YOUNG'S; V rnuci STORE OFFERS YOU Experienced Service, Pure Drugs AND REASONABLE TRICES. Fresh Turnip Sood AT ISENH0UR& BEAN'S WEATHER FORECASTt Occasional showers to-night and Saturday. Larger circulation than any other paper ever published in Salisbury. VOL. Yin. SALISBURY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1900. NO. 30 REYNOLDS-BERNHARDT. Invitations for Wedding of a Popular, Friends of the contracting par ties have received invitations read ing as follows: y Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bernhardt invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Arthur Eugene Reynolds, -Thursday evening, October the eighteenth, at eight o'clock. St John's -' Evangelical Lutheran church, Salisbury, N. C. Miss Bernhardt is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bernhardt and is a young lady of many charms. Mr. Reynolds made his home in Salisbury some months ago and during his stay here has made many friends. He is a member of I the firm of Reynolds & McMichael, brick and tile manufacturers. The young couple will have the best wishes of a host of friends. A GOOD SHOW COMING. Trof. Gentry f Comei With His Dogs and Ponies Soon. Prof. Gentry's famous dog and pony show will exhibit in this city Saturday, October 13. It is a good show and thoroughly worth attending, xne enure iraiu-ioaa of animals which include the new features for this year have all been trained to perform some new act which entirely eclipses all their former efforts. Prof. Gen try's show this year is twice its former wze and better than ever before. Buis show ground at 2:30 and 8 p. m. Admission, Children 15c Adults 25 cents. Fr&ctured Skull y a PaU. MrTirrtaiTaceror Enoch" ville. fell from his wagon Tues- day and received a severe injury. He lost his balance reaching for his break that caused him to fall. He got home and put up his stock before sending for the doctor who on examination found the skull fractured. Concord Stand ard. . Threshed 24,845 Bushels. The Concord Standard is inform ed that Messrs. H. II. Overcash and G. W. Wright, of the Enoch ville neighborhood, have a No. 4 Geiser thresher, run by steam power. They threshed this year 24,845 bushels of wheat and 800 bushels of oats. Henry Austin Clapp Again. Mr. Henry Austin Clapp, of Boston, Shakesperian lecturer, will be here on some date between the 20th and 24th inst., under the auspices of the Salisbury and Christian Reid Book Clubs. This is Mr. Clapp's second appearance in Salisbury. Salisbury corres pondent Charlotte' Observer. Meat and Fish Market. Mr. S. J. Swicegood and Mr. J. A. Barrett will shortly open a meat and fish market in the Wood son & Shaver building on . Fisher street. Good for the Citizens. The soliciting committee se cured a hundred baskets for the old veterans without being turned away by any one. . Expression of Thanks- 1 desire to publicly express my heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness shown dur inc the sickness and death oi my little child. !" . Mrs. W. A. Fraley. Fine Spring Lamb, Mutton, mr 1 J r 4... 1 .f.l WbZZZ rod Bee?,' at Jackson's Market. Lost: Cn the street, a pocket hook containing some articles val ued by the owner. A suitable re ward will be paid if left at the of fice of J. o. McCubbins, Jr. For Rent Two cottages. Long drppt Snencer. AppIv to J. A. - -w Summers. f " MEET. S WERE APPOINTED Officers Mutt Report Monthly Sewer to be put in on or Before April 1. The city a dermen met in regu Uar session list night. Mr. W. V. L. to mi Rankin, recently elected to fill the place of Hon John S. Henderson, resigned, was sworn in alderman. iieporte ot committees were called. These being of an incom plete character, the clerk, on mo tion, was instructed to notify the Treasurer aiid City Tax Collector to have their reports ready and send them in 1 on the morning of the day of the first regular month ly meeting, h Mayor Lota reappointed the va rious j committees for the city. The sewerage ordinance, en forcing all of the residences and business hoi lses on the first four blocks of the city to put in sewer age on or b if ore April 1st, 1901, passed its second and final reading. The ordinance requiring citizens to secure nermits from the citv to bnild residences nassed its final reading. i RiahtV warranted a nartv to place a seweLge through the alley next the opera house from Main to Lee streets. A request bf Mr. C. J. Bingham to allow him to sell fish under the fresh meat license was tabled. A letter was read from a . New York gentle man relative to the waterworks, j Nothing specially new was givpn out by the commu nication. ; It was the sense of the board that the works be purchased as. soon as a broper title can be se- LSun ureL r - Mo were auditeIaml ordered i paid. New Advertisements. W. F. Ingram,' executor of Re becca i Reeves, has a laDd sale ad vertised in tiiis paper. The land is in Rowan and Stanly counties. Edward L. Foster, administra tor of Henry L. Foster, has a no tice in to-day's paper. L. H. Clement has money to lend, j See advertisement. New arrivals with prices are mentioned an W. H. Wallace's new advertisement. Harry Bros, advertise a special sale of linen's. Wedding. Married, at the house of Mr. Walter V Miller, on Church Street, on the 4th at 7,30, by F. M. Tarrb, Isq., Mr. Hubert Link to Miss Dora L. 1 Littleton. As soon as the ceremony was over the couple star ted on a bridal tour. Max Barker With Southern. Mr. Max Barker yesterday ac cepted a position with the South ern Railroad Company. , He takes the place o spoon, of Mr. Gilbert Wither- Statesville, who re signed on account of sickness. Gentry's Show. , Prof. Gentry's dogs and ponies will exhibi . in Salisbury on next Saturday, he 13th. Prof. Gentry never fails to have a large audience in Salisbury. Cotton 10.15 George Fink sold eleven bales of cotten at 10.15 at China Grove yesterday Special sale of Keid's. umbrellas and i parasols a Special coupon sale of corsets I at Hi arrys FOB. SALE CHEAP. I XU In bulky $7,000 stock of clean fe or.wi11 lots, to suit purchaser. Part cash, balance oh time with security, or will trade for land. A real bar- gam 10 tne ngnt party, uroing away. Geo. Fink. Opposite postomce, under opera sir -v house, Salisbury, N. C. PeWitt's Little Early Risers are I prompt t, palatable, pleasant, pe w- I . . 11 4 tr eriui. puriiying little piwa. dames eriuh.p Glummer. Til ' Jf " ? t ALDERMEN TTT!"K FIRE IN TELEGRAPH OFFICE. About 4 O'clock This Moraine Only Slight Damage. About 4 o'clock this morning the cry of "fire," "police," awoke the citizens on Main street in the neighborhood of the postoffice. On investigating the cause of the alarm it was found that the West. era Union Telegraph office was on fire.'' v . . . Mr. Armistead, the operator, who sleeps in the rear of the - of nee, was fortunately awakened at the hour named above to discover the building on nre. His cry brought Policeman Eagle and others to the rescue. The fie alarm bell was sounded for a short time,1 but the fire hav ing only a short headway, burning the overhead ceiling, was extin guished in a few minutes by those first there, and the fire companies were not needed. . . ! The fire was caused by the cross ing oi the wires, lhe insulation was burned from the wires and the ceiling burned partially." The telegraph wires were soon re paired and there was no delay the business in the office. of The damage was slight. COMING ATTRACTIONS. At the Opera House and the Circus Grounds. Salisbury will have her share of public entertainments during the nex few days. On the 11th of the month "Un der the Southern Cross" will be given by local talent, afternoon and evening, at the opera house. On the 12th Rusco Hollands minstrels will be at the opera borne, v . iw-.! .-.--r On the 13th Prof. Gentry's dogs and ponies will be here. - On the 15th the Forepaugh & Sells Brothers' circus will exhibit During it all a series of meet ings will be conducted at the Bap tist church. The Miller-Marsh Wedding. Mr. Frank Miller and Miss Nettie Marsh were married at the home of the bride, on Inniss street, last night at 8 o'clock. It was a quiet home wedding, wit nessed by I several friends and relatives. Rev. Dr. Rumple, offi ciated, j The couple left on the Western train for a bridal tour. On their return they will make their ' home in Salisbury. ; . . - ); - Meeting at Baptist Church. 1 There will be service at the Bap tist church to-night preparatory to tne meeting which begins Sun- day. No service to-morrow night. Rev. T. T. Martin, who is to as sist the pastor in the series, will come in from Greensboro to-mbr- row. He has been conducting a successful meeting at that place. Here for Winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Negus ar rived this 'morning from Bound Brook, N. J., and will spend the winter in Salisbury. Miss Helen Davis, who has been spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Negus, came home this morning. ; Meeting Cordon Lodge. A regular ! communication J of Fulton Lodge No. 99 A. F. & A. M. will be held to-night at 7:30 o'clock. . Work in third degree. All members requested to attend and visiting brethren cordially in vited. : ' '"" I ctaiisDury ladies can be ht in "American Lady corsets" at Har ry 8 For Kent A 5-room cottage near tne graded school house. Apply to Theo. Atwell. A. Parker's fine dried beef has aVrived. : Lumber I have 2 car loads o 1 inch boards, fence posts and framing lumber at Salisbury Cot I . 1111 J ton Mills ior sale, rnone me b. lhone me a 188. . ; j ; T. C. .WTSON STRUCK HIS FATHER SON BREAKS OLD MAN'S SKULL. Will Trexler is in Jail for Assaulting His Father. Will Trexler, , a -young white man of Franklin township, is in jail on a serious charge. Yesterday evening he struck his father, Boyden-lrexler, over the head with a stick, breaking the old man's skull. " Young Trexler was brought to Salisbury and placed in jail to await the result of his father's in- juries. ' The prisoner claims that -his father was trying to break into his chist when he discovered him and struck him with a stick. The senior Trexler was reported to be in a critical condition. He had not yet regained speech this morning. : ' . ABOUT THE CITY. General Summary of Local Happen ings in and Around Salisbury. Mrs. A. W. Northern is quite sick. Mr. Charlie Dunham is clerking at Smoot Bros. & Rogers. Read. W. H. W place's original half-price up-side-down sale in to day's Sun. Good quality and fit forfmoder- ate cost are the features of Peter son x liulfs shoes. - Smart Dressers' appreciate the fit and up-to-date styles of "Queen Quality" shoes. Burt shoe store. Mr. David Shield of Salisbury ra Here a uuj ur, jjtVo iuirfweeK looking sroand. tie willproba- bly establish a fuit and - candy- stand here at an early day. Albe marle Enterprise. You will find every up-to-date eature of fashionable foot-wear m our new line oi .rortsmoutn children's shoes. Burt's shoe store. Mr. John Bridges has moved to Salisbury where he will make his home. Mr. George Upchurch moves into the house on St. Charles street vacated by Mr. Bridges. Mr. - Charlie Propst came down irom aiisoury tnis morning called home on account of the illness of his mother. Concord Tribune, i Quick Response. The firemen made a quick re- .1 1 M ' 1 sponse to the snort aiarm given his morning on account of the small blaze at the telegraph office. Mr. 'b wink tens, us there weye . . . . .. enougn uieu aiiuomo uepuiucui headquarters to man a reel in a 1 -llL. .C .1 A : 4- M very short time and that a stream could have been thrown within five minutes after the alarm was sounded. The firemen's services were not needed, however, as the small blaze was soon extinguished. Mr.'Coburn Returns. . . " " J. ' Rev. Ai L. Coburn returned to Pilot Mountain this morning. Mr. Coburn has charge of seven churches in and near Pilot Moun tain. There were six -but he has built another during the year. Dr. Summerell Called. Rev. J. N. H. Summerell, a na tive of Salisbury, and now pastor of the Presbyterian church, of Anderson, S. C ,has been called to the pastorate of the Presbyter ian church of Washington, this State. Charlotte Observer. New lot kid gloves at Harry's. Lost. A card case containing postomce key. .tinder please re turn to the Sun office. Views, Groupes, Enlarging and f ramemg according to order and at the lowest price consisten with first-classW6rk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Excelsior Studio, be tween public square and post of tikfef WAIVED EXAMINATION. Two Men Sent to Court for Burning House at Gold Hill. Messrs. J. H; Weant and J. F. Martin came up from Gold Hill last night bringing with them Jim Howell and Chas. Small, two young men charged with burning the house at Gold Hill mention, of which fire was-made yesterday. Howell conducted the restau rant in one end of the building; Small worked for him. . Howell was arrested at Gladstone and Small at the Union Mine shortly after the fire. A preliminary hearing was to have been held yesterday but Howell objected to Esquire Jen kins and the case - was moved be fore Esquire Kluttz to be heard to-day at 1 o'clock at Gold Hill. The two prisoners were brought up last night for safe keeping in the jail. Howell was recently burned out of a building at Gold Hill. His stock was insured but there was no evidence that he had started the fire. His restanrant which was burned yesterday was insured for several hundred dollars. The building which was owned by Mrs. Martin was insured for one hundred dollars and the grocery stock in one end -of the building owned by Lentz & Ludwick was insured for several hundred. To-day, without being taken to Gold Hill, Howell and Small waived examination and were sent up to court. Bonds required will probably be-$l,500. . NOTICE OF ELECTION. Changes in Voting Places at Two CoK A. H. Boyden, chairman of he board of election in Kowan, has a notice in to-day's Sun of the approaching national election to be held on November 6th. . The registration books will be open five days previous to Octo ber 27th. On that day at sunset hey close. . The voting . place in Atwell ownship is changed from Brad- shaw's to Wilson's mill. In Locke ownship the voting place is changed from Watson's to the Miller house. Special Representative in the City. Mr. Wilmer H. Paine, special representative of f "The Equitable Life Assurance Company, of New York, is in the city, stopping at the Central Hotel. He' leaves to-night for New York, and would be pleased to meet and explain the plans of this great company to any one who may wish to see them. If here are any who have a doubt as to their standing the required examination, he will take pleasure in presenting their case bef ore the New York office and report the result to-ihem on his return here on the 12th instant. Any one wishing to take advant age of Mr. Paine's offer, can do so and thus avoid being TURNED DOVVN. . The outstanding insurance of The Equitable is ONE BILLION and FIFTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS with a SURPLUS of SIXTY ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, rank ing first among the great Life In surance Institutions of the World. Do You Think Bryan or McKinley will be elected. It is doubtful which one will be, but there is no doubt that Buerbaum iias the goods suit able for birthdays, anniversaries and weddings. ' New books in : , '. David Harum, Red Pottage, To Have and to Hold, Unleavened Bread, When Knighthood Was in Flower. Chafing dishes, made of copper heavy nickel plated, $4.00. 5 o'clock tea, different prices at Buerbaum's. - You can spell cough, coff Jcaugh, kauf . kafL kough, or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that auicklv cures it is One Minute Cough Cure. James Plummer. HEAVY INDEMNITY. SOUTHERN CHINA DISTURBED. Serious Riots Occurring Several Mis sions Destroyed. special to daily sun. London, October 5. A Hong Kong despatch says South ern China is in a state of great excitement. A rebellion is threatened at Kwaisin where the Chinese and regular troops seem unable to maintain order. In the Canton district there have' been anti-christian riots. Several mis sions have been destroyed. The general impression is that for eigners are unsafe owing . to a threatened native uprising. Shanghai, Oct. 5 Astonish ment of the Chinese was great when yesterday they received official notification from the Vice, roy that foreign pressure had ne cessitated a degradation of promi nent members of court. It is reported that the allies will demand an indemnity of two hundred million dollars. Pekin, Oct. 5. It is announced that the Germans will winter eight thousand men here. The British are reducing their force prepara tory for the . winter. One thou sand coolies will start for India soon, and the Indian cavalry will probably be withdrawn. Prisoner for Many Months. special to daily sun. J New York, Oct. 5. It develop ed to day in relation to Millionaire Rice, whose sudden death and the presentation of . heavy checks by Lawyer Patrick excited so much attention, that he was a prisoner in , his room for inany months before his death. $35,000 Fire. special to daily sun. Waltham, Oct. S.-rThe South Fire Station, practically the . chief fire, station of the city, was burned his morning with six horses and two pieces of apparatus. Several firemen were hurt but none ser iously and there were casualties among the volunteers. The loss was thirty-five thousand dollars. , Order Countermanded. special to daily sun; Tien Tsin, October 5. The or der given Lung Li, commander in chief of the northern armies and one of the most influential men in China to join Li Hung Chang has been countermanded. The order has been sent to Shanghai for im mediate delivery. Railroad and Piers. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. Tien Tsin, October 5. A plan has been adopted for the construc- ion of a branch railroad from Tang Ho, on the gulf of Lia Lung to Ching Wan Tas and also for the erection of a pier at which ships may be moored. It is expected Jthat this work will be completed within two months, thus obtaining facilities for a winter port. ,- j Cotton. SPECIAL TO DADLY SUN. New York, October, 5. Cot ton bids: October, 10.37; Novem ber, 10.06; December, January, February, 9.95; March, 9.96. Sparks' Show. Spares' circus passed through this morning going to Norwood where it exhibits to-day. It is at Albemarle to-morow. ' A special train of two cars car ries the circus. " Daily Payments. The average DAILY payments made by "The Equitable Life Assurance Co.," of New York, last year amounted to Seventy-Nine Thousand Dollars per day, deduct ing Sundays. New lot torcha laces at Harry's. GUARDED BY ARMED STRIKERS. Miners Work Under Guard Strike News. SPECIAL TO DAILY SUN. r Pottsville, Pa., October 5. All but two hundred miners of the North Franklin Colliery atTrever ton stayed away this morning for fear of causing a riot. The work ers are guarded by two hundred and fifty, armed deputies. Lansford, Pa., Oct. 5. All the Lehigh's ten collieries are work ing despite the strenuous efforts to tie them up. In the Panthey val ley two big meetings were held last night but the men are working as usual to-day. Shenandoah, Oct. 5. It is re ported here that the North Frank lin colliery at Treverton, operated by the Reading Company, is idle, the employes having failed to re port for work. There are no dis turbances. This was the last of the Reading colliery working. New Y'ork, October 5. Presi dent Maxwell of the New Jersey Central Railroad definitely an nounced this morning that no further concessions will be granted the striking miners. MR. HEINS RESIGNS. As Manager of the Salisbury Tele phone Enchange. Mr..E. C. Heins have resigned his position as manager of .the Salisbury Telephone Exchange. Mr. Heins has been with this exchange for three years during which time it has been built up from 56 to 250 subscribers and there are buuio tUitXy now -rvivaV- ing to connect. Mr. Heins is an . excellent tele phone man and knows his busi ness thoroughly. He has not yet decided what he will do but he will continue to make his homo in this city. THE POPULISTS CAUCUS. Instead of Holding Convention, Meet ing Secret. The Populist convention of the seventh congressional district was called to meet in Salisbury to day. X Only a few delegates, however, came here and instead of holding a convention a caucus was held in room 19 at the Mount Vernon hotel. Republican candidate for Con gress in this district,J. Q. Holton, was also in the city, and it is pretty certain was in the caucus. The meeting was held in secret and consequently nothing particu lar of the proceedings can bo learned at this hour, 3 p. m. It can be safely stated that no candidate has been named. The delegates, it appear, favor going to a convention in Raleigh when definite action will be taken. PERSONAL MENTION. People Who Come and go and Get Their Names In Print. Mrs. T. P. Johnston returned last night from Concord. Mr. J. R. Silliman came in last dight from New London. George Fink left last night for Chicago to spend a week or more. Misses Janie Kluttz and Sallio Burritt went to Cooleemee this morning. Miss Sue Hayes and Mr. Char lie Hayes, of Hillsboro, are visit ing at Capt. John Beard's. Miss Isabelle Norwood, of Mar- tel, Tenn., 6pent last night with Miss McNeely and left this morn ing for Raleigh. Hon. Lee S. Overman has re turned from Concord where he spoke last night in the interest of the national Democratic ticket. A big assortment petticoats at Harry's.

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