i ' y ; i 'A ' v . THE HUWhKJi UMLUWtyn TATC CDPfnf2 . . . .T t rnriAli PURE DRUGS, Fine Perfuses, TcQet Articles and SUtionsrj. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM POUNDED AT ,. 0 ini u w i- i I u WATER At ISENHOUR & BEAN'S YOUNG'S Drug Store, weather FORECASTS Nb report. FOUNTAIN. SALISBURY,! N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 4, 1900; VOL. VII. NO. 106. 7- RABIES DEVELOPED. JURORS AND SUPERVISORS. fft ; I MD ? MOT HE LIT. MARRIED IN A BUGGY. ABOUT THE CITY. Result of a Dog Bite One Victim Taken to Baltimore. Six weeks a 20 two'sons of Mr. R. II. Kirk, a furniture dealer a Albemarle, were bitten by a dog which did not at the time show signs of hydrophobia, but which was evidently affected by rabies, as is shown by subsequent events. One of the little boys, Henry, aged 8, who, was bitten through the left cheek, was taken sick last Saturday and has developed rab ies, having spasms often His death if expected to day. - The other boy, Ernest, aged 10, was scratched on the wrist by the dog but has not yet shown any bad results. He was in Salisbury this morning, being taken to Bal timore for the Pasteur treatment. He was accompanied by Mr. C. J. Mauney, a druggist, of Albemarle. Mr. Hallyburton to go to Asheville. Mr. Alex Hallyburton, who has had charge as electrical engineer of the Salisbury Gas & Electrid Light plant, for some time, we regret to note, has decided to go to Asheville. He has accepted a positon as electrical engineer at the Battery Park hotel and will leave Salisbury to assume his work in the "Land of the Sky" as soon as his successor can be secured. He received a telegram this morning asking him to come at once. . MrV-Hallyburton had the place to which he goes for several years, but gave it up for other work, and his serv ice is well known, Jience he is irfueniahd. S . : THE GLORIOUS FOURTH Shops Closed Picnic in the Country Re-Union. The Fourth is being celebrated here more than in-the past. There is no display of fireworks but there was a general suspension of busi- ness and exodus to the country. The Southern's shops and depot were closed, also the Jjanks and post office and some places of busi- ness in the town- Large numbers went to the country where a number,, of pic nic parties enjoyed the day. . At Faith there was an immense crowd, the occasion being a re union of Confederate veterans and a picnic. The dinner was a bounti ful feast and was enjoyed by the large number present. The Faith band furnished music. Revs. Lyerly and Brown and Prof. Rothrock made speeches of inter est to veterans no politics. A game of ball is being played this afternoon. The booming of a cannon and the march of the old vets were features of the day. May Locate Here- JVIr. W.. J. Gregson, a lawyerof RaTKHtiiJ,a . tTin the city prospecting with a view to locating here We would be glad to welcome Mr, Gregson as a citizen of Salisbury. : - Appointments This Week. t The folfbwing appointments for, speakings have been made for this and next week: At Parks' school house, Wednes day night, July 4th, D. R. Julian and jno. AL Julian. , I At Lipe and Hoiick's gin Wed-' ne8day night, July 4th, A. L. Smoot. At Pool's school house, Friday night, July Oth, Hon. LeeS. Over man and L. II. Rothrock. At Christ church school house. Saturday night, July 7th, Hon. Jno. S. Henderson. At Cleveland, Tuesday, 1 p. m. July 10th, Hon. Franklin Mc Neill. Jno. M. Julian. . Cb'm. DemJ'Ex. Com. Penny Piiotogiui'IIS ! Get them at the Excelsior Studio, Main Street, between public square and postoffice. , For Rent Five-room cottage, near depot. A. W. VVinecotf. For Rent:-A four-room cot- . T- 11 1: A. tage in urooiiiyn, j-ong sireei. Mm. J.. A. Murphy. the County Commission ers Monday. j.ne coun y commissioners following jurors arT for pointed the August court: J S'Long J S Graham R A A C Heaver, Maxwell Holsh6ii!er; L Smoot, E B Neave, W m Cauble. P H Thompson, T A Lud- wick, ;W A Julius Earn Corriher, L A Lentz, pardt, Lawson G Hols- hcuser, J O Julian, S W Harry, H A I Overcash, Henderson A A A M Stirewalt, J ks R Crawford, M Weaver, IJ W Lingle, D Donatio. Adam M Bostian, J C Penninger, H Calvin Agner, B S itrider, Jas T Julian, G Luther Solomon T Lawson R T C Niblock, M A File, 1 Smith, John A Morgan, A M Ketchie, G Cranford. W G Anderson, Suporviso of nublic roads were appointed as follows: Salisbury j J. A. Mahaley Franklin4-W. W. Williams. Unity J K. CulbertsonL Cleveland -J. H. Beeker; Scotch Irish J. R. Gutiy. Steele James C. Goodnight MtJUlla-fiVictor Edmondson. Atwell John Fleming. Locke Haul A. Peeler. (hina Gtove Gaither iBlack- welder. Litaker jL. M. Peeler. 1 ,' Gold HillrLewis D. Peeler. Morgan jJoseph A, Miller. Providende T. A. Poole New Faces- Miss Ethdl Ward has accepted leslady with Mr. I. iichtensteiiL Miss Gretchen wwao, whq has been clerking for ill tak e a rest. MriGeor ge Murphy has jaccept- fed a pcaitioa with the Salisbury Urug company McNeely has secured a place j with Messrs. Isenhour & Bean.l He pas been in tno arug business before and will make himself useful. Capt Woodrjim Moves Capt; W. J. Woodrum " Yadkin, has moved from Norwood to Salisbury , into the old,- Marsh orth Main street. The house, 6n N Sun is glad to welcome , Capt. Woodrum and his family! as citi zens of Salisbury. The Band. At a meeing last night of those interested in getting up a band for Salisbury the matter was dis cussed in an informal way. A meeting to organize will be held to-'piorrow might. v NePoolTaMe. Xhe directors of the Old Hick- y ijiuo nave added a new pool table to thd rooms. Card of Thanks In behali of the Methodist con- igregation pf East Salisbury for whose benefit the lawn party was given last evening, 1 nesire to express mv sincere thanks to all who assistell in any way toward making it al great success; especial ly to those young ladies who worked so men of the liberally. ;aithfully andj the busi city who contributed so Respectful ly, J. T Euvin, P. C. Wanted. While our company is up to the standard in number and quality, we would-be pleased to have about fifteen or recruits. more good and sturdy H. Overman, Capt. T. C. HIrtaian, Sergt. For R ent: 2-story, 7-room house, Salisbury and Spring Hill avenues, at Spencer, also 6-room cottage, corner 8th and Iredell j streets. T. H. Vanderford. or Sale: A lady's second ' I- r band bicycle. Apply at Sun of face Baths, hot and cold, shower or tub,' at The Midway Barber Shop, I M A. l-i . . main sireei, opposite poKtoiuce. IGivo us a call. Appointed by! Lyerly, eague, Lingle, t'A - 1 rs BmAI STEVENSON IN LEAD. BUT BRYAN FAVORS TO WNE. The Silver Leader Dominates the Convention by Wire Ready to Oo to the Convention on a Special Platform to be Adopted To-morrdw Declaration of In dependence 1 Read. SPECIAL TO DAILY' SUN. Kansas City, July 4 Ruth Bryan, daughter of William J., has arrived from Lincoln to, $at tend the convention and witness the nomination of her father. The hall is elaborately, decorated and is bright with coI6rs. Early in the morn'ng the large room was filled. It is estimated that a hundred thousand visitors are in town. , l j Kansas City, July 4i The Na tional Democratic convention was called to order to-day at noon by Chairman Jones. Gover nor Thomas, of Colorado, was selected as temporary chairman. It is expected Bryan will be nominated for President beforo midnight, j 1 ! Adlai E. Stevenson is to-day the strongest candidate f for Vice President. The opposition to Towne is booming him and he is the favorite with the Western delegates. I Little interest is beihg -'manifest ed' by the Silver Republicans. The Vice-Presiden t will probably. be nominated to-night and the platform adopted to-morrow. Previous to Chairman Thomas - i . taking the chair the L Declaration of Independence was read. Mayor Reed, of Kansas City, delivered the address Of welcome. Stevenson and Towne are the President. Hill is the popular underdog to-day but he would not accept the nomination. Bryan's choice is still Towne as ar as can be learned. Bryan dominates the convention from his home by wire. He is in constant communication with his leaders. The silver; platform is assured. Stevenson has 248 votes assured. Lincoln, July 1. At noon a rain is in readiness at the depot to steam up and whirl Bryan to Kan sas City if it is necessary. Offi cials offer to side-track everything and put Bryan in Kansas City in four hours and twenty minutes. The schedule time is nine hours. Kansas City, July 4. When Thomas named Bryan a: roar went up that could be heard several blocks. Thomas spoke with much vigor. He strongly advocated free silver aid condemned trusts, expansion and militarism. When he completed his speech Walsh, of Iowa was elected secre tary of the temporary organiza tion. The committees on credentials, organization order of business and resolutions ana 'piatiorms were appointed. The convention will adjourn af ter the ciubs havermarched through hall. V -j- ' For Sale:- -800 cords of good, 4 foot wood. P; W. Brown. Our dropstitch hose are the best on the market. J. 11. Reid. A Card of Thanks. ; Feeling gratified at the support the people gave in. nominating me as a candidate for the Bread Trade of Salisbury, I will still ask their support in the bread and cake line. Feeling confident of being elected, I remain ever ready to serve them. Respt. , T. L. Swink. Cor. Main and Council Streets. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe James Plummer. CELEBRATED THE .FOURTH. ' : ' r-:;- ;'i Junior Christfari Endeavors Had, Ex ercises and Refreshments, i . : r. -V The Junior Christian Endeavor society celebrated the Fourth of July with exercises last night. An interesting program consist ing of recitations,! drill, etc., ; was given in the Junior room at, the Presbyterian church, the - audience being relatives and friends ofj the members of the society. . 'j . . ; After the entertainment j the party repaired to the lawn atj the manse where nice cold refresh ments were served. . ;; ! EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. Entrance Examinations to the A- &M. College. The next regular examination of applicants to teach I in the public schools of the county will be (held Thursday and Friday,the 12th and 13th inst. -The first day for the white and the second for the color ed teachers. Let! all- who desire certificates to teach in the public schools this Bumqer. or fall avail themselves of this opportunity, and thus be ready to make j con tracts with school committeemen for the coming session. No certif icates will bo renewed tfiis- year. -s Examinations for admission to the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts,, Raleigh, N. C, will also be ( con ducted bv me in the court house on Saturday, July 28th, beginning at 10 o'clock a. in. j All lads desir ing thorough u education . for the " - I ----I technical professions, or practical training for skilled trades, will do well to come forward and secure admission to this College. R. G. Kizer, County Superintendent. Church Notes , : A church conference will ;be leld at the First Methodist church o-night in place of the usual prayer service. iiempers 01 me church are urged to be present. The Salisbury! District Confer ence meets at jNew juonoon tne atter part of this'' month. Dr. VV. W. Bays,, of Salisbury, .will preside. L I Dr. Poole to Practice For Him. - Dr. Withers, j of Enochville, is sick with fever and has been taken to the hospital at Davidson. t)r. G. M. Van Poole has kindly con sented to take his practice while he is ill and will leave for that community to-morrow. New Meat Man., ! Mr. R. S. Turner has left the Southern and become -connected with Jackson's market, succeeding the late Lawrence Pickard. Mr. Turner is an i experienced 'meat handler. I , Teachers Elected. The Chestnut Hill public school committee yesterday -evening elected Prof. Ji' W. Griffin prin cipal of the Chestnut Hill, school and Prof. F. M. Tarrh and Miss Koontz, assistants. Reel Disabled. ! . ' The Spencer boys' feel was dis abled last night by some of the bearings supping, ido damage was repaired ahd the reel will be in the race to night. For Rent: Two rooms for light housekeeping. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Fraley, corner Fisher and Shaver Streets. ' For Rent: 6-room cottage, north Inniss street. Mrs. Alii- son, at j. j . West' s. An Epidemic of Whooping Cough. Last winter ; during an epidemic of whooping j cough my children contracted the disease, having se vere coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very succesfully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure.- John E. Clifford, proprietor Nor wood House, Norwood, N. . Y. This remedy if 'for sale by, James Plummer, druggist. ALL FOREIGNERS DIE. BLOODY SCENES IN PEKIN, CHINA Men, Women.and Cnildren Fall Ba neath the Sword 140,000 Impe- ' rial Troops on Hand Only 20,000 Foreign Soldiers Tien Tsin to be At tacked by a Force . of 90,000 Chi- . ;.; nese Troops. special to daily sun " Shanghai, July .4 --Not a foreign er is left alive in the city of Pekin according to . Chinese report. These declare that the ammuna tion of the foreign marines, guard ing vthe foreigners, failed and General Tusig's troops rushed in: to the British legation buildings in which all the foreigners and legation forces had sought refuge. The foreign guards fought to the end and fell battling desperately to save those entrusted to their caro. Those' in the legation were already worn out with long fight ing and a hundredcould offer lit tle resistance. Men, women and children, the Chinese accounts say, were put to the sword. White these reports are. indefinite jn source, there is good reason, from what is known of the situation in Pekin seven days ago, to believe them. London, July 4. A hundred and forty thousand Imperial troops are stationed, tbetwTeen Pe- fciu and Tien Tsin. The total of the allfed-fprces'is .twenty thous and. It is reported that Gen. Nich Si Chang is advancing to at tack Tien Tsin with ninety thous and troops. ' Taku, June 30th, '.Chef 00 July 2nd The British, and Russian ad mirals1 at conference to day decid ed that it would be impossible, to attempt to relieve Pekiti witH&ut much larger forces. They may possibly hold Tien Tsin. i If this should not be feasi ble they will endeavor to hold Ta ku. FATAL TANK EXPLOSION. Six Killed and Many Woundedhy . Qasoline- SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. J Parkersburg, W. Va., July 4. Six railroad men were killed and twenty-five or thirty terribly wounded by an explosion of a tauk on a car on. the yards of the Ohio River railroad here this morning. An open switch threw the cars off the track. Among the injured whs General Superinten dent Hamilton. Mjssrs dropstitch hose, 25c pair at Reid's. Furnished Rooms to let, splen did location. Apply at Sun. For Rent One nice store room and two others, uuder opera house. . Apply to T.'B. Marsh. Fbn Sale M y house and lot, corner Main and Liberty streets. ul sell at a reasonable price. Uattie C. Powers. Did ' -You say it was dusty, well, in deed it is, we ne6d -a duster, to dust the dust from the dusty thingsV Buerbaura keeps the turkey feather dusters at 25, 30, 35, 45, 50 and 60 cents, according to sizes. ; A new stock of the celebrated Waterman's "Ideal Fountain Pens, all sizes. Prices $2.60, $3.50 and $4. 00. Cheapest Fountain Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. : Glassware of all kinds. More f anc v glassware - than vou ever saw in vour life. ' Hammock's at Buerbaum's at all prices and sizes and quality, for all kinds of people, for all kinds of purses The. Woodside Runaways Were in a Hurry Married at Mill Hill. Rev. J. F. Pharr, of Mill Hill, was very much surprised Sunday morning as he walked out of church to find a couple at theleor waiting to be made one. They were invited to the parsonage, but declined, being satisfied to ! have the ceremony performed in the buggy. They were quickly weddedand put beyond the reach of any pbjectioner. The contracting .parties were Mr. John Saf rit and Miss Lizzie Hinsdale of Salisbury, Concord Standard. This is ; the Woodside couple whose elopement was mentioned Monday. PERSONAL MENTION. PeopleSJJio Come and go anoVOet Their Names in Print. Mr. F B. Arendell, of Raleigh, was in the city to-day. . Earl Thompson came home this morning from Concord. Misses, Grace and Sallie Lawrence- went to Concord this morn ing Mrs. H. C. Owens and Miss Rosa Bailey went to Woodleaf this morning. Miss Charlotte Brown, of Wash ington, N. is visiting Miss Lucy Brown. Miss Inez Shipman, of Salem, Va., is spending a few days with Miss Lillian Kizer. ' -" Miss' Pauline ant$ Master Carl Lentz returned to "China Grove this morning. . ' Mrs. Rhodes Guffy is visiting her sister, Mrs.- Steele, at Phi." Mrs. Steele is sick. Mr. and Mrs. .11. R.. Padget left ihis mornings for Danville, Va., where they will live. . Capt. T. F. Haughton and wife were in the city last night return ing from a trip north. Mr. W. F. Snider and '' son, Marvin ' went to Asheville last night to spend a short while. Mr. Jas. H. Pou, of Raleigh, was here this morning going to Misenheimer Springs to speak. i Mr. L. H. Clement has return .ed from Asheville where he at tended the meeting of the Bar As sociation. Miss Gertrude Torrence, of Charlotte, who has been visiting Miss Gertrude Montgomery, has returned home. Mr. J. F. Rulfs, Sr., of Wil mington, arrived in the city last night to spend a week with his son, Mr. J, F.' Rulfs. Mr. W. G. Crutchfield went to Greensboro this morning. He will return and take his sick child to Waynesville to-morrow. Mr. Will Burke and wife left Monday night for Norfolk, Va., on a visit to Mr. C. ' W. Thomas and family, to be gone about a week. , . Mr. J. M. Hughes left this morning to spend the glorious fourth, with his "friends?" at Winston. Winston has lots of attractions for "Jim." Mr. Wallace Arrowood, of Albe marle, who has the appointment as naval cadet f rom this district, left Saturday for Annapolis to en ter a preparatory school' before standing the entrance examination in September. V ' Hon. Cyrus Thompson, the Peo ple's Party candidate for Gover nor, and the Hon. J. C. Pritchard, United States Senator, will ad dress the people of Rowan county on the political issues of the cam paign at the court house in Salis bury, N. C, on Thursday, July 5, at 12 M. By order Ex. Com. John Beard, C. P. P. Jno. A. Ramsay, C. R. P. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate results. . Try it, James Plummer. 4 GenerallSummary of Local Happen ingsa and About Salisbury The glorious Fourth the day we "celebrate." . Master Torrence Montgomery is sick with measles. Mr. Robert Barringer is confined to his room by sickness. Our cut prices are figures that talk. Burt's Special Shoe Sale." The sewerage people are tun neling tinder the railroad,at Liber ty street. The "Dixie man" has opened up a penny photo gallery over T. M. McCulloh's store. Aqgosta Johnson, of the Rimer mineneighborhood, reported cot toablossoms on July 2nd. Mr. .John M. luce, ot iocKe township, is the second to report cotton blooms to the Sun. Mr. B. Spigel is offering cloth ing at prices that are rock bottom. See his change of ad in to-days Sun. The Salisbury - and Concord baseball teams will play here next . Tuesday, the 10th. Concord Standard. Another big lot of O'Sullivan's rubber Heels just received at Peterson & Rulfs. The best on the market. " There is a great difference in the prices now and the difference may be yours. Burt's "Independent Shoe Sale." A prize head of cabbage is on exhibition at Kluttz & Rendle man's. It was raised by Louis Ribelin and is indeed a whopper. The lawn party' at the court house last night was quite a suc cess.1 A large sum was raised for the new church in East Salisbury. - Mr. C. L. Nussman wehtv to Durham this morning. He is getting machinery for his wood working shop at his home in this city. . Mrs. Charles Price has compli mented the Duplicate Whist Club with an invitation for Thursday af ternoon." The members will please meet promptly at 5'o'clock. Salisbury sent over a pleasant party to see the game: Misses Lila and Pauline Bernhardt, and Messrs. A. H. Price and W. H. , Woodson. They registered at the Buford. Charlotte News. Charles N. Malone, formerly shipping clerk for the Southern Express Co., has, been promoted to money clerk and left yesterday for Salisbury, where he will be lo cated. Asheville Gazette. The Republicans and Populists are Bxpecting a grand time here to-morrow. Senator Pritchard and Dr. Thompson are to speak, beginning at 12 o'clock at the court house. A white man was run in yester day by officers who chased him off the blind on the north-bound train. He begged to be turned loose, for, he said, be had just got out of jail, having been in there six months on a charge of highway robbery. Rev. H. W. Jeffcoat was at St. Paul's Lutheran church Sunday July 1st, in the interest of Mt. Zion Lutheran Mission (Chestnut Hill) Salisbury, and received from that congregation the amount of $19.83. Many thanks" to the kind s donors. A certain widower in Salisbury, who handles hardware, took a drive Sunday morning and got lost, according to his statement, arriving borne about five o'clock in the afternoon. It is su pposed he was looking after a fair damsel five or six miles from here. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them; also old, run ning and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, .warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Co., druggist. 1 i