X V YOUNG'S DRUG S T O RE OFFERS YOU ! Experienced Service, Pure Drugs AND REASONABLE PRICES. ! : Trosli Turnip n, w -J j 0 AT lorMiinun o nrrnri'1 locunuun u. uu u j WEATHER FORECAST! Fair to-nfeht and Tuesday. VOL. VII. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6, 1900. NO. 134. CHURCH ITEMS. THE OFFICIAL VOTE. MR. SOLOMON TEAGUE DEAD. AFTER CROWUED HEADS. PERSONAL MENTION. ABOUT THE CITY. , j ' y ,' Mews of Interest to Church Goers of I Exact Vote) the City. didite in the County. G overnqr ltie building funu ot tne taber-1 ne exac nacle continues to increase. ; A candidate collection was taken at the First Thursday Methodist church yesterday for low: this fund. Thecontiactfor build in has already been awarded I to Mr. W. D. Watson. A series of meetings is in pro gress at Mt. Tabor church, six miles from the city, lie v. II. L. Atkins went out this morning -to assist Rev. Mr. Smith in the services. The third quarterly conference of First Methodist church will jbe -hftjd' at the church to morrow .Dight. . t ' Kev. George Stuart was in the city to-day returning to his home in Tennessee from Washington City, near which place he has bec;n conducting revival services. j Rev. J. T. Ervin and Presiding Elder Bays exchanged pulpits yesterday, Mr. Ervin preaching in Cabarrus county. D. Turner J well,1 1,537 Secretary Grimes, 3, Received by Each Can- Dropped Dfad at His Farm .at lift Vernon Saturday. ' t vote received by each in the election last n Itowan is given be- - OVE ! 1,000. 'Quean Vic Will Be Next" Anarch ist News. People Who Come and go and Get Their Names in Print. I General Summary of Local nappa ings in and About Salisbury. STATE TICKET. Charles B. Aycock, 3,157; Spencer B. Adams, -1,517; Henry Sheets, 87. Lieutenant Governor. Wilfred 3,156; Herbert F. Se John W. Long, 87i of State, J. Bryan 52; Cyrus Thompson, 1,526; E. L. Parker, 86. Auditor, 3,151; Hal C. Ben bo w ( Benjamin F. Dixon, VV. Ayer, 1,525, D. VV. , 80. Y: ' Ireasurer, Benjamin R. Lacy, 3,154; William H. Worth, 1,525; N. W. NeWby, 86. j Superintendent of Public In struction, Thos. F. Toon, 3,155; N. C. English, 1,513; II. C. Strout, 86. General, Robert D Zebulon V. VraI Mr. Solomon Teague, a promi nent farmer, of Mt. Vernon, thin county, died suddenly Saturday. Mr. Teague was seventy years old, a widower, and leaves several children. i Mr. S. Henley tells us Mr. Teague had gone to the pasture to turn in a horse and he stayed so long that some one went to look after him. When they found him he was dead. He had pfobably been suddenly affected with heart The Russian and t J apanese Forces trouble and fell dead. ij The interment was to ha ve; been made at Cleveland yesterday if a son , Dr. R. J. Teague, could get there from Roxboro in time. . EIJELIY RETREATED. A BIG BATTLE AT PEITSANG. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Milan, August 6. A Russian named Jerjinsky was arrested to day. In his pocket" letters were found marked "Anarchist section 103," stating that by the end of July "measures would be taken to suppress several crnwnnd heads." ' . ! ' Were the Heaviest Losers . .t A Decree by Li "Hung . . . f j ..:." Chang Business ROBBERS GOT $100,000. Up ' Near ; Union Pacific Train Held Denver To-Day. Mr. Ruddick, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city. j Mr. John Henderson, Jr., left this morning for Morgan ton Mr. . James Wright, of Enoch ville, is visiting Mr. Geo. Fink. Mr. II. Williams, of Wades- boro, is visiting Mr. Milton Rufty. Miss Elouise Roberts, of Char lotte, is visiting relatives in the city. v. ;,;;V-V . . . j Mr, E. B. Taylor has returned morrow nig The Rowan Ritles meet to-night. The county commissioners aro in session to-day. "Queen Quality" Shoes for women, arc tho shoes to buy. Burt. 4 A cleaning up of misses and children's slippers j at your own price. Burt Who is tho ugliest man 'i Yc.u can lind out at the court house to- ht. A Theft. , "f Yesterday, it is claimed, a thief robbed the safe of Thos. Bringle, in the store, corner of Council and Lee streets, getting something A A ' A ' 5 over oUU. a young man was ar- Attorney Gilmer, 3,155; ser, 1,527. '":' . ' . Commits oner of Agriculture, Samuel L. Jatterson, 3,155; James M. Mewboi rne, 1,522. j Commissi oner of Labor and Printing, Henry B. Varner, 3,- rested and tried this evidence mornuasr there being no him he was turned loose by mayor. The combindtion .of safe was worked by the thief. bat! against the the 155; James .Member of Commission fin McNeil Hamricif, 1,521. j N. C. Corporation for six years, Frank- Railroad. MrC. T. Clendening, who , cently went to Concord where has a depot positi6n, has gone Virginia to visit home people. j Messrs.5 W. S V Frost, J,F. Keever and A. A. Porter,, of the - Southerivhave gotferava. pleastire ' trip to Richmond and Norfolk. re-he to 3,155; Charles A. Reynolds, 1,526. Term of four years,"Samiiel L. " Rogers, 3,155; Alexander Peace, 1,523. JUDICIAL. Judges, Y J. VV. Bow V. B. Council, 3,166; 'man, 1,484; Frederick 1 rt i Hrt ." T T . ' i moore, o,i o; o. iv. nenancKS, 1,475.; -: :; ;Z s : " AMENDMENT. . number of voteV cast A Remarkable Man. Dr. C, D. Mclver, writing in the Greensboro Telegram; says of the son-in-law of Rov. Dr. Rum ple, of Salisbury: C Rev. C. G. Vardell, the' presi dent of the Red Springs Female Seminary, is a remarkable man. He is one man who refuses to leave his State for a srreat in- creaseti salary. Jttecently he was offered $5,000 a year to charge of a school for girls in an other State, and upon refusing to accept, the position, he was asked to name the salary for which be would go.: This he declined to do, preferring to remain in North Carolina and continue at the head of the institution over which he has presided so successfully. is Dull in Canton, j A telegram this afternoon an nounces a bqul train robbery on ihe Union Pacific to-day sixty miles from Denver.' v The robbers killed the engineer and expressman an.d made away with $100,000. ', ' ' ' SPECXA.L TO DAILY SUN. Washington, August 6. Remey and commander -Taussig cable that the advancing forces reached PeitsangvSunday morn ing, and there engaged a large body of Chinese. The allies suf- j-Lg j fered heavy losses, chiefly, among But The total Rotal Crescent Academy. IJrescent academy, at Crescent, beginsthe fall term tomorrow. There are prospects for a very large attendance. Miss Lillie Lingle, one of the teachers, who was visiting in - the city, has gone home. werei?,067; 1,716.! ! STATE SKNATOliS. Court. Solicitor Rush was here Satur day night going to Statesville where Iredell court convenes to day. The next court in this district is Kbwan's'which convenes the 20th of this month. To Sell Graphophones. i Mr. James McNaughton leaves to-nisrht for Marion. lie will canvass the .westem'-part of State selling graphopbones the Burt Shoe Co. the for To Woodmen of the World. Every member of Hickory Camp No. 41) is urged to be. pres ent at the meeting to-n:orrow (Tuesday) niht, as ' arrangements will be made for the unveiling of monument to our deceased Sov ereign, C. M. Hall. . There must be a full attendance. Let all be on hand promptly at 8 o'clock. By order of the Consul Com mander. W. II. Huff, Clerk. John S; C. Thomas, number against ' J. Ienderson, 3,148; 3,1G2; WT. H. MolBtt, i . i . . -. 49; Hay vvodd Harper, ii; Kjeo. Hunt, .l,4Sh; Juo. A. - Ramsay, 1,472; GISLATUIiE 1 R. Lee Wright, 3,136: L. IH. Rothrock, 3,155; Geo. t . Seyf fert, 143; Jno. A. Bailey 43; Carson A. Guffy, -1,493; Henry! C. Peeler, 1,491; Chas. A. Guffy, 1. COUNTY TICKET. 1 P. R. Julian, 2,876; Sheriff, Benton L Eagle; 38. Treafurer, 3,315; C. A. Riiney, Register bdwick, 1,757; D. C. Attention Knights. Officers and members of Salis bury Lodge, No. 24 K. of P. take notice. It is very important that we have a full meeting of the lodge at our next regular meeting, Tues day nighty 7th instant. Important letter from G. K. of R. & S. to be read. The newly elected officers will be installed. P. H. Mehoney, K. R. S. A. Wr. Wrinecoff, r. Sbupinp, 1,3'J2;: K. bf Deeds, A. L. Smbot, 3,322; Jenkins A. Peeler, 1,391; Solomon TYague, 49; H. N. Wood son, 1. j Cotton wjeigrher, Geo. II. Page, 3,219 Davil Kesler, 1,359; Samuel A. To well 7. Surveyo ', & M, Miller, 3,288; J. C. Bern lardt, 1,400; T. P. John ston, 39. r " . '. ; Coroner, E R. Dorsett, 4;,640: Pinkney Lid wick, 40. , M Commissioners, J. F. M club bing, 3,298; i P. D. Linn, 3,278; Sanford jle'nley, 3,302; W.J L. Kluttz, 3,311;W. A. Houck, 3,263; L. W. Coleman. 1.383: Thos. Kerns, 1,3 )6; Wm: C. Rose, l-404; B. A Knobc, 1,412; J.L. Eagle, 39; J. A Lippard, 39; R.' B. Bailey, 40 3. Jesse Powlas, 39; C. B. McNaify, 42; JAbner L. Jail, 1,414; Jos J Hall, 1. m an III! van: Jfnun:: jrugn::i rnugn;:: If you wish to have f un and plenty of it go to the lawn party o-morro w night. The ugliest man in Salisbury will be there and will be presented with a handsome cane with a sterling silver-head. There will be several candidates and a hot contest is anticipated. ' Rooms to Let: Mrs. Ellen L Heili? has rooms in her residence for rent. Man and wife preferred. Special sale of umbrellas parasols at Reid's. and For Rent: Two new cottages, four and five rooms. See W. H. Neave. To Mocksville, Special Kate. The Southern will sell special tickets to : Mocksville on account of the Masonic picnic Thursday. Tickets will be sold on Wednesday and Thursday ,- good returning till Saturday, round trip 1. Extra coaches have been asked for for the morning: train which leaves here at 10:10. 4 The go the youug lady receiving themos votes at the court house lawn to morrow night is now displayed in Thorntonfs jewelry store window Cio and take a peeo at it. rnu then go vote oja it. d watch to be given! to the Russians and Japanese. the enemy retreated.! London, August 6. In the big battle at Peitsang the allies are reported to have lost twelve hun dred killed and wounded. London; (Aug. .6. A despatch irom cjnangnai, yesieraay, says the Japanese consul 'has received a message from Peki, which says Gen. Tung Fur has ; stopped send ing provisions to the legations. It also says a large . number of troops are massing? at Paoying Paris, August 6.H-he French dateoff August tMttho situa tion isbecomingjmorer serious on the upper Yangtse Kiang river. He says the English left with the custom and the French consul intends leaving his Japanese j colleagues. g which he mistook for a falling The mail service has been stopped; Accident and Suicide. f SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. New York,; August 6. An ac cident to the machinery and suicide were incidents of the last trip of the steamer Dutchland. The fourth officer, E. Thelle, blew his brains out in the cabin. He fell asleep on the bridge. ' BASEBALL SATURDAY. Badly Frightened An incident worthy of passing note occu rred i some r days ago to Mr. D. L. Gaskill, a -leading vhnnr Vkiicinooo man - IKa niixr J Vf WUUI K74 jluuu x tM v - LJT in which he was badlvvfrisrhtened gular way. , He was standing near the wall of the Shaver build ing on Main street looking up at he masons laying brick and was earful that a brick would: fall on him when a buzzard new across he sky from the rear of the build- in missile and made a precipitated Hong Kong, August b.l he retreat. Upon a second observa tion Mr. Gaskill discovered that it was the bird afore namjed mak- ing a harmless flight in quest of food, but he was much excited for a time. . Salisbury Beat Faith Spencer Beat . Salisbury. from a trip to Knoxville and Chat tanooga. ; a , Mr, Will. Er win,, of Gold Hill, was in the city yesterday and this morning. Supt. F. M. Ward, of 4he Salis bury mill, returned this morning from Greensboro. - ! S. E. Wrilliams, Esq , of. Lex ington, was in the city this horn ing on business. " j Mrs. D; A. 1 Atwell returned Friday night from a trip of a week or more at Elkin. . Little Miss Hermena Quantz, of Concord, is visiting Miss Emma Maxwell of this city, j Mrs. Patterson, of Concord, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Maxwell. Miss Dora E. Click, of Zeb, has gone to Concord to visit at Rev. C. A. Brown's. Lawyer J. 11. Price, of Albe marle, spent Saturday night and goods Keud A new arrival of choico at Kluttz & Rendleman's. their new ad. to day. Piano solos and other music will be heard at the lawn party to morrow night. The Ep worth League meets to ri itrht at ihf Mfty.flf!ist-et"5rrtt - the regular hour. ' Go fishing at the court howr-o lawn to-morrow night, and sec what luck you have. If you want the best $1.50 man or women shoes on earth so to Peterson & Rulfs. i ( The Book Club will-meet Tnes dry afternoon at 5 o'clock with Mrs. James F. Griffith. The band's lawn party to-morrow night will be one of the great est attractions of the season. If you wish to spend an enjoy able evening, visit the lawn party at the court house to-morrow evening. The first team of Salisbury played the Faith boys at Faith uuiuiuajr. x ne game resulted in a score of 14 to 0 in favor of the nr?av in th t I J . ' . I AT r T T. K of nhio Hoc? o nniwn Mr. 1. Littman and family leave of sale of personal j property in to-morrow for Blowing Rock to th'is paper. The sale takes place spend some time there. r Saturday. August 18th. ml 7 t I consul has house stuff situation at Canton is very dis quieting. Business there is almost entirely suspended. Some of the native banks have defaulted and other banks are closed. Many Canton merchants refuge here. Buenos Ayres, Salisbury, boys. At. Henderson's the -Second Salisbury ;eam played the Spen- ba opd were aeieaed by a score qfJto 4. :-vJ " - - tondand defeaUlth aSe of 14 to 9. The g; J played at Faith. ST- K , regular first and second118-1"7 8 were not present but theif were very creditably and rrS fujly filled by Linn Bernhardt and W orth Murphy, in fact thev reallv won the game by their heavy bat ting at critical moments. The town team wishes to extend their sincere thanks to the Faith h, " - v n Mr have taken Aujrust 6. Last But Not Least. H. A. Fisher, of SoUth River, was the last to threshx wheat in his neighborhood. He made a good crop of fine wheat, filled his gran ary and one room in his house to he top of the bed. ! Rev. Mr. Spilman Improved. . A friend writes from Mars Hill where a conference of Chris tian workers is being ; held, tnat l?ftv n W. Snilman. who has hnen siokJ is inioroving and pects soon to be in the ex- field again. To Tate Springs- riant.- W. H. Overman left this morning for Tate Springs, Tenn., nnnn ftdviceof his physician. His many friends hope Capt. Over man will be benefited by his trip. For Rent: 4-room cottage near graded school house. Lf. A. ATWELL. The Coit Home cnooi will re open Monday, Sept. 3rd. For terms apply to Mrs. W. H. Coit, Cor. Bank and Fulton bts. Mrs. Elizabeth Menefee will re ceive piano pupils beginning Sep tember the 3rd. Terms on appli cation. special sale or umbrellas anu parasols at Reid's. brother-in-hearinff of Guicephe Cestagni, a aw of Bresci, upon Bresci s deed, exclaimed that it will be Queen Victoria next." His hreats against the Queen so en raged 'several British shipping clerks that they whipped him. New York, August 6. The W7orld has the following from Shanghai dated August 5th: "Im perial decree just issue gives au- hority to escort the diplomatic corps to a place of safety." This renders the action of ; the allied forces unnecessary, lit is the first step toward the solution of the situation by Li Hung Chang. London, August C. A Shang hai dispatch Fays Sheng, director of telegraphs and railroads, who fears he will be beheaded, has ap plied to the British War ship for refuge and has received the prom ise that his request will be granted. London, August b. The anti- - foreign party again appears to cording to reports. Xl. A. ank8. Of the (yhftr-l Wn nnficA thnf T?or was inYtbCcitv Blackt the Prhtp.n'nrt lotte) Observer, VlU0.S for the kind treatment cei ved while in their 1L' iaey re- 1 J other game will probably be play ed between these' two teams soon. The batteries for Faith: Ritchie and Taylor; for Salisbury:! Tier- nan and Bost. - - Lightning's Work. ', Lightning struck a chimney al Mr. W. S. Brown's residence at 'o6dside Friday evening. Miss Dovie Bailey, of Salisbury, who was visitingj'at Mr. BroWn's, and Miss Jo Brown were both slightly shocked. : . j Monument Placed- j - Webb & Rabe to-day placed the handsome Woodmen monument over the grave of the late C. M. Hall, in Chestnut Hill cemetery. It is 8 feet! around is 10 feet hjgh. the j base and Cotton Open. Mr. Geo. For Sale: I will sell at public outcry at my residence in East Salisbury on Saturday, August the 18th, at 10 o'clock ail of my household and kitchen furniture, consisting of beds, carpets, three stoves, tame ware, oureaus, a dressing case, cupboard and many- other things too tedious to men tion. Terms cash. I J. L. Ketchie. Wood ! Wood ! For sale. Dry. Apply to Geo. Fink, New Depart ment btore. delivered in your back yard. For Rent One nice store Fink sends in a couple of open cotton bjlls. His cotton is opening rapiuiv. This is the first open cotton reported this sea son. Misses Sallie Busby and Minnie Buerbaum go to New London "to attend a house party at Mr. ! R. Eames'. . 1 ! v R. C Poole went down the Yadkin to-day. He is getting1 up men to do railroad work in West Virginia. Mrs. White who has been visit ingMrs. E.C. Heines, returned to Greenwood, S. C, Saturday night. Misses Edith and Florence Mc Kenzie left this morning for a trip to Richmond, Norfolk and Suffolk to visit relatives. I Messrs. Carl Buerbaum and John M. Spillman, of Dallas,Tex., who were here for a while, have gone to Blowing Rock to spend some time. Misse3 Mabel and Roberta ! Mc- Cubbins have gone to Russell to spend a week p.t the home of Mr.' John Torrence whose d&ncrhter. Miss Julia, is quite sick. j Mr. James Eaffle. of Snencer. and Mr. Chas. Wr. Windsor, who sojourning at All Heal ing Springs for the past two weeks, reiurueu ims mo-nina. j Mrs. J. B. Rochester and daugh ter, Mabel, left yeSiw,w n.r,- ing forSouth Carolina aua Georgia on a visit 01 several relatives and friends. r son, here. Mr. Black is well Wm. Stuto 1. known 1 The Salisbury High School will reopen on. Monday. Sept. 3rd. lerms on application. ! Miss Jo sephine Coit, Principal, Miss Eleanor Watson, Assistant. Strayed Light .red heifer. weigm aDout &00 pounds. Re turn to M. L. Jackson for re ward. 1 , For Sale:- A valuable planta wuimuiug aooui 115 acres near uoia Unob postoffico, this county, y i miles south of Salis bury. Apply to Moses Trexler. One Minute Cough j Cure is the only narmiess remedy that pro room and two offices, under opera! duces immediate results. Trv it 1 A . m t -ma 1 1 V Tl.. nouse. . Appiy 10 j. . &, iuarsn. uama jriuuimef . r The Salisbury. Band meets to night in their bajl at 8 o'clock. It is very important that every mem ber be present as business of im portance will be before the band. Madam Rumor has it that there . . is to be a iweudinsr soon, lno bride-to-be is one of our charm ing young ladies and the g room -to-be is also of this city. The many friends; of Mr. Char lie Pace, of the Spencer force, will be sorry to learn that he is quite s!ck at his father's feme wivh ty phoid fever. We hope for him a speedy recovery. ; The Band are expecting their instruments now at any t7ay and they are hard at work to raise the money which will have to be paid on the arrival of the instruments, and to do this they have arranged for a lawn party at the courthouse lawn to-morrow night, and to make this a success and encouraro the boys all should go out to their lawn party and see that they are iberally patronized. eeks to of Mr. Claude ThonipSon T'L.ttn'r. A f tire aiwf ia". - T4o left this m. ybcuuuu. "urnin for Atlantic City and other seaside resorts on the Atlantic. Claude took two cameras and expects to bring back a collection of j beau ties. ' ' . : : T7rw Rpot a-rooms. I corner Clay and Fisher. Mrs. Gbale. For Sale. I have about 25 or 30 pure single comb black mi- norca pullets and 2 cockerels for sale. All pure "Northup" strain. L. R. Webb, Salisbury, N. C. Summer is in full blast, you want a cool place under the trees or on your -porch, to swing your Hammock.; Buerbaum will sell you most any pattern or kind and will srive you 25 per cent, off on any Hammock you buy. Of course Buerbaum keeps oth er things than Hammocks, he has just received an elegant lot of line blown wine glasses at 82.00 and ?J0 Per dozen. i as, lamps go,' Buerbaum , selected ,?rKes assornent of well ' able prloo -ps at the most reafeon' see him m town- 1 Come and Fob Sale My house and lot, on Lee street, centre block. 35 ft. front. 150 ft. back. S. M. Trexler. " Notice. - The new building of Mr. Ed win Shaver on Main street is now about read v for use. Those who have spoken to me about rentiDg the rooms will please call and see me within the. next few days. R. L. Shaver. "Workir rpj , : -ow uiiu jjaj . cver Was n.. Kino-'H 'u.ue is i'i Alow m IS O. cn 1 r" ""Air Coatfvl Rtrenetb,.listlea,v 'rness to 7 . "" into r s. Every i globule of brain-fag into They're wonderful in the healtn. Unly mental building up Sold b; Theo. F. lQuUz . druggies.! y .: S -.

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