- w .' J i. . ; . .. 4tm fLZ:Z COLLECTiOf; TATE SPRING PURE DRUGS, fins Perta, Tsilet Articles u Stationer, :'. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY COM POUNDED AT , -WATER O At ISENHOUR & BEAiT FOUNTAIN. YOUNG'S Drug Store. WEATHER FORECAST! Partly cloudy, ; with showers to:night and Monday. VOL. VII. SALISBURY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING,' JUNE -16, 1900., NO. 91. m THE STREET CAB LINE- Company is Ready to Begin Prelimin ary Worfc in a bnort While. A letter was received this morn ing from the J. B. Bostic Com pany, the firm principally interest ed in the building of a street car line in Salisbury in which it was! stated that a report of the passage of thu car line franchise bill in the Legislature -had been seen and a representative of the company would be here in a few days to Hiake preliminary arrangements for the establishing of this line, The company had not learned that the bill was not taken up in the Senate. " Mr. C. B. Jordan left this morn- mg to try and make some arrange- ments for the building of the system, anyway. Salisbury Odd Fellows Invited. Tne Cold Water Lodge I. O. O. F. of Concord, has extended an invitation to all the Odd Fellows of Salisbury to attend the memori al service at that place to-morrow afternoon at A o'clock. The ser mon will be preached by. Rev. Mr. Douglass. The Odd Fellows who go from here will have the regalia of the I order. Those going will please go to the depot soon in order to find out how many regalias to take. Salisbury's Elms Dying, Too. The Winston Sentinel "Souae sort of an insect is ing havoc with the English says: in this and other towns in State. These insects denude trees of leaves and as a result trees die. The ravages of the the the the insocti.XUjespejciallx noticeable on West Fourth street. Treea Vhich a short time a ago made a beauti ful shade are dying. The leaves look like they had been killed1 by frost." Prof. Britt Transferred. Prof. J. J. Britt. who has been on duty at Statesville as special guager in the revenue service, has been transferred to South CarolL- na in He is now visiting his family Mitchell county and will go from there to South Carolina. Mr. C. F. Blalock succeeds Prof. Britt. The Railroad Association. We are told that an effort will be begun next week and not stop ped until a Y. M. C. A. , is estab lished at Spencer. The Southern is interested in the matter and will assist materially. CivU Suit. Messrs " E. C. Gregory and B. B. Miller went to Cleveland this morning to appear on either side of a civil suit that comes up for trial there to-day. Conscience Money. A man paid five cents this morn ing for a drink he got at Kluttz's noda fountain last vear. He said he left the store last summer for getting to pay for the drink. To the Public. Don't be deceived by so-called ot0 Cr.lim nnd fnkfi t.cWflrt.isf.mfints. waiii.- ciiooo rrm Inmost dealers who will sell you honest I III V VUUL ouvyvkj s m. 1 shoes at one low honest profit. ' Compare the quality ami prices of our shoes with the "so-called" cost sales and see if we don't eave you money. Come and see. C. M. & II. M. Brown. Wash silks 45c yard at Reid's. For Sale: My farm, 89 acres, road. 5 mi lew out on R. L. Cheely. Lincolnton table, on Inniss street, next - to Capt. B. E. Sumner's. Apply to n A Shnrtor. v' " Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char- lotte. i N. C. will be in SalisDury at the Central hotel on Tuesday, July 3rd, for one day only. Sractic is limited to Eye, lose and Throatt tils Ear, AXI SBUKIAN HAS SMALLPOX. - Mr. Tom Talbert and Family Broken Out His Mother visiting Him. ITesterday's Charlotte News says of the family of a former Salis buriata: t .rkl 1 49 A rm wrn ci kiln tllf this morning at Mr. T. L Tal and bert'sl corner of Brevard I Ninth streets. Dr. Hawley, city yes- physician, was called there terdav; to see Mrs. Talbert, who was broken out wi$h an eruption. Dr. Hawley last night pronounced it smallpox, and this morning put the house under quarantine. The occupants of the house are Mr. and Mrs. Talbert and child, Mrs. Talbert's mother and brother. ! This afternoon Mr. Talbert and the baby broke out with the disease. ! "Last week Mr. Owen Talbert was sick at the house. He was br ke out with an eruption that the d actor pronounced chicken-' pox. He recovered and left the house, but is still in town." I This morning's Observer says: xtai.s. j.aiuciiB uuuuiuuu pro vents her being taken to the pent and it is likely that she and the other afflicted members of the family will be cared for in their ! The "Mrs. Talbert's mother" of above is doubtless ; Mr. spoken Talber 7s mother, as she went to Charlo tte several days ago to visit her sod WARD A MARRIED MAN. He Said That He and Miss Newell Were Also Married. The EStatesville Landmark, re ferring further to the attempted and Jolin Ward, says: Tuesilay moruing Mr. Laxy got a letter tironi vvaru, ueanng date of Monday v in; which Ward claim ed thatCVliss Newell was his wife: that the reason he went away , and left her at Elm wood was because he didn't want to kill Levy on her (Miss well's) account; but that he had killed a man lor less prov ocation and been acquitted. Af ter some more talk of thii kind this bold, bad man proceeded to tell MrJ Levy that he was coming to Statesville Tuesday to claim his wife (jV (Levy) iss Newell), and that if he tor anybody else interfered they would do so at their peril. This great bluff didn't frighten Mr. Levy but he telegraphed Mr. Banks at Salisbury and the latter came and took Miss Newell back to Salisbury with him the same evening. It is unnecessary to say that Wjard didn't show up here Tuesday. ; "Miss Newell's father, who is a Jewish rabbi, was in Statesville Wednesday and told what he knew qf Ward and bis daughter's infatuation for him. The man's name iu John O. Ward and he has a wile ana cniia in jaicnmonu, who life neighbor to Mr. Newell and it Is reported that he has a wife injGoIdsboro also. The Wards and Newells sustained neighborly relations in Richmond and Ward and his wife often visited the Newell home, which consists of the father land daughter. It was dur- mg tnis time inai ine aitacnmem was formed, but Mr. Newell knew nothing of it, as he was fre- i quentlV away from home teaching. "lhe girl seems to be complete- ly under, his (Ward s) influence and her relatives think it possible that h 9 exercises some hypnotic influence over her." For Rent. 4-room cottage, in Brooklyn. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Caublk on Clay street. For Sale: A parrot for $10. Can talk a little. Apply to C. H. SwinkJ a r M -f mi T 1 eeling gratified at tho support the people gave mnominating me I Trade of Salisbury, ask their support in the bread land cake line. Reeling con tident of being elected, l. remain ever ready to serve them. Respt., : T. L. Swink. Cof. Main and Council Streets. A S SERVICES TO-MORROW. Where and By Whom They Will Conducted. Methodist To-coorrow will be - observed as Education Day at the Ltirst Methodist church. Preach I lnrv lit fkn M wr im l r 4 Ivk a n 4- n w collection for mission. At night there will be an address by Dr. J. W. Long and two papers read by Misses Mamie Bays and Cora Smobt. Baptist The usual services will be conducted at the Baptist church to morrow by the pastor. Sun day school at 9:45. Presbyterian There will be the usual services at the First Presby terian church, morning and even ing hours. Lutheran- Usual servicers at St. John's, morning and evening. Catholic church -High Mass at 9 a. m. Devotions in the evening sermon and benediction at 8 Reformed Sunday school at 9:45; service at 11 by the pastor. At the evening hour Mr. - Charles W. Warlick will preach. J There will be service ? at the Kesler Mill school house to-morrow night. Mt. Zion Lutheran church, Chestnut Hill. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Divine service at 11 a. m. . . : . - v .. . Spencer ; Presbyterian-r-There will be services at 11 a. ; m. arid 8 p. m. ; The children will have a missionary exercise at the. evening hour. V ' . r The members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presby- terian church are requested to be at the church nroinntl v at half past seven cfctocK toworrow evening. The Junior Endeavor societies will meet at 10:20 a. m. Farmer Fink. This is from the Taylorsville, Illinois, Daily Breeze: "The Breeze is in receipt of sev eral heads of excellent wheat from Geo; Fink's farm near' Salisbury North Carolina. He writes that he has 1200 acres of land in '. culti vation j 20 acres of which, i? in wheat. He is also conducting a department store in Salisbury, which is the largest establishment in toe city; is a stpctinoiuer in a cotton mill that is being erected there, and is prospering generally. When in Taylorsville Mr. Fink conducted the Split Dollar Store and gained the reputation of a progressive business man and a hustler." The Taylorsville Courier mentions Mr.. Fink's wheat speaks complimentary of Fink. also arid Mr, Neave Concert. ' A number of friends enjoyed the closing concert of the Neave Music School last night. The scholars acquitted themselves well showing the good training they had received from Mr. and Mrs. Neave. ''--.sti:; V.L A more extended note of the concert will be published next week. Mrs. Price Entertains. An informal reception in honor of the Misses Balsley, of Greens boro. at Mrs. Cba's. Pric's last night was very much enjoyed by several couples who were present. Clearing Wreck. The Ashevillo Gazette savs the helper engine and one passenger coach of the wreck near Asheville were taken out vesterdav by the j . rf . . wrecking crew. I V Furnished rooms for gentle men desirable location. Apply at Sun office. Fine beef, pork, mutton and breakfast Bacon at R. W. Price's. "DeWitt's Little Early Riseri are the finest pills ever used. D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Al lhey quickly cure all hyer aric bowel troubles. James PI urn m el SMYRE FISHER WEDDING. - Be Miss Annie Fisher to Marry on the 27th atrQrace Church,! Invitations een sent out (reading as follows: - Capt.! and Mrs. J. A. Fisher I 4. .. tJ A 1. 1 J marriage of their daughter, Annie Bernhardt, to Jlr.Charles Edward Smyre, Wednesday morning, June twenty-seventnTBineteen hundred, at half after efaiiijC)!plocfe, I Grace Lutheran ChuftF. near Salisbury, North Carolina. PERSONAL MENTION. People 4 Who Come and go and Get ; Their Nataes in Print. Mr. and Mr$L A. R. .Lazenbv are at Statesville. , , - Mrs. M. A. Shank returns to Atlanta to-night; ... ; i Capt. Woodrum and wife have returned from Charlotte. Mr. Ernest West is home from Charlotte, on the sick list. . f Mr. and Mrs.' J. E. Hennessee returned this morning from Char- lotte. 5 .:tv--.vr-. Miss Reid Mullen returned to Charlotte this moming after! visit ing relatives here. Dr. John Whitehead went to Morgan ton this morning on pro fessional business. I Mr. J. A. Linn wont to Hickory this morning tb spend - Sunday visiting friends, v " : j - Mr. J. A. Brady, of Statesvillei who spent!-yesterday in the city returned home last night. The Misses Balsley, who have been visiting Mrs; Crutch field, re turned to Greens uoro this morn- 1DT ' '"" "" v h- -v?" c,L" Senator ! Butler was : here: last night on his way to Morgan ton where, he has J an appointment to speak. J i Prof. Wm. Cain, of the Univer sity, and Mr. Archibald Hender son have gone to Waynesville for a month. Postmaster W. , E. Brady, of Gold Hill, spent last night in the. city with his brother, Mr. John A. Brady. Mrs. S. W. Harry and daughter, and Miss Bessie Carter left! this morning for Connelly Springs to spend a while. 1 , . I Mrs. Safrit" 'mother of Rev. C. B. Miller, arrived this morning from Rowan county to visit Rev. C. B. Miller. Concord Standard. Misses Anna Belle Eddleman and Mabel R. Bostian, who have been visiting Mrs. A W. Wine- coff, returned to China Grove to- day, I" - - - ' . i Mrs. J. F. Watson, of Green ville, S. C, arrived last night to be with her daughter, Miss Elsie Watson, who is quite sick at I Mr. S. L. Swicegood's. i Mrs. Dr. w W. Mckenzie, of Salisbury, is stopping at Mr.! Lee Davis'. Others are expected i this )thers are expected week. Hiddenite correspondent Statesville Landmark. j Misies Lottie and Jennie Eagle left this morning for Greensboro to attend the Normal commence ment " From Greensboro they go to Cfiapel Hill to attend the Uni versity summer school. I r Graduate of Columbia. air. Charles Wood son came home this morning from New he has been attending York where Columbia University. He grad uated from that institution recent ly. ! . Lost Bunch of keys, 1 P. O. aid two flat keys." Return to liTlll! o - J I. iiuams oc Uoburn. i - - . ! To Rent-t-Mv" fine, five-room ottage, corner of Lee and Horah streets. W. IL Neave. Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other 1 accidental miuries may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also, a certain cure for . piles and skin diseases. Take : no other.. James Plummer. ABOtJT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Hannen lugs in and About Salisbury. .. . - . J. T.. Wyatt shipped a car load of his fine white granite 'to-day. M"r. Cbarles Wellman dislocated his shoulder while asleep last night. Stylish and select footwear, at Peterson & Riilfs, exclusive shoe dealers. l,-riie -Faith band bas been asked to furnish music here on the 25th, grarid rally day. Wanted, a good, reliable carrier boy for the west ward. Apply at once at -SuN office Rev. J. T. Ervin returned this morning. He has been in the i j t- . Mr. T. R. Powlass, who has been sick for a week. w am otIrc! to say is improving. J. H. Reid, of the Carolina Racket, has a new ad in the Sdn to-day. It will interest you and perhaps save you money. v This has baen a Busv week with the farmer s. Ji They tell us to day ' that xnnst of the wheat has been cut and shocked, and that the crop is large aud excellent. The. month of Jure is half gone and this is the month in which you list - your taxes. Only twelve more days remain, and if you have not listed, then comes on a double tax. Miss Carrie Black, daughter of Mr. J. C. Black, cut four tinkers of her left hand badlv several davs ago on a broken piece of window glass. The doctors had to take three etitcbes in the fingers in dressing them. v . . ". r A, II. J'rice, Ksq., iiepublicanL nomineorf or elector-at-large, ad dresses a gathering of his partyjat Carthago to-day. He recently de- liveretl 1 a number of speeches in uavie, xadsin and dtoKes coun- ties. ; . - ''": Dr. J. C. Clapp, who recently resigned as president of Catawba college, was here last night; on his way to Washington to visit rela- tives. Dr. Clapp says he will rest up now as ne nas oeen in narness i i for the past forty, years without break. Canvassing. John Q. Holton, of Yadkinville, passel up the road this morning on his return from his canvass.- Winston Sentinel. , Mr. Kluttz will not begin his canvass for some time yet. B. A. Newland, manager of th6 Mountain Park hotel at Hot Springs; N. C, and formerly as- sistant general passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line!, has been appointed superintendent of trans portation of the A. & N. C. rail road, with headquarters at New born, N. C. , .. Cotton SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. New York, Juue 16. Cotton bids: July, 60; August, 33; Sep tember, 7:5 ' j Stenographer's Office ' For stenography and typewrit ing call on Miss Lucy V. Brown, who has opened an office for that purpose in J o-eph Horuh's jewelry store. . : Did ' You say it was dusty, well, in deed it' is, we need a duster, to dust the "dust from the dusty things. Buerbaum keeps the turkey feather dusters at 25, 30, 35, 45, 50 and 60 cents, according to sizes. A new stock of the celebrated Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, all sizes. Prices $2.50; $3. 50 and $i. 00. Cheapest Fountain Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Glassware of all kinds. -More fancy glassware than you ever saw in your life. Hammock's at Buerbaum's at all prices and sizes and quality, for all kinds of people, for all kinds of purses. Snefiial sale of wash silks at 1 Reid's. J PEIfflOI.M. LEGATIONS BURIIED. GERMAN CONSUL MURDERED. Many Native Converts and Servants of Europeans Massacred The . Boxers on the War path Troops Be ing Hurried to Pekin SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Hong Kong, - June 61. Des patches from Tien Tsin say that all the legations at Pekin- have been destroyed. The German minister. Baron , Von Ketter, has been killed. . Lieut George Gribble with four hundred Roval Welsh Fusileers I .11.1 m -mm . - morning lor ein ism The British warship, Barfleur, started for Taku immediately up on recept of the above news. London, June 16, Much alarm if caused here by 1 a despatch; f rom Tien Tsin showinsr 1 that Uhe Chinese, carried out their threat - and set fire to the city in various places. A train carrying reinforcements to; Admiral , Seymour was also turned back from Tien . Tsin to Shanghai last night. I Ad vices from Tien Tsin report parge incendiary fires in the eastern part of the city, where three Eng nsn ana anncan entireties were burned, besides the residences of many foreigners, i ! -Tien Tsin, Jimo 16. Many na tive converts and servants of Euro peans haye been massacred by Boxers east of Pekin. The mas sacre occurred last Thursday njffbt. A Catholic cathedral was pillaged and burned at Pekin. Rebels also burned the railway station at Ban- LinH hnrn a! th tAlTi-ar.h eta. . tion Communication with this city and Taku is interrupted. The telegraph station at Tung-Chan was also destroyed. Although no definite information is obtainable it is believed here that the native converts did not die without a struggle. The Bishop had. armed the Catholics and turned the Cath edral into a fort. Washington, June 16 Officers of the Navy and Department of State an greatly concerned over the apparent failure to reach Ad- jmiral Kempff or Minister Conger, a cable despatch was sent to Conger yesterday but it was ad mitted to-day that there is no reason to believe it has -been de livered. The Chinese minister says he has had not a word from Pekin or Tien Tsin., He said he didn't be lieve the German; minister was killed and said the report came from Hong Kong which he pro nounced as a great place for rumors. Landslide Wreck. special to daily sun. J Pittsburg, June 16. Five sons were painfully injured per and fifteen or twenty others more or less hurt in a wreck on the Car negie Accommodation Panhandle railroad this afternoon. A land slide from Mount Washington caused a landslide which blocked the train. - For Rent A nice ix room house. Apply to Mrs. T. W. Allison at J. J. West's. -Wanted: More boarders. Al so three furnished rooms to let. Mrs. W. L. James. Prof. Lippard is offering young men and women a thorough Business and Cotnmercial course, at half the ordinary cost, thus enabling them to command good paying positions and be indepen dent. Also literary course pre paratory for College. 'Day and night sessions. BLISS FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Chances are That He Will be IlcIIiu ley's Running Hate. special to daily sun. Philadelphia, -Pa., June 10. There is not going to. be any change In the situation-till Senator Piatt arid :-B. B. Odell, of New York, arrive. . Party leaders demand Bliss for the vice-Presidency. They point out the fact that though Bliss says he doesn't want the nomination ho has not said he would decline if nominated. WoodruflPs boom is falling to pieces to day. His press agents are crying, "if only Piatt would speak out and help us we could win." Piatt will not speak out for Woodruff according to Quigg and others. TheNew York delegation will present for the vice Presidency B: B. Odell, but very few believe Odell will be nominated- Bliss is regarded as fully as much a candidate to dav as at .mv- j time. Many well-informed leaders are confident that he will be nominated. Fatal Collision. SPECLAr.TO DAILY SUN. London, June 16, A collision of an express and a train filled with race goers from Windsor occurred at Stough to-day. Six persons were killed and forty in jured. Shipbuilders Strike. special to daily sun. Havre. June 16. Twenty-four thousand shipbuilders went on a strike to-day. Troops are guard ing the yards. ; Native Uprising. -'j SPECIAL TO DAILY SUK. i Bath Urst, June 16. A native ising occurred in Gambry colo ny. Iwo iintisri commissioners and six members were killed at Sannkanndi on the south bank of the Gambia river by Wandingocs. Bankers' Officers. TheJBankers Association in ses sion at Greensboro elected these officers to serve during the ensuing year: President, J. P. Sawyer, of Asheville; first vice president, A. G. Brenizer, of Charlotte; second vice president,G. W. Mont castle, of , Lexington; third vice president, L. H. Cutler, of New born; secretary and treasurer, John M. Miller, Jr., of Charlotte. Executive committee, C. N. Evans, Reidsville; H. L. Hunt, Wilmington; J. G. Brown, Ral eigh, and Lee H. Battle, Greens boro. Delegate to the American Banker's Association, Thomas II. Battle, Rocky Mount. Our "White Granite. , The outside world is not aware of the large amount of line white granite that is being shipped off from the graniteubelt near Salis bury, from lhe little villages of Faith and Wood side. Six car loads were shipped this morning which means several hun dred dollars for tho people who put it in shape for the market. Ten times this much more would be sent off every day if tho people had side tracks placed but into their quarries, and then the rail road company and tho people would have a harvest that would last for years. J. T. Wyatt is one of the largest granite owners on the granite belt outside of tho granite companies. X. The Salisbury Savings Eank commenced business Jan. 20, 1900, capital, $ o ; 5,0u()(0 Feb. 20, Mar. 20, April 20, May 20, June 8, assets, it 59,903.iM 79,112.00 83,448.42 93, S2 CIS 104,103.18 u ti r- I ,7 1 i-v-'ua ;'7 - - (I - - i - i ft

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