a.. : ' '- ' - , t -' Hit' fLUY.'ERb UOLLLCTIO:; Frosli Turnip 2oo0 ; at ISENHOUR & BEAN'S m . "N- v. YOUNG'S I BU O ST O TZ 13 OFFERS YOU ; Experienced Service, Pure Drugs AND REASONABLE PRICES. o- WEATHER FQBECASTi Fair to night and Tuesday. Larger circulation. tbin a'njr other t?aper eyer publisheiMn Salisbury SALISBURY, N. , "MONDAY, FVENING, ' SEPTEMBER 10,. 1900'.: V0L VIII. '"NO. S ' v T-r A lii v t t I A II I t 1 ' NZi rt I - r I Ifcar' I iVJ- I . I 1 I I I I T H COLORED FIREL1EN. 11TH ANNUAL CONVENTION Tournament Thia Week The Eaces " and Prizes. The eleventh Annual Conveu- tion of the North Carolina State Firemen's Association (colored) convenes in the court house in Salisbury to- morrow morning. There is prospects of a large at tendance upon the convention and tournament. ! The program as given by the officials, but subject to change, s published below: " TUESDAY. Reception of delegates and .visit .ing firemen." " 9:30, a. m. CJonvention called to order by the president. Prayer. Address of Welcome. Response. Reading of Constitution and By - Laws. . Annual address of President. Object of Association. - . "; ' WEDNESDAY. 9:00 a. m. Hand Engine Con test. 4: p. m. Hose Reel Contest. .; THURSDAY. 9:00 a. m. ! Hook - and Ladder Contest ! 10:00 a. m. j Wheelbarrow con test. . Potato Race. Sack Race. Individual Foot Race. 3:00 p. m. ! Cirab Reel Contest. 4:00 p. m. j Championship con test. . WILL NOT VOLUNTEER. Would-Be Soldiers Can Not go to For . to Rico, Says Capt. Vance. -r ;.Eight youn muxt ;of thei city ' r contemplated volunteering in Un--cle Sam's army-in Porto Rico, but V they have given up the idea. Capt. Vance, in charge of the recruiting officers in this State, wrote the boys Saturday that no volunteers were wanted for Porto Rico and that he could not assure them that they could all get in the same company. So the boys will remain at home. To Open a Feed Store. Mr. J. P. Harper, the well known horse man of Tennessee, will open a feed store in the new brick building, now being erected by Mr. E. K. James, adjoining his livery stable, on Inniss street. The store house is expected to be completed in about a month, when he will commence business. Furniture Factory for China Grove. A gentleman from China Grove in the city tp-day, tells us that a furniture factory is in view for that place is well under way. . Dr. Ramseur, he says, is fyead of the enterprise and it is expected that enough j capital will soon bt raised to organize a company. J Harried. At the residence of Mr. Jno. ' Beard, Sept. 9th, Jacob H. Eury and Miss Maggie Sheets by Jno. lieard, Esq. Mr. Eury is from Concord; MissSheets from Rowan. Sunday School Celebration. ' Vance Mill Sunday schools will have f. celebration on Friday, Sep tember 14, and all Sunday schools are invited to come and bring bask ets. Come one, come all, and let us have a good time together and enjoy the day with each other as in times of old. Hon. John S, Henderson and John M. Julian and" Others will speak ofllro -occasion. i - nt i'O.'A. Nash, Supt. tis t i s1:t Lee Dearman. Asst. Sunt. Special sale of umbrellas and Mrs. R. J. Barringer can ac commodate a few more gentle men boarders, Inniss street. - i For Rent 4-room cottage, near depot WhitIockiSKainey7s store E AMES HERE. Night from Arizona to Spend a Month or so. Mrl E. Eatoes arrived last night from Arizona and -will spend month or so here and at New Lon don, i Mr. Eamea is interested in min ing in Arizona and the experiences he relates to friends are very; inter esting. L . J ' On the wav. home Mri Eames ran into a wrtion of the storm that has done so much work of de vastation on the ffulf coast, but the train he was on did not suffer any serious damage. 4 . Mr. ; Frank Lloyd was left m charge of thel mines by Mr. Eames. Mr. Lloyd, like Mr. Eames, is much in lovp rwith his adopted home in Arizona. PASTORS' ASSOCIATION. Met This Morning Dr. Pearson s ' i Letier Discussed, f -The Pastors' Association met at ten o clock his morning at "Dr. Rumple's stuy - i XL. was fiaeriiiiiietiio jijxu wnu the erection of the tatrnacle, and since Dr..Pfciron cannot! be - with us it was decided, if possible, to secure soma one else to j conduct In the meantime the tabernacle is. al- the meeting the work on ready under Fay,... .- i;-;-: ;; Dr. Pearson's letter was read at the meeting this morning and there was a general expression of regret that1 he -Dr. is unable to come here. Mrs. Donnelly .Seriously 111.: Mr.! J. J I Donnelly, left last night for. Clifton Forge;, Va., in answer to a message announcing that Mrs. Donnelly was seriously ill at that place. .Mrs,; Donnelly bs'l-bcca Viwiijr-iu VcsCV'irginia. and wasfc 6n her way homeTwhen she" was taken sick and had to leave the tra n at Clifton Forge. Will Soon Be Organized A council bf J. O. U; A. M. will probably soon be organized at St Paul's church, foijr and a half miles in tne country, a meeting was held Saturday night member wa lacking and only- one to secure a warrant. It is thought it will be but a short while before a council can oe organizep uero. Banner Societies. The Womi an's Missionary So- ciety of St, John's Church, this city, was tne banner society of the N. C. Lutheran" synod, as shown by r eports at the recent meeting of ties, j The St. John's f:he missionary socie- was also the banner children's sd ciety of the ! synod. ! Mr. Brown to? go North. Mri Frank R. Brown J buyer for northern Reid's, leaves for the markets td-night. Mr. Brown will stop in Balti more Philadelphia andjNew York and will make a short, visit to friends in iew Jersey. Building Repainted. The building occupied by Mrs. B. D. Hurley, - milliner.' and Mr. Williams' nicycle shop j on Fisher street, has been repainted, adding greatly to i s appearance. League To-night. The Epwbrth League meets to night in regular weekly meeting at the Methodist churcru Carriage and Buggy Any one wishing a r ice street carriage or a nice horse imd buggy 4an get it by phoning n e at my house, phone Uo. ! i J . V . JjAKRLNGER, J r. 3 , . Poisonous tqadsoolsj resembling mushroom s have caused fre- quent deaths this year. Be only the gehufne. . Ub- ask : for beyitt's Witch Hazel oaive. j.aere are poisonous coun terfeitsJeiWitt's is th'e only origi Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. James Plum mer. MR" R Arrived Last TWO FIELDS' MINSTRELS. 1 Only a Part of Al Fields' Compaiy in Salisbury. There are two Al. G. Fields? minstrels in the State. Wednes- day night one played" at Danville,'j the other in Charlotte. Thursday one - was in Raleigh, the other Martinsville. Friday one was in Asheville, the. other in -Winston. Al. G. Fields was with the compa ny that played ; in Charlotte and Asheville. He did not come here. Winston Journal. The papers at Raleigh, Charlotte and Asheville, where Fields' main compariy'appeared, were high in praise of the performance. The Salisbury public was left to be lieve that this was the company to appear here to-night and the sale of reserved seats has been very good seats selling for $1. The band which v appeared on Lthe struets "at noon played good music and the minstrel will prob ably be as good as the average run of minstrels but-it is "not Al G. Fields great minstrels and the public need not -go expecting to see Fields. . - MR. W0RTHAM PROMOTED. Appointed Foreman of Seima Friends Extend Him Best Wishes. . Mf.J. O. Wortham has been appointed foreman at Selma, N. C, for the Southern Railway to take the place of Mr. Brown, who succeeds Mr. Sidel at Spencer Mr. Wortham came to Spencer from Virginia about three years ago. Since then he has worked about one year for. the S.r A. L; at Portsmouth, Va. - V i Mr. - Wortham is one of the Southern's most comnetant and popular machinists. c He gaes - to h:3-nc u:L:cn with the liest "wishes, bf - his many" friends at Spencer,' and in Salis bury. ; . , ' ALONG FALL. Mr. Myers Falls Down Gold Hill. a Shaft at Mr. Willi Myers fell down a shaft at Gold Hill Saturday even ing, falling a distance of nearly 100 feet He was bruised up con siderably his ankle and knee were broken and a iaw bone broken in two places. ; A phone message from Gold Hill this afternoon states that Mr. Myers is resting very well. Union Picnic Thursday. The Sunday schools of Bethel and St. Paul, in the county, will have a union picnic at Woodside Thursday. The members of both schools anticipate a pleasant time clambering ; over the adjacent quarries, and Jin other social amusement.! A basket dinner will be spread. Moving. Frank Glover will move soon into his new house on East Inniss street. " J. T. Harrison has moved into the house on Council street below Mr. J. A. Mahaley's.- 1 House for rent Apply to A. S. Heilig. For Sale Eagle bicycle, near ly new, two repeating rifles and two complete graphophone out fits. Call on or address R. Peeler, Excelsior Studio, Salisbury, N. C. Notice Fine opening for sever al boys and young men who wish to learn a good business. Apply at Salisbury Hosiery Mtlls. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Salisbury, at Central Hotel, on Friday, Sep tember 21st, for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, H.ar, JNose anu lnroat Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Water guaranteed cure for Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Catarrh, Kid- ney anu oKin uiseases &cts. per bottle or six (6) bottles for $4 at W, H. Huff's store. You can spell cough, coff, caugh, kauf , kaff, kough, or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute WORK. 0 vYSTORlX 3r GALVESTON WORSTr SUFFERER- Ths West - India ' Hurricane Leaves Death and 'Dijtruclibn in its . ' 'Pftthuur -'is V Mod-' : , ",ies VTr-'t ashoreJ - v 4 special ...tccjaily; sun; . -t .i. - v ' . The Westinduia . storm, "'-whichJ has been blowing for several days,- reached the gulr coast of lexas Saturday and : wjebught great dam age to. Galvestofli and . surround ing country, , thousands of lives. being lost in Galyeston alone. " ;- ", New. York beptlOi A . special to the World frpi Austin.,. Tex. says 5,000 lives are, jiow believed to have been lost?ri the West India hurricane. . Property - damaged at Galveston is jplacef at teti -million dollars The de?truption of the rice and cotton crops atnount : to five million dollars:" ' - " Governor1 payers f admits- that his estimate-'telegraphed "at- raid- night of three -it n-cand - uead at Galveston may Qay tel oniy half-of the . -V -J:.------. - terrible story. At midnight, ttvelve "hundred bodies haJ"washeT ashore at v-Vir ginia Point .Stea'ers-laden with water and'physiciaasnof t Houston at day breik for GatVesonk "C' 1 1 ! nunareu were aiuwneaiyi druwnedUyid ten minion dollars worm tdi if -i n ' ' . 'mi t Eroprt7j destroyed. " . Nqt K builliijg4?e -puamage. . A bath houses on the beach were destroyed and their attendants drowned. The Seely hospital was destroy ed and most of the patients were drowned. The Ball high school and Rosen berg school are in ruins and many who took refuge in ; them were ost . ; . v-7 ; ::.,'., '..": - Eight big steamships' in port were wrecked, All three of the railroad bridges and all county bridges Vere swept away and their keepers and famil ies drowned. The loss of life is appalling, the entire island submerged. Water is eight feet deep in Tremont avenue at probably -".the highest point in the city. I , Dallas, Tex. Sept. 10. From six nundred to a thousand, were killed and the city almost ruined; the wharf front is gone and every ocean steamer stranded; death and destruction are on every hand, with a money loss that cannot be estimated now, as the result of the hurricane at Galveston. Estimates vary between the figures named, but the accurate count of .the dead is impossible and the real number killed by the storm will never be known. From Tremont to P.' street thence to the beach not a vestage of a residence is left: The steam ship, Alamo, lies on top of Mallo- ry wharf and a big English steam- er, cotton laden, was driven ashore at Texas City. Other ves sels are aground in various parts of the bay and some are hopeless ly wrecked. Austin, Sept 10. After twen ty-six hours of isolation a brief communication with Galveston was had late last night by a messen ger, landed on the mainland by a schooner which braved the waves. The messenger brought infor mation that the total number of lives lost was fully fifteen hun dred and most of the residences washed away. The business part of the city is still standing though many buildings were badly dam aged. The scene of death and destruction were horrible to wit ness. ' De WittVLfttlef irjy Risers are promptrpalatatbfe, "pleasant, pow erful: purifying little pills." James Houston, . Sept. 10.- YUdiUoiiHorthirnoticS! ti' - rv , u ' 4i t-Orur.timo!a:VeloJli4. STRIKE NOTONJ - Coal , Worbtrs. in Pennsylvania Con v - 'tlnue at Their Posts. : " ;sbecia to daily sun. W.ilkesbarre, Penn. Sept 10. InateatUpf : being' tied up by the strike' as-expected the " mines throughout Jhe anthracite 1ion frere working ihis mornmgJev eral thousand men had taken -out their -jtoolturday night expect Log a stride hilt they to-daj' obeyed f3 orders, Of their : leaders''and re ;:: J to work',1 - ABOUT- THI3 rClTTi OneratBummaryr crXccal ;Happeni -:-?inj Inland About Salisbury; t - rV ''5.; v -fc-".- '" sick with fever is'abia to be o(5t Mr. . B4- Q. ; Pearson' "' as 1 taken ."Que"ien.4tftoy;!3 Boe f qr wo men TeprjbtbheVfc art n CoVT 'Chmjlirdveii : has 1 V n dfs- sbl ed vi gee notic(.thspLi b.S. :' -LatliesJA gloves is ifEatJJS" lvdspeaksf-m Itd-y; jf -f'y c-i': V u Vj Everyvbtnau in JSalisl . y should read iX&CJ i?: .: .AnmbreHa -tosl Vf the jUiiw-fbar berr shoDast . vc 0'nercaiClget? samev -By ; ying galf U: a'Jiu mmerSlr. wif r'mat . j - --.v. - - . " other. l 3.50 shoe ''&vi, ha seen. Burt i .o Co. - '" the" " agency for .the" celebrated "Mundell School Shoe" and carry a full and up-to-date line. Mr. Bed Cauble was taken sick yesterday and for a while was in a critical condition. ' A physician was called in and Mr. Cauble was soon relieved. - Mr. Henry Shaw has been su perintending the remodeling and repairs atjMr. T. H. Vanderford's nouse on: Jbuiton street. -The house has been much improved by the work done. The Robert F. Hoke chapter U. D. C. will meet at Mrs. T. B, Beall's on Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. This is an import ant meeting.and all the members are requested to be present. Mr. Livengood Hurt. Mr. H; S. Livengood one of the carpenters at the Southern shops while at work on a box car to-day slipped and fell, his chest falling across a; cast Dumper knocking him senseless for awhile and bruis ing him considerable, , He was up town this afternoon to have a physician attend him. Mr. McNeely' s Reputation. The Mooresville Enterprise, speaking of the new Bank of Mooresville, mentioned last week, say 8 of Mr. McNeely, at present assistant cashier of the Salisbury Savings Bank: Mr. Clarence P. McNeely, 'the cashier, is a home boy whom we all know, and who has won for r f - himself an enviable reputation in the handling of monies and collat eral which has placed him in the responsible and trusted position he now holds . and which will bring him to us again. For Sale 100 bushels clean Seed Rye J. M. Harrison, 1 Mill Bridge, N. C. j Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of iov. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures, them, -also Old Run ning and: Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felon, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises. Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands' Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and AchesJ Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Theo. F fcluttz & Co., druggists. 8dddenr.serioUs!yMlili8mbri Mundell's schqphpes are "for. $ale "at PeteTs6n liulf s. ? See their" new; Iid4iL'ihi8:!p'ape';''-"' MURPHY TUND OVER. In Bond of $250 Preliminary Hear- ing This Morning-.; "George Murphy charged with assaulting Jhis uncle, Mr. G. W. Wright, wasgiven a preliminary hearing before Mayor Lord ivis morning" at 10 o'clock? - S t Mr. L: S. . Overman appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Kerr Craige appeared for the defendant.- ;..- . ' Therje were three cases assault with deadly .weapon, carrying a concealed weapon7 and - assaulting Mrs."Wright. In th,e last named case a nol pros was -taken, there being no evidence that Murphy hit Irs. - Wright. Examination ' was waived in the carrying concealed weapon case ancKhe' hearing was on the assault with ileadlyweapon. Dr. Flippin and Mr. Farmerwere examined on the part of the prose cuticm and Murphy took thestand for himself, v ', i ri-v v-.; ; The mayor required ;af bon,d. of $25. ; A. bond of 25l?was re quiretl. in the - case; of vs carrying concealed" weapon. j Both- bonds were given. : : - V A Robbery.- ? t - -V - ' Mr.' W. H. Owens, who lives on Chestnut HUlp-.was robbed "of $1? .75 omer lime yesterday, Mr.- -0 y8-u drPve Mr. Rowan O out to see his- uricle, i wens, six mile? from the .city, during the day. Return ing late in the afternoqu ho came by his home to'get money to pay for his team and found his room land.trunk. -:open and his. money gone Ie.says - He lef t hisjcxiom Ibcked but. that it was opened ' in his absetfcevL He. has anidea the. thief -is, "he says, :hnatr has- bo positive yidencefof he; par tyvctV Mr. Wright's Child Dead. Thomas Milton Wakefield Wright, infant of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wright, died this morning at 11:15 'o'clock, after being seriously ill for two months. The little one's age was ten months and six days. The funeral will be conducted from the Baptist church to-morrow afternoon 4:30 o'clock and the interment made in the Salisbury cemetery. Pallbearers are Clar ence McNeely, James McCorkle, Harry Uzzle and Mr. Tucker. Playing Cards on Sunday. Several officers formed1 a sur- prise party yesterday morning. In the wee sma' hours they tum bled in a window and surprised a number of white men playing poker. v No money was in sight and there was no charge of gambling, but the men were violating a law by playing on Sunday and bonds were required of them. The city treasury was considerably en riched by the bonds as the men never came up for trial. Help the Firemen. Donations left at the Sun office or at Mr. C. H. Swink's will be properly used towards defraying the expenses of the colored fire men's tournament ) - The grand stand to be used at the races of the tournament was built to-day in front of Mr. T. P. Johnston's, on Main street. The race track is the same used by the white firemen several years ago. For Sale Second-hand riage; apply at Sun office. car- No Doubt You are tired of hearing about discounts on hammocks, so Buer baum procured something entire ly new. Souvenir Cnma, genuine carlsbad, strictly for "souvenirs, in prices ranging from fifteen cents to one dollar, handsomely decorated three Salisbury views, the court house, the Presbyterian church and the monument at the Federal cemetery. No trouble to show the goods. They are in cake plates, plates, bread and butter saucers, trays, match safes, stamp cases, sugar and creams, vaces, jewelry cases, bonbons, hair receivers, etc. Buerbaum has slso a full line of plain white granite crockery on hand, full line, reasonable prices. THE TAX RETURNS. ROWAN'S TAXABLE PROPERTY. The Number and Value of Land, Stock, Etc. r- The totals of the tax returns as summed up in Register of Deeds Woodson's office show some interesting facts about the county. ' From these jeturns we get the fol- . lowing items: -There are 3655 white polls and 912 colored polls. Number of acres of land 313 265; value of land $1,950,059. -Value of mineral, quarry and timber lands $5,650. . Number of town lot? 2,417; value of town lots $1,386755.. Number of horses 3,949; value of horses $153,198. Number of mules 2,06S; value of mules $76,801. - Number of jacks and jennies 13; . value $526. Number of goats 93; value $87. Number of cattle 8,031; value $74,589. . . Number of hogs 10,233; value - $25,118. Number of sheep 1,786; value $1,763. Value of farming utensils $oS,- 538. - ' Value of mechanics tools $5,- 881. r- VaTue of .household and kitchen furniture $136,802. . Value of provisions $24,o02. Valued of lirearms' $5,824. . Valua of libraries $7,229. ' i aiue of- scientific instruments $7,322. Money bu hand $128,697. Solvent credits $423,035. ' Value of cottbn $19,843. t Value of tobacco $26. . ; CV"aluo of brandy and w hiskey $o,ir2. ---- v "Value qf musical instruments $28,753. "'V '' Number of bicycles 361 ; value , 4,2S5.: r - Value of plated and silver ware $2,335. ' Value of watches and jewelry $14,770. Value of all other personal prop erty $918,729. Aggregate value of real anu per sonal property, white, $5,327,475. Colored, $161,986. ; PERSONAL MENTION. People Who Come and go and Get Their Names in Print. Will Steele, of Charlotte, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Geo. Beaver, returned to. Cooleemee to-day. Dr. W. W. McKenzie went to Black Mountain this morning. Mr. W. G. Patterson, of China Grove, was in the city this morn ing. . Sam Murr, of Concord, was here Saturday night on his way to Richmond to work. - ! Mrs. Martha Trott and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lentz returned to , Charlotte this morning. Miss Carrie Peacock left this morning for Mt. Pleasant to enter Mont Amjena Seminary. Mr. G. H. Weddington came over this morning from China Grove and spent part of to-day in the city. Miss Agnes Dunlap, of Nor wood, was here this morning on. her way to Greensboro to attend school. Mr. J. E. Hennessee's fami ly returned this morning from the mountains where they spent the summer. Miss Mary Seaford, of Davie county, is visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Workman, on east Council street Julian Busby returned Saturday night from Asheville. He leaves in about ten days for-Richmond to enter the1 University Medical School. Mrs. Jim Day vault, of Concord, spent yesterday in the city with Mrs. Rhodes Guffy, who is quite sick. Mrs. Dayvault is a sister to Mr. Guffy. The emergency bags sent by a church society to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines contained among the necessities a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure for piles, inju ries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve knowing that all the counterfeits are worthless. James Plummer. Cough Cure. James Plummer. . ; '. ''.!