SALISBURY DAIIiY SUN. (DAILY KXCKJPT SUNDAY.) JOE X, ROUECHE. I CLINT. N. BROWN, f Proprietor. Entered at postoffice a second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, Six Months, Three . -One Month, One Week, $4.00 8.00 1.00 .35 .10 Dellrered by Carriers to any part of the. City ' without extra cost. For adrertlslng rates apply to the publishers Office orer Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Salisbury, N. C, July 14, 1900. DEMOCRATIC TICKET NATIONAL: For President: WM. J, BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President: AD LA I E. STEVENSON, of Illinois scheme is already turning upon the Republicans and that the white people mean business. j Thd indications are that but few of the Virginia Gold Demo crats will oppose Bryaatms year i It is hardly necessary tp say that Democrats must work, if they expect to carry the. amendment, save thj State, and roll up a big majority, V- T ; Secretary ltoot announces that no iroops can be spared to send from the Philippines to China, and that instead more must besent to those; islands. Yet, he tells us that theTwar there isentirelyjover. He needs the soldiers, he says, to mjikp Rilre that the Filipinos ac- T. . , ! . cept the amnesty proclamation. Doesn'U STATE : , For Governor: C. B AYCOCK, of Wayne. For Lieutenant Governor: W. D. TURNER, of Iredell. For Secretary of State: J. B. GRIMES, of Pitt. For Treasurer: B. R. LACY, of Wake. For Auditor: ',- , B. F. DlXON, of Cleveland. For. Attorney General: ' R. D. GILMER, of Haywood . For Supt. of Public Instruction: T. F. TOON, of Robeson. " For Commissioner of Agriculture: S. L. PATTERSON, of Caldwell. For Corporation Commissioners: FRANK McNEIL, of New Hanover; S. L. ROGERS, of Franklin. For Com. of Labor and Printingi II. B. VARNER, of Davidson. For Judge of the Tenth District: W. B. COUNCIL, f Watauga. For Electors-at-Large: -LEE S. OVERMAN, of Rowan; D. H. Mc LEAN, of Harnett. j-In broke t EmpircJ electing that; jar you? 1881,' the prohibition vote record and - grave the he thus State to Cleveland, him. In 1900, the.prohi bition vote will, perhaps, get the perialistic vote of the Re and may asrain anti-im publican party, break the record and give York to the Democrats. SENATORIAL: , For State Senate: JOHN-fJ. HENDERSON, of Rowan; J. C. THOMAS of Davidson. COUNTY : For House of Representatives: R.LEE WRIGnT, L.H.ROTBROCK For Sheriff: D. R. JULIAN. For Register of Deeds: A. LEE SMOOT. For Treasurer: A. W. W1NECOFF. For Surveyor: C. M. MILLER. For Cotton Weigher. G. II. PAGE. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBINS, P. D LINN, W. L. KLUTTZ, SANFORD HENLY, W. A. HOUCK. A recent government report estimates the wheat crop of the United 000,000) New States this year at 1 510,- hushels. a decrease of 109,0001000 from the June esti mate. 1 be crop last year, was about 47,000,000, so the crop of 1900, if the department estimate is correct, is considerably less than that of 1899. The falling-off has been in the spring wheat, mainly in the Dakotas. Reports from the wheat counties of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois show a very small crop in those States. In Kansas the crop is enormous. The outlook for good p "ices for our wheat and i steady foreign demand are j mos encouraging. S -W ecutivd there W. Patton, Chairman o the Ex it VICIOUS METHODS. The trial of Registrar Thomp son, of Winston, charged with re iusing io register negroes, was continued several. days being con eluded yesterday and resulted in having the registrar bound over to the Federal court in a bond of $ 2,000. The evidence showed that the registrar was only keeping in thn linn nf tlia rJnfir an si (rrrini ' 4-A " "-J "J-"ft W shield the State from the conse qnences of vile abuses of the fran chise. The commissioner, imme diately upon his decision to bind Mr. . Thompson over to the court, pulled a blank bond out of his pocket which seemed to be clear to the bystanders that the decision was prepared beforehand. The registrar bad denied mr one the right of registration but only in a few instances demanded proof - of matters about which there was serious doubt in bis mind. He so explained fully to the court. Each one of the negroes when asked to furnish proof of his residence,etc., made no complaint but stated that they expected to furnish the proof and each one of then said he was called into the room of the Chair man of the Republican exedutive committee and the prosecution started from that source. With these facts before the commission er he chose to biud the registrar over to court. The Republicans are resorting to dirty methods of this kind for a purpose but they will not succeed in driving the white men of North Carolina from the cause of white supremacy. As may be seen by a special from Winston four negroes who swore out warrants have been arrested and every man who swears out such, a warrant will be arrested showing that the evil the Populist in Burke county, de clares that he will support the amendment. In a letter to Chairman of the Democratic Committee, he says: was a populist party in North Carolina. For six ears I have been chairman of the execu tive committee oi said panv m Burke county. Not since the civi war have the people of North Carolina had a more importan . I . . . . .. ! issue to settle than the one now before them, towit: Wbitesupr emacy.j I am a white man, and, therefore, not only believe in, bu must support the const tutiona amendment, lhe leadera ox my party have not only arrayed them selves against the said amendment, but are trying to force the rank and file of the party to follow them. Therefore, I intend to support the amendment, and! since the Democratic party is the j only party advocating it, consistency compels me to support the Demo cratic ticket." i After many intricate experi ments, scientists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural digestants. These have been combined in the proportion found in the human body and united with substances that build up the digestive organs, making a compound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what vou eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat Dlentv bf nourishing; food while the stomach troubles are beinsr radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to take and will give quick relief James Plummer. j i -' i : : J i tFor burns,, injuries, piles! and skin diseases use De Witt a Witch Hazel Salve: It is the original. Counterfeits may be offered. I Use only De Witt's. James Plum mer. ! i , She was truly a wise spinster who said she would rather be laughed at for not being married than to be unable to laugh because she was. An Ancient Belief. The ancients believed that rheu matism was the work of 'a demon within a! man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or inflam matory Rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoniac i enough to warrant the belief. It! has never been claimed that - unam- berlain's Fain Balm would I cast out demon's, but it will cure rheu and hundreds bear testi- the "truth of this state- One application relieves and this quick relief affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by James Plummer, druggist, j matism, mony to ment. he pain which it FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Washington authorities will in sist that the Chinese government give definite information at once as to the fate of Minister Conger and other Americans in Pekin. Three of the robbers who held up the Illinois-jenirai Train at May field Creek, Ky., about 10 miles south of Cairo, at 1:30 a. m , on the 11th in st. and secured $10, 000 have been arrested, and jailed. The London Mail's St. Peters burg correspondent says that in. the last six hours' battle outside of Tien-Tsin, the Cossacks cap tured six Krupp guns add killed numbers of fleeinsr Boxers. The Chinese lost 3,000 killed, includ ing General Kek. I Charles R. Wester velt, secre tarv and treasurer of the Uime Savings institution, of Newark, N. J., under arrest as a defaulter, admits that he has stolen : between $35,000 and $40,000 and the of ficials do not think it will go above the latter figure. I General Mac Arthur has cabled the War Department from Ma nila that Otis Harrison and John W. Spencer, privates Thirty- fourth Infantry, vvere killed, and William - Murnhv. of the same regiment, was wounded; in recent skirmishes. Lord Roberts ; has sent nothing further concerning the Nitral's Nek affair. Pretoria dispatches. however, show that the Lincoln- shires lost half of their officers, in cluding Colonel Roberts, who was wounded and taken prisoner. The British fought stubbornly unti night fall, when the cavalry turned their horses loose, l he rsoer re port of the engagement" places the British casualties at over 200. When Johnny Comes Home. The agony a mother, suffers sending her son to war, says Har per's Bazaar, is the measure of her hope in the thought of f welcoming him back. Boys in . blue are re turning from the Philippines. And this is how they come: The army transport Grant, lately arrivet from Manila, brought .17 insane soldiers: 125 soldiers in irons, bodies of three others, ill at the start, had been cast into the sea What of the despair in women's hearts "when Johnny comes marching home ?" The irony of war appears in the wrecked man hood that survives. And the drain upon American manhood is to continue. General Otis has stated to the President that the Unitet States cannot .safely reduce its forces in the Philippines for long time io come. Working Day and Night. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 2oc per box Sold by Theo. F. Klrittz & Co. in Ml of tlie year is the time when we are all looking for comfort and those things that help make us so. By coming to you can find many of the things which make life more comfortable during hot weather and mosquito time. V f Jk Gaixiopy' from $1.35to $1.50 will keep you from being disturbed by your jnusical friend "Amos" A cool I on your floor instead of an old hot bar- pet5 would make you room cooler. Our Matting is sold at a reduction no w, too. And when you are gowned in one of our light, airy ; - Organdies, Lavns or Dimities you can laugh at the heat. Uur stocK oi Low Shoes is low, butwe can fit your foot and purse. Remember we sell Drew Sel- by & Co s celebrated Shoes lor women. TIT H Bros. stock of everything in 1 . . 1 11 11 trt vninri Rnnn n. ens and boys ready towear goods and fashionable. Just as good as any city stores, especially to call your attention again to the If you do we wish fill TVTfYfa kluJ "What is the secret bf the power wielded by Mr. Bryari?" asks the Chicago Record, which also an swers: "Unquestionably it is the absolute confidence of all the peo ple of every political ; shade in the honesty of purpose which dictates his words and actions." A Pleasure and a Duty. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of tbatuberlain s Uohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procuied a bottle of this reme dy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. 1 take pleas ure in to others suffering from that dreadful dis ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. Thjs remedy is sold by. James Plummer, tlrnarsrist. that has been raging since June 4th, and the low prices fof the com ing week: Lawns, 3c;'light and dark. Calicoes, 4c: 4-4 Percales 74c 60 inch Linen Table Cloth, 22c; 45 inch Oil Table Cloth', 15c; 500 pieces samples Uarpets, worth 2oc, now 12c; Ladies (iuaze Vests 3tc; Ladies Skirts, 20c; Ladies Wrappers, 48c; Ladies Hose, 3c; Child- rens Hose, 3c; Child rens Socks, 4c. Shoes 20 per cent, less than New York cost ! Ladies Shoes, 45c; Ladies Oxfords, 39c Childrens spools 5c; Corsets, Ladies Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Hamburg Laces, Lace Curtains, Towels. Counterpanes, white and colored, Glassware. urocsery ware. Ail idis win go Deiow cost.. Yours to pi ease, JACOB FELD1MI Jul : ! . - - . .x! in ciose : toucn wnn the best market srar- deners in the country I will be pre pared to furnish the trade with the very best assortment of Country - - . - i Vegetables f Berries, Fruits 1c. Will get them fresh every morning. Can supply all demands now for good Butter kept on ice. 4)1 l4 8 bZZZt T. Wl. McCULLOH. g It A True Woman looks forward to mother hood with more pleasure than dread. But at the same time, there is alwavs a little fear. Thfa a should not be. It is not L where the expectant If mother knows about Mother's f rieftd. But some do not for the world is laree, and it is those we wish to peach. Mother's .Friend is an external liniment. It does awav pirith the danger and pain ot cnuaoirtn. . xbese are not idle words. Thejr are- true, and proved by the testimony of many happy mothers. Get Mother' Friend at the drug tor. $1 per bottle. The DradfJeld Regulator Co., . . ATLANTA. OA. Writ lor ollt fTM book, Befdra Bby U Born. . Jnst Received : fate ! fair Coal Ce: Fresh Suppl y Jellicp Lump. Anthracite (all sizes). Blacksmith. , J Portland (Im- Hrl I ported), Hoff man's (N, Y.) Kosendale. ."Anchor Brand." Indian Bock (to arrive.) CALCINED PLASTER and ! PLASTERING HAIR. Lime J. lea Sra. Increased facilities for handling lumber and building material place me in a position to supply the de mands of the lumber trade much more satisfactorily to my custo mers and myself as well. T am now prepared to replenish my yard and warerobms with a well selected stock of sash, doors, blinds, mould ings and all kinds of finished ma terials from my own mills, there by obviating the annoying and perplexing delays incident to plac mg orders with distant parties. Orders for any kind of material not to be found in stock will be promptly executed directly from the shops at New London. ' - Estimates furnished on applica tion. ' r. . Orders solicited. OUR "In dependent Sale 55 OF Odd Sizes, Samples -fo'::; Goes merrily on from day to day, and the public is get ting the benefit of unmatchable bargains that we have bought at prices that enables us to place upon our coun ters Shoes with sterling value, at figures that astonish even the "Fake Sale" Venders of Shoddy Stuff. If the old adage, "Goods well bought are half sold," holds true in every case, but a glimpse at the bargains we are now ".offering in high-grade Shoes will suffice in closing hun dreds of deals; Nopasted soles or paper heels are to be found in any of these goods. On the contrary, we are offering bargains in the most reliable makes of high-class Foot-wear known in the country. How long this special sale will continue,! depends entirely upon how much of the "Unmatchable Shoe Values" we can procure." Look out for our Special Announcements of Special Sales of Special Shoes on Special Days. c ' v MAIN STREET, ' SALISBURY. N. C. r J The Manufacturers of the PEESIDI1NT SUSPENDER offer the following prizes for estimates of the popular vote given the winning candidate in the, coming Presidential contest. For the nearest estimates: 1st prize $100; 2nd, $75; 3rd, $50; 5 of $20 each; IO of $10 each; 20 of $5 each; 50 of $2 each; 375 of $1. Special Prize of $500 for the naming of the exact popular vote. McKinleyfs popular vote was 7,104,779. Bryan's popular vote was 6,502,925. Every purchaser of a pair of President Suspenders is entitled to a chance. The President Suspender is the most practical and scientific Suspender on the market. A new pair given if they do not wear satisfactory. Shown in twelve different de signs at Kluttz lad. Rendleman. ... I " ; -' " Flioiie 39. mi ViA.7 U U For n.n n n A n II .1 i n p n cor Is the place to go to get your Furniture. The largest stock. The best of Furniture. The lowest of prices. Eight floors full; he is up to date in his line. . Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. Embalming a specialty. Fully equipped in the true sense of the word. Special attention to telegraph orders. Telegraph office in his store. Meets trains day or night. DON'T FAIL TO SEE HIM. Your Size and Share of Va 71-1-; r- A ixJ is here. Couldn't be otherwise. Got an immense stock of LADIES SHOES and all ore of excellent quality. Some welted, some hand turned. High and low. Kid and calf. Black or tan. . Some with vesting top. All matte on stylish lasts. Sure to give satisfaction. Here's a hint to economists. G. M. & If. M. MOV'u;.

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