f PURE? DRUG9f Tine Ferfunss, Toilet Articles and Stationer, WATEIt- PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM r'At POUNDED AT YOUNG'S Drug store. rEATHEB FORECAST: Fair to-night and Friday. Salisbury! n. c , Thursday evening, jup 7, i9oo: VOL. VII. NO. 83. n . N V I I II 11 ; 11 u is ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen - ings in and About Salisbury A picnic is being held at St. 'John's mill to-day. The Salisbury Steam Laundry has a new ad in the Sun to-day. Our shoe stock is entirely new; no old goods at Peterson & Rulfs. There will be services at Thya- tira Saturday and Sunday by Rev. John Wakefield. Mr. W. E. Strange, of Spencer, has mored to Lexington and open i ed a barber shop. A coach filled with deaf mutes on their way home from Morgan ton passed through the city last " Read the Sun daily or weekly and be. happy. If you have any- thing to sell or wish to buy adver tise in its columns. It pays. Mr. K. A. lorrence nas accep ! ted a position with Moore's meat market at Statesvillej and will go Monday to take up the work. The Juvenile Book Club will meet with Miss Rosa Holmes on Friday evening at 4 o'clock. Author, Charlotte M. Yonge. Mrs. Carrie Williams is improv- mg ner place, tne olu verDio home, by grading the. Jot facing Mam street and putting a porch -rtn Vmt eirln r-f;thf hnnsfl I m. m I "U"" " " . To day is even a greater bar- gam day at tsurrs shoe store lor the children than Queen Quality day for the ladies. This sale will be continued to morrow. 200 pairs more added to the 500 pairs children's slippers adver tised for to-day's sale and the sale will be continued to-morrow. Every pair of the 700 were made this season and are worth 50 per cent, more than we are selling them at. Burt Shoe Co. Col- Armfield Defended. Regiment during; the war . with Spain has written an article de fending Col. J. F. Armfield from the attack of a party who has re cently sent out pamplets to mem bers of the regiment relative to a court martial held while the regiment was in service. The ar ticle of refutation will appear in to morrow's Sun. Water Scarce. Owing to the breaking down of a valve at the pump bouse no pumping can be done to-day and the citizens are asked to be as saving with the water as they can. They should not ue their sprink lers as J,hi8 is a drain on the stand nipe which now has very litttle Delegates Return. Delegates to the senatorial con vention returned home from Lex ington last night. The convention was a harmonious one. As mentioned yesterday Messrs. Henderson,of Rowan, and Thomas, of Davidson, were nominated, for the Senate. Edwards in Lexington. The Davidson Despatch, speak ing of the sentence of Will Ed wards to hang says: 'The negro is yet confined in the jail at Lexing- ton -for saie-seeping ana it is probable that he will remain here until the date of his execution." Remove Your Hats It is especially requested that the ladies remove their hats dur ing the play at the opera house to-morrow night at the presenta tjon of "Under the Southern Cross." It has been a matter of surprise and encouragement at the steady and progressive growth of the business of The Salisbury Savings Bank. It's the people's bank. They pay interest on deposits. Special sale of wash silks a Reid's. T PERSONAL MENTION. People WJu) Come and go and Ge j Their Names in J?nnt. '.!' I .!.--: Hon. Lee S. Overman left this morning fdr Raleigh. Architect C. C. Hook is in the city to-day on business. Mrs. R. B. Lee went to China Grove last night to visit. Mrs. Fanny Ray and little son are visiting at Mill Bridge. Capt. J. A. Ramsay returned last night from Chapel 'Hill. Mrs. A. M. Basinger and chil- (iren are vtsiting at Organ Church. Senator 1 ritchard passed through tnis i morning returning from Washington. Miss Bessie Pearle Rendleman hs spendint a week with her Bunt, Mrsj A W. Winecoff. Mr. W. C.-Rose, of Enoch ville, returned last night from Salem, Va., to which place he had taken a couple of orphans. f Mr. Gray Barber and bride re turned to Charlotte yesterday af ter spending a couple of days with Mr. Barbdr's father, Mr. W. M. Barber. t Mr. J. P. Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer, was here last night on a is way to Mbrganton to attend a njeeting of the directors 0f tne gtaie hospital. I I, I miss xuAia auuuk. xiuuser, wuo r T ti, it ii r T l has! been here attending school, orning for Reidsville to aunt and will go on jef fDis id visit her" home to Morehead City, next week. Mrs. E E. Lewis and sister, Miss Fanny Roueche, returned last night from a pleasant visit to Charlotte. They were' accompa- nied by t ieir cousin, little Miss Reid Mu Ien, daughter of Post master Mullen, of Charlotte, who will. spend some time in this city. Valuable Patent 'Louis agger r& Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, report that on last Tuesday Mr. John G. McNaughton, a resident of Salisbury, obtained a valuable patent heaters. or improvements in Fishing Party. A party of ten or more young men spent yesterday at Sowers', on the. Yadkin, fishing.; The day was pleasantly spent. The fish they caught and other refresh ments were very much enjoyed. Club at Zeb - ; A Democratic club was organ- zed at Zeb last night with thirty- hve members. lion, uonn o. Henderson was present and made Library to Trinity. President Kilgo, of Trinity College, has announced that Mr. J. B. Duke, who is a son of Mr. Washington Duke, and president of ! Abe American Tobacco Com- any, had given the college a library building It is supposed that this will cost some $30,000. I commencement some t . - - . building Each member of the Duke family makes a donation to the college, and first and last they have given Trinity nearly half million dollars. Dr. Vann President. Rev. R. T. Vann, D. D., of Scotland Neck, N. C, was yes- terday chosen president of the Baptist Female University, Raleighl by the board of trustees. ( The newly elected president has accepted and will take charge of the institution at an early date. i Last week High Point shipped 32 solk car loads of furniture to Chicago, the cash value being over $17,(XX. Bedding Stock! Bedding Stock!! ! Reduced prices on Bedding stock. ; Last call for Moon Vines. A few dozen good Coleus left. Must te sold to make room. for other plants. Call at Mrs. Lin ton's green house, corner Inniss and Long streets. aspeechj;; CLERKS SALARIES INCREASED. Printed Money Order Applications a Post Office Free. Postmaster Ramsay has ' receiv ed from Congressman Kluttz i telegram announcing that he had succeeded in getting the salaries of the clerks in the Salisbury postoffice raised to $2,400 a year. This is an increase of S80D to be divided . between the three boys The increase takes effect July 1st. Postm aster Ramsay has received from the First Assistant Postmas ter General a letter stating that for the benefit of business houses the name and address hi these houses will be printed on money order applications by the Depart ment free of charge, either for the application or special printing. The advantages gained by this are the certainty of the order being issued correctly, convenience of the remitter, as he does not have to fill in the name of payee; con venience of postmaster, as he is ess likely to be asked to fill in the application, and an inereajse in the money order eystem as it suggests the use of a money order In pref erence to other means off sending money. Many firms inclose a ready-addressed application for a money order with each circular. etc., and they will be furnished to business people in reasonable quan- ities. i - r ' Ci - . Teachers' Assembly. Go to Morehead and take a dip in Old Ocean. You will have an opportunity next week while the Southern has on sale cheap rate ickets on account of the Teach ers' Assembly. i - The Southern will . sell reduced rate tickets to Morehead City on account of the Teachers' Assembly. Rate from Salisbury and return $10.95;. this includes $2 for mem- i. . . - f. bership tickets. Tickets on sale ; J une 9 to 17, imit returning July 25. A half dozen or .more will go rom Salisbury, r . - Bridal Tour. Mr. Luther Brown and bride, formerly Miss, Daisy Kluttz, passed through last night going to Hot Spi ings on n bridal tour. They were married at-the homo of the bride near Organ Church, yesterday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. Brown,, on their return, will make their home in Salisbury. f . f Damage Money. I Ed Vogler yesterday received, through Mr. L. S. Overman, the money coming to him tecause. of the compromise of his suit against the Southern railroad for dam ages. The amount was $2,500. To ,List Taxes Again at Zeb. Mr. Frank Hudson desires us to state that he will be at Zeb on Friday, June 15th, to list taxes again. ';' BURT'S SHOE STORE; SPECIAL SALE OF - CHILDREN'S SIIOK3 continued td-mobeow. NEW ARRIVALS. After our announcement yester day of a special sale to-day, had gone to the printers, and all the available space in our store had been arranged for chil dren's goods, we received a shipment of . 200 pairs Misses and Childrens' Slippers, very few of which we were able to crowd into our already crowded display. Hence, we jwill continue this sale to-morrow until 7 :30 p. m.. at which time our store will be closed, in order that our sales men may take an evening off for rest and recreation; : BURT SHOE CO., Main Street, Salisbury, N C. isiacK velvet iciDoon, narrow widths, at Kluttz & Rendleman's. For Sale--A lot of clay peas C. H. Swink. X To Rent: My fine, five-:room cottage, corner of Lee and Horah streets. W. H. JNeave. TO KILL FOREIGtffil "BOXERS" SOUND A WAltlHIIG, They Issue a Proclamatioi-fBritiih Warships Arrive at Takur- American Squadron is - Close at Hand 1 special to daily sun. Jrekm. J une 7. A prociama tion .which has been placed by. 4 Boxers" at Tien : Tsin announces to all foreigners that they will "be massacred next Sunday. American Counsul Rag?idale at Tein Tsin wires that the iitua tion is most' menacing and jtbit an attack on the city was" threatened late last night. The embassies there have 650 trobps and en ma chine guns, and feel confident the rebels will be beaten off, ljutthe loss of life is likely to be great. v The British battle ships! Bah- fleur and Xe"ikle have arrived at Taku. ' 4 L'-. Pekin, Juno '7. A 'strongly worded imperial edict was issued ast night censuring the Chinese troops for cowardice and ordering the Viceroy Chi Li and General Jung Lu to suppress the Boxers. Tien Tsin, June 7. It is reT ported that a battle has occurred at Langhai between Boxers and Catholics. The latter ara- said to have captured nine cannon and killed three Boxers. ' Tien Tsin, June 7. rThe train which left here for the scene of the Boxers' difficulty, is nojv return- mg. it couiani; get more tnan forty -one miles from Tien Tsin. Villages along the line of railroad reported . flames and telegraph poles cut. The, Chinese. ; troops aboard the train fired on a small party ; of natives but their; com mander refused to proceed or de lay his men. ' ' ' Last night 130 Britislimarincs and blue jackets, 35 Russians, 31 Germans, 50 French and 40 Ital ians arrived here. It is believed this additional force will render Tien Tsjn safe. 1 Washington, June - 7. -Rear Admiral Schley with the. South Atlantic squardron has been Order ed from Rio Janero to Montevil- dis. It is suggested that this move is made to get the vessels near Cape Horn .if advisable to send them to China. Serious Cutting Affair. A gentleman who came in this morning from Concord tells us of a serious cutting affair which took place at ML Pleasant last night. W. II. McConnell, one of the bosses at the cotton mill, cut and seriously injured Mr. James Peck, president of the mill company. ; McConnell,: thinking that Peck had been the-cause of him losing his position, I waylaid him about o'clock last night and in the struggle that followed he cut Mr. Peck several! times, r McConnell fled and had (not been captured when our informant left Concord. He is a son of Mrs. McConnell, of Concord, and a brother of Mr. Ross McConnel, of the Postal place. Telegraph company at. that Sick. Mr. D. :M. ! Miller was kept at home to-day on. account: of sick ness - 1 ' i : ' I'.:' Mr. H. II. Speddin has been on the sick list for several days. Wister Padgett, of the Sun force, is on the sick (?) list Ito, day. Prof. Lippard's Students Pleased. The undersigned having; been a student the past year in the Con cord Institute, under Prof. -Lip pard, can assure young people who wish a higher education that they will find Prof.. Lippard an enthusiastic, thorough educator, inspiring bis students to earnest study and consequently enjoys the highest esteem and good-will of all his students. ; C. A. Smith. DeWitt's Little Early Risers D. J: Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They: quickly, cure all liver and bowel troubles. James Piummer. STATE FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT Official Program and Prizes Dates, July 10-13 In Wilmington. . : ..-.'.. . " . - Tuesday, July 10. Reception of delegates and-visiting,firemen. 11 a.' m. convention called to order by the President. . Prayer; Ad dress of , Welcome Response. Regular order of business. . Wednesday; July 11 9 a. ni., street paraue. liva, m., engine . - i - ;- - f - f - . - contest, best tinfe" start to finish. p. m1., horse hose wagon race. 5" p. m.loDg distance contest, en- gines. . . ; ; Thurslay, July 129 a. m. championship reel, team contest." 11 a. m junior reel team contest. 12 m., quick steaming contest.;, 3 . m., hand reel race. 5 p. ,m., grab reel race. . "Friday, July 13 Interstate Day- 9 a. m.r band reel race. 11 a. m. grab reel race 3 p. m ., hook and ladder race. 4 p. m. , horse hose, wagon race. V . , PRIZE LIST. i Engine contest- Quick j , steam ing," first - prize $50;" quick steam- mg,- secona prize, ; o. ; iLngine throwing water longest distance, nTstprizet$50; engine throwing water . longest distance, second prize, 9Ui. lungine making oest run start to finish first prize, $50; engine making best run,' start to finish, .second prize, $25. i . Horse, hose wagon race First prize, $100; second prize, $60; third, prize, $40. T ;V ; Hand reel contest First prize, $100; second prize, $60; third prize, $40.. j ' Grab reel contest First prize, $50; second prize, $30; third prize, $20. Junior hand reel contest First prize, $25; second prize, $15.,, -, - j interstate CONTEST, ' Horse; hose wagon contest- First prize , $100; second' prize, $60; third prize, $40.: Hand reel contest Fir,st prize. $100; second prize, $50; third prize, $25 " ' " " r " "'' Ijrrab reel contest rirst prize, $60; second prize, 40. Hook and ladder race First prize, $150; second prize, $50. Special Best uniformed reel earn, $25. Department making best display, $25. i The! NVilmington department will not enter in any contest. Demand for Tickets. Y Tickets for ,Under the South- ern uross were put on . sale at Kluttz's this morning i and they sold rapidly. There are indica tions hat the opera house will be filled each night. V . Another New Citizen. . i " - - r Mr.' N.', P. Loving, of Lynch burg, Va., arrived in Salisbury yesterday to accept a position in the blacksmith department of the Southern shoj s at Spencer. Mr. Loving will make his home in Sal isbury. Mad Cow. A cow on Chestnut Hill is act ing queer and it is thought she is affected wuh hydrophobia, the re sult of being bitten some weeks ago- by the mad dog that bit the negro Lucky. j . - Lodge Notic. Salisbury Conclave No. 336, I. O. Hi; will meet to-night. Impor tant business; every member de sired to be present. ? John P. Weber, ? - r Archon. Wash silks 45c yard at Reid's. i- ' Mutton, spring lamb, veal, beef, port i for Saturday's trade Jack son's Market. For Sale: A lot of first-class car. i Apply to J. C Hamilton, Carniel, N. C. For Rent: A nice four room i cottage. Apply to D. M. Miller. . T For Rent. First class 6-room house, al- T most new, in very desirable loca tion. Rent reasonable. T. B. Brown, - A DASTARDLY DEED. A Little Girl Outraged by a Married Han, of Durham county.. ' . . We copy the following from yesterday s Durham Sun: . t- The Sun this afternoon has to record a most distressing piece Of news. " It is another case of man's inhumanity.to a child," and is . one of those cases that usually shock and stir a community. The details are too revolting for print, and we simply state the facts; t'OHiei Rippey, a white man who resides near IJickstown, and l. . . -i-v . , wno iKsaia to . nave serveu a term in the penitentiary, Tuesday after noon committed the unmentionable crime upon the person;of Geneva Crabtree, a white; girl soarcely 9 years of age, living in the same neighborhood. . "This morning j Deputy Sheriff John -Harward and Policeman Cutts arrested Rippey in West Durham, where he was at-.work,. and the case was heard before 'Squire W. R. Suitt. The evidence was conclusive "and Rippey ad mitted bis guilt. " 'He was bound over to court and put in jail without bond. Rip pey is a married man, about 28 or 30 years of age, and had been living in that community for about a year, lie Dears the character of being a pretty tough .fellow."" Master Mechanics Return. Mr. J. T. Robinson and Mr. W. E. Looney, master mechanic and master car builder of the Spencer shops returned this morning from Asheville where,' i yesterday, they attended a meeting of the master mechanics and master car builders of the Southern Railway. A number who attended the meeting passed through this morn ing returning home. , Miller-Connelly Wedding. Mr. W. .W. Miller and Miss Augusta Connelly, both of States viHe, were married at the Method ist church at that place yesterday, evening at 6 o'clock. Air. T. E. Witherspoon, of Salisbury, was one of the ushers.! Mr, and Mrs.' Miller passed through here last night oh their way to Washington and other cities. " - Deaf Mutes go Home. A number of deaf mutes from the Morganton institute . passed through this morning going homo to spend the summer vacation. There was an extra car on the Western for the children's accom modation. " Dr. Davis to Preach. Rev. Dr. John WT. Davis left! this morning for Charlotte where he lectures to-night and to-mor-- row night. He will return to Salisbury Saturday and will preach at the First Presbyterian; church Sunday morning. 4 Egg Photographed. ; i ' Mr. H. C. Trott, who several days ago purchased an egg with a perfect eclipse upon it--one lay ed by a hen on j the morning of the eclipse has had it photograph ed in order that the curiosity may be preserved. Strayed Dar Jersey calf with light nose. Reward for returning to Ned Hannah, jjolored. ; Eat Jacksons'j meats and will be pleased. you A Card of Thanks. v Feeling gratified at the support the people gave in nominating me as a candidate for the Bread Trade of Salisbury, I will still ask their support in the bread, and cake line. Feeling confident of being elected, J remain ever ready to serve them. Respt., , T. L. Swink. Cor.' Main and Council Streets. The Chinese ask "how is your liver?" instead of. "how do you do?" for when the liver is active the "health is good, De Witt's Little Early. Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bow els.' James Piummer. -THREE DAY iSlISTICE L Nothing of it From fxitish Sources - NetheTlands t jitated. , ' , SPECIAL TO DALY SUN.J . London, June 7. -Th ere is ab sence of anything from. British sources enlightenW' the Boer statement, tha! T.qler requested three days' armisf.ee Military experts here ore inclined to bo lieve that the revise version of the story will show that Bullcr summoned the Fcdcrvd3 to sur render or evacuate the-r positions within three days, 4?r it: M ... .. C which ho will attacVtiicm. Birmingham, Junv 7. A cor respondent of the Pojit learns from attcial) source at The lluuo that 44riou3 quc'tiou concerning Presidehruer jS ai'-tinpc tho Netherlands.vernmt;nf. 1 1 c: ;s that the Trahs ai presia nt had decided up to Muj ,Ust "to tako refuge on the Diu4 Cruiser, Friesland, which isnow,. .orenzo Marquez.- There i.3 reason p be lieve that telegraphic orders have been sent from Hague toUho commander of tho Friesland re garding his future course of ac tion. . " Capetown, June 7. Two - Brit ish soldiers were stabbed to death by an Italian in a street ti.ht hero to-day. A mob thereupon wreck ed the supposed premises of the murderer who had succeeded in escaping. Congress Still at It. special to daily sun. Washington, June 7. The Honso met at ten "o'clock this morning and the Senate at eleven to com plete the session which was expec ted to end yesterday, but which, through the perversity of Cannon, was prolonged over night. Washington, June 7. There was another, disagreement when pthe naval appropriation bill was formally reported, but tho con ferrees have an understanding by which a compromise on tho sur vey item will be adopted. Congress will . surely adjourn to-day. Washington, June 7. An ap parently trustworthy report comes from the conference committee that the members have adjourned. The Senate took recess till three o'clock. Passengers Injured. special to daily sun. Media. Pa.. June 7. A car on the Media division of tho Chester Trade Company ran off the track at j Waiting Ford this morning. Four passengers and a moternian were injured. Spreading rails are believed to be the cause. Cotton. special to daily sun. New York, June 7. Cotton bids: June, 32; July, 33 ; August, II; September, 7:73. The case against Baxter Shoni- I well, of Asheville,. in court at Itnoxville, Tenn., has been nol prossed. ' Kansas city beef, Vienna, bologna, smoked and fresh sausage at Jackson's Market. Did I You say it was dusty, well, in deed it is, wo need a duster, to dust the dust from the dusty things. . Buerbaura keeps the turkey feather dusters at 25, 30, 35, 15, and 60 cents, according to sizes. A new stock of the celebrated Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, all sizes. Prices $2.50, $3; 50 and $4.00. Cheapest Fountain Pens at $1.25,, $1.50 and $2.00. Glassware of all kinds. More fancy glassware than you ever saw in your life. Hammock's at Buerbaum's ut all prices and edzes and quality, for all kinds of people, for all kinds of purses.