f -5 Weather Forecast Dewejr-AsVHis Yellow Shoes ."A-v That is"tb, BEST QUALITY OF -'BREAD 50 LOAVES FOR S1.00, AT . . . T. L. SWINK'S. For CAKES of all kind, Fresh Baked, call on - - T. Ij. SW1KK. - -. ,' Main Street, Opposite Court Ilov&e. . ; Fair Vto-niht frosty Sun day lair and warmer. : SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY-EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1899. VOL. -VI. NO. 26'. - -4 3 ti W THE SMALLPOX SITUATION. Official Statement Seven Cases, ' 18 Suspects. - There are small pox and minora of smallpox, iiK)ic cif i he latter by a good deal-, than of the former. -In order- thatJhe -pallicr might not be unnecessarily "alarmed by t!g numerous reports i bejijteir culated the Sun cal led. upon Dr. " W. Jgrnmpt count physician, X. . this morning. r " v - xDrirunm s'tated that' there are : jio seven developed cases of .. s srnall ring ad eighteetinspprtft J?---srtmtinect7at "'The7 pet house; ims 13 iqu exieui ,oj- iuo u.ietn: in the county. ! . -'. " ; Contracts for Lights. Contract blanks -for electric lights are being printed $t the bujf othce. t rom these we see that the price of lisrhts will be as follows: One to four lights, all night, , $1.50 per light per month; Five anctover. all night, $1.25; One to four, until 11 p. m., $1.00; live and over until 11 p. m., 90 cents; One to four until 9 p. m. 85 cents; Five and over, until I) p. m. 75 cents; One to four, until 7 p. m. .60 cents; . Five and. over, until 7 p. m. 50 cents. " Special rate for residence light ing; bills subject to 10 per cent - discounts. - . Two Children Dead. ltalph, the 18 month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. .Mack Hall, died 1 tbisJuiorniiig at 3 o'clock. It had been hick for about a week with diphtheria. ."The interment will be'ufade thU evening. , ,r ' Peter Hivy wood, the 9 mon4h old sftfi of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. jt-.;-f ty died thb, jmirni ' , PThe little body will be laid to rest to-morrow evening in the Salisbury, cemetery, the funeral being conducted from the Catholic church at 4 o'clock. The Sun, together with the many friends of the bereaved parents, extend deep sympathy in the sad loss of their second and only child. . Fair Exhibits. Mr. George Vanderbilt's stock farming people at Biltmore have shipped to the Norfolk Fair" six teen Jersey cattle and thirty Berk shire hogs. They traveled in two handsome cars of the Pullman Pal ace Car Co., of Chicago, and passed here yesterday. No More Recruits Wanted. Lieut. Wood, who has been here for several days recruiting, is still in the city, but has orders not to recruit any more. The Thirty eighth, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth regiments for which he and Lieu tenant Johnson were recruiting in this State, are full. The Paint Brush. The old residence recently vaca ted by Capt: Thos. Murphy has been much improved in appearance lby paint. Miss Ch.unn's boarding house is baing painted. Mr. D.t R. Julian's residence is being painted which adds greatly to its appeaaance. 39 th Annual Fair. Prospects are good for the next State Fair, at llaleigh, to be the best in its history. It is the '39th an ltml fair. On Wcdesday and Thursday of fair week the Southern will sell tickets at practically one cent a mile, tickets good returning un til the 23rd of October. Social for Monday morning Fine Cambric miiKlin b'c. per yard worth 10c. Lichtenstein's closing out sale. Notice: 1 will not ie respon sible for any accounts made by orders, unless written in. my hand writing. " P. W. Brown. 10 CURE-MO PAY That ts the wa; 'TASTELKSS d y an druggists sen uku v m a all dm CHILL TONIO for Malaria f 'hi il.. n.nri Fnvflr. . It Is sIoidIt Iron and Qululne In a tasteless form. Children love It. Adults pi efer It to bitter, nauseating Tonics. tTrice ou ceni : " LAST NIGHT. Given by: Socia Committee of the Christian Endeavor. The social committee of the Christian Endeavor Society gave a reception tt the Society last night at the m anse. in noiior oi - i . . Dr. and Mrs ample and Tie v. John Wakefield Those presen enjoyed the even- ing very much. There were reci- tations by Misses Annie tWiIey, Katie MurphyJ Eleanor . Watson and Johnsie Ooit. . vlr. Hum pie ixJd.n iatef estmgTl5ugtpr'y. Mff- sioaa furnished by Miss Blanche; rendered a -son!, the words and niusicof which she composed. The dininsr room wad visited during the evening and the por tion of the program carried out in that part of thej hospitable home was not the least enjoyed-by any means i Cotton. it,- Cotton brought 7.37i on the SalisburyjmarkeJ; to-day. In conseq uence of some gross telegraphic f rad m ds perpetrated, it is believed, at New York, where Dewey Day .general suspension of business gave the conspirators a splendid opportunity a wild panic prevailed leans Cotton in the New Or 5xchange yester closure of the ex- day compelling change for the first time in its his tory, and a deciiion by the board - of directors tqat all contracts should be of fraud. made during thq panic null and void because Under this decision many heavy losses were '""prevented... at New Orleans., jit means litigation of collosal proportions. The losses in the country nl ust amount up to millions. . m . . i.lue to, a-'terrilic panto n-ftd jump in the pi ice of cotton based upon fake Liverpool advices. Northern Sword. J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, Rowan county, N. C. who is getting up all kinds of curipsities to take to the N. C. State fair, has just come across a sword n Salisbury that f or m'erl belonged to a Northern soldier. , The name and address was on the sworn but was rubbed almost entirely but. The name I the word New It might be pos- was fomith and York was on it. sible that the ehtire address can be found by the parties who come in possession of it. It was bought at auction on tue street in Salis bury, -N. C., abut two years ago. It has been a very fine sword; the handle seems tdj have been gold plated ana the J blade is oi very tine steel and hap been finely en graved. Barlow's Minstre Barlow Bros. minstrels drew a good-sized audience at the opera The perform- house last evening. ance was much enjoyed through- out. There were new ;ongs, new jokes and new dances The bicy- cle riding !and ricks by Griggs were excellent. Dr. Byrd's Child Bead. Died, in Asheville, Friday af- ternoon, Sept. 29th, at 3 o'clock, Charles, youngest child of Rev. and Mrs. C. WJ Byrd. lo mase yo ir winter under- clothes, j All wool flannels and sifk warp ilanne Saving you one half of cost. llichtenstein's clos- iog out side. Try some of J ickson's fine meats. Shave at the 'Umax. New Dairy. Having rented R. J. Holmes' Meadow Stock bottles and fix BTarm and bought Lures from J. H. MciNeeiy, i am now prepared to furnish fresh milk morning and evening at five All persons teents per quart, wanting milk will be supplied, at i he above price by seeing me or Heaving orders at R. J. Holmes, Jr., & (Jo's Store. My wagon takes tbe place of J. H. McNeely's tp-day. J. . Stansill. Salisbury, Sfpt. 20. RECEPTION SERVICES TO-MORROW. When and By Whom Services Will Be Conducted.. Rev. L. E. Busby will preach at Chestnut Hill to-morrow after noon at 2:30 o'clock. ' . v" Episcopal Services as usual at St. Luke's, St. Paul's, St. .Peter's and St. John's. Lutheran Regular services will be conducted at St. John's Lutheran church by the pastor. SpencerJUJv,Church S.unday z k h- t rttH' W eye wrt, just how iVfeSSit-tby the pastor,Rev. RlCi Craven. Rev. J. ! D. . Usely-will probably preach for ; Rev. Craven at 7:30 p, m. Catholic Church High Mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Ves pers, sermon and t Benediction-; at 7:30 p. m. . ;.' , Faith Reformed Church Sei vices at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. Gerny Weber. Sunday school atj 9:3Q a. m. A full attendance is desired at these services. . - ' ' " Elder W. F. ij Broadway, Prim itive Baptist, X will preach at the school house at Chestnut Hill to-morrow at 11 o'clock. -There-will be the usual services at the First Presbyterian church o-morrow by the pastor. Spencer Presbyterian church Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. ounday school at 4 p. in. Services ;will le held for the first, time in the new Lutheran church at Spencer, to-morrow at 1 a. m. The Christian Endeavor Society will meet at the usual hour to-mor- row. JLoiic, uur uwn nurcn, What Can we do for Her." The junior cioty wiltalso meet at t b e usuar hpii r. . v There will be 'no Services at the Baptist church to-morrow on ac count of the absence of the pastor. Methodist There will be reaching at Church Street church at the morning and eveuing hour by the pastor, J. H. Weaver.' Sunday school at 9:45 a m. Rev. MrrMarsh will preach at he Kesler mill 11 a. in., and at the Vance mill 7:30 p. m. At Main Street Methodist church services will be ; conducted at the usual hours. I Services at the academy at ijnestnut mil, at o p m., con- ducted by Rev. G. W. Reed. For the Salvation of Negro Race. Rev. L. T. Christmas, formerly of West Virginia, arrived here ast night, on a msssion known as an "Evangelical Educational Co operation" movement for the Det erment of the - social conditions," and the salvation of the negro race in the United States. He will speak here in several of he churches next week and at the court house one night. He has been addressing both white and colored audiences. : This movement is heartily en- lorsed by the papers of Hender son, Oxford, Goldsboro, VVilming- on and Raleigh. The man him self is highly endorsed. J. T. Harrison receives fine. fresh oysters everyday. . We wish to inform the ladies of Salisbury that the new embroidery siiks, soia pniows, laundry hags, &c, for which j they have been waiting arrived to-day. Harry Bros. J , - Fresh fish every day at A. L. Shaver's. .. The great Success of Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civi lized world. For sale by James flummer. ! The soothing and healing prop erties f of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste . and prompt and permanent cures, have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by James Plummer, Druggist, LOAD WENT WRONG- WAY. Young Man Badly Hurt By Bursting Yesterday evening Jim Grubb, a young man of the Kesler Mill neighborhood was V shooting muzzle-loader gun at a target. a When -one shot was fired the load went the wrong way the breech pin was blown against and almost into the; young man's head, over the i eye. Quite an' ugly gash j .was ' mSde. There about the badly is . not: known; yet. It is probable that the-ight is injured. Dr. I.. II. Fpust attended the in jured boy. . ' COMING AND GOING. Brief Items About Salisburians and Their f riends. Jas. L. Watson went to Concord this morning. ' , "f Mr. Wood W. Krider returned home last night. r . . . . - ,"''' ' B. Spigel leaves to-night for the north to buy goods. Mrs. P. B. Beard has' returned from Blowing Rock. , , - Miss Josie Nussman left, this morning for Asheville. : r : ' A. 11. ,Lazenby and ' wife are spending a few days ; at States viile. Mrs. T. L. Seigle, ofhaflotte, came up this morning tci visit her brother, Mr. J. A. Hedrick. Mr. "and Mrs. W. Z Looney and little Miss Cassie 'tMao leave over the Western to-tilght for a few weeks visit to their home, Louisville, Ky. While 3rone they will make a tour of beirt neh"er Western Suites." - vf.- aH Depositions Taken. Mr. J. Crawford Biggs, of Dur ham, of the law firm of Boone aDd Bryan, was in the city to-day and appeared before Mr. J. M. Julian, notary public, before whom d po sitions were taken in 'the case of Edwards against the,. railroad. Mr. A. H. Price represented the rail- read. Deals in Dirt. Messrs. McCubbins & Jordan have sold the Lipscomb lot next to Capt. Beall's and two of the ITrklmo' -r I 1 1 T . . i.tiw tveen Horah and Monroe, the three lots bringing $1,650 cash. Nice residences are to be built on these lots. . Teachers Meet. The , Rowan County Teachers' Association met at the city school house to-day. An interesting ses sion was held. " Slight Wreck. Several cars of a freight train were . derailed near the covered bridge early this morning. No. 8 from the south was delayed some. Fresh oyiters every day at J. T. Harrison s, Three more rooms to rent, furnish'ec 'or unfurnished. Call at this offict : 1 Shave 'at the Klondike. Hair cut 15 cents. Don't Ruin Your digestion with adulterated candies, but go to Buerbaum's, who keeps only the purest and best candies. Royster's has been the standard of purity, , whole someness and deliciousness. Roy ster's is the only kind Buerbaum keeps.. . The latest styles and best qual ity of late stationery on hand. For twenty years Buerbaum has made the picture frames for the people of Salisbury; he is still on deck making the latest styles and most artistic frames. A fine lot of new mouldings just arrived. In bibles, testaments, etc., BuerQkum has ,the largest line ever offered in the city. ; ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and About Salisbury. Mr. C. M. Brown is confined t6 his room to-day by sickness. J. T. Wyatt, -of Faith, N. C, paid Out $150 to his hands to-day. RevenaOfficer Bradsbaw seized thirty-five.$:allons of the ardent in transits yel&erday. ' An owner has not been found for the mule which came to H. G Tyson's Wednesday' evening. Corn by the load is being sold now. ne hrst load feen on the Salisbury market brought 50 conts mi . . . a bushel to-day, - - ' The Buis house will probably be rolled across the street to a part of the land included in the recent cor ner property deal. Prof. R. G. Kizer tells us school census reports are coming in rap idly from the county. The law requires that all reports be sent in by Monday. The Yadkin train was delayed an hour this morning on account of the scant supply of water. Mojo delay was made by work to be done on the way but the train got h ere 'before noon. Liman Holden, t. the-27year-and 11-month old child of Mr. -Walter Holden died this morning at 2 o'clock. The interment will be made in the morning at 10 o'clock at Chestnut Hill cemetery. Dr. J. B. Qmncil and wife re turned last night from Blowing Rock where they bad been since their marriage. The Dr's sister, on account of whose sickness he was detained at the Rock, is bet ter. 17 1,000 Horse Power Wanted." " W. B. Ellis, general manager oi tne iNorth Carolina Jidectric Power company, which is build ing the hugo dam on Ivy river, told the AsheviUo Citizen yester day that the company is in cor respondence with the represenUt tive of a party in Chicago who is interested in the new process of manufacturing calcium carbide, and who is desirous of having at least 1,000 horse power for the installation of his plant.. Some of our Western railroads have been using weed burners to protect their tracks. One worked over 900 miles of track last year at a cost of $2.35 per mile. The speed is very slow, being only li miles an hour, and a "barrel of oil is used for each mile. Compressed air is forced through the oil, form ing a vapor which is ignited. This vapor is kept close to the track by a shield over it. .The intense heat burns the weeds between the rails. . Once at work, the shield is lowered within four inches of the rail, and when not in use is raised to eighteen inches above the rail. Harry Bros, extend a cordial invitation to the ladies, requesting them to call and examine a beauti ful lot of new Handkerchiefs. Ladies wraps from 25c. up.. Lichtenstein's closing out sale. New Draperies! An entirely new line of oriental designs in silkalenes antl denims at Harry Bros. Strayed. Large gray cat, with white breast. Return to T. F. Young's store and get reward. See those 50c. shirts at the Caro lina Racket. - . -m - " For Rent 3 5 room cottages at Spencer. Also one 4-rooin cot tage in Brooklyn. . D. A. Atwell,. Wanted Ten bricklayers at power house near depot. Apply at building. TO CURE A COLD III Oil OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Hire. 85 centw. t See those 50c. shirts at the Caro lina Racket THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS - and fe3r4s a bottle ofGROVK'8 Tastklksb ChiiA Tonic. Neer falls to cure; then why experiment wfthrVoTthless imitations? Price W cents. " Your money back It It falls to cure LAND PARADE. DEWEY PRESENTED WITH LOVING CUP. ' Sixteen States Represented by Troopi The Parade An ' Entire Suc cess Headed By Dew ey's Men. . SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. New York, Sept. 30.v Admiral Dewey was presented with a loving cup by the city this morning. There is a great throng present. The land parade started off at 11 o'clock this morning, with thir ty-four thousand in line. Sixteen States were represented by troops. And Governors under escort of State troops. Seven battalions of naval bri gade with the Olympia jackies headed the procession and were raptuonsly cheered. Dewey fol lowed, the cheers reaching a still higher pitch. It is a magnificent dav.-and the occasion so far is a grand' 'success. AnJ enormous number of specta tors are present. . A North Carolinian Honored. The Greensboro Telegram says: It is interesting to learn of hon- ors -extended to North Carolina scholars in foreign lands and es pecially so when they fall upon one of our own citizens. Mr. LeonardC. Van Noppen, whose translation from the Dutch of Von- del's Lucifer created such a sen sation in the literary world, last y eaibas j ustTe in the guestliJf honor at the Literary and Lin guistic Congress of the Nether- ands, which met this year in ii i i i mi urueni, teigium. xcere were 700 delegates assembled, the lead ing scholars and literateurs oi Holland and Belgium. Mr. Van' Noppen was introduced to the congress and called upon for a speech. He responded in Dutch and was greatly applauded, both or the timeliness of his remarks and his excellent command of the anguage. At the large banquet at night he was frequently toasted and praised for his notable service to Dutch literature. - . He returns to the United States j Christmas with another publica tion, and will probably be heard in Greensboro next spring in one of his lectures. About November 1st the shirt actory at the penitentiary will resume work. At first about 60 convicts will be employed, these be ing such as cannot do heavy outdoor work. Later the number will be increased to about 120. There are now 50 sewing machines, and 50 more will be adde'd. There are seven divorce suits pending in the Durham Superior court, six of which are set for trial on Saturday of next week, and one the week following. Three of these cases are white and four colored. Ii is understood that in only one or two of these cases will any contest be made. Black goods at one half else- of price you have to pay where. Lichtenstein's closing out sale. I have a practical plumber, gas and steam fitter, and solicit the patronage of the public. J.is. Gallimore. . Notice. To Sand Haulers. You must not take sand out of the ditches in, Salisbury Township without seeing the supervisor, J. A. Mahaley. Sept. 27tb, '99 Harry Bros have , an extraorr dinary ad in this issue of the Sun i - "Best on the market for coughs and -colds and all bronchial troubfes; for croiip it has no equal," writes Henry R. Whit ford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure, James Plnmmer. NEWS OF THE STATE. Condensed From Exchanges Tar Heel Happenings. The State will this year have the largest peanut rop it has ever grown. Mr. Daniel E. Rhyne, of Lin colnton, has purchased an automo bile. He will opearte it in Lin- -colnton. Statesville Telephone exchange was connected with the Morgan ton exchange Wednesday, via Lenoir. The people of North Wilkes- boro will vote in the, near future on the question .of issuing bonds to establish an electric light plant. There are seven railroad dam re suits on the docket, of Dur ham Superior Court and the ag gregate of damages asked for is , about $100.000. , The Southern's warehouse at Pinner's Point, destroyed by fire covered four acres of ground. The loss is about $1,000,000, fully covered by insurance. A severe thunder and. wind storm visited Troutman and Gran ite Hill Monday morning. ' No fa talities are reported and l ittle dam fifge was done except to cotton. Rev. J. WV Lee, theevangelist, left last night for Washington . He says he hopes to .secure an ap pointment as chaplain in the Phil ippine army. Greensboro Tele-. , gram. ' , Here's an editor who keeps up . with the signs. Says the Wilkes boro Chronicle: "Frost will soon -be here. Swarms of butterflies are migrating southward to spend the winter. They migrate south just before frost." The frost has doubtless "cotch" the butterflies. . Statesville Landmark. Wild dogs have their breeding places in a great tract of forest land about two miles from here. There are a thousand acres or. more in the -tract. List night these dogs made a raid and killed and partially ate nearly 10 turkeys which were fattened for Thanks giving Day. Raleigh correspon dent. John McLeymore, a Cherokee Indian living near Murphy, was in town the other day with a vio lin that he made himself, including the bow. It was a piece of - nice wormanship and stamps John as a genius of no mean character. The violin had a pleasant sound and was admired by all wTh'o saw it. Murphy Scout. Three negroes charged with the ' murder of Constable Bryant at Bethel, Pitt county, " last May, were put on trial at Greenville this week. One submitted for murder in the second degree, another, for manslaughter and a third for assault. Judge Hoke sentenced the first to the peniten tiary for 21 years, the second for llyears.and suspended judgment in case of the third. An enterprise that is just as feasible as it is vast has been fi nally arranged that ' means much to Shelby and surroiindiDg towns. It is the harnessing of the rushing tumbling wafers of Main Broad, river so that its volume may be I used in the transmission of elec trical power sufficient to operate the mills of Shelby, Gaflney, Kings Mountain, Gastonia and Cheryville. Ribbons and laces less than cost. Lichtenstein's closing out sale. Stock tor Sale 20 or 25 shares North Side Roller mill stock, pay ing lOer. cent. R. L. Shavkk. Mrs. John A Murphy's Social Exhibit. Pattern Hats and no vel ties -in Millinery Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. To every purchaser to the amount of Ten Dollars, a beautiful silver cup or set of silver knives and forks will be given. A silver tray, silver ink stand, fruit knife and spoon, thermometer, or nap kin ring to every purchaser- to te amouct-f-FrnJ DII a : S. 7 VT: V J ' i ' - ' -