I. : YOUNG'S DRUG STORE OFFERS YOU Experienced Service, Pure Drugs AND REASONABLE PRICES, Frosli Turnip:8c3tl -AT- ISENHOUR &. BEAN'S WEATHER FORECAST: Fair to-night and Thursday. VOL. VIII. SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY f , SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. 4 NO. 4 j . ,. j ; ; , ,,,, ; ,.; . ; ' lr r -a -v-; -- a ; II I i A A NO REVIVAL HERE. MR. PEARSON CANNOT COME. The Great Evangelist is Suffering From Heart Trouble. The following item from the .Asheville Citizen will be read with much regret by Dr. Pearson's many, friends in Salisbury, and the many citizens who had anticipated a glorious revival under the Dr's. preaching: Rev. Dr. R. G. Pearson, al though able to be up and about, is suffering from very serious heart trouble. . On the advice of bis physicians, he has canceled his engagement for some months to come, and will spend a season in perfect rest and quite. Dr. Pearson was to have conduct ed a meeting in Salisbury the lat ter part of this month, but will be unable to do so. Chestnut Hill Items. Dr. I. II. Foust is building a store house , on Main street. It will be occupied by Mr. Lutter loh. Mr. M. L. Jackson is! getting ready to open up a meat market next to the new store building. The new Lutheran church is approaching completion. The work of building the new Baptist church on the Hill is about commenced. Mr. W. G. Morgan is building a new store house on Church street just within the city limits and will move his stock of goods from Salisbury into it as soon as completed. The Salisbury cotton mill re sumed work yesterday. Mr. "White Improving Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White re turned yesterday afternon from Salisbury. They were accom panied by their son, Walter, who sustained dangerous injuries ten days ago in a runaway. He is still improving, Mrs. W. H. Hitt and son, of Roanoke, who went to Salisbury last week, came over to spend a few days before going home. Vinston Sentinel. The Stanly Giant Hurt. The Albemarle correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says' of a man who formerly lived in Salis bury: While drilling in the rock in a well a few days ago Will Austin, the Stanly giant, had the misfortune to receive a piece of Steele or stone in his eye. It is feared that he will lose the sight of the injured member. Austin is 6 feet 9 inches in height. Returns Much Improved. Mr. J. L. Ketchie returned yes terday from a stay of ten , days or more at Flat Swamp Springs. He was much improved by his trip we are glad to note. Mr. Manly in Greensboro. Mr. John B. Manly, an expe rienced registered pharmacist, of Salisbury, is holding a temporary position with Grissom & Fordham. Greensboro Telegram. A new lot carpet at Harry's. - Special sale -iof umbrellas parasols at Reid's. and For Rent--7-room house, hot and cold water, bath. House 3 years old. Corner Horah and Jackson sts. Kluttz & Rendleman. The talk of-the town is the low Shoes at lower prices at Harry's. , For Sale A house and lot ad joining the North Side Roller Mill will be sold at public outcry at the court house at 12 m. Satur day, September 8th. Jennie Howard. Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Water guaranteed cure for Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Catarrh, Kid noy and oKin JJiseases focts. per . bottle or six (6) bottles for $4 at W. H. Huff's store. THE LUCKY WINNERS. - : h . I'" r Snencer Outmaved Concord and Could Have Done More- I The I Coned rd Tribune i says of the Spencer-Concord game of ball: Spencer struck town yesterday arrived with of win and did not get we hinted at bat and ball and f full win they did. They the disappointment the other day f but cards so as to throw shuffled their the little duce on the other i fe- low. Throwing sixes themselves i and if ' necessary could have thrown double sixes. Ttiey Ihen went Concord one better and ;quit off leavinsr the score 7 runs to Spencer' credit while Concord i, had to poeke keep quiet, boys and go the little duce and Pick your flint You at 'em again;. 5? will have bet er luck next time. The Colored Tournament. The colored people who attend the State tournaments are of the best elemept of their race. There is seldom any disorder oi; any kind and it is inost probable I that those who come to Salisbury next week will be sober and gentleman- like while h .Lne j mone being secured for O 1. defraying :penses is kept ac- counted for in a business way and there need not be any fear Jof it being misused. j j May go to Richmond. We j understand the Spencer firemen are thinking of going to the tournament at Richmond. The Spencer boys would no doubt make a good showing tt jRich- mond.l Fields Monday Night Al G. Fie ds will be here Mon a national day night. Fields has reputation far giving a clean, up- to-date mins rel and the perform- ance here wi J no doubt be large- y attended. NAME A CANDIDATE. CONVENTION OF THE EIGHTH. A Number Who Want to Succeed the Bull bf the Brushes. The Democratic convention of the Eighth district meets at Lenoir to morrow to select a Congression- ' i ' ; i al nominee. ! I J. C. Bux n, Esq. , of Winston, one of th 3 candidates, passed through this morning, j going to Lenoir to look after his, interests. There are other candidates jamong them.! E. 15. Jones, of Forsyth, Porter Graves, of Surry, J. W. Todd, of Ashe. ex-Senator iW. C Fields, Of i Alleghany x-Cpn-H. Bower dnd W. orrKKmn.n w C. Newland , of Caldwell,1 R. N. Hackett, o I Wilkes, and E. F. Lovell, of . V atausra. 1 Itii Worth a Trial. ! . I - Sassafras oil will destroy all narcotic poison, and all insect and germ' life. believe it will cure bubonic plague, yellow fever and -Jii i lit -i i cholera. have known I bloody flux cured y it in few houpfoed bvMrSvWelney. 12 drops is the maximum jdpse for an adult. There is twd kinds, the L i 1 . 1 i v m. r ... . wnite anu tne reu. ne wnite is almost inert. I believe, however. I : i I - the difference in color is caused by ..... i , i the age of he 6iL The white ' is the new and the red the old. It is worth a trial. I discovered its value in flux accidentally. C. P, $5 Reward For the, Return of white and black setter jdog with my name on collar. Chas. Price. Unheard of Values in low Shoes at Harry's Read This. All those who have not yet paid their city license tax; had better come at once and settle. After ten days' notice warrants will be issued. " Then1 a fine and cost will be added. Respectfully, G H. Shaver, C. T. a Aug. 3Uth, 1900. ! N. Y. REPUBLICANS. ODELL NAMED FOR GOVERNOR. Woodruff for t Lieutenant-Governor-Depew Makes a Speech. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Saratoga, SepL 5. J-Former Governor Black this morning placed B, B. Odell in noinination for Governor at the Republican convention. Odell was unanimous ly. nominated by acclamation. The remainder of the ticket was nomi nated with equal unanimity. T. L. Woodruff, now I Lieut; Governor, was nominated j for that position again by the Republicans here to-day. .- In his speech nominating Wood ruff for Lieutenant Governor. Depew called Bryan a charlatan and said he talked through his nat. ' PERSONAL MENTION. People Who Come and go and Get Their Names in Print. Mr. H. T. Simpson returned yesterday from Asheville. . Mrs. D. W. Snider returned last night from Charlotte. j . Miss Mary Young of Cjoncord, is visiting the Misses Craige. Frank McCubbins, Jr., has gone to Mebane to Bingham school. J. D. Enniss spent yesterday here and left for another trip south. Mr. C. A. Rice wentto New London this morning on business to his shop there. I Dr. J. W. Long's family, who have been visiting at Randleman, have gone to Liberty. Messrs. JT. C. Linn, Theo. F. Kluttz and Kerr Craige returned last night from Blowing Rock. Mrs. L. M. Swink has returned from a visit to Salisbury and Mt. Pleasant. Winston Sentinel. Mr. S. B. ? Lucy, of Richmond, i manager of the Standard machine company, was in tne city to-day. Mr. W. L. Sifferd left last night for Springfield, Ohio. He will enter Wittenberg College at that place. I Miss Vickey Pickler, of Jeru salem, left here this morning on her way to Raleigh to enter the Baptist Female University. Misses Jennie Brown and Nellie Tate went to Lexington this morn ing. Miss Tate goes from Lex- gton to her home in Charlotte. The Charlotte Observer's corre spondent from Monroe, of yes terday, says Mr. Herbert Barrier, of Salisbury, is in the city on business. ; ! Mrs. Fogerty and children, of Clarksville, Tenn., who have been visiting relatives in the city, left this morning for Asheville, on their way home. Miss E. K. Finger, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. H. K. Finger, returned yesterday to her home near Newton, accompa- A Mr. Tuttle, who has. been in the State hospital at Morganton, was taken through to-day to his home in Stokes county. He is in very feeble health . and rested, on a-sfrelfrlrr which was carried in the baggagd car.- $3.00 Oxfords for $2.00 at Har ry's. Boarders Mrs. accommodate a few Laithrell can more gentle men boarders; 2 blocks fountain, E. Main street. from Prof . Lippard will take 10 more bright boys and girls in type writing. Young people wishing business course should begin at once. For Sale Eagle bicycle, near ly new, two repeating rifles and two complete graphophonet out fits. Call on or address R. Peeler, Excelsior Studio, Salisbury, TNr C. RRTII IGER. Wedding at theBaptiat Parsonage To Night at 7:30 o'Clock. . . Mr. S. A. Peterson and. Miss Lilly Bar ringer are to b& married at the Baptist - parsonage this evening at 7 :30, Rev,. M, E. Par rish ofliciating. - : - -Mr. Peterson's home is at Hick ory but he has been living in 'Sal isbury since February." Miss Barringer is the daughter "of Mr. C. E. Barringer, of the National hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. Peterson will live in Salisbury awhile before going to Hickory, their - future home. - CONCORD PRESBYTERY. What Was Done at the Special Session in Statesville. V Speaking of the called meeting of Concord Presbytery "at ' States ville the Landmark says: .: Concord Presbytery met here yesterday in a called session. The meeting was 'presided? "over by Rev. W. WPharr, D.: D., and thefoDowing were present: Revs. J. Rumple, D. D., JnoJ Wakefield W. R. McLelIand, J. E. Summers, W. C. Brown and C. A. Munroe, and Ruling Elders McKay, of Marion, and Sherrell, ' of States ville. ', Marion church was !given per mission to prosecute a call .for the pastoral services of Rev; W. S. Wilson, of Montgomery Presby tery, Virginia. Rev. J no. A: Scott, - the . new president of the Female Seminary here, was received from . Tuska loosa Presbytery of Alabama. Mr. W. E. Phifer," of States ville, after being examined, was taken under the care of Presby tery as a candidate for tbe gospel ministry. There were r no other matters of business transacted and Presbytery adjourned yesterday afternoon. TO ARRANGE PLAN. THE SENATORIAL j PRIMARY. Committee Meets to Provide Machin ery for Holding it. There will be a meeting of the State Democratic Executive com mittee in the city of Raleigh,, in the Senate Chamber, this evening, at 8:30 o'clock, for the purpose of providing machinery for holding the Senatorial primary as pre scribed in the resolution ; of the late State convention, and for the transaction of other business con nected with the national cam paign. The members of the committee from this, the Seventh district, are: C. W. 'Boshamer, States ville, R. L. Pickens, Lexington, Paul B. Means, Concord, W. H. Williams, Yadkin. Ice Cream. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church at Woodside will have an ice cream supper at the church Wednesday, of next week, the 12th, at 6 p. m. Creditable to Salisbury, The Salisbury Sun has .entered on its eigntn volume, it .is a bright and live daily, creditable to Salisbury. Raleigh News and Observer. Moved. Mrs. Barringer: has moved from East Salisbury into the Murphy house on lnniss street. School Books J ust received a fresh lot of school books which will be sold cheap for cash at En niss' drug store. J High grade foot wear- at Rock bottom prices at Harry s. Dr. W. H. Wakeneld, of Char loUeN.:C.wilibe in Salisbury, at Central Hotel, on Friday, Sep tember 21st, for one day only, His practice is limited to Eve lEar, Nose and Throat, PETERSON-BA DEFY THE POWERS. EMPRESS ISSUES AN EDICT. Wants to Push the War and Get Vengeance from the Allies. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. J Shanghai; Sept. 5- The Em press Dowager defies the allied army of Europe. She will have no peaceshe lis for a war of ven geance. ' The edict of defiance signed by the Empress at Tsi Tuan Fu on August 20, has just appeared here! In it the viceroys are exhorted to unite and avenge the 'wrongs done China arid are ordered to raise taxes and enroll troops in order to prosecute the war upon the allies. In the whole edict she breathes definite and un dying hate of foreigners. She explain to the viceroys that the court fled f rom Pekin because it was feared he christians would kill the Empress. London, Sept. 5. No official announcement is yet forth conJing here regarding the decision of "the powers. : But there are sugges tions of a compromise on the proposition now under considera tion. '' ri ; In the meanwhile there is little authority indicating that the Em-1 press Dowager is ready to treat) for peace even if the allies reach an agreement in regard to the best way to open negotiations. On the contrary many rumors gathered at Shanghai suggest that she is carrying on the anti-foreign policy with increased zeal. London,- Sept. 5. A despatch from Pretoria says Dewet cap tured a British train in the neigh borhood of Kroonstand securing forty-four car loads of supplies. Washington, September 5. A ; , cabiegratn.t i was ? sent .Gen. Chaffee to day advising him of pending negotiations for joint occupationi Iof Pekin or joint withdrawal j therefrom and in structiona were . given to him to remain until further notice. He is ordered to be in readiness for prompt retirement if that "course is adopted, j LOST IN CATACOMBS. Young American Students Come Near Loosing Their Lives. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Rome, Septembers.- American students "who were lost in the Catacombs were found this morn ing in a remote recess. Searching parties hunted in the Catacombs all night: !rhe young men were in a deplorable condition. Plague Spread Checked. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. . Glasgow,. Sept. 5. The plague spread appears to have been check ed. There are no new cases to day and patients in the hospitals are progressing favorably. Of four, suspect cases diagnosis has proven that two are not suffering from plague symptoms. Eight cases are now under observation. WEDDING AT HIGH NOON, Couple From Enoch ville Married at the Court House To-Day. Mr. 1 Edgar Weddington and Mrs. Carrie Shean; Mr. Mack Overcasli and Miss Maggie Petrea; Mr. J. Zeigler and Miss Maggie vveddington orove in irom nnocn Ville this morning and alighted at Foreman s stable. They soon repaired to the court house wnere, at high noon, in the office of the clerk of the court, Mr, Weddington and Mrs. Shean were declared husband and wife by Esquire Andrew Murphy. The wedding party returned to Enoch ville this afternoon A full line wool carpet at Har Prof. '., Lippard has his school well organized now and: is giving his students excellent advantages. Bright, talented students received. ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ingsinand About Salisbury Mrs. C. W. Poole is quite sick. Sam Carter, of Kluttz' drug store, is kept at home by sickness. Robt. Hopkins has accepted a position at Kluttz & Rendleman's. w- 4. u ij i c u u. meeting at the Baptist church to- xnere wm oe usual Draver- iinrn r Mr. Solomon Morgan' is quite sick with fever at his son's home in the north ward. rm our advertisements to our 6hoes you will find that they match. Burt Shoe Co. Ihe Eurydice Club will meet with Miss Lillian Foust at 5 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Several Salisburians went to Barber's J unction this morninsr to catch the Wilmington excur sion. The west bound passenger train had an extra car this morning a freight car filled with beer for Memphis. ' - Mr., Jas.; F. Cuthrell and family, of Raleigh, are visiting relatives in the city. . Mr. Cuthrell is in ill health and hopes to recuperate here."-- ' ' .... ' , W. H. Wallace quotes some ex- ceedingly low prices on groceries to day. Watch his ad. regularly for quotations. It will save . you money. ' . . Prof. J. II. Lippard returned to Salisbury this morning. Mr. Lippard is running two schools now, one in Salisbury and one here. He will'divide his time be tween.the two schools. Concord Standard. ; Jojin Brown .went to Davidson College 4his mprning to resume his studies. .; John has done some good workfor'the " Salisbury baseball team during the summer and he will be missed if any more games are played. SEWALL IS DEAD. APOPLEXY WAS THE ' CAUSE. Mr. Bryan's Former Running Passes Away. Mate SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Portland, Me., September 5- ship Arthur .Sewall, the .Sewall, the great owner ana tne uemocratic candi date for vice-president on the ticket with Mr. Bryan . in 1896, died at Bath this morning at 8:30 after a severe attack of apoplexy. Coincident with the death of Mr. Sewall was the death of Gar rett A. Hobert, who was Sewall's opponent in the campaign of '96 and who was elected on the ticket with McKinley. Both men died before the the term . of office, for which they ran, had expired. Many were the orders given at Burt's shoe store yesterday for the celebrated 'Stetson" patent kid shoes. Mr. Brooks was busy from morning till night writing down orders, and would have taken even more orders still but for his-haying to leave on the 8 o'clock train. He decided, how ever, to return a little, later in the season and give Salisbury a day. The Salisbury Band is making a splendid start, the boys are fast learning and from the present out look we will have music by the band, soon. V No Doubt You are tired of hearing about discounts on hammocks, so Buer baum procured something entire ly new. . Souvenir China, genuine i 1 l carisDaa, stricny ior souvenirs in prices ranging from fifteen cents to one dollar, handsomely decorated three Salisbury views, the court house, the Presbyterian church and the monument at the Federal cemetery. No trouble to show the goods. They are in cake plates, plates, bread and butter saucers, trays, match safes, stamp cases, sugar and creams, vaces, jewelry cases, bonbons, hair receivers, etc. , Buerbaum has slso a full line of plain white granite crockery on hand, full line, reasonable prices S. S. CONVENTION. THE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Full Report Sunday of the Rowan County School Convention. The Rowan County Sunday School Convention met ' in - Thy- ratira church on August 30, 1000. , vt t a i ' Fisher, called, the convention- to order. A son service by the choir, and the Rev. J. A. Gilmer read .a selection of Scripture and lead in prayer. A song service by the choir and the Rev. J. A. Gilmer delivered a beautiful ad dress welcoming the members of the convention to the church and to the hospitality of the- homes of its members. The Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly re sponded to the generous and cor dial greeting of Rev. Gilmer, in a spirited and fraternal manner. The president appointed Capt. John A. Ramsay, Hon. S. A, Earnhart and Mr. Walter Good- man a committee to enroll tne del egates. . The committee called the roll of schools in the county and made a record of the delegates. The reading of the minutes of the last convention was dispensed with. The president appointed Mr. Edwin Shaver, Rev. John Wake field, Mr. Joseph Eagle, Hon.S. A. Earnhart and Re v.J.'M. L. Ly erly a committee to nominate offi cers for the convention. He also appointed Mr. T. P. .Johnston, Mr; A. W. Kluttz and Mr. J. A. Bost a committee on resolutions, and "Mr; H. T. Graeber, Mr. T. Johnston and Hon. S. A. Earn hart an auditing commtttee. The treasurer, Mr. W L. Kluttz, read his report, which -vvaa received and referred to tue audit ing committee. Rev. John Wakefield for his committee reported the following nominations: For president Prof Walter A. Goodman; for Statistical. Secretary, John A. Ramsiy; for Assistant . Secre tary, Miss Margaret Houck; for Treasurer, W. L. Kluttz. .' The convention received and adopted the report of the com mittee unanimously and on motion the committee was discharged. The president called on the del egates to the convention for fivo minute reports from their schools and directed the secretary to call the roll of the schools of the coun ty. The delegates reported as follows: Bethany church, G. R., . report ed by G. C. Fisher 8 officers and teachers, 100 scholars enrolled open 12 months. : Mount Hope, G. R., reported by Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly Officers and teachers 6, scholars enrolled 60, open 9 months. No additions to church from school, have C5 books in Library. Grace, R., (Gold Hill) re ported 16 officers and teachers. 220 scholars enrolled. Mount Zion, G. R., reported by L. E. Fleming 9 officers and teachers, scholars enrolled 100. Christ church, Lutheran, re ported by J. D. Ketchie officers and teachers 11, scholars enrolled 35, open 12 months. Concordia, Lutheran, reported by C. H. Bost officers and teach ers 7, scholars enrolled 70, open 8 months. ' Grace, Lutheran, reported by Mr. J. G. Patterson officers and teachers 16, scholars enrolled 190, open nine months. Organ, Lutheran, reported by A.' W. Kluttz, Esq. officers and teachers 14, scholars enrolled 220, open 12 months. Reports increased interest and some new methods in teaching. Ebenezer,Lutheran, reported by H. T. Graeber, Esq. officers and teachers 12, scholars enrolled 90, average attendance 57. A brief history of this Sunday school from its organization to the present; and the marked difference in meth- CONTINUED ON rOURTII PAGE.