SALISBURY DAILY. SUN. (DAILY KXCKFT SUNDAY.) I JOE X. ROUECHE. CLINT. N. BROWN. Proprietor. Entered at postofflce a second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION- BATES : One Year, Six Months, Three , -One Month, One Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Dellrered by Carriers to any part of the city without extra cost. For adTertlslng rates apply to the publishers Office orer Burt's shoe store, on Main street. DEMOCRATIC TICKET NATIONAL l For President: . WM. J, BRYAN, of Nebraska; For Vice-President: ADT AI E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. For Electors-at-Large: LEE S. OVERMAN, of Rowan; D. H. McLEAN, of Harnett. CONGRESSIONAL! For Congress, 7th District. TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ, of Rowan. For Elector. J. R. BLAIR, of Montgomery. Salisbury, n- C, Oct. 5, 1900. THE SENATORIAL CONTEST. Some very beautiful objects sometimes turn out to be very dansrerous things. Referring and bending this assertion to bear up on the Senatorial primary, now confronting the Democrats of North Carolina, the reader will have some idea of what we mean to say. Now, if the friends of the different candidates are to torn it into a trading scheme to help their special political friend into office, as shown it promises to be done by an article in the Charlotte Observer, then it better be called off, and at once. The Sun believes in honesty in everything, politics not excepted, and it would not countenance trickery to gain political advant age. , The candidates are all supposed to be honorable men and ought not for any time be a party to such a transaction. The aspirant seeking the Sena torship who first denounces and opposes a trick of this sort should receive the full support of the Democratic party. President McKinley has two kinsmen in Kansas and nine in In- aiana, an oi whose names are published, who have announced that they will vote for Bryan. Some of the Pennsylvania pa pers are warning the mine owners against importing negroes to take the places of the striking miners. They do not think a race racket would: be a good way to end the strike racket. The Philippine war is costing the American people at $2 a head annually. That means about $10 to the family. Ten dollars' is not a big pile of money but is more than the average family can afford to throw away. It would buy con siderable of something to eat and something to wear for the little ones, , observes the Wilmington Star. r- : : j Jefferson and McKinley. The action of Jefferson and, that of the Republicans that have con trolled the McKinley administra tion were as opposite as possible. Mr. Jefferson was almost morbid ly sensitive upon the possibility of violating the Constitution. The McKinley administration, in the Porto Ricah matter after declar jpg what was its plain duty, did precisely t le opposite, and to do this calmly pushed the Constitu tion aside, saying it had no rela tion to our new possession. What is going to be done in the Philip pines we cannot be sure, but we know the principle upon which it is to ; be done namely, that the Constitution does not extend to our new possessions. Louisville Courier Journal. FROM THE TELEGRAPH . r ; ' " , The Germans Against Imperialism The leading social organization among the Germans in the North is known as the Turnerbuna. In Milwaukee; ' the foremost German city of America, the Turnerbund, at its meeting last Friday night discussed the Philippine question, and after aj. discussion adopted the ; "We recognize in all nations alike the right to defend their lib erty and tq assert their indepen dence by force of arms." We consider every war for the 257 cases of yellow purpose of territorial expansion to. vana be an act or brutal force, hostile to cent. British and Germans continue sending troops to Pekin. Boers attacked and captured twenty-two wagons escorted by sixty mounted men. It is claimed that there are sev enty-five thousand names illegally entered on. the Philadelphia voting lists. Flagman J. J. Quinlan, the he ro of the Camp Creek, Ga., rail road wreck, in which 35 people were killed, will likely remain a cripple for life. Senator Hill returned to New York from Richmond, yesterday much pleased with his trip. He declined to talk politics. He will speak in Newark, N. J., to-night The latest report made of cotton damaged in Texas by the recent floods and high water places the loss at 400,000 bales. The value is estimated at not less than $20,- ooo. 1 ; A strike is on at Blockton, mining town 40 miles southwest of Birmingham, Ala., and the mines of the Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Company, employing over 1,000 miners, drivers and top men, are idle, i ; During September there were fever in Ha- with a mortality of 25 per There are 84 cases now un- our American spirit of civilization and humanity." "We condemn any and every at tempt to spread the blessings of der treatment. Twenty-eight new cases have been reported in 48 hours. civilization! sword, be at the point of the use it is a hypocritical pretext merely, behind which there are lurking the greed and avarice of concentrated wealth." "We protest against the policy of conquest Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused fre duent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Ob a V serve tne same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous coun pursued by our admin- terfeits. DeWitt's is the only origi- istration and against all expansion of the territory of the United States by force of arms." In Illinois and other States the Germans take the same position. is it any wonder that ianna is scared ? the Raleigh News and Observer asks. nai VYitcn nazei oaive. it is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. James Pluru- mer. say, caused summer, nearly all The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are unequal ed for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. James Plummer. Large sun spots, astronomers the extreme beat this and doctors declare he prostrations were The World Full. The world is full of microbes 1 hA Trunin IS . nnrnaila nrhn i. AA VISA AT - UA A P vu.ftM.4VUW hwaw ' m f rtM ..kJA l J T UU CUIO induced by disorders of the stom- the bread of honest toil: the bore l m n . 4 ii acn. vjooq r neauu iouows goou ;a of.oau a tu I u 1 nf thn hnoir mar, f nn rrcsam 10 n ,l,roto n.t oof If nnn Unrrn I ' uuor AAAC.AA, . VUO tUOOlU AO a . I - U I ?.AlA.l j f 1 indigestion or dyspepsia it will parasite mat destroys tne nappi quickly relieve and permanently ness in many a home with words cure you. LJames Plummer. The world are progressive nations of the the great iood con- summg nations, uood food well digested gives strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol- Dyspepsia Cure. It di gests what hpou eat. You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the digestants combined with the best known tonics and recon struct! ves. I It will even digest all classes of foods in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It instantly 1 relieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. James Plummer. of sugar coated venom; the slan- Idereris a parasite that murders character; the hypocrite is a para site that entraps the un weary with falsehood while wearing a mask of fairness. ! over Some folks complain Roosevelt & treatment mightily out West who had not one word to say when; Yale Bryan four Journal. students interrupted years ago. Winston Uncle Ben 90 years o miles j yeste mountain t He tells us Culler is more than age, walked three day across the Rich hear Buxton speak. at on the day before . Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tne subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in. a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaKer day 3 by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised try ing Llectric Bitters, and to my great oy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life. and robbed the grave of another victim." 'No one should fail to try them.' Only 50c, guaranteed, at Theo. F. Kluttz & Co's drug store. J udge A. C. Avery suggests that the Senatorial primary be called off until the first Tuesday in December. He says that interest in the Presidential and . Congres- Boone Democrat. 1 i a : i I i t eiuuui ciccLiuua is uveisuauuwtJU he felled a large chestnut tree, cut j off four cuts, split 40 rails and carried them some distance on his shoulder. , He is a Democrat of the purest variety and is wonder- i , fully hale fpr one of his age. by the interest in the Senatorial Last year question and he thinks Mr. Bryan lines passing and the Democratic nominees for gions j supplied all their station Congress will suffer if the voting I houses withj for them and the Senators comes at the same time. consequence. a diminution two Italian railway through swampy re- mosquito nets. In( there has been such an the number of cases of malaria that other lines in ltally are about to adopt All Americans will regret the and in Sicily useless slaughter of 52 brave Amer- the same measures. ican soldiers in the Philippines, but they bhoukl even more regret the policy of deceit that conceals the facts of ' the situation there from the country. Durham Sun. ! An Ancient Belief. The ancients believed that rheu matism was the work of a demon ERADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR cures profuse, irregu lar, scanty or painful menstruation, falling- of the womb, leucor-: rbea, headache, back--ache and nervousness.' ' These are the diseases for which it should be taken. A woman who wants to- get well is wasting time until she gets it. If you have been deceived, all the btter. It will make j ou ftooreciate th quickness and ease with which the Regulator cures you. It has cured hundreds of other women made just like yourself .and we knowthat it will -cure you. We ask you to give It one 4 ' trial. $1 a bottle at any drug store. THE B RIB Finn EEGELATOS C., ltlsata. HJ wiw tor our itm Moati-ated book, opwi' t w ' BiMilth lor Women." AWJ within a man had an attack! matory rheumatism will agree that the infliction to warrant never been berlain's Pain That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have prov ed their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They matism, and hundreds mase pure blood and strong mony to the nerves, and build up your health, ment. j One .kasy to take. Try them. Only the pain, and 25c. Money back if not cured. Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Co., diuggists. Any one who has of sciatic or inflain- IVORY is demoniac enough fthe belief. It has claimed that Cham- Balm would cast out demon's, but it will cure rheu- ear testi- truth of this state- application . relieves this quick relief requires no COOKincr. will not. st.irk- t.n me iron, aoes not blister the linen, scorch or burn, and is nart.inniariv adapted for use on mournintr anra and colored linens, as it does not streas or snow the starch. Whfn no, on shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, ; etc., it gives them an additional stiffness and renders them eaual to npw Tvnru Starch is eruaranteed to he to all other packacre starch. Call nn your grocer for premium list and which it affords, is alone worth many times its cost, -"or sale by Ti f ' r . " u tunes riummer, druggist. Sample Pacliago Table Oamask ! At nn u u No housekeeper can afford to miss the BARGAINS we are offering in linen this week. $1.00 fine Linen 70 inches wide for 60c $1.25 fine Linen 72 inches wide for 85c $1.50 extra fine linen 72 inches wide for 98c. This sroods were bouerht in short lengths at about half price and are being sold the same way. v Broe. TT t Furniture Store THE FAMOUS Queen Quality Shoe For Women. Price $300 In presenting "Queen Quality" we have placed be fore tU Women of America a shoe of exceptional value for $3.00. Highest Quality of material and am 1 workmanship. 60S 1 ? Made in thirty styles suitable for street, dress, home, or outing. For re taining their shape and fitting where . . 1 UlUCIS A AAA, IU5 J ive no iuai t -S01J EXCLUIITILY BY Trad- ' V lUrk Nk. OA J fc V V VklKidmd Excluaively. THE BUET SHOE COMPANY. MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. & Mile The Most Complete Store in the City. Our twenty-seventh year of business ended Spt. lolh. We started with a $5,000 stock in r73 and have grown to our present di- Our success we attribute not to ner r.p.rt nf nrnfit ivo mensions. maue,. out io qnaTixy or gooqs oiq. y v unwi average pront than any other store Is the place to gato get your Furniture. The largest stock. The best of Furniture. The lowest of prices. Eight floors full; he is up to date in his line. m town. We make a profat on every article sold and claim for it to be worth just what we ask for it, no more. A lady came into our store recently to buy an undershirt, she mentioned a dollar shirt having been offered her at another store for 50c; we sold her one at 50c which she said was like the one shown, and still we made our usual profit. We never sell goods at cost unless in odds and ends some folks sell some staple goods at cost but the loss has to be made up by misrepresenting the value of other goods. Our Fall Purchase is the most complete ever brought to Salisbury and we shall be glad to show you our Caskets, CoaaaIis, Robes, &c. Embalming a specialty. Fully 1 14 CUU11I1AAA AU .-kJ HA. U.W OVUOV bUV WW J M. A UUVliai atlCll UUU to telegraph orders. Telegraph office in his store. Meets trains day or night. DON'T FAIL TO SEE HEM. Your Size and Share of Value is here. Couldn't be otherwise. Got an immense stock of LADIES SHOES and all are of excellent quality. Some welted, some hand turned. High and low. Kid and calf. Black or tan. Home with vesting top. All made on stylish lasts DRESS GOODS. All the newest colorings in Ven etians, Melroses, Broadcloths, Cre pons, French Flannels, Panne i Camels Hair. All wool Homespun, 52 inches, 50c yard. Crepons 25 per cent cheaper than last year. SILKS. LAWNS. j Linons, best possible to buy at 10c on to-day's market is worth 12ic, finer at 25c to finest at 40c yard. Pure Linen Lawn 50c to best at 75c. - - LINEN DAMASK Good value at 20c per yard, best rrraHa S1 OK vm.. ,1 T.l t v m;: o:iu t .i . vttxu. cu.ii size nrUJt 1 i . rr-A!AA -vrjiAoo lu luttltu po.4U UUZ. nu ll aaa io auu vjiicjr auioiiusi Duchesse Satin for Linings. Sure to give satisfaction, a hint to economists. Here'i C. M. & H. M. BEO Hii1 I Hf Increased facilities for handling lumber and building material place me in a position to supply the de mands of the lumber trade "much more satisfactorily to my custo mers and myself as well. 1 am now prepared to replenish my yard and warerooms with a well selected stock of sash, doors, blulds, mould ings and all kinds of finished ma terials from my own mills, there by obviating the annoying and Derplexing delays incident to plac ing orders with distant parties. Orders ior any mna oi material not to be found in stock will be promptly executed directly from the shops at New London. JiiSumaies mruisueu uu applica tion. - ; Orders solicited. c. n nici. " We are headquarters for Slate, Tin; and Gravel ROOFING. Plumbing:, Cas Fitting and ventilating:. lNow that the sewerage is nearlng completion make home comfortable oy putting in a Bath Tut, Water closet r and Lavatory. All workmanship guaranteed. W. S. Nicolson. Black Taf ete, all Silk, 50c yard, best in town. ' TRIMMINGS. Gold Braids, Velvets all widths, Braids. HOSIERY. r or oest wear try our a ior a dollar Ladies Hose. Dropstitched 25c to 50c. Silk f2 to $2.50 pair. UNDERWEAR. 50c to $3 per Suit. Ladies Un ion Suits. Children's Underwear, Children's Sleeping Garments. CORSETS. The new straight front Corset, latest pattern $ 1. Real Whalebone est Hemstitched Doylies at I doz, only three doz. in stock. $10 LAGE CURTAIN. Good Notingham, full size, 50c pair. Best Notingham $3 pair. Irish Point $6.50 pair. Tapestry Portierres $6 pair. COUCH COVERS. - Good line at $3 and $3.25. " Genuine Bagdad $6 each. CARPETS. We sell more Carpets than any other concern in town. Buy in large quantities and direct. Different colorings in Hemp, Half Wool, AH Wool, Tapestry, Reinforced Corset, guaranteed not Velvet, and Stair. to break on sides, $1.50. War- New Carpet Remnants, all wool, ner' and tf. dc j. in variety of 30c yd. . H. H03MM; Moom lO, 411 Block. HOMY TO LOAN. IIVESTBEITt HADE. models. Redfern to order $2.50 up. 4Z Z." (Imported) to order! $6.50 up.- Full line of Mattings. Rattan, Cocoa, Rubber and Wire Door Mats. Rugs, all sizes.'

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