i - -. -"!- J try- THf FinwrRS mi! ram' g PUJRE DI2UG9, Fins ftrtaei, Tciist Articles ad Stationery, PHESCniPTIOUS CAREFULLY COM POUNDED AT TATE SPRING WATER At ISENHOUR & BEAN'S FOUNTAIN. YOUNG'S Drug Store. WEATHER FORECAST: Fair o-night and Tuesday; cooler GO TO WILMINGTON A SUDDEN DEATH. LIGHTNING'S WORK. I JAPAN TO TAKE LEAD. A BARN BURNED. ABOUT THE CITY. GAINES-SAUNDERS WEDDING. Spencer Boys Leave To-Night A Few Mr J T Sykes Dies Suddenly in Dan House Burned -at Gold Hill and Peo Mr. Richard Culbertson Loses Barn and Wheat. ' His General Summary of Local Hannen Church Wedding Attended by Largo Went To-Day. ville - Body Taken to Norfolk. ple Shocked Yesterday ;;'; 23,000 MEN AND 5,000 HORSES. ings in and About Salisbury rt Number of Friends. llfiifi Unit g 1 ..-...-,,.-. ' s ' . ' ", . - ' , .-. "'"' -' . ""' ' ' " 1 1 , . . ' ' ' 1 ' -" , ...I .. , ...... VOL. VII I ! SALISBURY, N. G. MONDAY EVENING JULY 9, 1900. " ? " i; ""'-"V : NO. 1 10. : : : "I : r : : 1 1 ' ' ' : '. ' F " ' : ' 0s. . .. The Spencer lire department leaves to-night for Wilmington and will return home next Satur day. They go to take part in the parade and races of the State and Inter-State tournamont to be held in Wilmington this week. The reel will be sent on to-night. The Star gives the following summary of men and apparatuses that will be in Wilmington this week: - "Number of men, 377; drivers, 13, horses, 19; horse hose wagons, 12: hand reels. 18: hook and lad der trucks, 2; engines, 3." Those who left this morning to take in the tournament were Mr. and Mrs. J. VY. Glover ana son; Mr. C. II. S wink and his son, Everett; Messrs. P. H. Meroney, W. B. Howard and D. W. Julian, Mrs. W. C. Fraley and daughter, Miss Daisy. A number will go to-night and to-morrow. many are expected to pass through to-night from Asheville and other places on their way to Wilmington. The Southern's rate for the round trip is $6.05 and tickets will be on sale yet to morrow They are good returning till th 16th. It is eight hours' ride . to Wilmington. This is a splendid opportunity to visit Wilmington and the seashore. News was received in the city the sudden death of Mr. J. of T. Yesterday afternoon about i o'clock lightening: struck a house j Sykes which occurred in Danville at Gold Hill owned by Mr. Cal The Japs Will'Pjt.a Big Army - China Tien Tsin Fired Upon in Saturday night. No further par ticulars were giren. The body .'ft I . - T m a m was taken to iNorrolk lor inter- ment. Mrs, Sykes and Mrs. Coughenour left last night for Norfolk to attend the funeral. Mr. Sykes leaves, a wife and two hurt and Mrs. Morgan and occupied by Mr. Ol Id dings and family: arid Mrs. Crocker, f . There were several persons in the house and the bolt stunned them. Mr. Iddings was badly The Oregon in China Waters Russia Suffers in a ; Fight. V ; J hero was a lire at Woodloaf early this morning." The barn of Mr. Richard Culbertson was burn ed and all the contents, except the live stock. Mr. Culbertson had just gotten his wheat in and this was all burned, toorether with roughness and farming imple ments. Iddings was also PRS0NAL MENTION. Lutheran lawn parly to-morrow night. A . : I - Seasonable goods at reasonable; prices. Burt Shoe Co. j A little child of Mr. I frrav. of j Spencer, died this morning. ne n,p worth league meets to night at 8:30 in regular weekly meeting. . . "i j Miss Bessie Dunham is clerking Lutheran Lawn Party. The ladies of the church will per on the morrow ni special to daily sun. j children. Mrs. Sykes is a daugh- right severely shocked. While I London, J uly J). A despatch to terof Air. S. JSwicej7(KMl. (if thislt.hn ininrv1 wr rci'viniT ika o i the news agencvfroni Yokohama " i ...v, v.,iMfe fcw ' . . . ..f TI.. n t : i city. 1 tention of others the house and says ine overnment has r Wno Come and go and Get L'8 ? iA1&& wau flav nnally decided to increase its forr ineir Barnes in Print. v w . iUV. 'MX ,KJkA lO TC1 V U70ll Uj . Z - iiiof n-or Ct..i fin China to 23.000 men and five h iu - thousand horses. - ! JVIrs- F- M. Brown returned to Some of the furniture, however, Rome Jul is stated that Cleveland this morning, ; tne Japanese commander-in-chief Mr. Will Erwin, of Gold Hill, win command the allied forces for was m the city yesterday. tne reiiei of 1'ekin. j London, June 9. -The Chinese opened fire on Tien Tsin at four o'clock on the mornins' of Jnlv Lutheran give an ice cream sup- court house lawn to bt at which ice cream, cake, and other delicious refresh ments, will jbe served. These la dies never do anything by halves and a genuine treat and enjoyable ing resigned. A colored man of the Spencer force, had several toes mashed off Saturday evening. was saved. No other The Mt. Crawford, Va., corres pondent of the Rockingham Reg ister, Harrisonburg, has the fol lowing to say of the marriage of Mr. Ed. Gaines to Miss Lottio Saunders: t Mr. Edward C. Gaines, of Salis bury, N. C, and Miss Lottio V. Saunders were married by Rev. R. L. Fultz in the Methodist church Tuesday, July 3, 11)00, at 2 o'clock. This church was prettily decorated for the occasion and the lights burn ing. As the wedding march by Miss Nellie Lindon announced their coming the large audience damage was done at Go out to the lawn party on'the observed the ushers, A. M. Steppe, the Hill so far as learned. to court house lawn Viven bv the - : LutheranJadies to-mdrrow night. time awaits all who attend. The receipts are to aid these good wo men in the! public is in help in this r Church work. The i yited.to turn out and worthy cause J A cor dial greeting awaits you. North Carolina Did It. ; Joseph us Daniels telegraphed the Raleigh News and Observer from Kansas City as follows: Kansas City, Mo., July 7. The Kansas City Ti mes of to-day, says: 'North" Carolina's vote nominated Stevenson." Rev. Anthony Shulenberger, of Mrs. Dan Robinson! went Winston this morning to visit. luis and Luther Brown, of China Grove preached at Faith 6th, says a despatch from that 1 ncor pent yesterday in the Keformed church yesterday morn place, via Uhefoo. The native r1 V iroops nau at least twelve guns in Mr. JNelson Taylor came home h riday night to spend several has changed hands, Ed Vogler Mormons in Potneck. ! . . . - . ! iwo Mormon elders have been i . doingactivs work in Potneck,; a South Ri1 er, recently. They preached tl ree nights last week1 at North Carolina College. Rev. W. A. Lutz, president of North Carolina College, Mt. Pleas ant. N. C . has an announcement on third page of to day V Sun. 1 he fall term of this institution begins September 4th. For fur- tner miormation read the an nouncement or address President Lutz." houses in tq understand give shelter inons. action when they: began the at tack. One thousand combined troops advanced, -covered by the Aciofi'n T?-irl 4 -till-.-.- rri That is right. He lacked just 22 rL;nflM m4? , , , . " ,v--.. - Chinese retired at one oVInnk in the afternoon. Their shell fire on the European settlement was very A . I XT il l 1 - vuttjs wuen ixorin Carolina was recognized to change from Carr to Stevenson. : i e neighborhood. We that, several families and food to the Mor- t Mrs. John Ruf ty Dead . it- Mrs. John Rufty, of Southern expected to take the trip and enjoy City,' died Saturday night at 11 '" fcu are estimated at i,700. The There will be a moonlight despatch adds that 250 women and picnic at South River on Wednes- children left Ton Ku Friday for day night. It will be given by the Shanghai. : j; young men of the city complimen- Washington July 9: The Na tary to visiting; young ladies, vy Department has made public a About thirty or forty couples are despatch for China' that the Ore- gon starts for Kurabout the 10th weeks. . Mr. Joe and Miss Jessie Thomp son, of Liexington, came over this morning. Mr. W. T. Burke and wife have I accurate. The foreign forces ODe lo lDe country to spend , sev- divided between Tien Tsin and Ta- eraI das " Mrs. J. R. Monroe and children have gone to Old" Fort to spend some time. . having purchased the Paul Smith. Mr. remember stock of j Miss the Luth- M. D. Switzer, C. B. Kiser and Clarence Foley, marching up the aisle, followed by the happy couple, who presented themselves before the altar and took the sol-, emu vows that made them one. Passing out the opposite aisle they were met in the vestibule and congratulated, after which they entered a hack, accompanied by the mother and sister of the bride, and were driven to Harrisonburg. The couple took the Southern is counting on going to eran lawn party at court house to- train for Washington, after which they will proceed to their future the evening. o'clock. The interment was made yesterday church. Mrs. Rufty leaves a hus band and seven infant Successful Operation. This morning Drs. Hill & Hill, assisted by Dr. J E. Stokes, of Salisbury, performed a successful operation for appendicitis upon Mary Theresa, .the 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Hege. The patient is : resting well since the operation. Lexing ton correspondent Charlotte Observer. Ice Famine afternoon at Union With the Colored Folks ' . - . The True Reformers are in ses sion here. A number of delegate. that Maior March children, one Over. an or 12th. ""She will stop jenroute if the weather is bad.. All are well on board. . ' ' . j Paris, July y.-It k reported The ice famine was relieved yes terday by a car load received from Alexandria,' Va., and by ice from the country ponds. The; ice ac- is from out of town are present. lhe Lexington colored band came over this; morning to make music. '.. ' A game of ball is on this after noon between two colored teams. Mr., VV . . A. Capps, of Athens, Ga , is in the city to spend couple of weeks. Mr. C Jb. Howard and wife, of Cooleeinee, spent Saturday night and Sunday in the city.' ' Mr, and Mrs. H. II. are here from Asheville. of, Fashodajat Mr. 1 M.. McCulloh'k iub r reucu Sullivan visiting tory started up yesterday anc turning out the usual quantity. Cap t. Hill Promoted. 1 1 1 T T I 1 I apt. Mwara rini, wno was with Co. L, 1st N. C. Reg., in the Spanish-American war, but who is Young Lady Dead. Miss Effi e Canup, of Hill,' died last night. She was 19 years of age. The interment will be made at Zeb, to-morrowj at Franklin 1'resbyterian church! The Tabernacle. ABsuumuuu . mis morning me members reported that they had Chestnut I received I substantial encourage ment in the matter of the Taber nacle from their congregations. foma will vr 4l nnr ?-" - Mr. J. F. Rulfs, Sr., who has troops, under General Dodds. in r' n. ' been visiting his son, returned to i t . . i , '.' V' Wilmington this morning. Aruuuu, u my y.v uespaica U) the Central News from Tien Tsin, dated July 2, via Chefoo, July' 4, reports heavy fighting at Tien Tsin. Allied forces made a re connoissance "in force on July 1st and were vigorously attacked by the Chinees from three different directions and for a time the de tachment of Russians while hold ing a brigade to the eastward was military ranks. Snake Story. - ' Mr. Samuel Beeker tells us a snake story. A king snake swal lowed another snake larger than itself, or rather fried to swallow it but only halfway succeeded. 11th, at 8 of appointing management. Notice. All railroad men interested now with the 29th Infantry in the organizing a R. R. branch of Philippines, has been promoted to Y. M. C. A. at Spencer, are Captain. The Capt. has many ad- quested to meet at Mr. Frost's of mirers in Salisbury who are glad fice, opposite Salisbury Passenger to know that he is advancing in denot. Weinesdav evehins1. Julv. in the re in a desperate position. JThe Remember. ' .creat st.rp.mrth nf th rtimoco cm. j, I . w w -VUAU VUW Dili, Remember the lawn party-bv Pnsed everybody. The Russians! the Lutheran ladies at the court suffered severely, mostly wound- house to-morrow nicht. fit nnf 6(1. and enjoy yourself, forget your girl. And don't London, July 9. Vice Admiral Bruce reports to the admiraltv Prof. Stanly Olmstead, a' well known music teacher of the State, was in the city this morning. Mrs. M. J. Mebane and daugh ter, Mrs. A. E. McNairy went to Newton this morning to visit. Capt. Chas. Kluttz, of the Wes tern, and" bride arrived last night from, a trip to Niagara and other places. Mr. C. F. Leonard, who . has been conducting a .photograph gallery at Spray, is visiting in the city. Mr. "Jim" Lazenby Jeft this morning for Wilmington to be on morrow night. J. H. Horab, attorney, has a professional card on.third page of located in to-day's Sun. He is Room 10, Bell Block. Mrs. Whisner will entertain the 4Sunbeams" at the Main Street parsonage to-morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. j ; Mr. J. A. Mahaley made bushel of wheat from three and a half acres. On thirteen acres he raised 2G6 bushels. ! L home in the Sunny South. The bride was attired in a brown traveling dress with hat and gloves to match, and the groom wore the regulation black, with white tie and brown gloves. Mrs. Gaines is a pretty blonde, of bright and cheerful disposition, and has been an active worker in the church 120 and Sunday-school ; also organist of our Choral Union from its organization. She will be greatly missed from our social and re-, ligious circles, and, our loss of her companionship will bo a gain for Tuesday afternon at 5 o'clock Mrs. Jas. K Griffith to discussP6 atonaimr "The De Willoughby Claim." A negro who was cursing was chased by officers Saturday night and several shots were fired before he was caught. He put up a bond which was forfeited, j -" All who will furnish cream for the Lutheran lawn party to-morrow night are requested to - have the cream ready by 6:30 when a wagon will call for it. ! Rotterdam Strike. SPECIAL TO DAILY KUN.J Rotterdam, July 9. The ntriko of the dock laborers is becoming more serious. The ocal garrison has been reinforced with infantry and cavalry, while gunboats pro tect the river. The public scales are being Child Dead. A little child of Mr. J. P. Sykes that Prince Ching,-with his army, from Taku, date of July 7, to the hand during the State Firemen's effect that the guards are hoping Tournament. o'clock, for the purpose of Spencer, died last night. body was taken to Graham morning for interment; a committee of M. A. Shank. W. H. Burton. The this Appointments This Week. a a r f ! i i m ' ji vjieyeiand, xuesday, 1 p When some boys found the snakes July 10th, . Hon. they looked like one snak'e with a D. M. I Luther tail at each end. Jno. M House Breaking. A negro named Holt was placed in jail yesterday for court on the charge of house breaking at Wood-side, m. Franklin J Mc and Owen H. Commissioners, i - nni j-uo coumy commissioners are in special session to-day to hear complaints as to tax listing. Guion at Salisbury, July 18th. is in Pekin, protecting the lega tions against Prince Tuan and his army and the Boxers. j London, June 9. Several Ger man Catholic missions and one American mission were destroyed Saturday night by Boxers at Shantung. " Some missionaries escaped. This infor mation was brought in an official despatch from Berlin. - The news indicates that the rebellion Miss Jennie Gibson, of. Concord, and Miss Lizzie Hill, of Halifax, are the guests of Miss Margaret Murdoch. Mrs. S. W. is Julian, Chestnut jllill, J Friday night, 6th inst. A. L. house, Tuesday night, 17th irist. Neill. Lost: Black account book on streets, containing name of Nancy valuable Wiseman and others. Return to room house and lot, corner of Lee dun office lor reward. and Bank j Smoot, Gheen school Wanted. , While our company is up to the standard in number and quality, spreading arid assuming a danger we would be pleased to have about ous character at Shantung whose nneen or more good and sturdv anvfimnr ia r.T-nf.i k recruits. t Jno. M. Julian. Ch'm. Dera. Ex. C3m. Last uiiance To purchase the new two-story seven For RENT-One nice store streets: also household and kitchen furniture, including two nice Wardrobes. Sale will take room and two offices, under opera place at public outcry Saturday at LiiQ-a of uza knnca a Twiir t u th u ii.i . collars ai rteia W. H. Overman, Capt. T. C. Hartman, Sergt. Prof. Lippard's school is grow ing nicely. The Prof, is delight ed to have all who wish to make something out of 'themselves. Fine Beef , Teal and Lamb at R. W. Price's Market. , The latest thing in ladies linen HURRY ORDERS RECEIVED. S. Troops in Cuba and Porto Rico to Go to China. ! house. Apply to T. B. Marsh. W anted: Hustling man with stock and force, to work 300 acre farm. 'Want a good man and a mover. L. E Heilig. 11- j o'clock at the court house. Terms cash and title guaranteed. j G. W.Scott, R. Lee Wright. Attornev. s. Rare'. Business Chance I offer the entire stock of hard ware, etc , of the late G. A. Bing ham, of Salisbury, N. C, for sale. special to daily sun. ) New YorkV July 9. Col. Kim- bill Assistant Adjutant-General, Las received hurrry . orders by telephone from Washington to send every available transport to Cuba and Porto Rico to brino- , back soldiers for service in j the far east. " - j The Chinese difficulties are said Harry . returned from a ' several weeks trip to Connelly Springs and Black Mountain. ;. Capt. Frank Brown spent yes terday with his family and left this morning for Allendale, S. C, where he is engaged. : Mrs. M. C. Torrerice returned last night from Statesville accom panied by Miss Katie Torrence, who will visit here. Miss Sallie Gotten, who has been visiting Miss Bessie Hender son, left this morning for Raleigh and will go on to Wrightsville, , Mrs. Charlie White went to Greensboro this- morning in an swer to a message announcing' the death of the child of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frye.. For Rent: 6-room cottage, north lnniss street. Mrs. Alli son, at J. J. West's. It has been demonstrated by ex perience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. James Plummer. For Rent: House, corner Lee Ane store is centrally located three to be responsible for the order. andlhniss. Mrs. J. B. Sheets. aoors irom public square, rent moderate. In ree floors and base- .Boers .Loss i Heavy. ment. lrade established: occunied Tspectal to mn v rtiv 1 AC enma L.fn.n ilii'.l.. ' ll I 1 -" riiv i .wVT 7 London, July 9.Roberts cables tries which pay off weekly and the f rom Pretoria tnt General Mahori railroad shops pay out about fortv- drove back with si guns, three thousand monthly. No healthier thousand Boers; who were menac piace in irieamont JNorth Uaroliua. Write or apnly in person "for In- For Sale:-4-foot wood. 800 cords of good, P. W. Brown. W anted: 3 boarders, can commodatd man and wife, i north lnniss street. Mrs. J. J. West. r Narrow Therd velvet ribbon at Reid's. . 1 - are no better pills made j Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's cured him. Cures than DeWitt's Little Early Risers: formation. and certain. Mrs. T. E. Bingham. Admrx of G. A. Bingham. Always ! prompt James Plummer. Arnica Salve ing his right flank. The Boer loss Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, was heavy. " f uorns, OKin eruptions. Furnished Rooms to let. did location. Apply at Sun. Best Pile cure on earth, cts a box. splen- J Cure guaranteed. Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Co. , Druggist. re paired. . It is suggested that the scales should be moved to a back lot. They give the town the ap pearance of a backwoods place, j - ii There are no bargain ear-marks Trade of mn (ha Mictioe' on1 nViJ lli-on'a oltn I aSK lD6ir For Sale: A lady's second hand bicycle. Apply at Sun office. pers we are price, yet you every pair you Shoe Co. selling save buy. at a bargain a third on Burt Shoe A Card of Thanks. Feeling gratified at the support the people gave in nominating me as a candidate for the Bread Salisbury, I will still support in the bread and cake line, Feeling confident of being elected, I remain ever ready to serve them. v Respt., " T. L. Swink. Cor. Main and Council Streets. Did Mrs. T. E. Bingham, admr., of fers a rare business chance in the sale of the hardware; etc., of the late G. A. Bingham. See adver tisement in another part of tnis paper; ; . J.'. Week end rates are i on sale by the Southern as follows: Ashe ville and return - $3.55; Black Mountaiu $3.15 Connelly Springs $2. On sale Saturday and Satur day night and Sunday morningi Miss Lizzie Young entertained fancy glassware a number of friends at tea 1 riday saw in your life. evening You say it was dusty, well, in- duster, to the dusty deed it is, we need a dust the things. Buerbaum keeps the turkey feather dusters at 25,30, 35, 45, 50 and 60 cents, according to sizes. A new stock of the celebrated Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, all sizes. Prices $2.50, $3 50 and $4.00. Cheapest Fountain Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Glassware of all kinds. 'More than you ever complimentary to her friends Misses Josie and Bessie Craige and Messrs. I Stanton Tier- nan and P. W. Hairston, of Salis bury. Concord Standard. For Rent: 2-story, 7-room house, Salisbury and Spring Hill avenues, at Spencer, also 6-room cottage, corner 8th and Iredell streets. T. H. Vanderford. ' Hammock's at Buerbaum's at all prices and sizes and quality, for if 11 kinds of people, for all kinds of purses Baths, hot and cold, sho wer or tub, at The Midway Barber Shop, never been Main street, opposite postoffice. berlain's Pi Give us a call. An Ancient Belief. The ancients believed that rheu matism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who ha.s had an attack of sciatic or inflam matory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has claimed that Cham- ain Balm would cast out demon's, but it will cure rheu matism, and hundreds bear testi mony to the truth of this state ment. One application relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth . Working Day and Night: 1 The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life I Pills. Everv pill is a sugar-coated globule of many times its cost. For sale by health, that changes weakness into tiames. riummer, aruggist. strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag .into- mental power. DeWitt's'Little Early Risers aro They're wonderful j in building up famous little pills for liver and the health. Only 25c per box. bowel troubles. Never gripe. Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Coj James Plummer.