JI J, J 7 . 6 " Mechanics & Investors TJINIOIV Is doing more to build up" Salisbury thau any other oiitside Company. Not one application for moncbas been rejected, and 4,be loans LWve ranged from $300 to $1,300. . BEST QUALITY OF BREAD. 50 LOAVES FOR $1,00, AT . . . T. L. SYYINK'S. For CAKES of all kind, Frcsh,Bakccl, call on - T. L. SWINK. Main Street, Opposite Court llovac. ChaS. B.s Jordan, Agt. JJfEATHEB FORECAST : Fair to-night and Saturday. .-3 SALISBURY, N. C., FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1899. VOL. VI. NO. 43. - r- r - . 1 . , ----- . . 1 . - THE COVERED BRIDGE. i Has Been Unroofed and Unsightly. Made Less The covered bridge across the railroad on Inniss streetisnolong- r pivArp1 . And -the aooearance of thft st.riint.nrfi is much improved. The railroad company had a fnr-a, rinmla of wnrt vpstei'iiftv - . j i' j 1 j eveninenana to-day taKing tne top and sides rway. - The frame work between the carriaore-wftv and side walks re- - j main and .tailings will be placed on the side s. - : f The bridge looks much better but it is hored the purpose of the comnanv to soon put up an iron ' r u x m. bridsro there has not been aban- C3 doned. MEETING POSTPONED. Will be Held at City Hall Thursday Night. Next The time" and place for the meet insr to discuss the college last night were unfortunate for the reason that many of our merchants nrmlrl rnf Ipnvo tbAir stnrfis owinc to the fact that the shops had paid' off. and the workmen called to settle their accounts. AJso the court house was not available; a fact not learned until near night fall owing to its undergoing . re pairs; and the opera house' could not be secured. -" Hence it was decided to post pone the meeting till next. Thurs day night, and to use . the town hall. " ,' v The attendance last night, not withstanding these drawbacks, Ava's very gratifying, and prophecies the success of the enterprise. Men of influence and financial strength were present, and.gave assurance of their interest. These men show by their stand in this matter that they realize the great educational needs of Salisbury and the golden opportu nity now presenting itself. Such men are the salt of the community, d should be esteemed and hon- d by our citizens. " Without jen or ineir caiiDre me town i. .f 11 iL - 1 - would drag on for another 100 " years with its very meager facili ties. One of our representative citizens remarked last night that he was ashamed of Salisbury's record in school matters when he reviewed her history; that even the most dimunitive towns around us have outstripped us, and yet we are still halting and debating this question. It is difficult to see how, with the light and experience we have, so many of our citizens can be so obtuse, and indifferent in educa tional affairs. The meeting next week will show who are the real benefactors of the town and the men in whose hands the safety and welfare of Salisbury can be en trusted. Shirking, indifference and petty denominational envy and jealousy are unspeakably con temtible, and should find no room in this effort. As every class of people will be advantaged by se .i ii curing tne college, so every person is expected to show him- self to some degree worthy of whatever blessing accrues by its establishment in our midst. The coming meeting will show who those persons are that have the true grit. L. E. Busby. Fresh Cocoanuts and Honey just received at A. Parker's. If you would like an excellent stew or try, call at &haver s res taurant. Satisfaction guaranteed. For Rent. Large brick store room, on Main street, in business rart of the city, next to Bell Block. Apply to Henry Horah. Clothing repaired and Ladies skirts reHiouiuK cleaned and presseed. Long street, opposite .Laundry. . : ' - The great Success of Chamber Iain's Colic Cholera and Diarrnoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civi lized world. For sale by : James glummer. ? ALDERMEN MEET. Water Gauge for City Standpipe Hall Float i. for The city aldermen met in regu lar session las night, and transact- I ed ; the reau lar Ifoutine of business. - Besides ttbia an order was ,pass- ed forlthe tection and benefit of the water works company. I a IT .1 in r noDO1 1 i jn orumauce w 'wa live to the rplacing of a water: mtnorA in that initv hall this to show the' firenfen tfce amount of water " in thd standpipe. The water company was also' ordered to nut a float in the standpne to show the amount of water. A committee of the aldermen has informeiparties in the busi ness rart of town that the back lots must be cleaned up and kept clean. There as an ordinance on this line aiid ill will be enforced. Removed to "Salisbury. W. F.' Snid6r and son, Arnold, left this af ternpon for Salisbury, ii - which citv is t6 be their home in the future. The remaining men bers of the family ,will go to Salis- buy in a day dp two. Mr. Snider, hvho is chairman of the Citv . Schobl Committee, has given his resignation to Supenn- tendent iggleston, who will pre sent it to the-Board of Aldermen at-the meeting , 1? riday evening. . . - I ... It is expected that a successor will not be eleited Joca week or two. Asheville Citizen:" r Mauney-Staples Wedding. Invitations h live been received for the martiuire of Mr., Robert Lee Mauhey atjd Miss Annie Stap- les, which will be solemnized in the Main Street Methodist church, at Reidsville, a 11 o'clock Wed- nesdav morning; November 8th. Miss Staples has visited Mrs. E.' ins -a number of W. Burt; and friends here. Mr... Mauney is a popular -young mail clerk on the western road. A Runaway. A horse bel onging to a man named YoungL from Davidson county, got frightened at a train while standing near the Salisbury roller mill thi morning and ran away. The wagon, a covered one, was turned over ana badly dam- aged. The horse was hurt by & into his i broken shaft thigh, i ; running Preach To-nigh Elder E. E Williams, Primi- tive Baptist, w ill preach at Chest- nut Hill schobl house to-night, October 20th Call for Mass 1 Meeting. A mass mee ing of the citizens is called to rieet at the Court House Monday night, Oct. 23rd, for thepurppsa of discussing the bond question which is to be voted upon Oct. 30. Let everybody at tend and hear this question which is of such vita importance to the interest of Salisbury, and its citi- zens. The meeting will be addressed by the following prominent gen- tlemenijLee SL Overman, R. Lee Wright' The b. F. Kluttz, Kerr Carige, j Dr. Whitehead, L. H. .Boy den and others. ! S. F. Lord, Mayor. Clemet, A. M Fresh oystd rs received daily at Shaver's market. Shave at thp Climax. Rugs made irom carpet sam- pies at the Ca rolina Racket. s j Mahy Thanks. 'I wish to lexpress my thanks to the j manufacturers of Cham berlain's Colik Cholera and Diar rboea Remedy, for having put on the! market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W. Massin gill, of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thjousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankfu It is for sale by James Plum ler, Druggist. KILLED BROTHER. f . i ; . FIGHT AT SPENCER ENDS FATALLY.' Jesse Knott. Colored. Shoots' Charlie J Knott, Colored, Then Surren- . ders and Goes to Jail ' . Brother Dies. rilero was a homicide at Soen- -... r-i .' " cerv yesterday. eveningJesse " :-;' ivnou, coioreu, snot ms. uroiuer, Charlie Knott, the .bullet, making a wound irom wnicli tne injured man died last niffht. . ih fiw?nff wMch Ws the" cI6sing scene of a figbt between the brothers, Jesse gave himself up to the officers ,and was 5 placed in jail. He" is a railroad negro and' is now suffering from a broken leg and other iniuries received while at work recently. it was said tnat tne ngnt was occasioned by women. The bullet entered the left breast, passed behind the hjeart, struck a rib and ranged down ward. Physicians probed 1 but failed to find the ball. The preliminary hearing is to be held this afternoon at four O ClOCK. ; - - ' ! Gala Week in Richmond. . The week of October 31st will be gala week in Richmond, the oc casion being the launching of the United States torpedo boat Shu brick on the--31st inst. Great preparations are being made JLy the citizens of the capitol of the OKI Dominion to celebrate the event.. : . ; . - .. Admirals Dewey and Schley and President McKinley will bo present, and the launching will bo proceeded by a trades' parade, partaking of ! the nature of the Mardi Gras and will be followed by a great display of .fireworks and tournament and races. The fireworko will be gorgeous in the extreme, in fact the most magnifi cent ever seen in a Southern city; and will cost over $1,700. The railroad offer one fare for he round trip, including an ad- mission coupon to the races and tournament. A large crowd will undoubtedly 'invade Richmond during that week. Conscience Money. ; Mr. Charles, who runs a store at -'Jerusalem, received an un signed letter from Salisbury yes- erday in which- the writer en closed 25 cents. This, he said, was to pay for something he had stolen from the store some time since; that his 'conscience troubled him so he couldn't rest until he sent the money. He closed by in voking God's blessing on Mr. Charles and his family. Brotherhood Meeting. i St. Andrews Brotherhood will meet to-night at 7:30 o'clock at St. Paul's, on Chestnut Hill. The meeting will be addressed bv Messrs S. L, Saunders, S. F. Lord, J. S. Henderson and Dr. Murdoch. ' Send your boy to Harry Bros., and allow them to fit him with a pair of their school shoes. Satis faction guaranteed. Store Room For Rent On Main Street, opposite post office. Good stand for any business. Ap ply to R. L. Shaver. Wanted: To rent a piano. Ap ply to J. 3. Urooks, Last Main St. Auction. -A lot of extra quali ty, household and kitchen furni ture will be sold at the court house Saturday.- " The soothing and healing prop erties oi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and "permanent cures. have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by James Plummer, Druggist. JAY FROM JAYSVLtLE. And His Country -Band AreUoming to rr . . ' t . . ' . The parade -ifen byv.lA Jay from Jaysville?kbompany which will be seen in. this city next Tues day, Oct. 24, is described as a very "funny affair." It is composed of the big "Jaysville Band'? of 20 pieces; the tramp mcycie naer,' who, it is said,' accomplishes some very remarkable jeats on ; toe wheel j the rube drum mrjior, jug gling guns, pitchforks' ' and": all arming imp emems; .vu Ifunnv fat dutchman. wliti is for , k':W.' - ever geiung in me wayAJi me . di cyciist in particular, and every- body Tn general and the old "Jay" nimseii, witn niswmsfers ana carpet bag, right in the lead. ' It is surely a novelty in; the pa rade line, and will doubtless be witnessed by a large crowd onthe ! streets. COMING AND GOING. Brief Items About Salisburians and . Their Friends. Miss Ella Cauble bas returned home. Miss Mena Brem A is visiting Miss Bessie Henderson. Rev. J. Q. Wertz, of China l"rvo, was nere to-day. , Affivor Smith of Gobi Hill, was in the city to-day. J. M. Mahaley, of the Southern, has returned from Hillsboro. O. W. Spencer, of the Central, was in Lexingtonyesterday. Deputy Collector Mills returned from Statesville court last night. xv, ii. vowies, oi states vine, is i- i i . . ... .i pentung several days m tne. city. t,j Mrs. J. R. Brook&jxfint wer to Greensboro this morning -TOTrsitT Lawyer P rice, oi ixiDemarie, was here this morning going to Lexington. J. M. Morrow ... of Albemarle, was here this morning' returning from the. State Fair. Howard A. Banks, of the Char lotte Observer, was' here last night going to Asheville to spend a' week. 1- , , ' - Mr. Sam Huflines, of the South ern, is kept at home in Burling ton by the sickness of Mrs. Huffines. Solicitor Wiley Rush was here last night going home from Con cord court, the criminal docket having been completed. Dr. I. W. Jones returned last night from Troutman where he had been to see his daughter, Mrs. Blanche Setzer who is quite sick. Dr. J. E. Smoot, of . Concord, was up last- night and returned home this morning accompanied by Mrs. Smoot, who has been visiting in the city. Mrs. A. M. Basinger and chil dren are visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beaver, in the neighborhood of Organ Church. Editor Varner returned to Lex- ington last night from Statesville court. I he man May, who was charged with conspiracy, in which caselr. Varner was a witness. was dismissed, a nol'pros being entered. J. P. Turner leaves to-night for his home at Ringgold, Va. , to spend a whire. MrV Turner; about a week or ten ' days ago. stepped on a stone spraining his ' right knee and goes home on the advice of his physician to rest a while. : Try some of J ackson's fine meats. New assignment of boy's shoes. Style, comfort and service. Moth ers will do well to inspect these shoes. Harry Bros. Leather Library Suit the hand somest thing in town - at G. W Wright's. Also a new line of ele gant pictures just in. Everybody is invited to call. Public Cab. Can be found at Kluttz's drug store or phone 128. Price right. J. VI Barringer. BDLLET HOLES MADE IN THE BODY OF JOHN CRAIGE, COLORED. Was Shot From the Rear at a "Fes tibul" in Franklin By Mack Misenheimer A Leg Was Broken. There was a "festibul" nm on tr the colored folks in Franklin last nig , and it ended as so many of these affairs end in a shootine- scrape. As a partial result a phy sician's attention was needed and uuiuers iosi sieep looking ior a negro. A number of negroes from town wem out to ion in ine. iun oi tne .. -A- A - A 1 1 occasion, nrong them wasjJohn Crafge, a well known character about town. ; ; : Before the "evening" closed, a negro named Mack Misenheimer got mad at Craige and shot him from the rear making three holes in his body. A ball entered the heft shoulder, and one went in the right thigh, breaking a bone in theleg, and then rebounding made another hole in coming out. Craige was brought to town and Dr. . Brown looked after 1 his wounds. ' It is not known whether the. wounds will prove fatal. The ball which went through the shoulder was cut out from under the skin in front. - Misenheimer was arrested at daybreak this morning bv 'Deputy - " . 1 Henry Monroe and placed in ia.il. Time of preliminary hearing has not been set. - CHILLING EXPERIENCE. A Morning Holdup and Mysterious Gleam in Moonlight. Capt.' William L. Tuttle of the Southern railway, had an unusual and mysterious experience yester day morning at 3:30 at the corner of a- bridge at the lower end of de pot street. The captain was on his way to answer a call to take train 52 out on its regular run and was in a hurry. Just as he reached the bridge a well dressed man of dignified appearance halted him grasped the lapel of his coat and gazed into the depths of the Cap tain's deep blue eyes. While the Captain watched the stranger's "other hand," the. mys terious one never uttered a sylla ble, and the Captain having no questions to answer said nothing. Then the stranger released the Captain's coat and pointed some thing at the railroader that gleam ed in the moonlight. The Captain thought that the atmosphere needed smoothing and patted the gleaming thing a three- bagger. The stranger looked sadly at him and turned and walked away., The Captain searched in vain, for the thing that bad caused the gleam in the moon light and incipient heart failure in the breast of the searches He is uncertain whether it was a pistol or a bottle, but thinks it was not hat it ought to have been. He said the mairdid not appear drunk but was probably demented. Asheville Citizen. Ask to see' Boy's, youth's and little gents' nobby, stylish and servicable footwear at Harry Bros. Wanted: To rent a piano. Ad dress Mabel W. Chamberlain, City. For RENT.--Nice cottage at Spencer, near South switch. P. A. Cauble. Stock for Sale 20 or 25 shares North Side Roller mill stock, pay ing 10 per cent. R. L. Shaver. Joseph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me., healed a sore running for seventeen years and cured his piles of long standing by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin diseases. James Plummer. - DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. New Train Will be. Put on the Yad kin at Once-. The best news the people along the line of the Yadkin branch of the Southern have heard in a long time is the word sent down 4 the line yesterday evening by officials to the effect that a new passenger train is to be put on the line. This will r make a double daily service on this important branch line of?tke Southern.""" The officials say the new train will be put on as soon as a sche dule can be arranged. This will probably be about the first of No vember. STATE FAIR NOTES. Large Attendance Veterans Meeting Fakirs at Work. Raleigh, Oct. 19. The Vlgl- lance committee" bagged four fa kirs who had opened a swindling game and took them before a magistrate. . Upon their pledge to get out of this part 6f the world as quickly as possible they were released. The warrants against them were sworn out by J. W. Bailey, editor of The Biblical Re corder. - , There were few jnckpockets. One of them stole a pocketbook rom a women in a train at the station here. She ciled out and a railroad detective, pursued the hief, who sprang through a win dow and, making a rush, clkQbed cently went to work forthebouth a high fence and got away before ern has the position of shifting en- he detective could shoot him. ater the thief was found on the air grounds by the same detective who arrested him and turned him over to a couple of the fair police men. The latter took him away, out wnen mey reached the main adroitly, and ran like a rabbit. The Confederate veterans' an nual meeting was the largest sever held. J. S. Carr was re-elected president; J. A. . Ramsay, vice president; Claude B. Denson, sec retary, v ; - The veterans are greatly pleased at the meeting last night of their State association and the large at tendance. - The address of the grand commander, Julian S. Carr, was well received. His re-elec- Hon was a deserved compliment. An unsettled question is as to a great re-union of the veterans next year; whether it shall be held the fair or at some point during the summer." The best encamnment the veterans have ever held in this Dtate was hatin lS91, at Wrightsville. There were over 15,000 people at the State Fair to-day. Charlotte Observer. Avery Kale Hanged. Newton, Oct., 19.- Avery Kale was hanged here to-day for the murder of George Travis. Three days had been named for the exe- cution, the first by the court, for February 19th, the second by I Governor Russell for. September I 20th, but on account oi the impor tunity of the defendant's counsel, W. G. Feimster, who exerted every effort to secure a com muta tion for imprisonment for life, the Governor gran ted him a respite for thirty days, and the third day of the execution was set for to day. The execution took place in the jail yard - enclosure, the gal lows having been erected just off of the back porch of the jail and further removed from public view by a small board enclosure about 15 feet high. Charlotte Obser ver. ' . ' . '" . John. Jenkins,' who was recently imprisoned here from the western part of the county, was taken to Mcrganton asylum yesterday, in custody of Mr. John McCain. He was so wild when placed in jail that his home people were afraid of him, and Sheriff McCain had considerable trouble in handcuff ing him yesterday morning. Al bemarle Enterprise. A. L. Shaver for fresh meats of all kinds. " ABOUT THE CITY. - j General Summary of Local Happen- ings in and About Salisbury. Miss Ellen Howard is very sick. Mr. H. S. Huntley has moved to Gold Hill. The Mt. Vernon office is being repainted and. repaired. Mr. Abe Nash,' an old veteran. of Verble, is quite ,sick7 Mr. S. J. Walter, of the Red Oak Dairy, has twin calves at his place. Dr. J. B. Council has moved in to the house corner of Church and Bank streets. . Service at' Main Street Metho dist church to-night at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited. Mrs. II. T. Graeber, whose ill- j ness was mentioned the other day, fs worse. She has fever. Mr. J. B. Rochester has moved into the house on Council street re cent occupied by Messrs. Lowry and Huntley. Mr. J. N, Stallings has given up his place on the Sun force to accent a nosition on his father' paper, the Index. Mr. T. J. Morgan will have his house turned around to face Leo street and moved back. Tho work will be done by W. W. Reed, house mover. Mr. J. II. Goodman, who re- gineer on the ureensboro yard. He was in the city but returned to Greensboro last night. Mr. W. ' F. Hobbs, who has been living here for the past three years, has given up his place at the Spencer shops and gone to Spencer shops and mm fits family left this morning for that place. Mr. Roper, who resigned as agent for the Southern Express Com pany at this place recently, is in Gainesville, Ga. Ho was succeeded here by Mr. Neighbors, formerly transfer clerk at Spartanburg, S. C. . Mr. Douglas Patterson was bur ied at Chestnut Hill yesterday af ternoon, a large number of Juniors attending. He was a member of Council No. 26. Death was caused by typhoid fever. Mr- Patterson iormeriy iived at Chestnut mil but had recently been farming bo- low China Grove, lie leaves a wife. The University and Davidson teams play football at Charlotte to-morrow. The Queen City Drum Corps is making all preparations to bo . in the Dewey f) arade in Atlanta next Wednesday. Mr. Jen. Green, of Irankhn county, succeeds Mr. Thomas B. Russell as warden of the feniten- tiary. Silence is golden. The wagon tongue has nothing to say, but it usually gets there ahead of tho rest of the outfit. Home-made lard for sale at Sha ver's market. For Carpets, Mattings and Rugs go to Jacob Feldman. Don't Read This Unless you want the best in stationery, blank books, china and glassware. -"' Decorated china spitoons 50 cts., glazed or ornamented 35 cts., dec orated earthenware spitoons at 15 cts., tin ones at 15 cts., nickel from 35 cts to $1 each. If you want a coffee or teapot, that will last you a lifetime, one made of copper and nickel plaited call at Buerbaum's. Lamps, from 25 cts. to $10 for hall, library and sitting room, for church and school at Buerbaum's. A large assortment of Bibles, Testaments and other religious works at Buerbaum's. i v