather to the contrary. Brethren, friends, -Abe devil says, "Prohibition does not prohibit," and he is not far wrong, when men in office are on his side to help carry lils points. Let" us be wise, j Can we not foresee the eyiU God hel r us to see it and di rect our minus, in selecting, our men for then coming municipal election.? May they be intelligent Christian nier (who are fearless as regard to du yv men who love young maribo xl, whartriirsytn patby with th 3 widow and orphan. Tnese are the kind of men who can lay the foundation for pros perity. I Then our sons and daugh ters, who are to soon till our places, will r call us blessed ior having retuovted a curse, tnat aw- ful curse the iquor traffic. ' - Voter. ROTATION IN OFFICE. , Mr. Editor:- j-I wish to take up a few lines of your' valuable paper, in answer to the article that ap peared in same lasjt Saturday, the 18th, signed, "a Voter and Tax- office." I doh't wish to discuss the Mayoralty question as advanced by the writer, but wish to come to the Tax Collector part of his article. He says that 'Rotation in Oflice," is one of the "principles of De mocracy ."It may to the writer's mind eye, but not to ours. We grant that tho last County Demo cratic Convection declared that we make achangein the county officers next time. But as we understand it, the city has .never taken any such steps. We can't see the ad vantage of malting a change in the tax col 1 ector's office, as the pres ent incumbent,, Mr. George H. Shaver,! has always been a compe tent and reliable officer, affable, kind and obli ?ing to all and has always been : ound in the foremost ranks of De nocracy. We: have nothing personally against Mr. Brown, the a spirant for the . office, as we believe him tobe a man of untarnished character and good report among his fellow men, but we don't see the necessity: of a change just because a man wishes to try his - hand at the job, when we have already. a true, tried and capable office r, one well deserving our support, j As Salisbury is now j ust about to push herself " to the front and keep stride with her sis ter cities in the march of progress, a sure way to success is to have good, experienced officers, and ' we think that M . onaver as our tax I well know how to collector wi push'our citv to the front. Let the citizens the im us. urge upon portance of riot making a change inst vet. vv e ieei assurea tnat after youhav e carefully considered the matter t pat you will unanii mously give Mr. Shaver your sup port in the coming primaries. f RUDENTJA PINE RAEJ tJDICI A. p-tqdate Millinery at Mrs. A: Mu I 1 donn phy's. LECTURE LAST NIGHT. The Mississippi of Intemperance and 7 Its Tributaries. The Mississippi of Intemperance and some of its tributaries was the subject of the illustrated lecture by Dr. Tracy last night. - The scenes of this lecture were prefaced with scenes of Cuba and the Battleship Maine. v The lecture was illustrated with a hundred scenes, some of them very real. H The headwaters of the stream, Appetite, and some of the tributa ries, including Treat creek, Tobac co river,' Wine lake, Whiskey river, Blood river and others were discussed and scenes on them were vividly depicted. To-night the tributary Beer riv er will j be touched upon. The subject will be VThe effect' alcohol has upon the human system." This afternoon a woman's meet ing is being -held in the opera house, v X .vi'ji ' Railroad Notes. Quite a subscription list was gotten up at Spencer Tuesday among the employes of the shop for the benefit of Mrs. Norris, whose husband died recentl j. An engine on the Western road is equipped with an electric head light, j The new clepot and shed here will be used after the 1st of April. . Engineer John Hatley is in the city. He lias recently been run ning a switch engine at Pinners Point. v ; From Cleveland. i - , . 1 The children of Mr. Pleas Bar ber have returned to school after spending several days at home. While they were fiere a party was given. It was attended by a num ber of young-friends who spent an evening of much enjoyment. Mr. RfM. Rosebro is soon to build a nice residence. His old house is to be moved back. Mr. B. j A. Knox is having two houses built.. Mr. A' R. Wat son. trf-f3altsinrry; ;isr thereon tractor Nothing From Injured Son. . Mr. C. F. Atwell heard nothing from the message he ! sent vester ilay asking for particulars of his soil's injury in Louisiana, lie sent sxnother message this morning to Cam pti where "Ol" was working, but heard tater that the message could not reach that place,on ac count of the wires being down. So Mr: Atwell has heard no nioro about the matter than the simple announcement of the stab bing. Hypnotists to Lexington. The company of local hypnotists left this s morning for Lexington where they give performances to night, tormorrow night and Sat urday night: The boys do some wonderful things in the" way of hypnotizing and they feel confi dent of a degree of success on the road. ) The graphbphone grand will have a place on the program of this company. r Marriages. March 15th, 1890, by Rev. II. A. Trexler, Mr. Cletus L., Rary and Miss Minnie Kmcaid. . March 22nd, 1899, by Rev. H. A. Trexler, Mr. Robert A. Webb and Miss Mary J; Llliott. Just received by express this morning pretty line Fancy Hats and- Sailors.: Also one of the prettiest lines of Infants Caps, Side . Combs and other pretty things at Mrs B. D. Hurley's, the Jbisher St. Milliner. ; Those new black dress goods are su re beauties, at Harry Bros. ! A fresh batch of Weiner and All Pork Sausage at Jackson's to day. : - . .- - : . ' ' Don't buy your Easter millinery until you see the Great Display which the i air will have. A bargain in a 100 horse power boiler. Address C. L .Nussman, Salisbury,- N. C. - Fresh ! smoked Ox ' Tongue .at Jackson's today. Try thern j If you have a cough, throat ir ritation, .weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us , suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Always re liable and safe. James Plummer. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Items Picked Up hy the Reporter on 411s uaiiy xiouna. f Weather forecast: Fair, j colder to-night. Fair Friday. Mr., George Seyffert, of tbe hosiery mill, is kept at home by sickness. r Shoe buyers who want the value of their money usually trade with us. Bnrt Shoe Co. Three small cases were disposed of at the city court this morning. About 9 was taken in. , Messrs. Nicolson & Seay, plum bers, will soon open a branch es tablishment at Statesvilje. Works of art at matter of fact prices. .. Our $8.50 line of men's fine slides. Burt Shoe Co. Master Robert Black well is quite sick with meningitis. He is reported some better to-day, how ever. . Miss Ellenore Howard is still in a critical ponditioiTas a result of the stroke of paralysis she received sometime since. The oortion of the wall of the Central hotel which was blown off by wfnd a couple of weeks ago, has been replaced. The Juvenile Book Club will meet witlvJSliss Rosa Holmes on Friday ening at 3:i30 o'clock. Author, Robert Louis Stevenson. The Brown Clothing Company have a new ad in this paper. They call attention to their new spring goods,-the newest of the new. Mr. Scot Trott yesterday pur chased the restaurant etc., of Mr. J . T. Blair, in Southern City. Mr. Blair will open a grocery ' store some time soon in that place. The covered bridge on Inniss street across the railroad is being whitewashed. Citizens living be yond there and who expected a new bridge are wondering if the bridge will resemble a ,new one when the whitewash is all on. Dne!LJ5?5am.s!f bcat. mg trains. : This " prbvides tfiaf any persoi trying tj-iati..ifii n.m- on irams may ue ariesieu 101 a, misclcmeanor, not only in tue county in which he is caught, but in any otner county oi ine.puiL through which the railroad rutfs. Mr. Phifer Dead. We regret very much to learn of the.4eath of M r. M. B. Phifer, which occurred at the residence of his father,. M r. M. L. Phifer, at Omega , Ro w an co u n ty , 1 ast Friday, March 17. Mr. Phifer was for several years an employe at the depot here and also at the store of Mr. D. P. Day vault. Fie was a most excellent young gentleman, and a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. He was about 27 years old, andf or several years had been in declining health. Mr. Phifer had many friends here andw everywhere he was known Concord Times. To Deliver Literary Address. Congressman? Theo. F. Kfuttz, of Salisbury, has accepted an in vitation to deliver the literary ad dress at Denton ,jfligh School com mencement on Tuesday, May 23, 1899. The Dispatch congratulates Prof. Stone on securing the services of Mr. Kluttz. As" a public speaker he has few equals and no superiors in JNortn Caro lina. Lexington Dispatch.:, Capudine. ; " ' Is-the new headache remedj now being advertised in this place and all other towns. Mr. rock er, renresenting it. savs all he asks is a trial and it will do the rest. F'oit iSALE Cheap: 20 car loads fine lumber, sawed to order, pine, poplarv oak, h ickory, gu m , wal nut or ask. Cal on Geo, Fink or J. M. Peacock. Lumber deliver ed to any part of the city. Same party has, 20,000 old brick for sale. . . Lost Yesterday, a lady's green silver mounted pocket-book, con taming about 4.80. Return to Mrs. J. CMcCanless. -' ' . The Fair will be a credit to Salisbury. ? NO CURE-NO PAY That. Is tYa waw nU rti-ncrfristssell GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It Is simply Iron and 4t. , Adults pi iter it to bitter, nauseating ionics, trice ow cems. - . Personal. ' v . Mis. Clemence, of Rockwell, is visiting her brother, John M. Bra dy. .: ... w..;. .-, - . C. A Armstrong, clerk of court of Montgomery county, was here to-day. : Mrs. W. J. Martin, who had b een visiting at Dr. Rum pie's, returned to Davidson this morn ing. Mr. J, C. Lee, of Concord, is visiting? his brother, Mr. R. B. Lee, near Spencer. Mr. W W. Reed, house mover, of Charlotte is here moving the P. W. 13 rown house for Contrac tor Moore, v Frank R. .Rrown has returned from northern markets where he purchased a stock of goods for the Carolina Racket store. Miss Josie Craige, whr has been with her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Allison, for some time, will return to her home in Salisbury the last of this week. Concord Times. M. S. Hoffman went to Gold Hill yesterday to accept a position as engineer at the Newman copper mine. A number of Salisbury men are now connected with this mine. Mr. J. F. Rouknjght,1 for some time an employe at the Southern's shops here, and family, arrived in the city Tuesday. Mrs. " Boukr night aud child were cn route for Atlanta on a visit. Mr. Bouknight has a position in the South'ern's shops at Ashcville. He returned to Asheville yesterday. Dr. Brooks Book. ; The first edition of 1,000 copies of Dr. Brooks' book, 4Scriptural SanctiticationV-is about exhausted, and a second edition has been or dered. 5 ' Painting. , Mr. J. W. Kesler is having his new houses painted. The now freight depot of the Southern is being painted. Fayettevillo ougwo. . jri, ?rrWmtraT7igerir the ooutn- ern Express Company, has j ust returned from a trip to Mt. Airy, where he has been making ar rangements for the shipping of produce to Cuba. In consequence of his efforts for the past several days, the express car ironi Mt.. Airy on the A. & Y. has con tained eggs, butter, etc., billed through to Havana. - The Charlotte Machine Com pany, one of the leading South ern mill, machinery and construc tion houses has gone into volun tary liquidation. , This step was taken on account of the suicide of the principal stockholder, Capt. TT O "II 1 T i. short time ago. The Saco & Pet tie Machine Company has bought the equipment of the company and will establish . a Southern branch in Charlotte. " The executive committee of the North Carolina Bar association is called to meet in Raleigh in the Supreme court library at 11:30 o'clock on Saturday, March 25tb, to select a place and speakers for the annual meeting. Lither. AsheT ville or Morehead will be chosen. j A rubber tire factory will short ly begin operations at Wilming ton. Rubber tires will be manu factured for bicycle? and all kinds of vehicles. This is a new indus try for our State. The largest and most beautiful selection of Flowers in the. city at Mrs. John A. Murphy's; V You wilt be able to select your Faster hat from 500 models when the Fair opens. Be sure to' see those .new linens for shirt waists, at" Harry Bros. JAS. D. WADE. , " t "Dealer in . lish and oysters Fish dressed and delivered at any hour, and satisfaction guaranteed. The only house in town that gets fresh fish every night'. Your patronage solicited. Next door below Climax Barber shop. - " r, 7 , : r t : .', , 1 For a quick remedy and one that is perfeptly safe for children let us recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling, in the throat and coughs. - James Plum mer..' '. " NORTH St ATE ITEMS. appenings of the Commonwealth uneny AOia. The Enquirer says that the ar tesian well is furnishing Monroe with good, pure water. The Vigilancia has been desig nated to bring tbe First North Carolina regiment home from Cuba. Roxboro will vote March 27th Qn a proposition to issue bonds for water works and other improve ments. V " v The J unior clas reception of Mont : Amcena , Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, will be given Saturday evening, the 25th9 to 11 o'clock. Quite a party of Moravians will leave Salem the first of next month for Ilerrnhut, Germany, to attend the General Moravian Synod which opens there in May. Thomas A. Edison, the great in ventor, will visit Wilmington in May, the occasion being -the meet ing of the National Contention of Railway Telegraph Superinten dents. . Tuesday the North Carolina Car Company confessed judgment for $18,580.25 to the Citizens' National Bank of Raleigh, anl executed to the bank a deed of trust, in cluding all property belonging to the company. Dr. H. Hull has purchased 100 young English Walnut trees. He will have the trees set out on his farm hear Kinston and will have a nice walnut grove the first we have heard of in tho eastern part of the State. Kinston Free Press. The executive committee of the North Carolina Bar Afrsoc'ation is called to meet in Raleigh in the Supreme Court library at 11:30' o'clock on Saturday, March 25tb, to select a j)Iaco and speakers for the annual meeting. Either Ashe ville or Morchcad will be chosen. There is quite .'an txbdus just now of people fnm AVestern North Carolinaiunl East Tennessee to the State of Washington. An son City, Tenn., next Sunday for Washington. A number of peo- Ele from our neighbor county of litchell Will be on this trainr Morganton News. The committee from tho Board of Alderman having in charge the smallpox matter met yesterday afternoon, with the physicians of the city, the result being -that it was ordered that a house to house canvass should be made by the au thorities to see who had not yet been vaccinated, according to or ders heretofore issued Greens boro Record. The consolidation of the Winston-Salem postoffices means the largest and only lirst-class office in the State. The consolidation is to take effect July 1st. Tis will give the main office nine letter carriers and seven clerksr Three of the carriers will deliver "mail in Salem and one will be mounted to take up and deliver mail in Salem, Centreville and Waughtown. Mitchell Mirror: Back of thtCoal mountion about a week ago four men were turkey hunting and ran upon a bear with two cubs on a cliff. One of the men shot and killed one of the cubs and the old bear jumped over the cliff and scared John Vance so badly he dropped his orun and grabbed a rock. One of the party then shot the bear. The other cub was followed and killed. C. Mebane, after spending a fevy days at home with his family in Greensboro, returnad to Da vie county yesterday, where ho is superintending the erection of the Cooleemee Cotton -Mills for aJ stock company. The mills will have - 25,000 spindles and 1,000 looms. Mr. Mebane is. at homo in this business, having been en gaged in it for years in Alamance county .Winston, Sentinel. TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if It faili. to cure; 25 cents. - ; - DON'T DRINK INK ! It was not made for that pur pose, but to write with and Buerbaum keeps all kinds. Fountain Pen Ink and Ink in unspillable Inkstands a specialty.

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