... - ., .,- . m iii .1 in -, i. .. . i. ..... i - i . .k. m. tmm. m. m ' r a r r i -r .a r i l x ft-. p . SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY KXCEIT SUNDAY.) SDBSOBIPTION RATES: One Year, . Six Months, Three One Month, One Week, 4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Dellvered by Carriers to any part of the city - without extra cost. For advertising rates apply to the publishers Qf Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. JOE X. R0UECHE. CLINT. N. BROWN. Proprietors. Entered at postofflce as second-class matter. : . t . Salisbury, N. C, March 19, 1900. KAIL WAY SCHEDULE. MAIN LINE NORTH BOUND. Mo. 8, local, tf.sy a. m. No'. 30, farit mail, 11.08 a. m. JNo. 115, local, v -s S.lo p. m. JNo. 38. vestibule. v.Si p. m. No. 34, Florida special, 10.33 p. m, MAIN LINE SOUTH BOUND. No. 33, Florida special, Q.55 a. m. JNo. 37, Vestibule, 8.17 a. m. No. 11, local, 10.43 a. m. No. 7, local, 8.05 p. m. JNo. 3d, last mail. 8.28 p. m. WESTERN. No. 11 to Knoxville, No. 35 to Knoxville, 10:10 a. m. 8.40 p. m. JNo. VJ from Jvnoxville, 7.35 p. m. No. 36 from Knoxville, 10.40 a. m. YADKIN. JNo. l, to .Norwood, 11. 1U a. m. "No. 47, to Norwood, 1.30 p. in. No. IS, from Norwood, 7.35 p. in. No. 46, from Norwood, 9.30 a. in. NOTICE, DEMOCRATS The following are the dates for the Democratic Primaries and Convention: PRIMARIES, SATURDAY, APRIL 7 CONVENTION, MONDAY, APRIL 9 AMENDMENT BILL. The ouestion of the amendment is having a liberal discussion through the papers of the day. The friends of Ihe bill, too, are apparently increasing as the meas- id clearly presented to the pub lic. It is a tntter of deep interest to the white citizens of North Caro lina. The bill should have the support of every one of them. A correspondent to yesterday morn- signature, 'Unus," makes: the following earnest appeal to the - white men of North Carolina to support it: Why it is that any white man in North Carolina, unless he wants an oflSce, will vote against the amendment, I, for one, cannot un- uerstana. l uon c neueve mnnv of them will: If any do, they should be ostracized by all good white people. They' deserve de testation and should receive it, of all of us who want purity in poli tics. We, of the good old State of North Carolina, how have a chance to build up her latent in dustries and those who oppose the amendment only retard them. WThite ., men of North Carolina, r0 m O oo nna man anil f rno trmir . wuu J State from ignorance. You all know that this grand 6ld Common wealth has suffered enough by it, and now when you have a chance, use it. These chances do not. come often. Possibly this will be our only chance, then use it. Think dear people intelligently, and if you do you will all come up to the voting precincts and vote as white" men should. Bestir 1 - r ' g- i ' . ... yourseu. i our uou is witn us because He wants purity. Our women are with us, our chil dren are; then, pray, why are you not? Well, I guess you will be. You have no good reason not to bo. Then, of course, you will come because you want to see all things bettered, which, if we car ry the amendment, you will see. Now, have ho excuse but sickness; if you do, your children will al ways think strange of you, and if you vote for them, they will al- M ..11 rather have their blessings than ' their censure. I have read that a father feels better after he has done some great good for his off springs. Now you know that there would be no greater cause for you to espouse; then espouse it and get the plaudits of your mother, wife, sister, and children, backed up by your white, friends. Have no excuse, for none you hare. Array ' yourself among those you esteem and help them in this, the greatest political battle they have ever engaged in. Be wise as you wouici want your ildren to be by showing them that you are at his time going be with, people mean only the all. whom you know advancement of us There, is every probability that the Paris Exposition will not be ready for public inauguration on Easter Sunday, April 15. Many Hie buildinfiTS will be incomplete . , j ,i J. -n UUU IUO ! Will uo uuiy duriDsr the davtime for some time after the official opening. It is thought by May 1, that the ex hibition will be! in a fairly satisfac- tory state- w;k o .ol.Uaiwatmn &1 on - 000,000 the Standard Oil Company has recently declared p, quarterly dividend on the basis of 80 per cent profit annually on the money mvestcd in the business of tneviiie. Kv.. Saturday. An escort company. The capitalist who can0f net 4 per cent on his investments nowadays considers himself very well remunerated. The British Government recently offered for sale bonds to Ire amount of $150,- 000.000 bearing 21 per cent in- terest at less than par. The loan was subscribe! 20 times over at a i - . . premium. .for tne use oi $ioo,- 000,000 Great Britain will pay $4,115,000 a year. For the use of $100,000,000 of their capital the stockholders of the Standard Oil Company maV get $80,000,000.: a year These figures show how much more Prohtable are the se curities of a monopoly than the bonds of a rich government like that of Great Britain, says the Baltimore Siin. Affects Our Industrial Development. More depends upon the carry ing of the constitutional amend- ment than the mere political terests that attach to it. The m" m" austnai aeveiopmem ui iu oiui 1 . 1 1 Jl i iU Cl.l. Will DO S13a,'l,J "J J-t -ii i. .. a .1 u . Z4- I was remarked recently here by one who looks to industrial affairs for the f utui e that certain invest ments which he contemplated now will depend upon the the carrying of the amendment. While he is from the no th, he says that the political affairs here will affect and really control him in the matter of his; investments. He has had some experisnce with the colored people and Be sees no hope of im provement or of profits f rom in vestments if they are to control or have any large share in the po litical affair of the State. Scot land Neck (jomnionwaalth. Kansas' Corn Crop. In the tenF year period iust closed Kansas has! raised i,'$oi,bUU,4iu bushels of corn, of a value on the farms where raised amounting to $364,633,418. M. B. SnJith, Butternut, Mich . , says, K "Dd Witt's Little Early Risers are tne very best pills ever used for qostiveness, liver and bowel troubles." James Plum mer. i In Carthhge, Mo., there is a mnman lntllronio arrant- cavano I nntiUoa itr.W n.ininnr women brokers anxl journalists, and no especial wonder . is excited. But of news this what a stirring bit would have i -' been fifty years ago. There were 533 deaths from the plague in Bombay during the week endin February 16th. For the Babies. There is ho better medicine for the babies than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Its pleasant taste i and prompt and effectual cures make it a favorite with mothers and small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds, prev anting pneumonia or other send us consequences. It also cures croup and has been used in tens of thousands cases without a sinj gle failure so far s we have bejen able to learn. It not only cares croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Id cases of whoopmg cough it liquefies the tough mucus, making it easier to expectorate, and lessens severity and frequency of the parixysms of coughing, thus depriving that disease of all dangerous consequences. For sale by James Plummer, drug gist. Most people you included, per hapsare extremely negligent in regard to heir eyes, and very in regard to their This is because the culpably st children's. general pit blic have literally no idea of the number and variety of eve' defects. It you have eye Dr. S. R. Peck. troubles see The Charlotte Eye Specialist. Next day! in Salisbury Thurs- FROM THE TELEGRAPH. 'Cubans seriously object to es tablishing quarantine regulations for Havana April 1st, as has been ! aunounced. General Gomez, in a letter pub lished in Havana, says the Cu bans are now "trying to shake off the intervening government." ; Five persons killed, one fatally and one seriously injured, resulted j from an attempt to start a fire with gasoline at Columbus,, Ohio. The British Bible Society is go-j ing to provide all the Boer prison- ers with isibles written in .Dutch. These will soon be sent to St. He- lena. t Governor Tavlcr left the State capital at Frankfort for Louis- twenty soldiers accompanied ajm: to the train. The feature of St. Patrick's Day parade in Chicago was the carry ing of a big Traansvaal flag at the head of the Ancient Order of Hi bernians. Charles Newton, eight years old, whose parents live in Roanoke, Va., died at the Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore, Saturday with hydrophobia, ihe boy was bitten several weeks ago. Maud g. , the . famous trotter, died at Schultz's farm, Port Ches ter, N. Y.y Saturday. ) She was brought .to the farm from -New York a week ago and it was in intended to use 1 her for bredding purposes. ; ; Reports from the representa tive fruit and vegetable growing sections of Mississippi say that early strawberries were consider- ablv damaged by the frost last week. Vegetables and peaches, . . : howeTcr, are sale. Porto. Rico Cries, For Help- - lhe condition of i'orto Kico is almost incredible. The whole are being pauperized by free gov ernment rations, while; the insta bility of the country without con stitutional I guarantee prevents American capital from flocking in. There is a general putcry from leading Porto Kicans in all parts of the island against t&is (legrad ing amsgivjng as,a bribe to quiet the people whileXJongress is fast ening the slavery ; of a coloniaL system upon them. The official returns show that in five months the normal death rate of Porto Rico has increased 9,000 since the tornado period, showing w tv, island is lnsino- in nnnnla. tion at the rate of 20.000 a year as a result of American control. : The sights in the mountain dis tricts" are appalling. All experi enced men agree in srying that the only hope of saving Porto Rico from utter ruin is to at once convert it into a regular United States Territory. The people do not need charity: They need, the opportunity to work. ' Ane nea" ci tne mosi soraia mi i i it . a . . 1 1 U UOI lusoiuvuu trvuiv luwivuu bv the spectacle of a helpless na tion waiting in;, suspense for the news that Congress has refused to take all hope from them. James Creelman in New York Journal. According to the latest figuring the British have 213,000 troops in South Africa, to about 35,000 Boers. Robbed The Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: 4 'I was in a most dreadf u 1 condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in the back and sides, no appetite grad ually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. fortunately, a friend advised try ing 'Electric Bitters; and to my great joy and surprise, the . first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life. and robbed the grave of another victim." ;No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts., guaran teed, at Theo. F. tKluttz & Go's Drug Store. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick arid Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Lasy to take Try them , Money: back if not cured. Sold bVTheoJ F Kluttz Druggist. mof - - NEAE - Eiiillinill We have received a new lot of Underskirts in black and other popu lar colors, made from the justly cele brated and rightly named Near-Silk, as it so nearly resembles Silk in its lustre and contains all the wearing qualities that are liking in Taffeta Silks. Examine them. Priced $1.38, $1.50, $1.65 and $2 OO. ABOUT Mil!! NEW ASSORTMENTS READY. You might as well have the new est designs in Linens as not. There are-lots of them here for you, and we'll wager they're a little more "fetching" than any you've seen. Then there's a very important point with which we wish to impress you linens at this store are LINENS. 11 A Li K Y BEOS, One Price ural Leaf mem Smoke 'Drink All other seasonable goods at reasonable prices. Everything we sell is guaranteed. Yours to please, X. IVI. McCULLOH. P. J.; MAN MO, Sanitary Engineers and - General Contractors. Sewers and Waters "Work Steam and Hot Water Heating. Full line of Sewer Pipe and Builders Sup plies of of all Kinds on hand. Special attention paid to the supervision and construction of House Sewers. Esti mates furnished free. C. TXLEDEXtlClE, Manager. Office over Baker's Tin Shop. Salisbury, N. G. Mules for Sale . We have for sale 5 mules 3 years old, 1 mule 2 years old, and 1 mare. For particulars apply to A. B. McKeel, Einwood, K. C. HOLT & HAYWOOD, Executive of T. M. Holt, dec'd. M6ther!s Friend ''-. - t ... does away with the'stifFeTinpr of child birth. Itis apenetratinjsrlinimenttobe used externally. It causes the muscles to expand and ives them elasticity and strength for the comiig ordeal. Mothers who have used it consider it as necessary as thefood. they eat. It is utterly impossible for' it to do harm, as in the case of medicines taken in ternally, and the good it has done for other, mothers, it will do for you. Get hfofhf'm Friend at the drug store. . : . 91 per bottle. THE BgADFiELD REGULATOR CO. ' AtUata, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book, " Be fore Baby is Born." uu . SIL n H II rwin mm MILMMMd Cash Store. Old Chunk, Fig. Maniola, Mari tana, Plum, Schnapps arid Nat Tobacco. Henry George and Capa dura Cigars. And Cordoyia and "400" Coffee. The best is always the cheap est in the long run. Lumber ! Increased facilities for handling lumber and building material place me in a position to supply the de mands of the lumber trade much more satisfactorily to my custo mers and myself as well. 1 am now prepared to replenish my yard and warerooms with, a well selected stock of sash, doors, blinds, mould ings and all kinds of finished ma- ceriais irom my own mills, there by obviating . the . annoying and perplexing delays incident to plac ing orders with distant parties. Orders for any kind of material not io oe lound in stock .will be promptly, executed directly from the shops at New London. ; Estimates furnished on applica tion. Orders solicited. . C. JR. RICE. ' Now that the Christinas holidays are over, and novelties have played their part, turn your attention to the necessities and comforts of life, and begin the new year right, by putting In a ; Bath Tub and Water Closet in your home. When in need of Tin or .Slate, Roofing . ' Plumbing or Repairs ee IV. S. Nicolson. PHONE 109. ; Thanking one and all for past favors Her g, THE I'-AJl 'sunshine 1 i touched' ' 1 1 our Shoe Department, and has made it resplendent with the brightness and newness of the new season s goods. o The Ideal Shoe for women this spring is the Queen Quality Oxford. We have them in various styles black and tan kid and patent kid, with kid, patent kid and silk vesting tops. r IF YOU , WANT TO, BE STYLISH yoli must wear stylM Shoes. There is no Shoe more stylish than Queen Quality Shoes for Women. I3TLTH.T SHOE CO., iuiaim qtrfpt SALISBURY. N. C. i w i n fc NEW SPRING GOODS AT " ... ! Big lot of standard spring Calico at 5c. A lot of handsome Per cales. New stock of ladies and men's Underwear ust in. lhe bet women's and children's Stockings ever sold for 10c. Good assort- I ment of all kinds of men's Shirts, A big stock of spring Shoes at old NOW FOR THE INNER wheat will make. All kinds of kinds of Coffee, from 10c to 35c per lb. Cabbage, Kraut, Sweet an 1 Irish Potatoes, Turnips, BeansvPeas, Grits, Hominy, Oat Meal, Oat Flakes, Wheatlets, Cheese, Macaroni and many other things to coo. Canned Tomatoes Corn,- Berries, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Peaches, Pears and. Apricots at lowest prices for fresh, first-class goods. The best Jersey Butter 15c. New Orleans, Cubajand many other grades of Molasses and Syrup3. Choice Watch this Space. : - i 1 Geo, "Wv Wrfehi Leading Furniture Dealer Will have Ess. si A FINE LINE OF iionery Cut Glass Antoniizers Dressing Cases; &c. , JUST RECEIVED AT r . " T. F. Kluttz & Co's DRUG STORE. It Is Easy Bring your feet here1 and we will encase them in Shoes which are veritable forts. Wear resist ers built to repel damp and wet, and give comfort to the feet. And for style they- beat the our band. The .durability of Shoes comesfrom the good ma terial and excellent workmanship. Prices start at little figures and don't get up very high. V II 11. J ' HJ 1 iiunuuri s oia C. M. & 1. 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 Drawers and Collars at old prices. prices. New Carpets and flatting. MAN : The best Flour that goldea Cured Meats at lowest prices. 15 green Fruits in season. Yours to please, a new ad EDelvtcs- T. B. MARSH is agent for THE SOUTHERN STOCK MU TUAL INSURANCE CO., The Underwriters of Greensboro. The Home of "New York. TheEcquitable of Charleston. All as good as the best; all prumit in payment of loss. Call and see hi in before insuring elsewhere. FOR SALE, 1 farm with 2-story house on it 50 acres, 1 mile from fountain, splen did for truck farming and dairy: 5 c r 6 other houses in different parts f town; 1 house at Spencer. It will well to see me before buvintr. R L. SHAVER, Asrt. Enough To M. BBOWE and ask ror a continuance, of game.

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