IF YOU WANT THE i News of Salisbury SUBSCRIBE TO THE j : BEST QUALITY OF BREAD 50 LOAVES FOR S1.00, AT . . . . T. L. SYIIIK'S. i ---------- For CA&ES of all kind, Fresh Baked, call on - - T.L. SWINK. Main Street, Opposite Court Ilovse. SUN for ! 1900. U MEAT HOI FORECAST: Fair and colder to-night and Tuesday. ' SALISBURY, N. C:, MONDAY EVENING. 0ANUARY 29, 1900. NO. 129. VOL. VI P1WS if If j - .. -(!: WITH THE CHURCHES. New Members ' Received Items Interest to Church Goers. cf A numberpf new members were received into the churches here yesterday. St. John's Lutheran church received two, Main Street Methodist tnree, xfirsi lvieinoaisi one. Faith Reformed two. The services at the several churches yesterday were well at tended. At the Baptist in the morning the Lord's Supper was celebrated and this ceremony was partaken of by more com muni- cants than any Use service in years.. ';' . j . Members of Main Street Meth odist church will be j interested in these two items: Friday a,t 7:30 d. m. a steward's meetinar will be held at! the narsonao-e. Saturday at S n. m. the Woman's Home Mission Society will parsonage. At a meeting of meet at the the Pastor's Association this morning it was decided that in the Sunday night services future the should be- gin at 7:30 instead Of 7 as at pres ent. Rev L. Busby preached an ceptionally strong and interesting sermon at the Lutheran church last night from the subject The New Testament history." His re marks were based on the . miracle of the devils being cast out of the two men and into the swine, and the neoole of the city hearing: of these things met Jesus and re questeid him to depart from their country. In closing j. Rev.w Busby made local application of the sub- ject, saying there were people in Salisbury who would drive Christ out of Salisbury. He scored the saloons j drunkards, gamblers and all manner of evil in our midst. Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Busby1 announced that he would speakifrom the subiect of "Na- tional purgation, or the of Utah." J cleansing Addition to MU1. Mr. Tom MciNeely, superin tendent of a cotton j mill at Nor woo.d, spent yesterday here, re turning to his work! this morning. He tells us the addition to his mill is about ; completed, the ma chinery has been! received and will soon be running. " A Special Forecast. I ' The following 'special "weather forecast was received from the station at Raleigh j yesterday. It -was as near correct as a forecast could be: "Snow Sunday night; will be followed by severe cold wave with high! northwest winds.' Young Men Wanted. . Rev. H. L. Atkins, pastor of the First Methodist church, desires to meet the young men of his congre gation at the close of the Epworth League service to-night. League To-night. The-. Epworth League meeting tonisrht will be led by Rev. J. T. Ervin. After this meeting Rev. Atkins wants a conference with the young men of the church. Mr. Marshal Womack, of the Snpnprshnn. whi e at work: ves- LCI.ufkjr, icii auu nas aiuiuuj i hurt. He. was carrrid home. Fresh shipment Wiley's candies. Lichtenstein & leiser. Fresh Smoked Breakfast Strip at Jackson's. Iry them. i . The best shave in the city at the Climax Barber hhops. "E7yr Rent House on Fulton St., near Fisher. T. B. Brown. frC Nora D. VVhisner instruc- in ni'nnn milSlC. Wishes IO S6 cure a class in that study. Is a rrrorlimta of' the fptrfl of Music" and has had eleven vears experience in teaching. Residence, Methodist parsonage, South JMain street DEATHS RECORDED. Mrs. E. H. Roueche, Mrs. T. C. Watson Mrs. Roberts Dead. After a long illness Mrs. T. C. Watson died yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. I Her death ends the the earthlipifa ofa pood woman. i t , AAa ters and a number of other rela tives and friends to mourn her death. She was about 58 years of The funeral service will be con ducted froin the house this after noon at 4; o'clock, and the inter ment wilFlbe made at Chestnut Hill. : . i .Mrs. Enlma T. Roberts died at Spencer Saturday night about 10 o'clock, asred 34. Death was caused by meningitis The body was i . prepared was prer area tor ounai Dy undertaker j Wright and was taken to Chase City, - Va. , yesterday morning for interment, accompa nied by the husband and Mr. and Mrs.1 J. A. Morton. The body of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts' in fant which was buried recently w is also taken to Chase City yesterday to be finally inter red beside the body of the mother. Mrs. E. p. Roueche died at 12 o'clock today, after lingering on her sickbed for five months. Mrs. Roliecle was in the eighty- first year drner age. She leaves six children, Messrs. Richard, John Peter anq Joe, Mrs. Lewis and Miss Fannie Roueche. The funeral will take place from the Catholic church Wednesday morning "at 9 o'clock, and the in terment will be made in the Salis bury cemetery. The many friends of Mrs. Roueche wbo have been solicitous about her will be pained to learn of : her death. The family hav the sincere sympathies of the com- munity Railroad Notes The Southern has bought three and a half acres of land near its passenger depot in Asheville. It is expected that the company in tends to make entensive improve ments there in the near future. G. R. Ltyall, superintendent of the Asheville division of the Southern toad, is now on the con valescent ist, and he has written his secretary from Knoxville that he expects to return to his ; du ties on the first of February. M. M. Murchison, one of the yard conductors of the . Southern had the misfor- at Greensboro, tune to' get his right hand caught while mak- in between two cars ins: up the Winston train Saturday and badly "mashed. morning, Three or bur fingere were broken. Reduced Rates. On account of the meeting of the North, Carolina State Sunday School Association, to be held in Charlottd on the 15th, 16th and 17th of March, the Associated railways pf Virginia and the Caro- linas, fncluding the Atlantic Coast Line, the (Southern Railway, the South Carolina and Georgia and the Seaboard Air Line will give reduced rates to Charlotte and re turn from all points "along the lines of the above named roads. T 1 4. rn ompson. The any friends of Mr. Earl son of Mr. P. H. -"'"pyu Thompson anfl rohn ia otf Andinnr . . Horner military school at Oxford, will learn with pleasure of his pro motion. He hks been promoted from sergeant to lieutenant of Company A. Bookkee er. Miss Sallie Atwell has accepted a position as oooKKeeper in me Singer Sewing Machine com pany's office, this city, commencing last week. The office is located in v avies Wbitlock & Rainey's shoe s i i f : Protect those chilly ankles buy a pair of over-gaeters from Harry i Bros. Only cost 15 cents. THREE srs. tore. PROHIBITION CONVENTION Will Be Held in Salisbury this Year on May 22nd. Salisbury will entertain one of the nartv State: conventions this year the Prohibitionists,' who will meet here on the 22nd of May. This announcement is made: . "The Prohibitionists of North Carolina will hold their State Con vention in Salisbury on Tuesday, Mar 22nd. 1900. It will De a mass meeting and all party pro hibitionists are invited to attend, and none will be recognized who favor the sale, or the manufacture or the transportation of spirituous liquors as a beverage. Watch Out f or Thent. Counterfeit hicfeels have been discoveried recently in some towns. It would be well to look out close ly for such in Salisbury, as many new: nicKeis are now noaung around. : ; Discovery was made a few days ago that a large quantity of excel lent counterfeit nickels had been made in the Virginia State peniten tiary at Richmond." ' We do not know that any coun terfeit nickels are in circulation in Salisbury, but merely mention the matter so that persons can be on heir guard and not have any passed on them. . ' Bishop Galloway. It is announced that Bishop Charles B. Galloway, of Jackson, Miss., will soon visit North Caro- la. He will spend at least one week in the bounds of the West ern North Carolina conference in he interest of the - twentieth cen- ury tnan& onenng iuna. J.ne exact date of his cpming has not yet been definitely, fixed, but it is expected that it will be some time before the middle pf March. His itinerary already arranged, accord ing to the Greensboro Christian Advocate, is as follows: Winston Sunday, Greensboro Monday night, Salisbury Tuesday ; night, Charlotte Vedneday, night, Shel by Thursday night, and Asheville Friday night. . r ; f Piece Took-picJc in Throat. Capt. Ben Sumner, of the South ern railroad, had what might have been quite a painful accident Sat urday. He was che wing a wooden tooth-pick when a piece of it got odged in his throat and he coujd not extricate it. H4 was w'orried with it Saturday night and yes- erday. Last night Dr. Flippin re moved, it the piece ibeing about a quarter of an inch lpng. East Rowan Charge. . - Rev. Dr. Clappf returned to Newton this morning. He will be in Rowan, to conduct communion service at Lower ptone - church, next Sunday, f Rev. Mr. Reidsef the new pas or of the East Rowan charge, Dr. Clapp tells us will not take charge of his work until about the ' mid dle of next month. I 1 An Arc Light. '; .'t V Messrs Finger & Anthony, con ducting an electro plating business in west ward and who recently added an electric dy namo to their J establishment using it to light the rooms of their place, contemplate pntting up an arc light on church street in front of their shop. Mr- Porch has Resigned. ' Mr. S. J. Poarch, ;who has been, for the past three yars, foreman of the round house t Spencer has resigned his position to take charge of valve motion and - drop pit. Mr. J. T. Carner will take Mr. Poarch's place as foreman. EmpHoyi:. A. fresh batch of SmokdOx Tongue at Jackson's to-day. 6 nice rooms to rent, 1st .and 2nd floor. Corner Marti and Council Sts. - H. W. Price. - Carolina Racket received a large line Of new ; laces to-day. J. H. Reid. - i REV. J. F. TTJTTLE DEAD. Former Salisbury Pastor Dies at Elizabeth City. The news of the death of Rev. J. F. Tuttle will be learned with much regret in Salisbury, where Mr. Tuttle has a large number of friends. He was for a number of years pastor of the Baptist church here and is wed and favorably remem bered by our citizens. JLhe He&StOt Mr. luttie's deatn is takeoff i onxvesterday's Char lotteX)bseif er: : f he papers contain accoun a 'of ther. death I at Elizabeth City, j last week, of Rev. J. F. Tuttle, one of the best known Baptist ministers in the State.. Be has labored in almost every section of the Com monwealth,, his latest charge in this section having been at Salis bury. Mr. Tuttle was a one- armed ex-Confederate, and was highly regarded by all who knew him. His death resulted from pneumonia. He Was Wrathy. . A passenger on a train from Charlotte the Other night was re- i - r i j j I i aiing an amusing inciaent to-aay. Some man, fairly well dressed and of intelligent appearance, boarded the cars at Charlotte. When the conductor appeared for his ticket he man said he had paid his fare. After a lot of jawing back! and orth he said he paid it to the con ductor himself while in the I next coach. Qf course the conductor denied it and when the train reached Salisbury he put him ofi, but in some way he managed to beat his way-to High Point. At bis place he secured a pistol af- er- the train had ' departed- and boarding another going south, said ' l " ' a 1 m ne was going .oaat to snoot tnai conductor;" for ejecting liimfwhen he knew the man he wanted had gone in the opposite direction, which, will remind one that . the man was very much1 like the aver age beligerent citizen- very anx ious to fight when he knows he can't find the other man. Greens boro Record. Old War Prisoner Here Col. W. H. Thompson, of, Inr diana, who was confined in the Confederate prison here during the civil war, was a visitor here to day for the first time since his im prisonment. He was " very much astonished at the? growth of the town, and said that he loved the old place, for while he ivas here he was treated much more kindly and humanely than prisoners of war generally are. "And not on ly I," said he, "but all'the prison ers. While I was here I never B&vr anything that; savored of brutality or inhumanity. "jSalis- bury correspondent Raleigh Post. Stop Long enough to go into Buer- baums and look at his new stock of wallpaper ; Latest designs,, not job lots, all prices. Full double rolls from 15 to 60 cents. Borders and ceilings to match. Buerbaum has just received lot of tiim biers, those elegant, thin straight glassesf whifjh "will. be sold at 90 cents per dozen as long as they last." Former price $1.00. ; Buerbaum's line of fine station ery is complete, large, stylish and beautiful. ! f A large assortment of 'bibles, new testaments, amiiaiion. ox Christ, etc., ati Buerbaum's. Maybe your undewear is a little lisrht for this weather. - -Good. time to replenish during Harry Bros. "Discount bale." Call and get February magazines at Young s drug store. , Strayed Sorrel horse. . Re tnm to Ludwick & Black for re ward. .' ' r. " V.-" . ;". ; h. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worth less salve offered for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the only original. An infallible cure for pilee and all skin diseases James Plummert " .... - SUNDAY CUTTING SCRAPE. A White Man Jailed Yesterday For Cutting Another. I An officer came up from - China Grove last night with a white man whose name is given as W. F. Campbell. Campbell was placed in jail where he still remains. He ia charged with cutting an other white man yesterday, the injured man's name is given as Blackwelder. It could not be learned how bad ly the man was" injured or what brought on the difficulty. Esquire Sifferd did not want to try the case on Sunday so he com mitted Campbell to jail till to-day when he was to be tried but the squire had not reached the city at noon: COMING AND GOING. Brief Items About Salisburians and Their Friends. Mr. L. E. Steere is in the city. Mr. ' C. A. Rice went to New London this morning. ; - Mrs! t. P. Johnston and child ren are visiting in Concord. I ',.;. - f Mr. Will Johnston went south yesterday to see his best girl. Mr. R. Eames, Jr., of New London, was in the city to-day. Messrs. Junius Russell and Bruner Stewart were at Cleveland yesterday. - Misses Lollaand Daisy Graeberr of south Rowan, were in the' city yesterday. Editor Varner, of Lexington, was . nere tnis morning on nis way o Concord. ; Mr. J . M. Gosney, of Elba,Ta., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. R. Padgett,, of thiscity. - - Mr. G. F. Seyffert left this morning tor uoroam on ousiness. to be gone several days. Messrs Max Barker and Will ttrvin, ot the Burt shoe store, Gold Hill, was here yesterday. Mose Bean, of Bingham school, who has been home a week, re- urned to his studies this morning! Mr. W. W. Gales, of Bristol, Tenn., a' "knight of the grip," spent yesterday here with . his mother, who is in bad health. He returned west this morning. Editor Caldwell,of the Charlotte Observer, was here last night. He has j ust returned from Washing ton where hie spent a couple of days. ' ' Mr. J. B. Rochester, who has a position at the Union Copper Mines. with Walter George New man, spent yesterday and part of to-day in the city with his family. MK R. W. Tiernan arrived in the city Saturday night from Colu mbia to spend a short while. His wife who has been visiting her family here will return home with him1. . ' ' . ';. - - - - Mrs. E. W: Dekells, of New York, special representative of thie Dentacura. Co., of Newark, N. J., arrived in the city this morning to work up an interest in this tooth preparation. ; To Enlarge HoteL , The Central hotel will soon be increased in size and remodeled to , "... meet the requirements of its large and increasing , patronage. Salis bury correspondent Raleigh Posti Negroes Off. Another carload of negroes left this section of the State today for West Virginia, where they will do railroad work. California oranges, 15 cents doz en at LicKtenstein & Teiser's., : For Rent: Brick house with eight rooms. Corner Fulton and Fisher Sts. Apply to D. L. Gas kill. ' "" v For Sale! -A very .desirable dwelling, all modern conveniences, terms to suit purchaser. Apply to Dr. M. C. Boy den. Room 10, Bell Block. ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and About Salisbury. A one-horse wagon and set of harness sold her ie Saturday for 30 cents. J. H. Rjsid has a new ad in to day's paper. He speaks especially of embroidery. The values we offer in our school snoes are "soiia marics" tor .your at ' m money. Burt Shoe Co.- , Sheriff Monroe had the misfor tune this morning to lose his key stone Masonic watch charm. There is a new shoe store in town. Watch the space at tha top of the fourth page of this paper, Mr. John Brady was out of the city a part of . yesterday, it is thought, looking after the fair sex. John McGee, a well known old colored man, who for a long time was a servant of Capt.Chas. Price, is dead. - Mr. Jacob Feldman has a new will new ad in the Sun .to-day. - He soon move into one of the Hedrick stores. Make a judicious comparison and you will decide in our favor. We are not selling goods at cost either. Burt Shoe Co. ' An unusual,, spectacle was pre sented this morning when the dust of summer and the snow of winter mingled and were blown about by the winds of March. The Winston Sentinel, of Satur day, says, "O'Neill, the smallpox patient, was reported to be quite sick today. His face is badly dis torted and he is unable to open his eyes. No new cases have appeared and the suspects are ajl well. The Postal Telegraph. ' Mr. E. C. Bradley, of New York, the vice-president of the Postal Telegraph Company, and Mr. J.'W. Kates, of Richmond, the general superintendent of the Southern division of the Postal Company, were in Charlotte Fri day and Saturday, and left Satur day night for Richmond. They stated that by the middle of Feb ruary Charlotte will be connected by the Postal lines with Washing ington, New York and other points Norths with Raleigh, Wilmington, and other cities, in the eastern part of this , State, and with , all principal points South as far as Augusta, Ga. f Salisbury will also be in this connection as we are on the new line of the Postal. ' Mr. Bradley says the business of the Postal! is increasing, and thatr it now owns four cable lines. The fifth cable will be built in a few months, and will extend from New York city to a place near Hamburg, a distance of some 3,000 miles. . ' With the completion of the line to Charlotte the Postal will have two trunk lines in this country. The one is "from New York and Washington through Richmond, Petersburg, Warrenton, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Cheraw,-S. C, Cam den and Columbia, to Augusta. The second trunk line extends from Washington to Augusta and is parallel with the line of the South ern Railway. ' Capes and jackets, one-third off. Read Harry Bros'. 'Discount Sale"; ad in this paper. 600 pounds pure leaf lard for sale at R. W. Price's meat market. "Carolina Racket received a large line of new laces to-day. J. H. Reid. . j -: ' :.- - "For Sale One good house and lot in the Northern part of town, opposite Sheriff Monroe's estate of Mrs. Henry Cauble. Apply to Gr, Wi Whitlock or John A. Cauble.' ; . Business Chance. Wanted: One or two good men with small capital and service to. invest'" iri an absolutely safe, permanent, profitable business. Don't condemn this ad . until you investigate. l.W. Harford Central Hotel. NEWS OF THE STATE. Condensed From Exchanges Tar Heel Happenings. All prisoners intended for the Greensboro jail will bo sent to Winston, as there is a case of smallpox in the Greensboro jail. Dr.: J. F. Miller, feuperinterdent of the State Hospital at Goldsboro for colored people, says he has about four hundred and fifty in mates. The President has appointed Wm. Jl. Holt postmaster at Gra ham, N. C, and Thos. A. Mott, of North Carolina, rto be seeond lieutenant in the Marine corps. Superintendent V. C. Stronach, of the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh, says there are 60 applicants for admission who cannot be received, owing to the failure of the legis- ature to provide for their ienance. main- Vance Monument Unveiling- It is proposed to make the un veiling of the Vance monument in Raleigh next May probably the 20th a memorable occasion. The Confederate Veterans' A sociation this year meets at Louis ville, Ky., too far away for many veteran's to attend. So it is the intention of the old soldiers of the State to make the unveiling of the Vance monument a sort of reunion. And in this, it is understood that hey will be largely joined by the veterans of South Carolina. The railroads have already indi cated their purpose to give a low rate for the occasion; and it is ex pected that this, together with the love the people of North Carolina bear to him whose monument is to be unveiled, will bring a great crowd of people to Raleigh. Veterans of 71st N. C Capt. Robert M. Furman, editor of the Morning Post, Raleigh, is sues a card urging the officers and members of the 71st N. C. Regi ment, the Second J uniOr Reserves, to furnish him data from that regi ment for the forthcoming sketch of the soldiery of N. C, edited by Judge Walter 'Clark'. The companies were from Cleve land, Gaston, Burke, Mecklen burg, Rowan, Cabarrus, Duplin, Pitt; Wilson, Wayne, Edgecombe, Sampson, Hyde and perhaps some other counties. Only three of the companies are given by Moore's Roster, and all survivors are called upon to aid in completig the record, and to giro incidents. Photographs of officers and men, taken during the war or immedi ately thereafter, are wanted also. Communications should go to Captain D. E. McKinnie, Prince ton, N. C:, or to Capt. R. M. Fur man, care Morning Post, Raleigh. To the Normal. A number of young ladies passed through this morning on their way to Greensboro to resume their studies in the Normal school. Miss Sadie Kluttz, who has been at her home here, returned to the Normal this morning. Dr. S. R. Peck, the Charlotte Optician, intends spending one day in each month in Salisbury. Tho Doctor numbers among his patients most of the prominent people of Charlotte and takes pleasure in reierrmg you to tho following: O. M. Saddler, man ager Southern Express Co.; John F. Orr, lirst Isational Bank; W . C. Dowd, Editor News and Ob server; J. W. Mullen, Postmaster of Charlotte. His next day m Salisbury will be Thursday, Feb ruary 8th, at the Central hotel. , F. B. Thirkield, Health Insfiec tor of Chicago, says "Kodol Dys pepsia Cure cannot be recom mended too highly. It cured' me of severe dyspepsia." It digests what you eat and cures indiges tion, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. James Plummer. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. James Plummer.