EST BEST QUALITT BREAD, -50 Loaves for '.jP at T. I.. SWING'S FOK CAKES of all kinds, fresh baked call on T. L. SWINK" VOL. V. NO. 90. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1899 10 Cents Per Week HOLLER MILL STOCKHOLDERS. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. NEAVE MUSICAL CONCERT. AT THEtCHTOCHES. AB0ITT THE ' JITY. NEWS OF THE STATE. Het and Elected Officers New Presi dent and Manager. , Prof. I Elec Coon Elected Prof. Kizer Re Another. Triumph for tho Neave Con Divine Services to Bq . Conducted on , the Morrow. ',".' General Summar of Local HanneE.- Condensed From Exchanges Tar Heel ' : . Happenings. . .. . ed Principal of White School. servatory of Music . ings in and Apout the City, ' " '"' 1 ' ' i. i-i.i , , . ,- , , ' . , ' ... . t ...... ... ... - r- - : fcl - -t im t , , ... , . , " B bi t . ' ' .. - - - . ' " ' t . .. : : 1 r 1 - 1 ." : : - : -v.1 , , s The, stockholders of the Salis bury Roller Mill held a meeting yesterday evening. , Two vacancies had been made in the board of directors by the death of Mr. J. S. McCubbins and Mr. R. J. Holmes. These vacan cies were filled yesterday by the election of Messrs. L. H. Clement and C. L. Welch directors. Mr. Jos.' W. Kesler was elected president and treasurer of the com pany. , Mr. Jas. Gaither, grandson of the late J. S. McCubbins, was elec ted manager of the mill. Mr. Gaither has recently had a posi tion , at the Southern's transfer shed & ;." New Building for Elizabeth. The trustees of Elizabeth , Col lege contemplate the erection, at no distant day, of an additional building an administrative build ing which will contain the offices and assembly hall for commence ment occasions. The present chapel is too small, and poorly ventilated to be suitable for such occasions. It is proposed that the new build ings shall cost about $40,000. Mob After Two More. A report reached Morehead City last night that Lewis Patrick made a confession before ihe lynching took place and that he implicated two other is said that the mob is after the other two negroes and that he will fare as did Pat rick. Neither the sheriff nor the coro ner went to Bogue to. day. No one has been seen . who knows any thing definite about the lynching of Patrick. Raleigh Post, The Tent Meeting at Chestnut Hill. The largest congregation that has attended, listened with earnest attention to an interesting, in structive, eloquent sermon by Rev. Mr. Porter last night. He preaches this evening at 8, and to-morrow at 11. a. m., 5p. nu and 8:15 p. m., and will continue to preach duriDg most of next week, at 3 and 8:15 each day. All are cordially invited. Rev. P. L. Miller Siok. Rev. P. L. Miller being unable, on account of sickness, to fill his appointment at Christ church, the 18th inst., at 11 o'clock, there will be no preaching at said hour. But Rev., C. A. Brown will preach at the above named church in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. A. W. File or any of the members who are in a position to do so, will please attend to having the an nouncement of the change made. Concord-Statesville Tie. The Concord baseball team passed through st night return ing home from Statesville where they played two games. Yester day evening the score was 11 to 11 and the tie could not be played off on account of the boys having to catch the train. The boys hope to get Statesville on the Concord diamond soon. Rev. Mr. Church's Change. Rev. G. H. Church, who recent ly resigned the pastorage of the Baptist church of Statesville, has accepted a call to the Baptist church at Burlington. Mr. Church's resignation takes effect in August and he will begin work at Burlington the 1st of Septem ber. Waived Examination. Col. Henry Capers was before Esquire Murphy yesterday even ing. He waived examination and was re-committed to jail, a bond of 8500 being required. It will always be a source of re gret to you if you miss the bar gain offered in embroideries at Harry Bros. For Rent 9-room house; water and gas. W. C. Fraley. Hot or cold baths at the Union Barber Shop. Take opo and you will feel good. ' $1.00 Oxford Ties for 50c. Car olina Racket. j Thd city school committee held a meeting at the city hall yester day!evening. The full member ship was present. j A number of applications for superintendent's place had been receivsd. Mr. Chas. L. Coon, forme :ly of Charlotte' graded schoQl ,! was elected superintendent of both the city schools. It is un derstood that a part of the super intendents time is Xo be taken up in teaching the higher classes. I Proi. R. G. Kizer was re-elected pri icipal of the white school a placa he has filled acceptably for a nunc ber of years, i 'Re. W. H. Bryant, was re-elected ! principal of the colored school; he having.given entire sat isfaction in his previous services. electeil but will bo at a subsequent meeting of the committee. J It is the purpose of the commit tee to conduct the Salisbury schoo s in a modern manner and in a way that will reflect credit. Soliciting Committee. 1 The soliciting committee", of the North Carolina College will meet prom itly at 5 o'clock Monday eveni lg at Mr. J. . Sam McCub bins' office. All members are urged to be present. Personal. D. iV. Mauney has returned from uackson HilL Mr W. H. Bedfern returned to Charlotte this morning. W. S. Frost spent last night in Asheville with the Masons. R. V. Sutton, of Burlington, is spendinga while in the city. I. Lichtenstein and wife re turned yesterday from Asheville. j?h. l. Rice went to Wood leaf t his morning for a short visit. H. C. Carter and Mrs. A. B. Cartd went to Greensboro last nightl Mrk W. G. Watson and son. James, went to Concord thi mcrmng Ar1 . 'Mi s. Henderson urawioru anu have returned from Black child Mountain. Mrs. J. R.i Nicholas returned last night 'froth a visit to relatives at Concord. . R. P. Foster and wife, of Ashe yille were here this morning re turning home. Mrs. D. W. Goodson and Miss Nora Peeler went to Maiden this morning to visit. J jMiks Oney Britt, of Bentons- villeJ Johnson county, is visiting Sat J. K West's. i Y DrL John Whitehead and family have returned from Black Moun tain j md Asheville. ms. Dr. Fames and daughter returned yesterday from a month's visit kt Gold Hill. Mrs. Bob King, -of .Columbia S. C is visiting at Capt. Jack Lind say's at South River. Mrs. Umberger came in last night I from Charlotte and spent thj night with Mrs. R. V. Lanier. Misses Mary Cole Boyden, Alice Boyden and Master Rollin Boyden left this morning 1 for Blowing Rock. Mi?s Beulah Witherspoon who attended the Allison-Neely wed xlinglj returned to Newton this moping. Miss Renn Archie left this morring for Keenersville, much to th3 regret of her friends here. She has been visiting the Misses Knox. . A pice lot of fine Apricqts just received at A. Parkers. For Rent 9-room house on Bank street between Long: and railroad. Apply to Ed L. Heiiisr. - ' Only one more day of the great reduction sale of embroideries1 at' Harrjy Bros. ' ; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE EUY Take t Iiaxative Bromo Ouinine Tablets. All DrtiKKists. refund the money If it falls to cure. B5 cents, " - . - The select audience that gathered I atthe Neave music parlofs .lastpsual.Lat' &t. Luke's" Episcopal night were peculiarly : fprtunate infehurqh,' also at the chapels. securing seats. Air available space was taken before the performance began, and the usual perfect order and discipline marked the entire performance. Notwithstanding the absence of at least four of the performers whose names were connected witn seven numbers on the 'program! the evening's repertoire was car5 ried out entire, other performers having been hastily substituted al most at the last hour. So perfect were the renditions that the most critical auditor could detect no discord; thus attesting the splendid training, received under these ex- V pert teachers, as well as the ca pacity and aptitude of the young musicians. The program contained fourteen numbers,- including solos, duets, trios, quartetts and quintetts, clos ing with a full orchestral rendi tion. The selections were from the high class authors, and brought into (prominent exercise the best qualifications of the performers With exquisite manipulation, ryth mic cadence and perfect time? the nimble; fingersof the fairies swept over the kevs,;enchanting the au dience, and making the older ones wish they could recall the days of their childhood. The sweet, little ladies were at tired in lovely pure, white dresses typical of their innocent hearts, -their dark and golden tresses blending in delightful controst with the loveliness of their beau tiful faces and sweet smiles; i Such perfect control , order, de portment, and management of the minutest detail markekli every step of the program that every one in the audience was delighted, and all were filled with regret that the entertainment was so soon over. The achievement of last night adds another triumph to the Neave Conservatory of Music, and makes Salisburians proud that such a splendid institution is lo cated in their midst. The writer rejoices over his good fortune in being permitted to be present and to erjoy the enter tainment of the evening. B. Went on a Visit. Messrs.' B. N. Duke and F. L. Fuller, of Durham, in company with Dr. Geo. Mebane, R. R. Boyd and B. Frank Mebane, of Greensboro, left Wednesday in a private car tor Davie county; These gentlemen are large stock holders in the Cooleemee Cotton Mills, which are being built on the Yadkin river. They went over to see how the twork was progres sing. Durham Sun. Arrived Home. f Mr. W. A. Goodman' of Lipe, this county, who has been at Boy- kin, b. C, for about six months, and principal of Line Academy there, arrived home Sunday. He tells us he had a very successful school and that six of his girl pu pils were prepared and will at tend college the next school year. Child Dead. I Jesse William Cress Earnhardt, the 9-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Earnhardt, died at Mr. J. N. Maxwell's, yesterday evening" at 6 o'clock. It will be buried this evening at 5 o'clock. On the Hew Koad. Tho chain gang did three days work this week on the new road from Spencer to the Ridge road in Franklin township. The citizens along the line are helping in clear ing out the roadway. j A nice six-room cottage, with bath room hot and cold water, and sewer connection for rent. House situated on Ellis street. T. C. Linn. Shave at the Climax. Have your hair cut at the Union IBarber Shop and you will be pleased. , THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's .Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never falls to cure; then why experiment with worthless lmitati6ns? Price 50 cents. Your money back If itialis to Cure. : her vices willlie,conducted as lnnthnlin rhni Rio-K TVfoCC! at 9 a.m. Eveninsr devotions- sermon and V benediction,' . at .8 6'clock. , The hour for service at .St. John's Episcopal chapel has 'been changed to 4 o'clock. Lutheran There will be the usual services at St. John's Luth eran church to-morrow, ,. morning and evening. ' 'Main Street Methodist Rev. J. J.' Brooks Yill preach at this , jhurch to-morrow morning at 11 oyqtock. There will be no service ivT niglit .oil account of the tent Hireling pemg jonuueeci nearby Baptist church Sunday school tt 9:45 a; m., preaching at 11 a. m. , by the pastor, M. E. Parrish. All are cordially welcome. There will be no services at night. All who can will attend the services on Chestnut Hill and aid in ; the series of meetings now in. pro gress.: ' ' - 'v- JMethodist Services at Church 3treet Methodist church at 11 a. m., and 8:30 p. in., by the pastor. J."H..r Weaver. ; Sunday school at 9:4o a. m. Everybody is . cordial ly invited. . Spencer Presbyterian Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun 'day school at 4 p. m. Spencer Methodist The Sim day school of the Spencer Metho dist church will have their Chil dren's Day Sunday. At 11 a. m. the pastor, Rev. R. C. Craven, will preach to the children and the music will be rendered by the children. At .8 p. m. the rearular Children's Day exercises will be , . m. rendered that have been arranged for by the appointed committee. AU are cordially invited. Presbyterian Usual services at the First Presbyterian church to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. bunday school at regular hour A tpmnprn n tn mAntinor will l-t held by the Christian Endeavor Society of Presbyterian church to-morrow night. The meeting will begin at fifteen minutes be fore eight. Members are request ed to be promptly on time. Strangers always welcome. The Junior branch of thoC. E. will meet at the usual time, half hour before the morning service: Subject, t4Lessons from the trans figuration. Spencer Y. Dd. G. A. L. A. Coulter, Y. M. C. A. State' Secretary of Virginia, was in the city a short while last night on his way to Asheville. Mr. ISoulter was formerly North Caro Una State secretary' of the associa- uon ana nas a number oi iriends here. He says a railroad Y. M C. A. will be established at JSpen cer, but how soon is no; known. Died of Lockjaw. Westry McKnight, a farmer who lived a few miles west of Winston, was bitten on his finger last week by a puppy. He paid little attention to the wound unti Wednesday, when he was taken with lockjaw. He died yester day, leaving a wife and six chil dren. . l ' V . " Agents' Meeting. " W. G. Crutchfiehl, the South ern agent, returned this morning from Norfolk when he had been attending the meeting of freight agents. He reports a great time. John Ramsey, formerly with the Salisbury Steam . Laundry, is no longer employed by them and does not collect laundry for them. If you want your work done in Salisbury and laundered as nicely as can be done by any laundry in the State, save it until called for by our new man, Mr. Campbell, or telephone us and we will send wagon for it. WeSvant your work and if the driver shairhl-appen to fail to call for it please jmpneus and we will send special messenger for it. Salisbury Steam Laundry. Two expert barbers aire hungry for whiskers at 'the Union Barber Snop. Mr. H. N. Woodson : is having his residence painted. Mr. D.R. J ulian is making ar rangements to run an excursion to Norfolk. ' Mr. John G: Heilig is having a nice iron fence placed in front of his house. ; A young man was arrested to day for riding a wheel oh the pas senger depot landing. People living on Bank street complain about the sidewalk on that street being blocked, c - Sample shoes; are not only the cheapest, but the best shoes you can buy. Burt Shoo Co. - A colored man and woman . were fined M.25 each at the city "court this morning for fussing. Men, women and children's line footwear in samples. 2,000 pairs of bargains. -Burt Shoe Co. 4 Mr. A. F. Cahili, of the Spen cer shop 'force, is confined to his bed. He has been quite sick to-! day. v .. . ; ,-' Tho Owens property on North Inniss street has been sold to Mrs! Lee S. Overman through the real estate agehoy' of McCubbins & Jordan. 4 Earnest West, of this city, who has a position at the Southern's S i j nr ii t a i -l ireignr omce at unarioue nas been temporarily transferred to Super- lnienaent ityaer s; omce. y The Charlotlo News, inwriting up industries in the State says: The copper mines- near Salisbury are having a fine influence oh that town, which is displaying more enterprise than for years past. Mr. W. B. Ryder, Jr., has re signed his position in Superin tendent Ryder's ofiice and has gone to the Union Copper Mines, near Salisbury, where he has accepted Jthe position of private sec retary to Fresident Newman, of tf Je Union Mines. Mr. Springs Steele suc ceeds Mr. Ryder. CharlojtiQ News. Teachers'Assembly 0fS.cers. The Teachers' Assemblyjhas el ected the following officer for the ensuing year: r President, D. Matt The mpson, of Statesville; First - Vic3-Presi-dent, J. Allen Holt, of Oakridge. Other vice-presidents. F. 1. Hod- good, J. Y Joyner, Misy Mary Arrington, I. P. Harrison J. H. Bridges, J; C. Horner, (VV. D. Weeks, J. B. Carlyle. f Barber Shop Sold. "urt McNeely has sold his bar ber shop. In the future it will be conducted at the same place un der, the management of the Climax Barber bhop. The shop will be run in first- class style, and by the best white barbers. Pastors' Association. Thex members of the Pastors As 'sociation are urged to attend promptly at 10 o'clock, the; meet ing at , Dr. Rumple s Monday morning. Important business to be considered. . . Eunning Team. The firemen's .running team will meet Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the city, hall. All who are interested should remember this as it is time to begin prac ticing for the tournament races. Don't Write ' : Unless you have a pen. Water man's Ideal Fountain Pen is the best and Buerbaum keeps differ ent styles from $2.50 up. Ask for the patent Burglar Alarm at Jiuerbaum's. Hammocks for the swelteringand weary at very much reduced prices at Buerbaum's. . The largest package Toilet Pa per for ten cents, 1,000 sheets in bundle. ' ' Picture Frames maide to prder, large slpck of mouldings always oil hand. ; Sam Lucas, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to bo hung in Guilfordcounty, has been commuted by the Governor to life imprisonment. v . The Cabarrus Savings Bank will soon establish a branch bank at Albemarle. The building for the babk is now being erected, and the bank expects to open for business September; 1," says the Times. - . ' , . , - . Rev, Noah Kaylor, a local Methr odist preacher who lived at Game well, between Morganton and Lenoir, died suddenly Monday. Death, it ia stated, resulted from a shock caused by the . extraction of - a tooth. ; Mr. Kaylor , was 70 years old. rf ' Two couplesof Goldsboro young people left tha city Sunday morn ing to spend the day at Seven Springs, They took advantage of the absence from home of the old folks and bad a double at the springs. marriage We are informed that a pointer- dog in Falling Creek township, last week, killed 70 half-grown turkeys for Mr. B. h. tields. This is dog-hard luck. It would be better for the country if there were fewer dogs. Kinston Free Press. The plan as to immigration to this State, as outlined by the Ag ricultural Department, is that special efforts shall be. made to secureinlmigration from the .North--west. It is argued that this is found to be the most desirable; that there are many reasons why it desires to come here, and that it has made good settlers. Inthecaso of the liquor men against the dispensary board at Greensboro Judge Bryan refused to day to grant a restraining orL. der for the plaintiff and the dis pensary will , open July 1st. It was abjudged that the city should not be responsible for the manage ment of or obligations' contracted by the dispensary. Dnllichard H. Lewis, secretary of the State board of health has received a report of a case of : smallpox in Harnett county, con tracted from the holiness preacher who was last week placed inthe pest house near Raleigh. It is possible that this ufire-tried holy man" has spread the disease, as he had a well developed case when the au-; thorities took him in charge. Messrs. Clement and Hargrave, agents for the - McCormick Har vesting Machine company, have sold one hundred and two binders this season in Davidson and Ran dolph counties. . They have been selling these binders for more than 15 years, but this has been their most prosperous season in the history of the business. Da vidson Dispatch. - Prof. S, F. Venable, Buncombe county superintendent of schools, handed a genuine sensation into Asheville's city official circles yes terday, when he made upon Mayor Blair a written demand for an ac counting of all penalties, forfeit ures and fines collected by the city court in the past. According to the State constitution these mon eys should go to the school but they have been, under the Ashe ville charter, spent by the city. The amount due the schools is probably 30,000. Death at Faith. Mrs. Willie Foil, of Faith, died this morning at 4 o'clock. She leaves a husband and several little children. ' For SAiEClay Peas and late Irish Potatoes for planting. L. 'E. Heilig. Thomas Thurman, deputy sher iff of Troy, Mo., says if every one in the United States should discover the virtue of. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles, rec tal troubles and skin diseases, the demand could not be supplied. James Plummer. Kodol Dyspepsia cure complete ly digests food within the stom ach and intentines and renders all classes of food capable of being assimilated, and converted into strength giving and tissue build ing substances. J ames Plummer. J

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