4 V i r o A. J. YOPP, PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR. Will be here for a short while only, juy one wishing anythiug done in niy line will do well to see me. 1 can he found at Capt. Charles Price's res idence, l'have a -nice line of sam ples of wall paper. Book can be had on application. . Lafjje Shipments of are being constantly consigned te us from the mines of the famous Jellico, and our patrons are not only assured of the highest grade coal at the low-- est prices, but of it being well screen ed and free from dirt and stone. The Jellico Coal is free burning and eco nomical, and it costs less in the long run than any other coal you can use. Place your order at once as coal is advancing. ' JOS. H. M'NEELY & CO. Office at T. F. Young's. Lime, Cement and Plaster. A Car Load of Each Just Received. FEESH TURNIP SEED a;t KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. ELECTION NOTICE. In pursuance of an act of the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, ratified on the 6th day of March, 1899, leinif Chapter 266 of the Private Laws of 1H9., and being an act entitled, "Ad act to authorize the City of Sal isbury to issue Bonds to secure and supply to said City an Electric Light plant, Seweraffe, Water Works and for other purposes," and in pursuance of an ordinance of the Board of Alder men of said City, ratified at their regular meeting , on the 21st day of September, 1899, calling an ele tion to be held in said City to submit to the qualified voters thereof the ques tion of the issuing of Bonds to an amount not exceeding one hundred t housand dollars in the name of said City for the purpose of establishing, purchasing, owning, equipping, con structing and operating a system ol Sewerage, Water Works, and Electric Lights for the use of said City and its inhabitants, the undersigned as May or of said City and Ex-r rhio chairman of the Board of Aldermen hereby gives notice that an election will he held in said City on the 30th Day of October, 1899, upon the question of the issue of said Bonds. All those in favor of said Bond issue will vote a ticket with the words written or printed thereon ':For issue of Bonds," and all opposed will vote a ticket with the words writ ten or printed thereon, "Against the issue oatlJonds.'? Books for registration of voters will be opened at the usual voting places or Dree i net in said City on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday preceeding the election and all persons qualified to vote are urged to register , their names and vote upon this questiefh.. Dated September 25th, 1899. S. F. LORD. Mayor and Ex-ofticio Chairman of the Board of Aldermen. The following have been appointed Registrars and Judges of election: North Ward Registrar, J. R. Mon roe: judges of election, B II. Marsh, . C Wyatt South Ward Registrar, D. R. Jul ian: judges of election, R. L. Shaver, C J. Bi.'irham. i" East Ward Registrar, W. L. Ran kin: judges of election, J. M. FeacocK, n. W. Windsor. West. Ward Registrar. F. M. Thompson; judges of election, J. D, Ileilig, C. T. Jones. DISSOLUTION NOTICE, j To Whoni it may concern. Notice is hereby given that on this date the iviptnapcliin oviati ncr hflt.WPP:n .T. T. JUI tUlOUip v " larrison and J. W. Ilammill, doing Imsiness under the firm name of J. T. CU.. Is this dav dissolved. a w irnmmlll jsellincr all hia ricrhts and interests to J. W. Kerr, Agt , who becomes responsiDie ior one-uaii me HoHt.H nf siH co-rartnershin and by tbi notice assumes the payment of said one-half Indebtedness of said J. Allea Brswa- co-partnership. Aug. 8 '99. FOE mm 13 lots on! one of the principal roads Leading1 but j of Sal isbury. 4 Tl ey bor der on to n line. chance i . invest- & splendid for a good ment. i . I? II MAW I GO., a 11. uimn REAL ESTATE AND RENT AGENCY. Overman Building:, OSice No. 4. -t Fine Mackerel, Large arid Fat, just received at ; D. tiller's. ELEGAKT .. over Davis & Wiley Bank by Serine, recently Tonsorial A rtist to the New , lorkjbtocK Exchange. Handsome equipment Professional hair dressing.! rn for ladies and viite parlors til ldren. CAPUDINE CURES K;?il Sick Headache. La erippa. Pains, Nervous lieadachti HEADACHE Every bottle guaranteed. J c at all druggists. Sanitary! Plumbing, Gas Fittings, Steam a id Ilot Water Heating. Architect ial Drawings. Out of town orders I will receive prompt attention ' Superiority !in ' Workmanship GparanteedT Also Galvanized Iron Cornice, Tin, Sheet Iron Work and Slating. Nicolson. STORMERS AN f ..v. X) EAGLE 25, $35 and $45.! The slickest wheels that whirl. Solar Gaa lamps. M. and W. Tires. A first class line of bun dries. A first-class lifery. 2nd hand wheels at bargains. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, j CITY CYCLE LIVERY S REPAIR SHOP, WILLIAMS & COB URN. CARRIAGE, ! REPAIR SHOP. and PAINT I have bo light the entire shop of Geo. P. Horton at th old Bar ker stand, where I will conduct ja first-class carriage -i shop. Car riages and bi paired and Waggons bu paired. We ggies re- i painted. It and re lso make a snecialtv of horse shoeing. Ajll work done in workmanship style and gi aranteed satisfactory. Thank ing my frienqs for past favors 1 solicit a share of the future patron age.; : J.- INGER. SWEET AS J JNE ROSES is the linen that is laundered with the perfection of '" skall for which the LAUNDRY SALISBURY STEAM is famous. Clean, wh iteand spotless, and with a domestic. finish-that can- not be duplicated in this town, is the result of ourr exquisite methods and careful attention to details. Tonsoria Parlors W. S. i PHONE 109. j Bacyclel, Bicycles, A. ffl. BAS t - - t - Dewey end His Yellow Shoes When russet shoes - of a bright yellow hue were introduced," Dewey wore the first pair that was seen in Washington. They at once became the subject of jest of all the officers of the Navy Department. Early in the afternoon one of Dewey's, feet began to swell, ahd his suffering from his new' ? shoes was acute. In an interval be tween the call of friends who were still "running" him on his shoes the Commodore sought his chief clerk's room:- He walked with a limp, and finally loosened the strings, to relieve his feet. "I suppose I; can't 'take these thiDgs off now,1' he remarked with a bitter smile," for those fellows'll think they have driven me to it." And for hours the Commodore sat at his desk in perfect torture. Ladies' Home Journal. ' - The Pullman Palace Car Com pany haviDg failed to schedule any personal property I f of taxation, the board of assessors put it at $1,500,000. 1 The board of review has raised it to $8,900,000, and in addition to this the' company will have to pay to the State of Illinois a tax on the capitalization. An old proverb says. Marry your sons when you will, your daughters when you can. As a matter of fact either proposition is an impossibility. ' A Word to Mothers. Mothers-of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesitate to administer - Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate nor narcotic in any form and may be given as confidently to the babe as to an' adult. lhe great success that had attended its use in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the approval and praise it has received through out the United States and in many foreign lands. For sale by James Hummer. . CD B t5 rt- "CO- . o o CD CD Town Lots for Sale ! Tt "Nf ' 1. Tn Rfist. Ward nf t.bp town of Salisbury, on Lee street, ad loininff MtlL"! Bean and Mrs. fJordnn' propertpear railroad, 60 feet by 200 - T.nt. Tfh. 2. Tn TJort.h Ward nf t.ho town of Salisbury, on Main street, ad- JU1U1UWE IjtlC IkUUCtllC ctLUJ Khaver lots: 1181 feet bv 201 feeti? -;.; Harriet E. Johnston property Tt tle guaranteed, j ; ' ' ' For particulars address, MoCalT &" Nixon, Attorneys, Charlotte, xtrC. ' CD ."A Strange Currency Situation." .-" That is the heading of an edi torial in Vxsterdaj's New York World. It urges Congress to take action "to relieve the obvious inadequacy of the r- currency and its adamantine inflexibility,'! and says: . , . : ; . ""The inadequacy pf our cur rency system is very remarkably and rather humiliatingly illus trated by the fact that New York bankers and business men are con- gratulating themselves upon' the 'financial relief that Dewey ,week will afford. x ' ; i "Not only .will the exchanges ose for two days this week, thus suspending the demand for loans, utit is estimated that the expendi ures of Dewey week visitors will amount to $30,000,000 or- more, most of. which will flow into - the banks, thus relieving the strain upon the reserves. ' "Months ago the World pointed out the fact that this autumn's de mand for currency .would be great er than the bankaQf .New -Xork could meet. The fulfilment comes now in so complete an exhaustion of the, surplus reserve that a two days' suspension of the exchanges and the anticipated expenditures of Dewey week visitors are hailed as a relief by the bankers and busi ness men of the second, and per haps the first, financial capital of the, world. And this after some years of unparalleled gold imports and unprecedented trade balances in our favor."' The big war expenditures, the discovery of gold in Klondyke, and the big: foreign,trade are the hree causes that have temporarly elieved the financial stress which prevailed up to the declaration of war. Much of the prosperity of he past year has been due to Avar expenditures. And yet with these three factors, all unprecedented, the New York papers camplain of he ''obvious inadequacy of - cur rency arid, its adamantine inflexi bility!" The money question will not lie settled unless there is more money and what we do have is not tied up by "adamantine inflexi bility." Raleigh News-Observer. Is the Millenium Near. The millennium 'must' be near, for at last the lion and'tmsJaiub are lying down together. At least, our former countryman, Mr. Thos J. Lam be, and Mr. George Lyon have formed a co-partnership, at Durham, in the clothing business under the name of Lambe and yon. Chatham Record. A few days ago a locomotive on a railroad "on the suburbs" of X'hilidelphiaktruck a woman who was picking up coal and. threw ler twenty-five feet into an ad- oining field and didn't phase her. ler name was Hanna. There must be something in a name. Mark Hanna is a tough one, also. Wilmington Star, That Connecticut woman who ried to cut her tongue out be cause . her neighbors thought it oo long, went further than neces- sary. one mignt ,nave orougnt it down to the proper length by cuttitig.it in two. - The projected ship canal from Georgian Bay to Montreal would mean the saving of 725 milts in he transportation of grain from Chicago Jo Liverpool; all but 20 miles is open river and lake water. No Name forlt. "Isn't he a trifle close?" "Close? Man, he's so stingy he'd steal the mark off a mule." N. Y. Press. U' They are simply perfect," writes Rob't. Moore of La Fay ette, Ind of DeWitt's Little Early lasers, the' "famous little pills" for constipation and all liver ailments. Never srriDe. James Plummer. I - - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure: is a scientific , compound:" having the endorsement of. eminent physicians and the medical press. It "di gests what you eat'' and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomingdale, Tenn. , says it cured standing. James Plummer. E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured ofpiles-by DeWitt's Witch Hazel ;Salve after l suffer- Ung itgevehteen years and 1 trying: wjvss5 twenty remedies, i Irhysi- mans and surgeons . endorse it. f Be ware of dangerous counter feits. James Plummer. The Big CornXrop. ; . The corn carnival is the feature of the great valleys of the Central West "when the frost is on the pumpkin and the corn is -in the shock," but with a crop of some 300,000,000 bushels to harvest there are tired souls and wearied bodies in the corn, belt these fine antumn . days. The promise'of wealth and abundance of this world's goods brings con solation and joy; it is the prolong ed labor without the monetary compensation that disheartens and dispirits. Never was there a more propitious corn carnival season than the present, and Kansas and the corn belt are jubilant. Oops are good, and prices are good. Corn is everywhere and every thing. One cannotwalk the streets of a Kansas town to-day' without encountering witnesses of the State's wealth. There .are'eorn neckties in the show-windows, corn-husk parasols and hats in the possession of fair women pedes trians, cornstalk canes jauntily swung by prosperous swains, and corn shoes and dolls for children every where. The Manifold value of corn for household and person al adornment has been the feature of each . succeeding carnival, and this year's creations have totally eclipsed anything heretofore wit nessed." Clothes and Shoes. We must pay more for our clothing and our shoes this year than we have paid for' several years past. We must pay more for our shoes because the Dingley tariff placed a duty on hides in order to enrich the great, grabbing Cattle Trust. We must pay- more for our clothing because of the heavy du ties placed by the same law on wool and woolen goods for the And the increased cost will not be trifling in amount. Every overcoat and every suit, the tai lors say, will be advanced $5. Every pair of shoes that a year ago cost $3 will cost $4.50 or $5. Multipl3r those advances by the 70,000,000 people who must have several suits and several pairs of shoes apiece this year and the to tal will represent a very heavy sum of money which the law takes out of the earnings of all the pro- pie and gives to a favored and rotected few. The ' jhing is worth thinking about. New York World. North Carolina Indians. -Four Indian boys, ranging in ages from 16 to 11) years, who es caped from the Carlisle . (Pa.) In-! dian School, were captured Wed - nesday in the vicinity of Monk- ton, on the Northern Central Rail-' way. They were taken before Justice Heisse, where they gave heir names as Adam Twetle3r, David Crew, Abram George and Thomas Wolfe. The magistrate committed them to the county jail to await some disposition by the authorities at Carlisle, who were notified of their capture. , Sheriff Whittle received a dis patch later from Carlisle signed "Pratt Major," asking the sheriff to send the boys back to the .insti tution in charge of an officer and saying that he would pay the ex- enses. AH the boys arerstal wart lads, and all agreed with Deputy Sheriff John F. Anderson to go back to Carlisle without a requisi tion. One of the boys, who could speak good English, said that the3- were from North Carolina, where their parents lived, and. that they wanted to go home, although they had been treated well at the school. They left Carlisle last Sunday night and followed the railroad tracks, as they thought that was the best way to find their homes. They were returned to Carlisle. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will con vince you of their merits. These nills are easy in action and par ticularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles hean nroved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely: vggQ: table. Thev do not weakem by hir ar-.tion. but bv trivinr tone to the stomach and bowels greatly inviornratft the system. ResTular sizeSc. per Gx. Sold by Kluttz second muxSM 11 iMl I is) yiiii The past week has caused by the Exceptional Values offered. Still you cannot fail to still find a very choice selection of anything you may need in the Dry Goods Line as our variety; but do not let this cause you to ' pro crastinate. Heed the old adage: f Make hay while the sun shines." is varied still some lines are getting entirely closed out. Your early benefit to you. , Go to LICHTENSTEIN'S BIG SALE early and get the biggest dollars worth you ever recieved. An old saying! Something In It Too. "Ones Refinement Is Told By . Her Stationery." Our line of Box Tapers, Fine Writ off Papers and Tablets is truly charming. Exquisite tints in all the approved shades. It doesn't cost any more to use correct Stationery and it certainly trives- greater satisfaction, you will agree. Call and see the beautiful new line displayed at fJuthrell's Drug Store "We guaran tee rates. THE SOUTHERN STOCK MU TUAL INSURANCE CO., offers insurance at SOUTHEASTERN TARIFF ASSO CIATION RATES and pays back a dividend of 20 per ct; Take advantage of this offer and don't be hereafter regretting the lost opportunity. 1. IB- MAKSH, Agent. arOtflce In old bank building. Cranberries,, Potato JUST Another lot of Lowney Candies, just received, in all sizackages wee: & ii MAM k n'A ad been a very busy one stock is immense in While the assortment call will be of great - : Sitting the M ca b Hsii is what you do every time you buy your lumber, sash, doors, blinds, mouldings and allldnds of mill work from my complete stock. Contractors and builders will find that they get a superior grade of lumber and work manship, in this line, at lower prices, than can be bought elsewhere. c. j. :rick. FOR SALE. 1 fam with 2-story house on it, 50 acres, 1 mile from fountain, splen did for truck farming and dairy; 5 or 6 other houses in different parts of town; 1 house at Spencer. It will be well to see me before buyinsr. R L. SHAVER, Agt. . s, and Cocoannts; in & Teiser. Chip

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