EST BEST QUALITY BREAD, SOJomift? at T. Xi. SWINZ'S FOR CAKES- of all kinds, fresh baked call on T. L. SWINK VOL. V. NO. IOC SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1899. 10 Cents Per Week WILL OWN WATER WORKS. THE' OLD STORY. AN IMPORTANT ITEM. EXCURSION TO ASHE VILLE. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS. NEWS OF THE STATE. - i ... City Will Buy Present System or Build New One. vThe improvement committee met yesterday eyening- to hear and discuss the , communications received by Mayor Lord since the last meeting from the water com pany and civil engineers. Several engineers were invited to make andsubmit bids on the proposed sewerage system. - i Members of the committee tell us the city will certainly, own - a water system. If they cannot purchase the present system at a reasonable price they will put in a new system as allowed by the new charter. Services Offered. . . ': i ;r Dr. G. M. Van Pool has located at Spencer and offers his profes sional services to the public. Of fice up stairs over Mr. D. C. Eagle's store. - , To-Night. . The Lutheran lawn , party will be held on the court house lawn to-night Personal. 1 J. A. Boyden went to Taylors ville this morning. ; F. F. Speddin-returned yester day from Baltimore. Miss Lena McCantess returned this morning for Gold Hill. : L. S. Overman went to Tate oprings, xenn., mis iuuiuiiig. - Col. Arnifield, of Statesville, was here last night going to Con cord. Miss Margaret Murdoch is vis- j iting Miss Emily Gibson at Con- n.ctrt- ' I Mrs. Van Wyche and Mrs Keith T went to Henderson ville this morn ing.. . ' ' ,j V . iit'' n t m i .e j. 1 . j&ngmeer vv. o. xayior, oi uie Western, spent yesterday after noon in Greensboro. Geo.. .Poole, of the Spencer shops; is in Newton this af ternboh doing some work. J. J. Stone and wife, of Greens boro, were here this morning go inor tri Misfinhftimer Snrinffs. Thev spend a wini ut iuiseuuciiuci . each summer. j Miss Helen Wheeler, of Greens boro, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Ruth York, returned home last night much to the re gret of her many friends in the citv. i j Attention. j All members of Rowan Lodge No. 100 K. of P. are expected to meet in their Castle Hall this even ing at. 8:15 o'clock. Work in tnr(md rani.- a-ftf Tphio.Vi fliArft will be short talks, recitations, music and refreshments. All members of Salisbury Lodge No 24 also all visiting Knights are cordially in vited to meet with us, j . E. H. Marsh C. C. j -Resolutions of Respect, j At a regular meeting of Char lotte Division 221 held at Spencer, N. C, June 11, 1899, the follow ing resolutions were adopted. ! W7tiwdt i o if Vin c nloo carl oi- nil wise God to remove from onr midst our beloved brother T. D. Sumner who died in Spencer, N. C, June 6th, 1899; . . j Resolved, That in his death we have lost an earnest and faithful member, one who was ever ready to aid and support those in need. I Resolved, That the widow, and children of our late-Brother have our sympathy in their sad be reavement; that our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days, and a coppj of these reso lutions be sent his widow and pub lished in the SALiSBURy Sun. A. F. PURCELXi, ) E. M. Patterson, ? C. W. Blair, ! Committee. Spencer, N. C, June 11, '99. . J All lovers of good sport come to Fraley's .track Friday evening at 1 o'clock and see the horses step and run. Admission 25c, chil dren 15c. " ! ' A nice six-room cottage, with bath room, hot and cold water, and sewer connection for rent House situated on Ellis street, j . T. C. Linn. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY J Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AIL Druggists refund the money if it fails te Cure. S3 cents. A Stove, An Oil Can, a Little Girl, Almost a Death. Mr. Young, who runs a. boardr ing bouse at Spencer, came near havi og a death in his family yes terdiy. , His little girl was making a hre in a stove and, as is irequcnuy done, she used oil, pouring it out of a can. The oil ignited and the tire caught the girls clothing. A bbarder who was present had presence ot mind enough to wrap his ioat over the girl. He thus smothered out the flames and saved her life. ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and About Salisbury. Weather forecast: Fair to-night andiFridav. Bargains in high izrade foot I wear, but trash at no price.---Burt bhde Uq. JL T. Wyatt shipped a car load oi granite to uurnam mis muru Master Mechanic Hudson, re-1 turned this morning from Old Point Comfort. The new switch board of the Salisbury telephone system has been put in The Carolina Racket has a new ad in the Sun special sales of counterpanes. . liee S. Overmanj commissioner, has a notice of valuable land for sale, in this paper. The Juvenile Book Club - will meet with Miss Rosalie Bernhardt on Friday evening at f:3Q o'clock. We make good by repair or re placement any defects found in wheels bought of us. Burt Shoe Co, Mr. J. E. Hennessee has given the con tract for four cottage houses at Spencer, and the carpenters are at-work on them. ATI who desire a" pleasant even ing! and delightful refreshments will do well' to call atDr. Flippin's to-morrow evening. There will be a lawn partv at Mi Louis Mahaley's to-morrow night. Ice cream, cake and other refreshments will be served?- rres l)r. Young's nice dwelling at Sp mcer has been finished and the Dr. is now living in it. He has had it insured in the Southern Stdck Mutual. The executors of the late R. J. Holmes have an ad in the Sun. Thsy are going to sell the mer can tile business on Main street also the old home place . on Inniss street. Church will be glad tp welcome their friends to-morrow eveninj gn Dr. Flippin's Lawn where they wrill serve ice cream, sher bets and cake, from 7:30 toll o clock. , A. B. Watson is buildinsr a resi dence for Dr. Henderson at Wood leaf. That place will have two doctors, when Dr. Henderson mc ves, DrHeathman being al res dy on the ground. Gilbert S wink, of VVrinston, for merly of Salisbury is reading law. Hd goes to the University of Vir ginia in a few days to take the law course. He expects to locate in Norfolk. Gilbert is a bright young man and will no doubt do well in hid chosen profession. J The congregations at the tent at Chestnut Hill continue at high water mark T as does the preach ing. Kev. Mr. Sorter has a firm hold upon his hearers which grows stronger with every service. There are no exciting and noisv demon strations, but much deep earnest feeling, bervices this afternoon at B and to-night at 8:15. et me screen your house and keep out flies and mosquitoes. Edgar S. tSiiuman. If you want cheap, and fresh fish remember H. M. Brown is on the coast and is sending all kinds of fish right out of the water. Will have good assortment. Wash ington building. Phone II. Mi Brown & Son," 111. . i 1 NO CORE-NO PAY ; ! That Is the way all druggist sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIO for Malaria Chills and .Fever. It is simply Irpn". and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children 'love it. I Adults p: 3fer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 50 cents. Of the Machinery Act Concerning Bonds and Notes. Mr. John M. Julian calls our at tention to an item of the revenue and machinery act that is a new one, and we. publish it below in order that it may be more thor oughly known among taxpayers. ine tweiitn clause oi cnapter lb is the one referred to. It reads: If any person shall, with a view. to evade-the payment of taxes, fail or refuse to give in to the assessor any - bonds, notes, claims or other evidences of debt which are sub ject; to assessment and taxation, under this act, the same shall not be recoverable by action at law or suit in equity , before any of the courts of this State until they have been listed and the tax paid there on. ' 'v.- . ' ' -. - Referee Case. Su pplemenlery , proceedings - (iilmore Brothers, of VV mston, against W. S. Brown, of thiscoun- tv is being, heard before Air. J.- L. Rendleman, referee this after noon. L. M. Swink, Esq., of Winston, represents Gilmore Bros., and A. II. Price, Esq., appears for Mr. Brown; Rowan Vegetables- Mr. Radford Bailey is ahead on corn raising. He had good roast ing ears on the market this morq ing. 1 Cabbage is being shipped from Salisbury, Mr. A. W. Winecoff sent out several crates this morn ing. Bound Over. - ' Elisha Osborne, the col ot ed boy who cut another at the ice factory the other day, was brought, up this morning and turned over to (Jmcer Eagle. Ihe father said he wanted the bov punished. He was- sent up to court by the mayor. Wedding. ' Esquire D.-M. M iller officiated at a : wedding , in JtAst bahsbUry Tuesday night. . " The contracting parties .were nr i 'ii . -lx o 17" vv alter nose anu jirs. ousan jviioa. Horse Races. 1 here will be some good races at Fralev's race track to-morrow evening. People who enjoy this sport will be well entertained for several hours. At Spencer Friday Evening. In the park at Spencer Friday evening the ladies Aid oociety will entertain their friends and serve refreshments for the benefit of the society. Notice. All parties who have sites to do nate for the Worth Carolina Col lege will please make same known to T. H. Vanderford, chairman, at once for consideration. Committee. Advertised Letters Regaining in the Salisbury, N. C, postoflice for the week end ing June 21st, 1899. Persons call ing should ask for advertised let ters and will be required to pay one cent for each letter. Males Soloman Clark, Wilbiirn Trexler, J. F. Pence, P. C. Palmer, John Palmer, Fred Preddy, AL S. Ogment, Ocar Martin, Jas. L. Mason, John D. Basinger, Lemm Craige, ;W. L. Carter, E. W. Hughes, J. C. Henderson, Harry Gallagher, Henry Dousrlas; Rev. J. D. Earhey, Harvey Cosy, J. F. Conrad; Mason Curry, R. H. Rdt- ler, J. B. Adams. . Females Maria Burden, Lucy Cowan, Minnie ourrg, Mary Ras bon, Miss L. E. Svimner, Mrs. A. L. Young, Miss Zorah A r wood, Miss Mamie Waggons, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Miss JNladen McLean, Mrs. Rev. Josey Alexander, Mrs. Harriett. Limberleg, Miss Silsy Hobson, Mrs." Sealey. -Jlenderson, Miss Judy Watgortfcr J ames H. Ramsay, P. M. Straw hd,te half j rice at the Car olina Rackets. - Dr.. W. H. Wakefield, Oculist and Aurist, of Charlotte, will be in Salisbury, at Central Hotel, on Wednesday J une 28th for the prac tice of his profession. He limits his work to the - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. A Select Party Will be on Board- . 2: 50 Ronnd Trip. On Thursday, July 6th, I will personally conduct an -excursion to Asheville, the profits of which will go to Mont Amoena Female Seminary. ! The .train will start from Concord at 7 a. m.. return ing the next day, leaving Ashe ville at 1:3q p. m. The excursion will.take passengers from Concord, China Grove, Salisbury, Barber Junction, and Cleveland, Posi tively only 280 tickets will be sold. These will be on sale at Cook & Foil's,Mt. Pleasant; Dry & Miller, Concord; Patterson Manufacturing Co. i China Grove; and C. M. & H. M. Brown, Salisbury. When all of the seats of the five cars are engaged "by the sale ot the 280 tickets,, positively, not another ticket will be sold, as a select crowd is desired. The excursion is planned to secure a first-class party, and to derive as much pleasure from it as travelling on a regular train. I have been to Asheville and have secured special favors from the liveiy stables and hotels. The beautiful Oaks hotel has given our party ai:ate of $1.25 per day . An orchestral" will be in attendance that night. Board may be had cheaper at the boarding houses. A card will be issued on the train giving addresses of the boarding houses, hotels, and livery stables, which give our party favors. Every arrangement has been made to make the excursion the most pleasant one possible. If you miss it, vou miss an opportunity that seldom comes. . You are in v i ted at once to secu re tickets for this select excursion. You help a good eause by so doing. You can not take, advantage of this excursion after all the tickets have been sold. Therefore, secure at once your ticket. Respectfully, Henderson "IS. Miller, President Mont Amoena Female Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, N. C - V . If" f P II " ' II ! A delightful lawn party was given at Hon. Jno. . Hender son's last night. Those present were: - Dr. W. Clarence Kluttz with Miss Elise Stokes, Mr. John S Henderson, Jr., with Miss Janie Boyden, Mr. Archibald Hender son with Miss Ruth Scales, Mr. Jas, M. Davis with Miss May Boyden, Mr. Whitehead Kluttz with Miss Mary D. Craige, Mr. E. II. Woodson with Miss Kate McNeely, and Mr. Hay den Clem ent. A Fast Rider. The Winston Sentinel says: G. G. Fox, of Salisbury, rode irom roomer s nsn pond near Kernersville, to Winston this af ternoon on his wheel. He says he heard the train blow hear Jbriend ship just as he left. He came in a few minutes ahead of it. The North Ward. The north ward is now the very prettiest part of Salisbury. The Shober place in fresh colonial colors is yery pretty. Mr. Wood son's house opposite in French gray and other improvements naye made this change. Mr. Allen Hurt. Mr. Harvey Allen was struck by a switch engine at Greensboro yesterday morning and was brought to Spencer on No. 11. It is not known how bad he is hurt. Work at Shoals. A partv of twentv-eitrht men from Spartanburg, S. C, arrived at. the Shoals yesterday to work. See those nice Lawn Swings, at Wright's Furniture Store. : Shave at the Climax. For Rent 9-room house; water and gas. VV. C. Fraley. Beef Market. F. " R. L. Shaeffer will have fresh beef at Butner stand to-morrow morning. Will keep fresh beef' and mutton all the time and fresh fish on Sat urday. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever Is a bottle of GboVe's Tasteless Chili. Tonic. Never falls tocure ; then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Candidates For Life Certificate to be Examined on the Second Thurs day of July. The State Superiudent'of Public Instruction directs me to say: "On the second Thursday in J uly an ex amination for life certificate will be held in the court house". The questions for this examination have been prepared by the btate Board of Exnminers and are now in the. office of the County Board of Education.The examination papers will be forwarded to the office of State Superintendent of Public In struction and graded by the State Board of Examiners. A certificate will be issued to all successful ap plicants and will entitle the holder thereof to teach anywhere in North Carolina without examination bv the county superintendent of schools. The questions are on the following subjects: English Gram mar, .English .Literature, History, Geography, Physical Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Physics, Physiology and Hygiene, Elemen tary Botany 1 Philosophy and His tory of Education, Civil Govern ment and School Law. The fol lowing books in addition to these adopted by the County Board are suggested as indicating the scope of examination on the several sub iects: Whitnev's- Essentials of English Grammar, Pancoast Composition and Rhetoric; Lock- wood's Lessons in English; Maur ry's Geography;. Tan's Physical Geography; Sully V Psychology for Teachers; White's Elements of Pedagogy; Physics (A very and Gaze); Berzenrs Botanv; Martin's Human Bod v.: Messrs. Edwin Cuthrell and Theo. Boer baum, who have on sale the books used in the public schools, can give any infor mation wanted mregard to books. According to the new school law civil government is constituted a su bi ect to be taugh t in the publ ic schools. Teachers will therefore be examined hereafter on that subject, and should procure the required books, if thev have ndt already done so, and prepare them selves for the examination. Eing ers oviraoverarnerrrird-no man's Elements of Civil Govern ment, N. C. - edition, are on K the list adopted in this cpunty. Either one of these books or any other will answer. The main thing "for an applicant for a certificate to know is Civil Government. No examination will be held this year for the Peabody scholarship for the reason that none will be award ed to this. State, all the vacancies having been filled in accordance with the other rules governing the appointments. All applicants for license to teach in the public schools of the county should re member that the first regular pub lic examination for the school year will be held at the same time and place and should avail themselves of this opportunity to apply for certificates, in order to be pre pared to make contracts with com mitteemen for the ensuing fall term. The examination will be gin at 9 o'clock a. m. R. G. Kizer, Co. Supt. Grand Lodge Officers. At the session of the Grand Lodge K. of P. in Fayette ville yes terday officers were v elected, as follows: Supreme Representative, A. C. Webb, Asheville;. Grand Chancellor, W. L. Woodward, Wilmington; Grand Vice-Chancel-lor, D. F. Summey, Charlotte; Grand Prelate, S. I. Welch, Mon roe; Grand Keeper of Records and Seals, W. T. Hollowell, Goldsbo ro; Grand Master-at-Arms, J. L. Scott, Graham; Grand Inside Guard, H. T. Strauss, Henderson; Grand Outside Guard, E. E. Law rence, Forest City. For Rent, 2-story 7-room house on South Main street. Ap ply to J. S. McCubbins, Jr. Straw bats half price at the Car olina Racket. Laundry. Nicest work in the State, called for arid delivered at the regular, price. J. C. Ramsay, Agent. Charlotte Steam Laundry. .Kodol Dyspepsia cure complete ly digests food within the stom ach and intentines and renders all classes . of 'food capable of being assimilated and converted into strength giving and tissue build ing substances. James Plummer. Condensed From Exchanges Tar Heel Happenings. Bessie Truitt, a little girl of Charlotte, swallowed a straw seve ral days ago. Yesterday she died . from the effects of the straw's work in her lungs. A suit in which the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. CV.. was tho lpf pn ri ant and the Hygienic Plate Ice Company the plaintiff, ended sud denly in Raleigh the other day"be. cause the defendants failed tlrter-" their case on appeal. The rail roatK loses $21,000. , c k( On the 11th inU , Bud Bridges and Jim Sullivan, both colored. engaged in a difficulty in Township JSo. Cleveland -county, when Bridges thot Sullivan. I3ridges was placed in jail, and yesterday Sullivan died. Coroner ,J. P. Tid -dy and. County Ph3siciah B. 11. Palmer are holding an irquest to- aay. . - The prisoners in jail at Halifax, N. C., assaulted the jailor yester day morning and made their es-' cape, taking the jail keys with them. A man came to the jailor's rescue, but got the worst of it. Neither the jailor nor his friend is seriously hurt. Blood hounds ha ve been sent from the State farm to hunt the prisoners down. The county authorities of Wake have bio"jght suit against ex-Sheriff Jones and his surety, the Fidel ity and Deposit Company. The county claims that ex-Sheriff Jones is short $4,718.41,' and suit is brought against him and his surety to recover. Ex-Sheriff Jones claims that he has collected none of this amount and that he is set tling with the county as' rapidly as he can collect from delinquents. Work on the Streets. The following item was handed a Sun man yesterday by one of the paper's good Salisbury friends and a well-wisher of the town, and which makes interesting read ing: ; kI hope the Sun will stop pub- macadamized in .the suburbs at least until the biggest holes are filled up, on the principal streets in town. 1 It is really discouraging. Many want to keep, horses and ve hicles, but the streets are in such a miserable condition. The hands working, on the streets do very inferior work, dumping in the most careless manner a few shovel fulls of earth from the ditches. Please keep harping on this ques tion Mr. Sun until an improve ment is made." . A Pleasant Time at Pythian Hall Td Night. Rowan Lodge will have work in second rank after which they ex pect to have a good time socially. There will be some good songs, recitations and short talks for the good of the order. Don't fail to hear Mr. G. T. Dickert's recitation ' 'Across the Bridge" by Saul Smith. Let every member of Salisbury and Rowan Lodges and all vieiting members be present. Baggy Damaged. Dr. Council's horse was tied in front of the Mt. Vernon hotel yes terday evening when an engine passed and frightened the animal, which broke loose.. The buggy caught on a post nearby and was turned ove and damaged. The horse was stopped at the corner. No one was in the .buggy. Mr. Beard's House. , Mr. PrB. Beardhas given the contract for his hew house on North Main street to Adams - & Overstreet. The house will5 have ten rooms with a slate roof. Don't Let The flies eat you up when you can get four large sheets of Fly Paper at Buerbauni's for 5 cents. It will make them scarce. A few Crokinole Boards loft, at $2.50. Fruit jars, jar rubbers and Jelley Glasses in largo quan tities at Buerbaum's. The best cigar in town for 5c. at Buerbaum's. Croquet sets at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25; 4, 6 and 8 balls. Have you seen the latest in Burglar Alarms? if not call and see them at Buerbaum's. Price 50 cents.