.. . - .i;; -. attic i :; ": V ' - ' ' , " ." .: . ... .. : i -:. i - " . THE FLOWED COUIQim TATE SPKIfJG . water PURE BHUGS, Has Perfumes, Toilet Articles asd Stationery.- PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM POUNDED AT At ISENHOUR & BEAN'S FOUNTAIN. YOUNG'S Drug Store. WEATHER FORECAST: Fair to-night and Wednesday. SALISBURY; K VOL. VII. NO. 90. STORE ENTERED. Thief at A. W. Northern'sWatch and Other Things Stolen. A thief broke into the store of Mr. A. W. Northern, near the city limits, ear I v vesterdav morning, The robber entered the building by the front door. lie had stolen hatr-hpt from Mr. J. P. Troxler's blacksmith shop, with which he battered his way into the store. A watch and other articles of . merchandise were taken. The show case was carried out on the sidewalk and thrown down and some of the goods were scattered about the room. Neither of tbo family beard the tnoise made by the rascal, but it is thought the thievery was commit ted about 2 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Northern thinks the theft was committed by a negro man, but she has no certain clue. STEALING BRASS. A Habit Which Is Growing In This Community. The small boy of color is getting very much in the habit of stealing brass and bis white neighbor is not altogether faultless ' in this particular. Recently an engineer, after oil ing his engine on the Southern yard, found that several caps from oil cups were missing. lie found a little negro and grabbed him by the coat. The boy run out of this garment, however, and escaped. In the - coat pockets three caps were found. Another engine was robbed of caps and these were found after they had been sold. Lectures on China. Dr. Davis will deliver a tnre this evening on lec- the Manners and Customs o Chinese, illustrated with bo mag 1C lantern pictures. On Wednesday, evening.be will lecture on the Imi pending Crisis in China, illustrated by a large map drawn by himself. The citizens will find both enter tainment and instruction by at tending these lectures, and will be made welcome and comfortable when they come. These lectures take place at the Presbyterian church. Junior's Monument. Messrs. Webb & Rabe have finished a handsome marble monu ment wh.icb will be erected at the grave of Mr. Harvy Casper, at China Grove, by the Juniors. Mr. Casper was the first member pf the China Grove council to dio. W. 0. W. Attenon. There will be an important meet ing of Hickory Camp No. 49, Woodmen of the World to-night at 8 o'clock. It is important that every member be present. By order of the clerk. Are Not Candidates. Editors Sun: Whereas, We were nominated in the Populist Convention on Saturday, the 23rd, inst., for county commissioners, said nomination was made without our knowledge or consent, we not being present. We appreciate our friends and any and all acts of f friendships, but we jhave always 'been "''uncompromising Demo crats and will not allow our names ; ! to be used to the prejudice of the Democratic party. So we can not accept the nomination. Very Respectfully, J as. R. Craw ford, T. M. Kerns. Boarders Wanted: Can ac commodate several more. Apply to Miss oal He bnunn. A Card of Thanks. Feeling gratihed at the suppor the people gave in nominating me as a candidate for the Trade of Salisbury, I will stil ask' their support in the bread and cake line. Feeling confident of being elected, I. remain ever ready to serve them. Respt., T. L. Swina. Cor. Main and Council Sheets. GRAND RALLY. Mr. Vanderford Complimented Mr. Ay cock Proud of Reception. The big rally and speech of yes- terday are the c hief topic of con versation ! to day. Many say the speech was heard. i- th4 finest they ever II. E.i C. Brvant wrote the Charlotte Observer from Salisbury Mr. Aycock isf proud of the re- .... i ception he was tendered here to- day. There were more ladies outito hear him here han anvwhere he has been yet. (The fact that the preachers and the women of the State are so deeply interested in the sneakinffs ii a ffood omen. 4tAs Col. John li. Morris left the speaker's stand to-day, after Mr. Aycock hhd concluded, he remarked to some man whom he did not know of the speech that was the peroration the finest he had ever heard "Which one?" and just praise, was fine." The fellow said: That ws eloquent The whole speech A number of pictures of the parade were taken. Several good views of the pretty truck of the firemen were secured. There were about twenty little girls on this float, chaperoned bv Miss Reid I while Miss Susie Capps rode in front and handled the ribbons Master Rav Glover was on the float with his little bicycle. MR. VANDEKFORD THANKED. I wish to pu )licly express my thanks to Mr. T. II. ; Vanderford for his valuable services in arrang ing and assistir g in the execution rtf oil tho lofu 1 rrintftpirl with the great rally here yesterday. it,, -noJf .itnl m0 oJhvLf -Anmnntinn ,1,1 i ;n 4K0 m that he had membership in an organization composed-i of three-jJJ Rowan county and it was due v to 'd's tireless activity demonstration was Mr. -Vanderfor that ?uch a rnade possible. - I'- J ! ch' NO. SSI. JULIAN, m r r m Dein. Ex. Com. Hon. BJ R. Lacy, the npmnr.rfltir nnndidate for State frreasurer, is to speak to-night. Miss Annie Burke Married. - Announcement of the marriage of Miss Annie Burke and Mr. Marcus.tA. Aurelius, has been re- ceived. Tlje wedding was solemnizea a Denver, .Colorado, on xnursaay rm 1 June 14. Miss Burke was th b daughter of Capt. Martin Burke and lived in Salis- j. " mi mry a. num er or years. ine many friends of the bride in Salis bury will joih us in wishing for the couple many years of happi ness. Spencer's New Reel. t ' '' The j new racing reel of the Spencer fire it is a beau bovs has arrived ana y. it is sate to say It is safe to hat no race r at the Wilmington tournament will be prettier or faster than t his reel, it is oaii- 1T 111 5 bearing an has rubber tires. The boys tried it yesterday evening and it did all right. To the Army The Greensboro Telegram says Lester P. Gray, ot Salisbury, was one oi tnree recruits to leave r .1 I 'a- a 1 Greensboro yesterday for army posts.! Gray went to Tybee Island, Ga. Baths, hot and cold, shower or tub, at The Midway Barber Shop, Main ) street. opposite postofbee. Give us a call. t. i Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte. N. C. will be in Salisbury at the Cent ral hotel on Tuesday July 3rd, or one dav onlv. . His practice is - j limited to li.ye, Ear Nose and Throat. Pt-ie! pJUtf niav mixed and Dr. R. M. Eames. CWo nuick as the op ply will riot last long. R- M. Eames at Salisbury Supply & Commission Co. ECHOS FROM A BAD EXPLOSION. A Salisbury Piston Head Bursts and Injures Pour Charlotte Mta. The Salisbury Ico Company has recently had some trouble with a piston rod which bad become Dent where it enters the head. The piece was , sent to the Mecklen- burg Iron Works, at Charlotte, to bo straightened. The head on the rod was a pieco of iron weigh- ing over three nunureu pounus and measuring six inches thick and sixteen inches in diameter. This -was heated yesterday so the rod could be gotten out. After it was taken from the furnace and put on the cround there i was a tremen- dous explosion and the large iron head He w to pieces and scattered all over the shop. The accident resulted in the ; serious injury to C. M. Bell, a machinist; . W. Severs, a blacksmith: Arthur Frazier, a striker and the black smith's helper, and; slight injury to Peter Crawford, a colored yard hand. V The Observer says: 4 'Severs had his left leg broken between the knee and ankle, his right leg slightly cut and one nnger was broken. His shoes were cut to pieces. Annur grazier pu a compound fracture of his right leg between the knee and ankle, and was also cut on the face and head. Peter Crawford,1 who was standing a few feet from the forge, was slightly burned on the face and arms. Mr. Bell was the worst hurt of the four men. He was standing by a pulley lathe, 12 feet to the loft of the rod, when the accident occurred. A large Pce of the piston had curved in shape, struck his left leg just below his hip. 'I be iron penetrated the flesh to and past the bone, lay ing open the flesh and muscles m a : ' ia the ammonia, pump and it is thought the ammonia' gases that had seejied into the iron, expanded under the heat and that this caused the ex plosion. I The iron works will soon have another piston ready for the ico company. In the meantime, how ever, the factory continues to run and supply its patrons with ice. Public Speaking. There will be public shaking o-night at Bargor's school house in Providence township. Mr. R. Lee "Wright will speak. There will also be a shaking at Ellis school house in Franklin town ship Saturday night. Mr. R. Lee .Wright and others will ad dress the meeting and organize a white supremacy club. Sad Death of a Bride. After ; fifteen years as lovers Mr. Aaron Drucker and Miss Rosa Baumgarten, of Charlotte, were married on the 12th of this month. I The day before the ' wed ding Miss Baumgarten was taken very sick and the wedding cere mony was performed with her in bed. She grew worse and yester day, morning she died. To Prohibition Convention. K Mr. T. 1. Johnston and Mr. Edwin Shaver left yesterday for Chicago to attend the National Prohibition convention. -This convention meets on the 127th for a two-day session. : Prof. Liooard is pleased with the thorough progress of his stu dents, and is giving splendid op portunities to bright young men and women who wish a thorough business & Commercial education. All who enter school Ja July will be ready for "good, position's this fall. All should eater at the earli est moment possible, "time is money." Thoroughly qualified bookkeepers, stenographers, and typewriters in great demand, at good salaries. A , Red star diaper cloth 75c. bolt at Reid's. ,4Do Witt's Little Early ; Risers are the finest nills P,vr nspd D. J. Moore. They quickly cure alii liver and 1 Dowel troubles. James Plummer. STORE III" MOVEMENTS. New Front and re-IIodeled Interior for the Brown Clothing Store. The Brown Clothing Company will, about the 15th or 20th of (J uiy. begin ? extensive , improve ments at their fctore. They will put in an up-to-date plate glass front and re-model the interior of the -room, , making it lone of the tines clothing stores in tnis section, jl -i company win expend $l,50Qpthe j improve rrients. ' Mr. Lazenby? has the contract to put in the new front and re model the interior. WITH THE lODD FELLOWS. Lodge Elected , Officers Last .Night- Orphans to Home.. Cordon Lodge, Odd Fellows, night as'fol- elected officers last lows: " W. A. Foglernan, Noble Grand. G. W. Reed, Vice Grand. E. H. Bean, Secretary. G. O. Kluttz, Finance Secretary, J. M. Brady Treasurer. J This lodge, yesterday,, sent the two boys of the late J. L. Odell to the Odd Fellow? orphans' home at Goldsboro. Tbo boys were aged 8 and 9 years. ' ; mi Goto the court house to-night and hear B. R. Lacy speakl f SOUTHERN CONFERENCE. Of N. C Lutheran Synod at St. Pet- , er's Church July 19t& - The Southern conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Korth Carolina will convene., at St. -Peter's c!.:irch, this county, t 10 afc- m. ip Thursday, July Alii.. rii r lir,rr ... .. - m n - . as follorys: ' Thursday, 11 a. m., Rev. C. A. Brown, president of conference. ; Friday, 11 a. m., Rev. R. L. Brown, principal; Rev. Prof. J. H . C. Fisher, alternate. Saturday, 11; a. m., Rev. J. A. Linn, principal; Rev. H. N. Mil ler, Ph. D., alternate. Sunday, 11 a. m., holy com- munion; rcev. r. u. Miner, prin cipal; Rev. C. B. Mil leV, alternate. Rev. W. B. Oney was appointed to discuss article 1., Augsburg Confession, but he having moved to Virginia, this subject will be discussed by members of; confer ence. , -,- r.:. Sunday school addresses will be delivered Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. R. L. Patter- son and tneoiogicai stuueni uacoo L. Morgan. ! u The Conferencial convention of the W. H. and F. Missionary So ciety will be held Sunday, July 22, at 2:30 p. in.. .; - i Mr. Kluttz Last Jight. Hon. T. F. JKluttz. opened his ! appointments foi the present cam paign at Chestnut Hill last night. He was very hoa se, but interested and entertained 1 ae good-sized au dience which hea rd him. Other appointments of Ir. Kluttz appear in another coluiin of the Sun. Hie ftppointmeinj for. Cleveland has been canceled. Senatpr Ransom Speaks. Yesterday at be speaking Mr. J. S. Henderso: announced . that Senator Ransojn would speak at Mooresville on, he 25th of July. This is Mr. Rahajmja first appoint- met for the present campaign. Lost: Waterman's Fountain Pen. Leave at Sun ofilce and get reward. For Sale A valuable new two story seven-room. house, and lot, corner of Lee j and Bank streets, one block from Main street and three from postofKce; also house hold and kitchen furniture, in cluding two nice wardrobes, will be sold at public outcry at the residence at H a. m., Saturday July 7th. Ladies specially invited. Terms cash and title guaranteed. s W . OCOTT. SOUTHERN CITY CLUB. Organized Last Night Speech by Mr. , '; . ;. Lacy. Mr. B. R. Lacy, Democratic candidate for State treasurer, was at Southern:' City last night and spoke. During the evening a Democratic club was organized with seventy-eight members. Mr. W. II. Bobbitt was elected president;" Mr. Gebrge Jackson secretary. ;Mr J .M. - MaupinMr;j: H. James and Mr. " W. 11. Burton were Out f rom Salisbury. PERSONAL MENTION. People Who ' Come and go and Get Their Names in Print. Mis Mamie Bays went to Char lotte this morning. - ' - 5 Mrs.jT -W. Cook, of China Grove, is visiting Mrs. It., B. Lee, at Spencer. , ' c plaster Arthur ' Gallimore, of Lexington, is visiting Master Harry Gallimore.' M"isses Mamie Menius and Hat- tie Jones, of , Spencer, left last night for a trip to Washington. Miss Fiorina - Worth, who has been visiting Mrs. Worth, at Spencer returned to High Point this morning. ' Thos. J. Harkins, of Asheville, son of, Collector Harkins, was here this morning going to Chapel Hill to attend the summer school. r. . ;- v r'j - ..... . Mrs. John L. Rendleman went to Blowing Rock this morning tp spend some time. She was. ac companied by her father, Mr.. JX A. At well. He will return soon. Mr. Pickard Very Low.- - - Mr. LnwreiiC3 Pickard, of Jack son's meat market, who has beeii (jiiiiti kick for eocub days, 'is :nbw critically ill at . the Sanatorium. His father came up from Charlotte last night to see him. Pwoosevelt Starts Out. . . . - : srKCIAI, TO daily sun. Quincy III., June 26. Gov. Roosevelt will speak here July 5th. The South African War- SI'KCIAL TO DAILY SUN. Kroonstadt, June 26. Com mandant Dewet is exceedingly ac tive. He attacked the railway letwcen here and Honing Spruit yesterday and cut off the Canadian outpost. The British loss was two killed, five wounded and three missing. Race to Kansas City. special to daily sun. New York, June 26. The Tam many hall and Kings county dele: gation will race across the con tip -ent. The Kings county delegation has engaged trains on the Lack wana road which has guaranteed to reach Kansas City two hours ahead of Tammany's delegation. which goes oyer the New York Central. . Hear Lacy to-night at the court house at 8:30oclock. The' ladies of Main street church realized 834 from their ice cream party last night. To Rent: My, fiue, five-room cottage, corner of Lee and Horah streets. W. H. Neave. Did You say it was dusty, well, in deed it isf we need a . duster, to dust the dust from the dusty things. Buerbaum , keeps the turkey feather dusters at 25, 30, 35, 45, 50 and SO cents, ; according to sizes. ' - A new stock of the celebrated Waterman's Ideal;Fountain Pens, all sizes. Prices $2.50, $3r50 and $4.00. Cheapest Fountain Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Glassware of all kinds. More fancy glassware than ,you ever saw in your life. Hammock's at Buerbaum's at all prices ; andsizes and quality, for all kinds of people, for all kinds of purses. TIEII TSIN RELIEVED. ADMIRAL SEYMOUR CAPTURED. Number of Priests Killed An Amer ican Naval Officer Probably - . a Captive War Office Issuing Orders. , special to daily sun. . Shanghai, June 26. -Catholic Priests, Fathers Isore nnd Andian or were murdered by Boxers near Tien Tsin. Most of ' the mission- aries from Tien Tsin have been brought to Chef oo. "-Several mis sionaries from Pekin were found at Tien Tsin, ihey reaching there before the railway line was brok en. , - - Japanese reports say Admiral Seymour is a prisoner. .It is prob able also that Capt. McCall, of the U. S. cruiser Newark is" a prison er. - . London, J une 26,r"Kempff's atinotmcement of the relief of Tien Tsin is confirmed to-day by the ..Honor Konar and Shanghai bank. -AJtlip same time advices were - received from Singapore thatTien Tsin had been relieved. Washington, June 26.- Ad miral Kempff cables, yesterday's date, from Taku that the relief orce reached Tien Tsfn on 23rd. Theekin relief force was reported ten" miles from Tien Tsin and surrounded. The force to assist them left Tien Tsin oh the 24th. Chefoo, June 26. Admiral Seymour has been captured.. The Chinese overwhelmed the foreign relief column, foreign ministers have left Pekin under guard of Chinese soldiers. Nobody knows where they have gone. rTheo'reports are from Japanese sources and are , believed to be . Washington, J une 26. - Mr. Lowter, secretary to the British Embassy here, wijlgp to China as charge d'Affaires, in place of Ambasador MacDonald. who has been recalled ' on account of bad health. Chicago, Juno 26. The Fourth battalion, U. S. marines, passed through last night on the rush for duty in the orient. They will sail from San Francisco on J uly . 1st. Capt. Biddle said he expected or ders to throw his command into fighting in China. There are 280 in the battalion which was recruit ed in Norfolk. Now York and Washington. Washington," June 26. Gen. Chaffe, at the War Department, to-day received instructions and will sail from San Francisco on the first of July with the Sixth cavalry and take com mand in China. '- Washington, June 26. Mc Arthur cables that the Ninth In fantry will sail on the 27th, well equipped and supplied with every thing. Berlin, June 26. Seymour, with ambassadors and ministers from Pekin, is twelve miles from Tien Tsin, and is hard pressed, accord ing to a government despatch. Chefoo, June, 26. The allied army is marching on Pekin. They will save Seymour and the minis ters or avenge them. " Taku, June 26. The agent here of a foreign firm at Tien Tsin has received reports -of the horrible condition of affairs 'there. Mas sacred men and women of every European nation,' and America and Japan, litter the streets. Banks have been looted and destroyed.. No Lawyer's Fee. . special'to daily sun. Chicago, June 26. Charles E. Lutz, tried for the murder of feis sister-in-law, Margaret Lutz,' is conducting his own case. He was the only witness for the defence and- did not cross examine the State's witnesses. For Rent One nice .store room and two offices, under opera house. Apply to T. B. Marsh. Fob Rent: A 15-room house in Southern City. Apply to li. A. Byrd. ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and About Salisbury. Mrs. Julia McNeoly. is sick with fever. ., Mr. George Fink has cotton blossoms. Dan Brooks, colored, died yes- day evening, ' Winona Council, Junior Order, elect officers to-night. Mr. B. R. Lacy speaks at the court house to-night. J. II. Reid has a now ad on fourth page to-day. Read it. If you want a ?hot or -cold bath read ad of Midway Barber Shop. Hear B. JL Lacy at the court house to-night, at 8:30 o'clock. The Brown Clothing Company will have a new ad in tbo Sun to- 1 morrow. . D. A. Atwell, agent for Moore's " Pure House Colors, has a new ad o-day. - : The next session of China Grove academy opens July 17th. See advertisement in another column. Mr. R. L. Cornelison lost a . 'i ii f-l. 1 L A. norse Dy aeatn oaturaay nigux., the second in a short while. ,B. B. Abernethy has opened up he famdus Connelly Springs hotel or the season. See ad on third page. A big lot of children's patent eather and dongola ' sandals and Oxfords just received at Peter son & Rulfs. . The ladies of the Catholic church were successful with their lawn party last' night. All re freshments were disposed of. Mrs.Talbert, one of the small pox patients, is able to be up. , The whole family is on tho re J. "Oli ri otto 2s7oWiX The Christian Reid Book Club will meet with Miss Jennie Mitch ell Rankin Wednesday, June 27th, at 5:30 p. m. . Book for discussion is Famous Actresses. Saturday evening Mr. J. II. , Smith, of the sewer force, beat a Yir.it i r negro, wiiidonnson, ior cursiug. Mr. Smith was fined $3.75, the negro $2.75. 7 The Durham baseball boys were here yesterday and took break fast at the Mt. Vernon. lhey were going to Statesville for two games with the team of that place. Perhaps the greatest of all, bar gains in our grand special sale, is the big line of misses' and chil drenVfine slippers we are offer ing at unheard of prices; for such high grade goods. 50 cents to $1.00. ... Burt Shoe Co. i The Yadkin river roSe fivo feet Sunday morning and farmers, having wheat in the bottoms J bo- gan moving it to high places. Tho water, however, began to recede at noon. , One of the night operators in the Salisbury telephone exchange is sick and her absence from the central office last night was tho cause of the service being inferior. For this the company wish to ask the forbearance of its patrons. A new Graphophone Grand, to gether with a fine selection of Grand records is on exhibition at Burfs shoe stb re. The reproduce ing power of this machine is sim ply wonderful, and there has just, been a big reduction in the price of both machine and records. Mrs. Bueck wife of Mr. Charles Bueck, who died at Spencer, ut last night for Philadelphia, accom panied by Miss Annie Ferguson, a nurse. Mr. Bueck's body was sent to Philadelphia yesterday morning but Mrs. Bueck was ta ken suddenly very sick just before the train left and was unable to go until last night. She will remain in Philadelphia. Miss Ferguson will return in several weeks. Go to J. R. Nicolas & Co's store for nice frying size chickens. $1.00 kid gloves week at Reid's. at 70c. this