, i 1 ,-:y. Weather Forecast: Generally Fair to-night and Saturday. JT QlArY OF BREAD r50 IjKVES FOB 51.00, T. L. SWINK'S. For CAKES of all kind, Fresh Baked, call on - - - T. L-SWINKl Main Street, Opposite Court llivsel VOL. V. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER; 1, 1899. - NO. 161. VETERANS" REUNION. WAGES TO BE RAISED. CITY SCHOOL1 CENSUS. NO MORE HITCHES. ABOUT THE CITY. LEASED BY SOUTHERN. NEWS OF THE STATE. Rowan's Veterans Meet on Second A Big Item to Employes of the South- Total Number of Children in the City Eletric Lights Will Probably Soon Be . - .i 1 General Sumntary of Local Happen ings in and About Salisbury Atlantic Danville Passes Under the Condensed From Exchanges Happenings. -Tar Heel Thursday of This Month. era Railway. 1763 -Net Gain of 79. Burning Control of That Company. ' J? . , The annual reunion of veterans of Rowan count v will be held in y Salisbury this year on their regu- lar reunion day the second Thurs day in September. This is the . - j - i 14th of the month. 1 Recently some one advanced the opinion that perhaps it would be J were restored, while the engineers I School Law directs and in 'obedi hnttfr to lp.l the reunion dav pass I also secured a slight increase. fence to your instruction . I have unobserved this year, but . that Avritnr was silenced bv a broadside " " . . from a ""Daughter of the Confed eracy. So the reunion will take place as . usual and it is hoped all the bid Veterans will be able to attend. One of the principal features of these annual reunions is the din ner and this, of course, will be looked after well this year. It is requested, however, that all who will furnish baskets for the Vete rans, hand their names to Capt. T. B. Beall, at Klutjz and llend Io nian's, or Dr. C. R. Barker, at Kluttz & Cos. drug store. Prof. Black Dead. Prof. Black died yesterday morning at 2 o'clock at Enochville after a lingering illness with fever. His mother and brother were with him. Prof. Black came to Enochville from South Carolina. He was a graduate in the class of '98 at Roa- noke college. During nis stay in Enochville of one session and the beginning of another he had met with success and had endeared himself to his pupils and the com munity. ' The funeral services were held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at St. Enoch's church by Rev. V. R. Stickley. The remains were taken to China Grove and put on the 1rtVf5 to T-Talieii"to hits &oaio" Leasville, S. C. last night. Quarterly Meeting. The quarterly meeting will be held at Mt. Tabor to-morrow and Sunday. Also at Church Street church Sunday. Dr. Brooks Church Street and at Spencer will preach at Sunday morning 1 I that night. Dr. . Weaver will preach at Mt. Tabor Sunday morning. Change of Preachers. Rev. R.L. Doggett is at Rutber- fordton with his wife who is sick.' He has been relieved of his pas toral duties in East Salisbury and will be succeeded by Rev. V. L. ATnrsh. of Hif?h Point. Mr. Marsh will arrive to-night. New Sidewalk. A new side walk has been made on the lower side of the railroad from S.C. Miller's restaurant to tbecov- pred bridge. This walk has been needed, and will prove a con vflnience to those who pass that way. Change of Place. Mr. John Dunham has given up his place as money clerk with the Southern Express Company, and will ioin the yard master's force at 4 Spencer. Mr. Jim Dunham sue ceeds him at the express office. Weddings. During the ,nnO, Anmif tnere were xweui v w nuuu.i w i-uc 4-1 county. Register of Deeds Woodson sold eiht licenses to white couples and twelve to colored. Sick- Mr. Williams, who runs a bicy Ip shnn on Fisher street a short viv"---! distance' from Main street, the Sun regrets to state, is quite sick. t i . Sttj Awn A small black pig. A reward will be paid for its return to L. Bank. "Don't forget that Harry Bros. carry a complete line of trunks, vnlisps' dressing cases, grips, &c. TO CURE A COLD III 01 E DAY-. Take Laxative 'Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund toe money If It fails to bm Chatta- nooga says: . j The Southern Railway during the dull season of 1896 made a cut of 30 per cent, in wages "of all em ployes of the system. Some months ago the wages of shopmen It is learned that President Snencer has decided td restore the . r i . . 10 per cent, cut; and that announce ments to this effect will be made about September 10th In Chat tanooga and immediate vicinity at least 500 men will be affected. COMING AND GOING. Brief Items About Salisburians and '-- Their Friends. J as . Scroggs returned to High Point last night. Master John Bernhardt has r turned from Asheville RJ J. llplmes went tp Reidsville this morning on business. Miss Eula Keerer, of Reidsville, is visiting Miss Bettie Keever. Rev. C. G. Vardell knd family went on to Red Springs this morn ing. Mrs. Allison ancLMis s Margaret Allison returned to Concord this morning. JV H. Holt, Jr., of Jurlington, was here last night returning from a trip west. f Mrs. Calvin Brown who has returned been yisiting in the city, to Concord this morning, Miss Ethel Holt, who was visit- mg Miss iiessie iienaerson, went to Charlotte last night. is expected to night or to-morrow to visit Miss Grace Herbet Irwin, who; had been visiting John D.j Brown, returned to Charlotte this morritng. Miss- Bettie Keever who has been visiting ai ivewion ior aoout two weens nas reiurneanome. . i i j h i . - Rev. J. W. Goodmal p, who has been visiting in the county return- ed to his charge at ligh Point last night. j Rev. Father John, u , S. B. ar- orning and rived in the city, this m is spending the 1 day w ith Father Joseph., Misses Minnie and Bettie Stal lings left this morning or Benetts- ville, S. C, where they have po- sitions as teachers in school. I he graded Mrs. W. R. ! Barker left this morning' for northern markets to purchase" a stock or millinery. She was .accompanied bv her mother, Mrs. Bacon. Only One Boarder. There is only one prisoner in Rowan's jail now. ILf no new ones come in the jail will be empty to-morrow as the one lonely boarder's time Is out. City Improvements Everybody who has an, interest in the city, come at once and pay their taxes. All taxes are due on I the first day"of September and the sooner you pay theni the better. isJu.. mxi. "H1!"" , Shaver, C.T. C. Sept 1st '99. Mutton Lamb and Weal at Jack son's to-day. ; Shave at the Klondike. Hair cut 15 cents, j See those 50c. shirts at the Caro Una Racket. I Miss Mabel W. Chamberlain, I teacher of Music and Art in the Salisbury High School, will be glad to see all those these branches at" interested in he home of Mrs. Wm. Coit, corn er 15a nk and I Fulton. i THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever Is a bottle of Gove'8 Tasteless Chill Tonic. Never falls to cure; then why experiment with worthless Imitations? Price 60 cents. Your money back if It fails to cure A special aent out f Prof. R. G. Kizer has finished taking thre school census of the I city and has his report ready to be handed to the school commis sioners. , s The report is as follows: Gentlemen As the Public taken a full and accurate census of all persons residing within the corporate limits of Salisbury, be- tween the ages of six and j twenty- one years, anu nou an increase in the number of white children 123 a loss oi coioreu 44 masing ine t r t i I " il - net gam 9 oveE last year's cen sus. lne census enure ior isyy vnr M -m r and 1900 accompanies this report and from it 1 extract, the follow- mg: Whites, j Male Female Total, South Ward, 208 192 14G 144 110 592 400 East Ward, 146 92 North Ward, 147 291 191 West Ward, 81 582 1174 COI-OKKP. ? i lales Females Total South Ward, 93 54 77 72 81: 43 86 83 174 East Ward, North Ward, 97 163 West Ward, 155 Total, 296 293 589 1898 1899 White, 1,051 1,174 Gain 123 Colored, 63. 589 Loss 44 Net Gain, Total number of children 79 of school age in the city, 1,763. SCALPING PICNIC. , A Big Time atLipe Yesterday Large - . .,. - i j . .i ' . .... trowa jrreEentx g Yesterday was the time set apart for the annual scalping pic- nic at lipe, tins couniy, ana a very large crowd was present to take in the occasion. These annual picnics are intend ed to encourage the killing of farm pests in the county, and much interest is taken by the farmers in them. The unit of cal culation is the rat or mouse and a man who brings in' the scalp of a more pestiferous varmint, such as a crow, weasel or hawk, for in stance, is scored, say ten points. The persons contesting were di vided into two squads, one led by S.C. Russell, the other by J. A. McCubbins. Mr. Russell's squad was allowed 4,110 points, Mr. Mc- Cubbins' 3,181. . . The winning souad was present- euwl & J xiuii. lueu. 5 ' a i t . "T T mi Kluttz, who made one of the speeches of the occasion on the subject of good roads. By request ne auueci a aiscussion vi me con stitutional amendment. Supt. C. L. Coon, of the Salis bury graded schools, spoke on the subject of local taxation for pub lic schools. ' . The dinner was one of the events of the day. It was a bounteous repast and was much enjoyed. Teachers' Meeting. ; The teachers of the w hite grad ed school held quite a lengthy ses sion this morning and perfected complete arrangements for the opening of the white graded school on next Monday. The colored teachers will meet this evening at o'clock. UnrririRma kpII trunks arms, &c., at ; live and let live" prices President suspenders at C, W. Windsor's. See those 50c. shirts at the Caro lina Racket. Mrs. Coit's Home School will re- opeD Monday, September 4th jfromptness in entering ; is very important. -.. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs and colds. 1 consider it a most won derful medicine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis James Plummer. There have been several hitches which have delayed the installing of the electric light system. But, Capt. Harably tells -usthere. will most, likely be no more such hitches and the lights will soon be burning. ' ) . All the poles, and the machinery I for thepower house havejeen pur chased. The plans for the power house have been secured knd work on it will soon be commenced. I The power company will begin worK aiiue isarrows wjtnin ine next month. The water pressure li.ll a I . at mai piace is Deingaesieu now. A Plague of Bugs. Salisbury was visited last night by a swarm of bugs thousands in number-r-littJe, slim blck bugs that almst made life burdensome. No place in the city escaped, but at tne lepot the migs were more numerous than at any other place. There the men turned up their coat collars and kept busy knocking off the bugs, but the ladies what few were at the depot, co uian t stana tne pestiierous m- sects at all, and left as quickly as possible. i This morning the bugs were flrnnp- -all except the dead ones. Pounding at Spencer. Mr. Editor: Allow me to ex-. press through your columns, our deep sense of gratitude and lasting obligation to the good people of Spencer, for their kind remem brance of us, as expressed in a "loundmg" last evening. It-is-the fifth time during the vear'that we have been visited. in this manner. f M ay ; these kind tokc;?s j of es teem prove a blessing to tach.'do a.rct may lI44Sllppl all yOUt according to his ;ricbe's in need glory by Christ Jesus'." Sincerely, ' . R. C, Craven, Pastor Spencer M. E. Church. Sept. 1, 1899. Chestnut Hill Classical School. Many of the people of Salisbury seem to be yet under the impres sion that the Church High School at Chestnut Hill will not be in op eration this year. 1 have been elected principal and shall have a thorough classical school, teach ing all, of the . English1 branches. Higher Mathematics and Latin, nd if wanted, Greek, French and German. 1 shall take a special in- erest in each scholar and do what- ever I can for his welfare in everv resoect.Havino- entered late I can- '4. u u..ui ..... the people of Salisbury will patronize the school this year and send me a sufficient number of scholars to ustify mem remain- ing, 1 shall try to build up a com- plete classical school which shall not only prepare young men for college but take them up high enough to enter the Sophomore class. V A classical school is certainly" an aid intellectually, to any com munity and every one should feel it his duty to do what he can for such a school and use his influence 6 build it up rather than patron- ize schools elsewhere. School onens Monday. SeWem- ber 1th, and if those who expect to send will enter their hbvs on l. H i J " Vi i t . ' .1 . f tuenrsi uay mey nna it to ineir advantage. If anv one wishes to see me in regard to sending scholars please . let me know by postal card ' ' . ; a. i 3ard, or at their otherwise, and I shall call house or place of business Respectfully, C. N. Feamster. Child Dead. ; The 17-monthold child of Mr. T. J. Pettis, of Spencer, died this morning. Tne body will be taken to Charlotte for interment. Salisbury High School. Ses sion begins September 4th. For terms apply to Miss Coit, principal. Josephine The Rowan Rifles will meet for drill at their -arniorj; to-night at 8:15. . v J. fc. Marable s new meat mar ket is now open. See his ad. on fourth page. ' A detective is at work on the case of attterapted train wrecking at Majolica. i " The 11-month-old child of M"r. Brantley Hall, of Chestnut Hill, died last night. i Mrs. B. D. Hurley who was sick for some time, we are glad to note has about gotten well. Stylish and comfortable are our line of fine shoes made by Edwin C. Burt; Burt Shoe Co. The usual Friday devotions will be conducted at the . Catholic church to-night at 8 o'clock. During August there were five interments in the city cemeteries, At Chestnut Hill there were five. A regular communication of Fulton Lodge No. 99 A. F. & A. M. will be held to-night at 8 o'clock. Work in the 3rd degree. "The swellest shoes we have 1 M till 1 " 0 seen, is, wnat an tne boys say oi our new patent leathers. Burt Shoe Co. 1 The travel north is very heavy now over the tjoutnern. ivn ex tra car on No.v 36 Jthis morning would barely accommodate the crowd. ?v Mrs. Geo. Fink from a letter re ceived is now in Brockton, Mass.,' where, she w;ent to make purchases for M r. Fink's New Department store. ; Miss Sue Trott is quite sick at ler home on North Poplar street. She returned:! rem Sallsbu ry sev eral days ago unwell. Charlotte News.- ' i . Dr. C. R. Barker purchased two ground hogs this were brought in roorninor. j.ney by a Davie manJ who had received them from Vir ginia., G. R. Sprinkle went out in the interest of his marble works yes- terday and sold two nice tablets, one to Mrs. Lemly and one to Chris Bringle. Now is the time to prepare for those cold days that are coming this winter. If you burn coal don't fail to read Jos. H. Mc- Neely & Go's ad. Mr. Geo. Fink yesterday had completed the work of putting up a telephone line to his farm two miles rrom tne cuy. xne piace re- ferred to is the old McCov farm, I Mrs. J. O. Waltham has . ar- rived in the citv and with her hnsband. who is . with the South- ern, will make her home here. Mrs. Waltham was formerly Miss Wrennie Saylor. Elder W. T. Broadway, of the Primitive Baptist, wiir preach at the Vance cotton milk? Saturday night, the 2nd, and at the academy at Chestnut Hill Sunday at 11 14 S. H. Hearne, Esq., of Albe- marie, was here to-day. He says his town is coming. Work is be- mgdoneon a new knitting mill . ..... and graded schools, and the bank i nearly ready for business. Mr. J. Chilton, who conducted 1 I 1' . " 1 - A 1 upnoiswjnng woret in uie nuui room of Mr. T. A. Coughenour's ice stand for some time, but who . . left here several weeks ago, ar rived in the city Wednesday night and is again ready for business. - A Death. Mrs. Malissa Poole, of Mill Bridge, died last night. She was one of the oldest women in the neighborhood being 85 years of age. Shave at the Climax. For Rent 9-room house ; water and gas. VV. J. r raley. Boarders Wanted. Liberty street, behind Lutheran church. Mrs. M. to. JJry. - Richmond, Aug. 31. The At lantic & Danville Railroad has been leased by the Southern Rail way, and will be operated by that company in the future. The lease is for 99 years,, with the privilege of renewal at the'" expiration of that time. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Southern, this morning, at 10 o'clock, held in the general pmces or tne company here, the lease was confirmed. A large majority of the stock or. tne ftoutnern was represented euner ,n Person or by proxy. Mr. t airtax ; JUarrison, of Washington, D. C, solicitor for the Southern, presided, over the meeting. No business was transacted, beyond the confirmation of this lease. New Form of Money Order. : The Postoffice Department has adopted a newt form of domestic money order which will ,be intro duced gradually as supplies of the old form become exhausted at the various postoffices throughout the country, after September 4. The new form is somewhat smaller than the order now in use. Its di mensions are about those of the ordinary bank draft, says the News & Observer. . has two adjuncts. The ad- vice or notification, to.be sent by the issuing to the paying post master, is a reproduction of the order through the use of carbon ized paper (the manifold process), and a receipt for the amount to be furnished by the issuing postmas ter to the remitter. ' On the back of the order aseparate - space has been nrovided-for stamns of banks a a. : . through which it mav be nassed - T U I for collection.,, ' In color the order is bluo' hav- ing a nghtlWground wltji lineJ closely inteflaced, tintecf ynes of geometrical lathe work of darker shades. In the centre is th p. I l - ,l . , I vulcut'011 waring ine words, Jros- tal Money Order," in shaded capi- tal letters of the same two tints of bJue. ' ine tint ot the order and the lathe work will serve to pre- time. His escape - was very nar vent imitations, but as additional row. safeguard against counterfeiting. I a horizontal watermark, composed of the initials "U. S. M. O." in broad capital letters has been wrought into the .paper on which the new forms are printed. The'pP&tal money order system, from a small beginning in 1861, when the number of money order postoffices established in the Uni ted States was 419, has grown to be; one of the great indispensible ucio u. now about 30,000 such offices. The -I nnmnpr rT rlnitififitin. monpv nrnflrs JZ tu , """T the past year was over 30,000,000, amounting in value to $210,000, 000. The system is used most extensively for remittance from places where bank exchange is not readily obtainable. It is ex- pected that on or about January i npvt ;th f ohnrtrd for orders wm be reduced materially. I - r- I v William R. Beavers, of Raleigh, late captain of Company K. First Reiment N. C. rolunteers, i was yesterday appointed to be a captain in the Forty-third Volunteer cavalry. The following additional ap- nn!ntnin(a rt-f M-itli Parnli'm'ono i puiuuncuio in the u. &. army were made: To be first lieutenants of volun-, teers, Alfred V. Brown, late quar- termaster sergeant; Company B. Second N. C. Volunteers, Forty- fourth; B. J. VVootten, late adju- tant Second N. L. Volunteers, Forty-se yenth. To be second; lieutenants of volunteer, Daniel R. Johnson, late first lieutenant First N. G. Volunteers, Thirty-eighth. Ilarry Bros, advertise trunks. I &c, in this issue of the buN. 0 CORE-NO PAY That is the way all drusrelsts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIO for Malaria Chills and Fever. It is simply Iron and ulnlne in a tasteless form. Children love i. Adults p efer it to bitter, nauseating i Tonics, rrice su ceni. v Two Mormon elders are now in Raleigh preaching the doctrine. They always go out on the mis sionary pilgrimages by twos. . A Winston lawyer remarked that if the SupremevCourt sustains Judge Coble's decision in the solici- torship cases. R. S. McCall will have one of the best offices in the State-oao that will pay about $10,- 000 a year. Winston shipped 1,657,842 pounds of manufactured tobacco ast month. This shows a good. business. notwithstanding this considered the dullest season of he year in the sale or manufactur ed tobacco. The Staf says that brick-laying was begun last week on the walls of Shelby's new 1100,000 cotton mill and fine, progress is being male, though the rainy weather las interfered with the work to y some extent. Immediately after court opened his morning Judge Brown sen tenced Ruf us Alston and Robert Rankin, the two boys convicted of criminal assault, to terms of ten and six years, respectively in the v State penitentiary. Greensboro Telegram. The Economis says a young negro man was arrested tor lar ceny in Elizabeth City a few days ago, some of the stolen goods being found in his possession. He got permission from the police to step aside for a moment, when he pulled a pistol from his pocket and shot himself dead. ; K A portion of the big fill in the i -. - ' Southern track at the Morrison place, five miles south of Concord, caved in Wednesday afternoon. A large jiumber of bunds wre working. there ' and the great bank grave way so - suddenly that Tom McNeelv, a negro, was caught and' I :iL :Ui 4",, .4 ff I covereu wilu sia ui eigui "-m- "i dirt. His comrades rescued him, J however, in time to save his life. ne was unconscious ior some shot and killed himself on Wed- nesday of last week. He was a watchman at the Cumnock coal mine and was last seen before the shooting about 11 o'clock on Wed- nesday. At 2 o'clock on that day he was found unconscious and with a pistol ball shot into his left eye. , He died that nigh tsvith out having regained consciousness, and therefore could not tell how De naa Deen suoi. xi is biqjposuu from the surrounding signs that Um 4-Kirimr '. f - ovtraot a lill T rTlTT l" irom ms Plslolwllua WUUM it accidentally fired. Chatham Record. A Recommendation- This is to certify that Messrs. Martin and Pointer have justcom- lete(1 erectib lii?ht I1: . ning rods in i ri roni T TAl'n l nnrn n circuit form upon my residence. They work, in occordance with the plan of the Weather Bureau De partment, Washington City and of Thomas S. Edison, the world's fa- mous electrician. They are in the citv and would be glad to wait nrjon any one needing work- in their line. The gentlemen come well rec-mmended. P. VV . Brown. Don't Torget. Arch arena, ten games in one. round article for The best all family amusement Complete $3.50. Fruit jar8 naif ever made. gallons sold out. nnort. and nint. Rnirliaiim viil seU at 50 cts per jozen as loI)!? as thev will last. Fruit iar rubbers at 5cts ; Der dozen. Buerbaum has received a new line of tracing paper, blue print paper, tube paints, sable and bristle brushes etc, etc. ' Fine China spitoons at 50 cts. ! each. A new line of fine China oi: all i kinds. ' cure. s cents.