SALE OF LEFT-OVERS For this week we will sell all left over Christmas goods at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent. Robert B- Vance. Cherokee Scout. General Robert B. Vance has I gone to join his Revolutionary fath- i ers and Confederate comrades and all the loved ones who have gone before. Farewell kind, brave brother; farewell ®n earth forever! We can meet your kind, cheerful face here no more; we can grasp your brotherly hand no more. Farewell brave cromrade, soldier’s leader, we can follow you into battle no more forever! But soon we will follow you to sleep in Carolina clay with our Revolution ary fathers and late comrades un til the resurrection day, when the I tactian sound calls all the sleeping hosts of the Carolinians to march to the great, grand parade on high in that beautiful unknown, peace- ■ ful clime to be reviewed by the great 1 Am. In beautiful Riverside Bob and Zeb, sons of Buncombe’s pride, Used by British Soldiers in Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as com mander of the forces that cap tured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: “Before starting on the last cam paign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 used myselfwhen troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every ca^e it proved most beneficial.” For sale by James Plummer, druggist. “One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used fori coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it,” writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. James Plummer. NEW DRUG - STORE 0 0 Having opened up a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicines This sale includes all peacefully sleep side by side. Here rests two of Buncombe’s bravest and best sons, loving brothers, Dolls, Children's Tea Sets, Salad Sets, Salad Dishes, Extra Caps and Saucers REMEMBER, it is our rule not to carry anything over in the Christmas goods line, hence this discount sale. Yours truly, J, H. REID Carolina 150 150 .25 1 1,000 lbs. Seeded Raisins. lbs. Cleaned Currants. Ibs. Citron. ’bs. Nuts-all kinds. 'nrida Oranges. Cocoanuts. Bbl. Cranberries. Bbl. Malaga Grapes. lbs. Candy. Must be sold this week regardless — Call early and avoid the rush. T. M. MoGulloh Phone 97. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by a mortgage Trust Deed, executed by J. T. Wyattand wile, Charlotte E. Wyatt, on the 9th day of December, 1893, and duly recorded in book No. 10 of mortgages, page 259, in the office of Register of Deeds fo. the county of Rowan, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, N. C., on Saturday, January 6,1900, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described Real Estate, sit uated in the County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows, to-wit: “Beginning at Catherine Josey’s corner and runs East 16 poles to a stone corner: thence South 14 poles to Simeon Kluttz’s corner: thence with his line East 20 poles to a stone corner on Lafayette Josey’s line: thence with his line North 14^ poles to a stone cor ner; thence with his line West 38 poles to a stone corner; thence South 4 poles to the beginning, containing 2 acres and 64 poles more or less. “Also another tract; being what is known as the Rock Quarry, formerly owned by E. E. Phillips, containing 341 acres, more or less, adjoining the landsof Daniel Stirewalt,Lewsom W. Williams, Green Heilig and others. This land was sold by order of Court for the purpose of making the proceeds assets, for the payment of debts, and purchased by Charlotte E. Wyatt. See deed of Henry Peeler, Adm’r to Char lotte E. Wyatt, registered in Book 65, page 90, oiRegister’s office of Rowan county. And from this tract is ex- i - cepted 2 acres and 64 poles, sold to I David Wensil by J. T. Wyatt and 1 wife See deed dated Sth Dec. 1393. ! “ Also another tract of land begin ning at a rock on the East side of the Mount Pleasant road,runs thence East 24 poles to a rock; South 71 poles to a rock at the side of the road: thence along said road to the beginning, con taining 4 acres and 152 poles, more or A I II » ass^ag lut Glass Mazers A FINE LIME OF John W. Frick and wife to J. T Wyatt and Charlotte E. Wyatt, registered in Book No. 70, page 418, of the Regis-, ter’s oilice of Rowan county.” This December 5th, 1899, JOHN C. LINGLE, I Trustee; 1 Overman & Gregory, Attorneys. •? For Rent—4-room near passenger depot. A. W. Wineeoff. 1 JUST RECEIVED AT r^iT. F- Kluttz & Go’s ORUC STORE. Half Prise is all we charge you for copyright sheet music. SAUSBVST MUSIC CO., Main St., two doors north of Inniss, with Reisner Jewelry Co. 'Will Gr. Kirkman, Piano Tuner, Salisbury, - - N. C. Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ tuning, regulating, voicing and repairing. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left at Wright’s Furniture Store. Druggist Sundries in the Horah Building next to V. Wallace’s clothing store, | with our Prescription Department 1 under the management of Mr. C. Higgins, a licensed Pharmacist of 16 years experience. We solicit the patronage of the public in general. Drugs pure and fresh, prices reasonable. and whose earthly work so well was done. The grand old lofty peaks of Buncombe will raise their heads , into the sky to watch over their undisturbed remains, where they peacefully lie. Farewell, General Robert B. Vance, farewell on earth forever! True Christian, brave soldier, honest, wise statesman, kind, loving busband and father, noble, true friend. Grand old Buncombe, my native land, mourns your irreparable loss. Your ac tive earthly work is done and well I done, but, thank God, your rest and happiness is just begun. R. J. Cook. Caldwell, Ga. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE- Having qualified as administratrix on the estate of Kev. Charles A. Rose, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased, to present them before the 11th day of December, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are notified to make prompt payment. MRS. MARIA S. ROSE, Administratrix. How Little Emma Prepared for Santa Claus. This is the season of the when Santa Clans pays all boys and girls a visit. And mammas tell them that if year little their they have been good and obedient Old Santa will bring them candy,dolls, little toy wagons and the like. Most children believe this and they should for Santa never fails to visit each little girl and each little boy who have gotten out of their naughty ways. We happened to get hold of this story which actually happened not very far from here. Thesweetest little seven-year-old girl that I ever saw whom I shall call Emma had heard her good mother tell nice stories about Santa’s visits, how- laden with all kinuip nj'^ys and candies, late in the night he would climb the walls of the buildings, descend the chimneysthat be might leave good children something beautiful for Xmas. Santa, she knew, was a very old man, but that he dearly loved every child in the land. And Emma had after wish ed she could see him. But Santa, you know, never lets children get sight of him. Nor had little Em ma forgotten the nice presents Santa had brought her the Xmas before. And all during the year she had tried to be as sweet and as good as she could be. And so she looked forward to this Xmas morning as a happy one. Her mamma has told her thal Santa preferred to put his gifts in stockings hanging by by the fire- side. But she said to her mamma: “’Spoose he’d bring me a big doll, how could he get it in my stockin’ ?” Of course this was ex plained. However, little Emma had con cluded that her own stockings w^re too small for this occasion,so she decided to appropriate some thing else. Late in. the evening before Xmas Emma stole into her bed room and after a fruitless search for something larger pulled the pillows from its case which she substituted for her stocking. This she hung upon a chair by her bed. Upon a large piece of cardboard fastened to the same chair she had almost illegibly scratched this: “Sante my stockens is bangin’ on de close line so des put my crismas in here.” L. W. SiFFORD. Manning, N. C. Dec. 26, ’99. Chainbarlain’s Pain Balm Cured Oth ers, Why Not You? My wife has been using Cham berlain’s Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this medi cine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best »f sat isfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well.—Adolph L. Millett, Man- i chester, N. IL For sale by James I Plummer, druggist. THE Weekly Son FOR 1900 Respectfully, PUT YOUK Don't enrich others. Enrich your self. Be your own landlord. Look at our list of houses. It will bring An early order for the Holiday Needs will be appreciated. We you to a decision quickly. Bar gains are numerous. We can s you iar- ant i c iP a te n ° difficulty in supply-i sell' ^ n ^ ^e demands of those who I know how good our W. Cornelison & Co. Secure the Dinner 7 Rent Money in a Home Real Estate and everyone that uses our Famous Jellico high grade Coal acknowl edges its superior merits. Econo my in consumption, a clear, bright fire, that radiates more heat than any other coal on the market and no slate, no clinkers are its princi pal recommendations, that make it satisfactory for the cook and | housekeeper. Prices are going up —order now. JOS 81. r^ELY & co. Office at T. F. Young’s. A Fastidious Dresser MEAT AND POULTRY i always brings his shirts, collars, cuffs . j and furnishings to this laundry. At at moderate prices which is valua- I i y , tilt when we have your order 1 no place in this secbion can he get ble now and is increasino-in value we can pick out just the kind of ? uc ° general all around sacisfaction oie now, i J I in careful treatment of goods, pure every day. turkey, Chicken, or cut of Beef, washing materials, and beautiful col- w 0 UAtV^ a ^ Veal or Lamb, which you like. | or and finish as we give at all times. ffl c OUBBINS & JOKDAH, A T o ytu“? eyou 01 the snpe ’ I SALISBURY STEAK LAUNDRY every day. Real Estate Agents. We propose to make this our 1 h^r for tte Bum WH in our People! Contains all the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. To be induced we must induce and we will offer a news of the world strictly All-Wool, Well-Tailored and Perfect Fitting Suit, „ Shades desirable and quality worth, advances not consid- m attractive form, ere(ij $ 9 00 now for and has a circula tion larger than $7.50 Again, at $10.00 we beat the WORLD. You will find any other Rowan fine Cassimeres, Black and Blue Black Clays and Fancy „ . Worsteds. Their values are great. Only County paper. ° J Si a Tear! $10.00 Again, Our $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 Special induce- are made by the best tailoring houses in the U. S. and are , , . strictly first-class. It will do you good to see them. ments to getting J ° up Clubs. Both Daily and W eekly SUN mail ¬ ed free. We are well supplied with Articles for Christmas Nobby Neckwear. Gloves-—Silk No family in Buttons-—Link, Gold, Pearls. Dress and Driving, Lined,^Box Linen Collars, lat est in style and up- to-date. Rowan County J Umbrellas. The best Suit in Sal- Be sure and come to should be without Underwear from the ~ the SUN during cheapest to the best. Brown ClothingCo’s isbury for $7.50. V for a, bargain. the coming year, you know our reputation, to give the best for your Address: THE SUN Salisbury, N. C. money’s worth, BROWN CLOTHINS GO,